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Lord give me peace of mind. Prayer of the Venerable Elders and Fathers of Optina

“Lord, give us the humility to accept what cannot be changed. Give us the courage to change what needs to be changed. And give us wisdom to distinguish one from another." This quote is attributed to, among others, the German writer Friedrich Christoph Etinger (1702–1782) and the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971).

Familiar to many, for some, such as members of Alcoholics Anonymous groups around the world, this saying has even acquired the status of the most important rule of life. But what is behind these words - “that which cannot be changed”? Unfulfilled hopes, lack of love, suffering, injustice, the fragility of our very lives - each of us faces this sooner or later, and it is useless to run from it. Only a clear understanding of what is happening and the right attitude towards it will help us pass these tests and learn life lessons from them.

By refusing to resist the inevitable, we have the chance to open up new possibilities. Five experts talk about what can become a support for us.

“Things don’t always work out the way we expected”

Lev Khegai, Jungian analyst

Why do we suffer? The interview ended unsuccessfully, someone else got a new appointment, it’s still not possible to have a child... The feeling that one’s own life is slipping out of one’s hands gives rise to a feeling of deep anxiety. This is especially noticeable in our culture, where the concept of success in life is practically devoid of a spiritual component and is often measured only by well-being.

Jungian psychoanalysis sees the cause of this suffering in the fact that we are not aware of the connection between ourselves and the world. And therefore we are doubly bitter: in addition to the confusion from the fact that our plans have been violated, there is added the feeling that we have been abandoned alone. This feeling of powerlessness resurrects in the soul the confused child we once were and who does not understand why he was denied something. The more often we experienced this lonely feeling in childhood, the more difficult it is for us to accept all the “no” that life sometimes tells us. On the contrary, if we agree that our very existence is subject to the laws of the Universe, we will thereby pacify our - so human - desire for omnipotence.

Once we understand what our unfulfilled expectations are, we can think about how to achieve them in other ways.

How to accept it. Asking yourself whether this event happened only due to external reasons or whether it was influenced by our not entirely reasonable choices and wrong decisions. Such introspection will help you once again become the protagonist of your own life and look into the future with more confidence. You can also think about what exactly we are missing. Our plans were upset, and this deprived us of the pleasure of carrying them out.

But what kind of satisfaction were we expecting? Social recognition, emotional support, material wealth? Once we understand what our unfulfilled expectations are, we can think about how to achieve them in other ways. By exploring the connections between our actions, events and opportunities, we become, as Jung believed, more open to life, learning to recognize its messages and happy coincidences that will help us make the right choices more often.

“Others do not always love us and are faithful to us”

Marina Khazanova, client-centered therapist, trauma therapist

Why do we suffer? We need love, to feel loved - this is how we feel that we are recognized, that we are very important to someone. But now connections between people are less and less likely to be strong, and this gives rise to deep anxiety in the soul. Without feeling loving glances on us - loved ones, spouses, friends, colleagues - it’s as if we no longer feel ourselves.

We lack recognition, as if the meaning of life itself is eluding us. We experience betrayal even more acutely - betrayal destroys the unspoken agreement between people: “I give my love and in return receive an equal gift.” A brutal violation of this agreement undermines faith not only in the other person, but also in ourselves: “What am I worth if I was betrayed so easily?”

How to accept it. Infidelity in relationships - love, friendship, family - is different from a situation where, for external reasons, our devotion or good feelings suffer, for example, layoffs at work. Relationships are always joint creativity. They are worth studying carefully to understand how we built them. What in them was the result of our action, what exactly and how much, not enough or in excess, did we invest in them? What did you expect from the other? Were you able to take care of your most basic needs yourself?

If necessary, a specialist can help carry out this work. But how to find love again? Even if we don’t see her next to us now, she exists within us. You can feel it by asking yourself: what do I like, what resonates with me, what arouses my keen interest? Finding the answer may take time, but when you find something you love, people appear around you who care about it just as much. And these will be really close people who love the same things as we do and will always be able to support us.

"Suffering is part of life"

Natalia Tumashkova, existential psychotherapist

Why do we suffer? A breakup, an accident, an illness... It is impossible to remember the moment when we experienced pain for the first time. Throughout life, it arises more than once, sometimes warning and protecting us, but very often causing us torment. They are aggravated by fear (“something is wrong with me”) and guilt: raised in a Christian culture, we unconsciously associate pain with punishment for sins and look for the answer in our past.

The question “why do I need this?” It’s not that it’s useless - sometimes it helps to rethink the events of our lives. But it’s even more useful to reformulate it - “for what?” And think not about the reasons, but about our goals and capabilities.

