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Diagnosis of adenoiditis in a child. Chronic adenoiditis in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention. What is chronic adenoiditis

Adenoiditis or hypertrophy of adenoid tissue is quite common in children under the age of 14 years. The main group of young patients with retronasal sore throat are preschoolers with a weak immune system.

Acute inflammation of the adenoids with improper treatment and weakness of the body often develops into chronic inflammation. Sometimes the hypertrophied tissue bothers the child so much and noticeably worsens his health that the adenoids have to be removed. Find out what signs accompany adenoiditis in children, how to recognize the disease in time, how to treat acute and chronic inflammatory processes.


Pathological changes in the pharyngeal tonsil occur in the following cases:

  • frequent viral infections, colds;
  • weakened immunity due to illness, strong antibiotics, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • inflammation, enlargement of tonsil tissue;
  • chronic;
  • living in conditions of poor ecology and severe air pollution;
  • low immunity in artificial children;
  • hypothermia;
  • communication with people who have been diagnosed with retronasal tonsillitis.


  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • viruses;
  • staphylococci.

Provoking factors:

  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • features of the immunological reaction;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx (acute and chronic form).

Types and symptoms of pathology

Depending on the nature and duration of the pathology, two forms of the disease are distinguished: acute and chronic. With timely treatment and strengthening of the body, the pathological process can be stopped.

Parents often self-medicate, give their child herbs and medicinal teas instead of antiviral and antibacterial drugs, and turn to a pediatrician for help late. Incorrect treatment methods lead to the spread of infection to other parts of the body, chronic retronasal tonsillitis develops. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, a protracted course, and relapses in the autumn-spring period.

Acute adenoiditis

After the penetration of pathogenic bacteria or dangerous viruses, a rapid form of retronasal sore throat develops. The pharyngeal tonsil becomes inflamed, the child does not feel well.

Main symptoms:

  • the nose is stuffy, a runny nose develops;
  • when examining the nasopharynx area, purulent mucous fluid is noticeable;
  • the jaw and cervical lymph nodes become inflamed and enlarged;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the Eustachian tube often becomes inflamed;
  • pus is discharged from the ear canal;
  • There is severe pain inside the ear.

Chronic form

The pharyngeal tonsils have been inflamed for a long time. Often, adults are to blame for the development of a recurrent form of adenoiditis because they do not take all measures to treat the disease in the acute period.

The main signs of chronic adenoiditis in children:

  • mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx;
  • snore;
  • sometimes hearing levels deteriorate;
  • headache;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • the temperature remains at 37.1–37.3 degrees;
  • the mental and psychological development of the little patient suffers;
  • cough appears at night;
  • appetite decreases;
  • concentration deteriorates;
  • Poor health over a long period often leads to problems with academic performance.

Note! In the chronic form of adenoiditis in children, a serious problem is mouth breathing due to nasal congestion. Constantly inhaling air through the mouth provokes side effects. Colds and inflammatory processes often develop. Reason: without passing through areas of the nasal mucosa with special cilia, dust particles and microbes easily enter the body.

Learn about the symptoms and treatment of other ENT diseases in children. Read about rhinitis; about pain in the ear - ; an article was written about tracheitis; about laryngitis - page; about false croup is written to the address. Read about the treatment of green snot in a child; folk remedies for the runny nose are described; We have an article about the treatment of snot using inhalation with a nebulizer.

Danger of disease

In addition to mouth breathing and problems caused by this symptom, the clinical symptoms of retronasal sore throat in children cause other negative phenomena.

Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils lead to negative consequences:

  • in severe cases, nasal breathing is practically absent;
  • the function of the pharynx is impaired;
  • ventilation of the auditory tubes deteriorates;
  • congestion develops in the paranasal sinuses;
  • with the severity of the case, the long course of the disease, heart defects, rheumatism appear, and problems with the digestive tract arise.

Other complications noted:

  • the constant presence of purulent, thick mucus in the nasal passages and sinuses negatively affects overall well-being. A persistent focus of infection weakens the immune system and interferes with the normal growth and development of the baby;
  • One of the complications of retronasal sore throat is a nasal, muffled voice. Violation of phonation often provokes ridicule from peers and reduces the social circle of a sick child;
  • over a long period of time, facial features change and the wings of the nose thicken. A narrow alveolar process in the upper jaw provokes an incorrect arrangement of dentition units. Sometimes the face takes on an indifferent expression, the child’s mouth is often open, and the upper jaw is wedge-shaped.


