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Dream interpretation of a gold chain on a hand. Why do you dream of a gold chain around your neck?

A chain is a symbol of connection, the connection of two elements. According to the concept of symbolism, the chain is similar to a ladder, in which communicating parts are highlighted, following each other. A chain in a dream may represent marriage or even the doctrine of an infinite and continuous universe. To understand in more detail what a gold chain means in dreams, you should consult well-known dream books.

Interpretation in various dream books

Various dream books interpret dreams associated with such jewelry in different ways:

  1. Miller's interpreter. If a girl dreamed that her loved one gave her a gold chain, it means that her partner’s groundless suspicions of infidelity gnaw at her. If the dreamer personally buys a gold chain, then in reality he will be greatly deceived, unable to implement his plans due to his own insolvency.
  2. According to the Romanian seer Vanga, a gold chain is a sign of great luck that will “fall on your head” in reality. Going through jewelry means being the owner of aristocratic taste. But if the dreamer has lost a precious thing, this promises an imminent loss of financial resources.
  3. Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a gold chain is the personification of a sincere relationship in which the participants are one. However, if the dreamer noticed some kind of flaw in the decoration, then this warns the sleeper about possible falsehood and hypocrisy.
  4. Hasse, in his dream book, considers expensive jewelry as a sign of an imminent meeting with a true friend who will become a reliable support in any situation, even the most difficult.

There are many interpretations of visions about jewelry, but to understand them more accurately, you need to remember the details.

Find a gold chain

Finding a gold chain in a dream means receiving wealthy and influential people. Also, such a find may be a harbinger of an easy solution to a long-standing issue that was “on the back burner” because it seemed insoluble.

If the dreamer finds a torn product, then he should reconsider his plans - he sets the bar too high for himself.

Finding decoration in food is a sign of calculated love, when material wealth prevails over feelings. If the dreamer has found several chains, it means that he will soon have many responsibilities, or he will be entrusted with great responsibility. But don’t be afraid, because over time this will help you gain authority among friends and colleagues.

In order not to make a mistake in the interpretation, the dreamer should try to remember what the find looked like:

  • faded - to a possible illness;
  • with a pendant - to a new romantic feeling;
  • in a set with a ring - to an increase in material well-being;
  • with a cross - to new, very successful acquaintances.

But if the dreamer was unable to recreate the whole picture of what he saw, do not despair: just a gold chain is a symbol of a series of happy accidents.

See the decoration on yourself

If the dreamer dreamed that there was a gold item on his neck, then most likely this means that he will soon fall under someone’s influence and become dependent in making decisions on both relatives and colleagues. In this case, it is worth remembering what feelings the sleeper experienced: if positive, then such an impact will not deprive personal freedom, but if negative, life will begin to resemble slavery.

A chain in such a plot most often symbolizes a trap into which the dreamer risks falling. In the near future, you should be more careful and take only carefully considered actions.

According to Freud, if you dreamed of a gold chain around someone else's neck, then this is a reflection of the dreamer's tendency to show a particularly strong interest in the intimate lives of other people due to prolonged abstinence.

With pendant or pendant

If in night vision the decoration was with a pendant, then its meanings may be as follows:

  1. Longo's dream book considers a chain with a pendant as a harbinger of an upcoming expensive but tasteless gift. If the pendant in the dream had the shape of a heart, and the dreamer was a girl, then such a vision promises her a meeting with a wealthy gentleman. The author also attaches importance to manufacturing: if the pendant is made by hand, a serious heart-to-heart conversation is coming.
  2. If the dreamer himself purchases a product with a pendant, then it is worth preparing for a meeting with distant relatives.
  3. A dream where the dreamer steps on a piece of jewelry with a pendant promises troubles and difficulties in work, and especially in the production sector.

On a note! If you dreamed that you stole a gold chain (with or without a pendant), you will soon become the owner of important information, perhaps even insider information.

What does it mean for a girl, a guy

Interpretations may vary depending on the gender of the dreamer.

If a man dreams of presenting a gold chain to his beloved, then in reality he suspects her of infidelity. However, in reality he has no reason to be jealous.

