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Gel for skin allergies. Ointments for allergic dermatitis. Treatment with hormonal drugs

Blisters on the skin, itching, burning, inflammatory processes when scratching the affected areas are negative manifestations of allergic reactions. The characteristic signs of atopic dermatitis, eczema, and urticaria cause noticeable discomfort and worsen appearance.

Ointments for skin allergies in adults are suitable as the main drug for mild forms of the body’s response and as an active element in complex therapy for severe cases. What types of ointments and creams are there for allergies? Which remedy is better? The answers are in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Local remedies are indispensable for skin signs of allergic reactions. Systemic drugs for oral use eliminate the problem from the inside, block histamine receptors, reduce sensitization of the body, and prevent relapses of a negative response to a stimulus.

Cream and ointment against skin allergies act directly on the affected areas. This form of antiallergic compounds is approved as the main remedy for mild manifestations of allergies, to prevent the side effects that many antihistamines in tablet form give.


  • have a positive effect on the affected area;
  • the drugs are quickly absorbed and actively affect the problem area;
  • the ointment-like consistency ensures that the composition remains on the itchy, reddened area for a long time;
  • local remedies are less likely to cause side effects: many drugs without hormonal components do not penetrate the blood;
  • Allergy ointments for adults have a complex effect: relieve itching, irritation, reduce redness, disinfect the problem area, and facilitate the course of the allergic process;
  • in severe cases, hormonal ointments based on potent substances help. Drugs are prescribed when there is no effect from weaker formulations.


  • not suitable as a single drug in the treatment of dangerous forms of allergies;
  • Non-hormonal ointments for allergies in many cases are not able to eliminate the negative skin reaction in advanced, severe types of pathology.

General rules of application

Local remedies will be beneficial in the treatment of allergic diseases, subject to certain rules. You should not select the drug yourself: only a dermatologist or allergist will recommend the appropriate composition depending on the severity of the disease. The use of weak non-hormonal compounds for severe forms of skin manifestations only aggravates the course of the disease, “blurs” the picture, and reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

  • purchase antiallergic ointment, especially hormonal ointment, only on the advice of a doctor;
  • follow the instructions, apply the product no more often than required;
  • treat only problem areas: applying anti-allergy medications to healthy skin often causes irritation and redness in undamaged areas;
  • use hormonal ointments for allergies with caution, carefully monitor the body’s reaction;
  • when selecting potent formulations, be sure to take into account contraindications: active components penetrate into the blood, a severe reaction to an inappropriate drug may occur;
  • Do not use ointments based on hormones for longer than the period specified in the instructions: complications and negative reactions from various organs are possible;
  • in severe forms of the allergic process, take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease: on the recommendation of an allergist or dermatologist, take tablets and apply a local remedy.

Types of drugs with antiallergic effect

The classification is based on differences in the composition of the drugs:

  • potent hormonal compounds;
  • local remedies without hormones;
  • preparations with glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics;
  • combined formulations with antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal (antifungal) effects.

Non-hormonal ointments

With a mild response of the body to the action of the allergen, the spread of a rash, redness in limited areas, local remedies that do not contain hormones help. If applied in a timely manner, at an early stage of the disease, only an ointment is often sufficient to stop the allergic process.

An important point is to apply a drug with active properties. The positive effect is the result of a carefully selected composition of medicinal products.

Hormone-free ointments for allergies contain useful components:

  • zinc pyrithione;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • substances that block the action of histamine receptors;
  • lanolin;
  • zinc hyaluronate;
  • bioceramides;
  • propolis;
  • panthenol;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • vegetable oils, other healthy ingredients.

Go to the address and learn about the rules for treating chronic allergic rhinitis in children.

Effective non-hormonal ointments, gels and creams:

  • Bepanten. Delicate consistency, active anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects, softening the skin. The drug contains a high percentage of panthenol. There are effective analogues in pharmacies: D-panthenol, Dexpanthenol. Approximate price - 400 rubles.
  • Fenistil-gel. Local antihistamine with a high antiallergic effect. The active substance of the medicinal ointment is dimentindene maleate. Easy to apply, itching, redness, swelling quickly disappear, pain in the affected areas decreases, the effect is noticeable after 20-60 minutes. Estimated cost - 390 rubles.
  • La Cree. A delicate remedy for eliminating skin itching, swelling, and the effects of scratching. The drug contains plant extracts, natural oils, and the regenerating component panthenol. Suitable for patients with sensitive skin. The cost of the drug is 220 rubles.
  • Solcoseryl. The composition contains a concentrate extracted from the blood of young calves. An ointment with active wound-healing properties is suitable for use in various allergic diseases. Price - 230 rubles.
  • Skin Cap. An effective remedy not only relieves itching, heals wounds, reduces the number of blisters, but also has active antifungal properties. The main component is zinc pyrithione with a drying, antiseptic effect. Volume - 15 ml, price - 800 rubles.
  • Protopic. The ointment is used for atopic dermatitis. The active substance of the antiallergic drug is tacrolimus. Noticeable effect, softening the skin, eliminating redness and itching. The product is made in Japan, the average price is 1600 rubles, the tube volume is 30 ml.
  • Gistan. A safe, effective drug contains active ingredients: dimethicone, butelin. The delicate effect is provided by a complex of vegetable oils and natural extracts with a high concentration of biologically active substances. There are 15 g of the drug in a tube, the price is 165 rubles.
  • Methyluracil ointment. After applying the composition, the process of regeneration of affected tissues is activated, the product accelerates the epithelization of the problem area, itching is reduced, and an immunostimulating effect is manifested. The active ingredient is methyluracil. The drug protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and reduces sensitivity due to photosensitivity. Tube 25 g, cost - 140 rubles.

