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What are fillers and what are their advantages? What are fillers in cosmetology? Are there age restrictions for the injection of fillers?

Eternal youthful skin is a phenomenon that still remains an unattainable dream for 99% of women. And although a remedy for its inevitable aging has not yet been invented, it is quite possible to postpone the process of withering.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways for those who want to slow down the passage of time.

One of the most popular and successfully used techniques is filler injections, or so-called “beauty injections.”

What are fillers, how is facial contouring performed using injections, and what should not be done after the procedure? Let's find out!

The term was borrowed by domestic cosmetologists from the English language. Filler has a common root with the verb to fill, which means to fill.

That is, it is nothing more than a cosmetic filler designed to compensate for the loss of volume in certain parts of the face.

Sometimes, in order to obtain the most pronounced rejuvenation effect, these drugs are used in combination with Botox injections.

Areas where facial preparations are injected, before and after photos

The main function of dermal fillers is to tighten skin turgor, which loses its elasticity over the years. It is important to remember that these fillers are not always used to correct wrinkles. This job is most often left to Botox. The only exceptions are facial, deep wrinkles, which are removed exclusively with the help of sealants.

Typically, the following areas of the face are assigned to such fillers:

  • Lips.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Cheeks.
  • Chin area.
  • Tear troughs
  • Nose bridge area

To understand how injections affect each of these areas, let's look at each of them in more detail.


The natural volume of the lips does not always correspond to the desired result. In addition, with age, the muscles of this part of the face begin to lose tone, which negatively affects the contour of the mouth.

Filler preparations help restore the seductive shape and required volume of the lips.

Nasolabial fold

The nose area is one of the most vulnerable areas due to its active facial activity. Characteristic longitudinal grooves appear in this place at an early age, only deepening with age. to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles, smoothes the skin, eliminating wrinkles for a long time.

We invite you to see photos before and after correcting nasolabial folds with fillers:

Cheeks and cheekbones

Dropping of the cheeks due to age-related changes or insufficient volume of this area from birth can also be solved with the help of beauty injections. In this case, the cheekbones are corrected with fillers.

Here is a photo of the face before and after the procedure of introducing fillers into the cheekbones to enlarge them (modelling):

Cheek fillers in before and after photos:


The characteristic uneven surface of the chin is not necessarily a sign of aging. You can cope with unaesthetic “dips” by injecting a certain amount of filler under the skin.

Photos before and after chin correction with fillers to increase it:

Watch a video of the procedure for injecting fillers into the chin to change its shape:

Nasolacrimal trough

The skin of the lower eyelid has a very thin layer of fat and loses it quite quickly. As a result, the eyes “sink” and look tired. After a course of injections, the subcutaneous layer is filled, stretching and lifting the skin of the eyelid.

Not only women, but also men dream of having ideal facial features. Unfortunately, not all people are naturally gifted with correct and beautiful appearance. Before the development of cosmetic surgery and invasive cosmetology, poor appearance was a death sentence for the rest of your life. However, today there are many ways to correct certain areas of the face and body. One of these methods is fillers, which are used in cosmetology to fill voids and visually increase the volume of a particular area.

Fillers are gel-like fillers that are used to correct tissue volume to a greater extent. Drugs in this group can be absorbable, having a temporary effect, or non-absorbable, permanent. Non-absorbable fillers are practically not used today. Refusal of them is associated with a high risk of filler migration due to age-related changes in the area of ​​its localization (the volume of muscle and fat tissue decreases, after which the filler flows into the resulting voids). The effect of the absorbable type of filler lasts for 6-24 months, after which a repeat procedure is required.

Depending on what area of ​​the body the filler is intended for, it may have different densities. This figure varies from 16 to 25 mg/ml. The density of the drug also depends on the material on which it was made.

There are:

  • Collagen fillers - bovine or human collagen is used to make the product;
  • Synthetic fillers - they contain synthetic components (mostly non-absorbable types of drugs);
  • Autofillers are made from the patient’s own fat tissue taken from other areas of the body.

The filler is administered using injections on an outpatient basis. As a rule, the result is noticeable immediately after the end of the manipulation. In this case, the resulting picture may be distorted by slight swelling, which disappears within a few days.

Note: Botox and fillers should not be confused. The first is a botulinum toxin, which in small doses can relax facial muscles and thus smooth out wrinkles. Fillers, in turn, replenish the missing tissue volume. It is obvious that both the goals and the mechanism of action of these means differ.

What are there

In general, fillers do not have clear differences in areas of application. However, practice has shown that the best results can be achieved if a certain type of drug is used on each part of the body.

