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Instructions for those who fly for the first time: a step-by-step guide. How to comfortably endure a long flight

Even the shortest trip can be completely ruined by crying children, annoying neighbors or an inconvenient location. But what if you are going, say, from Moscow to Sydney and the flight takes about a day? We have collected simple and effective tips on how not to turn air travel into an air nightmare.

An unsuccessful flight can ruin several days at once and leave an unpleasant aftertaste for the entire trip. Of course, you can treat all adversities philosophically, but having paid a lot of money for tickets, you don’t want to spend 20 hours meditating, trying to ignore a child’s cry or a neighbor laughing loudly at a film as old as the world and not funny. In short, here are some tips on how to survive a long flight and leave the cabin in a good mood.

Book your tickets in advance

This is clear without further ado: the earlier you buy a ticket, the greater your chances of getting good seats. Not to mention their more favorable cost.

Sit in the back

If you don't have a favorite seat on the plane (or it's already taken), take the back seats. Usually everyone tries to sit in the front, so you have a chance at empty adjacent seats.

Photo: shutterstock.com 3

Use your accumulated miles

If you have benefits, don't be greedy and use them! You'll thank yourself for this as you sit back in your first class seat with a glass of 2004 Chateau Latour and pretend you like caviar.

Prepare for jet lag

There are several tricks to avoid problems when changing time zones, or at least minimize this effect. A few days before your flight, begin to adjust your body to the planned trip and the time zone of the destination country. Get plenty of rest before your flight: The myth that you need to stay up for 24 hours before traveling to prepare for the time change doesn't work.

Go through security in advance

The last thing you want before a long, grueling flight is to jostle in line and panic about missing your flight. The only thing worse is actually being late for it.

Photo: shutterstock.com 6

Relax before your flight

Have breakfast without rushing, go to the gym, read a book, go to the gym again: you will have to spend the next 24 hours in a sitting position, destroying a giant package of Toblerone.

Don't bring too many things into the salon

Of course, for a long flight you will need much more things on hand than on a 2-hour trip, but you don’t need to drag a bunch of electronics, gadgets, half-read books and drinks from Duty Free into the cabin. The benefits of all this are much less than the inconveniences.

Be sure to take a pillow

Pillows for travelers are sold at every airport - this is simply an irreplaceable thing for a long flight. It's better to look funny in front of other passengers than to have neck problems.

Photo: from-ua.com 9

Your best friend is noise-canceling headphones

If you don’t have any on your household, you can get by with high-quality earplugs.

Don't forget your sleep mask

It will definitely come in handy in the salon, especially during the daytime or if your neighbor has bright and annoying clothes.

Dress properly

The main thing is your comfort: don’t think about how to impress others. Also take care of blankets and (why not?) pajamas.

Try to relax

Listen to soothing music and do breathing exercises. This is useful not only for normal sleep, but also for the psychological state in general. After all, if all else fails, Valium can come to the rescue.

Photo: shutterstock.com 13

On a long flight without a blanket

There is no point in taking a very thick blanket with you: it will simply eat up all your space in your luggage. The ideal option would be a cashmere blanket or a special blanket for travelers in the form of a poncho (they are sold both at airports and on the Internet).

Download a couple of movies in reserve

Airplane entertainment systems are not always reliable. Sometimes they stop functioning, so having a few movies in reserve on your tablet or phone is essential.

Charge your gadgets

The last thing you want is a tablet dying in the middle of the Fargo finale. Especially if there are still 11 hours of flight to your destination.

Photo: shutterstock.com 16

Podcasts, podcasts and more podcasts

Pump up as much as possible before the road. Podcasts of your favorite programs can be useful during a flight: playing audio does not drain the battery as quickly, and the podcasts themselves are much more distracting than music.

Think about your health

Sitting in one place all day in a metal box is no longer good for the body. Added to this are dehydration with deep vein thrombosis - your two main enemies during air travel. Drink water regularly, stretch out, walk around the salon.

Don't forget about hygiene

Bring toiletries to the salon, brush your teeth, use deodorant, change clothes if necessary. The main thing is to do all this in the restroom, not in the salon.

Get creative

How often do you have the opportunity to sit for about a day alone with your thoughts, without outside interference (or almost without it)? Bring a notebook, sketchbook, or something similar and exercise your right brain.