How to accept it. Guilt suppresses, weakens us, stops us at the point where we are, and prevents us from moving forward. If we ask “why?”, “what can I learn?”, then we experience pain as a test. Strong shocks heighten the sense of life. We understand, or rather, begin to feel that our strength has a limit, and this encourages us to clarify our goals and separate the important from the unimportant.

By allowing ourselves to experience anger in full, we can face our aggression

Much is being rethought at this time. But it is important to remember that pain is, first of all, a signal, and we can understand what information it carries, what this pain is talking about. Specialists - a doctor or psychotherapist - can help with this. Information tames fears and helps us more realistically assess how dangerous the situation in which we find ourselves is. It is also important to recognize the secondary benefits we may receive from enduring pain. They are often difficult to admit: this may be a desire to punish oneself for something or a reason to demand more attention and care from loved ones.

Sometimes those around us irritate us: why do they feel good when we feel bad? Irritation is suppressed anger. By allowing ourselves to experience it in full (“This isn’t fair! Should I be in pain?”), we allow it to come out in screaming or crying - and this is how we get the opportunity to face our aggression. And she, in contrast to guilt and fear, is a powerful energy resource. It is an opportunity for us to get in touch with our life force and use it to move forward.

"Everything comes to an end"

Vladimir Baskakov, body-oriented psychotherapist

Why do we suffer? In nature, everything is cyclical: day and night, winter and summer alternate. Life is an eternal change, but who among us doesn’t want to hold on to a happy moment! The inevitability of change leads to the thought of the inevitability of death - and it is unbearable for us. We know: children grow up, friends move away, the body ages... And sometimes we try to fight the laws of existence, maintaining the illusion of immutability: for example, with the help of anti-aging agents or developing vigorous activity so as not to find ourselves alone...

We all deal with change differently. The more they upset us as children, the more afraid we will be of them as adults. And vice versa, if from an early age we perceived them as an exciting part of life, it will be easier for us not only to accept the inevitability of change, but sometimes to strive for it.

How to accept it. We can learn a lot from the body if we see it as a friend and adviser, and not as a traitor who betrays weaknesses. Please note: inhalation and exhalation follow each other. We can try to hold our breath, but the longer we don’t breathe, the more difficult it is to restore its rhythm later. Periods of sleep and wakefulness also follow each other. If we accept our natural needs, we establish a connection with our body and, through it, with our nature. We begin to feel part of the whole, obeying common rhythms.

Let us also think about the fact that we have experience of numerous transitions from one state to another. We were conceived, passing into existence from non-existence, then came out of the mother's womb into the light, said goodbye to childhood for the discoveries of youth, moved through time, leaving something behind and discovering something new ahead. Let's try to understand: without completion there will be no continuation, without farewell there will be no new meeting.

Since life is organically cyclical, then change is not a threat, but a natural condition of our existence. Death is frightening in its uncertainty, but it remains a part of life that continues today. And in this continuation we can open up new possibilities and accomplish something important.

"Life isn't always fair"

Patrice Gourrier, priest and psychologist

Why do we suffer? Manifestations of injustice cruelly remind us that it is not enough to always behave well and correctly for life to be fair to us. Three reasons can cause this intense feeling.

First, deprivation aversion: Western culture prioritizes personal hedonistic happiness, and when desires are not fulfilled, we perceive it as a personal insult.

Secondly, we suffer because of what is truly unfair: we feel bitter helplessness, not understanding the meaning of the test. Why did someone dear to me suddenly pass away? Why did I get fired when I put so much into this job? Finally, our own (unwitting) injustice towards others, loved ones or strangers, can cause us pain. In this case, our ideals and moral values ​​suffer - and therefore it’s bad for us too.

The main thing is to first of all identify the emotions that injustice awakened in us

How to accept it. First of all, replacing the word “accept” with “realize”. Then asking ourselves: Is what we perceive as unfair really unjust? Are we trying to get rid of responsibility with the help of this feeling? Losing a loved one is truly very painful and unfair. No psychologist can shorten the time of grief and anger, but he can help if the mental pain is unbearable.

In case of other injustice, in life or in relationships, we ask ourselves: “What can I do that is fair, what I consider good?” This will prevent you from becoming isolated in bitterness or desire for revenge. But the main thing is to first of all identify the emotions that injustice awakened in us. We often overlook the damage it does to self-esteem.

Paradoxically, the one who finds himself a victim, instead of defending himself and defending his rights, sometimes feels guilt and shame - because he was not up to par and was treated poorly. Therefore, injustice must always be called into words, it must be worked with. And if we keep this suffering within ourselves, over time it will become truly destructive for our soul.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other

Prayer of a German theologian Carl Friedrich Etinger(1702- 1782).

