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Atheroma - what is it? How to treat atheroma on the head. What is atheroma - symptoms, complications, treatment Large atheroma

Atheroma is a neoplasm that is localized in the sebaceous glands. The root cause of the appearance is a clogged duct of the gland, which is responsible for the removal of sebum (also known as the sebaceous gland). The face, neck, shoulders, ears, back, chest are the locations of atheroma. The disease affects people regardless of gender and age.

The neoplasm is usually benign. It does not cause any trouble because it practically does not hurt. If an infection occurs, the wen begins to fester, become inflamed, the affected area turns red, and pain appears when palpated. In this case, it is recommended to open the cyst surgically.

Based on their origin, benign neoplasms in the form of atheromas are divided into 2 types:

  • primary (congenital);
  • secondary formations.

Congenital atheroma is characterized by the following features:

  • located on the head or scrotum;
  • consists of multiple clusters of cysts the size of a grain of lentil;
  • no painful sensations are observed when palpated;
  • the formation is soft, mobile.

If the outflow of sebum is obstructed, the glands expand. Secondary atheromas form. People suffering from acne and acne are most susceptible to the disease. With secondary atheroma, a person feels some pain when palpating the affected area, the cyst becomes dense, and the skin becomes pale. The increase in size is explained by the abundance of connective tissue around the lesion.

Based on the structure of the tissue, atheroma is divided into 4 types:

  • trichodermal;
  • epidermal;
  • follicular;
  • Steacystoma.

In some cases, atheroma matures and opens to the outside, releasing a sebaceous secretion.

Causes of the disease

Wen occurs due to the obstruction of the sebaceous duct. The sebaceous glands are located close to the surface of the skin, in the papillary and reticular layers. The sebaceous glands produce up to 20 g of secretion per day. If more of it is released, a cystic tumor growth appears in the gland - a wen.

There are several reasons for the appearance of atheroma. The etiology of the disease is indicated by the location of the cyst and its contents.

Retention follicular cyst is a secondary formation. The reason for its appearance is a blockage of the sebaceous duct. Locations of secondary atheroma:

  • face;
  • back;
  • complications of acne.

Epidermoids are neoplasms of hereditary nature. They emerge from the epidermis. Locations: groin and head (hairy part).

The formation of atheromas is influenced by the following factors:

  • metabolic disorders, as a result of which the consistency of sebaceous secretions changes;
  • inflammation of the follicle, blockage;
  • inflammatory process in the upper layer of skin;
  • pathology of the sebaceous glands (congenital defect);
  • improper care for problem skin;
  • self-treatment of acne and;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • increased sweating;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • genetic diseases.

Poor environment, working conditions, low-quality cosmetics, and constant use of deodorants increase the likelihood of disease.

Symptoms of atheroma

The clinical picture of the manifestations of the disease includes a number of specific signs.

  1. A round or oval-shaped compaction is felt under the skin. It has clear outlines, is mobile, and not painful.
  2. The surface of the skin is smooth.
  3. There is swelling in the center of the wen due to an increase in the excretory duct.
  4. The contents of the atheroma are white and mushy.

IMPORTANT! Atheroma is not life-threatening and does not cause discomfort if it does not become inflamed. A person feels discomfort from a psychological or aesthetic point of view if the wen is located on an open area of ​​skin. Large atheromas compress the vessels and tissues that are located nearby.

Fatty tissues tend to periodically become inflamed. This process is characterized by a number of features:
  • pain appears at the site of the lesion;
  • the area of ​​skin turns red and swells;
  • body temperature increases;
  • the wen contains pus.

Atheromas may not bother a person for years, but when an inflammatory process occurs, you should consult a doctor and, if necessary, open the formation.

Complications and consequences of atheroma

Timely treatment of neoplasms will avoid complications. The most likely of them include inflammation after surgery, relapse, phlegmon, and malignant formation.

The contents of the wen contain sebum and exfoliated epithelial cells. They provide a breeding ground for bacteria. To relieve inflammation, you need to get rid of the contents of the wen. This procedure must be carried out by a specialist.

If the wen capsule has not been completely removed, there is a risk of a new formation appearing in the same place. Sometimes re-growth of atheroma appears for no apparent reason.

IMPORTANT! The capsule with pus can melt and spill inside the subcutaneous layer, or break through inside it. Phlegmon is dangerous due to the appearance of inflammation and sepsis; it requires urgent medical intervention.

