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Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is the cause of serious complications. Increased uterine tone: pathology or special condition of pregnancy

Almost every woman who is to become a mother, at least once, has faced such a condition as increased uterine tone. Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is not a diagnosis, it is only a symptom that indicates the threat of miscarriage. But this sign is considered quite serious and requires urgent action.

What is the uterus made of?

The uterus is a muscular organ and therefore is able to contract, which is necessary for the implementation of labor. Outside, the uterus is covered with a serous membrane, which is called perimetry. The middle layer is the most pronounced and consists of smooth muscle tissue.

In the process of bearing the fetus, the muscle layer (myometrium) thickens and grows due to an increase in the number and volume of muscle fibers. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus "occupies" almost completely the abdominal cavity. Preparation of the fetus for contractions during childbirth consists in the accumulation of calcium, glycogen and enzymes in the myometrium, which stimulate the contraction of muscle fibers.

In addition, by the end of pregnancy in the myometrium, the production of a protein - actimiosin (activates contractions) increases. The inner layer of the fetus is the mucous membrane or endometrium, in which the fertilized egg is implanted.

Types of uterine tone

The tone of the uterus characterizes the state of the myometrium, its tension:

In addition, they distinguish between local hypertonicity (tension of the myometrium in a certain place) and total hypertonicity - the entire uterus "hardens".

Maintain normal uterine tone

Signals from nerve receptors located in the uterus enter the central and autonomic nervous system of a woman, as a result of which a pregnancy dominant is formed in the cerebral cortex. The function of this dominant is to suppress nervous processes not related to the maintenance and development of pregnancy.

But in the case of nervous overstrain, other foci of excitation are formed in the brain, which weaken the effect of the dominant pregnancy, which causes an increased tone of the uterus. For the entire period of gestation, the excitability of both the spinal cord and uterine receptors is minimal, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy. In turn, by the time of childbirth, a generic dominant is formed, which is responsible for the contractile activity of the uterus - contractions (see).

In addition, in maintaining the normal tone of the uterus, it is responsible, which is first (up to 10 weeks) produced by the corpus luteum, and later by the placenta. Estriol, necessary for the regulation of uteroplacental blood flow, is also produced in the placenta from a hormone produced by the adrenal glands of the fetus and woman. In addition to relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus, intestines and ureters, progesterone inhibits the excitability of the central nervous system, as if protecting the dominant of pregnancy.

For the contractile activity of the uterus, calcium ions are needed. Progesterone and estriol maintain the proper permeability of myometrial cells, and prevent excess calcium from penetrating into the intracellular space.

What causes uterine hypertonicity?

The reasons that can lead to an increase in uterine tone are numerous and varied. As a rule, not one, but several factors are involved in the development of uterine hypertonicity. The main culprits of uterine hypertonicity include:


First of all, sexual infections are meant (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, and others). They cause inflammation of the genital organs, in particular endometritis, as a result of which biologically active substances or cytokines begin to be synthesized, which increase the contractile activity of the myometrium. And intrauterine infection of the fetus is also possible.

Hormonal disorders

  • The lack of progesterone, of course, will negatively affect the tone of the uterus, cause it to increase, especially in the first 14 weeks of gestation, when the fertilized egg is fixed and the placenta is formed.
  • Deficiency of the main pregnancy hormone leads to spontaneous miscarriage or detachment of the chorion (future placenta) and non-developing pregnancy.
  • Progesterone deficiency is also observed with hyperandrogenism (an excess of male sex hormones), with hyperprolactinemia, and also with sexual infantilism. Genital infantilism is characterized by underdevelopment of the genital organs, in particular the uterus, which, in response to stretching, begins to contract as the gestation period increases, which ends in a miscarriage.
  • In addition, an increase in uterine tone can be caused by thyroid pathology (hyperthyroidism and).

Structural changes in the uterine walls

As a rule, an increase in the tone of the uterus is caused by tumors and tumor-like diseases of the uterus (polyps, fibroids, adenomyosis nodes), which not only interfere with the normal implantation and growth of the embryo, but also prevent the stretching of the fetus as the gestational age increases, which causes hypertonicity.