Photo: shutterstock.com 20

Work is a great distraction

If you took your laptop with you, this is an excellent reason to do the work that you have been putting off for a long time. In addition, you will have the appearance of a respectable international businessman deciding the fate of multi-million dollar contracts.

Bring snacks with you

Airplane meals usually do not suffer from redundancy and variety, even during long flights. When you feel like snacking, energy bars tucked into your pocket will instantly lift your spirits.

Change your clocks

Once you board the plane, the first thing you need to do is set your watch to the time of your destination. Look at them periodically, get used to a different time zone and make plans based on the new time.


During long flights, alcohol is usually free. If you have absolutely nothing else to do, why not have a few drinks and engage in an interesting (or not so interesting) conversation with your neighbor? This will help kill at least an hour of time.

Photo: shutterstock.com 24

Don't drink

Drinking alcohol at an altitude of 9-10 kilometers above the ground is not a good idea. Blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, dehydration. The list goes on.

Train your killer look

Is your child screaming loudly, acting up and running down the aisle? Killer look. The guy sitting behind you has been pushing your chair for three hours? Killer look. Is your neighbor being loudly rude to the flight attendant? Killer look. A multi-hour flight is a great place to practice. Train, improve it - this view will be useful to you.

There is a first time for everything, including flying on an airplane. Before boarding the plane, for example, at Domodedovo airport, you will have to go through a number of formalities that can confuse an unprepared person. Here step-by-step instructions will come to the rescue so as not to get confused and have time to sort out the formalities before boarding the flight.

The thorny path to the plane

So, tickets are in hand, what to do next at the airport? At this stage, people who decide to fly on an airplane for the first time are lost. Knowledgeable and experienced travelers have also been through this, so it’s no big deal that when arriving at the airport for the first time, many feel stressed, not knowing where to go. First you need to decide on all the routes from the airport to the plane. There are only a few of them:

  • check-in;
  • baggage check-in;
  • passing customs control;
  • passing passport control;
  • security control.

This sounds scary only to those who are at the airport for the first time. With proper skill, all these stages can be completed easily and quickly.

If a person is at the airport for the first time, detailed instructions will teach you what to do step by step.

Checking in for a flight if you have tickets can be done in two ways – online and at the airport. If you decide to fly on an airliner for the first time, it is recommended to check in at the airport counter. During check-in, the passenger will be able to ask all questions directly to the employee and, in case of difficulties, ask for advice on further actions. As a rule, airline employees are willing to help and will always tell you where to go next. Check-in and weighing of luggage also takes place at the counter.

Then the passenger receives a boarding pass and proceeds further to go through customs control (if the flight is international).

The passenger is then subjected to a security check.

Another important stage for international flights is passport control, where the passenger must present a foreign passport. This stage occurs either between customs and security checks, or after security control, depending on how it is organized at the airport.

After completing all the formalities, you need to go to the waiting room and wait for the flight announcement.

Important! Many people worry: “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time and what should I do at the airport?” If the passenger is confused, information can be obtained at the check-in counter.

Check-in features

When you get to the airport, you should carefully look around and find the information board that lists the nearest flights and departure times. It is a large screen on which data on the nearest flights is presented in a table: number, airline name, destination and status.

Important! You should search for a flight by its number. Departure times and destinations are not reliable references as flight times may be subject to change and the destination of different aircraft may be the same.

If check-in for a flight has already begun, next to its number in the line on the board there will be the inscription “check-in”.

If the “on-time” sign is visible next to the desired aircraft, this means that the flight is departing on schedule and there are no changes. Usually the registration start time is written next to it. The inscription “delayed” next to the flight indicates its delay.

Thus, you should go to the check-in counter when the “check-in” sign is visible opposite the flight number. In all other cases, registration is not available. The start of check-in for a flight is always marked with a corresponding inscription.

The number of the check-in counter required by the passenger is also indicated on the information board in the line corresponding to the flight number. The next step is to go to the desired registration desk.

Check-in opens on average three hours before departure and closes 30-45 minutes before the flight.

You must provide your own passport and ticket at the reception. If the ticket was purchased electronically, you only need to present your passport. An airline employee will independently find a ticket based on the passenger's last name.

Next to the counter there are scales on which luggage is placed for later weighing. After determining the weight, a special tag with a barcode is attached to the luggage, thanks to which the luggage will not be lost along the way. Hand luggage is also weighed. Some airlines also attach tags to hand luggage.

