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Ulcers on the labia: photos, causes, treatment. What causes sores on the labia? Sore on the labia what to smear

Any woman is frightened by any changes in the sexual sphere, even the most minimal ones. Sometimes patients are faced with such a terrifying problem as ulcers on the labia, vulva and perineal area. In our article today we will talk about diseases that can cause the appearance of ulcerative defects on the genitals, their diagnosis and treatment.

An ulcer is a deep violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, resulting from various influences - physical, chemical, infectious, as well as disturbances in the innervation and blood supply of tissues. We list the most common causes of ulcers on the genitals.

Genital or genital herpes is damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs and the skin of the perineum by the herpes virus type 2. It is important to understand that more than 50% of people on the globe are infected with the herpes virus, however, not all of them experience the characteristic symptoms of the disease. The point is the individual immunity of each person, and some people have such strong antiviral immunity that they have never encountered herpes in their lives.

Transmission of the virus occurs through contact with an infected person through biological fluids: sweat, mucus, semen, vaginal secretions, as well as particles of skin and mucous membranes. The virus enters the body through microdamage to the skin and settles in the nerve endings, where it can live for years, becoming activated whenever the body’s defenses are weakened.

“Undermining” of the immune system occurs against the background of colds and bacterial infections, skin damage, pregnancy, after major operations, in women on the eve of menstruation, after depilation of the bikini area or after a change of sexual partner.

The clinical symptoms of herpes are varied:

  1. Initially, severe itching occurs at the site of the lesion.
  2. After 1-3 days, bubbles several millimeters in size appear in this place, prone to merging. Initially, the bubbles are filled with a clear liquid, but a little later their contents become cloudy.
  3. The blisters quickly open on their own or with the help of the patient, who mechanically combs them. In place of the blisters, small defects form - ulcers.
  4. The ulcer gradually becomes covered with a yellow crust and heals.
  5. Sometimes, with extensive lesions and weakened immunity of the patient, a bacterial or fungal infection joins the viral lesion, causing secondary infection.

The peak infectiousness of a patient occurs during the period of formation and opening of vesicles.

About the disease (video)


The formation of trophic ulcers on the genitals is a fairly rare occurrence; they most often occur on the legs. Such defects do not appear suddenly; their occurrence is preceded by a long course of varicose veins of the legs and vulva.

Trophic ulcers are painful and are accompanied by constant discharge of serous or purulent discharge. These defects gradually grow deep into the tissues and scar very poorly.


Of course, if such defects appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and find out the nature of this condition. As a rule, the first specialists a woman turns to are gynecologists and venereologists.

Smears, scrapings, cultures and prints are taken from the surface of the ulcer for subsequent microscopic and bacteriological diagnosis. Using these techniques, you can identify most infectious diseases, scabies and cancerous changes in the skin.

In addition to microscopy, so-called serodiagnosis is performed - determining the level of antibodies to a particular disease in the blood. For example, the Wasserman reaction or RW is used to diagnose syphilis.

In some cases, you can use modern methods of genetic molecular research - polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method is used to detect herpes infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

If the results of previous studies are negative, the patient is shown allergy panels and vascular ultrasound.

If cancer is suspected, cytological and histological examination of scrapings and biopsies of ulcers is mandatory.


The prescription of one or another treatment option occurs after a thorough examination of the patient and establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

Ulcers caused by pathogenic microbes such as treponema pallidum, chlamydia, and so on are treated with courses of antibacterial therapy. Each disease has its own medications and courses of treatment, so only a doctor can recommend them.

Herpes infection is treated by prescribing local and systemic antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Ganciclovir and others. Sometimes treatment is supplemented with the use of immunomodulatory drugs to stimulate one’s own immunity.

Scabies is treated with specific local medications. Since scabies is an extremely contagious disease, all members of the patient’s family should undergo prevention. In addition, furniture, carpets, clothes and bed linen must be treated.

Allergic dermatitis is treated with local and systemic antihistamines. It is also very important to completely eliminate contact with the allergen - change condoms, lubricants or hygiene products.

