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Conversation on the topic of green pharmacy. Green pharmacy for children conversation. Summary of the event "green pharmacy". Doctor Beautiful hands and feet

, Ecology competition “The Earth is our common home”

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

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  • to form children’s understanding of medicinal plants and their properties,
  • expand and specify environmental ideas on the topic,
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards medicinal plants.

Planned results


  • know medicinal plants and their properties,
  • understand the importance of medicinal plants in people’s lives and the need to treat them with care,
  • apply the acquired knowledge in practice.


Cognitive UUD:

  • use the textbook and other sources of information;
  • describe medicinal plants and their properties;
  • give examples of the use of medicinal plants in life;
  • evaluate information and verify its accuracy.

Regulatory UUD:

  • understand the essence of the problem, accept and maintain the learning task;
  • learn how to solve problems;
  • evaluate the results of activities;


  • answer teacher's questions;
  • carry out joint work;
  • allow for the possibility of different points of view.


  • awareness of a person’s responsibility for general well-being, independence and responsibility for one’s actions.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivational and orientation stage.

Let's remember what significance plants have for humans?

(Plants feed humans, clothe them, make furniture and building materials from them, obtain fuel, heal humans, decorate our lives, etc.)

Solve the crossword puzzle and use the keyword to guess what we will talk about in class?<рисунок1>

Sisters are standing in the field
Yellow eye, white eyelashes.

What kind of plant can you tell me?
Does everyone think it's a weed?
Who has thorny flowers?
Are they attached by a spike?
Who is everywhere in nature
Spreads itself
And often, in case of illness,
Does it help many people?
From children to old women
What's his name? ….. (Burdock)

The grass is very fragrant
Fragrant leaves.
Collect quickly
And make some tea!
And you will find it near the house
It's called - ..... (mint)

It grows along the paths
It just doesn't bloom at all
They can stop the bleeding
What kind of grass?..... (plantain)

Burns like fire!
Be careful not to touch her!
Grew under an old plum tree
Very stinging - ..... (nettle)

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
And in two days
My head is bald
I'll put it in my pocket
Former - ....... (dandelion)

People save me
As a cure for colds
Flu and sore throat are not scary either
If I'm nearby -...... (raspberry)

What will we talk about in our lesson?

What is a pharmacy called?

Free expressions of children.

Let's read the meaning of the word pharmacy in the explanatory dictionary.


Pharmacy- an institution engaged in the sale of finished medicines and other medical products, as well as the manufacture of medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions.

Today in class we will talk about the “green pharmacy”.

What is called a green pharmacy?

Children make guesses.

Treatment with medicinal herbs has long attracted the attention of people. Herbal medicine originated in ancient times. Herbs are a real storehouse of health; they contain substances that help the sick body cope with the disease. In Rus', sorcerers, healers, and herbalists treated with herbs.

How can you explain the meaning of the word herbalist?

But why, in our time of computer technology and fantastic medical achievements, talk about medicinal herbs? There are tablets, potions and various fast-acting substances. They help fight the disease on the one hand, but on the other hand they have side effects.

We will talk in detail about medicinal plants growing in our area.

What medicinal plants of our area do you know?

2. Practical stage. Work in groups.

Children recognize medicinal plants in the herbarium, lay out labels, find additional information on cards, and prepare short messages.

Card 1

Plantain grows where people walk. Plantain is indispensable when hiking. An infusion of leaves is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and asthma. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the gums and toothache. Look at your feet, along the path - and you will definitely find plantain leaves.

Card 2

Nettle has been known as a medicinal plant for a long time. One nettle replaces seven doctors, so says the popular proverb. It is used as a hemostatic agent, an infusion of flowers is used for skin diseases, used as a wound healing agent, an infusion of leaves is used to gargle for sore throats. The property of nettle to “bite” has long been used in medicine as a distracting remedy for rheumatism and aching joints. Despite the pungency, nettle leaves are edible.

After cooking, they are suitable for cabbage soup and salads.

Card 3

Strawberries are collected not only for jam. Since ancient times, strawberries have been used for medicinal purposes. Its berries contain a large amount of vitamins. Strawberry fruits stimulate appetite and regulate digestion. Dried strawberry leaves are brewed like regular tea.

Card 4

Common yarrow is a very interesting plant. It is used as a hemostatic agent. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth.

Card 5

Raspberries are loved not only by insects, animals and birds; raspberries are brewed into tea for colds, and jam is made from it.

Card 6

On the same stem, some flowers are dark pink, others are cornflower blue. This is a lungwort. It got its name because its flowers contain a lot of nectar. This is one of the earliest honey plants. Lungwort is a beautiful flower that everyone who finds themselves in the forest willingly picks.

It’s just a pity that instead of a modest bouquet, they end up with a whole armful of flowers in their hands.

