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Do cats menstruate? Features, signs and symptoms of the first heat in cats. When is the best time to have offspring?

You can't beat a cat's instincts! For a cat, estrus is a natural physiological process inherent in the animal by nature itself. For the owner, the time when cats begin their first heat is a difficult period of change in the behavior and habits of their beloved pet.

The female strives with all her might to be free in search of love and for the purpose of procreation! Everything must be done to ensure that sexual hunting is comfortable for everyone in the house, without exception.

The cat leaks for the first time

A kitten in the house is both joy and care! The time of growing up comes and the cat's first heat comes. Particular cat behavior is the norm, indicating the completion of the animal’s puberty process. This means that the young female is entering adulthood and is ready to reproduce.

Important! The first heat is one of the stages of an animal’s reproductive cycle, which is manifested by a positive reaction to the cat.

What time do cats start their first heat? The time of its arrival may depend on a number of factors: the breed, sex and temperament of the animal, the conditions of its keeping and feeding, genetic and physiological characteristics. Average cats begin their first heat between 6 and 10 months of age. The body’s full readiness for bearing and giving birth to kittens is completed by the age of 16 to 20 months. Sexual maturity in males occurs at 10 months of age. Early mating for a pet is undesirable, as this can undermine its health and negatively affect future generations of kittens.

Characteristic signs of estrus

A valuable purebred cat participating in breeding and exhibitions needs to select an equivalent breeding male for it. After the cat's first heat has occurred, the breeder proactively and prudently selects a candidate for mating. The future of kittens from a breeding pair whose value has been confirmed at competitions is predetermined. They will also participate in breeding and are intended to maintain the breed.

If the cat is approaching her age when her first heat begins, then the following signs are observed:

  • The animal's genitals become swollen and there is light and clear discharge.
  • The pet's appetite, daily routine and activity changes.
  • The animal makes calling and drawn-out sounds, inviting a male to continue the race.
  • The cat takes poses characteristic of mating, demonstrating with all appearance its readiness to mate with the male.
  • The pet marks its territory. Urine containing pheromones attracts males to mate.
  • The cat becomes affectionate and loving, attracting attention to itself in every possible way.
  • Submitting to natural instinct, the animal tries to escape, even if your pet is a homebody from birth.

How long does the first heat take? It lasts a week, during which the characteristic symptoms first increase and then fade. The next time it will occur after 2-4 weeks, provided that pregnancy has not occurred.

The cat flows in stages

Interesting! Females of the cat breed become sexually mature early; they are ready to bear offspring already from six months of their life. They remain fertile until old age - 8-9 years. Nature itself took care of the preservation of these amazing creatures on earth!

The process of sexual hunting takes place in 4 stages:

  • Proestrus. This is the initial stage, lasting 1-4 days. The animal behaves relatively evenly and calmly, the genitals swell, discharge begins, vocal sounds are rare and still quiet.
  • Estrus. This is the main stage of sexual hunting, lasting 7-12 days. The first estrus and the subsequent ones manifest themselves with all the characteristic signs: behavior that is inviting to the male, active inviting calls, marking of the surrounding territory, and the desire for freedom. At the peak, all the characteristic signs of the pet become especially acute.
  • Metestrus. This stage lasts for a week, sexual activity and excitability noticeably decrease. When fertilization occurs, the female may react to the male with aggression.
  • Anestrus. This is the final stage and the time of gradual return to the usual cat life.

The greatest sexual activity in cats is observed in early spring - in February and March, if pregnancy does not occur in the animal, the female gives birth every 2-3 weeks.

Proper owner assistance

Need to know! Males and females of the cat breed search for each other using acoustic means - loud sounds and smell. A special gland located in the animal's anus secretes a special, strong-smelling secretion during estrus. Mating partners search by smell.

The first estrus in cats aged six months or older is the beginning of the animal’s long and active sexual life, which should take place under the control and with the participation of the owner. A cat can give birth to healthy and viable offspring by the age of one year.. Empty estrus and early pregnancy wear out the uterus and can lead to inflammation and the development of diseases.

Ways to solve a cat's sexual problem:

  • Surgical intervention - sterilization and castration. This technique is acceptable for ordinary domestic cats that are not of exhibition or breeding value. After this manipulation, the animals will never again be able to produce offspring. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is very stressful for the animal. The process of recovery from anesthesia and wound healing require time and careful care for your pet.
  • Special preparations for regulating cat sexual heat. This is a humane and effective method, available for use when all cats are in their first heat. With the help of drugs that regulate sexual heat, they influence the hormonal levels even in valuable purebred cats. Modern drugs gently block sexual arousal and effectively reduce the manifestation of signs of estrus. They prevent unwanted feline pregnancy and interrupt the process of sexual heat, and have a general calming effect on the animal.