It is extremely rare that inflamed atheromas degenerate into malignant neoplasms. To reliably find out, the tissues are studied in the laboratory.

To minimize possible complications, wen should be removed in a timely manner. This method is a measure to prevent inflammation and ruptures.


The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture: the location of the atheroma is taken into account and its appearance is studied. Manifestations of the disease are similar to the processes of tumor development. In controversial cases, the patient is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination, as well as visit a dermatologist and oncologist. Unlike lipoma, which is also a benign neoplasm, atheroma has a cavity filled with fluid inside the capsule.

Treatment of atheroma

The most effective method of treating atheroma is its removal. Modern clinics offer to operate on a patient with a radiosurgery device. This method allows minimal trauma to the skin, has low blood loss, and is the most painless. The scars after the operation are small, the wounds heal quickly and without complications. Laser removal is performed using local anesthesia. The procedure takes about half an hour. Exposure to atheroma with laser or radio waves is a non-surgical intervention. These procedures are relatively painless and do not require long-term rehabilitation.

If the atheroma festers, it is recommended not to remove it, but only to open the inflamed area. The pus is drained out, then the wen is treated with an antiseptic and drainage is installed. After removing the pathological contents, the inflammation subsides. Then the capsule is excised.

It happens that the cyst bursts on its own. In this case, you need to take a cotton swab, carefully remove the contents, treat the wound with an antiseptic and seal it with a band-aid, after which you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can clean out the contents so that an abscess does not form later. You should not neglect the help of a specialist.

Treatment with traditional methods

As soon as a person notices wen, measures should be taken to eliminate them. Atheroma can be treated at home.

The most common remedy is lamb fat. It needs to be melted, cooled and rubbed into the affected areas of the skin.

It is recommended to rub a composition made from garlic gruel and sunflower oil. The paste is applied to the affected areas using massage movements. This method of treatment is aimed at removing the contents of the wen.

Egg films applied to the wen. Immediately after the procedure, inflammation and redness of the skin may appear, which goes away after a couple of hours.

Coltsfoot leaves applied to the inflamed areas during the day. Visible results from the procedure appear within a week.

Lakonos plant It is considered an effective remedy in the fight against atheroma. Its fruits should be crushed and the pulp applied to the affected area. The first results appear within a month.

Peony root has long been considered a medicine that helps get rid of many ailments. 2 tbsp should be dissolved in water (500ml). crushed peony root. You need to boil the water, then wait for it to cool. Strain the contents. The infusion is used as a rub on affected areas.

Leaves of the Golden Us plant are cut into small pieces. The pulp is applied to the wen. Then a film or bag is placed on top and wrapped with cloth. Leave it like this for 10 hours. The course of treatment ranges from ten days to two weeks.

It is considered an effective remedy compress of their chestnuts. To the gruel consisting of 5 chestnuts, add 1 tbsp. honey and aloe juice. The compress changes as the atheroma behaves.

Primrose grass pour a glass of water, boil, then cool and strain. The resulting solution is used to wipe the affected areas. It can be added to the bath. The herb "primrose" is very effective because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

There is a practice that involves treating with silver. Metal products should be applied to the wen for 10 minutes. For results to appear, the course must be at least three weeks.

You can learn about what folk methods of combating atheroma exist from the video. It describes in detail recipes based on medicinal herbs, and also provides instructions for each method.

Prevention of atheroma

Atheroma most often occurs due to hormonal problems, slagging of the body, due to ignoring the rules of hygiene and care. Doctors advise drinking herbal decoctions that cleanse the body. Nettle grass and rose hips are especially useful. Fresh juices, vegetables and fruits improve immunity. A diet that excludes salt and sweets helps restore lipid balance in the body.

Atheroma, like any other disease, requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Traditional medicine methods are often used to prevent disease. They prevent the wen from becoming inflamed and growing. It is prohibited to open the wen yourself. You need to contact a specialist.

The human body can be susceptible to a large number of different tumors. Some of them can be seen, as they are located on the surface of the body.

You may not even suspect the existence of others for a long time, since they are located inside and are often discovered by chance during thorough medical examination.

If there are no symptoms, then it is quite difficult to diagnose pathological changes in cancer.