Card 7

Lily of the valley is a medicinal plant used in both folk and traditional medicine. As a means of strengthening and normalizing the cardiovascular system, a tincture of flowers, leaves and stems is used. Lily of the valley substances are used for cardiac neuroses, cardiosclerosis, heart defects and heart failure. They are often used in combination with valerian and hawthorn and other medicinal plants.

Working with an exhibition of books dedicated to medicinal plants.

You can learn about other medicinal plants from various books. The books will teach you how to properly collect and store medicinal plants. (Children look at books, read titles, passages, etc.)

The presentation (7 slides) is accompanied by a performance by children.

Game “Dandelion”

1. The rain is pouring, the sun is warming, the dandelion is growing in the clearing. (children stand up)

2. The wind came and began to blow on the dandelion. (swing with raised arms)

3. The wind blew even stronger. (children run away on their tiptoes)

4. Suddenly white parachutes flew (children crouch)

5. Where the parachutes fell, dandelions grow again. (children stand up)

3. Statement of a problematic question.

- “Green Pharmacy” may close?

Let's think about the reasons for this anxiety and think about ways to help the “green pharmacy”.

How can we help plants in spring?

What code of laws of behavior in nature must be followed for the “green pharmacy” to operate?

Select prohibitory signs for this purpose and justify their necessity.<рисунок 2>

What problems should adults solve so that the “green pharmacy” does not close?

But, unfortunately, there are other reasons that do not exclude the possibility of its closure. Let’s think about them. (Deforestation, use of fertilizers and pesticides, air and soil pollution in the process of human economic activity). Medicinal plants not only die, but also absorb harmful substances soluble in water and air and become real poison.

To prevent the “green pharmacy” from closing, everyone - both adults and children - needs to be reasonable and far-sighted.

4. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Independent work. Match the picture of the medicinal plant with the name.

5. Summary of the lesson.

What new things did you learn and what did you learn during the lesson?


Medicines are made from medicinal plants.

Medicinal plants are effective in treating many diseases.

Many medicinal plants need protection, so they should not be picked unnecessarily.

I would like to end the lesson with words

People, take a look around
How nature is truly beautiful.
How we need the care of your hands,
So that her beauty does not fade.

Municipal educational institution
secondary school No. 5 in the village of Prikumsky, Mineralovodsky district, Stavropol Territory

Methodological development

lesson about the world around us

"Green Pharmacy"

for 1st grade students

Lesson Objectives :

– development of educational and management skills (formulation and achievement of an educational task; organization of work in pairs, groups) and educational and logical skills (analysis, comparison, classification);

– formation of communicative (ability to work with information, work in pairs, groups) and organizational competences (setting and solving educational problems, reflecting on activities).

Objectives: developing the ability to think, defend one’s point of view; speech development, enrichment of students’ vocabulary, development of the ability to analyze and compare.

Learn to relate old knowledge to new ones, introduce medicinal plants, rules for collecting medicinal plants.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature, fostering a culture of communication in the classroom.

During the classes.

!.Organizing time.

Today in the lesson we will take you on a short journey into the world of nature, we will open one interesting page that is important for humans. For your work in the lesson you will receive chips. At the end of the lesson we will see which of you has collected more chips.

Now listen to the poem.

If you want to be healthy,

Do without doctors

You should know in advance

Plants are of great use!

All plants are useful

They are medicines for people

Helps against diseases

Only each from his own.

If someone has a cold,

My head hurts, my stomach hurts.

So, we need to heal,

So, let's go to the garden.

We'll take some potion from the garden,

Let's go to the garden for a pill,

Let's quickly cure a cold.

You will be happy with life again.


What is this poem about?

What medicinal plants do you know?

The theme of the lesson on the surrounding world is “Green Pharmacy”.

What is a pharmacy?

A pharmacy is an establishment where medicines are sold or prepared; first aid kit (first aid kit)

What do you think we will study in class today?

(children's assumptions)

2. Challenge.

Game "Do you believe that..."

On your desk, each of you has a table with question numbers and empty cells under them. I will ask you questions, and on the second line you will put “+” if you agree, and “_” if you disagree.

3. Do you believe that if you drink a decoction of medicinal herbs during a cough, the cough will go away faster?

5. Do you believe that if a plant is a weed in the garden, then it cannot be medicinal?

Place your signs on the edge of the table; we will test your knowledge of this at the end of the lesson.

3. Understanding.

Introductory conversation.

What medicinal plants do you know? And in what cases do they help people?

Do you want to know more such plants? Where can we get this information?

Open the textbook on p.61. Name the medicinal plants.

Teacher's explanation of the task.

Now you will work in pairs. On each desk there is a plant - a herbarium or a living plant. You must look at it and read the text about this plant, and then tell the whole class about it. You can tell it like this: one child describes the plant, the other talks about its purpose.

Work in pairs.

Looking at plants and reading text.

St. John's wort.