If you have symptoms of adenoiditis, visit your pediatrician with your child. The doctor will examine the baby, record complaints, and talk with the parents. To complete the picture, a blood test and purulent mucus from the nasopharynx are often required.

The next stage is a consultation with an ENT doctor, anterior or posterior rhinoscopy. Often, the help of an allergist is required, conducting tests to identify the irritant. If adenoiditis is suspected, a test (throat culture) is performed to determine the pathogen and drugs that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Methods and rules of treatment

How to treat adenoiditis in children? Treatment methods depend on the form of the disease. Treatment of retronasal sore throat in children of different ages is carried out under the guidance of an otolaryngologist or allergist.

Important! An integrated approach is required with mandatory strengthening of the immune system and reducing sensitization of the body. Self-medication and the use of only folk recipes drive the problem deeper and help the infection spread freely throughout the body. If your child has symptoms of adenoiditis, be sure to consult a doctor.

Conservative methods

Effective treatments:

  • phytotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • special breathing exercises.


  • antibiotics (if pathogenic bacteria are detected). A good effect in inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract is provided by drugs from the macrolide group, Augmentin, Amoxicillin;
  • if viruses are detected, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs taking into account the type of pathogen;
  • local treatment to relieve nasal congestion is carried out with vasoconstrictor drops (Nazol Baby, Nazivin, Dlyanos) for 7–10 days, no more;
  • It helps well with allergic reactions and swelling of the nasal passages;
  • immunomodulators, compounds to strengthen the body's defenses. Effective drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Immunoforte, Anaferon for children, Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • If the allergic nature of the disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. Symptoms of increased sensitization of the body are effectively relieved by many compounds. It is advisable to purchase medications of the 3rd or 4th generation with a prolonged action: one tablet is enough for a day. Modern drugs: Cetrin, Claritin, Telfast, Suprastinex, Fexofenadine.

There is a page written about inhalation for dry cough with a nebulizer for children.

Read here about the use of Gerbion syrup with primrose against wet cough in a child.


In case of frequent relapses, severe retronasal angina, repeated angina, or a sharp decrease in hearing, the hypertrophied adenoids are removed. Many doctors believe that if surgery (adenotomy) is not performed in time, the source of infection will significantly worsen the health of the young patient.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia using sedation to eliminate fear of manipulation. Many clinics use a gentle method - endoscopic adenotomy. The method has many advantages over traditional surgery; it is performed under general anesthesia and allows for complete removal of inflamed adenoids.

Rules for a speedy recovery

Mandatory measures:

  • proper nutrition, avoidance of excess carbohydrates and fats. More fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, low-fat dairy products, grains;
  • was the cause of adenoiditis a tendency to allergies? Eliminate from the menu foods that cause rashes, redness of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, allergic rhinitis and cough. Honey, chocolate, full-fat cow's milk, nuts, red fruits, berries, and vegetables are prohibited. Do not give your children seafood, citrus fruits, drinks with preservatives, dyes, exotic fruits, red fish;
  • sufficient time for sleep and rest, measured loads in school, clubs, sections. Be sure to find time for walks in the park, among coniferous trees (they release phytoncides, making breathing easier);
  • vitamin therapy. Recommended children's multivitamin complexes: Multitabs, Vitrum for children, AlfaVit, Centrum for children;
  • Give your little patient healthy tea made from flowers and berries every day. A healing decoction strengthens the immune system, reduces fever, and saturates the body with vitamins. Doctors recommend tea with lemon, linden blossom, raspberry, mint, chamomile, rosehip decoction with honey;
  • Always consider allergies. In case of increased sensitization, give herbal infusions and medicinal teas only with the permission of an allergist.

Preventive measures

  • pay attention to the symptoms that often accompany adenoiditis in children. In the early stages/chronic form, the following are noted: difficulty breathing through the nose, open mouth during sleep, snoring;
  • be sure to conduct an in-depth examination of the baby if there are frequent colds, weakness, or low immunity; (We have an article on how to strengthen a child’s immunity at home);
  • If inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs are detected, carry out a full course of treatment. Competent, timely treatment of colds, bacterial and viral infections of the nasopharynx will prevent adenoiditis from becoming chronic;
  • During ARVI/flu epidemics, rinse children's nasal passages with a water-salt solution. A good option is the water of the Adriatic Sea (the drug AquaMaris and its analogues, read the article for more details);
  • strengthen the immune system: offer healthy foods with vitamins and minerals, reduce the amount of sweets and baked goods in the diet, harden the baby, provide walks, fresh air in the room. Adequate sleep, reasonable workload at school and extracurricular activities are required;
  • From autumn to spring, carry out vitamin therapy. The ENT doctor will prescribe multivitamins. Particular honor is given to ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for strong immunity, retinol (vitamin A) to maintain the health of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Give more vegetables and fruits (buy frozen types in winter), offer tea with lemon, black currants, rosehip decoction;
  • Timely visits to a pediatrician and ENT doctor are one of the methods for preventing complications with retronasal sore throat in children. The sooner parents take their little patient to see a doctor, the lower the likelihood of chronic adenoiditis in children. Remember: an untreated disease disrupts the functioning of the body, provokes problems with the heart and kidneys, an adenoid face is formed, children often suffer from ARVI.