  • If a guy was given a gold chain in a dream, this could mean both his distrust of his loved ones and a quick marriage with the donor.
  • If a young man dreamed of putting a chain on his hand, then a strong and harmonious union created out of love awaits him.
  • If a girl dreams of a chain on herself, then it speaks of the rich inner world of the lady, of her high morality and personal depth. Such a dream promises success and good luck.
  • But seeing a product on another is a bad sign. He warns, saying that betrayal, betrayal or deception are possible even on the part of those people whom the dreamer considered her close friends.

Why do you dream of a decoration with a cross?

If you dream of a gold chain with a cross, it means that the wedding bell will soon ring, because a neat cross symbolizes joy and family harmony. If you already have a partner who is in no hurry to tie the knot, then such a night vision foreshadows an early meeting with your soulmate, who will not doubt her feelings.

But if there was a huge, massive cross on the chain in the dream, then a new stage will begin in life:

  • business expansion;
  • career growth;
  • obtaining a long-awaited divorce;
  • change of permanent residence.

The main thing is that the fastener holds up. Because if you dreamed that the chain breaks under the weight of the cross, then the interpretation will be completely opposite - a “dark” streak in life is coming.

Break a gold chain in a dream

If we consider the chain as a kind of connection, then a torn decoration, according to Miller, means future losses that may be associated with a severance of interpersonal relationships.

Holding a broken chain in your hands means quarrels and family troubles.

If a person dreams of carelessly breaking a chain while trying it on, for example, in a jewelry store, then it is worth postponing the event organized by the dreamer to a later date. If the product breaks due to the fault of another person, then the event should be canceled or radically changed. Otherwise, the sleeper's reputation may be at risk.

But such a vision can also have a positive interpretation. Is the chain broken and lying on the floor? The sleeper will experience unexpected success in a business that seemed to him a failure.

In general, a gold chain does not promise anything bad or fatal, so you should not be afraid of dreams with similar plots. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams!

Gold is considered a symbol of the sun. Seeing him in a dream, you will prosper and be healthy in real life. An interpretation of dreams is offered about why rings are dreamed of, why you dreamed about it and how to find a rational explanation for the dream.

Seeing gold earrings in a dream

If you dream of gold earrings, in real life you will be able to feel double the fullness and joy of the events happening to you.

A dream in which you find a pair of gold earrings will also be a good sign. But a dream in which you see that you are losing earrings is a warning not to commit a rash act. Also, a dream in which you lose earrings symbolizes that in real life you may miss the lucky chance given to you by fate. Your Guardian Angel, in the language of sleep, wants to help you. Listen to your inner voice and follow it - and happiness will smile on you.

Gold chain dream, find a gold chain in a dream

If you have a dream in which your chosen one gives you a gold chain, then in reality you can rest assured of the sincerity of his feelings. A chain seen in a dream is a symbol of integrity and unification of efforts.

A dream in which you find a gold chain is also a good sign, marking a series of positive events that will happen in your life.

Dream Interpretation gold was stolen in a dream, find, search, in hands, collect, stole, steal

If you saw a dream in which gold was stolen from you, then in reality you will be exposed in a lie or circumstances will be revealed that you would prefer to keep silent about.

A dream in which you see yourself stealing someone's gold means that now you will learn the secrets of other people.

A dream in which you search and find gold in reality symbolizes that you will discover new potential in yourself, thanks to which bright prospects will open up before you.

Holding gold in your hands or collecting gold in a dream means in reality achieving your goals and self-realization.

Gold Vanga's dream book

In Vanga’s dream book, dreaming of gold symbolizes good luck that has “fallen” on you.

A dream in which you look at and sort through gold jewelry means that in real life you are characterized by aristocratic behavior.

Losing gold jewelry or coins in a dream means losing material wealth in reality.

Gold Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, finding or holding gold in your hands means getting what you want in real life.

A dream in which you discover gold is missing means that you had a chance to change your life for the better, but you were unable to take advantage of it.

If an unmarried woman dreams of gold in the form of coins or gifted jewelry, then in real life she will marry a rich man, but greedy or selfish.
This same dream is interpreted as a marriage of convenience in reality.

Freud's dream book gold

The gold that you are trying to give, in Freud’s dream book, symbolizes your desire to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself and your partner.

A dream in which you buy gold for yourself means that in real life you want to buy the love of the person you like.

Gold Tsvetkov's dream book

In this dream book, gold seen in a dream means falsehood - “not all that glitters is gold.”

Gold dream book Juno

In Juno's dream book, dreaming of gold is one of the most auspicious signs, symbolizing love and happiness for the dreamer.

