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Chicken diet: how to lose weight on chicken breast or broth in a week. Diet on chicken breast and vegetables: menu and results Lose weight on chicken breast in a week

Those who have a tendency to be overweight are forced to constantly monitor their figure and their diet so as not to gain extra calories, and with them kilograms. From meat in most cases, they choose chicken, which is considered an ideal dietary protein product. Useful, promotes weight loss, low-calorie, nutritious, allows you to cook a lot of new dishes every day.

It is from here that the chicken diet originates, which is ideal for the menu of athletes and everyone who is fighting overweight.

Slimming mechanism

Why did the chicken diet suddenly become used for weight loss? How can meat help you lose weight? It turns out that the mechanism is quite simple:

  • the absence of fats and carbohydrates causes the body to expend excess fluid first (it makes up a large part of excess weight), then glucose from muscle protein, and, finally, fat reserves in problem parts of the body;
  • chicken meat contains a lot of protein, which restores muscle mass during weight loss, making the body pumped up;
  • it has a lot of vitamins and minerals, so you can not expect exhaustion;
  • its nutritional value eliminates the feeling of hunger, suppresses appetite;
  • In order for the diet to be also low-calorie, you need to properly cook the chicken and know which parts of it are best to eat.

Calorie content of individual parts of chicken meat and offal:

Calorie content of chicken meat cooked in different ways:

According to the tables, it becomes clear that a low-calorie diet on chicken breast, boiled or stewed, is ideal for weight loss.

Basic principles

You need to know a number of secrets: how to cook, how to eat meat and even how to change your lifestyle.

  1. Optimal duration: a chicken diet for 7 days will not allow the body to feel a lack of certain substances and become depleted, but it will be possible to lose 3-4 kg while maintaining muscle mass during this period.
  2. Of all parts of the bird, it is better to use chicken fillet.
  3. To reduce the fat content in meat, the skin must be removed from the chicken before cooking and the fatty layers removed.
  4. Cook dishes on the second chicken broth, that is, the first water is drained after boiling.
  5. The best cooking methods are boiling, baking in foil, stewing.
  6. Chicken is served with vegetables and herbs: vegetable fiber accelerates the absorption of fats remaining in the bird.
  7. Maintain adequate physical activity so that the calories consumed are spent.
  8. Drink plenty of pure .
  9. In order not to break loose, do not be lazy to cook different dishes.
  10. The exit should be gradual: beef is introduced in the first 2 days, then pork, lamb comes last. It is better to start eating fried meat only for 5-6 days.

The chicken diet is one of the few that can't be called a hunger strike, it's so nutritious and delicious. But in order for weight loss to be effective, know how to properly cook and eat this dietary meat.


Unfortunately, the chicken diet has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • age up to 18 and after 55;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery or a protracted illness.

Many may object that seriously ill patients during the recovery period are even specially prescribed boiled chicken broth, as it is very healthy and nutritious. However, we are not talking about complete nutrition, but about weight loss and a diet that does not differ in a balanced diet and therefore is contraindicated in the categories listed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, the pros of the diet are much more than the cons. However, both of them should be studied and analyzed at the preparation stage. This will help you avoid disappointment.

  • excellent taste of dishes;
  • easily tolerated;
  • absence of depressive conditions;
  • the body is saturated with a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • maintaining muscle mass;
  • special value for athletes: chicken broth promotes the development of greater physical endurance;
  • pressure normalization.
  • risk of allergy to chicken protein;
  • quick return of lost kilograms;
  • increased load on the kidneys;
  • too long a period can lead to a lack of fat, which will adversely affect metabolism;
  • digestive problems as side effects: flatulence, constipation, bloating;
  • the risk of protein intoxication.

Are you ready to face these shortcomings? Will they scare you?


There are plenty to choose from.

with rice

There are a lot of variations of the chicken and rice diet. Their combination is explained by an attempt to balance the diet so that it contains not only protein (for muscle mass), but also carbohydrates. Losses can be up to 1 kg per day. The duration may vary.

Stock up on brown or wild rice. Soak a glass of cereal in water in the evening, boil or steam it in the morning, but without salt and spices.

  • Option 1. Mixed

Designed for 3 or 5 days, but no more. During the day, in small portions, you need to eat 1 kg of boiled rice and 500 g of breast.

  • Option 2. Alternation

It is very useful to alternate carbohydrate and protein days: a day (or 2 or 3 - depending on the chosen mode) sit on 1 kg of rice, then - on 1 kg of meat. Duration - from 3 to 6 days. You can drink green and black tea, coffee without sugar and milk. Even a teaspoon of honey is allowed.

  • Option 3. With rice and vegetables

Designed for 9 days: rice, chicken, vegetables are consumed sequentially in a 3-3-3 alternation mode. During the first three days, 1 kg of unsalted brown rice is eaten daily. During the second 3 days - 1 kg of boiled breast without skin and salt. The last 3 days - 1 kg of vegetables. Focus on white and green (cabbage, onion, zucchini, cucumbers, greens). Gram 200 you can take red (tomatoes, carrots, beets). Half of them are consumed raw, half - thermally processed.

  • Option 4. With rice and apples

According to the previous model, a diet of rice - chicken - apples is also built. She is also 9 days old. But in the last three days you need to eat exclusively green apples and green.

All these diets are quite rigid and long. Therefore, you need to have iron willpower in order to reach the end and see minus 9-10 kg on the scales.

with buckwheat

Another tandem of proteins with carbohydrates is also suitable: chicken breast and buckwheat perfectly complement each other, preventing the body from depleting. There may be two options here.

  • Option 1. Strict

A glass of buckwheat is soaked in the evening with water, in the morning it is boiled without salt and spices. During the day, 500 grams of basic products are eaten in portions. Duration - 3 or 5 days. Losses - 1 kg per day.

  • Option 2. Gentle

With vegetables

Vegetable fiber accelerates the digestion of fats and promotes better absorption of protein. Therefore, the chicken breast and vegetable diet is considered one of the most effective. It is easily tolerated, designed for 7 days, but can last a whole month, provided that the menu is varied and includes a small amount of fat (for example, vegetable oil).

Vegetables can be any, but it is better not to take potatoes and corn. Losses - 3-4 kg per week and about 10 per month. If you choose a long fast, unsweetened fruits, rice and buckwheat are allowed (rarely and in small quantities).

  • with cabbage

A good result is given by a diet on chicken and cabbage: minus 700-800 grams per day, hunger is not felt, there are a huge number of food options. Sample menu for the day:

The optimal period for losing weight on chicken and vegetables is a week.

In addition to these options, the chicken broth diet is very popular. For 3 or 5 days for lunch and dinner, 300 ml of broth is eaten. All other dishes are also prepared on it. For taste, it is allowed to add a little salt and vegetables (carrots, onions).


A sample menu for the week will help with the preparation of the diet:


You need to know how to cook the breast so that it is healthy, low-calorie and dietary (without salt, fatty layers and skins). The more recipes you collect, the more varied the diet will be and the easier you will endure the diet.

  • garlic clove.
  • Cooking:

    1. Remove the skin, fat layers from the breast.
    2. Cut into small slices.
    3. Chop garlic and dill.
    4. Mix meat with seasonings, add salt.
    5. Fill with kefir.
    6. Marinate 1-1.5 hours.
    7. Place the chicken with the marinade in a dry skillet.
    8. Simmer covered over low heat for 30 minutes.
    9. Sprinkle with basil when serving.