Facial fillers

Facial fillers are mainly made from polycaprolactone, which is a complex of microspheres. The composition not only mechanically fills the necessary areas, but also acts in a manner similar to hyaluronic acid. Smoothing of wrinkles occurs due to mechanical stretching of the skin and as a result of the revitalizing effect of the filler. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within a year, but the collagen framework formed around the filler spheres continues to support the tissues in the desired position. Therefore, the duration of action of microsphere-based products significantly exceeds the time they remain under the skin.

Cheek fillers

Fillers are injected into the cheekbone area to replenish a relatively large volume of tissue. For this purpose, auto-compositions made from the patient’s own adipose tissue can be used. The procedure is used not only to smooth the skin, but also to return the rounded features of youth to the face. After the injection of filler, the volume of the cheekbones increases. The effect lasts for 1-2 years.

Lip fillers

Lip fillers almost always include hyaluronic acid. This substance attracts liquid molecules to itself, which allows you to make your lips plumper and more voluminous, reduce the size of nasolabial folds, and smooth out wrinkles. In addition, the acid stimulates the synthesis of proteins such as collagen and elastin, which give tissues firmness and elasticity.

Forehead fillers

The introduction of fillers into the forehead area is justified if it is not possible to smooth out wrinkles with botulinum toxin and pure hyaluronic acid. The volume of the drug required to correct one deep wrinkle does not exceed 0.5 ml. In this case, you should choose a product with a high degree of viscosity, intended for patients who have crossed the forty-year mark. This composition will allow you to achieve maximum and long-lasting effect. The manufacturer of the filler itself, be it the well-known juvederm or restylane, is not particularly important. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the skill of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the body.

Hair fillers

Fillers for hair restoration contain a large amount of amino acids, keratin, collagen and other compounds necessary for the health of the scalp. The drugs are administered using a non-injection method. The product is mixed with water, allowed to brew a little and distributed evenly throughout the hair. After this, the treated areas are covered with cellophane for 20 minutes, and after this period, rinsed with running water without using shampoo.

On what basis are there

As mentioned above, fillers can be made on various bases. There are five main chemicals that can be used by the manufacturer.

These include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • poly-L-lactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

Each of these substances has its own characteristics, so they should be considered separately.

Based on hyaluronic acid

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid have all the properties of this component. The drugs promote the accumulation of fluid in tissues, mechanically fill voids, and also stimulate the production of own elastin and collagen. The combination of these properties makes fillers of this type the most popular and widespread.

Collagen based

Collagen fillers are an outdated version of these drugs, which have been in service with cosmetologists since the 70s of the last century. Protein obtained from cow, pig or human tissue is a cheap raw material. This ensures the low cost of the product. When it gets under the skin, such a filler, figuratively speaking, freezes, forming inactive complexes. The patient feels as if the treated area has become stiff. In addition, collagen-based fillers often cause allergic reactions.

Based on poly-L-lactic acid

Fillers based on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) have a predominantly stimulating rather than filling effect. The filling effect that develops immediately after the drug administration procedure disappears after a few days. At the same time, poly-L-lactic acid stimulates the production of its own collagen, which fills the cavities. Fillers made with PLLA require 3-5 treatments to achieve the desired results. The result is a pronounced and natural filling effect. In cosmetology, poly-L-lactic acid is not often used, since salon clients want to achieve the desired effect after the first procedure.

Based on calcium hydroxyapatite

Calcium hydroxyapatite is the main building material for human bones. However, fillers include a synthetic variety obtained artificially. Preparations based on calcium compounds are the heaviest of all existing fillers. They are injected deep under the skin, distributed evenly over several days, and stimulate the formation of a collagen framework. The effect of using calcium hydroxyapatite lasts for an average of 9-12 months. This type of filler is indicated when it is necessary to fill large volumes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. With shallow injection of the drug, white stripes or deathly pallor of the skin may appear in the treated area.

Based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres

Fillers consisting of polymethyl methacrylate microspheres also include bovine collagen. The drug has the consistency of a suspension. After injection into the skin, a collagen framework is formed around the microspheres, and areas of fibrosis are formed. The indication for the use of this type of filler is deep wrinkles. In practice, drugs based on polymethyl methacrylate are rarely used.

Note: polymethylacrylate is organic glass obtained from thermoplastic resin. The material is better known as “plexiglass”.

Filler injection procedure

The introduction of fillers is not a complicated procedure, however, it requires certain skills from the doctor. Before manipulation, the treated area is thoroughly washed with soap and then dried with a towel. Next, the specialist treats the skin with an alcohol antiseptic, which can be used as:

  • Ethanol;
  • Alfaseptin;
  • Betaseptin.

For pain relief, superficial or conduction anesthesia can be used. If you plan to introduce filler to a shallow depth, use a patch with lidocaine, which relieves the sensitivity of the skin and shallow layers of tissue. Before deep injection of large volumes of the drug, pain relief is carried out by injecting an anesthetic into the area of ​​the nerve innervating the required area.