At the first signs of adenoiditis in children, consult a pediatrician, Conduct an examination of the young patient with an ENT doctor or allergist. If the diagnosis of retronasal sore throat is confirmed, begin treatment without delay.

Medical video - reference book. Treatment of adenoiditis in children with folk remedies:

Adenoiditis in children from 3 to 12 years old is very common - this is one of the most common problems faced by pediatric ENT doctors. How dangerous are adenoids in children, where do they come from, do they need to be treated, and is it true that surgical removal of the adenoids is the only way to solve the problem?

Adenoids: what are they and why do they develop in children?

Excessively overgrown, enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are called adenoids. If the adenoids become inflamed, the condition is called adenoiditis. The pharyngeal tonsil is a small gland that is located on the back wall of the larynx and consists of several lobes. The task of this organ, related to the immune system, is the production of lymphocytes, cells involved in protecting the body from bacteria and viruses. But with pathological growth, the pharyngeal tonsil itself becomes a health threat.

Adenoids are a typical childhood problem. They are rare in children under 1–2 years of age, as well as in adolescents. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 3 and 10 years.

There are about 27 cases of adenoiditis per 1000 children.

Adenoids in children occur for several reasons:

  • frequent colds and other infectious diseases (measles, mononucleosis, rubella, etc.) affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • poor ecology in the area of ​​residence;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as bronchial asthma - these diseases are present in 65% of children suffering from adenoiditis;
  • certain unfavorable climatic and microclimatic conditions - gas pollution, dry air, the presence of large amounts of dust - all this leads to the fact that the mucous membranes dry out and become especially vulnerable.

Degree of disease development

There are several stages of adenoid development:

1st degree: The tonsil grows slightly and covers approximately a quarter of the lumen of the nasal passages. The main symptom of the disease at this stage is somewhat difficult nasal breathing, especially at night.

2nd degree: the adenoids increase in size and cover two-thirds of the lumen. Nasal breathing is significantly difficult even during the day; at night the child may snore, his mouth is always slightly open.

3rd degree: the tonsil completely blocks the lumen, making nasal breathing absolutely impossible.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

In the early stages, it can be difficult to notice adenoids in children; the symptoms of this disease are nonspecific. Parents either don’t pay attention to them at all, or they think that the child has a normal runny nose. Here are the signs you should pay attention to in order to identify the disease at the very beginning:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring during sleep;
  • pallor and lethargy as a result of lack of air and sleep disturbances due to snoring;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • the child has difficulty swallowing food and often chokes;
  • the child complains of a feeling of a foreign object in the nose, but there is no fluid when blowing the nose;
  • the voice is quiet, dull, nasal;
  • the child constantly breathes through his mouth;
  • constant fatigue and irritability.

If the enlarged tonsil becomes inflamed, obvious signs of adenoiditis arise:

  • heat;
  • runny nose, which is difficult to treat with regular drops;
  • weakness, headache, drowsiness, loss of appetite and nausea - this is how general intoxication, characteristic of many infectious diseases, manifests itself;
  • chronic cough;
  • pain in the throat, nose and ears, sometimes significant hearing loss.

How to treat adenoids in a child

Since the presence of adenoids and their inflammation can very easily be confused with a common runny nose or cold, you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself and treat your child with home or over-the-counter remedies - they may provide some relief for a very short time, but then the symptoms will return. Meanwhile, the disease will continue to develop. You should not wait until the adenoids completely block the nasal lumen - consult a doctor at the first suspicion of adenoids.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an endoscopic examination, blood and urine tests, and in some cases it is necessary to take an x-ray of the nasopharynx.

Treatment of adenoids in children, especially in the early stages, includes mainly conservative methods. At stages 1 and 2 of the disease, removal of adenoids in children is not indicated - at this stage the disease can be overcome with the help of drug therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures. Surgical intervention is necessary only if no other methods of combating adenoiditis have the desired effect.