Fortunately, atheroma not malignant when the uncontrolled proliferation of changed tissue cells leads to fatal consequences. It is classified as a tumor benign. Sometimes it is noted that this is not a tumor at all, but a cyst, that is, a bubble filled with fluid. Atheroma is formed due to the fact that the duct is clogged and the outflow of secretions from it stops. As a result, a capsule appears in which thick masses of a very unpleasant odor accumulate.

Detected atheroma frightens many patients. They're worried she'll outgrow to cancer. Such cases are quite rare, but for complete peace of mind, after the cyst is removed, it is carried out histological examination.

Atheroma develops in those places of the skin where there are a large number of sebaceous glands: neck, genitals. Externally, atheroma has a round shape with a soft consistency in most cases, but it can also be dense.

Typically, the size ranges from from 5 to 40 mm. That is, from a match head to a chicken egg and more, since it has the ability to increase in volume. Although atheroma can be invariably small throughout a person’s life.

Men and women of different ages suffer equally from this skin disease. Atheroma is almost always painless, the skin over the infiltrate (compaction) does not change. In case of infection, discomfort occurs. The tissue adjacent to the tumor becomes inflamed, followed by an abscess. Then the skin becomes red, swollen and purulent, the contents can break out on their own.

Factors influencing the appearance

Whatever the characteristics of what is popularly called “wen,” it is impossible to determine the type of subcutaneous formation by self-diagnosis. Only tissue examination, radiography, biopsy, ultrasound with consultation of a dermatologist and oncologist will determine exactly what is actually present - atheroma, lipoma, hygroma or dermatofibroma. Multiple atheroma also happens, but this is a different disease - atheromatosis.

What causes a neoplasm?

  1. Violation of metabolic processes. The consequence is a change in the nature of the secretions of the sebaceous glands, which leads to blockage of their ducts.
  2. Increased sweating together with hormonal changes in the body, which externally manifests itself as acne.
  3. Trauma resulting in damage to the sebaceous gland duct.
  4. Swelling of the hair follicle.
  5. An increase in the thickness of the secretion of the sebaceous gland, which disrupts its normal outflow.

Risk factors leading to disease

  • oily skin;
  • unsatisfactory ecology;
  • poor personal hygiene;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • work in hazardous industrial production;
  • chronic skin injuries;
  • frequent use of antiperspirant deodorants;
  • increased testosterone levels.

Treatment and prevention

If the atheroma is small and does not bother the patient, and is not a source of nervous disorders, it can be left alone. In all other cases, surgical removal of the skin lesion is performed.

This happens on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia in the form of a 1-2% solution of novocaine or lidocaine. First, the patient is asked whether Are you allergic to these painkillers?.

The most effective of all methods is peeling. Occurs with minor bleeding. The capsule along with the contents of the cyst is removed with a suture. The whole procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

The laser method will help to avoid surgical intervention, thanks to which the atheroma is opened, its cells are cut off layer by layer, after which the abscess cavity is treated. This method is effective in cases where the tumor-like formation is small in size.

Modern and safe method, in comparison with the above methods, sebaceous cysts are radio wave. No cuts and piercings. Within 15 minutes, the skin seal is removed along with the yellow masses by evaporating the cells under the influence of high-frequency radio waves. Moreover, if the atheroma is located on the scalp, then there is no need to shave your hair in contrast to surgical intervention, where this cannot be avoided. At the same time, this method is unacceptable if the patient has a pacemaker or a metal prosthesis.

There are quite a few. It is important to remember here that the main condition is the timeliness of their application. If the disease is advanced, then traditional medicine will bring harm, not benefit.

To avoid processes with suppuration, it is necessary to promptly seek medical help.

To avoid troubles associated with this disease, you need to eliminate all possible causes of atheroma. For prevention recommended:

  • Proper care for oily skin: wash your face with hot water and soap, plastic massage, steam baths.
  • If there is such a need, then take medications that dilute sebum and promote its unhindered secretion.
  • Fight excessive sweating.
  • Limit consumption of fatty foods, smoked, hot, spicy foods.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets, chocolate, alcoholic drinks and coffee in your diet.

Useful video

In this video you can visually familiarize yourself with the cause of atheroma:

Atheroma cannot resolve on its own, so there is no point in delaying the healing process, as it can grow slowly. To prevent atheromas from forming in the body again, you need to periodically undergo magnetic resonance examination.