In reference books of quotes and sayings in Anglo-Saxon countries, where this prayer is very popular (as many memoirists point out, it hung above the desk of US President John F. Kennedy), it is attributed to the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). Since 1940, it has been used by Alcoholics Anonymous, which also contributed to its popularity.

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Complete collection and description: prayer, Lord give me the strength to change something for the spiritual life of a believer.

God, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference (Serenity Prayer)

God, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other - the first words of the so-called Peace of Mind Prayer.

The author of this prayer, Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr (German: Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr; 1892 - 1971) is an American Protestant theologian of German origin. According to some sources, the source of this expression was the words of the German theologian Karl Friedrich Etinger (1702-1782).

Reinhold Niebuhr first recorded this prayer for a 1934 sermon. The prayer has become widely known since 1941, when it began to be used at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, and soon this prayer was included in the Twelve Steps program, which is used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction.

In 1944, the prayer was included in the prayer book for army chaplains. The first phrase of the prayer hung above the desk of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917 - 1963).

God, give me reason and peace of mind

accept what I can't change

courage to change what I can,

and wisdom to distinguish one from another

Living every day to the fullest;

Enjoying every moment;

Accepting difficulties as the path leading to peace,

Receiving as Jesus did,

This sinful world is what it is

And not the way I would like to see him,

Trusting that You will arrange everything in the best way,

If I surrender myself to Your will:

So I can acquire, within reasonable limits, happiness in this life,

And surpassing happiness is with You forever and ever - in the life to come.

Full text of the prayer in English:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity

the things that cannot be changed,

Courage to change the things

which should be changed,

and the Wisdom to distinguish

the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,

Enjoying one moment at a time,

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,

Taking, as Jesus did,

This sinful world as it is,

Not as I would have it,

Trusting that You will make all things right,

If I surrender to Your will,

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,

And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Prayer of the Venerable Elders and Fathers of Optina

God! Give me the strength to change the things in my life that I can change, give me the courage and peace of mind to accept the things that are beyond my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Prayer of the German theologian Karl Friedrich Etinger (1702-1782).

In reference books of quotes and sayings in Anglo-Saxon countries, where this prayer is very popular (as many memoirists point out, it hung above the desk of US President John F. Kennedy), it is attributed to the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). Since 1940, it has been used by Alcoholics Anonymous, which also contributed to its popularity.


Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that this day brings.

Lord, let me completely surrender to your will.

Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me.

Whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and with the firm conviction that everything is your holy will.

Lord, Great and Merciful, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words; in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by you.

Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly.

Give me the courage to change what I can change.

There is a prayer that is considered not only by adherents of various faiths, but even by non-believers. In English it is called Serenity Prayer - “Prayer for Peace of Spirit.” Here is one of her options: “Lord, give me the serenity of spirit to accept the things I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things I can change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.”

It was attributed to everyone - Francis of Assisi, the Optina elders, the Hasidic Rabbi Abraham Malach, and Kurt Vonnegut. It’s clear to Vonnegut why. In 1970, a translation of his novel Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade (1968) appeared in Novy Mir. This referenced a prayer that hung in the optometry office of Billy Pilgrim, the novel's protagonist. “Many patients who saw the prayer on Billy’s wall later told him that it really supported them too. The prayer sounded like this: LORD, GIVE ME THE PEACE OF MIND TO ACCEPT WHAT I CANNOT CHANGE, COURAGE TO CHANGE WHAT I CAN, AND WISDOM TO ALWAYS DISTINGUISH ONE FROM ANOTHER. What Billy could not change included the past, present and future” (translation by Rita Wright-Kovaleva). From that time on, the “Prayer for Peace of Spirit” became our prayer.

It first appeared in print on July 12, 1942, when The New York Times published a letter from a reader who asked where this prayer came from. Only its beginning looked a little different; instead of “give me serenity of mind” - “give me patience.” On August 1, another New York Times reader reported that the prayer was composed by American Protestant preacher Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). This version can now be considered proven.

In oral form, Niebuhr's prayer apparently appeared in the late 1930s, but became widespread during the Second World War. It was then adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous.

In Germany, and then here, Niebuhr’s prayer was attributed to the German theologian Karl Friedrich Oetinger (K.F. Oetinger, 1702–1782). There was a misunderstanding here. The fact is that its translation into German was published in 1951 under the pseudonym “Friedrich Etinger”. This pseudonym belonged to Pastor Theodore Wilhelm; he himself received the text of the prayer from Canadian friends in 1946.