Conservative treatment

For adenoids, a course of antihistamines, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and drugs that activate the body's defenses is usually prescribed. Nasal drops with anti-inflammatory components and vasoconstrictors will help relieve inflammation and make breathing through the nose easier (however, the latter are used with caution and for no more than 3-5 days). A good result is obtained by rinsing the nose with slightly salted water or special medicinal solutions.

The most commonly prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures are medicinal electrophoresis with potassium iodide, prednisolone or silver nitrate, as well as UHF therapy, high-frequency magnetic therapy, ultraviolet treatment and mud applications.

Breathing exercises are also important - with adenoids, the child gets used to breathing through the mouth and it is necessary to re-develop the habit of inhaling through the nose.

Usually, the combination of these methods is enough to cure adenoiditis. However, in some cases, especially if the disease has already reached stage 3 and does not respond to conservative treatment, surgical removal of the adenoids is prescribed.

Removal of adenoids in children (adenotomy)

In modern clinics, removal of adenoids in children is a simple and low-traumatic operation, but still, if it can be done without it, the doctor will try to go this route.

Indications for removal of adenoids in children are: ineffectiveness of medication and physiotherapy, serious difficulty breathing through the nose, which leads to persistent colds, frequent otitis media and hearing impairment. The operation also has contraindications: it is not performed for pathologies of the structure of the palate, certain blood diseases, cancer or suspected cancer, acute inflammatory diseases (they must be cured first), within 30 days after any vaccination, and for children under 2 years of age.

Removal of adenoids in children is performed in a hospital under local or general anesthesia. There are several ways to carry out this operation.

At aspiration method removal of adenoids is carried out using a vacuum pump with a special attachment, when endoscopic- through a rigid endoscope (this operation is performed under general anesthesia). A microdebrider, sometimes called a shaver, is also used to remove adenoids. The rehabilitation period after such methods takes approximately 2 weeks.

The most modern and low-traumatic method - laser removal of adenoids. The tonsils are cut off with a targeted laser beam, and the blood vessels are cauterized, eliminating the risk of bleeding and infection. The rehabilitation period for laser removal of adenoids is also significantly reduced.

The entire operation takes no more than 15 minutes and is a fairly simple intervention, complications after which are very rare. However, this is still a surgical operation with all the associated risks, and it must be performed in a trusted clinic.

Purulent adenoiditis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the pharyngeal tonsil. Inflammation is often of an infectious nature and is accompanied by the separation of purulent exudate.

If adenoiditis is treated incorrectly, complications may develop, including pathologies of the excretory system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

More often, purulent adenoiditis occurs in children, but progression of the pathological process in adults is also possible.

Among the causes of purulent inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil are the following factors:

  1. Predominantly artificial feeding.
  2. The predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet.
  3. Hypovitaminosis, especially vitamin D deficiency.
  4. Rickets.
  5. Diathesis (usually exudative).
  6. Allergic diseases.
  7. Hypothermia of the body.
  8. Exposure to adverse environmental factors.

Acute adenoiditis often develops in young children due to the activation of pathological microflora in the nasopharyngeal area with general hypothermia of the body. In addition, the cause of the development of adenoiditis as a complication can be a previous infectious pathology.

Forms of adenoiditis

The main forms of this disease include acute, subacute and chronic adenoiditis. The acute form of the pathological process manifests itself as retronasal tonsillitis, and the chronic form involves a wide range of clinical symptoms.

Symptoms of acute adenoiditis

Most often, acute purulent adenoiditis occurs after acute respiratory diseases, the cause of which in some cases is streptococcal infection. Isolated inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil does not occur so often.

Acute adenoiditis is characterized by the following clinical symptoms:

  1. High temperature (above 39 degrees) at the onset of the disease.
  2. Sensation of rawness and moderate pain during swallowing deep in the nasal cavity.
  3. Nasal congestion, prolonged runny nose.
  4. Coughing attacks at night.
  5. in the area of ​​the back wall.
  6. Swelling of the posterior palatine arches.
  7. Copious purulent discharge from the nasopharynx.
  8. During endoscopy and rhinoscopy, the specialist discovers a reddened, hypertrophied tonsil, the grooves of which are filled with pus.
  9. Headache.
  10. Soreness of the soft palate and pain radiating to the ears and posterior nasal cavity.

A persistent runny nose is one of the constant symptoms of pathology.

The acute inflammatory process is especially severe in infants. Timely prescription of correct therapy is hampered by the difficulty of making a correct diagnosis.