Hormonal agents

Severe swelling, unbearable itching, intense redness during allergic reactions are severe signs that gels, creams and ointments without antibiotics and hormones are often unable to eliminate. Potent agents in the required dosage do not have a toxic effect, but exceeding the frequency or norm of application often causes negative reactions. There are compositions: low activity, moderate activity, active, highly active.

Preparations with hormones exhibit noticeable local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective agents are used for the complex treatment of severe forms of allergies. Some drugs contain antibiotics: chloramphenicol, lincomycin, erythromycin, gentamicin and others.

On a note! The higher the swelling and intensity of the rash, the less hormones the drug should contain. With a large area of ​​damage, the risk of penetration of active components into the blood increases, which is fraught with complications and side effects.

Potent hormonal ointments, creams and gels:

  • Advantan. The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. Fatty ointment for external use reduces allergic manifestations, reduces inflammation, skin itching, eliminates swelling and infiltration. When applied topically, systemic effects are practically not observed. An effective drug made in Italy, 15 g tube, price - 520 rubles.
  • Lokoid. The active ingredient is hydrocortisone 17-butyrate. The cream is effective in the treatment of eczema. A corticosteroid for topical use quickly exhibits anti-edematous, antipruritic properties, eliminates redness and inflammation. The composition is easy to apply and absorbs well into problem areas. Tube 30 g, price - 330 rubles.
  • Elokom. The composition is made in the USA. The active substance is mometasone fuorate. After application, swelling and redness decrease, and skin itching disappears. Eliminates inflammation in dermatoses of various types. A noticeable effect in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis. It is prohibited to apply Elokom to inflamed, swollen eyelids. The average price is 370 rubles.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. An inexpensive, effective remedy to eliminate irritation, itching, and reduce redness. The composition is used in ophthalmology (eye ointment, 3 and 5 g in a tube) and for treating other areas of the body (20 ml in a tube). Active anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. The average price is from 25 to 57 rubles.
  • Flucourt. A combined drug with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiallergic effects. Active components: fluocinolone acetonide (synthetic GCS) and neomycin (glycoside antibiotic). Elimination of symptoms in allergic contact dermatitis, psoriasis, erythema multiforme, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Gistan N. Mometasone-based cream is recommended for skin itching and inflammation accompanying dermatoses of various types, including allergic ones. The cream is applied in a thin layer to problem areas. Long-acting drug: for a noticeable result, one treatment per day is enough. Duration of therapy is 1-4 weeks. Approximate price - 150 rubles, 15 ml tube.
  • Sinaflan. The active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide. A glucocorticosteroid agent for external use has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and antipruritic effects. Shows a strong anti-exudative effect. The drug actively penetrates into the blood plasma and is excreted by the kidneys. The drug is prescribed for allergic diseases without the presence of fungal microflora, sunburn, and to relieve symptoms of insect bites. The average cost of a tube with a volume of 10 and 15 g is from 40 to 65 rubles.

Allergy ointments, gels and creams are effective at any stage of the disease in adult patients. The difference is the use of local compounds as the main or auxiliary drug. Only an experienced doctor will select a product with the optimal concentration of active substances, with or without hormones.

Video - review of Flucinonide ointment for the treatment of allergic reactions on the skin:


More than 70% of people on earth experience increased sensitivity of the body to certain substances. Some people have mild allergies, while others suffer from severe itching and rashes. Antiallergic ointments will help cope with skin manifestations of the immunopathological process. They may contain hormones, antibiotics, healing and anti-exudative (decongestant) components.

Types of ointments for skin allergies

To stop the immunopathological process in adults, products containing hormones and antibiotics are used. The doctor prescribes a specific drug based on the patient’s condition. For severe symptoms of an immunopathological process, it makes sense to use corticosteroids, and for mild itching, a histamine receptor blocker can be used. Ointment for skin allergies can be of the following type:

  • Hormonal. It is used to treat allergies in the middle and late stages, when the symptoms are very severe and cause serious discomfort to the patient. Medicines of this type can be used for no more than 10 days, because they greatly affect local immunity.
  • Non-hormonal. Prescribed for the relief of mild immunopathological process. The medicine immediately begins to affect the skin, but a noticeable result appears 1-2 hours after application.
  • With antibiotics. It is prescribed when symptoms of suppuration appear and the inflammatory process progresses. The drug contains antiseptics that dry and disinfect the skin.
  • For certain parts of the body. Products in this category have a special composition. The components included in them do not have such an aggressive effect on the skin and mucous membranes, so such ointments can be used to treat the eyes, face, nose, etc.

Not all patients can use ointments, because... They have a hydrophobic base and are characterized by high fat content. For people with small pores and sensitive skin, it is better to buy a gel at the pharmacy. It has a water base, so it is instantly absorbed and does not lead to blockage and inflammation of the smallest sweat glands. The ointment quickly penetrates the epidermis, and the gel forms an easily damaged protective film on the surface of the skin, so it is not so effective in combating severe allergies.

Hormonal ointment for allergies

Products in this category quickly penetrate the skin and help quickly cope with allergy symptoms. To suppress local immunity, artificially produced corticosteroids are added to them. Drugs of this type are available in pharmacies at medium and high prices. You can purchase hormonal ointments for allergies only with a doctor’s prescription.. The benefits of the funds include:

  • highly effective against a wide range of allergens;
  • help cope with relapses of the disease;
  • performance.

With long-term use, hormonal drugs cause many unwanted side effects. When synthetic hormones penetrate into the blood, they begin to accumulate in the kidneys, which increases the risk of developing hypertension and various disorders of the endocrine system. Another disadvantage of drugs in this spectrum is withdrawal syndrome. It occurs when treated with highly concentrated drugs. The patient's skin condition deteriorates significantly due to abrupt cessation of use of the product.


