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Composition of water naftusya Truskavets. Mineral water naftusya. The healing properties of "Sofia"

Both doctors and average users have long recognized the properties of many non-drug therapies. Unlike medications, such drugs act more gently and allow you to achieve lasting results; some of them can be used during the acute period of the disease. But it is worth recognizing that most often alternative methods of influence are used to treat patients with chronic diseases. These include. One of the famous healing waters is “Naftusya”. Let's talk about it: what kind of mineral water Naftusya is, let's look at its properties, analogues, indications, contraindications and composition in a little more detail.

“Naftusya” is a mineral water with a unique composition, which is the main and most famous medicinal water of Truskavets. It is believed that such water is especially effective in cleansing the kidneys and gallbladder from stone formations, but in addition it also has other medicinal qualities.

Composition of Naftusya mineral water

“Naftusya” is hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium low-mineralized mineral water, which contains many organic substances of petroleum origin. This water has a specific taste and a slight smell of oil, which is especially noticeable for those who drink it for the first time. It is thanks to this feature that “Naftusya” got its name.

If we talk about the percentage of organic elements in Naftusya waters, then this figure can vary from 1 to 35 grams per liter.

Properties of Naftusya mineral water

“Naftusya” is an amazing gift from nature. This water has many healing qualities. It is capable of providing analgesic effects and is characterized by pronounced diuretic and choleretic properties. “Naftusya” effectively cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and is a good bactericidal and antispasmodic agent. Taking it allows you to normalize your metabolism in a short time - fat, carbohydrate, and protein.

“Naftusya” very effectively dissolves small stone formations and removes, as well as from. Its consumption helps prevent the development of kidney stones and cholelithiasis. Also, such mineral water increases the activity of the endocrine glands, promotes the normal functioning of the digestive tract and pancreas. Taking it helps eliminate inflammation of the kidneys and liver, as well as the urinary tract.

What are Naftusya’s indications for use?

This medicinal water has quite a few indications for use. There is evidence that it helps to cope with many gastric diseases, represented by inflammation of the esophagus, chronic gastritis with excessive, preserved and reduced secretory function. “Naftusya” is used for the treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcers if the disease is in remission. It is recommended to drink it for perigastritis and periduodenitis. Also, such a drink will help cope with the consequences of postoperative gastric intervention, namely hypoglycemic and asthenic syndrome.

"Naftusya" is used to treat many liver diseases, represented by residual effects of Botkin's disease (only after six months), chronic viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. This healing water is prescribed to patients with toxic-allergic liver diseases, and with hepatitis that occurs after surgery or abdominal trauma.

“Naftusya” will also benefit patients with diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, and pancreas. It is recommended to drink it for, as well as bile ducts, gallstone disease, etc.

This healing mineral water is indicated for patients with urological diseases: chronic forms of pyelonephritis, urethritis and cystitis. It is recommended to drink it for urolithiasis, congenital kidney anomalies, salt diathesis (“sand in the kidneys”) and chronic prostatitis in remission. Such treatment is also indicated for conditions after lithotripsy and after surgical interventions on the kidneys or on the urinary tract.

“Naftusya” will also benefit patients suffering from intestinal ailments. It is worth drinking for both constipation and diarrhea. This drink will be useful for patients with chronic colitis and enterocolitis outside the acute stage. This healing water will benefit patients with colon dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome and ailments of the anus or rectum, including hemorrhoids.

“Naftusya” is also indicated for people suffering from ailments of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders. So it should be drunk when it is in the stage of compensation, as well as when obesity has developed due to a violation of fat metabolism.

Finally, Naftusya can be used to correct concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system. She treats rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, as well as spinal osteochondrosis and gout.

What are the contraindications for use of Naftusya?

There are a number of conditions in which taking Naftusya can cause serious harm to health. So this mineral water is contraindicated for patients with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and third-degree hypertension. It should not be taken for chronic glomerulonephritis, liver cirrhosis and severe diabetes. Of course, treatment with Naftusya can only be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

How to replace “Naftusya”, what are its analogues?

Many experts claim that there is not a single 100% analogue of Naftusya, and you can only drink it fresh – in the resort’s pump room. After all, the organic elements in its composition are destroyed very quickly when in contact with air.
From time to time, information appears on the Internet about artificially created analogues of Naftusya, but their effectiveness remains in question.