In addition, the listed diseases are caused by hormonal disruptions, which cannot but affect the level of progesterone. Various scrapings of the uterus and) cause an inflammatory reaction in the endometrium, which leads to the formation of intrauterine adhesions, and the uterine walls are made incapable of stretching.

chronic diseases

Often, an increase in the tone of the uterus while waiting for a child is due to chronic diseases of the mother (arterial hypertension, diabetes, overweight, and others).

Malformations of the uterus

Various anomalies in the structure of the uterus cause the inferiority of the uterine walls, which leads to an increase in uterine tone. Such pathology includes a double uterus or a uterus with an additional horn, an intrauterine septum, as well as an existing scar on the uterus after a surgical operation (caesarean section, myomectomy).

Socio-economic factors

This group of factors is the largest and most numerous. This includes: the age of the woman (less than 18 and more than 35), low income, heavy physical labor, constant stress, occupational hazards, marital status (divorced or unmarried), malnutrition, neglect of the regimen, chronic lack of sleep, bad habits, etc.

Complications of real pregnancy

Incorrect position and presentation of the fetus often causes hypertonicity of the uterus due to its overstretching (for example, transverse position). Also, polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies contribute to overstretching of the uterus. Violation of the fetoplacental blood flow during preeclampsia or placenta previa also causes uterine hypertonicity.

How to identify uterine hypertonicity

Increased uterine tone, as already mentioned, is not an independent disease, but just one of the signs of miscarriage. Symptoms that accompany uterine hypertonicity may appear at any gestational age (see):

  • With an increase in the tone of the uterus in the first 14 weeks, a woman notes the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, or in the region of the lower back and sacrum, especially after some physical exertion.
  • Possible irradiation of pain in the perineum. The nature of pain is different. This may be sipping or aching pain, similar to discomfort during menstruation.
  • A woman should be alerted by the appearance of bloody, brownish, pinkish or blood-streaked discharge, which indicates a miscarriage.

In subsequent trimesters, the pregnant woman independently determines the tension of the uterus, which can occur locally or capture the entire uterus. In such a case, a woman compares the hypertonicity of the uterus with "stonyness".

  • During a gynecological examination the doctor in the first trimester easily diagnoses uterine hypertonicity, as he determines its contraction and tension during palpation. In later periods, increased tone is determined by palpation of parts of the fetus.
  • Ultrasound - also in the diagnosis of hypertension, ultrasound is of no small importance. At the same time, the uzist sees a local or total thickening of the myometrium.

It should be noted that local hypertonicity of the uterus may appear in response to any ongoing actions at the moment. For example, fetal movement, a full bladder, and so on. That is, each case of recorded increased tone is individual, and the decision on the need for treatment is made after taking into account all causative factors, assessing the risk of miscarriage, existing pregnancy complications and extragenital diseases.

Uterine hypertonicity: what to do?

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity is prescribed only when, in addition to uterine tension on palpation or ultrasound, there are additional signs indicating a threatening abortion (pain syndrome: pain in the abdomen and / or lower back, discharge mixed with blood, the formation of isthmic-cervical insufficiency). In the event of the presence of the specified symptoms, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will decide on hospitalization. It is possible to prescribe outpatient treatment for moderate hypertonicity, when tension or "petrification" of the uterus is felt only in some situations, periodically.

To successfully reduce hypertension during pregnancy, if possible, the cause that caused the increase in uterine tone is determined. Therapy of increased uterine tone is aimed at providing psycho-emotional and physical rest, relaxation of the uterus and normalization of fetoplacental circulation:

  • Sedatives- in the hospital, a pregnant woman is prescribed psycho-emotional rest, as a rule, bed rest and sedatives (motherwort, valerian, peony in tablets or tinctures). The appointment is mandatory, as worries about the child aggravate the situation.
  • tranquilizers- in case of ineffectiveness of herbal sedatives, they are prescribed (diazepam, phenazepam, halcyonine).
  • Progesterone - in case of progesterone deficiency, preparations with synthetic progesterone (duphaston or utrogestan rectally or orally) are prescribed until the 14th - 16th gestational age.
  • Antispasmodics - antispasmodics are recommended without fail, which stop contractions and improve blood supply in the utero-placental-fetal system (, droverin). They are prescribed either intramuscularly or in tablets or rectal suppositories.
  • Tocolytics - after 16 weeks, it is allowed to prescribe tocolytics - special drugs that stop uterine spasm (ginipral, partusisten) intravenously, and then in tablet form.
  • calcium channel inhibitors, they prevent the penetration of calcium into muscle cells: Nifedipine, Corinfar.
  • Magne B6 or magnesia- also use intravenous infusions or intramuscular injections of magnesium sulfate - relieves uterine tone, causes a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure. An alternative to magnesium sulfate solution are Magne-B6 tablets, which can also be taken in the first trimester (vitamin B6 serves as a cell conductor for magnesium).
  • Improvement of uteroplacental blood flow- in parallel, therapy is carried out, the task of which is to improve blood flow (chimes, aminofillin, trental).
  • Means that regulate metabolism( , riboxin)
  • Hepatoprotectors(chophytol, essentiale), see.

To remove the hypertonicity of the uterus at home will help simple physical exercises.

  • First, you should relax the facial and cervical muscles as much as possible, which leads to a weakening of the tension of the uterus.
  • Secondly, the “kitty” exercise is effective. It is necessary to get on all fours, carefully raise your head, arching your lower back. Breathe deeply and calmly. Maintain this position for 5 seconds.

What is the danger of hypertension

The consequences of uterine hypertonicity can be very deplorable. If you ignore the "first bell" - the periodic tension of the uterus, then the pregnancy will end either with a spontaneous abortion or a failed miscarriage in the early stages, or with premature birth in the second or third trimester.

In addition, a permanent increase in the tone of the uterus leads to the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, which worsens the nutrition of the fetus and its oxygen supply. This provokes the development of intrauterine hypoxia, and subsequently a delay in the development of the fetus.

The prognosis for uterine hypertonicity depends on the existing complications of pregnancy and extragenital diseases, the condition of the cervix, gestational age and the condition of the child, and, of course, on timely medical care. An equally important role is played by the mood of a woman for a favorable outcome.

Many women are diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. Most often, this pathology manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, and carries a number of negative factors. The most harmless thing that can happen with hypertonicity is pain in the lower abdomen. But in most cases, this condition can cause a miscarriage.

What is uterine hypertonicity

Hypertonicity of the uterus is a certain condition in which the muscles of this organ contract in a certain way. The uterus of a woman who is expecting a child can be compared to a sponge, to which a large number of various tubes are attached. If liquid is passed through these tubes, it will almost immediately be absorbed into the sponge. But if you squeeze the sponge at the same time, then the liquid through the tubes is unlikely to be able to enter it.

The same thing happens with the uterus. When this organ is in a normal state, the blood flows through the vessels without any problems throughout the circulatory system, nourishing the placenta, providing the child with oxygen and important trace elements. But if the uterus is in a “compressed” state, then the fetus begins to suffer from a deficiency of the elements necessary for life support.

In the future, this can cause miscarriage, missed pregnancy, premature birth. If the child is born on time, then his developmental delay is likely due to the hypoxia experienced in the womb.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Hypertonicity can feel similar to pain during menstruation, but for some women it is almost painless. If you feel the uterus during the tone, it will resemble a stone.

If there is bleeding from the vagina, you should immediately go to the hospital, as this may indicate placental abruption or miscarriage.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Hypertonicity may appear for the following reasons:

  • Deficiency of progesterone in the body.
  • Nervous tension, stress, depression.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • The presence of various diseases, including tumors, inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
  • Colds or chronic diseases.
  • Large fruit, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  • Past abortions or unsuccessful previous pregnancies.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Underdevelopment of the genital organs.

