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Training for the development of communication skills in adolescents with disabilities. Training materials "International Day of Disabled Persons" Psychological exercises for disabled children



For mothers of a special child.

This training is for those who, by the will of Fate, have a “special” child in their families. Such families face many problems associated not only with its development, but also with family relationships, as well as with public opinion. At this training we will learn to help our child, cope with personal difficulties, and try to find peace and harmony in the soul.

  1. Acquaintance. (with a candle, each participant talks about herself, how she feels.)

2 . Thematic questionnaire:“What I like and what I don’t like about my child.

The psychologist asks parents to reveal in more detail their understanding of the characteristics of relationships with their problem children. Then the selected properties of children and attitudes towards them are discussed.

3. Musical relaxation

Theme: "Mother and Child". Musical accompaniment: “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert, instrumental arrangement by R. Clayderman and D. Last. Psychologist:

“Mother and child are an eternal theme in literature, painting, music, and art in general. A woman who has not yet become a mother, but who has already given birth to a future life, perceives the world differently. She feels it likefor two. Remember how you felt your baby's first movements. Remember how you listened to them and rejoiced at each new push. A woman who carries a new life within herself looks at the world with two pairs of eyes, breathes, feels, touches and comprehends the surroundings both for herself and for her future baby. Remember what transformations happened to you at that time.

A woman has been waiting for 9 long months for the birth of her little miracle, her happy continuation in life. Remember how you were gradually filled with happiness in anticipation of this miracle.

And finally, the moment comes when HE appears into the world, long awaited, but already dearly loved, flesh of flesh, blood of blood, her BABY. Remember the bliss into which your entire being was immersed after the birth of your child. After pain and possible tears, HAPPINESS came.

HE WAS BORN!!! Remember how happy you were then. Smile at your baby. Smile. Take him in your arms. Press it to your chest. Wiggle it. HE IS YOURS, ONLY YOURS, FOREVER YOURS. YOUR LOVE FOR HIM IS ALL-POWERFUL AND LIMITLESS!!!

Take a deep breath... Open your eyes.”

4. Main part

Art therapy. Drawing on a theme"My child. How I imagined him before birth and how he is now.” Psychologist:

“Remember your feelings with which you were expecting your child. Draw them with paints. Don't be afraid of the imperfections of your technology. The main thing for you is to improve sensations and feelings.

How do you see your child now? Do not try to convey in the drawing all the problems that are associated in your mind With him. Whatever he is, he is still a CHILD, your child. He needs your love and care. And these feelings have always been BEAUTIFUL at all times of human existence. I wish you success on this path and start...”

6. Musical relaxation

Subject "A stream is a full-flowing river."Musical accompaniment: V. Kalinnikov excerpts from the first symphony.

“I am a small stream. I can barely make my way out of the ground. My murmur is barely audible. I'm almost invisible among the grass. And the grass is thick, it rises above me and makes noise like a dense, dense forest...

But I run quickly, meandering across the field, and little by little I become wider and stronger... Energy is already beginning to bubble within me. I happily jump from stone to stone and skip forward. And you can’t keep up with me anymore. I fly forward rapidly, enjoying my strength. Yes, of course, so I became a river: strong, fast, brave, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. I don't care. I can do everything. I am strong and full of water. I'm full of energy. My strength is in my mind. I become calmer and more confident. Now I flow calmly and powerfully. Nothing will stop me on my way. And I will do what I have to do in my life. I will do what is destined for me, what I was born for.

Everyone comes into this world to become happy! I want to be happy! I'M HAPPY! I'M HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!

Charging your positive thinking"EXACTLY TODAY"

Say this text to yourself every morning. Stimulate yourself to take action. Don't forget to tell yourself encouraging words. Think of courage and happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success.

1. TodayI will have a calm day and I will be happy. Happiness is the internal state of every person. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances. My happiness lies within me. Every person is as happy as he wants to be.

2. TodayI will join the life that surrounds me and will not try to adapt it to my desires. I will accept my child, my family, my work and the circumstances of my life as they are and will try to fully comply with them.

3. TodayI will take care of my health. I will do exercises, take care of my body, and avoid unhealthy habits and thoughts.

4. TodayI will pay attention to my overall development. I'll do something useful. I will not be lazy and will make my mind work.

5. TodayI will continue my moral self-improvement. I will be useful and necessary to my child, family, and myself.

6. TodayI will be friendly to everyone. I will look my best, be gracious and generous with praise. I will not find fault with people and try to correct them.

7. TodayI will live only with the problems of today. I won't strive decide immediately my child's health problem.

8. TodayI will outline a program of my affairs that I want to implement. This program will save me from haste and indecisiveness even if I cannot follow it exactly.

9. TodayI will spend half an hour in peace and solitude, completely relaxing.

10. TodayI will not be afraid of life and my own happiness. I will love and believe that those I love love and believe me.

If you want to develop a mindset that will bring you peace and happiness, follow these rules:

2. Never think about those people who are unpleasant to you. Do not remember events that are unpleasant to you.

3. The only way to find happiness is not to wait for gratitude, but to do good for the sake of your own joy.

4. Count your successes, not your troubles.

5. Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself.

In the 1970s in the GDR, under the leadership of M. Vorverg, a method was developed that he called socio-psychological training. Training with this name appeared in our country.

Trainings in our country began with communication training. Communication training is the basic program for almost any other training. When other programs were developed (self-confidence training, negotiation training, sales training, team building training, conflict-free behavior training and others), socio-psychological training formed the basis of these programs. Therefore, the name SPT is often used to refer to other training programs built on the principles of SPT.

If we turn to the “Big Explanatory Psychological Dictionary” compiled by Arthur Reber, the following definition of training is given: “Training in general is any training program or set of procedures designed so that as a result of their implementation a final product is obtained in the form of an organism capable of some a specific response(s) or participation in some complex, skill-requiring activity.” This is a very broad definition that covers any learning, including non-human learning. The main idea of ​​this definition is that training is training, developing skills and abilities.

Another definition of training was given by Yu.N. Emelyanov: “Training is a group of methods for developing the ability to learn and master any complex type of activity, in particular communication.”

I.V. Bachkov offers the following working definition of training: “A set of active methods of practical psychology that are used to develop skills of self-knowledge and self-development.”

In the “Psychological Dictionary” (1990), socio-psychological training is defined as “an area of ​​practical psychology focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work with the aim of developing competence in communication.”