Note: superficial application anesthesia is used to smooth out skin wrinkles, conduction anesthesia is used for contouring of cheekbones, nose, and lips.

The process of introducing the filler solution itself can be done using a cannula or needle. The first option is used for volumetric and deep interventions, the second - for superficial ones. Methods of administration vary depending on the goals set. The doctor can inject the solution pointwise, linearly, in the form of parallel or intersecting lines. Point injections are necessary to smooth out small individual wrinkles. Linear and cross injection are used when it is necessary to form a collagen framework and achieve a volumetric effect.

After completing the procedure, the specialist performs a light massage of the treated area. This allows the solution to be evenly distributed under the skin and stimulate healing. Aseptic and other dressings are not applied to the intervention site.

Rehabilitation period after the procedure

The rehabilitation period after injection of fillers takes 6-10 days. During this time, the patient may experience swelling, small subcutaneous hematomas, and minor pain.

During the rehabilitation period the following are contraindicated:

  • intense facial movements;
  • kisses;
  • visiting the bathhouse and sauna;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • any thermal and intense mechanical effects on the treated areas.

Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to put ice wrapped in a cloth on the treated area. Local exposure to cold will reduce swelling and bruising. The hypothermia time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. No other rehabilitation measures are required, including taking antibacterial drugs.

Pros and cons of this drug

Modern fillers have many positive qualities, including:

  • the possibility of correcting wrinkles and skin folds without extensive surgical intervention;
  • low risk of allergic reactions;
  • revitalizing effect of fillers based on hyaluronic acid;
  • no effect on muscle tissue, which completely preserves the patient’s facial expressions;
  • the procedure takes place on an outpatient basis, does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia, and is rarely accompanied by complications;
  • degradable fillers are absorbed within a year, so medical errors during their administration are not irreversible.

Unfortunately, even the most modern fillers have a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • inconsistent effect of fillers, annual repetitions of the correction procedure are required;
  • the risk of filler displacement, which can spoil the patient’s appearance for a certain period of time;
  • high risk of damage to blood vessels in the eye area when the procedure is performed by an inexperienced specialist.

Despite their shortcomings, fillers retain a leading position in the beauty market.

Duration and number of procedures to achieve results

The total duration of the filler injection procedure usually does not exceed 25-30 minutes. During this time, anesthesia is administered, zones are determined, and the drug is administered. Correction of fine superficial wrinkles requires minimal time. Deep correction and contouring can take up to 1 hour.

One procedure is not always enough to achieve results. If it is necessary to treat large areas, the cosmetologist conducts 3-4 filler injection sessions. The time interval between them is 3-4 days. During this time, the previous portion of the drug is absorbed and distributed, taking the position in which it will remain until it is completely absorbed.

Photos before and after the procedure

The result of filler injection is best assessed visually, based on photographs taken before and after the procedure.

Correction of the nasolacrimal groove and nasolabial triangle – left “before”, right “after”.

Correction of the shape of the cheekbones with fillers.

Lip shape correction

From the examples given, we can conclude that fillers sometimes allow for quite significant correction of facial features.

What is better, biorevitalization or fillers?

Many women wonder what to choose – fillers or a revitalization procedure. Meanwhile, the choice is not difficult if you understand the goals of each of these manipulations. Each of them should be considered separately.

  1. Biorevitalization is a method of saturating the skin with moisture by introducing hyaluronic acid into it. The procedure allows you to increase the moisture and tone of the skin, making it the same as it was in youth. In this case, correction of facial features is not carried out. The effect of the procedure is directed directly to the skin.
  2. Fillers are a way to correct facial features by injecting filler into the required areas. Modern drugs also have a rejuvenating effect due to the hyaluronic acid they contain. However, the purpose of their use is different.

As it became clear from the above, revitalization procedures and filler injections have different purposes. Therefore, the question of which one is better is incorrect.


Almost all medications have a list of conditions for which their use is prohibited. Fillers are no exception, contraindications to which can be absolute or relative.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • individual hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the components of the product used;
  • exacerbation of mental illness.

The list of relative contraindications includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • the presence of permanent fillers;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • age less than 18 years.

Of course, the procedure is not performed on patients with severe somatic illnesses accompanied by a significant deterioration in their condition.

Possible complications

When introducing fillers, complications develop extremely rarely, but this sometimes happens.

The most common complications include:

  1. Hematomas - bruises are formed when blood vessels are damaged by a needle, as well as when the patient has coagulopathy.
  2. Edema – the severity of edema depends on the individual characteristics of the body and anti-edematous measures taken after the intervention.
  3. Filler migration occurs when low-quality compounds are used, as well as when the patient violates the doctor’s instructions.
  4. Tissue infection occurs when the doctor fails to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
  5. Overcorrection (over-inflation) is the result of an incorrect calculation of the dose of filler by a specialist.