    The chicken diet is nutritious and safe for health. That is why she has so many followers. In search of weight loss methods, men choose it, fearing hunger strikes without meat. A variety of menus and excellent taste qualities of dishes - all this makes this protein food system so popular.

    Many have heard that the chicken breast diet is not only very effective for weight loss, but also delicious, because in addition to chicken meat, the menu also contains buckwheat, rice, and vegetables. This nutrition system is presented in different variations: fasting day with fillet, weight loss on broth, buckwheat with meat, with the addition of vegetables. Each option has certain rules, and the main advantage of such a diet is that excess weight goes away quickly and does not come back.

    What is the chicken breast diet

    Chicken meat is rich in proteins, so the chicken breast diet is also called protein. During such a diet, the human body experiences a lack of carbohydrates, begins to make up for this deficiency from fat reserves. As a result, there is a breakdown of fats, bowel cleansing, removal of excess fluid, loss of excess body weight. In addition, chicken meat is easily digestible, has a low calorie content, saturates the body with amino acids, vitamins E, H, A, B. The diet of the protein diet is simple, but very satisfying, satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

    Chicken breast for weight loss

    Boiled chicken fillet helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach, so the product is recommended for use in gastritis, other diseases of the stomach and intestines. Microelements such as magnesium and potassium normalize the work of the heart, prevent the occurrence of stroke, heart attack, ischemia. The protein product has a low energy value - about 137 kilocalories per 100 g, contains many useful substances:

    • amino acids;
    • proteins (29.8 g per 100 g of meat);
    • vitamins PP, H, C, A, E, B, etc.;
    • iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

    The benefits of the breast for women's health are also obvious: due to its rich vitamin composition, hair, nails are strengthened, the condition of the skin and teeth improves. Vitamins B6 and B12 contribute to the favorable development of pregnancy and the fetus, so chicken meat is recommended to be eaten by expectant mothers. You can cook fillets in the following ways: steam, bake in the oven, boil, stew. The peel should not be consumed, because it contains fats that are almost not digested by the body.

    chicken breast diet

    The chicken diet for weight loss has several varieties, depending on the additional products, but the following rules apply to the entire system as a whole:

    1. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day.
    2. It is undesirable to add salt to dishes, it can be replaced with natural soy sauce.
    3. Calorie meals - a maximum of 1200 kcal per day, for inactive people - 900 kcal.
    4. Sweet, flour, smoked should be excluded.
    5. On some days it is allowed to eat chicken liver.

    On the broth

    The chicken broth diet helps to get rid of 9 extra pounds in just 7 days. For a day, you need to consume 1-1.5 liters of broth, breaking this rate into 5-7 doses, and with severe hunger, you can eat a couple of toasts from dietary bread. In addition to the broth, it is allowed to drink water without gas - 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner, or 1.5-2 hours after that. Soup is prepared like this:

    1. Place chicken (preferably homemade) in boiling water.
    2. Reduce the heat and continue to cook until tender (about 40 minutes), do not forget to remove the foam.
    3. In the middle of the cooking process, you can add onions, carrots, celery, herbs, salt.

    On vegetables

    The chicken and vegetable diet lasts a week, during which you can lose 5 extra pounds. Half of the diet of such food is chicken fillet (boiled, stewed), the remaining 50% is occupied by vegetables. Thanks to them, nutrition becomes balanced, the load on the kidneys caused by a large amount of proteins is reduced. During the diet, it is necessary to exclude salt, drink about 2 liters of fluid per day.

    In addition, it is allowed to drink unsweetened green tea, other drinks without added sugar, kefir. The daily norm is 800 kcal. List of allowed foods for a diet with chicken and vegetables:

    • any vegetables except potatoes;
    • fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes;
    • any fresh herbs;
    • mineral water without gas, tea without sugar, kefir (fat-free).

    Breast and vegetables

    The chicken breast and vegetables diet is one of the five most productive weight loss systems, has many good reviews. Adhering to it, it is desirable to control the number of calories received per day - from 900 to 1200 (depending on your activity). Half of the daily diet should be breast, the rest should be occupied by vegetables (they can be stewed, baked, eaten raw). Take your pick, but skip the potatoes.

    On buckwheat

    A diet with breast and buckwheat helps to reduce weight up to 3-4 kg in seven days, you can stick to it for a month. Groats should be steamed in the evening with boiling water, without adding salt and other spices. Your daily diet plan might look like this:

    1. In the morning, have breakfast with buckwheat porridge (100 g) with tea, do not add sugar.
    2. For lunch - salad with cabbage, 150 g of breast (boiled).
    3. For dinner, repeat the morning menu, an hour after breakfast, lunch and at night you need to drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

    on rice

    The diet on breast and rice lasts three days, during which it is really possible to get rid of two extra pounds. The menu during this time may look like this:

    1. Breakfast: rice porridge (100 g) with grated green apple, salt and sugar cannot be added.
    2. An hour after breakfast, you can drink a cup of green tea (without sugar).
    3. Lunch: boiled chicken fillet (150 g).
    4. A cup of green tea and 1 apple 50-60 minutes after lunch.
    5. Dinner: boiled chicken meat (100 g), you can eat raw vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) as a side dish.

    Unloading day on chicken breast

    For those who are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight on chicken breast during the day, nutritionists give an affirmative answer. Following such a mono-diet, it is quite possible to lose up to 1.5 kg per day. Within 24 hours it is allowed to eat only boiled chicken fillet. The required daily norm of meat is 500 g, break this amount of product into 6 equal servings and eat them every 2 hours. In addition to breast milk, drink non-carbonated purified water, coffee and green tea without sugar.


    Why is there excess weight?

    Experts divide obesity into two types: primary and symptomatic. In the second type, the appearance of excess weight most often indicates the presence of certain diseases.

    The reasons for the appearance of excess weight in the primary form are:

    • Heredity;
    • Excessive consumption of unhealthy foods;
    • Sedentary lifestyle.

    According to scientists, weight gain is more or less dependent on genetic characteristics, despite the fact that they are closely related to lifestyle.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet, which is often a family habit, passed down from the older generation to the younger.

    However, it also happens that excess weight associated with genetics can appear in the presence of hereditary diseases.

    In any case, before you start eating according to the scheme, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. In some cases, medication can lead to weight gain. As a rule, these are corticosteroids, female hormonal drugs, antidepressants and others.

    It is necessary to take such medicines as prescribed by the doctor, observing the prescribed dosage and course of treatment.

    In some pathological conditions, extra pounds may appear. Pathology can occur with disorders in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, defective development of the gonads, Cushing's disease, damage to nerve cells.

    Today, there are many dietary nutrition schemes. They may include eating one or more foods. Among single-component diets, the most common use of a product such as buckwheat. A diet based on separate meals is a nine-day course: rice, chicken, apples. The most common multi-nutrient diet is the Japanese diet. Her diet is based on meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

    Diet "rice, chicken, vegetables" for 9 days

    This type of diet is designed for 9 days and consists of 3 stages. During each of them you need to eat a certain product. During the diet, you can get rid of 4-7 kilograms of hated weight.