In ancient times, this plant was considered a herb for ninety-nine diseases. By special royal decree he was transported from Siberia to Moscow. Popular rumor endowed the grass

“terrible power” - mows down every beast right and left. Hence the name of the plant. This plant helps with wound healing, ailments, and coughs.

Tea made from St. John's wort flowers and leaves is very useful.

Pharmaceutical chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.
White tiny flower -
For poultices, for lotions.
If inflammation
Decoction - calming.

Medicinal chamomile is used for the treatment of sore throat, cough, pain reliever


The plantain grows
Only the time comes
On the ground dry and hard
Near the roads.
People talk about him
Good words.
Plantain will help everyone -
Humble grass.
If you cut your hand
Or knocked his leg,
He will heal your wounds
And it will add strength.

Dandelion-grows in fields, meadows, gardens, forests, along roads, near homes. Medicinal raw materials are leaves, roots, herbs. In medicine, dandelion root and herb are used as a bitterness to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Shepherd's Purse- found everywhere in fields, vegetable gardens, along roads. Shepherd's purse decoction used for fever, for healing wounds and ulcers. Shepherd's purse herb is used in the form of freshly squeezed juice or a recently harvested plant.

Celandine- found throughout the country on rocks, wastelands, and vegetable gardens. The medicinal raw material is herbs. It contains 20 toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on many microbes and are dangerous to humans and animals. The plant heals wounds and removes warts.

Linden blossom - use the bark to treat burns; The fruits are used to stop nosebleeds. An infusion of linden flowers is recommended for rinsing the mouth, (sore throat), for headaches, for colds .

Yarrow- perennial. Flowers are collected in baskets. Grows in meadows. Herbs and flowers help with digestive diseases and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Slides: chamomile, plantain, yarrow, celandine, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, dandelion, linden flowers.

A story about plants.


Physical education minute.


Do you think there are rules for those who collect plants?

What are they needed for? Why do you think so?

Teacher's explanation of the task.

As a group, you should discuss the rules for collecting plants. One child will prepare a story about the rules. Whichever group is ready to tell us the rules, you will raise the flag and sit upright.

Group work.

Discussion in groups.

Statement of rules by a group representative.

Explanation of the task.

Read the text on p. 61 and compare with what you already know. Make notes in your textbook with a pencil.

Reading text p. 61.and text analysis.


3. Reflection.

Regional component.

Frontal conversation.

What plants grow in our area?

All these plants grow in our region. And there are also many useful and beautiful: hawthorn, burdock, wormwood, coltsfoot, clover, nettle and many other plants.

And now we’ll play the game “Sharp Shooter.” To do this, remember everything we studied in the lesson. You need to connect the name of the plant with its purpose for treatment

Individual work.

Working with the table “What a plant heals”

.Checking on the interactive whiteboard.

Game "Do you believe..."

1. Do you believe that all plants are medicinal?

2. Do you believe that 1 plant can treat several diseases?

3. Do you believe that during an illness you can only be treated with pills?

4. Do you believe that if you get injured in nature, you can only help yourself with medicine?

5. Do you believe that if a plant is a weed in the garden, then it cannot be medicinal?

6. Do you believe that all the plants a person needs can be plucked as much as possible?

7. Do you believe it, children can pick medicinal plants themselves, brew them and drink them as tea.


Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like to know what interesting and useful things you learned in class.

What topic did you study in class?

Suggest phrases:
I met...
It wasn't easy...
I managed...
I would like to...
I remember...

What did you like about the lesson? Let's see which of you did the best. Count the chips and tell who earned how many chips.

Homework. At home, read the textbook again on pp. 60-61. Do the task in your notebook p.38.

Lesson summary.

Used Books:

1. Study nickname O.N. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov “The world around us” 1st grade (Moscow, Academic book/Textbook, 2011)

2. Reader by O.N. Fedotov, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov (Moscow, Academic book/Textbook, 2011)

3. Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Methodological manual for teachers. – M: Academic book/Textbook.

Internet resources:

1. www.medicalplant.ru/20.shtml

Lake School

branch of MKOU "Burkova secondary school"

Extracurricular activity

P. Third Decisive

Goal and tasks: continue to develop students’ knowledge about the importance of plants in human life; deepen knowledge about medicinal plants; develop skills in collecting medicinal plants, the ability to distinguish poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones; to instill a caring attitude among schoolchildren towards their own health.

Equipment: student reports, multimedia board for demonstrating the presentation “Green Pharmacy”, crossword puzzle, riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

I.Teacher's introductory talk:

Here in the forest thickets,

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where there is clean air

It's so sweet to breathe

Found in herbs and flowers

Healing power

For everyone who can

Unravel their secret.

What does your mother do when you are sick? (Children's answers)

Where do you get your medications? (At the pharmacy)

What is a pharmacy?

A pharmacy is an establishment where medicines, sanitary and hygiene items are sold or manufactured.