In general, fillers are a modern, relatively inexpensive and safe way to correct appearance and combat age-related changes. With their help, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles, change the shape of cheekbones, lips, and adjust the size of the nasolacrimal groove. If the rules of the procedure are followed and there are no contraindications, the use of fillers is not accompanied by complications that are characteristic of even a correctly performed surgical intervention! Therefore, changing your appearance with injectable fillers is the optimal choice for women of all ages.

For the last few centuries, the beauty industry has been trying to answer the question of how a woman can be kept youthful without harming her health. Every day there are more and more effective and safer ways to maintain facial shape, skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles. One of the latest achievements of beauty science in this area is fillers.

Fillers and their types

Fillers are gel-like preparations that serve as a filler for cosmetic injections. The word comes from the English verb to fill – “to fill”. The use of fillers is an alternative to surgical facial contouring; they help eliminate both small and large wrinkles, smooth out the skin, and change the shape of the lips, cheekbones, and nose. Depending on the mechanism and duration of action, drugs are divided into three large groups:

Synthetic. In simple terms, synthetic fillers are made from highly purified silicone. After injection, they remain at the injection site for a long time, up to several years, and are also very affordable. But synthetic fillers are toxic, often cause allergic reactions, inflammation or pigmentation at the injection site, there is a high probability of displacement from the injection site, after which the filler can only be removed with a surgeon’s knife.

Important! Due to the large number of side effects, synthetic fillers are prohibited in some European countries and the USA.

Biocompatible drugs can also be divided into three types:

  • collagen-based fillers. These drugs are produced from animal hides, cartilage and skin or from synthesized human collagen. Fillers made from bovine collagen are considered optimal. It was these fillers that were the first to appear in the beauty industry, and they are still considered the standard of similar drugs against which new products are evaluated. The development of allergies and other side effects when using collagen fillers is almost never encountered; they last up to a year in the injection area.
  • autologous fillers– fillers made from the tissues of the patient to whom they will subsequently be injected. The process of preparing such a drug is very complex, multi-stage and expensive; it usually begins with liposuction. But there are no allergic or toxic reactions to the filler made from the patient’s own fat or collagen. The effect of introducing such a filler will be visible only six months after the procedure, but it will last quite a long time.
  • fillers based on hyaluronic acid provoke the production of its own collagen in the skin and renew the skin not only around the injection site, but also around it, therefore they are considered the best today. Low toxicity, hypoallergenicity and ease of administration are the undoubted advantages of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Rapid destruction in the skin is a disadvantage; such fillers degrade within six months. However, it is the fillers based on them that are most common throughout the world, including in Russia.

Combined fillers are a combination of synthetic and biological components. They remain at the injection site longer than biocompatible drugs, but are not as toxic.

Applications and procedure

Fillers can be used to solve cosmetic problems on any part of the body, but drug manufacturers recommend using them primarily for the face. First, the doctor marks the injection sites on the patient’s prepared face, then together they select the appropriate type of filler. The filler is placed in a sterile syringe and from it, through a very thin needle, is injected under the skin into the injection site, for example, under a wrinkle, until the skin becomes completely smooth. Using filler, you can slightly change the shape of your lips or, say, make the hump on your nose a little less noticeable.. Often, with the help of these drugs, people get rid of scars or pockmarks. But still, the most common area of ​​application for fillers is wrinkles, deep or not very deep.

The procedure for introducing the filler under the skin takes place under local anesthesia; sometimes freezing wipes or lidocaine are sufficient. Most often, injections are completely painless. There may be some swelling or redness at the injection site for a few days after the filler is injected.

What not to do after the procedure:

  • wear makeup for at least 6 hours;
  • touch the injection site, massage it;
  • a few days before the procedure and 5-6 days after it, it is undesirable to take medications that increase blood viscosity;
  • Until the swelling disappears, visiting the solarium or sauna is not recommended.

Pros and cons of using fillers

Like any cosmetic procedure, the introduction of fillers has its opponents and supporters. Among the indisputable advantages it is worth mentioning:

  • Non-traumatic and quick correction of wrinkles, injections increase the elasticity of the skin, smooth it out, and make it possible to correct the oval of the face;
  • Low percentage of allergic reactions and complications after using fillers;
  • Biocompatible drugs are quickly “embedded” in the skin and do not migrate, but are completely eliminated from the body over time;
  • the use of fillers is possible at any time of the year without restrictions;
  • Fillers based on hyaluronic acid have a positive effect on the skin as they attract water molecules, thus moisturizing the skin around the injection site;
  • Fillers do not affect muscle function, which means they do not change the patient’s facial expression.