    Diet menu

    At the first stage, the diet consists of rice. The daily dose is 1 glass of rice. To prepare porridge, you need to pour washed rice in the evening with cool water and leave until morning. In the morning, drain the liquid, and pour 400 ml of boiling water over the rice. Boil porridge for 15 minutes without adding salt and other spices. Divide into 5 equal portions to eat throughout the day.

    To maintain the water balance in the body, it is necessary to drink at least 2.5 liters of pure mineral water. Rice can be seasoned with natural honey, but its amount should not exceed 3 teaspoons per day. Water should be drunk in small portions, but often. The fifth portion of rice must be eaten before 20.00.

    The next three days you should eat only boiled chicken. This is the period of protein food. You need to eat 1200 grams of meat per day. Before cooking the meat, it must be thoroughly washed, the skin removed from the chicken, and the bones removed. Divide the prepared pulp into 5 equal parts, combining white and dark meat in each of them. Do not use salt when cooking.

    Before each meal you need to drink 180 ml of pure water. The rest of the liquid should be consumed in small portions throughout the day. The daily rate of water should be at least 2.5 liters. The use of natural honey will energize you. It should be eaten no more than 3 teaspoons.

    From the seventh to the ninth day of the diet, you need to eat apples. Green-skinned fruits are ideal. You need to eat 1 kg of apples per day. Just as in the first two stages, you can not disturb the water balance. 2.5 liters of still mineral water should be drunk in small sips throughout the day.

    If you feel weak, you can restore energy with 3 teaspoons of natural honey. It must be eaten in its pure form or pour them over apples.

    Why is the diet effective?

    The "rice, chicken, apples" diet is based on the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates. Eating foods in this order is not accidental. Rice at the first stage cleanses the body of toxins and excess fluid.

    Chicken is protein. Proteins help prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue and promote fat burning.

    The third period consolidates the success. Apples are a low calorie food. The high fiber content helps cleanse the intestines, and organic acids speed up the metabolism.

    Natural honey is rich in carbohydrates. However, if you have an allergic reaction to the product, you can not eat it.

    Diet Contraindications

    The “rice, chicken, vegetables” weight loss system, designed for 9 days, is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. It is not recommended to use this method of weight loss during heavy physical work.

    Preventive measures

    People who are prone to obesity need to balance the amount of power loads and food consumed. Any diet should have a balanced diet.

    In order to effectively lose weight and maintain the result achieved in the future, you need to understand what exactly is the cause of its appearance. Most often, extra pounds are formed due to a changed diet or a decrease in physical activity.

    Health is important for maintaining weight. It is important to have regular medical check-ups. Such activities will help to identify the development of diseases and start treatment in a timely manner.

    Exit the diet: how to do it right?

    In order for the lost kilograms not to return, you need to get off the diet correctly. It is worth remembering that you need to gradually introduce foods that were not included in the list of components of the diet into the diet.

    Have a successful diet and a slim figure!


    Varieties of diet food

    A diet with chicken fillet is observed for one or three weeks. Each option has its own nutritional characteristics.

    Seven day meal

    With this diet, it is allowed to eat no more than 1200 kcal per day.
    You can enjoy:

    1. Baked, boiled or steamed chicken breast;
    2. Vegetables without starch;
    3. Unsweetened fruits;
    4. Groats. Banned only white rice and semolina;
    5. Salads dressed with olive oil.

    800 grams of poultry fillet should be boiled in two liters of water until tender. Add some celery root, carrots and onions. Divide the meat into five servings and eat it throughout the day. To make the dish more delicious, sprinkle it with lemon juice.

    Most often, a seven-day meat diet is followed as the final stage of a healthy weight loss program, when you need to lose the last kilograms.

    Three weeks meal

    Within 21 days you need to follow a strict menu.

    1. It is allowed to eat 200 grams of chicken fillet, 200 grams of porridge, 400 grams of vegetables and two unsweetened fruits per day.
    2. The daily rate of chicken should be divided into four equal portions.

    Positive and negative aspects of dietary nutrition

    Since the chicken fillet needs to be boiled or baked, you do not need to devote much time to cooking the dish. Thanks to nutrition with chicken, immunity will increase, cholesterol levels will decrease, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system will improve. Dietary nutrition can be observed for the prevention of gout, polyarthritis, diabetes mellitus.

    The disadvantages of the chicken diet include such a moment that the first three days after the start of its observance, your activity will sharply decrease. There may be dizziness and severe loss of strength. Such not very pleasant symptoms often accompany losing weight people with any protein or low-carbohydrate diets. If you have an upset stomach while following a diet, consult a doctor and return to a good diet.

    It is forbidden to follow a chicken diet for kidney, liver, stomach and heart diseases.

    Weight loss on buckwheat and chicken meat

    Green buckwheat is often used for weight loss. It cannot be boiled, thanks to which all vitamins and antioxidants are preserved in the cereal.

    The diet on buckwheat and chicken breast is observed for a long time and allows you to lose weight gradually. You can eat fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and other dairy products, greens. The duration of the diet is two weeks - several months. Sample menu for one day:

    1. Have breakfast with steamed green buckwheat with green tea;
    2. Have a snack with kefir;
    3. For lunch, you can boil or bake chicken breast, make a vegetable salad and a portion of green buckwheat;
    4. Have an afternoon snack with kefir;
    5. Dine on steamed green buckwheat with green tea.

    Green buckwheat cannot be boiled, so it is boiled. To prepare a healthy dish for weight loss, fill the cereal with water, cover with a lid, let it stand for two hours.

    Since such a diet allows you to lose weight at a slow pace, it is considered safe for health, and the results obtained last a very long time.

    Diet with chicken, rice and vegetables

    Half of the daily calories should consist of chicken, and the other half should include vegetables.

    Drizzle vegetables with a little olive oil. After nine days of dietary nutrition, you will lose five kilograms.

    Sample menu for a nine-day diet for weight loss:

    1. During the first three days, only rice can be eaten. In the evening, pour dry brown or wild rice (glass) with cold water. In the morning, prepare the dish in a water bath. Divide the entire amount of rice into portions and eat it throughout the day. You can eat not only rice, but also honey (a teaspoon three times a day). It is allowed to quench thirst with black coffee, herbal or green tea;
    2. The next three days you need to cook chicken fillet. During the day, it is allowed to eat 1.2 kilograms of chicken. It is also allowed to please yourself with honey;
    3. For the next three days, you need to eat vegetables. The daily menu should consist of a kilogram of vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, greens. You can also eat tomatoes, carrots and beets in 100 grams. Vegetables can be boiled or eaten raw. It is allowed to feast on honey and drink plenty of liquids.

    Cucumbers and greens contribute to weight loss, so they must be included in the diet.

    Diet food on chicken and cottage cheese

    Cottage cheese with chicken is a carbohydrate-free weight loss regimen. If the body does not receive carbohydrates, it begins to break down its own fat accumulations. Wasting a large number of calories and less of their intake in the body leads to rapid and effective weight loss.

    Diet food with chicken and cottage cheese must be observed for two weeks. During this time, you can get rid of 5 - 8 extra pounds.

    The principles of the chicken and cottage cheese diet:

    1. Eat five times a day;
    2. You need to eat small portions;
    3. Drink plenty of fluids;
    4. Eliminate sugar with honey, desserts and rich pastries;
    5. Also banned are cereal dishes, dumplings with dumplings, potatoes, beets and carrots;
    6. It is forbidden to eat sweet fruits.