How original is Niebuhr's prayer? I undertake to assert that before Niebuhr it had never been found anywhere. The only exception is its beginning. Horace already wrote: “It’s hard! But it is easier to endure patiently / That which cannot be changed” (“Odes”, I, 24). Seneca was of the same opinion: “It is best to endure what you cannot correct” (“Letters to Lucilius”, 108, 9).

In 1934, an article by Djuna Purcell Guild “Why should you go to the South?” appeared in one of the American magazines. It said: “Many Southerners seem to be doing very little to erase the terrible memory of the Civil War. Both in the North and in the South, not everyone has the serenity to accept what cannot be helped.

The unheard-of popularity of Niebuhr's prayer led to the appearance of its parodic adaptations. The most famous of these is the relatively recent “The Office Prayer”: “Lord, give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change; give me the courage to change what I don’t like; and give me wisdom to hide the bodies of those whom I kill today, for they have bothered me. And also help me, Lord, to be careful and not step on other people’s feet, because there may be asses above them that I will have to kiss tomorrow.”

Here are a few more “non-canonical” prayers:

“Lord, protect me from the desire to speak out always, everywhere and about everything” - the so-called “Prayer for Old Age”, which is most often attributed to the famous French preacher Francis de Sales (1567–1622), and sometimes to Thomas Aquinas (1226–1274). In fact, it appeared not that long ago.

“Lord, save me from the man who never makes mistakes, and also from the man who makes the same mistake twice.” This prayer is attributed to the American physician William Mayo (1861–1939).

“Lord, help me find Your truth and protect me from those who have already found it!” (Author unknown).

“Oh Lord - if you exist, save my country - if it deserves saving!” This is what an American soldier said at the beginning of the American Civil War (1861).

“Lord, help me become what my dog ​​thinks I am!” (Author unknown).

In conclusion, there is a Russian saying from the 17th century: “Lord, have mercy, and give me something.”


Imasheva Alexandra Grigorievna


The Healing Power of Prayer

Believers know well that prayer lifts your spirits. As they would say in modern language, it “improves the quality of life.” Many scientific studies (conducted by Christians and atheists alike) have shown that people who pray regularly and with concentration feel better both physically and mentally.

Prayer is our conversation with God. If communication with friends and loved ones is important for our well-being, then communication with God - our best, most loving Friend - is immeasurably more important. After all, his love for us is truly limitless.

Prayer helps us cope with feelings of loneliness. In fact, God is always with us (the Scripture says: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”), that is, in essence, we are never alone, without His presence. But we tend to forget about the presence of God in our lives. Prayer helps us “bring God into our home.” It connects us to the Almighty God who loves us and wants to help us.

Prayer in which we thank God for what he sends us helps us see the good around us, develop an optimistic outlook on life and overcome despondency. It develops a grateful attitude towards life, as opposed to an eternally dissatisfied, demanding attitude, which is the foundation of our unhappiness.

Prayer, in which we tell God about our needs, also has an important function. To tell God about our problems, we have to sort them out, sort them out, and first of all admit to ourselves that they exist. After all, we can only pray about those problems that we have recognized as existing.

Denial of one's own problems (or shifting them “from a sore head to a healthy one”) is a very widespread (and one of the most harmful and ineffective) way of “fighting” difficulties. For example, a typical alcoholic always denies that drinking has become the main problem in his life. He says: “No big deal, I can stop drinking at any time. And I don’t drink more than others” (as a drunkard said in a popular operetta, “I only drank a little”). Much less serious problems than drunkenness are also denied. You can easily find many examples of denying a problem in the lives of your friends and loved ones, and even in your own life.

When we bring our problem to God, we are forced to admit it in order to talk about it. And recognizing and identifying a problem is the first step towards solving it. This is also a step towards the truth. Prayer gives us hope and calms us; we acknowledge the problem and “give it” to the Lord.

During prayer, we show the Lord our own “I”, our personality, as it is. In front of other people, we may try to pretend to look better or different; Before God we do not need to behave this way, because He sees right through us. Pretense is absolutely useless here: we enter into frank communication with God as a unique, one-of-a-kind person, throwing away all tricks and conventions and revealing ourselves. Here we can allow ourselves the “luxury” of being completely ourselves and thus provide ourselves with the opportunity for spiritual and personal growth.

Prayer gives us confidence, brings a sense of well-being, a sense of strength, removes fear, helps us cope with panic and melancholy, and supports us in grief.

Anthony of Sourozh suggests that beginners pray the following short prayers (for one week each):

Help me, God, to free myself from every false image of You, no matter what the cost.

Help me, God, to leave all my worries and focus all my thoughts on You alone.

Help me, God, to see my own sins, never judge my neighbor, and all glory be to You!