Only a gynecologist can determine the presence of increased tone using ultrasound or palpation. With unpleasant sensations in the form of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, various secretions, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

If the gynecologist diagnosed you with uterine hypertonicity, then do not panic. After all, most of the diseases that expectant mothers face arise due to the body's reaction to external stimuli. If you try to calmly perceive any current life situation, you can avoid various health complications.

During therapy, the gynecologist tries to find the cause of uterine hypertonicity. If the pathology has arisen due to a deficiency of progesterone, then medications are prescribed in which this hormone is present, for example, Utrozhestan or Duphaston. Additionally, some hormonal medications may be prescribed.

A good helper in the fight against hypertonicity is Magne B6, which contains magnesium and vitamin B6. This drug does not allow calcium to pass into the organs, relieves spasms and prevents the appearance of blood clots. At the same time, vitamin B6 has a calming effect on the body. Sometimes a pregnant woman is prescribed a solution of magnesium sulfate, it is administered intravenously and intramuscularly.

Ginipral has a relaxing effect on the uterus, but at the same time it can cause placental abruption, so it is rarely prescribed.

At the first sensations of tension in the uterus, experts advise taking the cat's pose, that is, getting on all fours and bending in the back. In this position, you need to linger for 5 seconds, then lower your head and arch your back up. Such exercises should be performed several times.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

For preventive purposes, it is advisable to refuse long-distance trips. Rest, like sleep, should be complete. The expectant mother needs to explain to colleagues and relatives that she does not want to be nervous. It is important to avoid any conflict situations.

The expectant mother should consume as many fresh fruits and vitamins as possible so that the body has a supply of trace elements important for life support. You should also adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, because flour and fatty products can cause not only weight gain, but also poor health.

Hypertonicity - uterine contractions that occur before the expected date of birth. This often happens in the early stages. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be felt by a woman and determined by ultrasound. If treatment is not started on time, there is a significant risk of losing a child.


How does hypertonicity manifest itself? A pregnant woman should be alerted by the following signs of uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • hard "stone" stomach;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • dizziness and nausea.

If a pregnant woman has discovered at least one of the symptoms on her own, you should contact a gynecologist and prescribe treatment. Excessive muscle tension at the beginning of the pathological process is detected only when examined by a doctor, and most often on ultrasound.



The doctor establishes an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy after collecting anamnesis. For diagnosis, the gynecologist will palpate. For long periods of pregnancy, this is done through the anterior abdominal wall. The woman lies on her back with her legs bent. This position eliminates tension in the abdominal wall, so the gynecologist feels a seal.

Ultrasound examination

An additional examination - ultrasound - helps to assess the thickening of the muscle layer and the condition of the cervix. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is made, which means stress, and whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

The phenomenon of tone during pregnancy is noted locally (in some areas) or on the entire inner surface of the uterus. There are contractions on the anterior and posterior walls of the organ. A pregnant woman feels on her own if the entire uterus is tense. With hypertonicity along the back wall, a woman feels pulling pains.

On ultrasound, a local tone is established, which cannot be determined in the usual way. If the wall to which the placenta is attached is tense, there is a danger of its detachment. This is diagnosed by a doctor on an ultrasound examination. If there is increased tension in the posterior wall and pain in the organ is noted, the length of the cervix is ​​additionally measured and its condition is assessed.

With the threat of premature birth (can be installed on ultrasound), fetal biometry is performed and the blood flow in the vessels is examined. If there is an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy, hospitalization is required.


The tension in the uterus is fixed by special sensors. This method is rarely used. Often used palpation and ultrasound.


The reasons that affect the tension of the uterine wall are different. They are divided into two categories - physiological and psychosomatic.

The causes of hypertension are:

  • numerous abortions;
  • large size of the fetus;
  • a certain number of pregnancies;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • infantile (children's) uterus;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infections;
  • certain age of the pregnant woman;
  • physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • short sleep duration;
  • certain type of occupation.

Cardiovascular, chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, hypertension - all this leads to tension in the body. The tone of the uterus in the third trimester is the cause of premature birth. Malignant formations in the organ lead to hypertonicity.