    To lose weight, you need to stop drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    Ration for one day:

    • Have two eggs for breakfast with a slice of cheese, green tea or unsweetened coffee;
    • For the second breakfast, prepare cottage cheese with sour cream in the amount of 100 grams;
    • Dine on vegetable soup with chicken breast;
    • Have an afternoon snack with an apple, a slice of cheese, low-fat kefir;
    • Dine on chicken breast (200 grams), vegetable stew.

    It is important to remember that nutrition on chicken and cottage cheese cannot be observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and heart. Be sure to consult your doctor and nutritionist before changing your diet.

    Recipes for weight loss with chicken fillet

    To prepare a diet dish with chicken, you can use the following recipes from nutritionist Pierre Dukan:

    1. Wash a kilogram of chicken meat, cut into small slices, salt and pour a glass of kefir. Season the dish with spices and onions to taste. After an hour of marinating, bake the chicken in the oven for 45 minutes;
    2. Rinse two chicken fillets, pat dry with paper towels. Cut in the middle and place the tomato rings and some basil in the cut. Pin the edges with toothpicks. Fry in olive oil on both sides for five minutes;
    3. Cut 400 grams of chicken breast into cubes. Potatoes and carrots need to be peeled and also cut into cubes. Fry the meat a little in a pan and place in boiling water. Boil 10 minutes. Add prepared vegetables. After 10 minutes, grate the processed cheese into the soup, mix, add herbs and spices to taste.

    The described recipes will help diversify the dietary table.
    Now you know what the essence of the chicken breast diet is, how much it is observed and what foods it is combined with in order to lose weight. Consult your doctor before starting a diet. Go to a nutritionist who will help you create an individual menu for combating excess weight, taking into account the characteristics of your body.


    Diet menu at different stages

    The main products of the diet are rice with vegetables and chicken. Three days are allocated for each product. In nine days, it takes from 4 to 9 kg, depending on the state of the body and the initial weight.

    The first step is eating rice. Choose white and long grain. It contains a number of useful substances and removes harmful toxins from the body. Diet rice is prepared by following these steps:

    • soak a glass of rice in water and leave overnight;
    • in the morning, drain the water and rinse thoroughly, getting rid of starch;
    • put rice in a pan and boil in water;
    • salt and oil are not added.

    Within three days, they eat a glass of such rice, dividing it into 5-6 meals. Drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily and consume 3 teaspoons of honey, which are washed down with water. A diet on rice helps to remove excess fluid and salt from the body. The first days there is an intensive weight loss.

    From 4 to 6 days they switch to chicken. Meat provides the body with protein, is easily digestible and maintains muscle elasticity, which is especially important during weight loss. They eat no more than 1200 g of chicken meat per day. Continue to observe the drinking regime.

    In addition to water, you can drink green tea or mineral water without gas. The allowed amount of honey remains the same. The chicken is divided into 5-6 meals and eaten throughout the day. Cooking features:

    • meat is removed from the skin and fatty films;
    • washed, placed in an appropriate bowl and boiled;
    • as an option - cooked in a double boiler;
    • salt and seasonings are not added.

    The third stage lasts from 7 to 9 days. The menu during this period consists of vegetables. They eat 800-1000 g of vegetables per day. They should be predominantly white and green. It is better to refuse potatoes. Vegetables can be stewed, boiled, steamed and eaten raw. Drink enough water every day and eat up to 3 tsp. honey.

    There is a diet option "3 days rice, 3 days chicken, 3 days apples." The first six days remain the same, and from 7 to 9 they consume a kilogram of green apples. Similarly to the first two stages, they drink 2-2.5 liters of water and, if desired, include honey in the diet. The diet of rice, chicken and apples helps to lose weight by burning fat, preserves muscle tissue and cleanses the intestines.

    How to get out of the diet and fix the result

    In order for the lost kilograms not to return, it is necessary to properly exit the diet. You can not abruptly return to the usual diet, the body needs to be prepared for a change in nutrition. You need to gradually introduce lean meat, fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products, eat more vegetables and fruits. Continue to drink enough water.

    Food should be fractional. Sweets, flour, smoked meats, pickles, fast food are excluded. The ban also includes sweet carbonated drinks, fatty and overly salty foods. You need to cook food in gentle ways, excluding frying in a pan. Ideally, healthy eating should become a habit. This way you can keep fit and prevent weight gain.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Do not forget that a diet of rice, chicken and vegetables is a rather extreme way to lose weight. Therefore, before using the technique, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Using the technique with a weakened immune system and even a common cold can harm your health. Restricted nutrition is stress for the body, so during the diet, a breakdown, apathy, irritability, and a bad mood can occur.

    The diet should not be used for:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • violations of the kidneys;
    • liver disease;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • chronic ailments;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Pros and cons of the diet

    Adhering to all the rules of the methodology, you can get rid of 4 to 9 kg. Changing the diet makes it much easier to transfer the diet than many hard methods of losing weight. In addition to weight loss, the diet cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • monotonous set of products;
    • a number of contraindications;
    • the possibility of constipation in the first days;
    • quick return of lost weight with the wrong exit from the diet.

    The number of kilograms lost will depend not only on how strictly a person follows a diet, but also on his initial weight. You can repeat the diet no more than once every 5-6 months.

    A diet based on rice, chicken and vegetables is one of the sparing weight loss systems. Changing foods prevents the body from feeling an acute shortage of protein, carbohydrates and fats. The technique cleanses the body, preserves muscle tissue and stimulates the burning of body fat. The diet lasts 9 days. Every 3 days use one of the products. The benefits and harms of this weight loss system depend on compliance with all the rules and the state of the body. Before using the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Learn more about losing weight on rice, chicken and vegetables in the video below.


    Diet principles

    The essence of the diet is to eat chicken breast, which is a source of protein. The meat itself does not contain fast carbohydrates or fats in its composition, which allows you to lose extra pounds.

    Like other types of diet food, this variety was based on the rules, adhering to which you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in 7 days:

    1. The total caloric content of the daily diet should be 1200 kcal.
    2. During such a diet, the use of fried foods, flour products, sweets, and alcoholic beverages is not allowed. You can not fry the breast itself.
    3. The chicken breast itself must first be freed from the skin due to the fact that it accumulates harmful substances that can negate all the benefits of the diet.
    4. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily (filtered water, herbal preparations, green tea without sugar).
    5. It is advisable not to use sugar and salt in the preparation of all menu dishes.
    6. Portion sizes should not be large, it is better to avoid feeling hungry by increasing the frequency of eating.
    7. In order for the diet to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to supplement it with sports exercises.
    8. When leaving the diet, you must also adhere to certain rules.


    Dietary nutrition can harm the body, so it is better to first make sure that there are no contraindications to the diet. In general, it is quite safe. It is not recommended to adhere to it only for people who have chronic or acute diseases of the liver and organs of the urinary system. Also, if there is a clear lack of any vitamins in the body, then it is advisable to combine the use of dietary dishes with the intake of vitamin complexes.