I commend my spirit into Your hands; It is not my will be done, but Yours.


Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that this day brings.

Lord, let me completely surrender to your will.

Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me.

Whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and with the firm conviction that everything is your holy will.

Lord, Great and Merciful, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words; in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by you.

Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly.


Lord, I don’t know what to ask of You. You alone know what I need. You love me more than I know how to love myself. Let me see my needs that are hidden from me. I do not dare to ask for either a cross or consolation, I only appear before you. My heart is open to you. I place all my hope in See the needs that I do not know, see and do with me according to Your mercy. Crush me and lift me up. Smite and heal me. I am in awe and silent before Your holy will, Your destinies incomprehensible to me. I have no desire except the desire to fulfill Your will. Teach me to pray. Pray within me yourself. Amen.


Lord, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

The full version of this prayer:

Help me to humbly accept what I cannot change,

Give me the courage to change what I can

And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Help me live with the worries of today,

Enjoy every minute, realizing its transience,

In adversity, see the path leading to mental balance and peace.

Accept, like Jesus, this sinful world as it is.

he is, and not the way I would like him to be.

To believe that my life will be transformed for the good by Your will if I entrust myself to it.

In this way I can find time with You for eternity.

Health. Human. Nature.

Unknown aspects of religion, astrology, people's lives and their impact on health.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Forgive me, a sinner, God, for praying to You little or not at all.

April 17, 2016

Prayer of Francis of Assisi

and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Give me the HUMILITY to accept what I cannot change.

And give me the WISDOM to distinguish one from the other.

give me the humility to endure what I cannot change, and

give me wisdom so that I can distinguish one from another.

Honor me to be an instrument of Your peace.

So that I bring Faith where there is doubt.

Hope where there is despair.

Joy where they suffer.

Love where they hate.

So that I bring the Truth where they are mistaken.

Comfort, rather than waiting for consolation.

Understand, rather than wait for understanding.

To love, and not to wait for love.

He who forgets himself finds.

He who forgives will be forgiven.

He who dies will wake up to eternal life.

and where there is Hatred, let me bring Love;

where there is Offense, let me bring Forgiveness;

where there is Doubt, let me bring Faith;

where there is Sadness, let me bring Joy;

where there is discord, let me bring unity;

where there is Despair, let me bring Hope;

where there is Darkness, let me bring Light;

where there is Chaos, let me bring Order;

where there is Error, let me bring the Truth.

Help me, Lord!

not so much to want to be consoled as to console;

not so much to want to be understood as to understand;

not so much to want to be loved as to love.

he who gives receives;

whoever forgets himself finds himself again;

whoever forgives is forgiven.

Lord, make me Your obedient instrument in this world!

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is offense there is forgiveness;

Where there is doubt there is faith;

Where there is despair there is hope;

Where there is darkness there is light;

And where there is sadness there is joy.

To be consoled, how to console,

To be understood, how to understand,

To be loved is like to love.

In forgiveness we are forgiven

And in dying we are born to eternal life.

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Religious reading: God give me strength prayer to help our readers.

God, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference (Serenity Prayer)

God, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other - the first words of the so-called Peace of Mind Prayer.

The author of this prayer, Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr (German: Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr; 1892 - 1971) is an American Protestant theologian of German origin. According to some sources, the source of this expression was the words of the German theologian Karl Friedrich Etinger (1702-1782).

Reinhold Niebuhr first recorded this prayer for a 1934 sermon. The prayer has become widely known since 1941, when it began to be used at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, and soon this prayer was included in the Twelve Steps program, which is used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction.

In 1944, the prayer was included in the prayer book for army chaplains. The first phrase of the prayer hung above the desk of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917 - 1963).

God, give me reason and peace of mind

accept what I can't change

courage to change what I can,

and wisdom to distinguish one from another

Living every day to the fullest;

Enjoying every moment;

Accepting difficulties as the path leading to peace,

Receiving as Jesus did,

This sinful world is what it is

And not the way I would like to see him,

Trusting that You will arrange everything in the best way,

If I surrender myself to Your will:

So I can acquire, within reasonable limits, happiness in this life,

And surpassing happiness is with You forever and ever - in the life to come.

Full text of the prayer in English:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity

the things that cannot be changed,

Courage to change the things

which should be changed,

and the Wisdom to distinguish

the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,

Enjoying one moment at a time,

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,

Taking, as Jesus did,

This sinful world as it is,

Not as I would have it,

Trusting that You will make all things right,

If I surrender to Your will,

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,

And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Prayers that give strength

Through prayer you can get what you want only if your desire is strong and your faith is strong. Don't let doubt weaken your faith.

ask seriously and sincerely and the path will open.