The product belongs to the new generation of hormonal drugs, i.e. it can be used to treat the skin for 12 weeks. The average price of ointment in a pharmacy is 540 rubles. The drug must be applied to the inflamed area in a thin layer and rubbed in with light massage movements. If peeling is observed, then the amount of product applied is increased. If you are allergic to sunlight, Advantan is used 2 times a day, and in other cases - once. Advantages of this tool:

  • The drug is suitable for all types of skin.
  • At the pharmacy you can buy allergy ointment for children of this brand. Hormones are excluded from its composition, but it can be treated for no more than 1 month.
  • The medicine contains moisturizing components, so it effectively combats flaking and dry skin.
  • The ointment contains alcohol, so it has a pronounced antipruritic effect.
  • The drug can be combined with antihistamines.

The medicine should not be applied to the mammary glands during breastfeeding. Like all corticosteroid medications, Andvantan can cause an attack of hypertension, folliculitis, and hypertrichosis. Less than 1% of patients experience increased itching and the formation of watery pimples after applying Advantan. The drug should not be used to treat allergies in case of tuberculosis or syphilitic lesions of the skin, infections, viruses, or individual intolerance to its components.


The medication belongs to the light synthetic glucocorticosteroids. Lokoid relieves itching and eliminates swelling. Medicine is prescribed for dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. It is prohibited to use Lokoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The medicine can be purchased at a pharmacy for 300 rubles. Lokoid is applied to the skin 1-3 times a day. The standard duration of treatment is 1 week, the maximum is 3 weeks. Lokoid is contraindicated in:

The medicine is a cheap and effective glucocorticosteroid. Sinaflan can be bought at a pharmacy for 80 rubles. The medication is prescribed for the relief of acute and severe inflammatory lesions of the skin and scalp. The medicine is suitable for relieving itching after insect bites. Sinaflan can be used to treat first degree burns. The medicine should not be used for:

  • trophic ulcer of the leg caused by varicose veins;
  • viral, fungal, bacterial skin lesions;
  • extensive psoriatic rashes;
  • rosacea and acne vulgaris.

Sinaflan is not used to treat children under 2 years of age. Use the medication with caution during puberty in girls. Sinaflan can be combined with antimicrobial agents. Apply the medicine 2-3 times a day to the affected area of ​​the body. If severe itching, acne, melasma, or secondary infection of the skin occurs, Sinaflan therapy should be discontinued. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days.


The drug is a fast-acting corticosteroid hormone. Elidel can be used to treat the neck, head, eyelids. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. The product is applied to the skin 2 times a day in a thin layer. In case of overdose, an intensification of the allergic reaction is observed. If after a few hours the discomfort intensifies, you should consult a doctor. The dosage of the medication is reduced gradually so as not to provoke withdrawal syndrome. Elidel can be purchased for 940 rubles. The medicine should not be applied if:

  • high sensitivity to pimecrolimus;
  • the presence of an acute viral, bacterial, fungal infection.

Non-hormonal ointments for allergies

Drugs in this category consist of natural ingredients that gently relieve the symptoms of the immunopathological process. Antihistamine ointments for children are non-hormonal. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can use this type of medicine, but only after consulting their doctor. The advantages of non-hormonal ointments include:

  • absence of serious contraindications;
  • excellent regenerative properties;
  • Highly effective for mild allergies.

The main disadvantage of such funds is their slow action. After applying the ointment, you should wait up to 2-3 hours for the allergy symptoms to become less pronounced. It is not possible to completely get rid of itching with the help of such drugs. When the active substances of non-hormonal ointments penetrate the blood, some patients experience more severe skin allergies. This is due to the fact that herbs are added to the preparations, to which allergy sufferers may have a reaction. All non-hormonal medications are used until allergic symptoms disappear completely.


The product has an adsorbing, drying, astringent effect. You can buy it at a pharmacy for 20 rubles. The medication can be used to treat dermatitis, trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc. Apply the cream 2-3 times a day to areas where irritation is present. The medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to zinc oxide. One of the closest analogues of Zinc ointment for skin allergies is Desitin. It can be used to treat rashes in babies from 6 months of age. The price of the medicine is 260 rubles.


The product is absolutely harmless for all categories of patients. It can be used to treat allergies in infants and pregnant women. Bepanten is used to moisturize, cool and heal the skin for moderate dermatitis, minor burns, and painful cracks. The product is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components. Bepanten has a light texture. It is applied 1-2 times a day to the inflamed area. The average price of Bepanten is 550 rubles.


The drug is intended for treating the skin during allergies, burns, trophic ulcers, and poorly healing wounds. Wundehil has a rich herbal composition, so before using it, allergy sufferers should consult their doctor. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. Apply Wundehil until allergy symptoms disappear completely. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the composition. The average cost of Vundehil is 260 rubles.


A parapharmaceutical external agent is used for allergic rashes of various etiologies. The main active component of the drug is betulin. This is a natural antihistamine obtained from birch bark. The drug does not contain any hormones, so it can be used if an allergic reaction occurs in infants and pregnant women. The drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • allergic reaction to insect bites;
  • hives;
  • photodermatosis;
  • in order to prevent complications with long-term use of hormonal antihistamine creams.

Gistan is applied 2-4 times a day with light massage movements on the rash. If allergic symptoms worsen, stop using the medicine. Before application, clean the skin and dry with a clean towel. After applying Gistan, you should not wet the treated part of the body. A protective film of dimethicone is formed on the surface of the skin, preventing allergens and moisture from passing through. The average price of Gistan is 200 rubles.

With antibiotics

With allergic reactions, patients often experience itching and begin to scratch the problem area. As a result, pathogens penetrate into the vascular system through skin microtraumas. This leads to the appearance of purulent wounds. Only an ointment for skin allergies in adults with antibiotics can correct the situation. Products in this category have the following advantages:

  • help cope with inflammation and allergies;
  • have a slight anesthetic and cooling effect on the skin, so the itching temporarily goes away;
  • accelerate wound healing.