Increased tension in the uterus is often the result of psychological problems. When a woman experiences fear, she develops symptoms of hypertonicity. Excessive stress is a consequence of certain mental states. Pregnancy brings many life changes and a woman should be supported at home. If there are constant scandals and quarrels in the family, this causes tension throughout the body. That is why a woman's anxieties and stresses cause uterine tone.

Tension in the muscular organ is observed due to a lack of progesterone, which supports pregnancy in the early stages. The underdevelopment of the uterus and its mucosa occurs due to a lack of estrogen. If the level of male sex hormones is higher than normal, the uterus comes into tone.

Disturbances in the thyroid gland can cause hypertonicity. Viral infections and genital tract provoke tension in the muscular organ. The tone of the uterus in early pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. When the first symptoms appear, the following measures should be taken.

First aid

If there is tension in the uterus, you can take an antispasmodic on your own and go to bed. It is advisable to consult a gynecologist on the same day.

If hypertonicity occurs along the posterior wall of the uterus, a woman should:

  • relax the muscles of the face and the whole body;
  • refuse any work;
  • get on all fours and do an exercise that will help relieve tension. Slowly bend back, raising your head, and return to the starting position.


If there is a tone of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy, the woman is shown rest. The following treatment comes to the rescue:

  • herbal sedatives - valerian, motherwort;
  • "Magne B6";
  • vitamin therapy;
  • antispasmodics - "No-shpa", "Baralgin", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin";
  • treatment through psychotherapy.

Hormonal treatment must be justified. Prescribe medications based on progesterone - "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan". The minimum doses of drugs are selected, taking into account the duration of pregnancy. If a woman has profuse spotting, she is hospitalized.

Treatment consists of a set of measures that eliminate the causes of the threat of pregnancy. Therapy may include:

  1. "Progesterone". Intramuscularly injected 1 ml for no more than 10 days.
  2. Intramuscularly - "Oxyprogesterone" 1 time per week.
  3. Within 5-7 days - "Folliculin".
  4. 1 ml for 6-10 days carotene subcutaneously.
  5. Shown "Tocopherol acetate" - intramuscularly, 1 ml.
  6. Enter 3-5 ml intravenously of nicotinic acid.
  7. Subcutaneous injections of the drug "Papaverine" are made.

If there is uterine tone in the second trimester, diathermy is recommended. In infectious diseases, the underlying cause must be eliminated.

In the second trimester, short-term hypertonicity is a physiological process. Often a woman cannot independently determine whether her condition threatens the fetus. If a pathology is suspected, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Drugs to help relieve muscle tension:

  • antispasmodics;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • Partusisten, Ginipral, Salbupart, Brikanil, Albuterol;
  • "Atosiban", "Hexoprenaline";
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • Nifedipine, Finoptin, Verapamil are potassium antagonists.

What causes uterine tone in the third trimester? Braxton Hicks training contractions are considered normal. This means that the uterus is preparing for childbirth.


In order to relieve excessive tension in the muscular organ, a number of rules should be observed:

  1. Heavy physical labor and sports are contraindicated.
  2. You can't lift weights.
  3. Breathe fresh air, but without exhausting hiking.
  4. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  5. Limit your sex life.
  6. Eat well.
  7. Try to avoid long trips and crowded transport.
  8. Be sure to give up bad habits.
  9. Try to avoid stressful situations.

As a preventive measure for possible hypertension, even before pregnancy, a woman should be examined for infections in the pelvic organs. That is why you should consult a gynecologist. All tests must be done.

In order to get rid of threatening symptoms, a woman needs to relax. Soothing tea with honey from lemon balm, mint, motherwort and valerian will help with this. Don't neglect healthy and restful sleep. Essential oils of chamomile, mint, jasmine, lotus will help relieve stress.


What does the emotional state mean in the life of a pregnant woman? In the early stages, a woman has mood swings, and it is unstable. Psychological tension arises, which means that it also manifests itself at the physiological level. What can be done to reduce it?

Communication with loved ones, good rest and creative work helps a woman to relieve excessive anxiety. In the middle of pregnancy, a sense of wholeness and harmony comes to women. Many feel comfortable in the second and third trimester. It is dangerous for a pregnant woman to be nervous, as this can manifest itself and lead to hypertonicity.