If you have atheroma, treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist. Despite the fact that it appears as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland, over time the cyst can significantly increase in size. This can lead to physical and psychological discomfort, especially if it is located in a visible place in women. In addition, in some cases, the atheroma or cyst may become infected and require an autopsy, after which scars often appear.

Causes of atheroma

There are 2 main causes of skin cysts - external and internal. External causes include human working and living conditions, as well as poor ecology.

Internal factors include metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances in the body. This can lead to a person's skin condition being very deplorable. Multiple acne, pimples and other unsightly formations. In addition, with increased production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, blockage of the excretory duct of the hair follicle can occur. Multiple atheromas can appear on any part of the body where there is hair. This disease most often appears on the scalp, arms or torso.

When the orifice is blocked, sebaceous gland secretions begin to accumulate in the hair follicle, and the cyst can increase significantly in size. In some cases, an excretory duct remains on the atheroma, and the contents of the atheroma may periodically leak. A characteristic feature of these benign formations is that they may not grow for a long time, remaining small and almost invisible. Or quickly reach large sizes.

Diagnosis and treatment of atheroma

Symptoms of atheroma are not specific and can be easily confused with other skin formations.
Immediately after the duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, a small bump appears. Most often, it begins to grow and gradually increases in size. Atheroma is absolutely painless, it is soft, elastic and has clear contours. During palpation, slight mobility of the contents of the capsule under the skin may be noted.

The symptoms of the disease must be differentiated from lipoma, since they are quite similar in appearance. Often, in order to diagnose atheroma, it is necessary to puncture the cyst.

Unlike other skin formations, such as lipoma, fibroma and some others, the cyst cannot resolve on its own. Therefore, the use of traditional methods of treatment is inappropriate. With their help, you can ensure that the formation decreases slightly in size, but the problem will not completely go away. And using “pulling” drugs and traditional methods of treatment, it is possible to achieve infection of the cyst capsule.

If atheromas appear, under no circumstances should you do the following actions and procedures:

  1. Extrusion. Very often, when the formation is small, people try to squeeze it out. This should not be done under any circumstances, since the atheroma capsule may be damaged, which will lead to infection and suppuration.
  2. Self-opening of the formation. If you adhere to all the rules of asepsis, carrying out this procedure at home will not completely get rid of atheroma. This is due to the fact that even if the contents of the hair follicle are removed, the internal capsule of the atheroma will remain in place. Over time, it may again fill with the secretion of the sebaceous glands and all the symptoms of the disease will appear.
  3. The use of folk remedies that have a pulling effect. These methods will help soften the top of the atheroma and remove the internal contents, but not the capsule.

You can only get rid of atheroma through surgery. If treated in a timely manner, removal of the formation is carried out on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization of the patient is not required. After the procedure there are no scars or scars left.

Treatment of infected atheroma

Infected skin atheroma is much more dangerous. Symptoms of the inflammatory process appear - redness of the skin around the atheroma, swelling, pain on palpation, local increase in temperature. It may increase in size as a result of the formation of pus inside the capsule.

If the atheroma becomes inflamed, you should immediately contact a surgeon to decide whether an autopsy is necessary. This is necessary in order to prevent the capsule from rupturing or melting. Indeed, in this case, all the pus will end up in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which can lead to the development of an abscess or extensive phlegmon.

For small atheromas, you first need to relieve the symptoms of inflammation. For this, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory ointments. If a purulent cyst has formed, it must be opened. Depending on how advanced the disease is, this is carried out in a clinic or hospital setting. In this case, all purulent contents are removed, the capsule is washed and drained. However, the cyst capsule is not removed because there are signs of an inflammatory process. The wound heals by secondary intention and a scar is formed. In some cases, you may need to take antibacterial drugs.

2-3 months after opening the cyst and its healing, it is necessary to surgically remove the capsule. This will help prevent secondary inflammation in the same place.

How to prevent the occurrence of atheroma?

Prevention of atheroma primarily includes comprehensive facial skin care. To do this, you need to wash your face regularly with warm water and soap. If you have oily skin, you need to ensure proper care for it - regular use of baths, scrubs, cleansing creams. Periodically you need to go for facial cleansing. These procedures are necessary not only for women, but also for men, because the disease is common in both sexes.

In addition, it is necessary to remove the causes of atheromas. It is necessary to be thoroughly examined and, if there are problems with the endocrine system, treated. If you have a metabolic disorder, you need to reconsider your diet. It is recommended to remove foods containing large amounts of fat, especially animal origin, from your diet. Nutrition should be balanced and fortified.