It is always advisable to treat all ulcerative defects, except cancerous ones, with local antiseptics such as brilliant green, iodine, potassium permanganate to prevent secondary infection.

Cancerous and precancerous skin diseases are subject to special treatment by oncologists, including radiation and chemotherapy.

The most important prevention of such unpleasant diseases is the use of a condom. It is important that this contraceptive is used throughout sexual intercourse from the moment of foreplay.

An ulcerative process on the genitals in most cases is a manifestation of some disease. But it should be noted that chronic ignorance of simple rules of personal hygiene, which are mandatory for every woman, also very often leads to such lesions of the vaginal mucosa.

The causes of the formation of ulcers on the labia can be associated with a number of diseases:

  1. Allergic dermatitis may initially cause irritation, which can later lead to sores and ulcerations.
  2. Genital herpes is a very unpleasant and quite common disease in which small blisters form (they tend to burst later and turn into ulcers).
  3. Papillomas can manifest as an ulcerative process, which indicates that the formations are traumatic.
  4. Chancroid is a sexually transmitted disease in the form of a red spot that can grow and cause great discomfort.
  5. Trauma to the genital organs, leading to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the labia.
  6. Syphilis is a very serious disease in which ulcers can cover the entire mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs. This is the most striking example of the formation of purulent ulcers on the labia. With this disease, they are practically painless and can go unnoticed for a long time. If proper treatment is not carried out, the ulcers will disappear on their own. 1 – 1.5 months, and the disease will move to the next stage, more severe, with damage to internal organs and systems. Therefore, you should not be happy that the ulcers have resolved on their own.
  7. Oncological diseases of the vagina can manifest as an ulcerative process. The clinical picture of cancer will depend on its type, but very often destructive phenomena are diagnosed in a woman’s genital organs with the development of tumor pathology.
  8. Advanced candidiasis or disturbed microflora of the vulva cause irritation, itching and, consequently, combs leading to the formation of ulcers.
  9. Trichomoniasis can also cause ulcerative process on the labia.
  10. - a disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes.
  11. Ulcers on the labia minora are caused by gonococcal vaginitis.

Regardless of the cause of vaginal ulcers, the symptoms of their manifestation are very clear and the same for many suspected diseases. The most common complaints are:

  • Severe itching in the perineum, sometimes unbearable;
  • Burning when urinating;
  • The consistency and color of vaginal discharge always changes (they can be very diverse, characteristic of a particular disease);
  • Vaginal bleeding occurs;
  • Painful sensations in the genitals, and sometimes in the lower abdomen, increase;
  • Body temperature can be normal or low-grade;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Problems in sexual terms, since sexual intercourse in this case is not possible.


If the above symptoms occur, a woman should immediately consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Self-medication can lead to serious consequences, and independent, uncontrolled use of medications will lead to intoxication and aggravation of the symptoms of the disease. Also, a woman should understand that medications can blur the clinical picture of the disease, and it will be extremely difficult for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. Also, taking antibiotics can lead to the fading of symptoms and the disease becoming chronic, which will be very difficult to cure in the future.

When contacting a specialist with the problem of ulcers on the labia, a woman should first of all be interviewed about her complaints. The doctor should then talk to her about recent events in her life to understand the origin of the problem. The patient must answer questions truthfully, as treatment will depend on this. It is important to identify and preferably screen sexual partners to prevent further infection if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected. The information obtained by the doctor during the survey is strictly confidential.

After the conversation, the doctor examines the external genitalia on a gynecological chair. In some diseases, ulcerations are typical. So, for example, with syphilis, the ulcer on the labia is white in the recess and red along the walls. The woman undergoes a series of necessary tests, according to the doctor. If various diseases are suspected, the following tests may be prescribed:

  1. Smear from the vaginal mucosa for cytology;
  2. Cultures of material taken from the vagina on certain media in the LHC laboratory to determine the pathogen;
  3. A smear from the urethra is possible;
  4. and urine;
  5. Biochemical blood tests for possible damage to internal organs;
  6. Blood from a vein for viruses transmitted sexually or through household contact;
  7. Analysis of predisposition to cancer at the cellular level;
  8. Analysis of the Wasserman reaction.


