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Additional social package for employees. What is included in the full benefits package?

What is included in the full benefits package when applying for a job?

    Everyone who gets a new job is offered social package. But both job seekers and employers put the wrong meaning into this concept. Typically, a social package means official employment, paid sick leave, and a monthly salary. But all these are worker rights that must be fulfilled in any case.

    A social package- these are some additional bonuses that an employer can provide to an employee. They are compensatory when an employee, for example, is paid for the use of a personal car for business purposes: depreciation and fuel consumption are compensated.

    AND motivational:

    Thus, full social package implies a full range of various bonuses designed to motivate the employee’s activities.

    More details about social package can be found here.

    A social package is a set of benefits and compensation that your employer provides you at will. The social package may include the following benefits:

    payment for maternity leave and maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age,

    sick leave payment,

    payment for travel to and from work,

    vouchers to camps and sanatoriums,

    payment for food,

    pension insurance,

    provision of interest-free loans,

    payment of utilities and others.

    A reliable, responsible employer necessarily guarantees a full social package of guarantees to an applicant for a position in his company. This usually means paying an annual fee. vacations And sick leave leaf. The employer may not provide other extensions of the social package (bonuses, trips to a sanatorium, payment for meals, etc.), so it’s better to check with him what he means.

    The fact is that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not enshrine such a concept as a full social package. Every employer can tell you that when applying for a job there is a full social package, but you can put whatever you want into this concept. so here it is. The concept of social package is usually understood as hiring and execution of an employment contract. Of course there may be additional options. Therefore, you must immediately clarify with the employer what kind of full social package this is.

    A full social package usually includes:

    Additional health insurance,

    Corporate events,

    Payment for the gym

    Providing free food,

    Vouchers to sanatoriums,

    Providing loans on preferential terms,

    A system of bonuses and gifts for employees.

    Social guarantees may vary from organization to organization.

    Typically, a complete benefits package for any job consists of the following items:

    Payment for travel to and from work.

    Vouchers to sanatoriums and various holiday homes.

    Payment for daily food at production.

    Payment of maternity leave until the child is one and a half years old.

    Of course, this includes sick pay.

    And in some cases, payment of utilities.

    The social package includes the most important thing: sick leave and, for women, payment while maintaining a job and maternity leave.

    paid vacation once a year (or cut it in two halves)

    medical care (medical examination, vaccinations, treatment and provision of vouchers for treatment)

    insurance payment for injuries at the enterprise

    entry in the work book, contributions to the pension fund

    well, the rest is specified in the collective agreement, something may be additional

    In general, the concept of a full social package is not enshrined in law.

    They also often say - a standard social package. What does this mean?

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every employee has the rights specified in the code. For him, deductions must be made to the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the medical insurance fund, he has the right to sick pay, Women - to maternity leave. Employees also have the right to annual paid leave and can count on parental leave for up to 3 years. The employer must calculate pension contributions on the employee's salary and transfer them, which guarantees that the employee will receive a pension in the future.

    In general, when they talk about a full or standard package, they usually mean official employment, with the conclusion of an employment contract. You should know that this is a legal norm for all employers without exception.

    But in addition to the mandatory standard package, there may also be some additional pleasant options. For example, a voluntary health insurance policy, which also provides an expanded list of services, for example, dental treatment in a good clinic. Or even the services of a chiropractor paid for by the company. Many wealthy enterprises even equip their own gyms near production and office premises, where employees can work out for free. Or even free trips. Free travel to your place of work. Material assistance. Interest-free loans to employees. Free food.

    But still, the list of additional options varies from company to company. Somewhere, workers are happy to have at least some additional opportunity, and some employee, in demand due to his high qualifications, will choose an enterprise with the widest possible list of additional benefits.

    A full social package assumes that the employer will honestly fulfill its obligations to you and the state: pay taxes and transfer 1% to the pension fund, pay sick leave and provide you with paid leave. In addition, he can pay for your travel to your place of work and give you unpaid leave in accordance with labor laws. But it may not do this if it is not included in the charter.

  • The full social package is:

    • official employment, where work experience will be taken into account in the future (when calculating a pension)
    • paid sick leave
    • paid vacation once a year (at least 30 days)
    • payment for maternity leave for women and monthly payments for child care up to 1.5 years
    • insurance payment in case of injury at work
    • monthly contributions to the pension fund.