When a subcutaneous formation appears, there is no need to self-medicate.

There are many different diseases, which can be very difficult to recognize on your own. But some of them require a diametrically opposite approach to treatment. Therefore, you need to immediately consult a doctor to determine treatment tactics and the need for surgical intervention.

A benign tumor-like formation that occurs when the sebaceous gland is blocked is called atheroma. It develops almost asymptomatically, unless an inflammatory process is involved. Why a cyst appears and what the main symptoms are, we will look at it in more detail in the article.

The name “atheroma” itself is Greek and consists of two words: tumor and pulp (gruel). This neoplasm is also called a cyst, wen or steatoma. Age does not matter for the onset of the disease; it is diagnosed in children, even infants, and adults.

Divided into the following types:

  • Trichodermal.
  • Epidemoid.
  • Follicular.
  • Steacystoma.

In the international classification of diseases, atheroma is defined as a disease of the skin appendages. It is almost impossible to visually distinguish this type of benign neoplasm from similar ones; only a thorough diagnosis is needed.

Causes of the disease

Sebaceous glands are distributed throughout almost the entire skin. They secrete a special fatty lubricant - sebum - to moisturize and protect hair and skin from drying out. About 20 grams of fatty substance are secreted from one gland per day.

When the ducts are blocked by keratin or sebocytes, the lipid secretion begins to be produced more intensively and the gland swells, turning into a fatty cyst. Since the location of the sebaceous gland is very close to the surface, atheromas are formed during blockage of the excretory canal. They are most often located on the face, in the neck, back, and hair-covered areas of the head. Less commonly they appear on the chest, abdomen, genitals, shoulders and forearms, and legs.

Let's consider other causes of atheroma:

  • Genetic diseases.
  • Ignoring personal hygiene rules.
  • Frequent and improper use of cosmetics and hygiene products.
  • Long-term use of certain medications.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Pimples, blackheads and skin injuries when trying to get rid of purulent rashes on your own.
  • Congenital pathologies of the sebaceous gland.
  • Inflammatory processes on the surface of the dermis and in adipose tissue.
  • Unintentional or accidental damage to the sebaceous ducts.
  • An inflammatory process that has formed in the hair follicle.
  • Slow oil metabolism in the scalp or clogged hair follicles.
  • Poor metabolism.

The causes of a benign formation are determined by its location and internal content.

Types of neoplasms

The following types of atheroma are quickly diagnosed and well known to doctors:

  • Epidermoid. Congenital benign tumors, the cause of which can be considered a genetic predisposition in humans. The main places of localization are the groin area and the head.
  • Retention follicular. They belong to the so-called secondary neoplasms and appear when the sebaceous duct is blocked. Sometimes they are classified as a complication after acne. Place of origin: upper torso.

In most cases, there are multiple benign neoplasms of adipose tissue, and one person can have up to 10 or more pieces. Isolated cases occur less frequently.


Externally, atheroma does not manifest itself in any way until it becomes noticeable. Discomfort occurs when it comes into contact with clothing or a hat, it all depends on the location of the tumor-like formation. Resembles a spherical seal, without pain and other unpleasant signs. The skin over the atheroma does not change in any way; upon palpation, the cyst capsule moves.

Compared to other benign neoplasms, atheroma can grow from 1 to 3 cm, has clear contours, and the center of the sebaceous duct is clearly visible in the middle.

Symptoms become more pronounced when the tumor becomes inflamed. In this case, painful sensations occur, the temperature may rise, the skin around the inflammation turns red, sometimes the atheroma bursts and subcutaneous fat with pus is released.

If the tumor-like formation does not open on its own, the operation is performed surgically in a medical institution.

Main differences

In terms of clinical manifestations, atheroma is similar to other neoplasms, especially lipoma. What are its differences?

  1. Atheroma - occurs in the sebaceous ducts. It belongs to benign neoplasms, but is not a tumor, but a typical cyst. The origin of this formation has long been known - the accumulation of fatty secretion in the body of the cyst as a result of obstruction of the sebaceous duct. May be subject to suppuration and inflammation. A striking distinctive feature of atheroma is the clearly visible center of the sebaceous gland duct. The density and elasticity of the cyst is felt. It is partially fused to the skin, but is quite mobile.