This definition further narrows the scope of the concept of training, reducing it to communication training. Very often the name “social-psychological training” is used as a synonym for communication training, business communication training, partner communication training, etc.

Social work with disabled people in social service institutions is implemented in accordance with the socio-technological approach. It is characterized by the following sequence of actions of a specialist providing social services: “goal-means-result”. In the process of the activity of a social work specialist, the set goal is achieved, aimed at overcoming the difficult life situation of the client, the client himself, as an object of social work, changes, social resources are used, new opportunities for society are opened in the process of providing social rehabilitation services. The socio-technological approach, according to V.N. Ivanova, V.I. Patrushev, involves taking into account the diversity of internal and external connections of social phenomena, as well as a focus on the development of a person as an individual, on creating for each person the opportunity to realize their own potential.

Innovation in the process of providing social services to a disabled person occurs when a social work specialist organizes joint activities to resolve the difficult life situation of a citizen with disabilities. In the process of joint activity with a specialist, a disabled person transforms him from an object of social work into a subject. The client’s subjective position during the provision of social services allows him to actively become a participant in this process, invest his personal resources, and be creative in the process of providing assistance, since he does all this, first of all, for himself. He learns to take part of the responsibility for the future result of resolving his difficult life situation. The process of development and implementation of innovations is now characteristic of the following general technologies of social work with disabled people: social rehabilitation, social therapy, social adaptation, social prevention, etc. Let us dwell in more detail on the technology of social adaptation in working with disabled people.

Social adaptation as a technological process allows a disabled person to be included in a small group and living environment, and facilitates his assimilation of established norms, relationships, and patterns of behavior. A person with a disability is in search of a social environment that is favorable for his self-realization and the discovery of resources. In this case, the immediate environment of a person with disabilities (family, club association, activists of a public organization, friends) is a small group, which is divided into formal and informal. The first are created according to developed regulations to carry out public, socially protective, state-sanctioned activities. These could be public organizations of citizens with disabilities, clubs, associations of families raising a child with disabilities, studios, etc. Informal small groups arise spontaneously under the influence of the common interests of disabled and healthy citizens, their joint activities and have a spontaneous organizational structure. These associations include communities of friends, educational and professional colleagues, etc.

For the successful social adaptation of young disabled people, groups of socio-psychological assistance to persons with disabilities are being created at state rehabilitation centers.

In the process of group work, various innovative technologies of social work are introduced, namely animation therapy, aesthetic therapy, artistic and aesthetic education through theatrical activities, etc. Social adaptation and rehabilitation of children and young people with disabilities is implemented through the production of theatrical plays and performances, with the direct participation of members of the association and their parents. After the first classes, a study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey of young disabled people attending the groups.

The result of social adaptation of a disabled person is the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with life, relationships with close circles, increased creative activity, achievement of success in communication and joint activities of a small group and living environment.

The use of technologies for social adaptation of a citizen with disabilities allows him to feel free in a small group and be involved in various types of activities. This allows a disabled person to enrich his inner world with the help of new values ​​and social norms, and to use social experience when organizing activities in a small group.

The technology of social adaptation of disabled people can be implemented through such forms as games, social training, excursions, and conversations. A game as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person imitates the real social environment in which a disabled person may actually find himself. In the process of social adaptation of citizens with disabilities, various types of business games are widely used: simulation games, “business theater”, etc.

In general, in the implementation of gaming technologies that contribute to the social adaptation of a disabled person, several stages can be distinguished:

Stage I. Formation of a group and development of a game plot script. The size of the group depends on the severity of the consequences of disability and the nature of the participants’ problems, and, as a rule, consists of 2-5 people. The composition of the group is also determined by the strategy for selecting participants; it can be heterogeneous, that is, include participants with varying degrees of disability. Where the conditions of a social service institution allow, it is recommended to select participants with a similar life problem (for example, the same disability group, illness); in this case, a social work specialist, as an innovator, will have a clear focus in the choice of game forms and exercises.

Stage II. Carrying out the game. The introductory part of the lesson includes greeting and introducing disabled people to the plan for a set of games and exercises. The social work specialist meets the participants and is the first to greet everyone in a friendly, friendly manner. Then he plans the joint work, informs those gathered about the order, content and sequence of games and exercises. Next, game exercises are carried out in accordance with the scenario, where each of the participants can show their resources, potential and creativity.

Stage III. Summing up the results of the game, when there is an analysis and generalization of the social skills that the participants have acquired.

Thus, the following conditions contribute to the successful implementation of the technology of social adaptation of a person with disabilities: firstly, the environment of a person with disabilities contributes to the realization of his needs and the development of individuality; secondly, when the organizational culture of a small group is built on the manifestation of friendly support, respect, responsibility, and interest in each person; thirdly, the disabled person’s environment recognizes and gives a positive assessment of the results he achieves; fourthly, it ensures the participation of a citizen with disabilities in the social and cultural life of a small group and in the living environment.

Training for the development of communication skills in adolescents with disabilities.

Target: formation of communication skillsin adolescents with disabilities, the ability to cooperate and accept others.


1. Development of non-verbal communication skills;

2. Development of verbal communication skills;

3. Mastering the basics of constructive interaction.

Time spending: The program is designed for 10 lessons of 60 minutes.

Group size 5-6 people. Between the ages of 13 and 17.

Lesson No. 1. Introduction (10 min)

Hello guys. In order to successfully make acquaintances and be an interesting conversationalist, you need to know some secrets of communication.

In order for our classes to be useful and interesting for us, it is necessary to introduce some rules.

What rules do you think can help us?

Group rules:

    Speak one at a time

    Everyone listens carefully to the speaker without interrupting.

    To join a conversation out of turn, you must raise your hand.

    Speak frankly: what you feel and think at the moment.

    Do not insult anyone: evaluate only the action, not the person.

Exercise No. 1

Continue the sentence. (15 minutes).

Target: To know each other. Self-reflection.

Instructions. Now in a circle, I will pass on the phrase. Your task is to continue it without hesitation. Example I especially like it when the people around me…. (they smile at me). The next phrase is in a different direction.


I especially like it when the people around me.

What especially irritates me is that I...

I feel ashamed when I...

I believe that I...

What I really want sometimes is...

Sometimes people don't understand me because I...

Exercise No. 2

Convey a feeling with facial expressions (15 min).