Finding or receiving gold as a gift in a dream is also easy to achieve wealth in real life.

A dream in which you lose and do not find gold - to failures and disappointments, as a punishment for your negligence and wastefulness in reality.

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A gold chain is undoubtedly a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Often this decoration can also be present in dreams, personifying some kind of special sign. Therefore, many people want to know why they dream of a gold chain and what exactly such a dream means.

Dream with a gold chain

Typically, any gold jewelry symbolizes wealth and material well-being. Therefore, if a person dreams of a gold chain, then one can calmly expect life changes for the better. The financial situation will gradually stabilize, and wealth will begin to grow.

Sometimes a gold chain seen in a dream can mean that a person has already decided on his goal and has chosen exactly the profession that will bring him not only moral satisfaction, but also good income.

A dream with a gold chain, which a young girl or unmarried woman sees, may mean an upcoming special event. This could be attending a noisy birthday party, a large anniversary, or preparing for your own wedding. And if such a decoration was dreamed of by a representative of the fair sex who loves to do needlework and has creative abilities, then it’s time to think about turning a hobby into a profitable business.

On special occasions, a gold chain hanging around the neck symbolizes receiving a gift from a completely unexpected person. When a girl sees a dream where a guy gives her a gift in the form of a thin chain, then such a dream promises a pleasant and long-awaited meeting. But when the jewelry is received from the hands of a stranger, it promises an affair on the side and the appearance of a former lover in the woman’s life.

You should not be upset when a piece of jewelry breaks in a dream; this means the end of an unnecessary relationship that only caused headaches and nervous breakdowns.

What does such a dream portend?

In a dream, various actions with a chain can occur, meaning the following:

If you dream of a chain lying on the things of a friend or someone else, then you should stop communicating with such a person for a while. Otherwise, you will have to spend your whole life at the zenith of another’s glory.

When a person in a dream knows that the chain he has is fake, it means he needs to reconsider his attitude towards people and stop trusting them so much. But if the decoration is lost during a dream, then this promises some problems in financial matters.

Other interpretations of such a dream

In order to more correctly interpret a dream with a chain, it is necessary to take into account all other details. So, if the jewelry hangs on the neck and reaches the décolleté, then it symbolizes prosperity and incredible wealth. But if the chain is short and tightly wraps around the neck, then this is a warning that every step should be weighed, and one should refrain from making rash and quick decisions.

Other interpretations say that:

Found gold chain

Many people are interested in the meaning of a piece of jewelry made of precious metal found in a dream. Such a find is a very good sign. Such a dream can mean events of a happy nature, as well as an increase in one’s financial situation. Sometimes this promises an incredible meeting, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

When in night dreams a chain was found on personal belongings or in a friend’s bag, then in life you should take a closer look at him. Also, in the future, you should be careful when talking and communicating with strangers.

Other actions with this decoration:

  1. A dream in which a gold chain is lost in a large bag is considered a completely unfavorable sign. This symbolizes the fact that a person thinks only about himself, does not want to perceive the interests of other people and simply turns a blind eye to many things.
  2. To see someone lose a piece of jewelry or have it fall means to encounter enemies and ill-wishers.
  3. If you dream of buying a chain from someone else, then this portends strong disappointments in your close circle.
  4. But accidentally discovering a piece of jewelry among your things means finding a true friend who will treat you reverently and sincerely.

Miller's Dream Book

Dream interpretation of a gold chain according to Miller has its own meaning. Most often, it conveys the dreamer’s internal state, his emotions and fears. If you give such a gift to a female person in a dream, it means that you have doubts within yourself about the relationship of your partner and his fidelity.

To receive a gold chain as a gift from a person you know well means to start thinking about a love affair. Accidentally breaking the chain means in real life losses, financial expenses and emotional distress. If you tear such a piece of jewelry and at the same time become thoroughly upset, then some kind of illness will soon follow. But if in such a situation absolute calm is maintained, then all difficulties will remain far away, and a person will cope with any troubles with ease.

Buying gold jewelry in a dream means being very disappointed in your life. Especially if such a purchase is made through an old woman or an unkempt person.

Gold chain according to Freud's dream book

A gold chain in a dream causes nagging doubts about reciprocal feelings, which, by the way, are completely in vain. To see a chain placed around the neck of a stranger in a dream means that the dreamer has an increased interest in the intimate details of other people.