Antibiotic medications often make allergy symptoms worse. In addition, they do not combine well with hormonal drugs. With prolonged use of antibiotic creams, the patient may develop persistent resistance to certain bactericides, which will significantly complicate the treatment of not only allergies, but also seasonal infectious diseases.


The combined agent is used to treat inflammation caused by staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Levomekol should be used in the presence of purulent wounds. The medication is suitable for treating pregnant women, because it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Levomekol is used to treat wounds, after removing any remaining pus. It is recommended to make compresses.

The average cost of Levomekol is 120 rubles. Levosin has similar properties. You can buy it for 80 rubles. Levomekol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to methyluracil, chloramphenicol. The duration of treatment is up to 3 weeks. If desired, the doctor can increase the duration of therapy, but only up to 6 weeks. Levomekol can be combined with antihistamines.


The drug belongs to macrolide antibiotics and is effective against gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms. The medicine can be used to treat allergic conjunctivitis in newborns. In case of severe liver dysfunction, this medication should not be used. The medicine is placed on the lower eyelid 3 times a day. The maximum duration of treatment is 2 weeks. You can buy erythromycin ointment for 90 rubles.


This antibacterial drug is used to treat infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, pseudomonas and other microorganisms sensitive to fusidic acid. Fucidin has a relatively high cost. It can be purchased at a pharmacy for 540 rubles. The higher price is compensated by the advantages of the drug compared to other bactericidal creams:

  • can be used to treat dermatitis in newborns;
  • active even when applied to uninjured skin;
  • does not cause irritation with prolonged use.

Fucidin is applied 3-4 times a day in a thin layer to skin cleansed of pus. Many doctors recommend making compresses with the product. To do this, Fucidin is applied in a middle layer to the skin, and then a bandage or gauze folded several times is placed on top. You can secure the compress with bactericidal patches. The standard duration of treatment is 7 days, and the maximum is 14. Fucidin should not be used for:

  • syphilis;
  • rosacea;
  • severe problems in liver function;
  • viral or fungal skin lesions;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Allergy ointments by localization

For most people, the rash appears on a specific part of the body and does not spread further. This is due to the genetic characteristics of the body. Pharmaceutical companies have developed special drugs for such cases. Lorinden A is a good ointment for hand allergies. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. You can also use:

  • Flucinar;
  • Belosalik (suitable for children, can be used during pregnancy);
  • Fluorocort.

When blisters appear on the eyelids, allergists recommend using Celestoderm (prohibited during pregnancy), Fucidin, Levomekol, Lorinden S. Rashes on the face can be removed with Miramistin, Afloderm, Celederm, Actovegin, Fenistil. The listed drugs must be used in accordance with the instructions for use. The document contains not only the dosage of the drug, but also the minimum age of the patient.

Antihistamine creams for quick relief

An allergic reaction often occurs suddenly and severely. In such situations, the patient wants to quickly get rid of the rash that appears. Standard drugs will not cope with this task, because... they gradually affect the body and block only certain types of histamine receptors. The following ointments for skin allergies will help quickly eliminate redness and other symptoms of the immunopathological process:

  • Prednisolone. A well-known and somewhat aggressive drug. Has a keratolytic, anti-edematous effect. The drug should be applied 1 to 3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. The product is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for fungal skin infections, rosacea and vulgaris. The product is cheap. Its average price is 25 rubles. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days.
  • Flucinar. This is a highly concentrated hormonal product. It can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days. Flucinar is 40 times more active than Hydrocortisone. The product can be used for atopic, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, and allergies caused by insect bites. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, skin diseases of various etiologies. The average price of ointment is 270 rubles. The product is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day to the affected area. To treat the skin of the face and neck, the drug is used with caution.
  • Galcinonide. The drug is a broad-spectrum glucocorticosteroid. The drug not only eliminates the manifestations of an allergic reaction, but also anesthetizes the skin. You can purchase the product at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. The average cost of Galcinonide is 600 rubles. The maximum duration of treatment is 10 days.



Allergic dermatitis is an immune reaction of the skin, which is provoked by an irritant affecting the body from the outside or from the inside. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, identify the cause and prescribe a comprehensive treatment for allergic dermatitis, which includes:

  • recommended diet;
  • antihistamines and systemic anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • various ointments, the ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin strictly according to the instructions.

A cream or ointment for allergic dermatitis should perform the following functions:

  • reduce the manifestation of skin allergies;
  • moisturize the epidermis;
  • have a preventive effect against secondary infections;
  • activate the skin's immunity;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration.

Anyone with atopic dermatitis should use the ointment exclusively as prescribed by a dermatologist. The specialist will give recommendations on the use of a certain product, reminding you that you should not apply the cream to the genitals, armpits, or face - there are special products for this.

Types of ointments for dermatological rashes

All medications in the form of ointments and creams are classified by type, taking into account their reaction to the skin

All medications in the form of ointments and creams are classified by type, taking into account their effect on the skin:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. These ointments contain corticosteroids that relieve inflammation and itching. These are Triderm, Akriderm, Advantan;
  • moisturizing ointments. In most cases, with dermatitis, the skin is dry and flaky. Therefore, it requires additional hydration, popular products are glycerin cream, Lokobey, Elobaze;
  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory ointments. They eliminate itching and other unpleasant symptoms, but are less effective than analogues with hormones. Popular ointments are Bepanten, Panthenol;
  • antipruritic ointments. They contain antihistamine components that cope well with skin rashes and itching;
  • drying ointments. Used for weeping dermatitis, Desitin and zinc ointment are known.

Non-hormonal external remedies for dermatitis

Among ointments that do not contain hormones, Cynovit helps well against dermatitis on the hands and other parts of the body. Its main components are zinc and dipotassium glycyrrhizinate. The second component is obtained from licorice root. Additionally, the ointment contains oils - jojoba, olive, shea.