Disadvantages of using fillers:

  • Short term effect. The safest preparations based on hyaluronic acid last up to six months, then the procedure must be repeated;
  • Long-term fillers (silicone) have many side effects, often migrate and remain under the skin forever.
  • When using injections to remove wrinkles around the eyes, there is a high risk of vascular damage, which can lead to long-term swelling and poor circulation in the area.
  • The injection of fillers is contraindicated if the patient is pregnant or lactating., with exacerbation of chronic diseases or inflammation of the skin at the sites of intended injections. Fillers should not be injected into areas where permanent fillers, such as silicone, are already located.

Important! It is prohibited to combine the use of these drugs with massage, light therapy, electrical and RF treatments.

Modern popular fillers

As already mentioned, hyaluronic acid-based preparations are currently most often used throughout the world. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • "Restylane" (RESTYLANE, made in Sweden) is most often used to correct wrinkles and eliminate folds of the nasolabial triangle.
  • “Perline” (also made in Sweden) has a denser composition, therefore it is used to eliminate deep wrinkles, as well as to correct cheekbones and the overall shape of the face.
  • Juvederm (JUVEDERM, made in France) is most often used to correct nasolabial folds and add volume to the lips. The crystalline structure of Juvederm gel allows for longer-lasting results. This filler practically does not cause allergies or rejections.
  • "Surgiderm" (SURGIDERM, made in France) is considered a new generation drug. With its help, deep wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose and chin are eliminated. Surgiderm is also effective for giving additional volume to the lips and getting rid of acne scars.
  • "Radies" (RADIESS, made in the USA) is also a relatively new two-phase filler. Used to correct the shape of the nose, chin, and facial contours.

Filler prices

The final price of the drug is determined depending on its quality and volume, as well as on the region of residence and the level of the clinic in which the procedure takes place. However, the average prices for the most popular modern fillers are approximately as follows:

  • RESTYLANE. The cost of this drug varies on average from 10 to 18 thousand rubles. RESTYLANE LIPP, intended only for lips, will cost 17 thousand rubles. RESTYLANE PERLANE 1.0 costs 17 thousand rubles, and for the highest quality of this line, RESTYLANE SUBQ 2.0, you will have to pay about 32 thousand rubles.
  • SURGIDERM is approximately in the same price category as the previous filler. Its price ranges from 9 to 16 thousand rubles.
  • A slightly more expensive drug JUVEDERM: JUVEDERM ULTRA 3 – 0.8 will cost about 14 thousand rubles, JUVEDERM ULTRA 4 – 0.8 – 16 thousand rubles.
  • The drug RADIESS, depending on the volume, can cost from 11,000 rubles. up to 26,000 rub.

Botox, mesotherapy and filling - what's the difference?

Any of these procedures are so-called “beauty injections” and are aimed at eliminating skin defects, but the mechanism of action is different.

Botox is a drug that breaks the connection between muscle and nerve. In this way, facial wrinkles, which form due to excessive muscle work, are gradually smoothed out. The Botox injection procedure is one-time, the result is visible almost immediately and lasts up to six months. However, Botox injections only smooth out the skin without affecting its condition in any way. I would like to note the most effective drugs.

Mesotherapy on the contrary, it is aimed at significantly improving the condition of the skin, making it healthier and increasing its tone. It is the introduction under the skin of a “cocktail” of various active substances that improve blood microcirculation in tissues, strengthen and constrict blood vessels, and have a general healing effect. This method of influencing the skin involves about a dozen sessions with weekly breaks; the effect will appear gradually, but will last up to a year. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most common drug.

Filling in this case is an intermediate solution. Fillers do not affect muscle function, but at the same time they not only smooth out wrinkles, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And although after the procedure the result will be noticeable only after the swelling subsides - after a week or a week and a half - its duration is approximately the same as that of Botox injections.

It is worth noting that one of the main conditions for a good effect from filler injection is the right choice of a doctor. The clinic you choose must have all the necessary certificates to work with such drugs, and the cosmetologist must have a medical education.

He told me what frequent filler injections can lead to, why hyaluronic acid in the lips does not have a moisturizing effect, and what age restrictions apply to such procedures.

Andrey Fedorov Head of Beauty Z cosmetology department, dermatovenerologist

What are fillers?

It would seem that there is nothing to talk about here, but no, the question is still relevant. Filler is a mechanical filler that performs a number of tasks when injected into soft tissue at different depths. It can strengthen the skin, redistribute light and shade, masking imperfections, fill wrinkles, lifting their bottom and reducing visible manifestations.

Today, fillers are more often used to add volume to soft tissues, eliminate lip asymmetry, and correct the shape of the nose - they can be used to raise the tip or, for example, remove a hump, or compensate for the lack of chin volume if a person is not ready to go to an orthodontist.