    Diet: chicken breast + kefir

    A chicken breast diet combined with kefir gives amazing results - weight loss can reach 3 kg. Its duration is 2 days, and by itself it is a rather rigid food system. The daily diet when choosing this food system should consist of poultry meat eaten in an amount of 0.5 kg and 1.5 liters of kefir with a low percentage of fat content. The breast is allowed to be consumed only boiled, freeing it from the skin before use.

    Diet: chicken breast + vegetables

    By adhering to this type of chicken diet, you can get rid of up to 5 kg in a week. The basis of the menu is the breast, supplemented with vegetables that can be eaten raw or boiled, as well as baked. Vegetables make up for the lack of fiber in the body and balance a large amount of protein, facilitating the work of the kidneys. The menu may include all kinds of vegetables, except for potatoes. Greens and fruits are also allowed in small quantities.

    Recipe: Chicken breast baked with vegetables

    Ingredients: 300 g of peeled breast, 2 sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes, 250 g of green beans, 1 medium onion.

    Preparation: cut all the ingredients into large cubes, mix the vegetables together. Spread the first layer of meat, then vegetables. Bake in the oven. Since oil is prohibited in dietary nutrition, the breast with vegetables can be laid out on parchment. You can sprinkle chopped parsley on top. The same version of the recipe can be adapted to the grill, while cutting the vegetables into circles, and the breast into larger pieces.

    Recipe: Vegetables with Minced Chicken

    Ingredients: 250 gr chicken breast, 1 medium carrot, 1 tomato, 1 bell pepper, 1 small eggplant.

    Preparation: Boil the breast and grind through a meat grinder. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the rest of the vegetables into cubes. Simmer all vegetables in a pan until tender, finally adding minced chicken to them.

    Diet: chicken breast + fruits

    With this combination of diet components, the body is deficient in carbohydrates, as a result of which it converts excess fat into energy to ensure the metabolic process.

    Recipe: Orange Chicken

    This is the favorite variety of the fruit-chicken diet of American dietitians. The all-day menu includes boiled meats and oranges. You need to use them alternating with each other, and at a time you need to eat no more than 2 citrus fruits.

    Recipe: Pineapple Chicken Breast

    Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, ½ fresh pineapple, 100 g mushrooms.

    Preparation: boil the breast in advance. Cut pineapples into cubes, mushrooms into plates. Stew mushrooms with pineapple and serve as a side dish for boiled chicken.

    Important: Do not use canned pineapples! They contain a large amount of sugar, which will negate the entire result of the diet.

    Diet: chicken breast + cereals

    If you stick to the chicken mono-diet, then its effectiveness will begin to decline sharply even before completion. Therefore, nutritionists have developed such a nutrition system in which every day the body shakes up due to the change of the main product. To do this, cereals are introduced into the list of products on which the diet is based. As a rule, it is rice or buckwheat.

    Chicken breast with rice

    This diet is designed for 3 days. Every day is different from the previous staple diet. It looks like this: during the first day of the diet, only boiled rice is consumed, on the second day only boiled breast is allowed, and the menu of the third day is based on vegetables. Cereals and breast should not exceed 500 g daily, and vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities (you can’t eat potatoes).

    Chicken meat with buckwheat

    This diet can be followed for quite a long time (up to 30 days). At the same time, cereals are used in a special preparation - it is poured over the whole night with hot water. Sample menu of such a diet:

    • for breakfast - buckwheat cooked in the evening;
    • for lunch - boiled breast with a salad of fresh cabbage and herbs;
    • for dinner - buckwheat.

    Between meals, drink a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat content.

    10 day chicken breast diet

    During the entire period of the diet, you can eat boiled chicken breast, supplementing it with fruits, vegetable side dishes or salads. Since this is the most sparing food option, a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from the allowed products, which can only be limited by the limits of imagination.

    Recipe: Chicken breast with vegetable salad

    Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 1 small carrot, celery.

    Preparation: finely chop the celery greens, grate the carrots. Mix vegetables, pour a small amount of lemon juice. Chicken breast can be cut into cubes for a salad or eaten as a side dish.

    Recipe: Pear Chicken

    Ingredients: 500 grams of boiled chicken, 2 pears, 1 small onion, 1 tsp. teriyaki sauce, 1 tsp rice vinegar.

    Preparation: cut the raw breast into thin strips, the onion into half rings, and the pear into small cubes. Mix everything and add vinegar and sauce. Arrange in clay pots, bake in the oven.

    Diet for 7 days

    This diet is also not strict, so it is not difficult to follow it. The main rule is to control the portion size and eat 4-5 times daily. A chicken diet for a week allows the use of low-calorie dishes, which may include (in addition to breast) cereals, vegetables, fruits and low-fat kefir. These products can be complemented with each other and vary depending on preferences.

    Recipe: Chicken Chop

    Ingredients: 1 chicken fillet, lemon juice, herbs.

    Preparation: the meat is cut lengthwise into 4 parts, beaten off on all sides with a kitchen hammer. After that, sprinkle with lemon juice and simmer in water. After the chops are cooked, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top.

    Diet for 3 days

    On a 3-day diet, you can only eat chicken breast.

    You can diversify the diet using the method of preparing the product - chicken can be baked in the oven, boiled, grilled or made into chicken broth. The exception is fried breast - you can not eat it. Adding salt to dishes is also prohibited, and a high fat content in the meal should also be avoided. This is especially true for the broth.

    Recipe for making diet chicken broth

    Boil the breast, drain the water. Remove the skin from the chicken, cut into pieces. Boil water in a saucepan, add carrots, cut into thin rings and onion cubes. As the vegetables are cooked, pour the chicken and finely chopped parsley or dill into the finished broth.

    Chicken menu for every day

    To stick to a diet on chicken breast, you must first calculate the content of kilocalories. Meals should be combined so as not to exceed their daily allowance. A sample menu for the week might look like this:

    1. Monday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken fillet, 300 g of boiled rice. As drinks, you can add natural fruit and vegetable juices or green tea.
    2. Tuesday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken breast, 1 pineapple (necessarily fresh), herbal tea without sugar.
    3. Wednesday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken breast, 3 oranges, at night - a glass of kefir, drink water or green tea during the day.
    4. Thursday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken, vegetable stew (without adding potatoes to it), tea without sugar.
    5. Friday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken, 4 large apples, vegetable juices.
    6. Saturday. 0.5 kg boiled breast, fresh vegetable salad, low fat natural yoghurt.
    7. Sunday. 0.5 kg of boiled chicken, sauerkraut salad, dried fruit compote without sugar.

    Unloading diet option

    This type of diet involves a complete rejection of all products except the main one. Chicken fillet is taken at the rate of 0.5 kg for the whole day. This volume of meat should be divided into several meals (it is better to make 5 of them). On such fasting days, up to 1.5 kg of excess weight is lost every day. This diet is the toughest of all presented, so its duration should not exceed 3 days.

    Diet Benefits

    It is not for nothing that this mono-diet has many adherents, its advantages are as follows:

    • Chicken meat is a dietary product that is easily digested and processed by the body. In addition, it helps to improve immunity, strengthens the muscular corset, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.
    • This diet provides a wide variety of meals, many of which are very easy to prepare.
    • Chicken meat is quite satisfying, it allows you to not feel hungry for a long time.
    • Chicken fillet contains numerous chemical elements, vitamins and amino acids, therefore, when it is consumed, the supply of useful substances is replenished in the body.
    • A positive result is the use of poultry for the health of hair and nails, it also improves the condition of the skin.