Official employment, competitive salary, extensive social package - three lines that are most often found in modern vacancies. And if the first two are clear to everyone, then the word “social package” is not familiar to everyone. Let's consider what it means and what value this very package carries.

The meaning of the word “social package” lies in its wording. This term refers to a set of social guarantees that are not regulated at the state level. In other words, the legislation does not contain a specific list of benefits that must be included in the social package. In fact, there is no clear definition of this concept. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the social package is established by the employer in an employment or collective agreement or in agreements and (or) local regulations. A similar principle is used in many other countries of the post-Soviet space.

For the employee himself, the social package is, first of all, a factor influencing the choice of employer. This is especially true for qualified personnel. This is a certain incentive that directly affects the results of a person’s activities in the company. For the company itself, it is a competitive advantage over other industry participants in the struggle for professional employees.

Classification of state social packages

The social package consists of mandatory and additional guarantees. Mandatory items are guaranteed not only by the employer, but also by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - providing them to every working citizen is mandatory at the legislative level.

NOTE! Mandatory requirements for the employer, such as timely payment of wages not lower than the minimum, payment of sick leave and vacations, etc. It is not customary to call it a social package, although in form such guarantees belong to the social sphere. The traditional definition involves fringe benefits voluntarily provided to employees at the expense of the employer.

The state can give its working citizens mandatory preferences in three main forms.

  1. Insurance guarantees. The employee pays for the insurance policy (in addition to compulsory health insurance) from money earned from the employer, the latter being the agent. If an event covered by the insurance policy occurs, the insured employee receives payment in whole or in part at the expense of the employer. Such cases may include:
    • injury;
    • occupational disease;
    • acquiring the status of a disabled person;
    • pregnancy, etc.
  2. Non-insurance payments provided for by law. There are times when the employer is simply obliged to pay the employee certain amounts, which are calculated in a special manner. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation strictly stipulates such cases and the procedure for calculating financial payments, as well as providing days off from work with or without salary compensation. These are the following points:
    • allowance for a young child;
    • the first three days of paid sick leave;
    • compensation for missed vacation before dismissal;
    • compensation for layoffs, etc.
  3. 3.Compensation benefits. Law from Art. 188 and 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the employer to compensate employees for personal expenses incurred by them as a result of the fact that they performed official duties. The amount of repayment and the procedure for calculating the funds spent by the employee are decided individually; it must be recorded in the additional agreement. Such compensation may include:
    • money or fuel for a personal car used for business purposes;
    • payment for consumables purchased at your own expense, etc.

In addition to the guaranteed social package, which is not usually called that, the employer often promises its employees the so-called competitive social package- additional benefits and guarantees provided to them of their own free will and “from their generosity.”

IMPORTANT! A competitive social package is not the responsibility of the employer; you cannot demand its issuance or make claims regarding its completion.

What does a social package usually consist of?

The standard expanded list includes the following benefits and compensation:

  • payment for food;
  • voluntary health insurance;
  • non-state pension insurance;
  • additional payment up to the employee’s average salary in case of temporary disability or maternity leave;
  • compensation for travel (or provision of a corporate car);
  • New Year's gifts for children and tickets to New Year's matinees;
  • vouchers to sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's camps, etc.;
  • payment for kindergarten for employees’ children;
  • payment of rent for living space;
  • issuance of interest-free installment plans for employees, in particular, for the purchase of housing;
  • subscriptions to sports clubs, gyms, etc.;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • free seminars and trainings
  • other benefits.

Important! The social package is determined by each employer individually. Government authorities cannot force a company or entrepreneur to provide employees with an accurate list of social benefits. The set of compensations depends on how much money the employer is willing to allocate for them, and his attitude towards employees in general.

Where is the list of benefits indicated?

All social benefits must be specified in the employment contract concluded by the parties. In case of non-compliance with the terms of this agreement, the employee has the right to go to court to force the employer to forcibly fulfill his duties.

The list of possible benefits is unlimited. The company can include any clauses in the contract, provided that they do not worsen the employee’s situation.