- The topic of our lesson is “Green Pharmacy.”

What do you think it is? (Children's answers)

The Green Pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy on our planet, and its age goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Plants are the first medicines of ancient man; we no longer know how he used them, but the very first printed sources mention medicines from plants.

A person who understands medicinal plants and knows how to compose recipes is called a Herbalist.

What medicinal plants do you know? (Children's answers)

Medicinal plants have long been used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The first information about their use dates back to the 6th millennium BC. e. In Rus', herbal treatment has been known for a long time; it was practiced by healers and sorcerers. Herbal treatment received the greatest development under Peter I, when “pharmaceutical gardens” began to be created. The first such vegetable gardens were created in the cities of Astrakhan and Lubny.

II. Express – student reports about medicinal plants.(Drawing of a plant and a short story about it)

Dandelion officinalis

· Pharmaceutical camomile

· Large plantain

· Greater celandine

· Yarrow and others.


I am a daisy, familiar to you too

A medicinal friend will always help you

And if you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will develop, a fever will rise

Pull the steaming mug closer to you

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

I am one of the most popular medicinal plants. I have an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect. My decoctions can be used for burns, frostbite, fever, allergies. For rinsing the mouth and throat, for colds. Previously used against freckles. They use my inflorescences.


The plantain is growing, the time is just approaching

On dry and hard ground near roads

People say kind words about him:

Plantain, a humble herb, will help you.

If you cut your arm or knocked down your leg

He will heal your wound and give you strength

Helping people silently, without fear of adversity

A plantain lives on the ground next to us.

I heal wounds, cuts, stop bleeding. And my decoctions and infusions treat coughs and bronchitis. The eyes are washed with the decoction. Leaves and seeds are used.


I blossomed on the sunny edge

She quietly raised her lilac ears

People say she is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to go forward

But everyone will bow to me and take it carefully

I am a tricolor violet. People call me “pansies”. I help with coughs, colds, allergies. Use the above-ground part (grass)


Used for coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, burns, insect bites, and also for appetite. Leaves and inflorescences are used.


There's no mistaking my smell for anything else. I am a very fragrant plant. I soothe headaches, I am used for insomnia, for stomach diseases, for gargling and mouthwash. It is also used as a seasoning. Leaves and inflorescences are used.


I am the cats favorite grass. Learned? I am used as a sedative for insomnia, as well as for liver diseases. Roots are used. I can be replaced with another medicinal plant - a resident of wastelands - motherwort.

St. John's wort.

I am the herb for 99 diseases. Many legends are associated with me. People have long noticed that some animals, eating me on sunny days, suffer from itching, skin inflammation, and then die. Hence the name - St. John's wort. But I help people: they use me to treat headaches, radiculitis, and stomach pain. I improve my appetite and relieve allergies. The ointment is used to heal wounds.


People call me marigolds. My products and infusions help in treating the stomach, liver, and heart. I treat burns and bruises. Rinses are very effective. They collect flower baskets from me.

III. Guessing riddles.

1. He showed his thorns sharply.
His thorns are like needles.
But we will not collect thorns from him,
We'll pick some useful fruits for the pharmacy.

(Rose hips. Vitamin remedy.)

2. The grass grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green leaf
It suits us for tea.
Guess what kind of weed it is.

(Oregano, thyme.)

3. Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bush.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

(Raspberries. For colds.)

4. It’s bitter in haymaking,
And it's sweet in the cold.
What kind of berry?

5. I burn, not fire,
With leaves, not a tree.


6. I crawled out of the tiny barrel,
It took roots and grew.
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of hail or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.

(Acorn. It is useful to gargle for sore throat and gum disease.)

7. You injured your leg while hiking,
Fatigue doesn't let me go -
Bend over: soldier by the road
Ready to help you along the way.


8. A fashionista like this
The earth has not yet seen
He loves it very much in the summer
Show off in a downy hat.


IV. Task: Find a medicine.

V. Reminder for collector of medicinal plants

· Medicinal plants are collected in sunny, dry weather: leaves and stems - during flowering, flowers - at the beginning of flowering, fruits - during the period of full ripening, roots - in autumn.

· Do not collect dusty, dirty or diseased plants.

· Do not collect plants near roads and industrial enterprises.

· Do not take medicinal plants by mouth, as many of them are poisonous.

· Plants cannot be pulled out; they must be cut with a knife. The roots need to be dug up.

Medicinal plants should be dried immediately in a well-ventilated place.

· You can grow medicinal plants yourself in gardens and school plots - for example: chamomile, sage, valerian, yarrow, motherwort.

· There are plants in nature that cannot be smelled, taken into the mouth, or picked. They are poisonous!

· Plant poisons in small doses are used as medicine.


Words are given, the vowels of them have escaped. You must restore these words.

P __D__R_ZHN_K

VII.Summarizing. Reflection.