After the results of all tests are received, the doctor can give the woman an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of ulcers on the labia always depends on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, which led to such damage to the vagina. It is important that the woman’s sexual partner also undergoes examination and is treated with her, otherwise re-infection will occur in the future.

Depending on what diagnosis has been established, treatment measures may be as follows:

  • Antibacterial therapy is prescribed for all types of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • Immunocorrectors;
  • Hormonal therapy;
  • Antihistamines are prescribed for an allergic reaction;
  • Narcotics can be used to relieve an attack of itching;
  • Vitamins;
  • The surgical method is used only for ulceration of papillomas;
  • Sedative therapy.

For ulcers of the labia majora of non-infectious origin, you can use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, string and a weak solution of potassium permanganate for washing. It's even better to make baths. To eliminate itching, it is good to apply special vaginal steroid creams. But all this will only smooth out the pronounced symptoms, and the main methods from the principles of therapy are outlined above.


The prognosis for ulcerations formed due to violations of personal hygiene rules or non-infectious diseases is favorable. Having eliminated the cause, the woman will live a full life both domestically and sexually.

With diseases of sexually transmitted origin, things are worse. It all depends on how far the process has gone. But even if the pathology is cured at an early stage, the consequences can be very serious. This is especially true for young girls planning to have children. Possible complications may include adhesions in the fallopian tubes, menstrual irregularities, and chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Today, many people are very negligent about the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness in intimate relationships. Modern medicine is believed to cure everything. The possibilities are undoubtedly very great, but not omnipotent. The consequences of diseases and side effects of drugs will remain with your body forever. How they will affect him is very difficult to predict. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent such diseases than to treat them.


The most important and effective prevention of all pathological changes in a woman’s genital organs is compliance with certain rules:

  1. Daily toilet of the genitals;
  2. Regular change of underwear;
  3. Wearing comfortable, appropriately sized underwear, preferably made from natural material;
  4. Cleanliness in sexual life;
  5. Use of personal hygiene items;
  6. Avoiding contact with things of an infected person;
  7. Using condoms during casual sexual intercourse;
  8. Proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Every woman can find herself in such an unpleasant situation when ulcerations appear on the genitals. The incidence of viral and venereal diseases is very high, even when transmitted through contact and household contact. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself and others. And if you are not satisfied with something in your condition, you must immediately see a doctor.

Even the cleanest women who have only one sexual partner and innocent girls can face such an unpleasant problem as ulcers on the labia. Sometimes such wounds hurt, itch and cause a lot of discomfort. What could it be? What diseases manifest themselves with similar symptoms and how are they usually treated?

The problem that is not talked about: ulcers in the intimate area - what is the reason?

Ulcers on the labia are not that uncommon. Most often, wounds are formed due to trauma to the genital organs. But such a symptom can also appear with many diseases, especially those that can be “caught” through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Of course, this is extremely unpleasant, but you still have to go to the doctor, because damage to the skin in the labia area can indicate serious illnesses. Based on the appearance, color of the ulcer and additional symptoms, one can make an assumption about what kind of infection has settled in the body. The doctor will make an exact diagnosis based on the examination results.

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It should be noted that most often with such symptoms a sexually transmitted disease is detected, but the cause of the formation of wounds and ulcers can be diseases such as scabies, typhoid fever, and diphtheria. These pathologies are accompanied by many other specific symptoms, so their diagnosis is usually not difficult. Therefore, let's look at the options in which ulcers on the genitals are the leading (and sometimes the only) manifestation of the disease.

Red sore: what will you need to be treated for?