Traditional treatment of cholelithiasis and kidney stones

“Naftusya” is widely known as an excellent remedy for clearing stones from the kidneys and gall bladder. But proven traditional medicine can also help patients with this problem.

So, to treat kidney stones, healers often advise taking flax decoction. To prepare it, you need to brew a teaspoon of the seeds of this plant with one glass of boiling water. Bring this mixture to a boil, then cool. Take half a glass of the finished medicine at intervals of two hours. Continue treatment for two days.

You can cope with cholelithiasis and kidney stones using a decoction based on rosehip roots. To prepare it, grind them thoroughly and brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed raw materials with one glass of boiling water. Boil the medicine over low heat for fifteen to twenty minutes, then wrap it well and leave to infuse. After the broth has cooled, strain it. Take the prepared medicine half a glass four times a day. The duration of such therapy is one week or more.

For kidney stones, you can also prepare a medicine based on the seeds of ordinary carrots. Brew a tablespoon of this raw material with one glass of just boiled water. Infuse this medicine for twelve hours, well wrapped. Strain the finished infusion, then take half a glass of it warm five to six times a day immediately before meals.

Also, for patients with kidney stones, you can prepare a medicine based on bird knotweed. Brew a tablespoon of dried herb with a glass of boiling water and boil for six to seven minutes. Leave until cool, then strain. Take half a glass three times a day. Please note that this medicine can damage the integrity of the enamel, so it is best to drink it through a straw.

Patients with gallstone disease should prepare one glass of hemp seed. Turn it through a meat grinder and mix the resulting raw material with three glasses of unboiled milk. Boil this product until its volume decreases three times - to one glass. Strain the hot medicine and take it on an empty stomach, one glass per day for five days. Then take a break for ten days and repeat the course of treatment again. During this time, you need to stop consuming frankly unhealthy foods. Please note that passing stones may be accompanied by pain.

The advisability of using any traditional medicine must be discussed with your doctor. Please note that all such medications have their contraindications and may cause side effects.

In the foothills of the majestic Carpathians there is a unique resort town of Truskavets, which is famous for its high level of sanatorium treatment and the unique composition of mineral waters. Since the 19th century, people have been coming to this region seeking to restore their failing health and get rid of a number of diseases.

Nature has generously enriched Truskavets with 25 healing springs, which have different chemical compositions and degrees of mineralization. Naftusya is rightfully considered the permanent queen of the local mineral waters - it heals severe metabolic disorders, cleanses and restores the proper functioning of the liver, renews kidney cells, restores hormonal levels and prevents the risk of tumor formation (benign and cancerous).

The healing properties of the famous Naftusya

The source of mineral health is located in the central city pump room. During the construction of which, it was possible to drink water in a cooled or warm state. Therefore, the healing water “Naftusya” is the real heart of Truskavets! Its reserves are considered truly inexhaustible, since water is formed at the source due to external precipitation (for example, melting snow or heavy summer showers). Melt waters coming from massive winter snows and the purest Carpathian rainwater slowly penetrate 50 meters deep into the earth.

Features of the formation of the unique composition of Naftusya

In the process of passing through the soil layers, the water is saturated with inorganic and organic elements, acquiring life-giving power. Final mineralization occurs in aquifers, where all healing springs originate.

Naftusya's relationship with oil

Water "Naftusya" - Carpathian glory! This opinion is completely justified. The composition of mineral water is very unique. The water received its own name due to its petroleum origin. Translated from Ukrainian, the word “nafta” means “oil”. The affectionate suffix shows the significance of this healing water for the entire region.

The water has a very characteristic oil taste (bitter-tart) and a specific aroma of hydrogen sulfide. Upon contact with oxygen, Naftusya begins to release gas into the atmosphere, and after a few hours a thin oil film forms on the surface.

Composition of mineral water

Naftusya has a mineralization from 0.63 to 0.85 g/l and a very diverse composition. The structure of water is made up of mineral and organic elements, as well as biologically active substances.

The most significant content of microelements is calcium and magnesium, hydrogen sulfide and sodium, bromine and iodine, copper and manganese. Water also contains acids, including those saturated with carbon. Amino compounds, medicinal resins and various oils are of great importance. A characteristic feature of Naftusya mineral water is its high percentage of organic substances. Depending on the season or the volume of water withdrawn from sources, the composition may contain from 1.4 to 30.2 mg/l of all kinds of organic matter, thanks to which treatment with Naftusya water was considered extremely effective at all times.