Tension in the muscular organ is a dangerous pathology. It occurs at any time, but attention is paid to pregnancy up to 14 weeks. If there is a tone of the uterus in the second trimester, the development of the fetus may suffer. One of the consequences of contractions of the muscular organ in the period from the 12th to the 20th week is a late miscarriage. If the uterus is overly stressed, the development of the embryo may stop. What can cause placental abruption? Due to the same tension, which results in fetal hypoxia.

If placental abruption has begun and uterine tone is noted in the third trimester, delivery is indicated. The doctor determines the condition of the woman, and if necessary, perform an emergency operation. At the same time, a caesarean section is performed to prevent the death of the fetus.

In the later stages of bearing a child, certain symptoms may also appear, which do not yet mean hypertonicity. A thorough medical examination is necessary. Medications to relieve muscle tension are not prescribed after the 35th week of pregnancy. With all threatening symptoms, the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

A woman expecting a baby can be very frightened when she first feels discomfort. Uterine tone during pregnancy is a symptom that is dangerous throughout all three trimesters, the cause of which must be identified as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications. Why such a problem arises, what is its danger, what to do to normalize the situation, how to determine the pathology - it is necessary to understand these issues.

What is uterine tone

Nature has prepared a special hollow organ for carrying a baby. The uterus, which consists of several layers, has muscle tissue that protects the growing fetus, is able to contract during childbirth, helping the baby to be born. Normally, she is relaxed. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a dangerous contraction of muscle fibers occurs.

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? This is a symptom that requires accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pathology and immediate treatment. The appearance of dangerous signs means:

  • there is a strong compression of the muscle layer;
  • increased pressure in the uterine cavity;
  • there is a threat to bearing a baby;
  • high risk of preterm birth.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should carefully monitor their condition throughout the pregnancy. It is useful for women to know why the uterus is in good shape, what are the symptoms, so that when they appear, consult a doctor. This will help avoid serious problems. Uterine activity is dangerous in all trimesters of pregnancy. In the early stages, high tone can:

  • cause difficulties in the process of implantation of the fetal egg;
  • lead to placental abruption, disrupting the nutrition of the fetus, causing missed pregnancy;
  • provoke a miscarriage.

No less dangerous is the uterus in good shape during pregnancy in subsequent periods:

  • In the second trimester, contraction of muscle fibers reduces blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, limits the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which leads to delayed development.
  • In the third trimester, abortion is possible - premature birth due to early opening of the cervix. The baby develops hypoxia due to compression of the vessels of the umbilical cord.

Norms of uterine tone by gestational age

For a baby to develop properly in the womb, the uterus must be supple and relaxed. Like any muscular organ, it has physiological contractions. What contractions of the uterine walls are considered normal? Experts highlight the tone that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and is conditionally safe. In this case, uterine contraction:

  • occurs no more than 6 times a day;
  • contributes to the activation of blood circulation, the normal development of the child;
  • can be caused by minor physical exertion.

The following stages of pregnancy have their own characteristics:

  • In the second trimester, starting from the 20th week, painless contractions are observed, which are considered training, preparation for future childbirth, occur several times a day.
  • With the beginning of the third trimester, the contractions of the uterus are helped by the baby, who begins to actively move. By the end of the term, hypertonicity is difficult to distinguish from the onset of labor.

Signs of tone

Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the tone. When the first symptoms of a threat appear, in order to exclude dangerous consequences, you need to visit a doctor. What are the signs of uterine tone during pregnancy? Pathology is accompanied by:

  • aching, squeezing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • contractions of the muscles of the uterus;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort;
  • bloody discharge;
  • tension, petrification of the abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region, sacrum;
  • feeling of contractions.