  • The disappearance of a piece of jewelry that was given by someone in a dream indicates that intrigues are being woven behind the dreamer’s back and bad deeds are being conceived.
  • If you give someone a dull chain as a gift, which breaks even more at the moment of transfer, then a serious moment will come in friendship, which can separate you from such a person forever.
  • When the chain is made of different gold, then you need to work more on your intellect and try to improve your skills.
  • And when the jewelry is made of a white alloy of precious metal, then the person’s thoughts are pure and his intentions are benevolent.

In any case, a gold chain seen in a dream is often considered a good sign and promises prosperity and material well-being. So one can only rejoice at such a symbol. But you shouldn’t lose sight of various little things that indicate a special set of circumstances in life and warn of minor troubles.

If a gold chain breaks in a dream, then health may deteriorate. To avoid this, you should give up bad habits. If the decoration falls into pieces, right before your eyes, the dream book interprets this dream as a warning about the collapse of hopes.

Why dream of a gold chain - To see a gold chain on someone else’s neck in a dream means to show in reality excessive interest in someone else’s intimate life for a long time. Losing a gold chain that was given to you in a dream means not noticing in reality what is happening behind your back.

Why do you dream of a gold chain - To receive a gold chain as a gift - such a dream is interpreted in a similar way - you doubt the fidelity of your soulmate. Calm down, all your worries are most likely groundless and temporary.

Finding a gold chain on the way in a dream foretells an imminent change of place of residence to a more comfortable one or indicates an approaching renovation. To pass by the chain is to miss the opportunity for change or to be content with little when there is a real opportunity to get much more.

For young girls and women, a gold chain can mean self-realization in organizing important dates, such as weddings, anniversaries or birthdays. If you have a penchant for creativity, you should think about opening your own workshop.

Don’t worry if the chain breaks in a dream, this most likely means a break in the relationship (both business and love) that has already exhausted itself, but you didn’t have the courage to end it before. Throwing a chain into the water means being under close public attention. If at this moment you do not succumb to provocations, then it is possible to acquire a source of income in the field of television or journalism.

Chain Dream Interpretation chain - may consist of metal links, or maybe of events. One way or another, breaking one link of a chain means ruining the entire chain. Chain - Chains made of gold and silver - in a dream, represent wealth and success.

Seeing a gold chain in a dream is a very good sign for the dreamer. Finding a gold chain in a dream means you will soon receive wealth and be overly happy. A joyful event in your life and an acquaintance with a very talented person will certainly await you, who may develop into a closer relationship.

A chain is one of the most common pieces of jewelry. It consists of individual links, is usually made of precious metals and is often used to hang a pendant or cross. In ancient times, the highest orders and awards were placed on the chest chain. The symbolism of the chain is associated primarily with the links included in its composition, which indicate a strong connection. The next aspect of dreaming about a chain is its association with jewelry or a badge of honor - both of these meanings are extremely favorable for the dreamer. And finally, for an accurate interpretation of a dream, you need to take into account the type of chain, its thickness, whether there was anything suspended on it, what sensations the dreamer himself experienced.

If you dreamed of a wide chain around someone’s neck, it means you are thinking too much about someone else’s intimate life. Most likely, your slightly unhealthy interest is based on very long content that has affected your psyche. The dream advises you to be on guard: there is a risk of going too far, stopping taking care of your own life and transferring all your interests to someone else’s “keyhole”.

According to the dream book, breaking a gold chain means loss. But such a dream should be interpreted depending on the emotional state during the dream. If the sleeper tears the jewelry and is very upset, then this may signal illness and a decrease in general well-being. If your mood has not worsened, then all troubles can be overcome.

The meaning of a person’s dream, as given by Miller’s dream book: a gold chain given to a girl in a dream symbolizes mistrust and doubts about fidelity. You shouldn’t worry about this; most likely, your worries are unfounded.

As I understand it, his mother is also worried about your breakup with your boyfriend for some reason. Very often, when a person is “blocked”, someone who is bothering him will “transmit a signal or information” in his place. In your case, your ex-boyfriend is his mother. She wants to show you that he wants you to maintain the connection and feelings. The silver chain is a symbol of the protection of your union, and the golden heart is love. But for you these feelings no longer seem real and valuable. If you take a step back in time to your relationship, it will only be for the sake of decency (this can be seen when you want to return the gold pendant to the silver chain - as it was before).