If you have red wounds, the problem may be the following:

  • syphilis One of its characteristic external manifestations is chancre. This is a spot with a hard, bright red or brown base that has clear outlines. The size of the ulcer is from 0.5 to 2 cm. It can become granular in nature. In addition to the ulcer, there is a symptom such as enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • gonorrhea. She can report herself as a red ulcer, from which pus is released;
  • Nicolas-Favre disease (lymphogranulomatosis inguinalis). A round dark red ulcer with uneven outlines forms on the labia. Education is quite painful. The infection can be acquired not only through unprotected sex. It is caused by chlamydia trachomatis, which is able to penetrate the mucous membrane;
  • pyoderma. This is a common purulent skin lesion, which is associated with the introduction of pyogenic cocci into the tissue. One of its symptoms is round ulcers of a brownish-red color;

  • Lipschutz-Chapin disease. A less common disease, which manifests itself precisely in the formation of ulcers on the external genitalia. They are covered with a purulent coating on top and they itch very much. This disease is not associated with an STD; it is caused by Dederlein's vaginal bacillus. Sometimes the culprit of the disease is the papilloma virus (in this case, infection occurs through sexual contact). The rash can be present not only in the intimate area - it also affects the oral cavity, lips and other parts of the body;
  • chancroid. Transmitted through sexual contact. Multiple painful bleeding ulcers form at the site of infection. They are soft on palpation. These wounds have an irregular shape, their edges seem to be raised. Often they merge into one red spot. Purulent contents are released from them. Getting to new areas, it provokes the development of new ulcers.

White sores: what will be the diagnosis?

Itchy white sores on the labia are genital herpes. It all starts as with ordinary herpes: unpleasant sensations appear in some area of ​​the labia, a slight tingling sensation, and then small blisters are found containing cloudy contents. As the disease progresses, they burst, and wounds remain in their place. There is also a sharp deterioration in general health, which is associated with intoxication of the body. The temperature may rise slightly (up to 37.5). Some women complain that the presence of ulcers causes a strong burning sensation when emptying the bladder, as urine gets into the wounds.

Another disease with a similar symptom (although it is not associated with sexually transmitted diseases) is vulvar dysplasia. With this pathology, a rash appears on the genitals in the form of white (less often brown) spots.

What tests need to be taken to determine the disease?

Where to go with such a delicate problem? Such diseases are treated by a venereologist, gynecologist, and dermatologist. The diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination, which will help identify the pathogen. The doctor will definitely examine the affected area, take a culture on selector media, prescribe blood tests (general and biochemical) and perform microscopy. In some cases, diagnosis involves a biopsy.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, beware!

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. It includes local exposure to wounds using ointments and gels (such as Levomekol, Betadine, Acyclovir). Vaginal suppositories (Methyluracil) are also prescribed, antiviral and antibacterial drugs (Penicillin, Ecmonovocillin, Ceftriaxone, Tarivid), corticosteroids, and enzymes (Chymopsin, Trypsin) are used. To eliminate unbearable itching and pain, painkillers with a narcotic component (Baralgin, Analgin, Diphenhydramine) are used. To strengthen the immune system, vitamins A, B, E, and gamma globulin are prescribed. Irradiation using a Minin lamp gives a good effect.

However, the best way to treat such problems is prevention. Maintain personal hygiene, avoid contact with infected people, avoid unprotected sex and maintain your immune system.

Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the genitals can be manifestations of various infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as dermatoses and injuries. In this case, regional lymph nodes in some cases are involved in the pathological process, in others they remain intact. The pathological process can spread to the skin of the perineum, perianal area, and also be accompanied by rashes on other areas of the skin.

Since timely recognition of syphilis seems to be the most important, we believe that familiarization with the entire spectrum of similar erosive and ulcerative lesions of the genitals should be carried out in the process of differential diagnosis.


Chancroid is an erosion of regular round or oval shape, with smooth edges and sharp boundaries, without acute inflammatory phenomena in the circumference. The bottom of the erosion is smooth, shiny, as if polished, pink-red, sometimes grayish-yellow.

Its edges lie flush with the surrounding skin and descend to the bottom in the form of a crater. Sometimes the chancre appears to rise above the level of the skin due to the presence of a compaction at the base of the primary syphiloma. Hard chancre can be of various sizes: from millet grain - dwarf chancre, to a metal ruble and larger - giant chancre.