There are a large number of reasons for the occurrence of tone. They are related to the state of the body and external factors. There are such causes of uterine tone:

  • a reduced amount of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles;
  • severe toxicosis with vomiting, causing muscle contractions;
  • increased levels of prolactin and male sex hormones;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of parents;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is provoked by:

  • psychological problems;
  • constant stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • long journeys;
  • sports;
  • air travel;
  • lack of sleep;
  • strong gas formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • age after 35 years;
  • incorrect position of the fetus;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • stretching of the uterus during multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios or large baby size;
  • sex before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • previous miscarriages;
  • tumors;
  • abortions.


Improper nutrition can provoke an increased tone. There are foods that cause this condition. These include:

  • legumes, cabbage, provoking increased gas formation;
  • moldy cheese containing a fungus dangerous for pregnant women;
  • coffee, which quickly removes fluid from the body, increasing blood pressure;
  • raw eggs that can cause the development of salmonellosis - heat treatment is recommended;
  • black tea containing a lot of caffeine.

Spices cause an increase in uterine tone. Doctors recommend limiting the use of basil, bay leaf, fennel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin during pregnancy. The danger is represented by dishes that have not undergone long-term heat treatment. They can become a source of infectious diseases. These include:

  • steaks from meat with blood;
  • dried delicacies;
  • pate;
  • quick cooked liver;
  • sushi;
  • salo.


The first unpleasant symptoms should be determined by the pregnant woman herself and consult a doctor. With great accuracy, increased tone is detected during examination by a gynecologist. Diagnostics includes:

  • external control, fixing complaints;
  • palpation of the abdomen in the supine position;
  • Ultrasound, which reveals a thickening of smooth muscle tissue, the tone of the anterior or posterior wall, depending on the place of attachment of the fetus;
  • tonusometry using special sensors.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself

A woman should be able to diagnose uterine tone herself. This will help to timely identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment in order to moderate it. It is important to distinguish between symptoms that signal a problem. You can find out if there is muscle tone at home. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax, gently feel the stomach, check the condition of the muscles. In this situation:

  • a feeling of softness indicates a lack of tone and reason for concern;
  • a firm, elastic abdomen is characterized by increased muscle contraction, requires the intervention of a doctor.

What to do

How should a woman behave, what to do if there are dangerous symptoms? Gynecologists recommend following the regimen to relax the muscles, taking medications that will reduce tone. To avoid the threat of miscarriage, pregnant women need:

  • stress relief;
  • complete cessation of sexual activity;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • providing bed rest;
  • aromatherapy that promotes relaxation;
  • use of warm baths and showers;
  • acupuncture;
  • treatment of Rh-conflict;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • psychotherapy sessions.

Medical treatment

When uterine tone appears, it is necessary to solve two important tasks - to remove unpleasant symptoms and to influence the causes of their occurrence. Doctors prescribe magnesium preparations with vitamin B6, which relax the uterine walls. It is recommended to take:

  • tincture of motherwort, valerian, soothing, helping to relieve stress;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - progesterone preparations for hormone deficiency in early pregnancy.

To reduce uterine tone, relieve spasms, remove dangerous symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed - Nosh-pa tablets, as well as drugs:

  • Genipral - relaxes muscles, not recommended in the early stages;
  • Nozepam is a sedative drug that has a sedative effect;
  • Curantil - improves placental circulation;
  • Riboxin - activates metabolic processes;
  • Piracetam - increases the resistance of nerve cells in the fetus to oxygen deficiency;
  • Dicynon - stops spotting.


Rectal suppositories help to bring the increased uterine tone back to normal very quickly. Candles are injected into the rectum, left until resorption. The active substance enters the blood, reduces the excitation of the walls of the uterus. Doctors prescribe:

  • Viburkol - has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect;
  • Papaverine - relaxes smooth uterine muscles, expands blood flow, reduces tension;
  • Indomethacin - is used for the threat of abortion, but only from 16 to 32 weeks.


You can cope with increased uterine tone at home if you perform simple exercises. This will help relax tense muscles. It is recommended to make a complex:

  • Get on all fours, bend your back, raise your head, return to the starting position. Repeat several times, then lie down for at least an hour.
  • Sitting on a chair, lower your head, relax the muscles of your neck and face, breathe through your mouth.
  • Stand on all fours for a few minutes so that the stomach is in a suspended position. Breathe calmly.