  2. Lipoma - grows in adipose tissue. The causes are considered to be heredity and metabolic disorders. The consistency of the formation is not solid and occurs regardless of the presence of hair. Basically, lipoma is located on the shoulders, hips, sometimes the abdominal area and on the head. When palpated, it does not move and is not attached to the skin. It increases slowly, and no symptoms appear. The peculiarity of lipoma is that it often grows into the deep layers of the skin, muscle or periosteum. Eliminated through surgery.

We can draw a general conclusion: atheroma is a cyst filled with fatty secretion; Lipoma is a homogeneous benign neoplasm.

You cannot make a diagnosis based on personal observations and palpation; you should definitely seek help from a qualified doctor. Cosmetologists, dermatologists, and surgeons deal with the problems of subcutaneous tumors.


It should be remembered that atheroma will not resolve on its own, so traditional methods of treatment are useless; they can only stop the growth of the cyst, but not eliminate it.

The main way to get rid of a trichodermal cyst is surgical removal of the area of ​​skin associated with the tumor, while the capsule is removed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia (Novocaine, Lidocaine). After the surgeon has removed the atheroma, it may reappear.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • Incomplete removal of the tumor.
  • Opening a suppurating cyst, but not completely eliminating it.
  • Self-medication. After the pus breaks through, improper treatment leads to the recurrence of atheroma.

Experts believe that the surgeon or an incorrect comprehensive approach to treatment after its elimination is to blame for the reappearance of a trichodermal cyst. The surgeon only opens the cyst or excises it, and further treatment is carried out by cosmetologists or dermatologists.

During the acute phase, it is not recommended to eliminate atheroma due to the high probability of its reappearance. Therefore, the inflamed cyst is first opened, treated, and then finally removed. With the right approach to treatment, the recurrence of sebaceous cysts is virtually eliminated.

Possible complications

Atheroma is a harmless benign neoplasm. The risk occurs when inflammation is not treated properly. Complications when atheroma occurs include the inflammatory process in it, suppuration and abscess, as a consequence. The operation to remove the cyst is simple and cannot cause serious consequences.

However, there are some risks that you need to be aware of:

  1. An increase in body temperature after opening purulent atheromas or after removing a large cyst.
  2. Swelling in the surgical area.
  3. Fluid accumulation. After surgery, tissue fluid accumulates in the place where the cyst used to be and an infection may occur. To avoid this problem, drainage and a tight bandage are done.

It is important to seek medical help in time so that atheroma does not develop an inflammatory process and suppuration does not appear. With the right approach to treatment and timely diagnosis, consequences after surgery are extremely rare.

Perhaps the term “atheroma” may be unknown to the ear of the common man. But this is not due to the fact that this phenomenon is quite rare. It's just that the term itself is not that common. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said about the disease.

Atheroma is the most common human skin disease. She occurs equally often in both men and women. This disease has different causes, as well as different features. In order to more easily and effectively counter the possible threat of the appearance of this disease, you should understand in more detail the nature of the problem itself.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma is a cyst that is located on the skin in the area of ​​the sebaceous gland. Such a cyst occurs due to complete cessation or difficulty in the outflow of secretions from the gland. The reason for this phenomenon may be blockage of the external opening of the sebaceous gland duct. A secretion accumulates in the gland duct, which stretches the duct and forms a whole cavity filled with sebaceous content, which contains the following elements: keratinized epidermal cells, dead organic matter detritus, cholesterol crystals and drops of fat. The interior of the formation is smooth epithelium.

Experts distinguish true and false atheromas. The true variety develops due to development from detached epidermal cells during their embryonic development. True atheroma is a hereditary disease. False atheromas appear precisely as a result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this process, a sac is formed, which is filled with contents from atheromatous masses.

Causes of atheroma

There are a number of reasons that can lead to the appearance of such an undesirable formation on the skin, called atheroma. These reasons should be carefully examined, since it is unknown at what point this formation may appear, and also specifically why.

So, this skin formation may appear due to the following unfavorable factors:

The existence of such a diverse number of reasons can be explained as follows: blockage of the flow of the sebaceous glands can occur due to various reasons. There is no one specific reason for the formation of an epidermal cyst., so it can appear due to various factors.