Target: Practicing the skill of non-verbal expression of emotions.

Instructions: A phrase is written on the board. A feeling is written on a piece of paper, your task is to demonstrate the feeling, only with the help of facial expressions. The task of the audience is to determine what the feeling is.

Exercise No. 3

Instructions: A feeling is written on a piece of paper, your task is to pronounce a phrase, putting this feeling into it. The face is covered, or the child must turn away. The task of the rest is to determine the feeling.

Discussion in a circle: In which exercise was it easier to understand a person (10 min).

Analysis of results: What worked, what didn’t. What difficulties arose (5 min).

Lesson No. 2

Exercise No. 1

Molecules (15 min).

Target: Relieving tension, getting ready to work.

Instructions: participants - “atoms”, move freely around the room. At the leader’s signal, the “atoms” are combined into molecules of 2 people. All members of the group unite for the last time.

Exercise No. 2

Observation (30 min).

Instructions: the group is divided into pairs. Participants sit opposite each other and perform the following tasks: 1. Look at each other silently for 5 minutes. 2. Participants turn their backs to each other and take notebooks and pens. The presenter asks questions regarding the appearance of the partners. Participants must write down their observations and, on command, turn to their partners and check for accuracy. Next, the participants change pairs. The procedure is repeated, the presenter’s questions change.

Discussion: what sensations did each participant have when performing the exercises, what interfered, what helped. Which physical features are remembered best?

Exercises No. 3

Compliments (10 min).

Instructions: each participant must give the neighbor on the right a compliment.

Lesson No. 3

Exercise No. 1

Attention (20 min).

Target: TSensitivity training and assistance in reading a partner’s non-verbal information.

Instructions: participants stand in a line, facing one way. The presenter gives instructions: “You must strive to complete each task as accurately as possible. All tasks are performed silently. The first task is to position yourself in a line so that the tallest of you stands next to me, and at the end of the line is the one with the shortest stature.” Next, the presenter checks the correctness of execution and offers the following task: “Near me is the participant with the darkest eyes, at the end of the line - with the lightest.” Further: “The beginning of the line is January 1, the end is December 31 - it is necessary to arrange it according to the dates (excluding the year) of birth.”

Exercise No. 2

Flying saucers (20 min).

Target: Development of communication methods of non-verbal communication.

Instructions: The group silently passes a plate of water around with their eyes closed.

Discussion: how comfortable it was to perform this exercise, what helped, what hindered, what were the reasons for the success/failure of this exercise.

Exercise No. 3

Lesson reflection: summing up the lesson. Discussion of the past day - what you liked, what you didn’t, identifying questions on the topic of the training. Farewell ritual (one and a half clap). (15 minutes).

Lesson No. 4

Exercise No. 1

Hello to yourself (15 min).

Target: Greet each other. Demonstrate misrepresentation.

Instructions: The group stands in a circle, with their backs to the center. The participant conveys to the neighbor on the right, in a whisper, any message that he himself would like to hear. The neighbor whispers this message to the next one and so on until the message reaches the sender. Each subsequent participant. In the meantime, he sends his message when the previous participant’s message is 2-3 people away from him.

“Whisper to your neighbor the greeting that you yourself would like to hear. When you whispered hello to the neighbor on the right from the neighbor on the left, and he passed it on to his neighbor on the right, you can whisper your hello."

Discussion: How did you feel when you received your greeting? How different was the received message from the sent one? What led to the distortion?

Exercise No. 2

My boundaries (20 min).

Target: feel the difference when communicating at different distances.

Instructions: Your facial expressions, gestures and body position in space are important for fruitful communication. Let's try an experiment.

One of you stands near the window, the rest will take turns approaching him. The subject's task is to say stop where other participants should stop. Several participants.

Discussion: what they felt. At what distance did you feel discomfort?

Exercise No. 3
Circle of Trust (10 min).

Target: Defining your own boundaries

Instructions: On a piece of paper. Draw a circle of trust, mark yourself on it in the center, and around your loved ones, at the distance at which you consider comfortable, your loved ones.

It’s great, now you can look at your relationships with your loved ones, think about why everyone is the way they are, and whether something needs to be changed. And we move on to the next exercise.

Exercise #4
Boundaries (10 min).

Target: Help participants become more sensitive to the boundaries of group members with whom they may find it difficult to get along.

Instructions: To maintain our integrity, we draw invisible boundaries around ourselves. We allow others to approach us physically and psychologically only to a certain distance, protecting ourselves from harm or undue influence. Anyone who cannot defend their boundaries creates difficulties for themselves and for those around them. On the other hand, when we set boundaries too far from ourselves or make them impenetrable, we become lonely. When communicating with others, we often do not notice these psychological boundaries. Having carelessly transgressed them, we find ourselves tactless towards a person, and the one who violates our boundaries seems unceremonious to us or a burden to us.

In pairs at different distances, it is necessary to agree on something. (roles: little red riding hood and the wolf, the fox and the bun, etc. - fairy-tale characters).

Discussion: At what distance was it more comfortable to negotiate?

Exercise #5

Handshake (5 min)

“We all worked fruitfully today, and we all deserve gratitude. While I'm counting to five, you should have time to thank each other with a handshake."

Lesson No. 5

Exercise No. 1

Presentation (10 min).

Target: Deeper acquaintance of participants.

Instructions: participants stand in a circle. Each participant in a circle goes to the center and says his name and a characteristic trait of his character, the remaining participants, at the signal of the leader, repeat what was said. The participant himself silently watches this.

Exercises No. 2

Train (15 min).

Target: Developing the ability to correctly and clearly present instructions and the ability to perceive information.

Instructions: Participants split up in pairs, each pair becomes a train: a leader and a follower. First, an exercise is performed along the route: the leader moves with his eyes closed, following the instructions of the follower, then the leader opens his eyes, the follower closes them - they continue to move.

Discussion: what impressions were there in different roles, what worked better, what difficulties there were in forming instructions and obtaining information and why.

Exercise No. 3

Damaged phone (25 min).

Target: study of information distortion.

Instructions: all participants are outside the room. The first participant enters. A picture is shown to him. He conveys the meaning of the picture to another participant, the second participant listens silently, etc.

Discussion: why the meaning is distorted, how this happens, what prevents you from presenting the picture, was there a desire to ask clarifying questions.

Exercise #4

Reflection lesson (10 min).

The facilitator asks participants to answer some questions:

    How did you feel while doing the exercises?