What new did you learn about medicinal herbs today?

Is this information useful to you?

If you want to be healthy!

If you want to be healthy,

Do without doctors

Eat more onions, garlic,

After all, they are of great use!

If you hurt your leg,

Don't worry, don't cry,

Plantain to the rescue -

Call me soon!

Blitz survey

What is your cat's favorite grass? (Valerian)

Instead of a bandage for burns and wounds? (Plantain)

What plant can even the blind recognize? (Nettle)

What plant decoctions are taken for colds (Linden, chamomile)

Which fruits contain a lot of vitamin C (Orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit)

Goal: acquaintance with the diversity of the plant world, its ecological unity, and instilling a caring attitude towards plants.

Introduce children to medicinal plants and their medicinal properties.

Expand children's knowledge about medicinal plants that can partially replace chemicals, and that plants are more harmless to the human body.

Foster respect for plants to preserve the integrity of ecosystems.



Green pharmacy (slide 1)

Target: acquaintance with the diversity of the plant world, its ecological unity, and instilling a caring attitude toward plants.


Introduce children to medicinal plants and their medicinal properties.

Expand children's knowledge about medicinal plants that can partially replace chemicals, and that plants are more harmless to the human body.

Foster respect for plants to preserve the integrity of ecosystems.

Slide 2.

Herbs and flowers have healing powers
For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.
V. Rozhdestvensky

There is a well-known legend that tells how the ancient Indian physician Charaka was sent by his teacher to the forest to bring several completely useless plants. “Teacher,” said Charaki, returning from the forest, “I walked through the forest for three days and did not find a single useless plant.”

Essentially, any plant is created by nature for the good, and the task of man is only to understand its purpose, since the entire green world is a kind of pharmacy, about which the poet S. Kirsanov rightly wrote:

I don't walk in the steppe

I'm walking around the pharmacy

Understanding her herbal file.

I would like you not to trample the meadows and fields indifferently, but to be able to see the beauty and benefits of every flower, every blade of grass!

Slide 3.

Stinging nettle.

The Russian name comes from the Old Russian word koprina - silk. Fiber was obtained from nettles for the production of fabrics.

Among the Russian people, nettle was famous as a sure remedy against evil spirits - witches and mermaids.

It is known as a food plant. Soups and salads are prepared from its leaves. More than once, thanks to its nutritional value, it helped people out during difficult years of trials:

I avoided flowers.

I considered them an unnecessary wonder,

And I looked for those places where the nettles

It stood as an impregnable wall.

Burnt with green fire,

I cut off the prickly legs,

Unusual colored flatbread,

We ate afterwards, burning ourselves.

And now I'm a flower lover,

I smile happily at anyone

There are nettles in the backyards,

Like a memory of those terrible years. (V.Sergin)

Nettle has been known as a medicinal plant for a long time. It is recommended for pneumonia, bleeding, abscesses, and wounds. “One nettle can replace seven doctors,” says popular wisdom. It is used as a wound-healing agent; for old coughs, a decoction of nettle roots in sugar syrup is recommended.

An infusion of nettle leaves is used to gargle for sore throats, as well as to strengthen hair.

The stems and leaves of nettle are covered with many stinging hairs. This feature is reflected in proverbs, sayings, and riddles.

It's like sitting in nettles with him.

Although it’s not fire, it burns.

She herself is cold, but she burns people.

What kind of grass can a blind person recognize?

Nettle leaves contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid and glucose.

Slide 4.

Pharmaceutical camomile.

It’s as if a ray of sun has sprouted,

Behind the city ravine,

Shine with droplets of dew

Vintage daisies. (A. Markov)

The Russian name comes from the Latin “romona” - “Roman” and is borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty, responsiveness, kindness and perseverance.

In the Carpathians, there was a belief that in the spring, as soon as the sun warms up, snowflakes from the mountain slopes turn into daisies, and at the beginning of winter, daisies turn into snowflakes.

Medicinal properties.

Chamomile is an ancient and popular medicine among many peoples. It was believed that chamomile was not far from roses in its tenderness.

In Russian medicine, it enjoyed special love; its popular names indicate this: uterine grass, blush, bathing suit. It is used as a sedative, diuretic, and anti-cold remedy.

Externally for rinsing for diseases of the oral cavity. Chamomile flowers are also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for stomach diseases and have an antiallergic effect.

Chamomile flowers are used in cosmetics to give blond hair a golden hue.

There are a lot of riddles about chamomile:

At the forest gatehouse

The sun is standing on its leg.

The center is yellow,

White skirt (daisy)

The petals are white as snow

The middle is yellow fur!

What stupid manners

Don't guess on (Chamomile)

I was walking along a path through a meadow,

I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But not hot at all

White rays of the sun.

Slide 5.

The plantain is big.

(semizhilnik, cutter, traveler, rannik)

There are many colors

Beautiful, careful,

But I enjoy it the most

Ordinary plantain.