Cynovit is prescribed for dermatitis in adults; signs of dermatitis in adults will be as follows: skin irritation, peeling, itching and hyperemia. The ointment acts against fungi and bacteria and eliminates discomfort. Apply it in a thin layer, including for dermatitis on the face, 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts no more than 14 days.

Among ointments that do not contain hormonal substances, Cynovit cream effectively helps against allergic dermatitis on the hands and other parts of the body.

Another popular ointment for allergic dermatitis is called Radevit. It is prescribed for the presence of cracks, eczema on the skin, diffuse and allergic dermatitis. The ointment relieves itching and soothes the skin, accelerates skin regeneration, softens it and improves protective functions.

For those with atopic dermatitis, Skin-Cap cream will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and improve skin health. It is prescribed even to children from 1 year. The product is available in the form of aerosols, shampoos, gels and creams. The range of actions of the drug is quite wide - it relieves inflammation, fights microbes and fungal infections. In addition to allergic dermatitis, it is prescribed for psoriasis and diaper dermatitis.

Among other products that can eliminate allergic dermatitis, Skin-Cap ointment is considered the safest and most effective. True, there is information that the product contains clobetasol propionate, although there is not a word about this in the instructions. Whether there is a powerful hormone in this non-hormonal ointment remains a mystery, so for now you can use it at your own peril and risk.

Eplan cream is indicated for eczema, dermatitis of various etiologies, psoriasis and cracks in the skin, as well as rashes such as acne and boils. The product relieves itching and swelling, serves as a first aid against insect bites and is used as a prophylaxis and protection against irritants of chemical origin.

Bepanten and Pantoderm are prescribed for dermatitis of any nature, including those caused by allergies. The products moisturize the skin well, promote the healing of damage, can be used as prophylaxis on the hands and face, and can protect the skin of adults and infants from irritants.

Exoderil is most often prescribed for fungal infections on the skin, but can also be prescribed for dermatitis of unknown etiology. For example, indications for use will be various types of mycoses, pityriasis versicolor, inflammatory dermatomycosis.

Gistan is a dietary supplement in the form of a product for local use. It contains dimethicone, betulin and effective extracts of medicinal herbs. Prescribed for dermatitis of the eyelids and other areas of the face, eczema, and insect bites. It relieves inflammation and allergic symptoms well.

Elidel is a cream based on pimecrolimus. Despite its effectiveness in eczema and atopic dermatitis, you need to be careful when choosing this particular medicine, since complications may arise in the distant future. Doctors believe that Elidel can reduce immunity and, rarely, provoke the development of a tumor on the skin. Evidence has not yet been obtained, but since such doubts arise, such a product should be smeared on the skin only if other ointments do not have an effect.

The ointments listed above are most often used for treatment; the following can also be used to treat allergic dermatitis:

  • Fenistil - relieves itching and other signs of dermatitis, reduces pain from insect bites.
  • Losterine contains sophora, salicylic acid, almond oil, naphthalan, urea. Prescribed for various skin diseases, it fights bacteria, inflammation, itching and pain.
  • Thymogen increases local immunity, relieves itching and rashes, and is especially helpful for dermatitis and chronic eczema. Immunostimulants, including Thymogen, should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Vidistim copes well with dermatitis, eczema, cheilitis, cracks and abrasions on the skin. The ointment accelerates skin regeneration.
  • Naftaderm based on naftalan oil removes inflammation, softens the skin, reduces pain from boils, atopic dermatitis, skin ulcers, eczema.

Hormonal ointments

Hormonal creams and ointments are especially effective for treating dermatitis, but they are not as harmless as we would like

Hormonal creams and ointments are effective, but not as harmless as we would like. Therefore, they are not often used for treatment; they will be needed for treatment only when non-steroidal drugs do not bring the desired result. You should use ointments with hormones for dermatitis of the eyelids and other parts of the body under the supervision of your doctor.

The course should not exceed 2 weeks. The drugs are strong and can cause systemic adverse reactions with long-term use. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 2 years of age are not prescribed such ointments. Popular pharmacy products are listed below.

Advantan is available in the form of a fatty ointment, emulsion and cream. Prescribed for various inflammatory skin diseases, including eczema, dermatitis in adults and children, sunburn.

Celestoderm has a range of indications - for all types of dermatitis (solar, seborrheic, contact), eczema, itching, psoriasis.

Flucinar is available in the form of an ointment and gel; it helps well with dry, non-infected inflammation of the skin, causing seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, erythema, eczema, psoriasis.

Fucicort is prescribed if a bacterial infection is associated with dermatitis. Indications for use include allergic and contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, as well as atopic dermatitis.

Not all of the listed ointments will provide safe treatment; topical corticosteroids are prohibited for the treatment of patients with allergic dermatitis if:

  • the patient has high sensitivity to the components of the ointment;
  • allergy test is positive;
  • if inflammation on the patient's skin is caused by a viral infection.

How to prepare ointment for dermatitis?

A popular version of homemade ointment is made from potatoes.

In addition to traditional pharmaceutical products, allergic dermatitis can be treated with ointments prepared at home. Before using this or that product, you need to check whether you are allergic to it. To do this, the ointment is applied to a small area of ​​the skin and after a day it will be clear how the body reacts to its components.

A common version of homemade ointment is made from potatoes. Take 100 g of grated potatoes, mix with 1 tsp. honey Apply this mixture to the affected areas once a day, preferably before bedtime.
Another option is celandine ointment. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the celandine leaves, then mix with soft butter in a ratio of 1:5. For 7 days, you need to apply this ointment to areas of dermatitis before going to bed.

The following remedies help with dermatitis, but are not as popular as those listed above:

  1. Sea buckthorn, castor or rose oil is applied to previously cleansed skin twice a day.
  2. A compress of horse chestnut gruel helps a lot if dermatitis still appears in small areas of the body.
  3. A carrot compress is applied to the areas of the disease twice a day. Each time, take fresh carrots and grate them on a fine grater, then spread the pulp on cheesecloth.