Most often, primary syphiloma is up to 0.5 cm in diameter. Sometimes primary syphilitic erosion can increase, its bottom becomes dark red and granular, with a slight lamellar compaction at the base, resembling a burn (“burn” chancre).

Typically, hard chancre is single, but patients with multiple (3–5 or more) chancre are often encountered. Usually, 5–8 days after the appearance of primary syphiloma, an increase in the lymph nodes located close to the chancre is observed (regional scleradenitis, or concomitant bubo).

The affected lymph nodes enlarge to the size of a bean, a walnut or larger. They are painless on palpation, have a dense elastic consistency, have an oval or spherical shape, are not fused to each other or to the surrounding tissues, are mobile, each node can be palpated separately. The skin over the nodes is completely unchanged.

The typical clinical picture of chancre may change as a result of the addition of a secondary infection. The following complications of chancre may occur:

  • phimosis;
  • paraphimosis;
  • gangrenization;
  • Phagedenism.

The diagnosis of primary syphilis is made on the basis of the typical clinical picture of chancre, characteristic regional scleradenitis and anamnestic data. The diagnosis must be confirmed by laboratory tests (detection of pale treponema in the discharge of primary syphiloma or punctate of regional lymph nodes, study of serological reactions).

Chancre should be differentiated from the following diseases:

  • erosive balanitis;
  • herpes zoster (herpes);
  • cancerous ulcer;
  • scabies ecthymas;
  • tuberculous ulcers;
  • acute vulvar ulcer;
  • chancriform pyoderma;
  • gonorrheal and trichomonas ulcers;
  • leishmaniasis.

Balanitis and vulvitis

Balanitis and vulvitis can be caused by a variety of microbial flora:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • gonococci;
  • various types of spirochetes;
  • fusiform bacteria;
  • trichomonas;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • diphtheroid rods;
  • Proteus;
  • coli;
  • viruses;
  • chemical and mechanical factors.

The clinical picture of balanitis varies depending on the degree of the inflammatory reaction. With simple balanitis in the area of ​​the glans penis, redness, swelling, superficial detachment of the epidermis are noted, subjectively - itching, burning; with erosive-circinar balanoposthitis - polycyclic erosions, prone to peripheral growth and the formation of extensive lesions; with ulcerative balanitis - sharply painful ulcers with copious bloody-purulent discharge.

Vulvitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. Acute inflammation is accompanied by swelling, hyperemia, purulent discharge, ulcerative or erosive lesions of the genitals, and gluing of the labia minora. Subjectively – itching, burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Simple . Acute viral dermatosis caused by neurodermatotropic filtering virus of 2 serotypes (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It is characterized by rashes of grouped blisters with transparent and then cloudy contents, developing against a hyperemic background.

Preferred localization is on the genitals, lips, cheeks, cornea, oral mucosa, wings of the nose, etc. The blisters shrink into crusts, which, when rejected, do not leave a scar. After opening the blisters, painful erosions with hyperemic, swollen edges form. Differential diagnosis is carried out when localized on the genitals with syphilis, acute Lipschutz-Chapin vulvar ulcer, erosive balanitis, and some dermatoses.

Trichomonas and gonorrheal ulcers

They are rare, characterized by acute inflammatory phenomena, have irregular polycyclic outlines, and in some places merge into extensive erosive areas without noticeable compaction at the base. The bottom of erosions or ulcers is bright red with copious discharge. Around erosions or ulcers, the skin is swollen, hyperemic, and palpation is painful. Regional lymph nodes do not enlarge.


Pyoderma chancriformis manifests itself as ulcerative lesions of regular round or oval shape with dense, roll-like raised edges and an infiltrated bottom, covered with purulent discharge or gangrenous decay. The color of the edges and surrounding skin is stagnant-brown or purplish-red. The similarity with chancre is emphasized by the enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Scabies ecthyma

Scabies ecthymas are often localized on the genitals of patients with scabies. Persons with reduced body resistance, malnutrition, the presence of chronic infections, those suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, and those who do not follow the rules of hygiene become ill. Skin injuries and scratching during scabies are of great importance, through which streptococcus, or less often staphylococcus, is introduced.