Necessarily! Check with your employer to see if the benefits mentioned in the contract are actually free. Sometimes it happens that additional corporate bonuses are deducted from the salary itself. In this case, the social package is an ordinary farce, a kind of desire of the company to be “on the wave” of current corporate trends. Whereas de facto, in monetary terms, she cannot afford this.

Substitution of concepts

Employers often mislead existing employees and job candidates. Management positions the standard requirements of labor legislation as social incentives from the company itself. 8-hour working day, sick leave compensation, paid vacation, business trips, etc. are interpreted as components of a social package. Whereas in fact they are guaranteed to every employee in accordance with his constitutional rights. A social package is everything that is provided to an employee of a company, in addition to the specified points.

If they tell you that vacation and sick leave are your social package, and everything else is so-called compensation benefits, then they are lying to you. There are legal rights of the worker, prescribed by law. Vacation and sick leave are among them. The rest is the employer’s social initiatives; they form the package of the same name.

Social package vs salary: what is the priority for the applicant?

The question is more than relevant. What is better, to receive a higher salary without social benefits or to still have additional corporate bonuses? Employees have two opinions on this matter, but, according to statistics, every year more and more people choose the second option.

Having a social package is a kind of indicator that you work for a reliable, stable company that cares about its employees. In addition, when a person receives more money, it is far from a fact that he will spend it with the same benefit as in the case of corporate bonuses. Plus, companies may have discounts at travel agencies for purchasing vouchers or at fitness centers for purchasing memberships. Accordingly, you will receive the necessary services cheaper than if you paid for them yourself.

Note to the employee

If you saw in an advertisement or heard at an interview promises of an attractive social package in addition to an acceptable salary, this is not always a good find. Unfortunately, sometimes such promises can turn out to be “free cheese” or remain unfulfilled. In order not to fall into the trap of empty promises, we recommend paying attention to the following nuances regarding the social package.

  1. Are you attracted by additional points in the employer's promises? First, ask in what conditions you will have to work, what mandatory remuneration (salary) you are guaranteed.
  2. Read the collective agreement. Is there a provision on additional benefits provided there?
  3. Will a list of personal bonuses be included in your employment contract? (If yes, this will legally protect your rights.)
  4. Ask about the specifics of the benefits provided: the amount of payments or the procedure for calculating them, the terms of time off, transport services and all other “social package” priorities. If the procedure for calculating additional payments is specified in the employment contract, the employer is responsible for its provision before the law.
  5. If the employer promises to pay for your training and internship, make sure that the amount is indicated in the documents. Then, if the training does not take place for reasons beyond your control, you can demand compensation for the promise with money.
  6. Sometimes employers give employees the opportunity to take out soft loans or gradually acquire ownership of housing. In such situations, it is recommended to study the employment contract in detail, or better yet, consult with a lawyer.

There are three main methods for determining a social package:

Option #1. More merit - more bonuses

The logic is simple: the higher the employee’s position and the longer he works in the company, the more corporate benefits he is provided with. These benefits can be divided into several packages, which, in turn, will be assigned to each category of employees. The main advantage of this method is its rationality - you will not spend extra money on a social package for employees in the entry-level category, where there is often a higher staff turnover.

Option #2. Assemble it yourself

As part of this approach, the employee is given the opportunity to choose a list of bonuses for a certain amount. If a person is not interested in sports, he does not need a gym membership; rather, he will choose free foreign language courses. And so everyone according to their own interests. From a psychological point of view, this method is good, since it once again gives the employee the opportunity to understand that his opinion is important for the company.

Option #3. Main and secondary

Benefits are divided into basic and additional. The first list is available to all employees of the company, while additional ones are designed for a specific category. These can be senior managers, persons whose experience in the company exceeds the nth number of years, etc. This approach is important because it gives employees an additional incentive to develop.

The key to success is the absence of formality

It’s a paradox, but for business owners, a social package is a good opportunity to save money. If there are benefits, the employee will not regularly raise the issue of increasing his salary. In this case, he has additional motivation that is not related to the size of the salary.

But this does not mean that the system of social guarantees itself should be considered as a way to save money. For the head of the company, this is, first of all, an investment in business promotion. By organizing free English courses or training on psychological growth, he contributes to the development of his employees as professionals. This will undoubtedly improve the level of the company as a whole in the future. The “insofar as” approach is inappropriate here. Create a package that will be interesting and useful for both employees and the company itself.