The principle of treatment of Naftusya

Healing waters unfortunately lose their magical properties when they come to the surface and come into contact with oxygen, so the treatment course is best carried out on the spot. Maintenance therapy is possible at a distance thanks to the local production of mineral water, which is produced in glass bottles under the names “Naftusya” or “Truskavetskaya”.

People seeking to restore health want to know how to drink Naftusya with the greatest benefit. Perhaps the correct answer would not be general advice, but a very specific recommendation - after consultation with a specialist.

Naftusya water – indications and contraindications

Naftusya has a rich composition and, with the right approach, can cure serious diseases of all internal organs. However, to achieve the desired result (improved health, strengthened immunity), it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes a unique course of treatment for each patient, which consists not only of drinking water internally, but also external procedures (hydromassages, showers, baths, inhalations). In treatment with water, an important role is played by a leisurely pace of life and a sufficient amount of physical activity (walks in the fresh air, moderate sports activities).

An integrated approach to restoring the body allows you to achieve tangible results in a short period. Naftusya water affects the body gradually, but clearly. In case of severe exhaustion and weak immunity, it is recommended to visit Truskavets sanatoriums every year for 3-4 weeks and drink mineral water in small portions 3 times a day before meals. Drop by drop, sip by sip - and the healing power of the ancient Carpathians will return lost health to the body!

Each balneological resort has its own specialization. It is determined by the type of waters that lie nearby. Mineral water “Naftusya” has unique properties that have made it famous not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world.

Our visitors will be interested to know:

  • what properties does the Naftusya mine water have?
  • what diseases does it treat?
  • why is it called that?

Let's start with the last point. The name is associated with the composition and characteristic smell. They are provided by organic substances of petroleum origin. Interestingly, the water reserves are almost endless, because the field is fed by precipitation, which is filtered through the thickness of the local soils.

Treatment with Naftusya water: effect and reception

The chemical composition determines the healing properties of Truskavets water:

  • it has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the secretion of bile, and has a choleretic effect;
  • Truskavets water promotes the rapid removal of small stones from the ureters and bladder;
  • its antispasmodic effect and noticeable analgesic effect have been proven, which is very important for patients who have stones in their bodies;
  • normalizes the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which is especially important for patients with diabetes;
  • significantly improves the functioning of all internal glands and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes pancreatic activity and health;
  • promotes liver cell regeneration;
  • actively removes accumulated radionuclides, waste and metabolic products;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • stimulates the functioning of the immune system.

“Naftusya” Truskavets: indications and rules of admission

In the world ranking of resorts, Truskavets is among the leaders in treating diseases without the use of medications. It is worth talking separately about how to drink mineral water correctly, for whom it will be especially useful, and for whom it will become worse from drinking it.

Main indications for drinking water:

  • hepatitis of various forms;
  • danger of rapid stone formation and already formed stones;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pyelonephritis, duodenitis in various forms;
  • urerthitis and cystitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

You should drink water only after examination and consultation with a doctor. The volume and frequency of use depends on the patient’s body weight. You need to drink from porcelain vessels or cups with drinking straws. During the course, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity (walking) and water treatments are very important.

Contraindications are determined by the doctor individually. Most often this is:

  • conditions after surgical interventions;
  • conditions after litholipsia;
  • consequences of injuries in the abdominal cavity.

Unconditional contraindications will be:

  • third degree hypertension;
  • acute angina;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • cirrhosis of liver tissue;
  • complex form of diabetes mellitus.

Healing water in Truskavets is a real elixir of health. When taken correctly, it gives excellent therapeutic results and helps to avoid drug and surgical treatment.

To Truskavets for health

If you have any of the problems listed above, think about visiting Truskavets and improve your health. Water treatment will be much easier, more effective and simpler than drug therapy.

The materials on our website and the managers of the reservation department will help you choose the one that suits you.

To learn more about treatment in Truskavets sanatoriums and recreation here, read our publications, share information with those who may be interested.

Holidays in Truskavets are a great opportunity to combine business with pleasure. The resort gained popularity thanks to the healing mineral water Naftusya. This source was first discovered by the court physician of the Polish king, Wojciech Oczko.