A gold chain with a pendant seen in a dream symbolizes interest. For family people, the appearance of jewelry in a dream is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. The pendant itself has the meaning of peace and harmony in your life. But a detailed interpretation of what a decoration with a pendant means in a dream should be made in accordance with the shape, size and design of the latter.

With large links - your moral debts interfere with your life and hinder your movements. Breaking the Ts. (chains) means freeing yourself from annoying worries and responsibilities. As a decoration - a strong connection, strong ties, quite pleasant if the color is gold or with precious stones;

Prisoner chains, chains and the like. What exactly the chain symbolizes in life depends on the mutual desires of the donor and the bearer. In a dream there are some stable meanings of the symbol. To see/wear (give) a chain in a dream:

In general, gold jewelry seen in a dream is generally an alarming signal and more often carries with it negativity than positivity. The interpretation of a dream with gold jewelry affects many areas of life and means both good and bad, but as for the material side, generally more losses are expected here than profits.

Of course, a dream is a very interesting and amazing thing, and no one has been able to fully understand it, how connected it is with reality and how it affects a person’s subconscious and his destiny. It is not known for sure whether dreams predict any event or not. But be that as it may, it is up to everyone to believe in it or not.

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If you dream that your loved one gave you a chain, this means that he asks you to believe in his devotion and seriousness of the relationship. If a chain is given by a stranger, then in the near future you will find a reliable friend. If in a dream you are tightly entangled in a golden chain, this can be interpreted in two ways.

When you dream of a chain breaking or falling apart, perhaps in this case you need to pay attention to your health. But we can look at this issue differently. A broken golden chain is liberation from fetters, from violence, from addiction. A wonderful sign of gaining freedom.

Remembering why you dream of a golden chain, you need to know that a chain is a whole series of events. They are all connected. One event ends with the previous one and draws in the next one. Therefore, here we need to look more broadly, without omitting even minor points.

Some dream books interpret that a dream with jewelry will definitely bring you to tears. Therefore, it is necessary to study several interpreters at once. Any one of them will provide good things. I would like bad dreams to never come true, but good forecasts always have a green light.

An ornament such as a chain is a mandatory accessory for every woman and girl, but what symbol does the chain carry if this image came to a person in a dream. And what does it mean if it breaks? This can be found out by reading the interpretation of this symbol.

What if you dream of a broken gold chain?

A chain in a dream can be made of different metals. For example, a gold chain can tell a sleeper that he sets too unattainable goals for himself, but a torn gold chain that he holds in his hands can mean that he is too carefree and lazy, and lives floating along the river. flow. If the torn chain was made of silver, then this may mean that the person is striving to get easy money, but these aspirations will not be crowned with anything. In turn, a torn chain made of base metal will speak of financial difficulties and poverty.

Also, a torn gold chain can mean a subconscious fear of loss. This fear can be of a material nature, when a person is afraid of losing his position in society, financial independence, or it can concern specific people - fear of the end of relationships, both love and friendship.

In any case, such a dream must be interpreted based on the emotions and sensations that accompanied such a symbol as a broken gold chain. If, having broken the chain, a person became very upset in a dream, then in reality we should expect a deterioration in the health of close relatives. But the person who had this dream may soon lose his vitality.

If, however, the fact that the chain broke did not in any way affect the person’s mood in the dream, then this will indicate that he can easily overcome the difficulties in achieving the goal without losing anything.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person suddenly discovers an old, torn gold chain, this is a bad sign. It may mean the approach of future difficulties, both at work and in the family.

If in a dream a person gives someone a broken gold chain, then this will symbolize getting rid of unnecessary connections. Perhaps these will be people with whom the sleeper has long wanted to say goodbye and break off relations, but did not know how best to do this. Such a dream suggests that the time for such a moment has come, we need to act and there is no point in delaying it any longer.

A gold chain around the neck in a dream always indicates the presence of some kind of attachment, so if the chain suddenly breaks while on the neck, it means the loss and severance of a long and strong relationship. If a person simply sees a broken gold chain in a dream, this may portend getting rid of a large and long-standing unresolved problem.

It’s difficult to figure out why you dream of a broken gold chain, since there are several different interpretations of such dreams. In this case, you need to analyze real life events and focus on the feelings that are experienced at the time of sleep.