Estrus begins in cats at the age of 5-8 months; the frequency and duration of the cycle is an individual combination of the characteristics and physiology of each pet. Small and slender cat breeds leak more frequently and more heavily than large, bulky cat breeds. So, in a British cat, the first heat begins at 7 months.

Persians and Siamese breeds breed more often and more actively than Scottish purebred cats; their period of sexual heat begins at 4-5 months.

Representatives of the cat breed are active successors of their kind. For them, regular sexual hunting is a common pattern of life. The animal matures sexually early. What should the owner do about this? The owner chooses the methods of regulating the pet’s sexual activity, taking into account the purpose of bringing the animal into the house and its breed.

Estrus is a natural process that does not require human control. All that is required of the owner is to monitor the condition of the cat so as not to miss possible deviations from the norm. The attention and care of a loved one is the best thing an owner can do for his pet during this difficult period for her.

Estrus or estrus includes three periods. An inexperienced owner is unlikely to be able to determine what stage of estrus the pet is going through. However, a number of certain signs make it possible to fairly accurately calculate the start date of estrus and days favorable for mating.

Proestrus– preparatory stage, lasting about two days. At this time, the pituitary gland secretes a hormone that stimulates the follicles. Estrogens produced in the follicles prepare the cat's body for mating and fertilization. Signs: clear discharge, loss of appetite, slight swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, excitability. The pet demands attention, caresses its owner, and meows often. Some especially active pets leave marks and scratch walls and furniture. The cat is not yet ready to mate, and therefore vehemently rejects all the cat’s attempts to mate.

The discharge of a healthy cat is transparent, without inclusions, and has a uniform consistency. If the smearing mucus smells unpleasant or is colored red, yellowish, pinkish, grayish or greenish, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Estrus– a period favorable for mating. When estrus begins, and the level of hormones reaches a certain concentration, females begin to actively invite males. The cat no longer purrs, but screams heart-rendingly, shakes its tail, rolls on the floor, and wriggles. If you stroke a cat on the back, it will fall to the floor, raise its lower back and move its tail. If the meeting with the cat does not take place, the pet experiences real suffering, both physical and psychological. She is literally shaking from the inability to realize her instinct, so scolding a cat for bad behavior during heat is the height of cruelty. depends on the physiological characteristics of the body. It usually ends in a week or a little less.

Ovulation does not happen on its own. This requires stimulation - several matings. During mating, the cat's penis, covered with spines, irritates the walls of the vagina. This leads to the release of luteinizing hormone, under the influence of which a corpus luteum is formed at the site of the follicle. Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum prepares the uterus for the implantation of embryos.

The first heat is often unnoticeable and occurs without pronounced changes in the pet’s behavior. This is the norm - the body is just “learning”. But sometimes even in adult cats, estrus is so weakly expressed that the owner does not notice anything. This makes many people happy, because there are no marks, screams and rolling on the floor, but such a pet must be shown to a veterinarian: low levels of sex hormones may be a symptom of some disease.

Interestrus– if mating and ovulation have occurred, the cat loses interest in the partner, chases him, and may become aggressive towards the cat. If there was no mating, after some time the cycle begins again. If ovulation has occurred, but without fertilization, the cat may fall into a state.

Anestrus– resting phase. Usually occurs during the winter months.

Read also: How to understand that a cat is pregnant? All main signs

How many times a year does she come into heat?

The frequency and duration of the cycle are the individual characteristics of each pet. The duration of estrus and cycle frequency are influenced by many factors:

  • inherited physiological features;
  • breed (as a rule, light and naturally slender cats breed more often and show characteristic signs of heat more clearly than large long-haired females);
  • diet;
  • living conditions (for example, if a male lives next to a cat, the pet will leak more often);
  • length of daylight hours.

If the cat is not of breeding value, you should think about sterilization. Tormenting a pet by not allowing it to mate or breed without having professional skills is irresponsible towards your pet. However, spaying during estrus without medical indications is not advisable. It is wiser to wait for a period of rest and only then consult a doctor.

