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Audio equipment Medvedev. Dmitry Medvedev's audio system. START Treaty

After the TV report, photographs of an informal breakfast circulated on federal RuNet channels Dmitry Medvedev And Vladimir Putin at the presidential residence in Gorki-9. “Tandem” had a modest breakfast - bread and milk. But in some photographs, the guarantor of the constitution proudly posed in front of a stand with audio equipment. Product fan Apple and nanotechnology turned out to be a lover of the sacramental "warm tube sound": in his collection there was a place for a reel-to-reel tape recorder, a vinyl player, and speakers for $75 thousand. Meticulous audiophile bloggers identified the components of the “presidential kit”, rating it $200 thousand. The annual income of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is 67 thousand euros.

A few photographs were enough for Russian bloggers to identify the president of the country as an audiophile, who is not embarrassed to pay up to 200 thousand dollars. In a report from the breakfast of the president and prime minister at Medvedev’s Gorki-9 residence, the attention of bloggers was drawn to an unusual audio system. Audiophiles compared images and information in catalogs of various companies, finding out that the president has a vinyl record player in a place of honor. Avid Acutus Reference SP with power supply. In Russia, such a unit is sold for $31.000 .

The presidential collection included a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Technics RS-1500US, discontinued, which is sold only in used form for $2000-3000 . With automatic reverse function, 3-speed, 3-motor. The age of the system is approximately 10-12 years. It has been suggested that the system is designed to listen to eavesdropping recordings from the KGB archives (pictured below).

On the second shelf on the left of the President there is a power supply for the player Avid cost 320-350 thousand rubles, on the right – a phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage behind 220-240 thousand rubles (pictured below).

On the third shelf is a CD player Naim CDX2. It has three modifications, outwardly indistinguishable. If this is a basic modification, then it’s worth 200-220 thousand rubles, If CDX2.1- something more expensive by 50 percent, If CDX2.2- expensive 100 percent. System age – from 2 to 5 years (pictured below).

The hit of the collection is the acoustic system Daniel Hertz: speakers M1(costs 75 thousand dollars from a Swiss manufacturer), monophonic power amplifiers M5 TELIKOS(4 blocks of 5-6 thousand dollars), preamplifier M6 (7-8 thousand dollars). The latest system was presented less than a year ago (pictured below).

Bloggers also identified some types of cables and connectors, some of which cost up to $3000 a piece. Some of the equipment could not be identified, but based on the main components it was calculated that the kit “pulls” on $200 thousand dollars. Its cost can be half as low if the equipment was purchased on the “secondary market,” writes the author of the “investigation.” davnym-davno. Which is unlikely, given the status of the owner and the fact that much of the equipment is undoubtedly new. " As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly, better in sound. True, it should be noted that if the president decides to sell this particular set (if it is his personal property and not state property), he will get three times more for it (after all, the equipment is from the president’s room), and for this money he will be able to purchase a set more expensive and more refined" - ironically yarosh .

Meanwhile, President Medvedev's annual income is at most half the cost of the equipment - 67 thousand euros. “I saved money on breakfast,” the bloggers state, nodding at the photo of the president and prime minister eating rye bread.

– That is, even the highest official of the state demonstratively does not want to live on one salary... Pzdts! And he plays “deep purple” at full volume? “If Vladimir Vladimirovich doesn’t mind, then he just turns it on sometimes.) I think he’s not allowed to reach full volume after all...”, commented on the blog chibis .

Presidential penchant for "warm tube sound" found many more sympathizers among the male population of Runet than the guarantor’s love for iPhones. " This is the second time in a week that Bear has received respect. Soon, without noticing it, I will begin to support it... Very cool technology, I kindly envy that someone is enjoying it...». « Oh cool! And Medvedev knows a lot about such devices. :) Unless, of course, the selection of equipment was not done by the “staff”... but this is unlikely... everything is too collectible and non-standardly assembled... to the taste of one person. He knows a lot about it! :)" True, some evil bloggers claim that this is the response of citizens who have recognized similar signs of anal fixation in the president. " Very modest indeed. But it is clear that they are not homeless. They don't indulge in multi-channel sound. The audio wall is not being built. Then, the president did not promise during the election campaign that he would listen to music on Sonate-214 “, note the “moderates”.

Oddly enough, even the powers that be have small weaknesses in the form of hobbies. Here is a post about the audiophile inclinations of the former Russian president. Few people will appreciate this unobtrusive hobby, and it is unlikely that ordinary people will allow themselves such expenses. But there will still be connoisseurs, as here, and they will estimate the approximate cost of the hobby. ...