To summarize, it is worth recalling that the treatment of allergic dermatitis involves a set of measures and taking medications with antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Areas of damaged skin need to be moisturized and healed. Given the large selection of products in the pharmacy, it is better to leave the prescription of a specific ointment to the doctor - he will tell you which medicinal product will be effective and safe.

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Allergy ointments and creams are considered popular remedies for eliminating itchy rashes.

Skin rashes with this disease are the most common symptom in both children and adults. Read the article about what types of drugs exist.

Types of drugs

Allergy ointment is available in the following formats:

  • Non-hormonal. Used for mild rashes.
  • Hormonal (corticosteroid). Used for severe symptoms.
  • Contains antibiotics and anti-inflammatory components. Prescribed when skin symptoms are accompanied by an infection, for example when scratching a rash.

Non-hormonal ointments for allergies have a minimum of contraindications, so they can be used to eliminate symptoms in pregnant women and young children. The disadvantage of these funds is that treatment can take quite a long time.

Hormonal ointment for allergies contains active ingredients - corticosteroids (synthetic hormones) and therefore has a large number of side effects and contraindications. It is prescribed by a doctor only if an effect on the deep layers of the epidermis is required, and non-hormonal drugs do not have the desired effect. The active component of these drugs, absorbed into the skin, enters the bloodstream and eliminates the allergen from the inside.

Products for face, eyelids, hands

Allergy ointment for face

An allergy is a response of the body associated with increased sensitivity of the immune system to various irritants: pollen, food, dust mites, cosmetics, etc.

The choice of remedy depends on the cause of the allergic reaction. Hormonal ointments are considered the most effective for adults, but for minor rashes it is better to use a non-hormonal antihistamine ointment.

Ointment for allergies on the face of a child should be prescribed by a pediatrician to avoid side effects.

Allergy ointment for hands

As a rule, hormonal ointments are used to quickly eliminate symptoms on the hands, and then the course of treatment continues with non-hormonal creams of weaker action. This treatment regimen was developed by doctors to achieve a positive effect with minimal use of hormones.

Allergy ointment for eyelids

Hydrocortisone is the most popular antiallergic hormonal ointment for the eyelids, which is known for its low cost. It effectively eliminates inflammation and swelling of the eyelids during seasonal allergies, and is also effective against allergic reactions to cosmetics. Among non-hormonal drugs, Bepanten is widely in demand.

Allergy medications - names and prices

Non-hormonal ointment for skin allergies

Non-hormonal ointments (photo)

  1. Tsinocap, Skin cap. Anti-allergy cream with antibacterial and antifungal effects. Effective in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, etc. The cost of drugs is from 290 rubles.
  2. Epidel, Protopik. Ointment for skin allergies, used to treat atopic dermatitis. Price from 860 rub.
  3. Bepanten, D-Panthenol. Drugs that improve tissue regeneration. They are used to eliminate the consequences of adverse effects on the skin: dermatitis, skin inflammation, scratching allergic itchy blisters, baby diaper rash, dryness and flaking, etc. From 125 rubles.
  4. Fenistil. Allergy gel that eliminates itchy dermatoses, urticaria, and swelling. It is considered the best drug to eliminate the effects of insect allergies (insect bites). From 340 rub.

Hormonal ointment against skin allergies

Hormonal ointments (photo)
  1. Advantan. Hormonal cream, used for inflammations such as dermatitis, eczema, etc. From 470 rub.
  2. This skin allergy cream is effective in eliminating itching, urticaria, dermatitis, etc. From RUB 100.
  3. Hydrocortisone- cheap ointment for skin allergies of non-microbial etiology. It is also available in the form of an eye ointment and is used to eliminate swelling and inflammation due to allergies on the eyelids. Price from 24 rub.
  4. Prednisolone. Hormonal ointment for skin allergies, effective against dermatitis, eczema, etc. From 30 rub.

Antiallergic ointments with antibiotics

Antibiotic ointments for allergies (photo)
  1. Bonderm. Used for various dermatitis, infected skin injuries (scratching, insect bites, etc.). From 300 rub.
  2. Supirocin. Used to eliminate symptoms of dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, etc. From RUB 735.
  3. Flucinar. Indications: allergic dermatoses, urticaria, infections due to insect bites, etc. From 170 rubles.
  4. Fucicort. Indications: dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, etc.

Traditional medicine recipes

Olive oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil nourishes and soothes the skin, eliminates itching, as it is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants.
Simply rub olive oil or a mixture of equal parts oil and honey onto the skin rashes several times a day until they are completely healed.

You can also mix some turmeric powder with a little olive oil. Apply the mixture two to three times a day until symptoms disappear. The mixture has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric soothes rashes and relieves itching.

In addition to olive oil, castor and coconut oil are also used, which are no less effective.

Baking soda

Baking soda helps dry out rashes. In addition, it eliminates itching and inflammation.
Mix one part baking soda in three parts water, apply the solution to the rash for 10 minutes and then remove it with warm water. Use this method once daily until symptoms improve.

You can also make a paste of baking soda and coconut oil. Apply it to your skin for five minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure once or twice a day until you see improvement.

Note: Do not leave baking soda on rashes for too long, as this may cause further irritation.


Oatmeal has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for softening the skin and reducing inflammation.

Grind oats in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder, then add one cup of finely ground oats to a warm bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. You should take an oatmeal bath daily until the rash disappears.

Alternatively, mix a glass of oatmeal with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of honey. Place this mixture in a gauze cloth, tie it and place it in a bathtub filled with warm water.

For facial rashes, apply a thick paste of equal amounts of oatmeal and plain yogurt mixed with a little honey. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily until you see improvement.

Cold compress

A cold compress can be helpful in reducing rashes, especially those caused by the sun or insect bites. It helps relieve itching, swelling and inflammation.