Check-in is complete when the airline employee issues a boarding pass and baggage tags, based on which you can claim your baggage upon arrival at your destination. To prevent tags from getting lost, it is customary to stick them on the cover of your passport or on your boarding pass.

You can choose your seat at the reception desk. The earlier a passenger arrives at check-in, the higher the chance of getting the desired seat. To make a passenger's first flight on an airplane memorable, it is recommended to take a seat by the window, but only if you are not afraid of heights. If you feel stressed at high altitude, sit in the aisle. The emergency exit has more legroom, making these seats comfortable for tall passengers.

What is “customs control”

When making international flights, after registration you must go through customs control. How customs control proceeds depends on the passenger’s luggage.

There are a number of items that are subject to duty. A detailed list of declared items should be found on the airline’s website. As a rule, large sums of cash, expensive antiques or weapons are subject to duty.

If we don’t have any such items, we go to the green corridor. This direction is indicated by a large green sign and the corresponding inscription “nothing to declare”, so it is impossible to confuse it.

If a passenger is carrying items subject to duty, they must go to the red corridor and fill out a customs declaration. You should familiarize yourself with the sample form to fill out in advance, as there are many nuances there.

Passing security check

Before passing through security control, passport control is carried out. The passenger must present an identification document - a passport of a citizen of the country for domestic flights and a foreign passport for international flights. At some airports, this step occurs after going through security.

Before passengers are allowed on the flight, they will be checked by security staff. This rule is mandatory for everyone and is observed at any airport in the world. The procedure is aimed at preventing objects that could be used for a terrorist hijacking of the airliner from getting on board the aircraft.

It is at this stage that bladed weapons and firearms, explosive and flammable liquids are detected.

To pass security screening, passengers must turn off any electronic items. All items you have with you, including hand luggage, phone and watch, should be placed in a special container. One service employee X-rays these objects. At the same time, the passenger must take off their shoes (shoe covers are provided instead), hats and outerwear. These things are also x-rayed.

While the check of personal belongings is ongoing, the passenger must go through a metal detector, under the control of a second security officer. If everything is in order, the passenger’s things are returned and he is allowed to continue. Don't worry, the staff will tell you everything you need to do.

If, for religious or other reasons, a passenger does not want to take off his outer clothing and shoes, these items can be checked directly on him using an X-ray. At the security control stage, all liquids that are packaged incorrectly are confiscated from passengers. There are a number of restrictions on how you can take liquids on a plane. They should be studied very carefully, otherwise you will have to leave your property when passing control.

Important! Not everyone knows how to behave at the airport. Jokes about the presence of prohibited items are inappropriate and can serve as a reason for the detention of the passenger, so you need to be serious when going through control.

Boarding the plane

After successfully completing all formalities, the passenger enters the waiting area from which they board the plane. Legally, the border has already been crossed, since the waiting area for boarding a flight is neutral territory. This duty free zone is Duty Free. A shopping trip at Domodedovo or another airport will help you pass the time before your flight is announced.

While waiting to board, you should carefully listen to all announcements so as not to accidentally miss your flight.

Having heard about the beginning of boarding the airliner, you need to proceed to one of the exits (“gate”). The special gate number is indicated on the boarding pass. At the exit, an airline employee will check the boarding pass and tear off the main part, leaving the passenger with a stub indicating the seat number.

There are two ways to get on board the plane: by telescopic bridge or by bus. The method of transporting passengers on board usually depends on the size of the airport. At large airports you need to walk along a telescopic ramp that leads to the aircraft. At smaller airports, transportation is provided by bus.

Important! Finding your seat in the cabin is very easy. The row number and the letter designating the location are written on the spine. Seats are marked on top of the seats. If a passenger is flying on an airplane for the first time, the flight attendants will always help and advise if something is not clear.

If a passenger cannot sit in his seat or another person has already sat in it, he should contact the flight attendant.

Everything you need to know about luggage

Each airline sets its own baggage rules. Typically, a passenger can carry one piece of hand luggage free of charge (weight 5-10 kg, depending on the carrier), and up to 20-30 kg in the luggage compartment. The exact standards for free baggage allowance, as well as size restrictions, should be found out in advance when booking air tickets. Everything you need to know about transportation regulations is presented on the airline’s website.

Low-cost airlines (low-cost airlines) allow only hand luggage for free transportation; you will have to pay extra for a large suitcase flying in the luggage compartment.