Perhaps he

And it's harder to grow

And yet he is with people

On the way. (S. Baruzdin)

The Russian name “plantain”, “fellow traveler” is associated with its habitat near the roads.

Another group of names “reznik”, “rannik” - are given to the plant for its pronounced wound-healing properties.

In the legend, these properties were discovered like this. One day two snakes were basking by the road. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl out of the way, another was run over by a cart wheel. The people sitting in the cart saw that the unharmed snake soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident prompted people to use plantain to treat wounds.

Medicinal properties.

In folk medicine, plantain leaves are used in the form of a freshly crushed mass for long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In folk medicine, plantain leaves and grass are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis.

The outer layer of the seed coat is slimy and sticky. Sticking to human shoes, hooves and paws of animals, they are transported over long distances. It is believed that this is how the plantain came to America, sticking to the shoes of the first settlers. Wherever white people settle, plantain soon appears. Interestingly, its leaves accumulate fewer toxic substances than other plants living along busy highways.

Not once, not twice, hurting my feet

You helped with your healing power.

Plantain, you always grow along the road,

Did you grow up when there were no roads in the world? (M. Vladimirov)

The plantain has adapted to trampling. People came up with a riddle for this case:

He lay down next to the road, spreading his arms and legs.

They hit him with a boot, they hit him with a heel,

He doesn’t care about anything, even if you hit him with a brick.

Slide 6.

Common raspberry.

Russia has always loved currants and strawberries, but raspberries are a special berry. According to botanists, it ranks third in popularity among us, but in general, raspberries have no competition: they are surprisingly tasty, their aroma is subtler and more delicate than many other berries, and their medicinal properties have long been known to every Russian.

Who among us has not at least once “saved” from a cold by drinking tea with raspberry jam? Probably, there are simply no such people in Russia.

Raspberry is an ancient berry - they knew about it even before our era: the Greeks and Romans considered it very valuable, and knew how to cook various delicious delicacies with it.

Medicinal properties.

Raspberry fruits are used for medicinal purposes. Raspberries have been considered a healing agent since ancient times. Its dried fruits were used for fever, and its flowers in the form of a tincture served as an antidote to the bites of snakes and scorpions.

Currently, dried raspberries are used for colds, as a diaphoretic. Fresh raspberries are used to make a syrup, often prescribed in mixtures to improve the taste of medicines.

Adults and children love raspberries

Even bears eat it in the forests.

Surely there is still someone who eats it,

After all, there are countless useful properties in it,

It will help you cope with colds,

Or it can be a tasty addition to a dish,

This is why I love raspberries

Thank you! I tell her for her help.

Slide 7.

Fireweed angustifolia (Ivan-tea).

Russian tea, Ivan tea or Koporye tea is a drink known for more than ten centuries. The tradition of tea drinking appeared in Rus' long before the introduction of overseas black tea. Dried fireweed leaves were used as tea leaves, and such tea was held in high esteem.

According to Russian legend, fireweed was originally called Ivan tea among the people. “... There lived one Russian boy, he always wore a red shirt and loved to be in the field among the bushes and tall grasses. People, when they passed by and noticed something red among the greenery, said: “Yes, it’s Ivan, the tea is fermenting.” And so it happened: redness in greenery was associated with Ivan.” And one day people made a fire and, along with the firewood, threw tall fireweed grass into the fire. The leaves of Ivan tea fell into a boiling cauldron of water, the decoction turned out to be pleasantly aromatic, invigorating and understood the mood. So it was customary in Rus' to brew Ivan tea.

This drink is mentioned in ancient Russian manuscripts; Europe knew and loved it, as Ivan tea was exported abroad in large quantities. After special processing, Ivan tea was sent by sea to England and other countries, where it was as famous as Persian carpets, Chinese silk, and Damascus steel. Abroad, Ivan tea was called RUSSIAN TEA...

When going on a long journey, Russian sailors always took Ivan tea with them to drink themselves and as gifts in foreign ports.

Fireweed was used in its entirety: salads were made from young shoots, roots were eaten fresh, and dried roots were used to make flour. The fluff that appears after the flowering of this plant was used to stuff pillows. Fireweed is an excellent honey plant; special fireweed honey and high-quality pollen are produced from its nectar. Fiber is obtained from the stems of fireweed, and tea is still made from the inflorescences and leaves.

Medicinal properties

Ivan-Tea is a miraculous folk remedy for the prevention of many diseases.

Indicated for malignant and benign neoplasms; dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer, gastritis;

Regulates the functions of the liver, kidneys, spleen (helps with stones);

Improves blood composition, useful for anemia and atherosclerosis;

Soothes anxiety, insomnia, and nervous diseases;

Eliminates headaches and normalizes blood pressure;

Increases performance, restores strength when exhausted;

Increases immunity to respiratory viral infections;

Reduces intoxication of the body: relieves food poisoning;

Helps prevent caries;

Strengthens hair roots;

There is 6.5 times more vitamin C in Ivan tea than in lemon;

Tatiana Poroskova.