    What did you find most interesting, new, unexpected?

Lesson No. 6

Exercise No. 1

Number (10 min).

Target: Testing the ability of participants to understand each other without words.

Instructions: participants sit in a circle. The presenter calls any player by name. He must instantly name any number from one to a number equal to the number of participants. On command, as many participants as have been named must stand in a circle.

Exercise No. 2

Enter the circle (20 min).

Target: Diagnosis of conflicts, understanding of forms of communication.

Instructions: several participants leave the room, then are invited one at a time. The rest form a circle, holding hands. The person entering is invited to enter this circle. At the same time, the group has an agreement on how a person must behave in order to be allowed in. The task of the participant who wants to enter the circle is to guess this agreement.

Discussion: what types of behavior led to a constructive decision, which to conflict, did those entering the group show aggression, did they go into conflict, how easy was it for those entering to guess the group’s agreement, what helped, what hindered, if there were conflict situations - discuss - what was the reason .

Exercise No. 3

Squats (15 min).

Target: Unity, synchronicity.

Instructions: Participants are divided into subgroups of 3 people. The task of each subgroup - stage 1 - holding hands, sit down on the floor at the same time, and, without letting go of your hands, stand up at the same time. Stage 2 – Subgroups unite with 6 people, the task is the same. Stage 3 – all participants unite in one circle.

Exercise #4

Reflection lesson (5 min).

Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the past day - what you liked, what you didn’t, identifying questions on the topic of the training.

Lesson No. 7

Exercise No. 1

Kindness (5 min).

Target: Positive attitude.

Instructions: The presenter invites each participant in turn to express their wishes to the group for the day.

Exercise No. 2

Counting (15 min).

Target: P

Instructions: participants stand in a circle with their heads down, not looking at each other. The task is to name the numbers in the natural series in order, trying to get to the largest without making mistakes. Three conditions: no one knows who will start the count and who will name the next one; One participant cannot name two numbers in a row; You cannot call one number to two or more players at the same time.

Exercise No. 3

Statue (25 min).

Target: hfamiliarization with various conflict situations, developing the ability to identify a conflict situation and change it into constructive communication.

Instructions: atprivate traders split up in pairs. Each couple must conceive a communication situation in conflict and create a joint sculpture of it. The group guesses what they have planned.

Discussion : Each sculpture is discussed. By what signs can a situation be recognized, how typical is it for the real world, how can a sculptural composition be changed so that it shows a situation of constructive communication.

Exercise #4

Assessment (10 min).

Instructions: sit in a circle, then invite one person to say what they value about another group member. That participant then evaluates the other participant. Continue this exercise until everyone has spoken and received at least one mark. Try using a small item that you will give to the participant who receives the mark - a button, a flag, a piece of paper with a "thank you" message, etc. This way, group members will know who has not yet received a grade, and no one will be left without it.

Lesson No. 8

Exercise No. 1

Elephant (10 min).

Target: Withcontributes to the formation of an attitude towards partnership in communication.

Instructions: Everyone stands in a circle. The person in the center of the circle points to one of the participants in the game and says: “Elephant.” The person chosen bends over and stretches out his arms like a trunk. Those players who stand on his sides bend their arms, depicting the ears of an elephant. If a person standing in the center of the circle says: “Eagle,” then the one he pointed to depicts a beak with his hand, and those standing on both sides of him depict wings. If the person in the center says: “Giraffe,” then the one pointed at stretches his arm up, depicting the neck of the animal, and his neighbors bend over and show the legs of a giraffe. If the person standing in the center says the word: “octopus,” then the one who was chosen bends down, moving his hands below. Those standing next to him do the same. The game is played at a fast pace.

Exercises No. 2

Exit (35 min).

Target: Videntification of conflict situations of interaction, diagnosis of interaction with others, development of constructive interaction.

Instructions: participants stand in a circle and join hands. The person who wishes enters the circle with the task of getting out of it in 2-3 minutes. The circle has no desire to release it, but if someone has such a desire, they can do it. The participant in the circle must think through his own exit strategy, his own method of interacting with people.

Discussion : what feelings did the participants in the circle experience, what was the reason for successful/unsuccessful exits, what feelings did the participants who formed the circle experience, which strategies were the most successful, which were not, which strategies caused a conflict situation. Using the exercise as an example, a general strategy for constructive interaction is developed.

Exercise No. 3

Kingdom (10 min).

Goal: from concept egtension and stiffness in the group, pdevelopment of listening and hearing skills.

Instructions: The group is divided into two subgroups. The presenter addresses the participants: “Tell me, how can you portray a dragon? And the knight? What about the princess?”, then the presenter explains the rules: “The task of the game is for each group to agree on which character the members of your group will portray, and at the same time with the other group to portray the chosen character. In our game, the dragon kidnaps the princess, the princess enchants the knight, the knight defeats the dragon. The game is played to three points."

Lesson No. 9

Exercise No. 1

Geese (10 min).

Target: Pincreasing and diagnosing the cohesion of participants, relieving tension.

Instructions: participants stand in a circle, turn in one direction, sideways to the leader. On command, they sit in a circle on each other’s laps. Next, on command, being in the same position, they narrow the circle. Gradually the circle narrows to a minimum.

Exercise No. 2

Kindness (30 min).

Target: PGaining the experience of a positive attitude towards others, realizing that the ability to see positive qualities in another person helps to avoid conflicts and interact constructively.

Instructions: participants sit in a circle. One person sits in the center of the circle. The task is for all participants in a circle to say the kindest words to this person, tell him about his best qualities, about his own positive feelings towards this participant.

Discussion : what feelings did the participants experience when they spoke compliments, listened to compliments, were there any difficulties during the exercise, what can this exercise teach about behavior in conflict situations, in communication.

Exercise No. 3

Photo (10 min).

Target: The game is aimed at training social skillspositivity and creating an atmospherepsychological comfort.

Instructions: VOur whole group is a big family. The photographers' task is to distribute everyone and make them sit down for a big family photo. The task of the rest is to “get used to” their roles. Then a photograph is taken. After this, the roles and participants in them are discussed.

Exercise #4

Gifts (10 min).

Instructions: Have each group member choose a partner and spend a few minutes discussing with them what they have learned and how they can apply what they have learned. Then bring the participants together and invite everyone to give a “gift” to their partner. The gift is not an item. The gift can be something real (“I give you my friendship and support”) or something imaginary (“I give you boots that will only take you to safe places”).