The website of any airline provides a list of items prohibited from being carried on an airplane. Find out in advance to avoid a number of misunderstandings.

Most often, misunderstandings arise when transporting liquids in hand luggage. The transport of liquid substances is controlled very strictly. So, you can take liquid on board with you in a transparent container with a volume of up to 100 ml.

Important! The restriction on carrying liquids in the cabin applies to decorative cosmetics and medicines. You should take everything you might need during the flight into the cabin.

There are often mishaps and luggage gets lost along the way or arrives at the wrong airport. If your suitcase is lost, the following rules will help increase the likelihood of being “reunited” with your own luggage:

  1. Before checking in your luggage, it is recommended to take a photo of the contents of your suitcase and make a detailed list of all your items. If your luggage is lost, having a photo will help you get compensation from the airline;
  2. It is recommended to place your coordinates, including email, inside your suitcase. You can also purchase a special name tag and attach it inside the suitcase;
  3. It is better to remove the straps and wheels from the suitcase. These items often cause luggage to be delayed on the transport belt;
  4. The suitcase should be bright and memorable, but not obnoxiously expensive. According to statistics, expensive suitcases are lost more often than cheap ones;
  5. It is not recommended to check in valuables (jewelry, documents, expensive equipment) as luggage.

Once you receive your luggage at your destination, you should immediately check its contents. If something is missing or damaged during a flight, it is recommended to immediately contact airline representatives and write a complaint. The sooner a complaint is written, the sooner the carrier will respond to it.

Important! You should never write your home address in your suitcase or on your name tag to avoid becoming a victim of scammers. To contact the owner of the suitcase, it is better to provide a phone number and email.


It’s not difficult to deal with all the worries that happened to a passenger at the airport. The fear of being at the airport for the first time, familiar to everyone, is easy to overcome. The second time, registration will go quickly, and all other formalities will take a little time to resolve when you already know all the nuances.

If you are planning to fly to another country on vacation in the summer, but are wondering: “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what to do at the airport?”, then this article is for you. We will tell you how to behave at the airport, as well as what to do in an unclear situation - for example, if you lose your luggage or ticket.

When arriving at the airport for the first time, a passenger must clearly know what to do so as not to get lost and not be late for the flight. You need to prepare for this in advance - prepare your luggage for the flight, documents for inspection and clearly know the sequence of actions at the airport.

Buying tickets

Tickets can be purchased in the traditional way - through the box office or by purchasing tickets online. If you are not a professional in this matter, then it is better to go and buy tickets at the box office. In this case, you can clarify the information you are interested in with the cashier. If you are an experienced computer user, then you can order tickets and even register with any device that has Internet access. To buy tickets online, go to the airline’s website and find the “check-in and purchase tickets online” section. There you need to enter your passport details and pay by bank transfer.

Once you have purchased your tickets through the site, you will have an e-ticket to which you can attach a receipt, but this is not required. Your data will already be in the system, and to register you will only need to present your passport.

Important! You can buy tickets one day before the plane's departure.

Preparing for a flight does not begin at the airport, but long before, at home. You need to carefully check your documents so as not to lose or forget your passport or ticket. Pack luggage according to the prescribed standards: hand luggage (things that will be next to you) no more than 7-8 kilograms, baggage (things you check in the luggage compartment) no more than 20 kilograms for economy class, and no more than 30 kilograms for business class .

Find out in advance about the customs and prohibitions in the country you are flying to. Its restrictions on the import of certain things (for example, strong alcohol in some countries) can create big problems for you when landing and going through customs control.

Do not place fragile items in your luggage; they may be damaged during transportation. It would be better to take them with you as hand luggage.

You should always have your passport and ticket with you or in your hand luggage, but under no circumstances in your luggage. Cases of lost luggage are not uncommon, and if this happens, you will be left without documents, and this is a very unpleasant situation.

To reassure yourself, you can put a copy of your passport and ticket inside your suitcase. In case of lost luggage, this will greatly facilitate the search and return of your items.

Important! Even if you're nervous about your first plane ride, you shouldn't drink alcohol or sedatives before your flight. Many passengers believe that the fear of flying will be drowned out by alcohol. In fact, if you decide to drink alcohol before departure, you may be kicked off the plane without explanation.