Photos from Reuters from a meeting during a working lunch between Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin at their Gorki residence outside Moscow became the number two topic on the Internet last week. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister came to the meeting with bread and dairy products that he brought from the Golden Autumn 2010 agricultural exhibition, bloggers did not pay attention to “bread and salt.” Oddly enough, the President's music audio center was subjected to detailed analysis.

Blogger Sasha Chibis examined the President's audio center in detail in the photograph and gave a rough estimate of the cost of the audio system used by Dmitry Medvedev.

These are the components into which the complex of the audio center of the President of Russia was broken down by director, applied branding consultant and DJ Sasha Chibis, calling Dmitry Medvedev an aesthete and a “sound lover.”

Well, now for more details about the components:

This is an Avid Acutus Reference SP turntable with power supply.
In Russia it sells for $31,000:

And this is a Technics RS-1500US reel-to-reel tape recorder. The model has been discontinued and is now sold only used for $2000-3000:

A lover of classic hard rock cannot appreciate the beauty of Smoke On The Water without the warm tube sound. You can’t do without a phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage for $8000:

Dmitry Anatolyevich plays the CD on a Naim CDX2 (the basic version costs $7,000, the top version costs $14,000):

The most expensive component turned out to be Daniel Hertz M1 speakers at $75,000 per pair.

Also identified in the photo is a Daniel Hertz M6 1 MegOhms preamp ($8000 from the manufacturer), 4 M5 TELIKOS amplifiers at $6000 each, cables and connectors (some of them at $3000 each).

In general, the blogger believes that Dmitry Medvedev estimates the sound quality on a system costing about 200 thousand dollars.

“I contacted an expert on this type of technology, he generally agrees with the estimates given, however, he believes that the cost of the speakers may be overestimated, since the price is difficult to determine from the picture. In addition, the prices from the review are very approximate values, such equipment can only cost so much at the time of sale, and the market price for equipment that has already been in at least some use is halved. Thus, if the initial estimates are correct, then the kit costs $100 thousand, not $200.

As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly better in sound,”— the blogger completes his research.

Moscow, October 05 (New Region, Alexey Usov) – After the TV report, photographs of an informal breakfast circulated on federal Runet channels Dmitry Medvedev And Vladimir Putin at the presidential residence in Gorki-9. “Tandem” had a modest breakfast - bread and milk. But in some photographs, the guarantor of the constitution proudly posed in front of a stand with audio equipment. Product fan Apple and nanotechnology turned out to be a lover of the sacramental "warm tube sound": in his collection there was a place for a reel-to-reel tape recorder, a vinyl player, and speakers for $75 thousand. Meticulous audiophile bloggers identified the components of the “presidential kit”, rating it $200 thousand. The annual income of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is 67 thousand euros.

A few photographs were enough for Russian bloggers to identify the president of the country as an audiophile, who is not embarrassed to pay up to 200 thousand dollars. In a report from the breakfast of the president and prime minister at Medvedev’s Gorki-9 residence, the attention of bloggers was drawn to an unusual audio system. Audiophiles compared images and information in catalogs of various companies, finding out that the president has a vinyl record player in a place of honor. Avid Acutus Reference SP with power supply. In Russia, such a unit is sold for $31.000 .

The presidential collection included a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Technics RS-1500US, discontinued, which is sold only in used form for $2000-3000 . With automatic reverse function, 3-speed, 3-motor. The age of the system is approximately 10-12 years. It has been suggested that the system is designed to listen to eavesdropping recordings from the KGB archives (pictured below).

On the second shelf on the left of the President there is a power supply for the player Avid cost 320-350 thousand rubles, on the right – a phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage behind 220-240 thousand rubles (pictured below).

On the third shelf is a CD player Naim CDX2. It has three modifications, outwardly indistinguishable. If this is a basic modification, then it’s worth 200-220 thousand rubles, If CDX2.1- something more expensive by 50 percent, If CDX2.2- expensive 100 percent. System age – from 2 to 5 years (pictured below).

The hit of the collection is the acoustic system Daniel Hertz: speakers M1(costs 75 thousand dollars from a Swiss manufacturer), monophonic power amplifiers M5 TELIKOS(4 blocks of 5-6 thousand dollars), preamplifier M6 (7-8 thousand dollars). The latest system was presented less than a year ago (pictured below).