Lesson No. 10

Exercise No. 1

Unison (10 min)

Instructions: Participants play in pairs. The task is to learn to simultaneously throw the same number of fingers without prior coordination. The couple that has reached the highest mutual understanding is considered to be the one. which, when demonstrated, showed the largest number of matches in a row.

The remaining participants play the role of experts trying to determine whether the speaking couple has any hidden means of communication that help reach agreement.

Exercise No. 2

Smile (10 min).

Instructions: The exercise is performed in a circle. One of the participants takes the ball and throws it to whomever he wants. The one who catches the ball must return it to the owner with pleasant words about him. Each participant can throw the ball to as many people as they want. After he stops, the ball is passed to the next person sitting in the circle. The game continues until the ball goes around the entire circle.

Exercise No. 3

General language (25 min).

Instructions: g The group is divided into threes. The players of each trio must agree among themselves, for example, about where, when and why they should meet. But their means of communication are limited: one sits blindfolded and motionless, the other is numb and also motionless, the third can move, but is deprived of the right to speak and is blindfolded.

So, being in a situation of limited communication opportunities, each trio must agree on a meeting in the minimum amount of time. The discussion of the task is built around the question of what contributes and what hinders the successful finding of a common language.

We can discuss the question of when and under what circumstances it appears that they are speaking like a blind man speaking to a dumb man.

Exercise #4

Thank you (5 min).

Instructions : participants stand in a circle, and the leader invites everyone to mentally put on their left hand everything they came with today, their baggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on their right hand - what they learned new in this lesson. Then, everyone clapping their hands hard at the same time and shouting - YES! or THANK YOU!

Final ritual. Allows you to reflect on the content and result of the last lesson, as well as end it beautifully on a positive emotional note.

Training for children

with disabilities

Purpose of the training : is the socialization of children with disabilities (HH), aimed at self-disclosure, emancipation, revelation of creativity, communication with similar children, increasing self-esteem.

Audience: children with disabilities, grades 5-7.

Materials: sheets of paper, colored and simple pencils, chairs, mirror

Introduction “My name is a ray of sunshine”

Participants sit comfortably in a circle. They take turns introducing themselves to the group and telling about your name, in order to liberate the guys, you can ask guiding questions:

What do they call you at home?

What would you like to be called?

Do you have any friends with the same name as you?

Exercise “Come with me”

Target: Remembering names. Relieving accumulated tension.

Material : chairs depending on the number of children in the group.

A path of chairs is built, two chairs at a time. The psychologist (group coach) sits on the first chair at the head of this “bus”; then each participant is invited to sit on the chair in turn with the words “I’m going with you... and say the name of the neighbor.” You can rearrange the chairs and simulate the situation by replaying this trip.

This exercise will help children get to know each other better, remember names, move around, and relieve tension.

Exercise "Mirror"

Target : Working through our emotions, a mirror as a state of mind, whatever message we send will be returned to us, teaching children to master and regulate emotions.

Material: one large mirror or small mirrors for all participants.

We ask the training participants to look in the mirror in their normal state, then we ask them to look in the mirror, but at the same time smile, then look and laugh so that the children can clearly see how their emotional state changes depending on the message they send.

Exercise "Luck"

Target: improvement of self-esteem, development of positive thinking.

Material: sheets of paper, pencils (plain, colored), felt-tip pens.

Ask the training participants to draw themselves on a sheet of paper, then ask them to draw a beautiful tall Lady Luck in a beautiful robe on another sheet, everyone will admire their creation, then next to Lady Luck they will finish drawing themselves, but a prerequisite is with a smile as they saw themselves in the mirror smiling and hold hands with Lady luck. It is imperative to say that from now on luck is with them by the hand, which will help them and accompany them in a successful mood, that from now on they will succeed in everything with ease, and all their most cherished dreams will come true, the main thing is to believe in it.


Summing up the results of the training, free conversation, ask if you liked it, what exactly you liked, what you remember, etc.

Ametova Edie Aiderovna

4. A drunk man stubbornly looks for something under a street lamp. A policeman comes up and asks what he is trying to find there, he replies: “His key.” Both continue their search. Finally, after some time, the policeman asks whether the victim is sure that the key is lost right here, to which a completely reasonable answer follows: “No, it’s clear that it’s not here, but there, further, but it’s brighter right there.” Thus, we conclude: there is only one possible, acceptable, reasonable and logical solution, and if it has not yet given the desired result, it is only because you have not been actively implementing it enough.

5. No one will deny the obvious fact: many of our everyday and most banal activities are somehow associated with a certain degree of danger. The main thing is to concentrate all your prudence and common sense on solving the smallest and most trivial problems. For example, it is known that you can cut yourself with a knife, and door handles are simply teeming with various bacteria. So, a truly prudent person will never pick up a sharp knife or touch a doorknob without wearing gloves. One venerable old maid who lived on the river bank complained to the police that a group of children had gotten into the habit of swimming in what their mother gave birth in right under the windows of her house. The local police chief immediately sent one of his subordinates to the scene of the incident, and he strongly recommended that the children choose some other place, more distant from the lady’s home, for their free bathing. But the next day, the police station again received a complaint: the children were still within the sight of the guardian of morals. A policeman was again sent to negotiate, and the children's beach was relocated further up the river. However, less than three days had passed before the indignant old maid reappeared at the police station: “It’s worth climbing onto the roof of the house, arming yourself with good binoculars - and the young shameless ones are again visible in full view!”

6. You read in the horoscope that serious troubles await you today. True, along with you, another three hundred million of your brothers, who had the imprudence to be born under the same Zodiac sign as you, will learn about the same inevitable misfortune, but this does not matter. The main thing is that on this day you, of course, slipped and fell. Yeah, that means there’s something in these horoscopes after all! If you are imbued with the conviction - it doesn’t matter whether it has any basis or is simply pulled out of thin air - that those around you are always whispering about something behind your back and secretly making fun of you, sooner or later your premonitions will certainly come true, and you will be able to say with bitter triumph: “I knew it...”. These prophecies, premonitions, suspicions, which do not need external confirmation, have a truly magical ability to create the complete effect of “reality”. Thus, the prophecy itself brings to life the prophesied event. The sure way to achieve a miracle is not difficult, you just need to convince yourself - or let others convince you - of the inevitability of some event, the occurrence of which is absolutely beyond our control.