The social package today is an effective component of social and labor relations. As a factor, it is decisive in terms of assessing the status of the company. From the employees' point of view, this is the most important motivation for achieving results. Most importantly, this motivation can be both material and non-material in nature. So, if you are allocated funds for mobile communications, then the incentive is compensatory in nature. If the employer provides a swimming pool membership, we are talking about a motivational tool. Such a tandem is an ideal combination to strengthen the connection between the company and the employee.

As a tool, the social package is truly universal.

It performs not only a motivational function, but also increases overall labor productivity and creates a friendly atmosphere in the team.

A social package is a dish that you need to know how to serve correctly. A person must evaluate the benefits provided to him in such a way as to see in them his importance for the company as an employee. People appreciate care and they appreciate it. The employer’s task is to demonstrate its readiness to provide an appropriate level of work and rest for its employees. This guarantees a loyal attitude and a professional approach to work on their part, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the overall activities of the company.

No one can refuse a good salary. It is decent wages that can to some extent compensate for the efforts expended, encourage enthusiasm and inspire new projects. Money, of course, decides almost everything, but, as it turns out, not always. Recently, more and more employers have begun to offer a so-called social package. At least, it is mentioned quite often in job advertisements. However, as it turned out, few people know what is actually meant by a social package. And most importantly - why is it needed?

Mobile phone plus car

Often, an employee who is flattered by a tempting offer is simply given a deception. And instead of bonuses, he receives what the employer is already obliged to provide. So, during an interview it may turn out that the manager guarantees sick leave as a social package. “But according to the Labor Code, every employee has the right to pay for sick leave,” emphasizes Vladimir Shelkovich, head of the legal consultation of the main legal department of the apparatus of the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus. - As well as for the provision of regular labor leave, parental leave for up to three years, contributions to the social protection fund, reimbursement of expenses associated with business trips. In addition, the employer must offer a stable work schedule, timely and regular payment of wages and vacation pay. Otherwise, the head of the company or enterprise violates the law.”

In fact, the social package is everything that the employer can offer additionally, above the general norm, on his own behalf. And most importantly - for your own money. In particular, this may include medical care, payment for various courses, a mobile phone, transportation costs, cash subsidies, assistance in renting housing, preferential vouchers for employees and members of their families, gym and swimming pool passes, and finally, the “thirteenth” salary . In short, the list of benefits provided can be quite varied. And it depends largely on the specifics of the work, as well as on how much one or another employee is valued.

“For Belarusians, the first place in the social package is payment for mobile phones,” says Svetlana Korosteleva, director of the consulting company “Kvadrat”. — The second is the cost of personal transport. As a rule, almost all applicants who turn to our agency for help are interested in these bonuses. In addition, such guarantees as medical insurance, free lunches in the office and organization of corporate events at the expense of the employer are in demand. Moreover, first of all, people who had it at their previous job ask about the social package.

Although, as practice shows, the lack of additional incentives is not decisive when choosing a place of service. At least among the clients of recruitment agencies, you rarely meet a person who would refuse a vacancy because of this.

Top manager at the highest level

The status of the employee plays an important role in the provision of benefits from the company. After all, a social package can be either cheap or expensive. “For example, the cost of health insurance for an ordinary employee usually does not exceed $70 per year,” says Svetlana Korosteleva. — This amount guarantees a visit to a therapist, although most likely in a regular clinic. But for the health of a top manager, many Belarusian companies are ready to pay much more - approximately $2,000. With such a policy, you can already afford dental services in a commercial center or paid childbirth.”

Some foreign companies offer substantial pension insurance to their employees. Having worked in such an organization for 10 years, a person is quite capable of providing himself with a pension in the amount of his salary for almost the rest of his life. However, these examples in Belarus cannot yet be called numerous. After all, this is quite an expensive pleasure for the employer, and only very large and successful companies can afford such care for their employees.