In fact, they have three tasks: to change the quality of the skin, the depth of unwanted relief (wrinkles, folds), and the proportions of the face.

What types of fillers are there?

They can be divided into two large groups: hyaluronic and fillers made from chemical substances that have no analogues in the body (calcium hydroxyapatite - Radiesse, silicone - practically not used today, polylactic acid and others).

The most universal groups of fillers are hyaluronic. 99% of aesthetic problems in our and the world market are solved by them.

And it's easy to explain. HA (hyaluronic acid) is built from a repeating disaccharide sequence. Remember the snake in Tetris? HA is approximately the same chain, capable of growing and adding new links.

The structure of hyaluronic acid is the same in everyone: in humans, in bacteria, and in animals. No matter how HA is synthesized, it will not be foreign to our body and will not cause a specific immune response. In simple terms, the introduced substance is “on board” - you don’t have to worry about allergic reactions. This is why hyaluronic fillers have become so popular.

What is the difference between fillers for lips, cheekbones, and nose?

The size of particles in a homogeneous solution. The density of the drug depends on the area into which it will be injected. We can obtain different groups of fillers based on hyaluronic acid: more durable and less plastic for correcting cheekbones and chin; more flexible, fluid for correcting wrinkles and lip areas.

Does lip filler have a moisturizing effect?

Once hyaluronic acid has been treated with a special stabilizing agent, there can be no talk of any moisturizing properties. This is a foreign body, “in the board”, but foreign.

Hyaluronic acid has moisturizing properties only in solutions for biorevitalization, and then there are nuances - a topic for a separate article.

What are the consequences of taking fillers too early?

Injecting fillers is not the prevention of wrinkles! They leave behind "traces". If you get too carried away with fillers at age 20, after 5-7 years you can get irreversible changes in soft tissues, leading to swelling, changes in skin density and uniformity. You can't win it back!

Those who, from the age of 20, begin to maintain volumes in the hypertrophied, fashionable version today - high cheekbones, elongated chin, large lips, after 5 years can develop a number of problems that cannot be solved without surgical intervention.

At a minimum, the person will appear older due to loss of tissue uniformity. In facial expressions, such girls look like well-made, “tuned” women. With these smooth transitions and perfect lines, charm and youth are lost. So fillers are not so harmless.

When are fillers useless?

When masking a hernia in the lower eyelid, for example, you need to understand that this area often swells. It can be corrected even from the age of 20, but the result of these procedures will still be a visit to the surgeon. I think that in this case this option is rational, especially since modern techniques make it possible to remove hernias without incisions and a long rehabilitation period. The longer you wait, the more complex the operation with the removal of a skin flap and other side effects will be.

We can correct this cosmetic defect with fillers, but sooner or later we will get tissue changes that will cause swelling! The solution to this problem lies beyond the competence of a cosmetologist. I always warn patients about this. As they say, cosmetologists' best friends are surgeons (laughs).

At what age can fillers be used?

It all depends on the zone. If, for example, a person has an unpronounced hump on his nose that he doesn’t like, he can correct it with filler even at 18! What's the point of waiting and collecting complexes when the problem is solved with 0.1-0.2 ml of the drug? In this area, tissue changes are only to our advantage: after several professional corrections, we will achieve a result that will last for a long time.

It's the same story with the chin. When a person has an insufficiently pronounced or slanted jaw, there are several options for solving the problem: orthodontics, surgical advancement of the lower jaw with a long rehabilitation period, or correction with filler. In this zone you don’t have to worry about swelling - maintain the results for at least 20 years without fear of consequences.

The story with lips is more complicated. With repeated corrections and failure to comply with the decay time of the filler from the previous injection, we can get a change in blood circulation with the formation of stagnation - edema.

Follow the time limits and be careful! I am not against the introduction of gel if a person has asymmetry, disproportion or a pronounced defect - everyone wants to be beautiful here and now. “Let’s do it because it’s fashionable” is not my story.

What are the contraindications to the injection of fillers?

There is a standard set here: pregnancy, lactation, inflammatory elements in the area of ​​filler injection, cancer, herpes in the acute stage, systemic and chronic diseases associated with impaired collagen synthesis.

What are the side effects?

The most common: changes in blood flow speed, swelling, congestion. Quite often, filler fragments remain in tissues much longer than stated by the manufacturer - they can be observed after two or three years. Here we already need ultrasound and physiotherapy, which I mentioned earlier.

What do fillers break down into and how are they removed?

The method of removing filler is universal - our body applies it to all foreign bodies. A little background to make it clearer.

When a foreign body enters the body through an injury, one does not need to be a rocket scientist to understand that it is not welcome. His primary task is to determine how harmful the “guest” is. And then there are three options for the development of events.