Soak a clean cloth in cold water and apply it to the rash for 5 minutes.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

Chamomile is often used to relieve various symptoms of rashes. Fill the filter bag with boiling water for 10 minutes, then use the infusion to wipe the rash. You can use bags in the form of compresses on your eyelids; to do this, you should first cool them.

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, an organ located in the human body most superficially and fed by an extensive network of blood vessels. When the integrity of the skin is not compromised and it has an acidic pH, it performs a good barrier function and does not allow substances that reach the surface to be absorbed. Once microbial or allergic inflammation or inflammation resulting from a burn develops, the skin becomes permeable to various substances. This property is used by dermatologists when choosing an ointment for dermatitis.

It must be said that although the general processes that occur during skin inflammation are similar, the mechanism for triggering them is different. Therefore, it is very important that the local remedy for its treatment is selected correctly, and also takes into account the changes that exist in the integumentary tissue at the moment. Let's look at what effective ointments and creams can be used for each type of dermatitis.

Some terminology

Allergic dermatitis - occurs in response to skin contact with one of the factors (household chemicals, cosmetics, topically applied medications, metals, plant sap). In this case, in response to this contact, several immunoglobulins are released at once, and redness and blisters appear on the skin, accompanied by itching. This - . More often it is called simply “contact”.

There is also allergic atopic or simply. This is a chronic disease that occurs in response to taking a substance that causes the release of antibodies in food, entering the respiratory tract or directly into the blood. Inflammation, genetic predisposition, chronic infections, pathological pregnancy, and diseases of the digestive organs contribute to the appearance of atopic dermatitis. Areas of redness and itching appear on any part of the body, most often on the face and palms, but can be located throughout the body.

If redness of the skin, its swelling, the appearance of blisters filled with clear or bloody liquid are associated with exposure to an aggressive chemical, ultraviolet rays, hot or cold substance, this is also dermatitis. Its name will reflect the nature of the factor that caused the inflammation (for example,).

When inflammation of the skin occurs against the background of increased work of the sebaceous glands, in the product of which Malassezia bacteria have greatly multiplied, this is. His manifestations are special. These are clearly defined red lesions covered with hard-to-remove fatty yellow scales. Areas of inflammation tend to grow progressively and merge with each other. Skin rich in sebaceous glands is affected: face, scalp, chest and back; in severe cases - axillary fossae and inguinal folds.

Principles of local treatment of allergic dermatitis

Let's consider what the doctor's choice of one or another local remedy against dermatitis is based on.

If inflammation manifests itself as swelling and a weeping surface

Here, local treatment consists of applying compresses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an aqueous solution of boric acid. Chatterboxes prepared at the pharmacy are also used.

After a compress or mash, anti-dermatitis gels based on an antihistamine are applied to the inflamed area. This is “Fenistil-gel” or “Psilobalm”. When the inflamed area stops getting very wet, to speed up its healing, use a dermatitis cream such as “Bepanten” (“D-panthenol”), which, when absorbed by the skin, turns into a vitamin and is included in the normal metabolism of skin cells, stimulating their division. Instead of dexpanthenol agents, you can use Actovegin or Solcoseryl gel. These non-hormonal drugs improve the nutrition of skin tissue affected by dermatitis.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

If allergic dermatitis affects large areas, or local antihistamines do not have an effect (and the person has excluded exposure to the allergen), steroid ointments are prescribed. They contain laboratory-made analogues of glucocorticosteroid hormones, the “originals” of which are produced by the adrenal glands. These local agents have pronounced antiallergic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory activity.

Corticosteroid ointments used for allergic dermatitis are divided according to the severity of their effect into:

  1. Weak: hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointments.
  2. Medium strength: “Afloderm”, “Dermatop”, “Flixotide”, “Lokoid”.
  3. Strong: Cutivate, Flucinar, Advantan ointment and cream, Triamcinolone ointment, Elokom and Celestoderm-B ointments and creams.
  4. Very strong: “Dermovate” in the form of a cream or ointment, “Chalciderm”.

These ointments must be prescribed by a doctor. He will indicate how many days the product can be used (usually a potent drug is used for no more than 3 days, while “weak” drugs are used for up to a week), and will tell you how it should be gradually discontinued so as not to harm your own skin by abruptly stopping the topical corticosteroid.

If the area of ​​dermatitis becomes infected

When pus begins to ooze from the inflamed area, or the contents of the blisters become whitish, a cream for the local treatment of allergic dermatitis with an associated secondary infection should also be prescribed by a dermatologist, since there may be 3 options:

  1. A product containing only an antibiotic (erythromycin, tetracycline ointment);
  2. Local combination preparation of an antibiotic or antiseptic in combination with a non-hormonal agent: “Levomekol” (antibiotic + drug that improves healing), “Oflokain” (antibiotic + anesthetic);
  3. A combination of an antibiotic, an antifungal component and a hormone: Triderm, Pimafucort.

Video: Hormonal ointments for atopic dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Since this pathology causes more concern in childhood, let’s consider which group of ointments for dermatitis is used to treat children.

Hormonal and hormone-combined agents

Treatment of children with exacerbations of atopic dermatitis begins with such local drugs. Initial therapy can begin with these same drugs if the disease is severe.

The calculation for appointment is as follows:

  • During an exacerbation of the disease, when the foci of redness are small and appear only on the torso and limbs, the list of hormonal ointments for dermatitis consists of drugs such as 1% Hydrocortisone cream, Prednisolone ointment. If there is no weeping, use Afloderm or Lokoid ointments; when the inflamed area becomes wet, it is better to use Flixotide or Afloderm in the form of a cream.
  • If exacerbations are severe (the severity is determined by a dermatologist), and the inflammation is localized on the skin of the torso, face and extremities, treatment should begin with drugs such as Advantan (if wet, in the form of an emulsion or cream, if not, in the form of an ointment ), “Celestoderm B”, “Elocom” (if wet - in the form of lotion or cream), “Triamcinolone”, “Polcortolone”, “Mometasone furoate”.