Normally, the cycle lasts from two to three weeks. The period between cycles can be six months or just a few days. Prolonged estrus (longer than three weeks), infrequent estrus or no estrus may be a symptom of the disease. Cats that give birth once every year and a half experience estrus less frequently than females that have given birth or mated at least once. Therefore, the opinion that a cat should give birth once “for health” is absolutely wrong. On the contrary, such births will only worsen the situation: increasingly frequent estrus exhausts the pet, hormonal changes negatively affect her health, and the risk of diseases of the reproductive system increases.

Unspayed adult cats go into heat on average 3 times a year, lasting about 2 weeks. With various hormonal imbalances, estrus can occur more often or less frequently. Oriental cats also tend to go into heat more frequently.

During heat, the cat is extremely agitated and restless. Any contact with her can have an exciting effect on her. In this article, you will learn how to help your cat go into heat more easily.

Is your cat in heat?

Cats do not have vaginal bleeding. Sometimes the genitals swell a little and a clear drop of lubricant appears.

Most often, heat is determined by the cat's behavior. During this period, the cat begins to rub against all corners, purr more often, becomes more affectionate, and rolls around on the floor. If you stroke the lumbosacral region of a cat with your hand, a contraction of the anal region may occur; the cat falls on its front paws, raising its butt, and, as it were, “stomps” with its hind paws, moving its tail to the side.

The cat's appetite is reduced or absent. There is frequent urination.

During heat, cats can emit high-pitched screams that are very unpleasant to the human ear. Usually it is this symptom that forces their owners to do something about the heat.

There is also a so-called “erased” estrus, which passes with invisible or muted signs. Not very attentive owners do not even notice that their cats are in heat!

The easiest way to calm a cat during heat is give her more attention. Stroke her more, hug her, hold her in your arms, on your lap to relieve tension.

Distract your cat with games
Cats in heat have extra energy that needs to be spent somewhere. Buy your cat new toys and keep her interested. Give preference to games where you have to rush around the apartment and jump as high as possible.

Reduce the amount of food
Cats in heat already have a reduced appetite, but try not to overfeed. They often give advice not to feed during the day, but only at night - so that “finally, after eating, the cat will fall asleep.” Cats do not tolerate fasting very well, so it is better to feed them regularly, but in small, reduced portions.

Classical music
Yes, don't be surprised. Music by Mozart and Bach will help calm your cat.

It helps to minimize night screams if lock the cat
in the back room or, as a last resort (if you have a one-room apartment), in the bathroom. Don't forget to provide your cat with a cup of water, and you can put your cat's favorite bed on top of the washing machine.

Try it pheromones, for example, Feliway. They give excellent results on some cats.

Widely used, does not help everyone. Ignacy, bromine, palladium, platinum, etc. Medicines are sold in homeopathic pharmacies.

This can be a decoction of herbs from a pharmacy (chamomile, thyme) or special preparations for cats, for example, “Cat-Bayun”. A very safe, natural, gentle method.

Hormonal drugs
Just don’t buy everything at the pet store - contact a competent veterinarian! Hormonal medications should be used with great caution, because their long-term use can cause ovarian cysts and endometritis.

Advice to put the cat in the refrigerator (for a short time) or douse it with ice water should be taken with a grain of humor.

You can safely wait out 2-3 empty heats (without mating with a cat). However, on the 3rd-4th it is necessary to breed a cat with a cat. If you have no desire to breed a cat, then the only option is sterilization. If a cat endures empty heats for several years, this leads to numerous gynecological problems, including pyometra and mammary cancer.

A neutered cat that satisfies the cat is, unfortunately, also not an option. The cat must physiologically give birth. Otherwise, despite artificial ovulation, this still leads to gynecological diseases. Estrus that does not result in pregnancy causes changes in the uterus and ovaries, making subsequent pregnancies more difficult and also increasing the risk of pyometra. A neutered cat can be used as a temporary option for 1-2 heats.

After an unsuccessful mating, the next estrus may occur within 2-3 weeks. After the kittens are born, the next heat occurs within 1-6 weeks.

I can not anymore!

People's unwillingness to tolerate a cat's heat is a fairly common problem. For some reason, sterilization (castration) is often perceived as an extreme measure and a desperate step, even if the owner has absolutely no intention of taking care of the kittens.

First of all, remember, NO CONTRA-SEX, SEX BARRIERS, ETC. This greatly undermines the health of the cat's reproductive system. Or rather, it kills outright.

Interesting facts about animals that change their gender

Secondly, during estrus you CAN CASTRATE. If your cat is in heat and you are no longer able to tolerate it, do not rush for contra-sex (well, of course, as an exception and only this time!!!), it is better to sign up for an operation with a veterinarian. Don't wait until your brain explodes completely. Don't think that cheap pet hormone pills can save your ears. If you love your cat and want the best for her, do the right thing!