Some prayers that give strength act in conjunction with talismans and amulets.

wisdom to know the difference between them.

But, God, give me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even if it is useless.”

Prayer for healing the soul

I am an empty vessel that needs to be filled;

my faith is small - strengthen it, my love is shallow - deepen it;

my defense is weak - strengthen it;

my heart is restless - bring peace to it;

my thoughts are shallow - make them noble;

my fears are great - eliminate them;

my soul is sick - heal it.

Strengthen my faith that everything can be achieved through love.”

“Bless me with the peace of a happy home. Protect us from all dangers and misfortunes. We believe in You, We know that You care about everything in the world. Your will guides everything. Your love protects everything. Protect me from unseemly actions. Let the law of good rule my life and control everything I say and do. Give us your full blessing.”

“Cast out all the bitterness that is inside me, show me how to show love and concern for those who are far away. May I always love and protect those close to my heart. Lead them to my love. May I touch everyone I meet with generous kindness.”

“Reach out your hands and protect me from unnecessary worries in this life. Make my enemies powerless, unable to injure, destroy and inflict harm on those who began under Your protection. I call You with all my heart and look forward to Your consolation.”

“Take my hands, Lord, breathe into them the strength to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of this day, overcome my weakness, gain clarity of thought and manifest my abilities. Let me have the faith to stick to what is best for my work, play, and life.”

Protective prayer

“I beg You to protect me and lend a helping hand in my journeys. Bring me what is mine and bless me with the fruits of my labor. Give me part of the land's gifts, improve my living conditions. Give me confidence in Your protection, protect me from those who want to harm my body or my property.”

“Remove from me any intentions of harm, all destructive signs. Replace them with truth and kindness. Breathe into me wisdom from which I will receive strength of character, calm confidence and loyal friendship. Let me use knowledge to make a loyal friend.

“I ask that my eyes be opened to things that I have not been able to see or understand before. Guide my steps in the right direction so that the bumpy road becomes smooth and safe for travel. Protect my body from evil forces and my thoughts from immorality, remove sin from my soul. Tell me the right answer. Make me understand and accept the solution You offer to deal with my problem. Take my lips and speak through them, take my head and think through them, take my heart and fill it with love and kindness that I want to pour out on those around me.”

“Give me justice, compassion and forgiveness in my dealings with the authorities. Judge me with the kindness with which I treat others. Place upon all courts the spirit of wisdom and understanding, that they may discern the truth and act impartially according to the law.”

“I pray that there will be distance between me and my enemy. I speak with humility so that we are separated from one another. Remove this enemy so that peace can reign in my home and heart. I think about the peace that will come to me.

“Be with me and support me with Your presence. Be my friend and refresh my soul. Send me clarity of mind, peace of mind and faith so that I can have patience and great unceasing love going into and out of my heart. Show me the purpose of my life, give me the courage and perseverance to achieve the goal that You have assigned to me.”

Daily prayer for purity of thoughts

“Help me to be kind in words and generous in deeds. Help me to forget myself and turn my love and affection towards others. Make me beautiful in soul, clear and pure in thoughts, beautiful and strong in body. Increase my powers of body and spirit to direct them towards those whom I call. I am grateful for everything I received on this day and for the love for others that You have placed in my heart.”

“Be with me on this day and help fill my head with bright thoughts, my body with harmless habits and my soul with an innocent spirit. Help me control my desires for those foods that are harmful to my body, thoughts, soul or life itself. I am confident in Your help. With this help I will overcome all the temptations of this day.”

Who to pray for illnesses

To heal from illnesses, you must first believe in success. Even the best prayer will not be effective if you read it automatically, without a soul. Who do they usually pray to for various illnesses? If children are sick, they resort to prayer to the Mother of God and to Barbara the Great Martyr. Women who dream of children can pray to Sergei Sarovsky. For healing they also turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon, and Christ.

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other

Prayer of the German theologian Karl Friedrich Ettinger (1702-1782).

In reference books of quotes and sayings of Anglo-Saxon countries, where this prayer is very popular (as many memoirists point out, it hangs

la above the desk of US President John F. Kennedy), it is attributed to the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). Since 1940, it has been used by Alcoholics Anonymous, which also contributed to its popularity.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what is “Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me wisdom to distinguish one from another” in other dictionaries:

PRAYER- The gods are either powerless or powerful. If they are powerless, then why do you pray to them? If they are powerful, then isn’t it better to pray about not being afraid of anything, not wanting anything, not being upset by anything, rather than about the presence or absence of something?... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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Serenity Prayer

Researchers are still arguing about who wrote this “Prayer for Serenity” (Serenity Prayer), mentioning both the ancient Incas and Omar Khayyam. The most likely authors are the German theologian Karl Friedrich Ettinger and the American pastor, also of German origin, Reinhold Niebuhr.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

​The courage to change the things I can,

​And wisdom to know the difference.