Bloggers also identified some types of cables and connectors, some of which cost up to $3000 a piece. Some of the equipment could not be identified, but based on the main components it was calculated that the kit “pulls” on $200 thousand dollars. Its cost can be half as low if the equipment was purchased on the “secondary market,” writes the author of the “investigation.” davnym-davno. Which is unlikely, given the status of the owner and the fact that much of the equipment is undoubtedly new. " As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly, better in sound. True, it should be noted that if the president decides to sell this particular set (if it is his personal property and not state property), he will get three times more for it (after all, the equipment is from the president’s room), and for this money he will be able to purchase a set more expensive and more refined" - ironically yarosh .

Meanwhile, President Medvedev's annual income is at most half the cost of the equipment - 67 thousand euros. “I saved money on breakfast,” the bloggers state, nodding at the photo of the president and prime minister eating rye bread.

– That is, even the highest official of the state demonstratively does not want to live on one salary... Pzdts! And he plays “deep purple” at full volume? “If Vladimir Vladimirovich doesn’t mind, then he just turns it on sometimes.) I think he’s not allowed to reach full volume after all...”, commented on the blog chibis .

Presidential penchant for "warm tube sound" found many more sympathizers among the male population of Runet than the guarantor’s love for iPhones. " This is the second time in a week that Bear has received respect. Soon, without noticing it, I will begin to support it... Very cool technology, I kindly envy that someone is enjoying it...». « Oh cool! And Medvedev knows a lot about such devices. :) Unless, of course, the selection of equipment was not done by the “staff”... but this is unlikely... everything is too collectible and non-standardly assembled... to the taste of one person. He knows a lot about it! :)" True, some evil bloggers claim that this is the response of citizens who have recognized similar signs of anal fixation in the president. " Very modest indeed. But it is clear that they are not homeless. They don't indulge in multi-channel sound. The audio wall is not being built. Then, the president did not promise during the election campaign that he would listen to music on Sonate-214 “, note the “moderates”.

After the TV report, photographs of the informal breakfast between Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin at the presidential residence in Gorki-9 circulated on federal Runet channels.

“Tandem” had a modest breakfast - bread and milk

In some photographs, the guarantor of the constitution proudly posed in front of a stand with audio equipment.

« Oh cool! And Medvedev knows a lot about such devices!»

from here

President Dmitry Medvedev: blogger, photographer, cat owner, audiophile

Over the past four years of his presidency, Dmitry Medvedev has been remembered by Russians not only as the initiator of a number of reforms, a champion of modernization and a fighter against corruption. Among the many hobbies of the outgoing head of state are music, sports, social networks, technical innovations and much more.


Help Putin and Medvedev move

From the very beginning of his work as president, Dmitry Medvedev positioned himself as an active Internet user. He was the first among officials in Russia to widely use blogs, including for feedback from Russians, calling on Russian officials to follow his example.

The head of state appeared with his own video blog on the official website “Video Blog” in October 2008, which was followed by the registration of the presidential blog in “Live Journal” in 2009, the most popular blog platform on the Runet at that time. The Internet audience appreciated the president's idea - after just a few hours of work, the number of community readers exceeded two and a half thousand people.

After this, comments in LiveJournal often became the basis for investigations and instructions from the president. An example was the situation with underground gambling establishments, which were closed in several Russian cities at once following an inspection initiated by readers of the blog of the President of the Russian Federation.

Following LiveJournal, Medvedev mastered Twitter- he started his own microblog during a visit to the headquarters of Twitter in Silicon Valley in the USA, in 12 hours he had more than 15 thousand followers (followers, from the English follow - “follow”), now their number exceeds a million. This was followed by registration on Facebook and VKontakte.

Following the president, other Russian officials began to appear in the blogosphere and social networks, whose online activity several times led to funny situations at official events. So, in 2010, correspondence on blogs began between members of the State Council. During his speech, the President even commented on a post made on Twitter by Kirov Governor Nikita Belykh during the meeting, saying that the idea of ​​​​creating presidential lyceums belonged to him.

Dmitry Medvedev visited Twitter headquarters

“Here Nikita Yuryevich Belykh, who sits and writes on Twitter directly from a meeting of the State Council - apparently, there is nothing else to do - noted that the idea of ​​​​state presidential lyceums is his idea. I absolutely agree with this. It was your idea, not mine But maybe this doesn’t make it worse,” Medvedev said.

There were also caricatures, photoshopped photographs and flash mobs dedicated to the popularization of badminton. Thus, a cartoon appeared on the Internet in which, next to the emblems of various types of troops, a new badge was depicted - “badminton troops”.

Interestingly, the idea of ​​​​popularizing badminton was also taken up by some foreign leaders, for example, British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Amateur fan

Medvedev noted that he closely watches the key matches of Russian teams, “sometimes from TV screens, and sometimes, as they say, in life.” The head of state regularly attends key sporting events.