Discussion in a group of proposed ways to achieve unhappiness without outside help.

People who have a negative attitude towards life, leading them to lack self-confidence, often hold the following views:

1) Always and everywhere expect only troubles (big and small) from yourself.

2) If success unexpectedly falls on you, do everything not to notice it, or, if this is completely impossible, convince yourself and everyone around that it, of course, is accidental, by mistake and will soon end.

3) Be consistent and principled in everything. Never change your decisions or deviate from your principles.

4) Choose one of two - either follow other people's advice, or act ahead, as necessary. The most important thing is not to pay attention to what is actually happening.

5) Do your best to avoid the opportunity to test yourself and your abilities. Avoid difficult situations.

6) Passionately collect your troubles and troubles. Cherish and nurture each one, don’t forget about any of them. Treat each of them as your personal property.

7) Do more self-justification. Remember: the search for self-justification and someone to blame is one of the main intellectual activities of a true loser. In all cases, ask the question “Who is to blame?” and never - “What should I do?”

8) Take everything as seriously as possible. Don't allow yourself to look at things lightly.

9) Consider every failure as a final defeat that will have a decisive impact on the rest of your life.

10) Avoid self-love!

Discussion in a group of proposed options for a negative attitude towards life.

Lesson discussion

Lesson 11. The magic of our thoughts

Beginning of work

Discussion in a group of questions: how many times a day do we scold ourselves? The people around us? Are we thinking about something bad? How long has this been going on?

No matter how long ago our mindset became negative, it is never too late to start changing. Our current, momentary thoughts determine what our tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, month, year will be like. If we want to live joyfully, then our thoughts must also be joyful: whatever comes from us in the form of thoughts or words, it returns to us in the same form. Just like everything good, so everything bad in our life is a consequence of our way of thinking, which influences what happens to us. We ourselves cause this or that situation in life, and then we waste our energy scolding another person for our worries and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences. Everything that happens to us in our lives is a reflection of our own thoughts.

When we love ourselves, approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our life becomes beautiful. Such self-love begins with the awareness of the following fact: you should never, under any circumstances, criticize yourself. The more negative thoughts we have, the more negative things we create in our lives. To make getting rid of internal self-criticism a little easier, there is the following exercise.

Exercise “I approve of myself”

Target. Awareness of one's own worth, development of a positive attitude towards oneself.

Over the next week, participants are asked to say to themselves as often as possible the phrase: “I approve of myself.” It is advisable to note all your thoughts and sensations that arise while performing this exercise.

Eight ways to learn self-love:

1. The most important point is the refusal of self-criticism. When we tell ourselves that nothing bad is happening, then regardless of the circumstances, everything can be easily changed and corrected.

And when we think that everything is bad, difficulties are encountered at every step. We all change without exception. Every day is a new day. And today we are already doing things a little differently than yesterday. Think for a moment: what words do you use when berating yourself? Feeling that we are not good enough, we constantly find reasons to be unhappy and put off things that could benefit us. Instead of all this, we can discover our individual character traits, learn to respect ourselves for those qualities that distinguish us from others. After all, each of us has our own task, our own role on Earth.

2. We must stop scaring ourselves. Many of us terrorize ourselves with dark thoughts, thereby only making things worse. An elephant grows from a fly. You can't live forever waiting for something bad to happen. We often go to bed with a mental picture of the worst possible solution to our problem. It is not surprising that we cannot fall asleep. Bad thoughts can ruin relationships between people. They didn’t call you - from this the conclusion is immediately drawn that you have fallen out of love and are now sentenced to lifelong loneliness. You feel rejected and alone. In this way, you create and reinforce paralyzing thoughts in your own mind. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, find some image that you would be pleased to see in its place. Maybe it would be a beautiful view, a sunset, a flower, etc. Use this image as a switch whenever you find yourself trying to scare yourself. Tell yourself, “I won't think about it anymore. I’ll think about the sunset, the waterfall, etc.” If you do this exercise regularly, you will gradually get rid of your previous habit.

3. The next way is to be gentle, tolerant and kind with yourself. There is such a joke: “Lord God! I pray for patience. And I want it right now!” Too often we do not have the patience to wait, too often we poison the lives of other people with our impatience. We wish this very minute to receive answers to all questions, and at the same time all the good things in life.

4. We must learn to be kind to our minds. Let's not hate ourselves for having negative thoughts. We should not blame ourselves for unfortunate circumstances. Being kind to yourself means putting an end to any accusations, insults, or punishments directed at you.

5. The next step is to learn to praise yourself. If criticism destroys the inner core, then praise forms it. Allow yourself to accept the good things in life without thinking about whether you deserve them or not. The belief that we are unworthy of everything does not allow happiness into our lives.

6. Loving yourself means finding support. If you cannot cope with your problem, turn to people close to you for help. Asking for help in difficult times is a sign of strength, not weakness. It is better to seek help than to try to get out on your own and then be angry with yourself for your own powerlessness. Sometimes the situation changes completely, even if we slightly rearrange the emphasis in our thoughts.

7. Love your troubles and shortcomings. Each of us makes mistakes and makes the wrong choice at some point. However, if we constantly punish ourselves for our mistakes, then this pattern of behavior gradually becomes a habit and is quite difficult to give up. If we tirelessly repeat: “I hate everything,” then we can hardly count on a happy life.

8. Love yourself now. Don't wait for everything to start working out for you. Eternal dissatisfaction with yourself is just a habit. By learning to love yourself, you can love and accept others. We can't change other people, so it's better to leave them alone. Trying to change someone, we spend a lot of energy. If we spent even half of it on ourselves, we would be completely different. We cannot teach anyone how to live. Everyone must go their own way. The main thing for everyone is to know themselves. And self-love is the first step in this direction.

Discussion in a group of suggested ways to develop self-love.

Lesson discussion

Participants share their impressions of the lesson. They tell you what they liked, what they didn’t, what was most important to them, what conclusions they drew for themselves.

Lesson 12. Being happy is easy

Activation of the reflection process;

Development of self-regulation skills;

Developing a favorable attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Beginning of work

Often we catch ourselves thinking that we cannot stop the flow of negative thoughts and emotions that carry us towards illness and misfortune. We often feel powerless in the face of our fears and resentments.