The clinical picture is quite nonspecific and includes the following manifestations:

  • difficulty sucking;
  • parenteral dyspepsia(stomach fullness, distension in the epigastrium, dysphagia, early satiety);
  • lymphadenopathy(enlarged and painful cervical and submandibular lymph nodes).

The acute form of adenoiditis lasts about five days. The pathology is prone to recurrent course, sometimes complicated by acute sinusitis and otitis media, damage to the trachea and bronchi. Complications include bronchopneumonia and laryngotrachebronchitis. In children under 4 years of age, a retropharyngeal abscess often develops.

Symptoms of subacute adenoiditis

Subacute adenoiditis lasts slightly longer than the acute form of the pathology. The disease is more common among children who have been diagnosed with severe hypertrophy of the pharyngeal lymphadenoid ring.

The onset of the pathological process is quite acute, often the disease develops after subsiding. The duration of subacute adenoiditis ranges from 15 to 20 days.

The disease begins with a long-term low-grade fever, sometimes the temperature in the evening hours rises to 38 degrees. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes are swollen and sensitive to palpation.

There is a purulent runny nose with adenoids, it is protracted. In some cases, cough and otitis media occur. Sometimes the duration of the disease exceeds 20 days, the process drags on for up to several months.

Symptoms of chronic adenoiditis

Chronic adenoiditis is distinguished by the duration and range of accompanying symptoms. The patient's condition is complicated by inflammation of the middle ear, trachea, bronchi and paranasal sinuses.

Symptoms are determined by the predominant inflammatory reaction and immunological reactivity of the patient's body. Among the purulent forms of adenoiditis, mucopurulent and neutrophilic-macrophagic adenoiditis predominate.

Among the symptoms of chronic adenoiditis, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  2. Runny nose with purulent discharge.
  3. Exacerbations of pathology, which are manifested by fluctuations in body temperature up to 38 degrees and an increase in runny nose.
  4. Purulent inflammation of the middle ear.
  5. Inflammation of the trachea and bronchi.

In case of exacerbation of chronic adenoiditis, symptoms characteristic of the acute form of the pathology appear.

Treatment smoothes clinical symptoms, but does not bring complete recovery.

Chronic adenoiditis is typical for older children. The disease provokes a deterioration of not only physical but also psychological health.

The child becomes more tired, headaches appear, appetite decreases, and attention is impaired. In addition, children may suffer from night cough and progressive eustachitis.

Treatment methods for purulent adenoiditis

Purulent adenoiditis can be detected during an examination by an otolaryngologist. The specialist will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures and prescribe the correct course of therapy.

The goals of treating the purulent form of adenoiditis are:

  • elimination of the infectious agent;
  • preventing the spread of pathology to nearby organs.

Among the main methods of treatment for adenoids are the following:

  1. Taking antibiotic drugs(Flemoclav, Amoxicillin, Sumamed). Antibiotics must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor and according to the instructions.
  2. Taking desensitizing medications, reducing swelling and allergization of the body (Diazolin, Zyrtec, Claritin). The price of these drugs varies over a fairly wide range.
  3. Using saline solutions for nasal irrigation in order to reduce swelling and remove pus from the nasal cavity (Marimer).
  4. The use of aerosol forms of drugs containing antiseptic substances(Bioparox, Stopangin, Hexoral).
  5. Use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops(Rinostop, Nazol).
  6. Irrigation of the nasal cavity with drying and antiseptic solutions(Collargol, Protargol).
  7. Physiotherapeutic procedures(laser treatment, phototherapy, diathermy, electrophoresis).
  8. Do-it-yourself pharyngeal tonsil massage(up to five days daily, a few seconds).

Nasal rinsing is an important step in the treatment of inflammation of the adenoids.

In rare cases it may be required. After surgery, sometimes remnants of adenoids remain, which can grow and provoke a relapse of the inflammatory process.

With timely detection of pathology, the likelihood of a quick recovery is higher. It is important to follow all medical prescriptions and recommendations and not neglect prescribed procedures and medications. You should not self-medicate, as this may worsen the condition. The video and photos in the article will help you understand the peculiarities of the clinic and the treatment of purulent adenoiditis.

Adenoiditis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils of a chronic or acute type.

Since anatomically, the tonsils are located in the pharynx, they are practically invisible during a normal throat examination, so the inflammatory process can go unnoticed for a long time.

According to Komarovsky, in 80% of cases, adenoiditis occurs in children, since in adulthood the pharyngeal tonsils atrophy and no inflammatory processes occur.