First, a pustule appears filled with serous-purulent or purulent-bloody contents. The pustule opens, dries into a brownish-brown crust, penetrating deeply into the thickness of the skin and surrounded by an infiltrated bluish-red rim, and may have peripheral growth. After removing the crust, a deep round or oval ulcer is discovered with swollen, inflamed soft edges and a bottom covered with tissue decay. Healing of the scar occurs within 2-4 weeks, pigmentation remains along the periphery of the scar.

Fournier's fulminant gangrene of the genital organs

The onset of the disease is sudden, swelling of the penis and scrotum appears, and the temperature rises. Superficial necrosis develops with gradual destruction of the external genitalia. Fulminant gangrene of the genital organs, described by A. Fournier (1883), is characterized by necrosis of the penis and scrotum, severe, sometimes fatal. The prognosis is serious.


With ulcerative rashes, they are localized at natural openings, at the junction of the skin and mucous membranes, including in the perineal area. They arise as a result of autoinoculation of mycobacteria from secretions of patients with open tuberculosis in the lungs, larynx, intestines and kidneys.

The lesions are characterized by painful small superficial ulcers with pitted, undermined, scalloped edges and an uneven, tuberous granulating bottom, covered with a yellowish purulent-serous discharge. Histologically, a nonspecific inflammatory infiltrate is characteristic; mycobacteria are found in the material.

Diphtheria and pseudodiphtheria

The skin can join pre-existing dermatoses, or occur secondarily by autoinoculation when the pharynx, nose, and eyes are affected. Diphtheria ulcers are limited, round or irregular in shape, covered mostly with a gray-greenish coating, painful, and develop on the genitals of women and children. The etiological factor is established by bacteriological methods.


Queyra's erythroplasia is a cancer of the mucous membranes. It is localized on the glans penis, in the fold of the preputial sac, on the mucous membrane of the mouth and vulva. Erythroplasia manifests itself as a sharply limited flat lesion with a diameter of 2–5 cm, slightly elevated above the skin level; the affected surface is smooth, shiny, moist; ulcerations and papules may occur, indicating malignancy.

In 20–40% of cases, erythroplasia transforms into invasive infiltrating spinocellular carcinoma with metastases to regional lymph nodes. The disease must be differentiated from benign limited plasmacellular balanoposthitis of Zun.

Epithelioma spinocellular

Initially, a very dense nodule the size of a pea develops, with a somewhat warty surface. When a zone of erythema appears around the element, the nodule turns into a painful ulcer with a dense, easily bleeding bottom, dotted with small whitish-yellow particles. The edges of the ulcer, rising above the surface, have a sort of inverted appearance. The ulcer grows over time and destroys the surrounding and underlying tissues, the tumor grows deeper. Pathomorphological studies reveal penetration of atypically growing spinous cells into the dermis and pronounced phenomena of dyskeratosis.

Traumatic lesions of the genitals

They have a linear shape with a soft base, are accompanied by acute inflammatory phenomena, are moderately painful, and heal quickly. Anamnestic data on the injury received are characteristic.

Dermatoses accompanied by the appearance of erosions and ulcers

Fixed develops as a result of taking various medications (sulfonamides, salicylates, barbiturates, antihistamines and other drugs). A few hours after taking the drug, pink spots of varying sizes appear in the genital area, gradually acquiring a purple color in the center, and after disappearing (after 5-7 days) they leave in their place a persistent slate-black pigmentation. On the genitals, against the background of spots, blisters often form, opening with the formation of erosions.

Blistering form of lichen planus

The clinical picture is characterized by the development of tense blisters on the surface of papular elements, and blisters with serous or serous-hemorrhagic content on larger plaques. Blisters in the form of lichen planus under consideration develop only within the papular elements and only in rare cases (with generalization of the process) can they appear on unchanged skin.