Think about how many years you have been succumbing to sad thoughts. Look at your life from the outside: what it is is what you yourself have created with your thoughts. We ourselves create our life, our happiness and unhappiness with our thoughts. Our life is the embodiment of our own thoughts. If there is something wrong in our lives, we can confidently say that something is wrong in our thoughts. For many years we can destroy ourselves with gloomy thoughts, resentments, self-pity - and not even realize that we ourselves are creating the causes of our misfortunes.

Some tips on how to become a happy person:

Our body always reacts to what we think. Learn to constantly monitor your thoughts. Many people notice that there seems to be some kind of unpleasant inner voice living in their heads, which is constantly trying to instill in them something negative: life is hard, you are not good, you don’t know how to solve your problems. You need to learn to notice and turn off this harmful inner voice. As soon as you notice that you are saying negative phrases to yourself, switch to some positive affirmation.

Start each day with a positive statement about yourself: “I am healthy and full of energy,” “Today I will succeed,” etc.

Every day for 10 minutes, close your eyes, inspire yourself with positive, constructive thoughts. If you believe in these words and say them sincerely, the result will not be long in coming. What are our words and thoughts - such are we ourselves. There is a law of health: “I feel the way I think about myself.”

Learn to do everything you do with pleasure. Remember: only what is done with pleasure is useful. Everything else is harmful.

Think more often about what you can do to please yourself. But beware of false joys. Sometimes a person thinks that by overeating, he thus pleases himself. But this is self-deception. After all, after such “joy”, it usually becomes not at all joyful and very bad for both body and soul. Remember: true joy is the joy that, when it passes, leaves behind a pleasant memory and a good, joyful feeling. Stick to such joys and choose for yourself only those pleasures that do not turn out to be bad later.

Learn to see people around you who are even worse off than you are now. Learn to sympathize with them and instill in them faith and optimism. But don't humiliate them with pity. By feeling sorry for a person, you only strengthen him in his plight. Better believe in him, that he has the strength to get out of his misfortunes and illnesses. Learn to help such people to the best of your ability, but not to the detriment of yourself and your interests. When you help others without hurting yourself, you are also helping yourself.

Learn to act as if everything is fine with you - regardless of how things really are with you. What we think of ourselves is what we become. But do not turn your behavior into ostentatious behavior when you want to demonstrate to other people that everything is fine with you. Do this not for others, but for yourself, even alone. When we hold our heads high and tell ourselves that we are doing well, we attract well-being into our lives with our positive thoughts.

Never say to yourself: “I can’t” - no matter what. Better say: “I don’t want to.” By saying “I can’t,” we greatly limit our capabilities. And very often behind these words we hide not our own inability to do this, but only our own reluctance and self-doubt. If you feel like you can’t do something, try not to think about whether you can do it or not, but rather try to start doing it without thinking. By starting to do “I can - I can’t” without thinking, we become stronger because we expand our capabilities, which makes us believe in ourselves and treat ourselves with respect.

Just as water changes its shape in accordance with the shape of the vessel into which it falls, so all the molecules from which the cells of our body are created change their state according to our thoughts, our actions and our faith. If thoughts and actions are filled with optimism and faith, then the cells change their state towards health, harmony and begin to work at full capacity.

Lesson discussion

Participants share their impressions of the lesson. They tell you what they liked, what they didn’t, what was most important to them, what conclusions they drew for themselves.

Lesson 13. Seven steps to sleep

Activation of the reflection process;

Development of self-regulation skills;

Developing a favorable attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Beginning of work

Discussion of the emotional state of the participants, impressions of the previous lesson.

Questions for group discussion: How often do you get a good night's sleep? What usually prevents you from doing this? What do you do to get enough sleep?

Many people pay absolutely no attention to the place where they sleep, but in vain! Doctors have long noticed that fresh air, silence, dim light and a comfortable bed contribute to falling asleep quickly and sound sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room, reduce the volume of transmitting devices (TV, stereo system, household members talking in the next room) and turn on the night light (complete darkness can give rise to an unconscious feeling of anxiety). It is also necessary to take care of the bed. It is better that the mattress is moderately hard, the bed linen is clean and thick, the pillow is small so that you can wrap your arms around it, the blanket is light and warm. And the most important thing is that you should like it all. Even the color and pattern of your bedding affects how you fall asleep.

What is needed to sleep well?

1. Relax your body and calm your emotions. In order to fall asleep faster, you need to relax and calm down. There are many different ways to do this, such as a warm bath, herbal teas and milk with honey, slow pleasant music.

2. Feel how your emotions calm down along with your body. With every inhalation we absorb the harmony of the world around us and with every exhalation we send love to this beautiful environment, and our inner world becomes more even and harmonious.

3. Comprehend the results of your actions during the day. Often the cause of insomnia is a chaotic and unproductive day. Therefore, it is important to learn how to complete it. Planning and proper distribution of forces will help you meet the night with a feeling of satisfaction from completed tasks.

It is useful to ask yourself the following questions at night:

* Did I accomplish everything I wanted and what goal did I achieve?

* What did I spend and what did I buy?

* What did you implement, what did you organize, what opportunities did you use for this?

* How could you help other people?

* What life lesson did you learn?

The more positive answers you can find, the better your sleep will be.

4. Find your place of peace. Another enemy of sleep is internal tension associated with the inability to trust people or situations. Even when we go to bed, we remain in a state of protection from everyone and everything. And this does not contribute to good and sound sleep.

Answer yourself the question: why do we love to sleep so much? And you will understand that it is in sleep that a state of true peace comes. Troubles recede, everything becomes easy, natural and simple, just like in childhood.

Every person must have a place where he feels good, safe and pleasant. Everyone there loves him, which means they will never offend him, attack him, or scold him. There he can relax and remove all his defenses. He's good there! For everyone, including yourself. Remember such a place. This could be your children's room, or a place in the yard, or a corner of a park, forest, or river bank. Or maybe this is a magical place from some fairy tale or your imagination. If you stay there for some time, it will contribute not only to calm and relaxation, but also to good sleep.

5. Remember the people with whom you had a good time. Memories of past and future positive meetings and contacts will bring peace and joy into your life. They will fill you with a feeling of trust, security and happiness. This always has a positive effect on your sleep state. If your loved ones, relatives, friends are not next to you now, and you were unable to wish them good night, then this can be done mentally.