What it is? Adenoids (otherwise, adenoid growths or vegetations) are commonly called hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsils. Their growth occurs gradually.

The most common cause of this phenomenon is frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract (and others). Each contact of the body with an infection occurs with the active participation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which at the same time increases slightly in size. After recovery, when the inflammation passes, it returns to its original state.

If during this period (2-3 weeks) the child falls ill again, then, not having time to return to its original size, the amygdala enlarges again, but larger. This leads to constant inflammation and growth of lymphoid tissue.

Degrees of the disease

If a mild form is not detected and measures are not taken, adenoiditis transitions to an acute form, which is divided into several stages of enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils:

  1. First degree. The adenoids enlarge and cover the upper part of the bony nasal septum
  2. Second degree. The size of the tonsils covers two thirds of the bony nasal septum
  3. Third degree. Almost the entire nasal septum is covered by adenoids.

The acute form requires immediate treatment, as in the future it can develop into chronic adenoiditis, which negatively affects the child’s health. Enlarged tonsils become inflamed and a large number of bacteria develop in them.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

The manifestation of adenoiditis in children can cause a number of complications, so it is very important to detect and treat it in the initial stage, and here knowledge of the symptoms will help us. Depending on the stage and nature of the disease, its manifestations may vary significantly.

So, the signs of acute adenoiditis in a child are as follows:

  • runny nose and coughing attacks;
  • when examining the throat, slight redness of the upper tissues is observed;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • heat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue and loss of strength

Chronic adenoiditis develops as a result of acute inflammation of the adenoids. Its symptoms:

  • runny nose (sometimes with purulent discharge);
  • changes in voice and speech sound;
  • frequent colds and sore throats; nasal congestion;
  • periodic (ear inflammation) or hearing loss;
  • the child is lethargic, does not sleep well and always breathes through his mouth.

The child often suffers from viral infections. This is due to both decreased immunity and constant secretion of infected mucus during adenoiditis in children. Mucus flows down the back wall of the pharynx, and the inflammatory process spreads to the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

Chronic hypoxia and constant stress on the immune system lead to delayed physical and mental development. Oxygen deficiency is manifested not only by general hypoxemia, but also by underdevelopment of the facial skull, in particular the upper jaw, as a result of which the child develops an abnormal bite. Deformation of the palate (“Gothic” palate) and the development of a “chicken” chest are possible. Adenoiditis in children also leads to chronic.

What adenoiditis looks like in children: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in children.


Diagnosis of adenoids does not require the use of specific methods and studies. Based on a visual examination, the ENT doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis and, if necessary, uses additional diagnostic methods.


Posterior rhinoscopy. Examination of the tonsil with a mirror. It is very difficult for children to carry out this method, since touching the mirror to the mucous membrane often causes a gag reflex.
Finger examination. A diagnostic method performed by a doctor to determine the extent of enlargement of the adenoids.
X-ray of the nasopharynx. Allows you to determine the degree of growth of the adenoids and exclude sinus diseases.
Endoscopic method Examination of the tonsil using an endoscope. The most informative method of all listed allows you to determine not only the size of the tonsil, but also its condition, and at the same time identifies concomitant diseases in the nasopharynx. Displays the image on the monitor.

How to treat adenoiditis in children?

Without surgery, you can get rid of grade 1–2 adenoiditis. In this case, it is necessary to follow an integrated approach, combining general treatment and local effects on vegetation. Below is an approximate treatment plan.

General treatment is as follows:

  • immunomodulators (Immunal, Echinacea tincture);
  • immunostimulants for a course of 10–15 days (FIBS, Aloe extract, Apilak);
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • antihistamines for a course of 7–14 days (Fenkarol, Suprastin, Diazolin, Pipolfen);
  • for acute purulent adenoiditis, antibiotics and sulfonamides are indicated.

Local treatment offers the following options:

  • drops with an anti-inflammatory effect for adenoiditis - Protargol, Nasonex;
  • nasal rinsing - used both for adenoids and for their inflammation; for rinsing, you can use solutions of sea salt, Elekasol, Miramistin, Rotokan, Furacilin;
  • nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect - reduce tissue swelling, relieve a runny nose, and facilitate the subsequent procedure of rinsing the nose; you can drip your nose with Tizin, Vibrocil, Sanorin;
  • introduction into the nasal cavity of drugs in the form of drops, spray or solution applied to the turunda - Bioparox, Protargol, Collargol, Albucid, Sofradex, Avamis;
  • inhalation through a nebulizer - Cedovix, Mentoclar.