The doctor confirmed that he observes an improvement in the health of patients who drink water from the Naftusya spring. However, the chemical properties and mechanism of action of water on the body were officially confirmed by the famous biochemist Teodor Torosevich - he studied and described the medicinal waters of almost all hydropathic hospitals in Galicia.

Naftusya water properties

Chemically, Truskavets Naftusya is much richer in organic substances from similar European sources. This feature of the composition significantly influenced its properties. Organic substances quickly disintegrate upon contact with air, so Naftusya must be drunk immediately on the pump room or within two hours from the moment of drawing water, so that the therapeutic effect does not dissipate.

It is worth noting that Naftusya:

  • Positively affects metabolism in the body;
  • Removes calcium from the body, therefore it is indicated for use in the presence of stones in the kidneys and other organs;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Has analgesic properties;
  • The choleretic and diuretic effect improves the functioning of internal organs;

Based on the properties that Naftusya has, doctors have identified diseases that are best treated with the help of Truskavets mineral waters. First of all, the list includes pathologies of the herbal system and urological problems.

Naftusya water - indications

The Truskavets resort is almost two hundred years old. Throughout this time, local doctors have already cured dozens, maybe hundreds of vacationers. Extensive medical experience and statistical research have proven the effectiveness of treatment using Truskavets mineral waters.

Of course, no one should decide for themselves how and how much to drink mineral waters. For this purpose, the resort has a vast medical infrastructure, where experienced doctors, after a preliminary, individual examination of vacationers, write out prescriptions and recommendations for treatment, and also explain in detail the rules for drinking mineral waters.

Indications for drinking Naftusya mineral water:

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • congenital anomalies;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis;

Pathologies of the digestive system

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Intestinal dyskinesia;
  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Colitis;
  • Cholecystitis;

Metabolic disorders and their consequences

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;

As you can see, the list of diseases for which Naftusya can significantly help in treatment is quite large.

Naftusya water - contraindications

In addition to the concept of indications, the term “contraindications” is also used in medicine. The main goal of any doctor is, first of all, not to harm the patient or worsen his health condition. Just like other medicinal products, mineral waters cannot be prescribed to yourself. After all, if you have contraindications to using Naftusya, then this may have a bad effect on your overall health.

Contraindications for taking Naftusya:

  • Angina;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Hypertension of the third degree;
  • Severe diabetes;
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis.

It is worth noting that these contraindications are not a radical ban on the use of Naftusya, but a strong recommendation to consult a doctor before going to the pump room.

How to drink water in Truskavets?

At first glance this is a funny question. What could be difficult about this process? However, Naftusya water is not simple. It has a demineralization effect, and its contact with the hard tissues of teeth negatively affects the strength of the enamel. In order to preserve the teeth of vacationers in Truskavets, they came up with a special mini-mug similar to a small teapot. They call it “kumanets” or sippy cup in Russian.

The first rule is to drink Naftusya only from a sippy cup or through a straw. Hot or cold? This question is asked by every tourist who has not had a consultation with a doctor. Recommendations on water temperature and volume are given by the doctor. Independent choice of these parameters will at least reduce the quality of health care in Truskavets.

Although no cases of allergies to the mineral waters of Truskavets have yet been recorded, doctors still do not advise drinking more than two hundred, or maximum two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. At the very least, this is fraught with diarrhea.

Balneological treatment is an ideal option for improving health and recuperating.

Popular both among Ukrainians and among Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, and Azerbaijanis, the old balneological resort is rich in its mineral waters. Naftusya is one of the most famous types of natural mineral waters in the world. Thanks to a special gift of nature, Truskavets is filled with tourists at any time of the year.

The healing liquid most likely got its name due to the fact that the former oil capital of Europe, the city of Borislav, is located next to the resort. Locals claim that “wild” springs are scattered throughout the forests near these two wonderful towns. Mineral water Naftusya is indeed a very respected thing among the locals.

It's all in the composition

The healing properties of naftusya water lie in its magical composition. The Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine claims that this water has no analogues anywhere in the world; the amount of organic substances in the resort drink ranges from 1 to 36 grams per 1 liter. Experts for a long time did not believe in such a concentration; it is not strange, since its closest “competitors”, such as the waters of Baden-Baden, are inferior in this indicator by at least 50%.