The frequency of application is selected by the doctor. Typically, Advantan can be applied to children from six months of age once a day, Afloderm - twice a day, Lokoid - up to 3 times a day. "Elocom" can be used only from 2 years of age, once a day, the course is up to 1 week.

With a significant decrease in the severity of the rash in atopic dermatitis, rapid discontinuation of local therapy is not recommended. It is better to switch to a course, lubricating the affected areas 2 times a week for 1-2 weeks, on the remaining days using moisturizing and nourishing products.

The preparations “Dermovate”, “Galcinonide”, “Chalciderm”, “Diflucortolone valerate”, which have a powerful, long-lasting effect and maximum depth of penetration, are ointments used for dermatitis in adults and children over 14 years of age as prescribed by a doctor.

Hormonal ointments are contraindicated for acne, fungal and scabies, herpes and herpes zoster. They cannot be used if allergic dermatitis appears after vaccination. For children under one year old and during pregnancy, such drugs are not prescribed. For children under 7 years of age, steroid ointments and creams should be prescribed by a doctor.

Regarding dosage:

  • if dermatitis has developed on the hands, apply a maximum of 3 units of product to each hand (1 unit is the amount placed on the phalanx of the index finger of the same person);
  • per foot – maximum 1 unit;
  • on the groin area - 1 unit on each side;
  • per body – maximum 14-15 units.

The face is not treated with hormonal ointments. There it is recommended to use only wetting agents and calcineurin inhibitors.

If fungal or bacterial flora is suspected of being attached to areas of dermatitis, ointments containing an antibiotic and antifungal drug are prescribed: Triderm, Pimafucort.


In children under 7 years of age, hormonal cream is not applied directly to inflamed skin, but to previously lubricated skin with emollient - a substance with sufficient fat content, which, when applied, forms a film on the skin. Good emollients include Emolium, Topicrem, La Roche-Posay, Mustela Stelatopia cream.

The latter is a cream-emulsion made from natural ingredients, easily spread over the child's skin and dries within a few minutes. It can be used not only as a “base” for a hormonal drug, but also in the intervals between applying topical steroids, and before going outside, especially in the cold season. Mustela cream emulsion also helps eliminate skin itching that occurs with atopic dermatitis.

Applications of Mustela Stelatopia can be replaced with the drug Physiogel AI, you can alternate them. Physiogel also consists of membrane-forming lipids, identical to those that protect intact skin from external influences. It eliminates minor manifestations of atopic dermatitis, relieves irritation and itching.

Such emollient preparations are the best ointments for dermatitis during pregnancy. They are an excellent alternative when there are contraindications to treatment with hormonal ointments.

You need to apply emollients at least 3 times a day, and also after bathing. It is recommended to change them every 3-4 weeks to avoid a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Other non-hormonal drugs

For this disease in children, adults, and pregnant women, non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis are prescribed. They can be different:

  1. "Eplan". The active ingredient is glycolan, which has wound-healing, bactericidal and analgesic effects. There are no instructions for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. "Bepanten" ("Pantoderm", "Dexpanthenol", "D-panthenol"). Absorbed by skin cells, it turns into vitamin pantothenic acid, which accelerates skin healing. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Ointment for dermatitis with zinc (“Zinc ointment” and “Desitin” based on zinc oxide, “Zinocap” based on zinc pyrithione) has good anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Well used when getting wet. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, use as prescribed by a dermatologist.
  4. Calcineurin inhibitors (Elidel and Protopic creams). They suppress the release of substances that provoke allergic reactions on the skin and reduce the severity of inflammation. They are used to treat the neck, folds, and facial skin. "Protopic" is the optimal antipruritic ointment for dermatitis. These drugs are not used for herpetic rashes, the presence of genital warts or warts on the skin, or for treatment with ultraviolet irradiation. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. “Radevit” is an ointment based on vitamins (D2, E and A), which has an anti-inflammatory, softening effect and eliminates itching.
  6. “Gistan” is a local dietary supplement based on extracts of medicinal herbs, dimethicone and betulin.
  7. "Fenistil gel", which is based on the antihistamine substance dimethindene maleate. It has antipruritic and local anesthetic properties.
  8. "Losterine." It is based on dexpanthenol (more about it above), urea (softens the skin), salicylic acid (softens the skin, eliminates inflammation).
  9. "Naftaderm" is a liniment based on naftalan oil. Has an analgesic, softening, antiseptic effect.
  10. For infected dermatitis and for its prevention, children from 3 months of age are treated with the drug "Dermazin" based on a sulfonamide antiseptic - silver sulfadiazine. It is effective against a large number of microbes and eliminates mild weeping. It is applied to a gauze pad, which is applied to the area of ​​dermatitis only after the inflamed skin has been washed with water and dried with sterile gauze.

Previously, a cream for the treatment of dermatitis such as Skin-Cap was widely recommended, positioned as a non-hormonal complex drug with anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial activity. Reliable studies have not yet been provided that it does not contain the glucocorticoid hormone - clobetasol propionate.

Video: Treatment of atopic dermatitis with antihistamines

Treatment of seborrheic skin lesions

The main ointment for seborrheic dermatitis is antifungal: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Sebozol, Nizorex, Mycozoral. It is recommended to treat the affected skin with keratoregulating agents (for example, Mustela Stelaker). In special cases, Sulsena paste and hydrocortisone ointment are added, but preference in the treatment of this type of dermatitis is given to physiotherapeutic methods.

Therapy for solar inflammation

For solar dermatitis, an ointment based on glucocorticoids is prescribed: Fluorocort, Polcortolone, Beta-Methasone. After reducing inflammation, the affected areas are treated with Bepanten cream or its analogues.