First. If the substance can be destroyed, the body will do so, happily forgetting about it after a few days.

Second. If the foreign body cannot be destroyed, the body “assesses” the degree of danger to surrounding tissues. Everyone has driven a splinter at least once in their life. Remember what happens a few days later? The body destroys neighboring tissues, creating a purulent mass, and along with it removes the “uninvited guest”. Some groups of non-hyaluronic fillers break down along this path. The following situation often happens to them. They lie quietly for 2-3 years - the body does not touch the inert substance, which does not pose any danger to it. Over time, fragments break off from them, irritating the tissue.

The body says: “Friend, you’re not cool, you didn’t interfere with tissues before, but now you’re making tricks. I’d rather cause inflammation, destroy the surrounding tissue and try to expel you.”

After several years, low-quality fillers can migrate, become inflamed and lead to other complications.

Third. After the filler is introduced, the body “understands” that it is not toxic, not dangerous, but it was introduced through an injury and this substance cannot be immediately destroyed. It begins to surround the foreign body with a capsule, which is completely formed after 3-4 weeks. It is done! The isolated substance lies quietly in the capsule until the body destroys it - this is what happens with hyaluronic acid. Normally, after a year it breaks down into CO2 and water. For some time, fragments of the capsule still remain in the lips, but they will normally be disposed of over time.

Do hematomas always remain after filler injection?

It all depends on the anatomy. There are areas with rich blood supply - the lips. When a needle is used in this area, hematomas will occur with an 80% probability. The question is how big they will be.

In the zygomatic area, specialists use an atraumatic cannula. After it, bruises are the exception rather than the rule - the likelihood of hitting a vessel is low.

Cosmetologists are not x-rays. No professional can say with 100% certainty that it will not fall into the vessel.

How effective is external anesthesia when injecting fillers?

Any external anesthesia only reduces pain by 15%.

On a 10-point scale of pain, the lips are 10 out of 10.

In the absence of contraindications, in order not to torment the person, I use short-acting dental anesthesia, which is injected shallowly into the gums with a pre-treated puncture site. After this, the patient does not feel anything at all.

How soon after injections can I use decorative cosmetics?

The body is cunning in this regard and a violation of integrity is catastrophe No. 1 for it - the gap must be closed by any means. In the case of an injury caused by a needle, it is eliminated quite quickly. Cosmetologists still recommend refraining from foundation and decorative cosmetics for a day. No special care is required.

Can fillers be ineffective?

Ineffectiveness is the lack of results or the receipt of an undesirable effect: volume in an unnecessary place, side effects, etc. In this case, everything depends on the depth of administration, on the professionalism of the specialist and the drug. For example, in the case of correction of the nasolacrimal trough, the percentage of defects is high - even if a highly qualified specialist worked.

Is it possible to feel the filler?

In the cheekbone area - no. There the drug is injected very deeply. Even if you press intensely, you are unlikely to feel anything. I'm talking about the norm, and not when 5 ml of filler is injected into the cheekbone area.

When gently introduced into the lips, the drug is also not felt. If you overdo it, you can feel the seals when pressing. Normally this is not noticeable!

When a girl had thin lips, and she “swelled” them to enormous sizes, this will most likely be noticeable during a kiss - I don’t have such experience, but for scientific purposes you can experiment (laughs).

Why do they use Botox and not fillers to correct wrinkles?

In facial zones, muscle fiber is woven into the skin. When you turn on facial expressions, areas of the skin are tightened, forming a deep fold. You can get rid of it only by relaxing the muscles. This is both more effective and cheaper.

Is there an alternative to fillers?

Hyaluronic acid is found in both deep and superficial layers of the skin. In the dermis, it maintains a certain level of hydration - it attracts water, giving the skin firmness and elasticity. Metal ions, vitamins and others are delivered to the skin through water. In addition, HA takes part in the transport of substances from point A to point B.

The average lifespan of a hyaluronic acid molecule is several days (in the blood it is destroyed in a few minutes, in the joints in 4 weeks). HA breaks down into small fragments. Special cells - fibroblasts - reassemble them into a whole molecule. And so on in a circle. The synthesis of new molecules is too energy-consuming a process for the body.

When a cosmetologist introduces biorevitalizants (and this is also a foreign body), the body begins to destroy them. As a result, those very small fragments are formed, activating the work of fibroblasts. If you do a course of such procedures, the rate of HA synthesis in the skin will increase for a certain period of time. There will be an effect.

If we are talking about creams containing hyaluronic acid, its molecules can only penetrate the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis. There it has a moisturizing effect.

For someone with dry skin, this won't do much. In most skincare products, HA molecules are so large that they remain on the surface, creating the appearance of moisturizing - they do not penetrate inside.