I wish you many healthy, beloved cats and thousands of happy hours of communication!

Estrus is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. The cat screams, inviting the cat. An uncontrollable instinct pushes a sexually mature female to mate. The act of procreation is carried out during the period of estrus. The first estrus in a healthy animal occurs at the age of 7...9 months. At this time, the animal is ready for fruitful mating, but fellinologists provide this opportunity after reaching adulthood (10...12 months). At this age, a young mother is able to bear kittens without harm to her health.

The onset of the first estrus at four months or after one year of age is considered a pathological deviation.

The result of the influence of domestication was the loss of fellian seasonality of reproduction. The desire to mate persists during estrus, limited to 3…10 days. A cat, after the onset of puberty at 8...10 months, is always ready. If fertilization does not occur, the young cat will resume her next heat cycle two weeks later.

Duration of heat

Estrus lasts, on average, about seven days, about which the female will loudly notify surrounding cats for 4…5 days. Empty heats are difficult for animals and people who are within reach of the sounds emitted by the sufferer. In breeding felinology, it is customary to sterilize all females that do not represent breeding value at 7...8 months.

In order not to cause suffering to the breeding felline, which received a positive assessment at the exhibition and was recommended for breeding, the selection of a partner must begin 5...6 months before the intended mating.


There are four phases in a cat's reproductive cycle:

  • Proestrus.
  • Estrus.
  • Interestrus.
  • Anestrus

At the proestrus stage, the pet shows concern. For 1…3 days, the cat gets tangled under the owner’s feet and walks on bent paws.

Estrus lasts, on average, a week. The most favorable time for mating is considered to be the 3rd…5th day of estrus.

Interestrus is characterized by a decrease in pussy activity. She drives away the cats. If fertilization has occurred, the animal calms down. In case of sexual cycle disorders, ovulation does not occur and a state of imaginary pregnancy occurs.

Anestrus is the interval between interestrus and the next proestrus.


Estrus is the time when a cat requires increased attention from the fellinologist: she fawns, tries to get under her feet, rubs against them, asks to be stroked on the back, moves her tail to the side, falls on her front paws and stamps her hind paws.

Vaginal discharge is scanty and clear. To attract a partner, a young cat resorts to calling calls and leaves marks, secreting odorous substances in the urine.

The cat owner faces a problem. He understands that it is impossible to breed her during her first heat: the birth will be difficult, the offspring will be weak, and the health of the animal may be damaged. Experienced fellinologists recommend carrying out the first mating at the onset of the third heat, no earlier than ten months. But what to do if you observe premature puberty? After all, every empty space is a great test for the body: nature cruelly punishes for resistance to the instinct of procreation.

To relieve a cat from suffering, resort to the following measures:

  • Sterilization.
  • The use of drugs that stop estrus.
  • Use of tranquilizers.
  • Phytosterols.

Sterilization is carried out before the cat’s growth is completed - 7...8 months. The operation is performed on animals that have no genetic value or have died before 7 months. Precocious puberty is hereditary, so such fellines are excluded from purebred breeding.

Tranquilizers suppress instincts and temporarily calm the cat. Along with sexual desire, the drugs inhibit useful acquired reflexes, causing causeless aggression and lethargy.

Another important point is that the owner of a purebred cat hopes to obtain offspring of high genetic value from the pet. To do this, you need to choose a suitable partner. But a young organism, tormented by empty nests, may not be ready for fertilization and full bearing of offspring. In this case, the best solution is to use medications based on phytosterols.

Hormonal drugs that act on the reproductive system stop estrus. Their influence is not harmless; frequent excretory bursts are fraught with the formation of pathological cavities of the reproductive organs, cancerous tumors, diabetes, and other diseases.

An alternative to unsafe medications are phytosterols found in medicinal plants. Their chemical structure resembles animal sex hormones. The body believes that steroids are synthesized by the cat’s endocrine glands in response to mating and gives the command to switch to interestrus. In fact, parahormonal substances do not completely copy the work of their structural analogues, so the cat experiences satisfaction without showing aggression.

Mandatory veterinary procedures for kittens (1st year of life)

If the owner wishes to participate in purebred breeding, he is obliged to prevent accidental mating with the first heats. In addition to sedatives, it is necessary to isolate the cat from the ubiquitous males in the yard, do not let the pet go outside, and keep balconies and windows closed.