If you are afraid of flying, tell the flight attendant after boarding the plane. She will provide you with the necessary sedatives from those allowed when flying on an airliner. Air travel may limit the passenger's use of certain medications.

If you need to take medication during the flight, but it is of a narrow profile, for example, an asthma spray, then it is better to keep it in front of you during the flight.

Airport check-in

Check-in for the flight begins 2 hours before departure. During this time, you will have time to go through all the necessary procedures, but it is better to play it safe and arrive two and a half hours before departure. For the first time at the airport, you can easily get lost and waste extra time. With half an hour or an hour to spare, you can quickly find the terminal you need and prepare your luggage for inspection.

Upon arrival at the airport you need to go through 5 procedures:

  1. customs control, prior to registration;
  2. customs control after registration;
  3. check in and check in your luggage;
  4. passport control;
  5. inspection of your belongings by the security service, personal search if necessary.

Important! The security officer will definitely ask you whether you are carrying prohibited items (sharp objects, etc.). You shouldn't joke about this. Even if you jokingly say that you are carrying a bomb, this will serve as a valid reason for a personal search and removal from the flight.

Read in advance on the airline's website or at the airport information desk about prohibited items. Each company and country has its own rules, so in Europe, for example, you may be subject to a body search for having lipstick in your personal belongings.

Some nuances you didn't know about

Once you get to the airport, the first thing you need to do is go through a metal detector. The procedure is quick, but it can be delayed due to the fact that suspicious metal items are found in your luggage. To minimize the procedure, it is necessary to put all metal items in one backpack so that, if necessary, it can be presented quickly and without delay. If prohibited items are found on you, such as a knife or scissors, the outcome may be different. At some airports you will be asked to put these items in your luggage, while at others (international) they will take them away without returning them.

The main place at the airport before boarding is Information table, which displays upcoming departures. If your flight is not there, don’t panic, you may have arrived too early and your flight is not yet on the upcoming departures program.

Important! From the time of boarding the aircraft until disembarkation, the use of mobile phones is prohibited.

One of the rules of any airport is a ban on the use of mobile phones. The radio waves that the phone emits during operation interfere with the operation of the aircraft's on-board systems. Therefore, you need to put the phone in flight mode, or simply turn off the power.

Information table

The most important thing you need to find on the scoreboard is the inscription Departures- “departures”. Next, we look for an inscription of numbers - this is the flight number and the city of the final flight point. If all this data matches yours, then this is your flight. You can also find the departure time on this board. The time does not necessarily coincide with what is indicated on your ticket; flights are often delayed due to weather conditions at the departure or landing point. Be sure to take these readings into account on the information board, and check the data at short intervals (10-15 minutes).

Next to the plane's departure time is written rack number, where you can register. Go to the counter under your number, present your air ticket and passport. You can choose seats from those available in your class. Choose a place based on your body characteristics, for example, it is easier for tall people to ride near the emergency exit - you can stretch your legs. Now hand over your luggage and hand luggage. It will be weighed and labeled with the necessary data. Be sure to check them before handing over your luggage.

If the weight of your luggage or hand luggage exceeds the established standards, you will be offered to leave them in a storage room, or pay extra for the excess weight. There is no equal payment for an extra kilogram, so it is better to find out such details at the information desk.

Boarding pass and customs control

The boarding pass, which you have already received at the check-in counter, contains information about the flight number, gate number of the boarding area and seat number in the airliner cabin. If you are afraid of getting lost, listen to the speakerphone - the next flight is announced every 7-10 minutes.

Important! The exit number of the boarding area is indicated by the English word Gate. If you can't find your landing zone, then look for this sign. For example, at Domodedovo airport it is written in large letters and highlighted in green.

Now the most difficult procedure is the customs control zone. The purpose of this procedure is to identify whether you have items prohibited for transportation, for example, rare items of special value, prohibited substances, weapons, large sums of money. All this needs to be declared, but in most cases (99% of tourists) ordinary citizens do not carry such things and this item is not necessary for them.

Important! To avoid confusion, all airport corridors are highlighted in green or red. If you do not need to fill out a customs declaration, then go along the green corridor. If necessary - in red.

If a customs officer has doubts about the items you are carrying, he may ask you to go to customs control for a thorough inspection. In practice, this rarely happens, but if it happens, don’t worry, the procedure is unpleasant, but short-lived.