The fireweed blooms, shaking its tops,

But its subtle aroma is not perceptible.

And the pink and purple tops of fireweed,

Like candles, they float in the distance...

I will collect fireweed flowers,

In cold winter I’ll put them in tea.

I’ll think about summer without regrets.

I’ll think, as if by chance...

Fragrant tea smells like fireweed in your face,

Last summer, fresh grass...

And the world will seem a little kinder,

0KOU "Oboyansk boarding school"

The game is a journey

Prepared by: Luneva M.A.

Target:creating conditions for students to become familiar with the world of medicinal herbs and their use for healing the body.
organize activities to study medicinal plants: nettle, rose hips, yarrow, strawberries, linden, oregano, plantain and their healing properties; develop the ability to extract information from illustrations and text;
promote the development in children of the ability to analyze the information received and draw conclusions;
create conditions for the development of logical thinking and memory;
develop the ability to identify and express the simplest rules common to all people;
to cultivate kindness and responsibility through caring attitude towards plants; to develop the sensory and emotional sphere of students.
develop the ability to express your thoughts orally, listen and understand others.
Techniques: explanation, conversation, demonstration, express messages, working with cards, game.
Means of education:
- computer, projector, screen;
- presentation “Green Pharmacy”;
- exhibition of books “Medicinal Plants”;
- illustrations of plants (nettle, rosehip, yarrow, strawberry, linden, oregano, plantain); - cards with the names of the plants being studied;
- dried medicinal plants;
- signal cards (red and green);
- cards in the form of berries for reflection (red, green, yellow);
- binoculars and basket (for the scene)

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time
Teacher. Hello guys!
Today we have an unusual activity.
We'll go on a journey. Where? Guess what!
I have a green friend, a cheerful friend, a good one. He will extend hundreds of hands to us. And thousands of palms. (Forest.)
Teacher. But before we go into the forest, we must remember that when visiting, we must behave politely, that there are rules for friends of nature. And we must remember that in the forest, in the field, and in the meadow we are also guests, guests of nature, of those who live here.
And here is our friend Lesovichok, the owner of the forest.
Lesovichok. Hello guys!
I want you to remember a few simple, but very important rules. I encrypted each rule as a sign.
- Do not be noisy! (The forest, the edge of the forest, is a house in which plants and animals live.);
- Do not break green branches and trees;
- Do not destroy anthills and bird nests;
- Do not pick flowers from nature for bouquets;
- Don’t take wild animals from the forest.
By following these rules, guys, you will protect nature and increase its wealth.
Well, now welcome to the forest.
- We don’t need to drive a car, fly on a plane, or sail on a ship. Just close your eyes and say: one, two, three.