It is worth noting that as the child ages, the adenoids can decrease in size on their own. This is due to the fact that from adolescence the overall incidence of respiratory infections decreases significantly. The nasopharyngeal tonsil ceases to be in constant contact with pathogenic microorganisms and begins to regress (decrease in size).

Adenoid removal

Surgical treatment of adenoiditis in children is carried out when conservative methods are ineffective, as well as when nasal breathing is difficult. The decision about whether to remove the adenoids rests with the parents. But there are a number of absolute indications for surgery. In these cases, intervention cannot be avoided.


  • inability to breathe through the nose (adenoids grade 2 - 3);
  • deformation of the sternum and face;
  • large adenoids;
  • hearing loss.


  • persistent rhinitis;
  • chronic adenoiditis;
  • bad breath;
  • snoring, poor sleep;
  • frequent otitis and sinusitis, .

Indications for surgery:

  1. Severe nasal breathing disturbances;
  2. Beginning deformation of the facial skeleton and chest;
  3. Hearing impairment caused by hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  4. Existing chronic inflammatory diseases of other organs of the upper respiratory tract.

Laser removal adenoids has a number of advantages over the traditional method:

  1. The recovery period after surgery is reduced.
  2. Minimal blood loss.
  3. The surgeon's actions are more precise.
  4. The area of ​​the injured area is reduced.
  5. Complete sterility and reduced risk of complications.

Laser for adenoid removal in children can be used in two ways:

  1. Coagulation. A focused beam is used. Recommended for removing large formations.
  2. Valorization. The upper layers of the adenoids are burned with steam using a carbon dioxide laser. Recommended for early stages and small-sized lesions.

Video: indications for removal of adenoids in a child - Doctor Komarovsky.

Not a single child has ever grown up without a runny nose. This symptom accompanies many diseases: viral, bacterial, allergic. Only a doctor can determine the cause of thick mucus in the nose. If you have a runny nose, you should consult an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. If this is not done on time, acute adenoiditis may develop in the child. Today's article will tell you about this disease and also tell you how to treat it.

The child has

Adenoiditis is an inflammation located in the pharynx. The nasopharyngeal tonsil normally does not cause any discomfort to a person. Some people don't even know about its existence. Lymphoid tissue is a barrier to infection. It is the first place that viruses, bacteria and allergens encounter. The tonsil, located in the nasopharynx, prevents infection from entering deeper, taking the brunt of the blow. Frequent diseases provoke tissue, resulting in acute adenoiditis. In children aged 2 to 10 years, this pathology occurs much more often than in older children or newborns.

The acute course of the disease requires timely and correct treatment. Otherwise, adenoiditis may become chronic. This disease is much more difficult to cure. It is important to notice signs of the disease in time and show the child to an otolaryngologist. Let's consider how acute adenoiditis manifests itself in a child.

Symptoms of the disease

The nature of the symptoms of the disease may differ in each patient. The more often the body has to deal with infections, the higher the likelihood of severe pathology. Acute may have the following:

  • increased body temperature (appears due to the body’s fight against pathogenic microorganisms and due to the release of toxins);
  • purulent, mucous and thick nasal discharge;
  • sensation of a lump in the larynx, a foreign body (occurs due to the accumulation of thick mucus and its flow down the back wall of the pharynx);
  • swelling and congestion of the nasal passages;
  • nasal sound and snoring (during sleep, breathing is heavy and shallow, mainly through the mouth);
  • decreased hearing due to blocked ears (ear pain can appear as a complication of otitis media);
  • debilitating unproductive morning cough (appears due to irritation of the larynx with thick mucus);
  • sore throat, sore throat (the infection can switch to a complication of tonsillitis);
  • adenoid face (appears with a long-term illness, the child’s mouth is open and the oval of the face is elongated).

Patients suffering from acute adenoiditis may have several symptoms. There are often cases when parents go to the doctor with complaints about a long-term sniffling nose, poor sleep, and disruption of normal breathing. But it still forces the baby to be taken to an ENT specialist by the temperature, which has risen quite suddenly.

What does the doctor see?

Before treating acute adenoiditis in a child, it is necessary to establish the stage of the disease. To do this, the doctor asks the patient about signs of concern and performs an independent examination. You can examine inflamed tonsils through your nose or mouth. There are several forms of acute disease:

  • the tonsils cover only the upper part of the nasal septum;
  • adenoids have grown to 2/3 of the vomer;
  • lymphoid tissue covers almost the entire bony septum.