Any cosmetics work at the epidermis level. As soon as it has the ability to penetrate deeper, we are talking about a drug with a different certification and indications for use.

Interview and text: Natalia Kapitsa

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Cosmetology experts answer all the main questions about fillers that interest women today. Everything you want to know about it - read on!

  1. What are fillers? What are they made of?

The word “Fillers” comes from the English to fill - “to fill”. These drugs are gels used for injection under the skin to correct wrinkles and add volume to the face or body in the right places.

Fillers are used for:

  • Filling folds and wrinkles,
  • Lip augmentation,
  • Non-surgical facial contour lifting,
  • Adding the missing volume in the right places (cheekbones, chin).

The most popular fillers are those consisting of hyaluronic acid () or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse).

Hyaluronic acid (or simply hyaluronic acid) is a natural substance in the skin that retains water in cells and is responsible for moisturizing the skin.

Calcium hydroxyapatite (HAK) fills wrinkles well, adds volume and stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in tissues, which significantly improves the quality of the skin.

  1. How does filler work?

The specialist uses a thin needle to inject the filler into the skin. When injected, the drug fills wrinkles and folds, replenishing areas with insufficient volume.

Belotero fillers with hyaluronic acid containing:

  • Distributed evenly in tissues,
  • Do not cause inflammation or allergies,
  • Can't be felt under the skin.

Preparations Radiesse after an injection acts on the principle of “Scaffolding” - the filler frame begins to produce its own collagen and elastin, as a result of which the skin acquires density, firmness and elasticity.

  1. What problems can filler solve?

The main purpose of filler is to fill folds and wrinkles. It is usually used in the following areas:

  • Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes,
  • Wrinkles around the mouth
  • Nasolabial folds,
  • Creases on the forehead and wrinkles on the cheeks, neck and décolleté.

In addition, fillers are indicated:

  • To enhance cheekbones and restore volume in the temple area.
  • Correction and increase in volume and shape of lips.

The use of fillers can simultaneously solve other problems:

  • Improve skin condition by stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Moisturize and nourish the skin,
  • Correct scars, for example, post-acne, etc.

  1. How long does the result last?

Typically, the duration of the effect of contouring with fillers ranges from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the problem being solved and the quality of the filler.

  1. Are fillers removed?

Previously, so-called non-absorbable fillers were used, which often led to unexpected consequences (migrated in tissues, caused inflammation, etc.).

Today everything is different: cosmetologists have switched to biodegradable fillers, which dissolve under the skin over time. They are safe and disappear naturally within about a year.

  1. Are there any complications from using fillers?

With strict adherence to the technology of the procedure and subsequent proper care, complications will not arise.

Usually, the consequences of injections are transient and go away on their own: swelling, bruising, redness in the injection area. Drug migration or overcorrection rarely occurs.

To reduce risks to a minimum, choose only licensed clinics and trusted doctors who have good reviews from real patients.

Note: the cosmetologist must have a certificate to work from the manufacturer of the selected filler.

  1. What to do if side effects occur after the injection?

Contact the person who performed the procedure for you immediately. All questions and concerns should be immediately voiced to a specialist and receive his advice and help - this will help to avoid serious complications and cope with the problem faster.

  1. Are there any contraindications for fillers?

There are no special contraindications. As a rule, there is only one thing - this is individual sensitivity (intolerance) to the drug. True, the likelihood of an allergy to modern fillers is reduced to almost zero.

  1. What can and cannot be done before and after the procedure?

The rules are:

  • 2-3 weeks before injections, stop taking anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Wait until your menstrual cycle has passed - it is not advisable to give injections a few days before and during your menstrual period, because... the risk of bruising increases.
  • During the day after the procedure, you cannot go to the steam room or solarium. These restrictions are then lifted.

The pain, swelling and bruising that some experience after a filler injection goes away on its own within 7-10 days and can be hidden with regular makeup.

  1. Is there a skin addiction to the drug and a “withdrawal effect”?

The addictive effect of fillers is a common myth. Those products that are currently used in cosmetology can be used from the age of 25 and even earlier, at least for prevention, depending on the speed of manifestation of signs of aging.

  1. Contour plastic surgery is too expensive. Is it true?

If we talk about average statistics, filler injection procedures are quite affordable, given their long-lasting effect.

Approximate figures are:

  • The average price for lip augmentation in Moscow is 15,000 rub.. (for example, filler), i.e. about 1500 rub. per month.
  • Complex facial contouring will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles, and if the results are maintained for up to 1 year, it will cost 4,000 rubles per month.

With a planned visit to a cosmetologist, the number of procedures will be gradually reduced, since maintaining the existing result is much easier and cheaper than starting self-care from scratch.