Another danger that awaits a cat owner is late estrus. It is undesirable to use such animals for breeding, but if the fellina is a genetically valuable individual, hunting is stimulated with hormonal drugs, medications containing vitamin E, catozal, gamavit, and compositum.

At the very beginning of the estrus period, a cat can be unusually affectionate or, conversely, very aggressive. She constantly monitors doors and windows to improve the moment and run outside. But the most obvious sign of the onset of sexual activity is the cat's calls. Your pet becomes extremely “talkative”; she purrs and howls at any time of the day.

In addition, the cat may eat less food or refuse it altogether. Her genitals become enlarged, and a discharge appears from them that is colorless. During this period, the animal most often leaves puddles wherever it pleases, and also “marks” the furniture.

A cat's heat lasts on average ten days. As a rule, there are four periods.

The first stage lasts 3-4 days. During this time, the animal's body prepares for mating. The cat's behavior changes, it becomes restless and affectionate.

The next phase is characterized by calls from the partner's cat. She rubs her head against people's legs and furniture, and rolls around on the floor. If you touch her back, she takes a peculiar pose: she raises the back of her body, tucks her front paws, and moves her tail. Similar behavior is observed if a male comes into the animal’s field of view.

In the case when pregnancy does not occur, estrus gradually ends and sexual rest occurs. The cat returns to its normal rhythm of life.

How to calm a cat during heat? First of all, you should remember that the period of heat is not easy for a cat, and she needs the attention of loving owners more than ever. Therefore, pet your pet more, hold it on your lap and hands.

You should also reduce the amount of food, because the animal’s appetite decreases during heat. It would be better to feed the cat often, but in small portions.

Play more with your pet. During the period of heat, the amount of energy she has increases significantly. buy her new toys, make her run and jump around the house.

If the animal's nightly cries are already getting on the nerves of all family members, you can try locking the cat in a separate room or in the bathroom. Be sure to leave a container of water and your favorite bed there.

Some owners reduce the animal's suffering by giving it sedatives. These can be herbal decoctions, such as chamomile, or preparations designed specifically for cats. Such is the popular product “Cat-Bayun”, as well as “Stop-Stress” and “Fitex”.

Of course, you can also use special hormonal drugs, for example, Sex Barrier or Pilkan. But before buying any product, consult your veterinarian. Such drugs must be used with extreme caution, because they can cause endometritis and ovarian cysts.

A gentle, fluffy creature - a cat - is a real symbol of home comfort. We choose a kitten according to our taste: large or miniature, smooth-haired or fluffy - there are dozens of cat breeds. They all look different. What unites them is that, having matured, cats invariably strive to be free in search of love. This is especially noticeable in the spring. During heat, cats become unlike themselves: they emit guttural screams, loudly call the cat, take poses characteristic of mating, and roll around on the floor.

It is necessary to understand that this behavior is natural for pets during the period of sexual heat and indicates the completion of the process of puberty in a young cat. Next, you will learn about what puberty in cats is, when a cat’s first heat occurs, and how to make this period the most comfortable for you and your pet.

Puberty: When do cats go into their first heat?

The end of puberty in your pet is indicated by its restless behavior, which indicates that the cat has entered its first heat.

The laziest animals on the planet: top 3

Estrus is a stage of the cat's reproductive cycle, which is manifested by a positive reaction of the animal to cats.

Almost every owner is concerned about the question of when his cat will go into heat for the first time. The time of the onset of the first heat is different for each cat. It depends on how the animal is fed and where it is kept; Hereditary factors and breed play a role.

Typically, young cats show signs of their first heat between the ages of 6 and 10 months. However, large cat breeds, such as Persians or Maine Coons, mature later than their smaller counterparts.

The onset of sexual maturity of an animal does not mean that you can take your cat for mating. A cat’s body at 6-10 months is not physiologically ready for bearing and giving birth to kittens. The cat becomes fully ready for pregnancy and childbirth at the age of 16-20 months.

How long does a cat's heat period last and what are its signs?