In 2009, the president personally attended the decisive matches of the Russian team in Luzhniki, and even came to Slovenia to support the team.

Football also became a topic of conversation during Medvedev’s meetings with his foreign colleagues, including Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. In 2010, along with the World Cup, the famous octopus Paul was discussed, who predicted the outcome of all matches involving Germany and predicted the championship title for the Spanish team.

The ups and downs of Russian football were also reflected in Medvedev’s microblog on Twitter.

“Hurray! Victory! We are hosting the 2018 Championship! Now we need to properly prepare for the World Cup. And, of course, to perform with dignity,” Medvedev wrote when Russia won the right to host the world football championship.

Fellow octopus Paul set Merkel and Medvedev up for a visa-free regime

Russian President D. Medvedev and Russian Prime Minister V. Putin in Sochi

Several times when Medvedev came to the stadium to cheer for one of the Russian teams or watched the broadcast of a match on TV, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin kept him company.

In October 2009, the president and head of government visited Luzhniki to support the Russian national football team in a qualifying match against the German team, the outcome of which largely determined the fate of a direct ticket to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

And in the summer of the same year, Medvedev and Putin, after a working meeting in Sochi, enjoyed watching the broadcast of a friendly match between the Russian and Argentina national football teams.

In one of his interviews with the heads of federal channels, the president asked the general director of the NTV channel, Vladimir Kulistikov, whether he was a fan. “I’m an amateur,” he replied.

“Well, I’m probably an amateur,” the president agreed.

Gourmet taster

During foreign trips, the Russian president's stay program sometimes includes informal meetings with colleagues over breakfast or dinner.

Unlike working breakfasts or gala dinners, such events are informal and allow the head of state to both communicate with his foreign colleagues on abstract topics and taste local cuisine.

“When I travel abroad and have a free minute, I always go to a national restaurant, where you can feel the soul of the people,” he said at a meeting with young people, which took place in October 2011 at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

He complained that he was unable to visit foreign museums and other cultural centers “for security reasons, because the museum needs to be closed.” But with a small restaurant there are no problems.

“The language of cuisine is understandable to everyone,” he believes.

At the G8 summit in Toyako in 2008, Medvedev told reporters that the main thing for him in any kitchen is high-quality preparation and natural, not genetically modified products.

Abroad, the head of the Russian state was treated to both exotic dishes - lobster meat with pickled watermelon (APEC summit in Singapore) or a salad of berries, pitahaya and coconut cream jelly cubes with lime juice (APEC summit in Honolulu) - and ordinary burgers and fries .

Obama fed Medvedev fast food at his favorite diner

In 2010, in Washington, US President Barack Obama invited his Russian colleague to a working breakfast at one of his favorite restaurants.

The American leader acted as an adviser and helped Medvedev decide on the order. The presidents ordered a serving of Coca-Cola and Nestea, as well as a large plate of burger and fries.

When traveling around the country, the head of state also has pleasant moments associated with tasting local dishes and products.

In Kazan, Medvedev was treated to dried horse meat sausage, dried goose and chak-chak, at a fish factory in Tobolsk - different varieties of fish, in the Kuril Islands - red caviar, in Rostov-on-Don, the president, together with his colleagues from the EU, tasted dishes of Don cuisine.

And in Mongolia, the Russian president was given a jar of cold medicine, which must be applied to the hand with a special stick and then inhaled.

Having done all this, Medvedev said: “It’s tearing through, but it smells delicious,” and handed the jar to his delegation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was the first to sniff the medicine. Observing the reaction of the minister, who is known as a heavy smoker, Medvedev remarked: “This, Sergei Viktorovich, is not like smoking. It is healthier.”

Cat owner

Dmitry Medvedev's cat Dorofey

The cat Dorofey, an old-timer among the pets of the Medvedev family, unlike the Labrador Koni, owned by Vladimir Putin, remained unnoticed by the press for a long time.

Only at the end of the fourth year of Medvedev’s presidency did journalists decide to correct this omission: information appeared in the media that the Moscow Region police were searching for the missing Dorofey.

The news, which did not receive official confirmation, was widely circulated in the media and Runet, and the name of the cat Dorotheus was included in global Twitter trends. The disappearance of the presidential "kote" also became a reason for jokes and caricatures.

The “cat” meme appeared several years ago and is very popular among Internet users who prefer to refer to cats this way in their publications on social networks. Posting photos and pictures of cats on blogs is an extremely popular topic. There are many communities and groups on social networks dedicated to “kote”.

In response to a remark from microblog user Halfblood_Uliss that the president dances like her dad, Medvedev wrote: “In terms of age, it seems that’s the case)). ".

Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana attended the Elton John concert

Medvedev’s music library includes, among other things, representatives of Russian rock, and last year the president said that he also listens to ethnic music, which calms him down while working. Medvedev developed the habit of working to music a long time ago: at one of his meetings with Russian rock musicians, he admitted that he wrote his dissertation to music.

During his presidency, Medvedev attended concerts not only of Deep Purple, but also of Elton John, whose music he assessed as serious and of high quality. And one day the head of state stopped by a rehearsal of the domestic rock band “Time Machine”.

The Russian leader also repeatedly said that in his youth he performed as a DJ and played hard rock at discos. Like many music lovers, Medvedev is the owner of various audio equipment, but, unlike the president, not every music lover can boast of having rare pieces in his collection.

Cinema lover

Despite the lack of free time, the head of state also finds time for cinema.

“I like French cinema because it is much closer to our cinema. I’m not against Hollywood, Hollywood is also good, but still French films are closer for our Russian perception, the Russian sensitive soul,” Medvedev said.

At one of his meetings with cultural figures, Medvedev noted that it is necessary to encourage the creation of domestic action films aimed at youth audiences. Making such films “is not necessary in order to take the audience away from Hollywood, we will never take it away, because it is a cool and gigantic machine, which sometimes creates rubbish.”

The President emphasized that this kind of film production should use the entire arsenal of computer effects.

However, the head of state likes some domestic innovations, despite the lag behind Hollywood in terms of special effects.

Among such paintings are “Brest Fortress” and “August Eighth”. The president watched “Brest Fortress,” a chronicle of the first days of the Great Patriotic War, together with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and “August Eighth,” dedicated to the war in South Ossetia,

At the suggestion of the owner of LiveJournal under the nickname davnym-davno, bloggers appreciatedthe cost of a set of presidential musical equipment is 200 thousand dollars(more than 6 million rubles).

So, the already famous photograph of Dmitry Medvedev’s audio center from the Gorki-9 residence shows:

Vinyl record player Avid Acutus Reference SP with power supply. In Russia it sells for$31000

Reel-to-reel tape recorder Technics RS-1500US . The model has been discontinued and is now sold only used$3000-4000

Phono stage with its own power supplyAvid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage - $8000

Amplifier M5 TELIKOS, $6000 per piece (there are 4 of them in the main photo, two on the left and on the right)

Next, the surge protector Isotek Aquarius Black .In Moscow it can be purchased for$1700-2000

There is some other equipment on the bottom shelf, which has not yet been identified. + cables and connectors, some of which cost $3000 each. In total, the entire system (without yet unidentified equipment and stand) costs $175,000

Leica S2-P camera worth it without a lensmore than 1 million rubles(with a lens one and a half to two)

Previously, Dmitry Medvedev was spotted using a Leica S2-P for personal use

At Sound training of the President

Photos of the President and Prime Minister during an informal meeting in Gorki-9 spread around the RuNet:

The attention of bloggers was attracted by the unusual audio system of President Medvedev, so what is included in the presidential kit (identification and approximate estimate found from a blogger chibis ):

Avid Acutus Reference SP turntable with power supply.
In Russia it sells for $31,000.

Technics reel-to-reel tape recorder RS-1500US
The model has been discontinued and is now sold only used for $2000-3000

Phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stag e -- $8000

Naim CDX2 CD player
The basic version costs $7,000, the top version costs $14,000

Speakers Daniel Hertz M1$75,000 per couple in Switzerland
(in Russia it is apparently more expensive).

Daniel Hertz M6 Preamplifier 1 MegOhms ($8000 from the manufacturer.)

Amplifier M5 TELIKOS$6000 per piece (there are 4 of them in the photo, two on the left and on the right).

There is some other equipment on the bottom shelf, which has not yet been identified.
+ cables and connectors, some of which cost $3000 each.
In total, the entire system (without yet unidentified equipment and stand) costs $175,000.
Those. a complete set will cost $200,000.

I contacted an expert on this type of technology, he generally agrees with the above estimates, however, he believes that the cost of the speakers may be overestimated, so it’s difficult to determine the price from the picture. In addition, the prices from the review are very approximate values; such equipment can cost so much only at the time of sale, and the market price for equipment that has already been used in at least some way is halved.
Thus, if the initial estimates are correct, then the kit costs $100 thousand, not $200.
As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly, better in sound.

True, it should be noted that if the president decides to sell this particular set (if it is his personal property and not state property), he will get three times more for it (after all, the equipment is from the president’s room), and for this money he will be able to purchase a set more expensive and more refined.