The weakly mineralized hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium concentration has a high content of petroleum substances. It is because of this that the water has the smell of oil. Truskavets water is undoubtedly a unique phenomenon and an excellent doctor for many ailments.

Unique medicine

The mineral waters of Truskavets attract tens of thousands of people every year to improve their health due to their healing properties for problems with:

  • Inflammatory processes in organs and tissues.
  • Helps the body remove small stones and sand from the kidneys and gallbladder.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Supports the pancreas.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urinary and biliary tracts, and intestines.

Min water naftusya perfectly removes various harmful substances from the body: waste and toxins. For diathesis, pyelitis and cystitis, as well as hepatitis, cholangitis, hepatocholecystitis and cholecystitis, it is actively used in treatment in local sanatoriums and hospitals. The resort attracts the best doctors who know their business.

Who is allowed and who is not allowed

The water in Truskavets has, first and foremost, medicinal properties; this is what people travel thousands of kilometers to get here. The composition of naftusya water is used to treat the following ailments:

  • Chronic gastroduodenitis, perigastritis, periduodenitis.
  • Hypoglycemic, asthenic post-operative syndromes.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis of the inactive phase.
  • Chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, gallbladder dyskinesia.
  • Chronic forms of urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Truskavets water is often indicated for conditions after lithotripsy and after surgical interventions on the kidneys, urinary tract, and abdominal injuries. It is also recommended for milder intestinal diseases: constipation and diarrhea. For chronic colitis and enterocolitis, it will also act as a medicine.

Healing water Naftusya will have a positive effect on intestinal dysbiosis, colon dyskinesia and its irritability syndrome. Actively fights the symptoms of anal diseases, including hemorrhoids.

Sorry, but this is not for you

Truskavets water has its own indications for use, as well as contraindications. Properties of Naftusya water can be harmful in the following conditions:

  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Prohibited for angina pectoris.
  • Contraindicated in third degree hypertension.

Naftusya also has contraindications for liver cirrhosis, chronic diffuse kidney disease (chronic glomerulonephritis) and a complex form of diabetes mellitus. In any case, drinking water without consulting a doctor is quite risky.

Sofia water in Truskavets is the most mineralized, its use is possible strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can multiply your problems instead of treating them. Often people do not know how to drink Maria mineral water correctly - this type will help with diabetes, reduce acidity, and activate intestinal motility.

How to drink Naftusya

If you have been to Truskavets, you will have noticed that all tourists drink mineral water from special vessels. The shape of such products allows you to swallow the drink without its contact with the teeth and oral cavity, but why is it all for? Such vessels are purchased for a reason.

Upon contact with air, mineral water quickly begins to darken; if you often drink it like regular water, your teeth will most likely darken, which will not look very nice. In addition, the vessel dispenses portions: you need to drink water slowly, in small sips - this way it is better absorbed.

The usual serving of Truskavets water is 150-200 milliliters. The healing properties of Naftusya water can easily turn into harm if you overdose. This may provoke too rapid release of stones from the genitourinary tract - we do not recommend feeling this discomfort.

Is it possible to replace

From time to time, information appears on the Internet about waters individually filled with minerals. Sometimes Truskavets' competitors order articles against Naftusya. But Naftusya is a unique mineral liquid, an analogue has not yet been found in Russia, or in the rest of the world either. Not many people know that 15 kilometers from Truskavets there is another balneological resort - Skhidnitsa.

In Skhidnytsia everything is much more modest - the water flows by gravity. Its healing properties are most similar to Truskavets, and it is also called “Naftusya”. There are no authoritative studies of Skhidnytsia water yet.

What is the difference between Satanov water and Truskavets

Experts do not consider these two drinks to be competitors. Truskavets has the advantage that there are dozens of types of water there, and not just “Naftusya”. In Satanovo, the waters are also very beneficial for the body; here the choice is probably up to the attending physician. It's good that there is plenty to choose from.

Don’t forget that Truskavets always attracts the best heads of medicine from all over Ukraine; here you can often find medical equipment that is not available in every regional center. Another separate article can be written about treatment with natural mountain wax ozokerite. One way or another, the resort has remained a unique phenomenon for many years; its positive impact cannot be doubted by either tourists or local residents.