The duration of the period when a cat seeks to continue its race is 5-7 days. If the cat does not become pregnant, the next heat occurs a week to a month after the previous one. During a cat's heat, you will notice the following changes in its behavior:

  • Loud calling meow. A cat calling a cat can continue her “songs”, which are not very pleasant to the human ear, throughout the entire period of estrus. She will make purring guttural sounds day and night;
  • Landing on the front paws. When a cat is ready to reproduce, she begins to take a mating position: lower the front part of her body to the floor and raise the back, while moving her tail to the side;
  • Marking the territory. This behavior serves as another way to attract a male for mating. Cats are good at smelling the pheromones secreted by the cat in its urine;
  • Overly affectionate behavior. Wanting to attract attention, the pet during estrus follows the owner's heels and rubs against his legs. Displays of aggression are also possible;
  • The desire to run out into the street. Submitting to the instinct of reproduction, a cat during estrus will not miss the opportunity to jump out of an open door or window into the street. This behavior does not depend on whether the cat is walking outside or kept at home. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your pet.

If you have a cat, or maybe more than one, then you know first-hand about their special emotional state. Yes, this is estrus in cats, or estrus, and we’ll talk about it now.

Estrus in cats, unlike, say, a dog or a human, is not accompanied by bleeding. However, one can unmistakably determine that this moment has arrived. Regardless of the animal's temperament, behavior varies greatly.

Even the most aggressive pussies become affectionate, purr, rub against their legs, twist on the floor and do not leave their owner. Although sometimes they can show aggression. If you stroke a cat in an “interesting state” on the back, just above the tail, it will instantly reach towards the floor, arch, lift its pelvis and move its tail to the side.

  • Estrus in cats is accompanied by loss of appetite. Frequent urination and swelling of the genitals. The discharge from the genitals is transparent, but most often unnoticeable, since even in this state the cat is clean.
  • In some cats that are obese or weakened by illness, estrus may be hidden.
  • It is believed that sexual activity is determined by seasonality and lasts from February to October. But most often, this applies to pets who have free access to the street. In apartment cats, the cycle is usually disrupted, and estrus can be observed all year round.

Puberty occurs at the age of 5 months to a year; it is difficult to say in advance when exactly the first estrus begins and how it will proceed.

Duration of estrus and its course

The duration of estrus (estrus) in cats is purely individual, on average it lasts 5-7 days.

The process is natural, physiological and does not require human intervention; the only thing you can do is observe the nature and duration of sexual heat.

  • Do not hit or scold the unfortunate animal. The cat may not mind curling up in a ball and getting a good night's sleep, but nature takes its toll.
  • Some, on the advice of friends and neighbors, bathe the cat or, worse, pour cold water on it. It is worth saying that the half hour of silence that will be spent on licking will not save you, and for the animal it is unnecessary stress.
  • Locking a cat in a closet, toilet or refrigerator in order to muffle its heart-rending scream is also not worth it. Staying in a confined space can lead to mental disorders.
  • Decide for yourself whether to let your cat outside or not, but after her walks, be prepared for the appearance of kittens.

Heat interruption: all the pros and cons

Among cat owners, it is very common to interrupt estrus with hormonal agents.

The advantages of this method

The positive aspects of taking it are that the duration of night screams is reduced to a minimum. Breeders sometimes use such means if they need to skip or postpone mating.


You can resort to using hormonal drugs no more than twice a year.

Neglect of this rule can lead to hormonal imbalances, which are difficult to treat and can lead to pathology of the genital organs and the development of cancer, most often of the mammary glands. Frequent, long-term use of drugs that interrupt sexual desire in 70% of cases leads to castration, but only at an older age, which is dangerous, and always for medical reasons.

To alleviate the condition of the animal and for easier estrus, you can use pheromones or herbal remedies. But it is worth saying that not everyone is susceptible to their action. As is the case with valerian, some are crazy about it, others simply can’t stand it.

Is surgery the solution to the problem?

If we talk about surgery, there are two methods that everyone has probably heard of: castration and sterilization. What is their difference?

  • Sterilization is an operation that involves ligating the fallopian tubes and sometimes removing the uterus. As a result, the animal cannot have offspring, but fully retains its sexual instincts. The operation is not effective in correcting behavior, which makes it unpopular.
  • Castration – those who think that this operation applies only to cats are mistaken. In fact, it involves the removal of the gonads in both males and females. During abdominal surgery, the uterus is often removed.

Benefits of castration

Surgery can resolve most behavior problems. The cat becomes calmer and more affectionate; its playful disposition and hunting instinct are preserved to a greater extent. After castration, you do not need to think about an unwanted pregnancy, especially when the animal has pathologies in which pregnancy can be harmful to health. Or while keeping it with a cat.

Neutered animals live 1-2 years longer. This is due to the fact that the cat is no longer at risk of serious diseases from the reproductive system, such as pathologies of the uterus, tumors and ovarian cysts.