With a spoon and in touch

However, it would be somewhat erroneous to perceive the social package as a gift from the employer. “Any organization is guided primarily by its own interests,” says Svetlana. — Let’s take, for example, the delivery of employees to the office and home. Organized delivery, firstly, eliminates the issue of delays, and secondly, guarantees the presence of employees on site until the end of the working day. The same thing, in fact, with free lunches at the expense of the company. The main advantage of such a bonus for the organization is that the employee does not leave the territory of the enterprise. This means that as a result, a rest break will only take half an hour, not an hour. Moreover, the employee can calmly answer all phone calls at this time. And organized lunches for the company itself are not that expensive - good discounts are usually provided for large orders.”

The employer does not lose out when compensating the cost of gasoline for using a personal car. After all, the main advantage of an employee with his own car is his mobility, which allows him to carry out various tasks. It turns out that there is no need to buy a company car for these purposes and spend money on the driver’s salary.
Moreover, management’s desire to save money is sometimes fraught with certain and far from rosy consequences for the employee. They may offer you a truly generous benefits package, but then... simply deduct its value from your salary. There are such examples, and in order not to fall into the trap, you should find out all the nuances in advance. Better yet, define the conditions for the provision of all bonuses in the employment contract.

Bachelors choose a swimming pool

The research center of the SuperJob.ru portal conducted a survey among site visitors who were asked to choose the three most important components of the social package.

As a result, more than half of the respondents expressed a desire to study at the company’s expense. Health insurance came in second place in importance.

It was chosen by more than 41 percent of respondents.

About a third of survey participants leaned towards free food. Moreover, this item turned out to be most popular among young professionals and bachelors. By the way, among the latter, another attractive bonus was payment for a sports club and swimming pool. However, 40 percent of the women surveyed prefer this type of recreation. But only 3 percent of respondents are interested in discounts on company products, corporate parties and holiday gifts.

In advertisements for open vacancies, along with information about wages, you can increasingly see the postscript: “plus social package.” Recently, the social package has become an integral part of the image of employers, with whom it is prestigious to cooperate. However, the contents of the package may vary from company to company, and sometimes it is mentioned only “for show”...

Everything except wages

A social or, as it is also called, compensation package is a remuneration for work that a company employee receives in addition to salary. The cost of the social package can range from a third to half of earnings. At the same time, each company offers its own list of compensations: some are limited to compliance with the provisions of labor legislation, paying employees sick leave and vacations; others - include in the package free lunches, medical insurance, transportation costs, trips to the resort, classes in sports clubs; still others provide a car, soft loans, apartments, etc. for use.

Young employees with little experience are sometimes compensated for low salaries by the possibility of internships and additional training. In principle, a social package may include all kinds of compensation for expenses related to the employee’s livelihood, expressed in the form of non-cash payment for goods and services or various discounts and benefits.

Why is this type of remuneration so actively practiced by many employers?

Currently, there is an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel in the labor market. It is very difficult to find the right specialist, but it is even more difficult to retain him in a competitive environment. Therefore, in addition to the appropriate salary, it is necessary to offer him something that will attract him to the company for a long time.

In addition, by achieving a stable position for the company, the employer cannot endlessly increase wages, and the social package can be expanded and filled with new content, stimulating increased productivity and optimizing personnel management costs.

Thus, the social package serves as an additional lever of administrative influence on employees.

If an employee is not satisfied with compensation, he can either leave the company, deliberately reduce his productivity, or come into conflict with management. All this has a detrimental effect on the activities of the company as a whole. Therefore, compensation is needed primarily by the company itself in order to motivate the efficient work of employees.

Back in USSR

It is not for nothing that they say that everything new is well forgotten old: even during the times of the Soviet Union, all citizens actively used compensation packages. Employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations had the opportunity to dine in canteens for free or at reduced prices; their children rested in pioneer camps and attended departmental kindergartens. You could spend a vacation with your family in a sanatorium, or participate in sports clubs. Enterprises built housing for their employees. Alas, with the collapse of the USSR, almost all accumulated experience in the field of social guarantees was decisively discarded.

A few years later, in new, independent states, including Ukraine, they began to return to the practice of providing compensation packages to employees. It turned out that this method of organizing stable and productive work is widely used by entrepreneurs in Western countries. It was they who, when creating enterprises in Ukraine, began to introduce their principles of relations with employees here: high wages in foreign companies, as a rule, are combined with an attractive social package.