The clinical picture is distinguished by clear polymorphism (true and false); against the background of the development of inflammatory phenomena, erythematous spots, papules, blisters, pustules, erosions, scales, crusts, and numerous scratches may be observed. Characteristic is the alternation of affected and unaffected areas of the skin (“archipelago of islands”).

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Erythematous, vesicular and bullous rashes with transparent, purulent or hemorrhagic contents appear, as well as plaques typical of exudative erythema with a cyanotic regressive center. The mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, pharynx, and genitals are involved in the process. On the mucous membrane of the mouth there are purulent-gray layers, bullous rashes, and ulcerations.

Fissenger-Rendu syndrome - erosive pluriformial ectodermosis

Along with damage to the skin and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, damage to the urethra, foreskin, vulva, anus, severe keratitis, and conjunctivitis are observed. Sometimes pneumonia occurs.

Pemphigus vulgaris

In case of vulgar, in addition to the typical lesions, the mucous membrane of the mouth and the skin of the torso may have rashes in the form of blisters with a flaccid cover, which are easily opened by friction. Nikolsky and Asbo-Hansen symptoms are positive. In the imprint smears there are acantholytic cells. With pemphigus vegetans, papillomatous vegetative growths appear in places where the blisters have opened, against the background of an eroded surface covered with a dirty coating.

Behçet's syndrome

With Behçet's syndrome, a triad of symptoms is observed: damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals and eyes. On the mucous membrane of the genital organs there are multiple, deep, painful ulcers covered with a grayish-yellow fibrinous coating.

Aftoz Touraine

Touraine's aphthosis is characterized by recurrent aphthous rashes on the mucous membrane of the mouth, conjunctiva, vulva, vagina, and foreskin. Aphthae can ulcerate, leaving scars. On the skin of the face, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, papular, follicular acne-like rashes appear, in the center of which vesicles form, and along the periphery - a hyperemic corolla.

Estiomen, Hugier-Yersild syndrome

Pathogenetically it can be associated with tuberculosis, granuloma venereum, syphilis, chancroid, coccal, fungal infections. When examining patients, tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and internal genital organs is often detected. Deep infiltrative-ulcerative and sclerofibrous process with symptoms of lymphatic stasis and elephantiasis in the area of ​​the external genitalia, perineum, anus and rectum. When ulcers become scarred, severe atresia of the natural orifices occurs. Differential diagnosis is carried out with syphilis, inguinal, cancer, deep mycoses.

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Ulcers on the labia impair the quality of life. Visually, they appear as wounds or erosions on the mucous membrane and skin, often become wet and inflamed. They are covered with a crust, but there are also open, festering or bleeding erosions. The wounds differ in color (brown or light) and shape (large and small).

Ulcers on the genital organs in women can be localized in the singular or they form in bulk. Often the wounds are accompanied by other symptoms: itching, burning, redness and swelling, vaginal discharge.

Why do they appear

There are several main factors that provoke ulcers on the female genitalia. These include the following:

  • diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina and genitourinary system, independent of STDs. They are caused by bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms;
  • skin pathologies;
  • allergy.

There are other reasons that cause wounds to appear. But they are much less common. It is impossible to determine on your own the nature of the occurrence of ulcers.

Even gynecologists first take the necessary tests. Based on their results, a diagnosis is made. You can see the rashes in the photos provided.

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases

STDs are accompanied not only by sores on the labia majora and inner labia, but also by a number of other signs. This is an unpleasant odor, excessive pain or pain during emptying the bladder and sex, the desire to constantly scratch the intimate area.