    Video recipes

    Diet cons

    The disadvantages include the blandness of the main product - chicken breast is hard to eat without salt, and the fact that after the completion of the dietary cycle, the weight can very quickly return to the previous indicator. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly exit the diet.

    Getting out of the diet

    To consolidate the result within a week after the completion of the diet, you should try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, adding one product from your usual diet every day. It is better to start with the introduction of vegetables, then add fruits, then cereals, dairy products, and finally supplement the menu with cheeses.

    The result of a chicken diet

    It usually exceeds all expectations, provided that all the rules are followed. You need to calculate your strength and choose the appropriate diet option. Only in this case it is possible to avoid a subsequent breakdown and achieve the maximum result.

    Photos before and after the chicken breast diet

    Nothing better demonstrates the effectiveness of a diet than photographs of people who have followed it for a certain amount of time.

    On a chicken diet, you can lose weight without changing your daily routine - all dishes are easy to prepare, and the products are affordable and inexpensive. This is one of those diets that allow you to get a slim silhouette in a short time.

    Good day, my friends. There are many fasting programs that allow you to eat chicken. It so happened that this meat has gained a reputation as an ideal product for sports, medical and dietary nutrition. Therefore, I will tell you about what the chicken breast diet is and I will provide reviews.

    What attracts doctors, nutritionists and losing weight to this protein product? With its amazing composition. The energy value of the breast is 137 kcal per 100 g of product. There are very few fats (only 1.8 g) and carbohydrates (0.5 g). But this meat is rich in proteins - there are 29.8 g of them.

    And it also contains a whole set of various chemical elements:

    • Useful group vitamins, and others;
    • iron, magnesium, chromium, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, iodine and other mineral compounds;
    • etc.

    Boiled chicken meat fibers reduce the acidity of gastric juice, so this product is recommended for those suffering from gastritis. It is also useful in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    I also want to dwell separately on vitamins and. So, these substances are considered "female" vitamins. The well-being of the future mother and the development of the baby largely depend on them. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors recommend the consumption of chicken breast during pregnancy.

    Potassium, iron and magnesium present in chicken normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system. These elements are also important for the nervous system.

    Benefits of the chicken diet

    One of the main advantages of this unloading power system is that it is affordable. After all, you must admit that chicken is a little cheaper than the same beef or rabbit meat. Yes, and additional components of the basic unloading menu are inexpensive. Therefore, losing weight on chicken breast does not require large material costs.

    But affordability is not the only advantage of such a nutrition program. It has many more other benefits:

    • Satiety of dietary dishes. Due to the high content of protein in the main product, the feeling of hunger is quickly satisfied. And the feeling of fullness remains for a long time.
    • This weight loss system ensures the burning of adipose tissue. In this case, the muscle tissue remains in its original size. Or it increases in volume due to improved metabolism.
    • With such weight loss, there is a decrease not only in weight, but also in body volume.
    • The achieved result is stored for a long time.
    • Since the diet is not hungry, various physical activities are welcome.

    Reviews and results

    How effective this or that unloading system is can be judged by the reviews of those who have lost weight. Well, actually, here they are.

    Lucy: Somewhere I read that this weight loss is called the diet of astronauts. I like her very much. But the main advantage is that I myself lose weight on it, but my breasts do not))) Moreover, on a protein, it seems to become even more magnificent.

    Lizaveta: I just love this diet. I don't feel hungry on it at all. I’ve even gotten used to it… As soon as I feel that I’m starting to gain weight, I immediately sit down on salads. I make them from boiled breast and raw vegetables. Checked - up to 2 kilos evaporate in 4-5 days.

    Ninel: I'm not against low-carb programs at all. You just need to remember that if 5 kg is gone in a week, there is not only fat. Therefore, I think that the weight can quickly return to your beloved body.))

    Alya: I lost weight for a month - lost almost 15 kg. She leaned heavily on vegetables, and periodically replaced the chicken with boiled. Only fish and meat should be boiled without salt. I also ate oatmeal cooked in water with fresh berries. And I even allowed myself a small piece of cheese. Only now it was hard without sweets, and I have such a sweet tooth.

    Anya: I just substituted chicken breast for the meat. And so I have been eating for probably 3 months already. The result is gorgeous. No effort and exhausting diets for you, and already 10 kilos are gone.

    And I also prepared for you a photo of those who lost weight on chicken breast. Enjoy the results. Really impressive?

    Diet Disadvantages

    Among the disadvantages that are inherent in this unloading program is that it is very difficult for some losing weight to get used to the specific taste of unleavened chicken. But, if you dream up and flavor the chicken with spices or lemon juice, then it comes out quite tasty. I tried it myself 🙂

    Another disadvantage of such a system is its poverty in fats. But they are so important for the normal functioning of our body. But even here everything is fixable - there are many variations of the diet. And some of them allow the use of a small amount of oil during cooking. It is better to add more healthy unrefined, of which there are a great many (pumpkin, olive, linseed, etc.).

    Diet Options

    Before embarking on such a nutrition program, I advise you to carefully read the basic rules:

      1. Eaten chicken breast should be without skin and fat. It can be eaten boiled, stewed or steamed.
      2. From the diet should be excluded. A complete taboo on sweets, smoked meats and canned food. But it is necessary to obtain from food of plant origin.
      3. The maximum daily calorie intake is 1200 kcal. And with low physical activity, the number of calories consumed should be reduced to 900 kcal. Therefore, losing weight needs to be calculated.
      4. should make up half of the daily diet.
      5. You need to eat in portions - 5-6 times a day.

    1. To normalize the digestive process, protein dishes should be combined with rich foods. These include fruits and berries, as well as non-starchy vegetables and herbs.
    2. During such weight loss, you can drink a glass of good dry wine once a day. This is to raise the "fighting spirit" 🙂
    3. Salt should be completely abandoned. But you can flavor the taste of meat with spices.
    4. The daily norm of liquid, which should be drunk per day, is 1.5-2 liters. This includes drinking water and unsweetened tea. To speed up the metabolism, nutritionists recommend drinking water 20-30 minutes before meals.
    5. Various foods may be present in the daily diet (the exception is wheat).

    I only advise you to sit down on this weight loss after a preliminary consultation with the doctor. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, they can worsen.

    For 3 days

    This unloading power system lasts 3 days. During this period, you can throw off 2 kilos.

    Every day you need to absorb about 700 g of boiled meat. Naturally, this amount of chicken should be divided into 5-6 doses.

    By the way, my friends, Laima Vaikule often resorts to a mono-diet if you need to quickly lose weight. The singer sits on rice for 3 days, then 3 days on chicken breasts. And 3 more days on green apples. She says that such an express program never fails her.

    On breast and vegetables

    One of the options for this unloading nutrition system is the chicken broth diet. To prepare such a dish, you will need 1 breast (without skin and fat) and 1.5 liters of water. Cover the chicken with water and boil until tender. Then we remove the breast from the broth, add a few potatoes cut into cubes. Also, the broth should be enriched with a small amount of cabbage and a few tomatoes.

    Then continue to cook the soup for another 15 minutes over low heat. About 2 minutes before turning off the heat, add the chopped chicken meat to the pan.