In countries with market relations, employers' labor costs are broader in content than employee compensation. The cost structure is approved by the International Labor Organization (ILO). It includes ten groups of indicators:

2) payment for unworked time;

3) one-time bonuses and incentives;

4) expenses for food, fuel and other in-kind distributions;

5) expenses for providing workers with housing;

6) expenses for social protection;

7) expenses for vocational training;

8) expenses for cultural and community services;

9) costs not included in the previously given classification groups;

10) taxes attributed to labor costs.

Based on these indicators, the average cost per unit of time worked or paid is calculated, which is taken into account by government agencies when providing tax benefits to entrepreneurs. That is, it is beneficial for employers in the West to provide a social package.

For example, Procter & Gamble offers its employees the following compensation package:

  • health insurance;
  • life and disability insurance;
  • free lunches;
  • Christmas presents;
  • the opportunity to purchase company products at a discount.

To each according to his ability

The content of the compensation package in many companies depends on what position the employee holds. Employers take a differentiated approach to providing additional benefits. They can, for example, pay for training or give a soft loan to buy an apartment, but provided that the employee has actually proven his professionalism and dedication to the interests of the company.

Typically, the compensation package is broader in those departments that make money for the company, such as the sales department. There is usually a separate compensation package for the company's top managers.

The simplest way to differentiate compensation benefits remains traditional monetary compensation - various bonuses and bonuses. This system is widely used by both Western and domestic companies. Bonuses can be paid monthly or quarterly if the specialist has fulfilled the plan set for him. Some firms prefer to pay bonuses once a year.

There are several approaches used to determine the content of the compensation package for employees.

The first approach involves a clear benefit structure. The employee knows that at this level of the career ladder he is entitled to a pager and a travel card, and at the next level he is entitled to a luxury car.

The second is determined by individual attitude. An employee turns to management with a request to provide some compensation, and the employer himself decides whether this employee represents any value for the company and whether it is worth meeting him halfway.

The third approach is just emerging in our labor market, but, according to HR experts, it is the future. Every year, each employee of the company undergoes a final certification and, based on its results, receives a certain number of points, depending on the success of their work. The benefits provided can be combined in any way you like, but within the limits of the points earned.

Free cheese

Why does the employer, like Santa Claus, give out gifts? Yes, not out of the kindness of my heart and not from the desire for perfection. Everything is much more prosaic - because it is profitable!

Personnel are the main resource of an organization, and the company begins to invest in it when it needs competitive advantages and when it wants to achieve some results. The fiercer the competition, the more important employee loyalty is for the company.

In addition, many components of the social package in one way or another compensate for work-related expenses. A mobile phone makes it possible to contact an employee at any time of the day. A company car for a manager is not a privilege, but a production necessity.

The same can be said about trainings and corporate training - they are equally beneficial to both the specialist and the employer. By the way, employers pay for training in trainings and seminars in many companies, but only large companies with foreign capital can afford to pay for the fundamental education of a specialist.

Stable and strong companies work for the future. In many of them, the main part of the compensation package is an investment in their staff, and therefore in their own future. For example, health insurance, free gym memberships, and referrals for advanced training are provided for a very specific purpose: every company needs competent specialists with professional knowledge and good health.

If a company offers a broad benefits package, it means that people are managed responsibly and employees are likely to have good opportunities for development and growth.

Legal aspects of the social package

Considering all of the above, we can conclude: the social package is simply a way to attract employees. Therefore, when applying for a job, you should not rely solely on its availability. Remember, only you can take care of your interests. After all, employers pursue their goal - to get a good employee. You can promise a lot. And most often, failure to keep promises cannot even be called deception.

Be carefull. Your gullibility and inattention can turn out to be to your detriment. Before “rushing” to advertisements promising high salaries and generous social packages, try to assess the reality of these same promises.

Ask about working conditions and remuneration. Find out whether the availability of additional compensation benefits is legally stipulated in the collective agreement. Will an employment contract be concluded with you personally, and will it list the benefits you are entitled to? It is in your interests to clearly state in the contract exactly what compensation package the employer undertakes to provide. In this case, the legal regulation of these issues will be in the sphere of labor legislation.

As the most common benefits of the compensation package, we will consider the following: bonuses, provision of apartment ownership, training and provision of a preferential loan.