Disadvantage of the operation

The operation is performed only under general anesthesia; this is a great stress for the body. But if the animal is young and healthy, then in most cases, after preliminary tests, the doctor gives permission. Modern drugs for anesthesia act as gently as possible and are quickly eliminated from the body.

It is a common belief that after surgery the cat becomes lethargic, uninteresting and always recovers to gigantic proportions. Let's say that there is some truth in this. The lack of sexual desire really makes the animal much calmer. Now the cat spends less energy and devotes more time to eating and digesting it on the sofa. But if you don't give in to the cat's "hungry" eyes and maintain a proper diet, your cat will maintain an excellent physique.

Once you have a pet in your home, don’t think that your life will be the same as before. An animal is a living being that needs constant care and attention. If you decide to get a cat, you should know about its physiological needs. For example, how often do cats go into heat, how long does it last, and what to do when it starts.

What is estrus in cats

Estrus is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the body of any animal. During the beginning of this physiological process, the cat requires increased attention from its owner. If you want her to develop normally and give birth to healthy offspring, then you should be very attentive to your pet from the moment the estrus begins and consult a doctor if there is the slightest disturbance.

Veterinarians divide the estrous cycle into four stages.:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

The first stage lasts on average from one to four days. Its onset can be determined by changes in the pet’s habits and behavior. The animal begins to show more affection, begins to purr in a special way, rolls on the floor, you can notice discharge, but she is not yet ready for mating.

Duration of the second stage in different breeds, and cats in general, lasts individually: for some one week, for others one and a half. You can detect the onset of estrus by stroking the cat near the tail - she takes a characteristic position for mating.

When aggressiveness towards the opposite sex is already noticed, the third stage of estrus begins. A characteristic sign is the onset of an obvious or, in some cases, false pregnancy. The period lasts from two to twenty days. During the last stage, the pet's behavior returns to normal. If pregnancy does not occur, then after a while another estrus occurs.

Signs of heat

If you have a purebred animal and you want to breed offspring, then it is important not to miss the moment the cat is ready to mate. You can tell if a cat is in heat by the following signs::

  • the pet begins to make drawn-out sounds;
  • requires increased attention and more often rubs against the owner’s legs or surrounding objects;
  • appetite decreases;
  • due to the secretions that appear, she washes herself more often;
  • tries in every possible way to escape into the street;
  • The gait changes: the cat raises its tail and puts back the back of its body.

But, when she is still very young, significant signs may not be observed.

When does heat start

Cats come into heat several times a year. This depends on the age; if the cat is still very young, the process can be repeated monthly. For an animal that has given birth – once every three months.

Usually the first estrus begins at 6-8 weeks, but the signs are still poorly expressed and mating is not recommended. The body is not yet strong and childbirth can lead to the death of the pet.

Fertilization should be carried out after two or three heats, when the pet has reached one and a half years of age. Professional breeders should keep records so as not to miss the moment of readiness for mating and to look for a suitable cat in advance.

If you do not want to breed offspring, then it is better to sterilize the animal. This must be done on strictly defined days so as not to cause harm. After sterilization, if surgery is unsuccessful, estrus may resume, so you should first choose a clinic carefully.

How to behave with a cat

A cat in heat requires increased attention from the owner. Not everyone can tolerate constant screaming, unpleasant odors, or getting an animal underfoot. A cat's heat lasts up to two weeks, so not all household members can withstand the aggressive behavior of a pet for that long. Using medications is not always safe, but there are several simple methods to calm a cat during sexual desire.

To stop your cat from meowing, give her a bath. But you can do this in a warm room. After the procedure, the pet will be busy licking itself for some time, and you will be able to be in silence. Play with her more - this will help you distract and calm down, and get rid of excess energy.

Pet your pet, but avoid the back of the body. Give food in small portions. Try to minimize excessive lighting in the room: close the curtains, turn on only dim lights.

If the above methods do not help, then, in case of emergency, contact your veterinarian to advise the safest drugs to pacify the animal during estrus.

Why is there no heat

The frequency of estrus in a cat differs depending on the breed, living conditions, age and other factors. When pregnancy occurs, estrus stops and does not resume for three months after birth. In the case of the birth of stillborn kittens, it may occur earlier than the specified period. When pregnancy does not occur, this period is reduced to three weeks.

It is possible to identify the main factors influencing the duration and frequency of the estrous cycle:

  • features of physiology;
  • time of year (from October to February the level of desire is reduced to a minimum);
  • conditions of detention and nutrition;
  • cat breed.