    The breast and vegetable soup prepared according to this recipe should be eaten daily for a week. One serving is 200 g, and you need to eat 3-4 servings of the dish per day. It is desirable that the broth is fresh, so you will have to cook it every day.

    This unloading program is very effective: plumb -5 kg ​​per week

    But after such weight loss, you can quickly gain weight. To prevent this from happening, you need the right exit from the diet. For example, on the 8th day, continue to eat broth and include stewed cabbage in your diet. And also enrich the menu with boiled egg protein. On the 9th day, add a couple more tablespoons of porridge to the menu of the 8th day. And on the 10th day we eat the same as on the 9th day. And add an apple and an orange. And, starting from the 11th day, you need to exclude the broth from the diet.

    There is a more gentle version of this diet. During such weight loss, in addition to the broth, you can also eat fresh vegetables (100-150 g). It is also allowed to consume a few unsweetened fruits per day. A mandatory component of the unloading menu is 1 tbsp. (they can be added to the soup). On such an unloading, the extra kilos go away more slowly, but the result is more stable.

    On chicken breast and kefir

    This weight loss program, in fact, is a kind of mono-diet. It is calculated for 6-7 days. And her diet looks like this:

    • 1-2 days you only need green apples (1.5-2 kg per day);
    • 3-4 days you need to eat boiled white meat (kg of chicken per day);
    • 5-6 days you can only drink kefir (the daily norm of a fermented milk product is 2 liters);
    • Day 7 - 4-5 times a day you need to eat chicken broth (one serving - 200 ml).

    Such a menu is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, if you feel bad during it, you will have to stop losing weight.

    On chicken breast and eggs

    This weight loss program is completely non-hungry. And although the main products are breast and eggs, additional ones are included in the diet. For your convenience, I presented the diet of such weight loss in the plate. Catch 😉

    Day Daily ration
    1 150 g boiled breast, vegetable salad, 3 boiled eggs,

    To lose weight quickly and effectively, many resort to the services of fat-burning drugs and special teas for weight loss. But this way of getting rid of hated kilograms is fraught with negative health consequences, therefore the really right way to solve the problem is to eat certain foods that make existing ones disappear without a trace and prevent new fat deposits from appearing. A striking example is chicken breast for weight loss.

    Dietary composition

    The breast is the least calorie part of the chicken carcass. It contains a minimum amount of fat (0.5 g) and a maximum of highly digestible protein (23.5 g). Hence the energy value of the product is a little more than 110 kcal. This allows us to attribute it to dietary delicacies of animal origin.

    From vitamins, chicken breast contains numerous compounds of group B, from minerals - calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Chicken breast, like any other product of animal origin, is saturated with essential amino acids, including including arginine, which has the ability to break down adipose tissue.

    Benefits for weight loss

    White meat chicken breast can be safely called ideal for effective weight loss and weight loss. This is explained by the presence of special properties in this product.

    So, why do chicken breasts make you lose weight? Firstly, as mentioned above, chicken fillet is perfectly absorbed by the human body. In addition, it contains much more proteins than the same lean beef and lean pork. Of great importance for effective weight loss with chicken breast is the bioavailability of this delicacy.

    Secondly, the dietary product quickly and for a long time satisfies the feeling of hunger. The reason, again, is the high protein content, which gives the human body enough energy, which, however, is consumed gradually.

    Thirdly, the presence of a decent amount of vitamins and mineral salts in the chicken breast counteracts the occurrence of beriberi. This means that weakness, fatigue and anemia during weight loss with the help of white chicken meat do not threaten a losing weight person.

    Fourth, eating chicken breast improves metabolism. As a result, the weight of a person is also corrected.

    Fifth, the protein of the dietary product helps to preserve the muscles from the process of catabolism, that is, destruction. This is especially important for those who decide to combine chicken breast weight loss with intense exercise.

    In order for the chicken breast to fully show all its useful qualities for the figure, it is necessary to combine it in the menu with fresh and stewed vegetables, herbs, and also drink as much water as possible - up to 2 liters per day. Then the only disadvantage of eating white meat for weight loss, which is high doses of protein that are harmful to the kidneys, will not make itself felt. The very same chicken breast for weight loss is recommended to eat boiled, baked, steamed.

    Weight loss options with chicken breast

    If you are serious, you can try special ones, the main component of which is the dietary product of animal origin that interests us.

    Chicken mono diet

    Do not be afraid of difficulties - choose a hard method of losing weight on chicken breast. He prescribes to eat exclusively chicken white meat in the amount of 100 g at a time for three days in a row.

    The diet provides for up to six such meals per day. A mandatory measure is the use of sufficient volumes of liquid throughout the day, including freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices, herbal and green teas, mineral water without gas. This mono-diet for weight loss on chicken breast can save you from 3 kg of excess weight in a specified period.

    Weight loss on chicken breast with kefir

    Quite effective is such a way to eliminate body fat, like a kefir-chicken diet. Its duration is 9 days. The first three days of the diet are allowed to feast on only green varieties of apples: 1.5 kg of juicy fruits should be consumed per day. Then for three days they eat only chicken breast fillet, boiled or steamed without salt and spices (1 kg per day).

    For the next two days, you will need to drink exclusively kefir with a fat content of no more than 1% - up to 2 liters per day. Complete the diet by drinking 1.5 liters of chicken broth throughout the day without adding salt. The kefir-chicken diet shows simply excellent results: a loss of up to 10 kg of excess weight.

    Chicken breast and green buckwheat for weight loss

    Another effective combination for chic weight loss is chicken breast plus green buckwheat. The advantage of this method lies in a fairly gentle weight loss. Here is an example menu:

    • Morning - 150 g of steamed green buckwheat, 200 ml of green tea without sugar.
    • The second breakfast is a glass of fat-free kefir.
    • Lunch - 150 g of boiled chicken breast, a serving of green buckwheat sprouts, spinach, kale and basil salad.
    • Snack - 200 ml of natural yogurt without fruit or berry filling.
    • Evening - steamed buckwheat (100 g), a cup of herbal decoction.

    Dinner should be done a few hours before bedtime. Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day - this is table and mineral non-carbonated water, green tea. The disappearance of 3 kg per week of the chicken-buckwheat diet is guaranteed to you.

    Effective diet - minus 8 kg!

    A lighter option is the seven-day chicken diet. She will not require you to treat only chicken breast meat: in addition to it, you can also include cereals, pineapples, root vegetables, leafy vegetables, and cabbage in your diet. Stick to the following pattern:

    • On the first day of the diet, eat boiled chicken (0.5 kg) and rice (0.35 kg), dividing this amount of these foods into 3-4 servings. Accompany every meal with a glass of orange juice. Before going to bed, black tea without milk and sugar is allowed.
    • The second day involves the use of 0.5 kg of fresh pineapple and 700 g of chicken breast during the day. These volumes of food also need to be divided into several equal parts. You can drink mineral water without gas and herbal tea in unlimited quantities.
    • The menu of the third day of the weight loss diet consists of half a kilogram of chicken breast, 150 g of white or Beijing cabbage, five large apples and two raw carrots. Grind the indicated vegetables and fruits, combine - you get a salad. Fill it with lemon juice. Chicken breast is preferably baked in the oven with low-fat sour cream and mushrooms. From drinks, natural vegetable and fruit juices are allowed.
    • The diet of the sixth day includes 0.7 kg of boiled chicken and any number of lettuce leaves. During the day, drink plain water, fruit drinks, dried fruit compote.
    • Meals for the seventh day are similar to the menu of the previous day.