If a person knows all the causes of this disease, he can prevent the appearance of atheroma on the skin. You can change your place of residence if there is a risk of skin diseases due to unfavorable atmospheric conditions. Also You should maintain regular skin care. If you adhere to proper hygiene, the risk of such formation on the skin is reduced several times. Therefore, this is a very important point that you should definitely pay attention to.

Differences between atheroma and other formations

Atheroma is a skin formation that is quite specific. This means that the disease is different from other rashes, that allows you to quickly identify and diagnose it. You should also know the distinctive qualities of this formation in order to ensure proper treatment of this disease.

Atheroma differs from other skin formations in that it:

  • is formed due to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • contains capsule;
  • characterized by the presence of a rather unpleasant pungent odor;
  • can be removed through surgery, using a laser, or using the radio wave method;
  • tends to fester and become inflamed;
  • has a light color when formed, but during inflammation it can acquire a reddish tint;
  • occurs only in certain areas of the body where there is hair;
  • is, in fact, a benign cyst;
  • attached to the skin, which can be noticed immediately if you try to move the atheroma.

One of the most common manifestations of atheroma is a cyst that appears in the auricle. Mostly these are formations on the lobes or behind the ears themselves. This is explained by the fact that in these places the production of fatty secretions is increased.

Such a formation should be removed almost immediately after its discovery. This is required in order to to avoid infection in the cyst, as this can lead to a sharp increase and suppuration of the formation. Even those atheromas that at first glance do not pose a danger should be removed. They can become inflamed at any moment, and the consequences will be much more serious.

Symptoms of atheroma

Such skin formations are usually located in those areas of the body that are especially rich in sebaceous glands. More precisely, they are in danger the following areas: face, scalp, tailbone and genital area, interscapular region and back of the neck. It should be remembered that these areas are the most susceptible to the appearance of atheroma, so it is imperative to monitor the hygiene of these places.

What does atheroma look like?

Atheroma is a subcutaneous formation of a round shape. This formation has clear boundaries and is also characterized by different sizes. Atheromas can be small or large. A small atheroma is a formation the size of a pea, while large ones can reach the size of a chicken egg (there are even larger specimens).

This formation is covered by normal skin, which indicates that it does not form on the skin, but appears under it.

Upon closer and more careful examination of the atheroma, you can see the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, which is located in its center. Through this duct masses of atheromatous content may be released. If you palpate the formation, you will notice that there is no pain. In addition, the atheroma is mobile, since it can be moved along with the skin. This means that when it appears, this formation attaches to the skin from the inside.

If atheroma appears in a patient, it is not a fact that it will subsequently increase in size. It should be remembered that there are different cases, so the increase in education is practically impossible to predict. The growth of this formation is quite slow, but when the atheroma reaches a size of two or three cm, a cosmetic defect occurs.

Initially, the disease appears in the form of a fairly harmless spherical formation. But do not underestimate this dangerous cyst. Subsequently, the situation may worsen, which consists in the fact that the atheroma begins to grow and then turn into an ulcer. Also there are cases when the formation begins to become overgrown with a capsule with a dense structure. It remains on the skin without causing any pain.

Possible complications of atheroma

It should be remembered that when a formation of this type appears, there is a high probability that complications may subsequently arise. They are quite possible, unless, of course, take care of timely treatment. In any case, if even a small, harmless atheroma appears, you should definitely contact a specialist who can prescribe the necessary treatment and prevent the subsequent development of an unwanted formation.

Otherwise, quite unpleasant consequences may arise. They consist in the fact that atheromas, if left untreated, begin to fester. Also after this, the formation of a subcutaneous abscess can be observed.

Once the inflammatory process has begun, new unpleasant complications can be expected. In total with the process of suppuration, the appearance of pain is observed in the field of education. Redness and swelling of the skin also occurs. Against the background of the occurrence of all these symptoms, there is a general deterioration in the condition of the person affected by this disease. An elevated temperature may also be recorded.

There are cases when spontaneous opening of an atheroma occurs, which has already undergone suppuration. In this case, pus may be released, which has a very unpleasant odor.

The seriousness of this disease is indicated by the fact that in some rather rare cases, this skin formation can transform into a malignant tumor. Therefore, you should not start it and at the first symptoms you should consult a doctor.


Atheroma is a rather serious disease that must be treated immediately. This should be done in order to to avoid very serious consequences for your health. It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to neglect an existing problem, as there is a risk of a malignant tumor developing in the patient.