But there are situations when estrus does not occur. The absence of estrus is associated, first of all, with disturbances in the body or the presence of any disease. For clarification, please contact your veterinarian.

Basic Rules

When purchasing an animal, you need to inquire about the pedigree of its mother. The onset of the childbearing period may be delayed, depending on genetic characteristics. If the pet has been exposed to unnecessary stressful situations for some time or has been eating poorly, this also affects the onset of the estrous cycle.

Try to surround your pet with care from infancy and give balanced nutrition. In adulthood, you may need to use some vitamin complexes, but which ones should be prescribed by your veterinarian.

When a cat becomes capable of producing offspring, she goes into estrus. The female's first heat occurs at the age of 6 to 8 months, and in some cases (in Scottish cats) at 8-9 months. During this period, the cat is able to produce a mature egg. In cats living in an apartment, sexual activity occurs at any time. This makes them significantly different from their wild relatives. The period of estrus is characterized by changes in both the physical and emotional state of the animal.

How long does a cat's heat last?

At 7-10 months the cat's first heat occurs. If the animal did not have any offspring, estrus will occur every two weeks, and if it was mated - once every 2-3 months. After the first birth, discharge is observed after 40 days.

The duration of this process varies depending on the individual characteristics of the cat’s body. On average, this period lasts 5-7 days. There are cases when a female is in heat only 2 times a year. The first heat lasts only a few days, but after a while its duration increases. If the owners plan to breed breeding offspring, it is necessary to keep a calendar in which they will need to mark the pet’s cycles in order to find out when there will be good days for mating. The regularity of estrus depends on the frequency of mating, the breed of the animal, living conditions and health status. For example, in the British breed, estrus rarely occurs - this is due to hormonal characteristics. With age, it often happens that the duration of estrus decreases, and estrus passes without ovulation.

Signs of estrus in cats

Each breed of cat is characterized by individual characteristics, but despite this, generalized symptoms can be identified that will help owners understand that the animal has gone into heat:

  • In cats, there is no discharge with blood from the vagina, lubricant is released, the genitals swell slightly, and the animal constantly licks them.
  • A sharp change in mood: the female looks affectionate - rolls on the floor, rubs against the owner’s leg, or shows causeless aggression. The pet's behavior changes significantly.
  • When stroking the sacral area, the animal raises its tail and moves its paws, as if marking time.
  • During this period, the cat strives to get out of the room, so it is necessary to check whether balconies, doors, and windows are closed. The cat is controlled by the instinct of reproduction, but the owner bears responsibility for it.
  • The pet marks its territory and urinates frequently.
  • Appetite decreases, the animal refuses food until estrus ends.
  • The cat makes strange sounds - for example, purring or howling. It is this sound that cats come running under the windows.

If your pet is walking for the first time, you should not immediately look for a cat, trying to get offspring. The animal must be healthy, and cats that have reached one year of age are ready to breed. Early birth is dangerous both for the future offspring and for the mother herself.

Stages of heat

The estrus process consists of several stages, each of which lasts a certain number of days. It is impossible to determine the exact period, since it depends on the physiological characteristics of the cat’s body. Estrus includes the following stages:

  1. 1. Proestrus is the first stage of estrus (rutting season), the duration of which is from 1 to 4 days. At this time, the animal is still calm and not in an excited state. Despite this, affection begins to appear, the cat begins to purr loudly. During proestrus, the animal is not yet ready to let the male in, but the genitals are already enlarging.
  2. 2. Estrus is the second stage, the duration of which is 12 days. At this point you can knit. When stroking the area below the back, the cat raises its tail and becomes in a mating position. This is inherent in nature.
  3. 3. Metestrus is the third stage, which lasts from 3 to 12 days. If the cat has mated before, she will react aggressively to the males. The female smells the cat for a long time.
  4. 4. Anestrus is the final stage of estrus, during which the animal calms down and returns to its normal state.

How to calm a cat?

The owner must understand that any drugs or methods aimed at suppressing the natural process are not completely safe for the health of the animal.

To reduce sexual arousal in females, Suprastin is used, which must be given for three days, ¼ tablet per 5 kg of animal weight. If you do not adhere to this dosage, you can poison your pet. Suprastin causes disturbances in the cat's body.

Tablets, drops and suspensions aimed at reducing sexual arousal contain hormones. Experts say that they are dangerous for the animal, so you should not use these drugs more than 1-2 times. You should not constantly treat your cat with them, as they provoke uterine cancer, uterine suppuration, mammary gland and ovarian cancer.