Lord, give me the peace to accept what I cannot change,

give me the courage to change what I can change,

and give me wisdom to distinguish one from another.

Translation options:

The Lord gave me three wonderful qualities:

Courage is to fight where I can make a difference,

Patience - accepting what I can't handle,

​and head on shoulders - to distinguish one from the other.

As many memoirists point out, this prayer hung above the desk of US President John Kennedy. Since 1940, it has been used by Alcoholics Anonymous, which also contributed to its popularity.

A Jew came to the rabbi in upset feelings:

“Rebbe, I have such problems, such problems, I just can’t solve them!”

“I see a clear contradiction in your words,” said the rabbi. “The Almighty created each of us and knows what we can do.” If these are your problems, you can solve them. If you can’t do it, then it’s not your problem.

And also the prayer of the Optina elders

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

This is a phrase from Marcus Aurelius. Original: “It takes intelligence and peace of mind to accept what cannot be changed, courage to change what is possible, and wisdom to know the difference.” This is a thought, an insight, but not a prayer.

Maybe you're right. We referred to Wikipedia data.

And here’s another prayer: “Give me, Lord, the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the determination to change what I can, and the luck not to screw up.”

An affirmation is a positively formulated statement phrase that works as self-hypnosis with a task.

An act of will is the right action when it is easier or more habitual to act incorrectly. Other

There is a philosophy of development, and there is a philosophy of psychological protection. Declaration of acceptance of reality is.

Lord, how does it happen that we travel, Surprising and admiring the Height of the mountains, the Space.

In psychological practice, psychotherapeutic, advisory, educational and developmental work.

Training to become a trainer, psychologist-consultant and coach. Diploma of professional retraining

Elite self-development program for the best people and outstanding results

Give me the courage to change what I can change...

There is a prayer that is considered not only by adherents of various faiths, but even by non-believers. In English it is called Serenity Prayer - “Prayer for Peace of Spirit.” Here is one of its options:

It’s clear to Vonnegut why. In 1970, a translation of his novel Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade (1968) appeared in Novy Mir. This referenced a prayer that hung in the optometry office of Billy Pilgrim, the novel's protagonist.

What cannot be changed"

what you can't fix"

(“Letters to Lucilius”, 108, 9).

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    Well, something like this, similar to what is written above.

    Thanks for the interesting information - I'll look into it.

    Prayers addressed to God must come from your soul, pass through your heart and be expressed in your words.

    By stupidly repeating after someone, you will not achieve what you want, since it was not you who said it. And if for this purpose he prayed in such words and received the go-ahead and wrote it down for himself and his descendants, then I am sure that his goal was not that you repeated it word for word.

    and this can be considered as a guide to action.


    What Billy couldn’t change included the past, present and future.”

    (translation by Rita Wright-Kovaleva).

    It first appeared in print on July 12, 1942, when The New York Times published a letter from a reader who asked where this prayer came from. Only its beginning looked a little different; instead of “give me serenity of mind” - “give me patience.” On August 1, another New York Times reader reported that the prayer was composed by American Protestant preacher Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). This version can now be considered proven.

    What cannot be changed"

    what you can't fix"

    (“Letters to Lucilius”, 108, 9).

    Here are a few more “non-canonical” prayers:

    - the so-called “Prayer for Old Age,” which is most often attributed to the famous French preacher Francis de Sales (1567–1622), and sometimes to Thomas Aquinas (1226–1274). In fact, it appeared not that long ago.

    This prayer is attributed to the American physician William Mayo (1861–1939).

    “Lord, help me become what my dog ​​thinks I am!” (Author unknown).

    God! Give me the strength to change what can be changed, give me the patience to accept what cannot be changed, and give me reason

    God, take and accept my freedom, my memory, my understanding and will, everything that I am and that I have, you gave me.

    Lord, give me the patience to accept what I cannot change, give me the strength to change what is possible, and give me the wisdom to learn to distinguish the first from the second.

    Live every day, enjoying every moment, accepting difficulties as the path to peace, looking, like Jesus, at this sinful world as it is, and not as I would like it to be.

    Trust that You will arrange everything for the better if I accept Your will, so that I can be happy enough in this life and unimaginably happy with You in the life to come.

    May God give you health and worldly wisdom... Thank you

    And there is also “Mother’s Prayer” by E. Shustryakova

    The wind tries to blow out my candle...