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy

Prevention of hypertension helps to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Simple measures contribute to the normal course of pregnancy without pathologies. A woman needs:

  • avoid stress;
  • start eating right
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • avoid physical overload;
  • worry less;
  • no smoking;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly.


In medicine, uterine hypertonicity is called contractions of this organ that appear before the expected date of onset of labor (often in the early stages).


  • Hormonal disorders - insufficient function of the ovaries, placenta, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, leading to a deficiency of estrogens and / or progesterone or an excess of male sex hormones (androgens).
  • Underdevelopment of the female genital organs (genital infantilism), malformations of the uterus (for example, a bicornuate uterus, etc.).
  • Tumor formations in the uterus (fibroids).
  • Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of a woman and the fetal egg.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (i.e., the cervix cannot withstand the increasing load and begins to open long before the onset of labor).
  • Failure of the immune system during pregnancy.
  • Somatic diseases of a woman, i.e. diseases not directly related to the reproductive system: heart disease, kidney disease, etc.
  • Previous abortions.
  • Anxious and depressive state of a woman during and shortly before pregnancy, internal tension, self-doubt.

How is it manifested?

With an increase in the tone of the uterus, a feeling of heaviness and tension appears in the lower abdomen. There are pains in the pubic area, pulling pains in the lower back, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, pains similar to menstrual periods.

Increased uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to the death of the fetal egg, non-developing pregnancy, and miscarriage. In the II and III trimesters, uterine hypertonicity can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

For a fetus developing in the uterus, hypertonicity is dangerous by disrupting the blood supply to the placenta and, consequently, intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and growth and developmental delay. This is because the placenta does not contract when the uterus contracts. As a result, its detachment and spontaneous termination of pregnancy at any time, the birth of a premature baby may occur.

Diagnosis and treatment

Uterine hypertonicity is most often detected during a routine examination of a pregnant woman by a gynecologist. The doctor, as a rule, prescribes sedatives (sedatives) and antispasmodics. In addition, magnesium and vitamin B6 preparations, etc. can be prescribed.

Usually, taking the prescribed funds is enough for the tone of the uterus to decrease. In no case should you self-medicate, this can harm the baby and provoke premature birth.

In addition, with hypertonicity, physical activity is contraindicated and it is recommended to lie more. Sex is undesirable, as the resulting uterine contractions can provoke a miscarriage.


If there is no effect from the therapy and the appearance of regular cramping pains, especially if they are accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor and decide on hospitalization, i.e. “lie down for preservation”, since in this case there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

At the clinic, you will have a vaginal examination and an ultrasound scan. With the help of this study, it is possible to diagnose the threat of abortion in the early stages and take timely measures to preserve it. During the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to confirm the presence of increased uterine tone, as well as assess the condition of the fetus and membranes.

In addition, if necessary, an assessment of the level of sex hormones in the blood and in daily urine, examination for genital infections, etc. is carried out.

In the hospital, they try to ensure complete rest for the pregnant woman, they prescribe sedatives and antispasmodics, multivitamins and other drugs. With hyperandrogenism, drugs are used that restore the disturbed balance of hormones.

If the hypertonicity of the uterus led to the onset of labor before 34 weeks, then they try to suppress labor with the help of tocolytic (relaxing the muscles of the uterus) drugs. The most critical period for a premature baby is considered to be 25-28 weeks (before, his chances of surviving, unfortunately, are negligible, after 28 weeks they rise sharply). In the event of a threat of premature onset of labor, the main task at this time is to accelerate the maturation of the lungs of the fetus (hormonal preparations are usually prescribed for this purpose). Prolongation of pregnancy for at least two days in most cases gives such an opportunity.

Prevention of hypertension

It is best to do the prevention of hypertension even at the stage of pregnancy planning: undergo an examination for the presence of infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, and, if necessary, with a psychotherapist. When pregnancy has come, you should provide yourself (and the baby) with a sparing regimen, reduce physical and mental stress, and at the slightest sign of an increase in the tone of the uterus, without delay, consult a doctor.