6. Send gratitude to the highest. It's no secret that when a person sleeps, he becomes completely defenseless. Believers say that before going to bed, you need to protect yourself. Read a prayer to God with gratitude for the day you have lived and the day to come, with a request to protect you from evil forces during sleep and send good dreams.

You can also say a prayer to your guardian angel.

You can thank life and fate for the past, present and future in your own words, coming from the heart.

7. Find meaning. In order to fall asleep with a sense of accomplishment, you need to feel calm and confident. And for this we need to find meaning in our actions, deeds and life in general. Most often, the meaning of life lies in small things - in the feeling that someone needs you: your parents, friends, this world around you. And you need someone. The main thing is to understand and see it. Discussion in a group of suggested ways to sleep well.

Lesson discussion

Participants share their impressions of the lesson. They tell you what they liked, what they didn’t, what was most important to them, what conclusions they drew for themselves.

Lesson 14. Love yourself

Activation of the reflection process;

Development of self-regulation skills;

Developing a favorable attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Beginning of work

Discussion of the emotional state of the participants, impressions of the previous lesson.

Exercise “Wish”

Target. Creating a favorable atmosphere for further work.

Let's start our meeting by expressing wishes to each other for today. It should be short, literally one word long. You give this toy to whoever you want, and at the same time say your wish. The person who receives it, in turn, passes the toy to the next participant, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that she visits everyone, and we will try not to miss anyone.

With the help of thoughts we set ourselves a life program. Depending on what it is, our life becomes the life of either a winner or a loser.

The thoughts that lead us to lose sound something like this: “Don't do it. Everyone will laugh”, “Nothing will work out anyway, why try”, “I’m worthless”, “I’ll never cope with this”, etc. This list can be continued indefinitely. It is clear that such thoughts poison the mind and interfere with the life of their owner.

In order to rebuild and change your thinking and your life, you need to work a lot on yourself. It is important to learn to hear thoughts generated by fears or doubts, and replace them with others - ones that give rise to faith in yourself and your strength.

If you have “obsessive” thoughts, try to understand how constant they are (it may turn out that they are associated with overwork), pay attention to whether they bother you or whether you are indifferent to them. And then use any of the following techniques to deal with negative thoughts:

* Do not drive away the thought that bothers you and do not fight it. Decide, maybe it is needed for something. If you are firmly convinced that no, tell her: “Thank you for coming, and goodbye.” This technique helps many people.

* Imagine that you are adjusting the volume of the receiver. Let this thought sound loud and clear twice, and then gradually reduce the volume. Each time it will sound quieter and quieter until it goes silent by itself.

* Particularly harmful and annoying thoughts can be “recorded” to a cheerful and fairly simple melody: as soon as they arise, you should immediately mentally turn on the musical composition of your choice.

If you decide that you need a thought that constantly arises, then first determine why, and then reformulate it so that it sounds positive and serves the same purpose. The more you worry, frightening yourself about possible troubles, the more strength and energy you spend on this empty activity, and the less you have left for real things. Get away from negativity by consciously restructuring your speech. If you are not feeling well, it is better to say: “I am not feeling ideal today.” In case of illness or illness, do not say “I am sick”, but rather “I am getting better” or “Every day my health is improving.”

Discussion in the group of proposed techniques for working with negative thoughts.

It is important to be able to change your attitude towards the problem that has arisen. Then the world will begin to change for the better. After all, it is not individual thoughts themselves, but our attitude towards them that influence our life and perception of ourselves.

Exercise “Rose Bloom”

Target. Awareness of the inner “I”, stimulation of internal energy, vitality.

Sit comfortably. Take deep breaths several times and relax.

Imagine a rose bush with flowers and buds. Pay attention to one of the buds. It is still completely closed, only at the top you can see a pink dot. Focus on the image, keeping it in the center of your consciousness.

Imagine that the green calyx begins to open, revealing the still closed petals of the flower. Finally, the entire bud, consisting of pink petals, should appear before your mind's eye.

The petals begin to slowly open and move apart. This happens until a fresh, beautiful rose appears before you in all its splendor and full bloom. Try to catch its characteristic smell, which cannot be confused with anything else.

Now imagine that a ray of sunlight falls on a rose, illuminating and warming it. Hold this image for some time.

Now imagine that you have become this rose or have absorbed this flower into yourself. Make sure the rose is inside you. In a symbolic sense, you are this rose. The same force that animates the Universe and creates the rose can awaken your inner Self and manifest all that it radiates.

Imagine that you have become a rose bush. Your roots penetrate the soil, from which nutrients come. Your leaves and flowers grow, stretch upward, feed on the energy of sunlight and are warmed by it.

Imagine that you are other rose bushes, plants and trees. You are everything that exists due to this vital energy and is part of the planet, the great whole. Try to hold this feeling for some period of time. Then open your eyes and come back here.

Exercise “In the rays of the sun”

Target. Determining your best qualities, using them as a resource in overcoming difficult situations.

On a separate sheet of paper, each participant draws the sun the way children draw it: with a circle in the middle and many rays. Everyone writes their name in a circle. Near each beam, each participant writes something good about himself.

You can add rays to this leaflet from time to time. And if you feel sad, you can take it out, look at the sun and remember why this or that quality was written.

Discussion in the group of impressions from the exercise performed.

Loving yourself means understanding your weaknesses and shortcomings and even negative traits, in order to have the strength and ability to change them and become better, stronger, more independent. Smile more often and tell yourself: “I love myself and accept myself as I am, with all my strengths and weaknesses. My love gives me the opportunity to develop, enjoy life and bring joy to the lives of others."


Is it easy for the delicate petals of a rose to open the elastic cup of the bud and bloom?

Easily. If she follows her development.

Is it easy for a weak chick to break the hard shell of an egg with its beak and get out of it?

Easily. If he follows his development. Is it easy for the baby to get on his feet and walk on his own?

It's easy if he follows his development.

What if they doubted, held back their desires, or fought with themselves? If you listened to others advising “It’s too early for you to do this” or “you don’t need it”?

Their best endeavors would be ruined, and the place of joyful development would be replaced by irritation, boredom and suffering.

Therefore, if you have matured like a rose, grown stronger like a chick, and grown like a baby, go for it!

And believe in yourself.

Your time has come.

Discussion of the lesson.

Participants share their impressions of the lesson. They tell you what they liked, what they didn’t, what was most important to them, what conclusions they drew for themselves.


Zvereva N. Yu. Social adaptation training for people with disabilities. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008

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