    Forgive me and accept repentance.

    Only you know how to love like that

    And understand bodily suffering.

    The Lord, who took human form...

    Your kindness is incomprehensible

    You were and are, and are invariably eternal!

    Don't allow the threat of mortal combat!

    And I believe it will save them from evil

    My tear-washed prayer...

    The wind tries to blow out my candle.

    I pray you don’t send death after me,

    As long as the children will need me.

    Dance like no one is watching!! !

    Sing like no one is listening!! !

    Love as if no one hurt you!! !

    Imasheva Alexandra Grigorievna


    The Healing Power of Prayer

    Believers know well that prayer lifts your spirits. As they would say in modern language, it “improves the quality of life.” Many scientific studies (conducted by Christians and atheists alike) have shown that people who pray regularly and with concentration feel better both physically and mentally.

    Prayer is our conversation with God. If communication with friends and loved ones is important for our well-being, then communication with God - our best, most loving Friend - is immeasurably more important. After all, his love for us is truly limitless.

    Prayer helps us cope with feelings of loneliness. In fact, God is always with us (the Scripture says: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”), that is, in essence, we are never alone, without His presence. But we tend to forget about the presence of God in our lives. Prayer helps us “bring God into our home.” It connects us to the Almighty God who loves us and wants to help us.

    Prayer in which we thank God for what he sends us helps us see the good around us, develop an optimistic outlook on life and overcome despondency. It develops a grateful attitude towards life, as opposed to an eternally dissatisfied, demanding attitude, which is the foundation of our unhappiness.

    Prayer, in which we tell God about our needs, also has an important function. To tell God about our problems, we have to sort them out, sort them out, and first of all admit to ourselves that they exist. After all, we can only pray about those problems that we have recognized as existing.

    Denial of one's own problems (or shifting them “from a sore head to a healthy one”) is a very widespread (and one of the most harmful and ineffective) way of “fighting” difficulties. For example, a typical alcoholic always denies that drinking has become the main problem in his life. He says: “No big deal, I can stop drinking at any time. And I don’t drink more than others” (as a drunkard said in a popular operetta, “I only drank a little”). Much less serious problems than drunkenness are also denied. You can easily find many examples of denying a problem in the lives of your friends and loved ones, and even in your own life.

    When we bring our problem to God, we are forced to admit it in order to talk about it. And recognizing and identifying a problem is the first step towards solving it. This is also a step towards the truth. Prayer gives us hope and calms us; we acknowledge the problem and “give it” to the Lord.

    During prayer, we show the Lord our own “I”, our personality, as it is. In front of other people, we may try to pretend to look better or different; Before God we do not need to behave this way, because He sees right through us. Pretense is absolutely useless here: we enter into frank communication with God as a unique, one-of-a-kind person, throwing away all tricks and conventions and revealing ourselves. Here we can allow ourselves the “luxury” of being completely ourselves and thus provide ourselves with the opportunity for spiritual and personal growth.

    Prayer gives us confidence, brings a sense of well-being, a sense of strength, removes fear, helps us cope with panic and melancholy, and supports us in grief.

    Anthony of Sourozh suggests that beginners pray the following short prayers (for one week each):

    Help me, God, to free myself from every false image of You, no matter what the cost.

    Help me, God, to leave all my worries and focus all my thoughts on You alone.

    Help me, God, to see my own sins, never judge my neighbor, and all glory be to You!

    I commend my spirit into Your hands; It is not my will be done, but Yours.


    Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that this day brings.

    Lord, let me completely surrender to your will.

    Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

    Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me.

    Whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and with the firm conviction that everything is your holy will.

    Lord, Great and Merciful, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words; in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by you.

    Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone.

    Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly.


    Lord, I don’t know what to ask of You. You alone know what I need. You love me more than I know how to love myself. Let me see my needs that are hidden from me. I do not dare to ask for either a cross or consolation, I only appear before you. My heart is open to you. I place all my hope in See the needs that I do not know, see and do with me according to Your mercy. Crush me and lift me up. Smite and heal me. I am in awe and silent before Your holy will, Your destinies incomprehensible to me. I have no desire except the desire to fulfill Your will. Teach me to pray. Pray within me yourself. Amen.


    Lord, give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    The full version of this prayer:

    Help me to humbly accept what I cannot change,

    Give me the courage to change what I can

    And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

    Help me live with the worries of today,

    Enjoy every minute, realizing its transience,

    In adversity, see the path leading to mental balance and peace.

    Accept, like Jesus, this sinful world as it is.

    he is, and not the way I would like him to be.

    To believe that my life will be transformed for the good by Your will if I entrust myself to it.

    In this way I can find time with You for eternity.