Bonuses. Clearly define the conditions and procedure for providing the bonus, as well as its size. If it is impossible to specify a specific amount, it is advisable to establish a procedure for calculating the size of the bonus (for example, it could be a certain percentage of the company’s profit).

If the amount of the bonus or the procedure for calculating it can be established from the employment contract, the employee has the right to go to court with a demand from the employer to make the appropriate payments.

Providing ownership of an apartment. It is recommended to provide in the employment contract all the conditions for the provision of an apartment, record data that allows you to identify the apartment indicating the persons living in it, then the employment contract in this part will be considered as a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of the apartment. If the apartment is registered as the employee's property, the employer does not have the right to demand its return.

Education. It is advisable to indicate the cost of training in the employment contract, then it will be possible to demand the payment of a certain amount of money in the event that the employer refuses to pay for the training.

Providing a preferential loan. If the employer undertakes to provide the employee with a preferential loan, then the terms and conditions must be specified in detail in the employment contract. It is necessary to determine the amount, interest rate for use, procedure for paying interest, loan repayment terms, etc.

To draw up such an agreement, you need to be well versed in the current legislation. Therefore, before signing this important document, consult a lawyer, and then many disputes and problems can be avoided.

Often in the job description, employers indicate the benefits of working for the company as a social package.

Social package, what is it? This concept is usually understood as a set of certain compensations and additional bonuses that the employer is ready to provide to the employee when working in the company.

Labor legislation does not contain a definition of “social package”; accordingly, there is no clear list of what the social package includes. Some employers include in this concept sick leave, vacation pay, official “white” wages, and overtime compensation.

But don’t be confused about what a social package is when applying for a job. Despite the fact that not all employers comply with the law, all of the above are not additional bonuses of working in a certain company, but are provided for by labor legislation. Thus, it is more correct to call this not a social package, but social guarantees that are provided to each employee. So what is a social package? Let's figure it out.

What is included in the social package?

We can consider the social package as a set of social guarantees provided for by labor legislation and bonuses that the employer provides to its employees in excess of these guarantees. In this case, we can say that the full social package is:

  • Guarantees that are provided in accordance with the law;
  • Compensations that are provided to an employee in connection with difficult or harmful working conditions;
  • Bonuses that the employer is additionally willing to provide to the employee.

Many employers believe that the employee’s social package includes precisely additional “care” for the employee, that is, the guarantees provided for by law are not included in this concept. It is worth remembering that the employer is not obliged to provide the employee with additional bonuses. If the employer has indicated in the vacancy the availability of a social package, then the employee has the right to inquire during the interview what is included in the employee’s social package.

For its part, the employer has the right to independently decide what to include in the social package for employees. So, the social package: what does it include? Typically, employers provide employees with:

  • payment for a subscription to a sports club;
  • VHI policy;
  • food at the expense of the employer;
  • tuition fees (for example, foreign language courses);
  • provision of discounted vouchers;
  • payment, provision of housing, etc.

Why is this method of employee compensation so popular lately? The social package is a powerful tool for motivating employees. Each employer uses its own motivation options depending on a number of factors: corporate culture, strategic objectives and goals. However, when combining various tools when building a general motivation system, it is necessary to remember that it is advisable to use additional tools only when the basic material expectations of employees in terms of wages are satisfied.

Types of social packages

Often, the social package may differ for employees: this may depend on the position the employee holds, or on the length of service in the company. The employer has the right to differentiate bonuses and determine in which case the employee receives certain privileges. For example, establish what the full social package includes and divide bonuses for different categories of employees.

This could be a clear structure of benefits: the employee knows what is included in the full social package, and that after his work experience in the company exceeds, for example, two years, he will be paid for foreign language training and a subscription to a fitness club, and a full social package will be provided to him upon reaching five years of work experience in the company.

In addition, the issue of providing a social package can be resolved individually with the employer: for example, a nonresident employee may be offered full payment for housing, and an employee who has a long commute to work may be offered a company car.

Don't underestimate providing additional benefits to employees - it's actually very important. The company's employees are the organization's main resource; the employer's care for the employee significantly increases his loyalty to the company. In addition, corporate training for employees, for example, is beneficial not only to employees, but also to the employer himself.