Guys, here we are in the forest.
Teacher. Poem: (V. Rozhdestvensky)
Here in the forest thickets,
Where everything is sweet for the heart
Where there is clean air
It's so sweet to breathe
Found in herbs and flowers
Healing power
For everyone who can
Unravel their secret.
Teacher. What are the names of plants that have healing properties? (medicinal plants.)
Can a forest be called a green pharmacy? .
(Many plants with healing properties grow in the forest.)
Today we will talk about medicinal plants and their healing properties. Let's learn to recognize them. And Lesovichok, who knows the forest and its inhabitants very well, will help us.
1. And here is the first plant that each of you will recognize.
It burns, not fire
She's evil, but she heals people.
Who is this? (Nettle.)
Pre-prepared children tell:
I, nettle. People say about me that one nettle replaces seven doctors. Nettle is very beneficial for the body; it has a wide range of healing and medicinal properties. An infusion of leaves is used to gargle for sore throat. Despite the pungency, nettle leaves are edible.
Forest Glade
The next plant is also well known to you. The riddle will tell you its name.
2. They call it a wild rose,
The fruits are used as medicine. (Rose hip.)
I, rosehip. The wonderful healing properties of rose hips have been known since ancient times. This plant with thorns and beautiful flowers gives a person strength and supplies the body with vitamins.
If weakness and drowsiness
If you don't have the strength to run
Drink rosehip decoction
It contains a healing vitamin.
Forest Glade
And you can’t even imagine what a useful plant this is.
3. Each sheet
Broken into pieces
Count how many slices?
It's easy to lose count here
Who has the desire
Count the slices again. (Yarrow.)
I am a yarrow. In the old days, this plant was called soldier's grass. And indeed: it is brave, hardy, and is not afraid of heat, frost, or bad soil. It stops bleeding and heals wounds. According to legend, Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, healed his friend Patroclus from the wounds of his friend Patroclus with this herb. Therefore, the plant received the name “Achilles grass”. And the Russian people call this herb yarrow.
Remember the name of this plant.
Forest glade with berries
4. People have long noticed: “Whoever puts this wild berry in his mouth is healthy all year round.” (Strawberries.)
I'm a strawberry. Nature has generously rewarded strawberries with healing properties. Strawberry is the earliest berry. It ripens in the forest earlier than all other berries. Medicinal teas and decoctions are prepared from dried berries and strawberry leaves. Strawberry fruits help those who have poor appetite and regulate digestion.
Have you ever picked strawberries in a clearing? What does the berry taste like? (sweet and sour, fragrant, aromatic.)
There is a proverb: “You will bow to the earth more than once for the sake of strawberries.” - Explain how you understand it?
Physical education minute. We are looking for strawberries
We walked, walked, walked,
We found strawberries.
One, and two, and three, and four, and five,
Let's start looking again.
5. Which tree is depicted on the coat of arms of our city? (Linden.)
I'm a linden tree. This is a beautiful deciduous tree with dark bark and a spreading crown. The leaves of this tree are heart-shaped. Its fragrant flowers attract bees. And tea from its flowers helps with colds.
Forest Glade
Teacher. Take a look at this plant. (Oregano display). Better yet, smell it. What can you say about its smell? (Children's answers). Its smell is pleasant, aromatic, fragrant. So this plant received the name “oregano” for its fragrant smell. Oregano tea is good for curing colds.
Lesovichok. I want to introduce you to another amazing plant.
The scene “A trip to the forest”, where the situation is played out (bruising a leg)
Masha and Vitya are walking through the forest.
Masha was collecting herbs in a basket, and Vitya was looking through binoculars, and suddenly he tripped and hurt his leg.
Vitya: - Masha, I hurt my leg, I can’t go further, do we have a first aid kit?
Masha: - Vitya, don’t worry, I have a plant, but it’s from the green first aid kit that will help you, just put a leaf on the wound.
People talk about him
Good words
Plantain will help you
Humble grass.
Lesovichok. There is a legend about how the healing properties of plantain were discovered. Two snakes were lying on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl away, but the other did not. People stopped and saw how the snake that crawled away brought the wounded leaf of one plant, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.
Why is it called plantain?
Why do plantains grow by the road?
Teacher. It turns out that medicinal plants grow next to us. You just need to know them.
Teacher. Our journey through the forest is over and we are returning home.
Task 1. Game “Recognize the plant”. Students are asked to: there is an image of a medicinal plant, choose the name of the plant and correlate this name with its image. (The rest of the students work with signal cards.)
Task 2. Game “Find a Pair”. Select a card with a description of the plant and choose a plant that can form a pair.
(Nettle. The leaves and stems are covered with many stinging hairs. You can make cabbage soup and salad from it. Used for sore throats, to strengthen and grow hair.) (Yarrow. It is a medicinal plant with a flower umbrella and a thousand small leaves. The juice of fresh leaves is used to treat wounds.) (Linden tree. The flowers of this tree are an ancient folk remedy for colds. Bees also love this tree. And the honey is very fragrant and healthy.)(Plantain. This plant grows near paths.It is indispensable on a hike. It is applied to insect bites and wounds. (Rose hips. A vitamin drink is prepared from the fruits of this plant. They contain a huge amount of vitamin C, more than all other fruits and berries).
(Strawberries. The berries of this plant are bright red, aromatic, and also healthy. Recommended for poor appetite.)Well done boys! Now let's stand in a circle with you. I will list medicines for you, if you hear about medicines from a forest pharmacy, then raise your hands: aspirin, nettle, anaferon, rosehip decoction, linden tea, analgin, oregano tea, plantain, strawberry, paracetamol, dandelion, mother -and- stepmother.
The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,
There are medicines growing all around there,
In every grass, in every branch -
Both the medicine and the pills.
And today we, friends
It was not in vain that we studied them.
- Today we got acquainted with some types of medicinal plants that grow in the forest. There are a lot of them. You can learn more about medicinal plants from specialized literature.
Complete the sentence:
Strawberries, rose hips, nettles, linden, plantain, yarrow are ..... plants.
If you rub your leg while hiking, which plant leaf will help in this situation? (plantain)
Why did oregano get such a name? (due to fragrant aroma)
A decoction of the fruits of which plant is used to prevent flu and colds? (rose hips)
What plant is used to strengthen hair? (nettle)
Tea from the flowers of which tree is used for colds? (Linden)
What plant did the ancient Greek hero use to heal his friend? (yarrow)
Evaluate your knowledge that you gained on the journey: each has three berries, red - I learned a lot of new things, but I want to know more; yellow - learned a lot of new things; green - didn’t learn anything. Place the berry in a basket of the appropriate color.
You tried very hard today, you yourself looked for answers to difficult questions and discovered the secrets of medicinal plants yourself.
I thank you all for your good work, because we not only traveled, but we gained knowledge in the forest.