    By following a chicken breast diet for a week, you will be able to lose weight and lose 7 to 9 kg of excess weight.

    You need to get out of any diet for weight loss on chicken breast gradually. Do not allow overeating, introduce daily habitual foods so that the period for returning to the previous diet exceeds that of losing weight twice. At the end of the chicken breast diet, try to limit the amount of baked goods, sweets, fried and fatty treats you eat. From now on, your menu should be filled with mostly correct and healthy food!

    Chicken is a universal component of a healthy diet. Chicken is considered dietary meat, so it is used in many diets.

    At a low cost, chicken meat is quite nutritious and healthy. It is very difficult to replace it with something else. In addition, the taste of chicken has been loved by many since childhood.

    A little about the methods

    They usually follow a diet when they want to lose those extra pounds. The essence of a well-designed diet menu is that a person gets fewer calories than he spends. But this does not exclude the fact that nutrition should still be balanced. The proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be reduced, but this should not be harmful to health.

    For a person prone to obesity, a one-time diet will not be an option. He will have to adhere to certain restrictions constantly. From this follows a new definition of diet - a way of life. In both cases, a properly selected diet is the key to success.

    The essence of the system

    Chicken is the centerpiece of this diet. Properly cooked chicken meat for a diet of 5, 7 or more days will contain a minimum of fat and will become a source of healthy protein.

    The chicken diet involves reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the diet, regardless of its type and duration. The chicken diet menu for 7 days is considered protein.

    Important: Meat is used without skin, not fried. It is prepared by boiling or baking in its own juice. Basically, breast fillet is taken, since there is the lowest calorie meat.

    Benefits and expected effect

    If you follow a diet for 3 days, weight loss will not be very noticeable, mostly excess water will go away. But if you stick to a chicken diet for 7 or 9 days, then judging by the reviews, the body will change significantly. The expected weight loss will be about 700-800 grams per day, if you do not eat foods not listed on the menu.

    With a protein chicken diet, the use of fiber is mandatory. It is found in vegetables and grains. Together with it, toxins will leave the intestines. Thanks to the cleansing of the digestive tract, the process of losing weight will go much easier and faster.

    Salt is practically not used, and ideally completely excluded from the diet. Because of this, water will not accumulate in the body, but will begin to work for the benefit of the body and leave it in a timely manner. This will eliminate swelling of the face and limbs.

    Protein helps in improving the condition of the hair, nourishing the bulbs on the head. Nails will break noticeably less.

    Interesting! Chicken meat improves vision due to the large amount of beta-carotene. And not just sight, but night vision.

    Ration by day

    Here is a detailed menu for 9 days. If there is no need to stick to it for so long, then you can choose a chicken diet for weight loss with a menu for a week.


    1. Breakfast: a couple of egg whites, a glass of kefir.
    2. Lunch: 350 gr. boiled chicken fillet, vegetable salad without oil.
    3. Afternoon snack: any vegetable.
    4. Dinner: 150 gr. fillet and 1 apple.


    1. Breakfast: 100 gr. fillet, ½ grapefruit.
    2. Lunch: 250 gr. fillet, salad of cucumbers and herbs.
    3. Afternoon snack: ½ grapefruit.
    4. Dinner: 100 gr. fillet, low-fat yogurt.


    1. Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs, 50 gr. cottage cheese.
    2. Lunch: 300 gr. fillet, salad with cabbage and vegetables.
    3. Afternoon snack: 50 gr. Chicken.
    4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken, ½ cucumber.


    1. Breakfast: spinach omelet, juice of 1 orange.
    2. Lunch: 100 gr. cottage cheese, 250 gr. chicken breast, a little boiled buckwheat.
    3. Afternoon snack: a circle of pineapple.
    4. Dinner: .


    1. Breakfast: cottage cheese smoothie, apple and 1/3 banana.
    2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, a little stewed zucchini, tomato.
    3. Afternoon snack: 50 gr. low fat cheese.
    4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken fillet, Beijing cabbage.


    1. Breakfast: 3 eggs, tomato and greens.
    2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, vegetable salad, a glass of grapefruit juice.
    3. Afternoon snack: ½ green apple.
    4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken fillet.


    1. Breakfast: 100 gr. boiled buckwheat, 2 eggs, green vegetable.
    2. Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, 250 gr. chicken fillet.
    3. Snack: any fruit, 50 gr. cottage cheese.
    4. Dinner: unsweetened yogurt, 50 gr. cheese.


    1. Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with vegetables, a glass of tomato juice.
    2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, some buckwheat and vegetable salad without oil.
    3. Afternoon snack: pineapple or grapefruit.
    4. Dinner: 50 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. chicken fillet.


    1. Breakfast: with low-fat cheese and 3 egg whites.
    2. Lunch: 250 gr. chicken meat, a glass of kefir with dry bran.
    3. Afternoon snack: any vegetable.
    4. Dinner: apple, 100 gr. cottage cheese, kefir.

    Interesting! The amino acid tryptophan helps to cope with depression. Chicken meat is a storehouse of this substance. A diet with chicken will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to cope with the blues.

    Do's and Don'ts

    1. It is advisable not to use any cereals, except for buckwheat. Buckwheat is a dietary porridge itself. In combination with boiled chicken, this cereal is the basis of the nutrition of professional athletes.
    2. Vegetables should not be cooked. In their raw form, they retain more fiber, and it is needed for better absorption of protein.
    3. It is better not to add additional salt. But if it is absolutely impossible to swallow an insipid piece, then a little salt is allowed.
    4. You can have several fruits, namely: a green apple, pineapple, orange or grapefruit. Others are better not to eat, they have a lot of sugar and starch.
    5. from durum wheat can replace buckwheat porridge. But this is not to be abused.
    6. Be sure to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water. Green tea will also be appropriate, because it is healthier than black. Coffee is rarely allowed.

    , flour and bakery products are prohibited - they have a lot of carbohydrates.

    Contraindications and harm

    Any high protein diet should be used with caution in people with kidney or liver disease. Protein increases the load on these organs.

    Important: You can not delay the chicken diet for more than 14 days. Otherwise, there will be an acute lack of nutrients. Hair loss may begin, visual acuity may deteriorate. Brain and physical activity will decline.

    A sharp and prolonged refusal of salt can provoke an increase in the fragility of bone tissue. If you consume a large amount of protein for a long time and thoughtlessly, but do not eat fiber, problems with the digestive tract will begin.

    And, of course, prolonged adherence to the chicken diet will lead to a lack of body weight, which is the first step to anorexia.

    The main disadvantage of short-term diets is a quick set of disappeared kilograms. In order not to return the weight again, from the diet. For the first 2 days, introduce other familiar foods, gradually increasing the number of calories.

    Physical activity, regardless of the chicken diet menu for a week, can speed up the process of losing weight. To maintain the result, you need to play sports after its completion. 40 minutes of cardio will be enough to get your body in order. A good option would be breathing exercises.

    You should improve your sleep, do not go to bed late. Otherwise, in the evenings there will be a desire to eat something.