Note that the higher the stage of the disease, the more pronounced its symptoms. Treating mild forms is quite simple, but few people seek medical help at that moment. Many mothers and fathers try to eliminate a runny nose on their own. As a result, the healed child feels worse and worse, and hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils becomes more pronounced.

Conservative or surgical treatment?

Every parent faced with the described problem has a question about how to treat acute adenoiditis for a child. 4-year-old children often undergo surgery. The procedure is called adenotomy. Why at this age?

Statistics show that children begin to attend preschool institutions at the age of 2-3 years. During this period, the small organism has to deal with a large number of viruses and bacteria. Before the baby had time to recover from his previous illness, the sniffles started flowing again. All this provokes the growth of lymphoid tissue. By the age of four, in many children, the nasopharyngeal tonsils reach such a size that the children cannot breathe normally. They are forced to obtain oxygen by breathing through the mouth, which negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. At this point, the doctor informs you that it is necessary to remove the overgrown tissue. It is worth noting that this does not always lead to a complete elimination of the problem, because the body loses its protective barrier. Now pathogenic microorganisms can easily descend into the lower respiratory tract. In addition, in many children, the nasopharyngeal tonsils grow again after some time. Doctors consider surgery a last resort. Before her, doctors are trying to cure the disease with conservative methods.

Rinse the nose and relieve swelling

What to do if an acute purulent infection occurs should begin with cleansing the inflamed tonsils. Lymphoid tissue secretes a thick secretion in which bacteria quickly multiply. For productive treatment they need to be eliminated. Using simple manipulations, wash away pathogenic microorganisms from the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Nowadays you can buy a lot of drugs and devices for this at the pharmacy: “Dolphin”, “Rinostop”, “Aquamaris” and so on. You can use saline solution or prepare a saline concentrate yourself. It is not recommended to rinse a child’s nose if there is otitis media.

The second step in the treatment of adenoiditis is the removal of swelling. You can use vasoconstrictor drops or sprays: Otrivin, Nazivin, Vibrocil. They need to be administered into the child’s nose in the dose strictly prescribed by the instructions and for no more than 3-5 days. Often parents are faced with the fact that such remedies do not help. In such cases, doctors prescribe corticosteroid compounds: Avamys, Nasonex and others. All of them are designed to relieve swelling, reduce inflammation and make breathing easier for the child. A specialist can prescribe the medicine Rinofluimucil to a small patient. This spray helps thin thick mucus and remove it quickly.

Use of antibiotics

Are antimicrobial agents needed for acute adenoiditis? In most cases, such drugs are necessary. The pathology is accompanied by the formation of purulent secretion, in which bacterial colonies grow rapidly. Medicines that eliminate them are prescribed in the form of nasal drops and sprays, as well as medications for oral administration. In acute adenoiditis, preference is given to the penicillin series. If there is no high temperature, and the disease appeared a long time ago, then macrolides are prescribed.

Antimicrobial agents and antiseptics can be administered into the nose. “Isofra” and “Protorgol” are very popular. The first drug fights bacteria, and the second has an antiseptic effect. Older children are prescribed Polydex. This medication contains phenylephrine. This component makes breathing easier, relieving swelling and itching. If adenoiditis is complicated by otitis, then antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the ears. Doctors prescribe Otipax, Otinum, Dioxidin, Otofu.

Immunomodulators and restorative agents

You already have a rough idea of ​​what the treatment of acute adenoiditis in children is. The drugs most often used in otorhinolaryngology are listed for you. Doctors also recommend that young patients with hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils take vitamin complexes aimed at increasing immunity. Appropriate medications may also be prescribed, for example “Likopid”, “Interferon”. Irs-19 nasal spray is in great demand. It increases the body's resistance and promotes rapid recovery.

Evgeniy Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician in many countries, recommends following a regimen during the treatment of adenoiditis. The doctor says that surrounding a child with normal, comfortable conditions is 50% of recovery. Hypertrophy and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil requires constant moistening of the nasal passages. The air in the room where the patient is located must be sufficiently humid and cool. The pediatrician says that you should definitely walk with a sick baby for at least 2-3 hours a day (except for those cases when the baby has a fever). Komarovsky advises drinking more. If there is no appetite, do not force your child to eat. Provide the patient with peace and positive emotions. The pediatrician advises using antipyretic drugs only in cases where the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees.


You became aware of what acute adenoiditis is in children. Symptoms and treatment of pathology are presented to your attention. All medications should be prescribed to a child only by a specialist. Don't think you can handle the problem on your own. Believe me, acute adenoiditis is much easier to cure than to eliminate the chronic stage of the disease. Best wishes!