  1. Genital herpes - with pathology, blisters with cloudy or clear liquid appear. When they burst, white sores remain in their place. Itching and inflammation of the intimate area are also characteristic. The disease is caused by the herpes virus.
  2. Syphilis is classified as an STD, although the bacteria can also be contracted through blood or through household means. Wounds on the outer or inner labia are a sign of the initial stage of the disease. Syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. The wounds are dark red in color, with a dense crust. The size does not exceed 5 millimeters in diameter. At the same time, the patient’s inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged.
  3. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection characterized by foamy, greenish vaginal discharge with a strong odor. Erosion on the intimate organs, which appears as a result of an unbearable burning sensation, swelling. Women experience severe pain when urinating.
  4. Gonorrhea is an infection caused by gonococci. It causes small and red sores to appear on the genitals. A yellow discharge with an unpleasant purulent odor comes from the vagina. When urinating and having sexual intercourse, a woman feels pain.
  5. Chancroid – This sexually transmitted infection is also called chancroid. It is caused by Ducray's bacillus. Spots appear on the genitals, which after one and a half to two weeks become ulcers. In their place, a soft chancre with a shiny bottom and smooth edges is formed.

Among other sexually transmitted pathologies that provoke the appearance of ulcers, there are molluscum contagiosum and granuloma venereum.

Not sexually transmitted diseases

Diseases can be caused by various microorganisms. Infections often affect not only the genitourinary system, but also the reproductive

  1. Thrush is candidiasis caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida. It is characterized by curdled, profuse, white discharge and sores on the genitals. Women experience unbearable itching, pain during urination and sex. Thrush affects not only the vagina, but also the anus. Candidiasis causes a decrease in immunity (after taking antibiotics, during pregnancy or chronic forms). Against this background, the active growth of candida fungi begins.
  2. Vulvovaginitis is caused by E. coli, also known as helminths. Most often, the disease develops due to poor body hygiene. Painful sores appear on the genitals, and itching causes sores.
  3. Leukoplakia - usually appears in women during menopause. Dense and white rashes appear on the intimate area. They have a hard and textured shell. If the disease is not treated, ulcers will form at the site of the rash.
  4. The appearance of a cyst on the genitals - it can be a Bartholin gland cyst, a vaginal or ovarian cyst. All of them can cause ulcers in the future.
  5. Vulvar dysplasia is a precancerous condition in which brown and dark spots form in the intimate area. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, causing sores and ulcers.

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, he will find out what it is, tell you how to treat and how to treat the disease.

Allergy wounds

Often the appearance of rashes and sores is caused by an allergic reaction. The disease is also called dermatitis. If the body is exposed to an irritant, then after some time rashes, redness, and swelling will appear. Symptoms disappear if contact of the allergen with human skin is excluded.

The main irritants include:

  • lubricants, lubricants, condoms;
  • intimate hygiene care products;
  • synthetic material from which underwear is made;
  • scented pads or tampons.

A child during adolescence may develop atopic dermatitis. These are allergic reactions in which during the cold season the labia begin to peel and itch. Accompanied by swelling and redness.

Ulcers in skin diseases

  1. Pyoderma is a skin disease, but it is quite rare on the labia. It is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. A red and brown rash appears on the genitals and is very itchy. The lymph nodes in the groin also become significantly enlarged.
  2. – with this pathology, a red formation appears on the labia majora or labia minora. Visually, it seems that the middle is pressed inside. During the recovery stage, an ulcer forms instead of a spot.
  3. - Caused by the scabies mite. It gets on the skin and sinks into the upper layers of the epidermis, gnawing through the skin. With scabies, there are many sores on the body due to the burning sensation. The mite prefers delicate areas of the skin, so ulcers form on the pubis and lips, between the fingers, and in the elbow area.


Treatment for ulcers depends on the disease and pathogen. For viral diseases, it is necessary to take a course of antiviral drugs. This could be Acyclovir or Zovirax.

If the disease is caused by bacteria, then only antibiotics will help. In case of serious pathologies, they are injected intramuscularly or intravenously. Most often, doctors prescribe penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. If you are allergic to them, then drugs of the macrolide or tetracycline group will help.

In case of allergic reactions, it is necessary to protect yourself from exposure to allergens and take antihistamines. These include Suprastin, Zodak, Zirtek.

The dosage and duration of taking medications is prescribed by the attending physician.


Rashes on the labia bring discomfort. They do not heal for a long time, they itch and hurt. A gynecologist will help diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. You should not self-medicate, this can lead to the situation getting worse and the disease becoming chronic or latent.