Passport control

After checking, you immediately go to the passport control area. A border officer will check your passport and boarding pass. If everything is in order, you need to go for a personal search. This procedure ensures the safety of passengers during the flight. You will also need to go through another metal detector.

Important! If you have implants, such as a pacemaker, please inform the airport staff and you will be examined separately.

After that you go out to Waiting hall. At this point, all procedures are completed, and you can go shopping. In the lounge of international airports there are duty-free shops where expensive items (for example, original perfumes or cosmetics) are much cheaper than in a regular store.

After your flight is boarded over the loudspeaker, approach the gate attendant. To board the plane you only need a pass, or in rare cases a passport. If boarding is not announced, and the time has already come, do not get lost and go to the exit yourself. There may have been some changes to the departure time, or you simply did not hear the announcement over the speakerphone. In any case, it’s better to come up and ask again than to be late.

In most cases, boarding a flight occurs by traveling on a bus along the tarmac. But it happens that they board the plane using a retractable covered ladder (sleeve). You will be informed in advance about how you will travel to the plane.

Important! If you get lost at any stage, do not be afraid and just approach the airport employee. He will definitely guide you to the right exit.

What to do if you lost your ticket?

If you lose your ticket, the main thing is not to be nervous. If you are nervous or behave inappropriately, you will immediately be detained by airport security. Therefore, in case of loss, please contact the information desk immediately. Provide documents confirming the purchase of the ticket (receipt of payment on the Internet, for example). Even if there are no such documents, provide your passport and your ticket will be restored.

What to do if you lost your luggage?

If you lost your luggage in the airport building, there are two options. Either your luggage is still untouched, or it has already been surrounded by sappers and dog handlers. In the first case, you better ask the airport staff for help, explain to them where you last left your luggage and what the suitcase looked like. If your free-standing suitcase is mistaken for a suspicious object, then you urgently need to present all the documents you have and, without opening the suitcase, explain what is in it. If everything is in order, then this check will not take much time.

I'm afraid to go to the ladies' room and not hear the boarding announcement.

This phobia is quite common among airport passengers. But this is just a phobia. At the airport, the speakerphone is so audible that it is impossible not to hear it even if you are in the ladies' room. In addition, if you are gone for 10-15 minutes, the flight will not depart without you.

I'm afraid I'll get seasick

People with poor vestibular apparatus really have this danger. But everything is resolved quite simply. If you feel seasick, ask the flight attendant for help and she will provide you with a bag.

What if I can't sit by the window?

This also happens quite often. The passenger hopes that he will look out the window and watch the clouds, but an attack of fear begins. In this case, the main thing is not to panic, but simply ask the flight attendant to change your seat. If the plane is not taking off at the moment, you can safely transfer to any other free seat. If there are no seats, the flight attendant will negotiate with other passengers to change the seat.

In any situation, there is nothing to worry about. If you cannot solve a problem, then first of all contact the airport staff and flight attendants. They, just like you, are interested in ensuring that you receive only positive emotions from the flight!

Are you about to take your first plane flight? Don't worry, now we will tell you how to prepare for the flight and what to do at the airport.


Before your trip, you need to pack your luggage. Unlike other types of transport, on an airplane all luggage is divided into hand luggage(things you take with you into the cabin) and checked baggage, which you check in at the airport and it flies in the luggage compartment.

Thus, you need to divide all your things into 2 bags. It is better not to take heavy objects in your hand luggage, because... you will carry it with you all the time. After going through security, there are no carts or luggage storage.

What to fly in?

The answer to this question depends on the duration of the flight. If it is up to 3-4 hours, then there is no difference. If more, then choose comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Believe me, sitting on a plane in tight jeans for six or more hours is very uncomfortable. Clothes should be loose.

If you need to look good upon arrival, then take a change of clothes. You can change clothes and freshen up in the airplane toilet.

Regardless of the duration of the flight, pay attention to your shoes. It is desirable that it be comfortable (not tight) and without heels. If the flight is planned in winter, then take warm socks with you; sitting for several hours in winter boots is very uncomfortable, it is better to take them off and put on socks.

What to take with you on the plane?

As we wrote above, you should not take a heavy bag on board the plane. If possible, take in your hand luggage only those things that you may need during the flight. For example:

  • Book (regular or electronic).
  • Tablet or laptop.
  • Moisturizing cream. The air on the plane is very dry, so cream will be useful, especially if you have dry skin. However, keep in mind that the volume of the tube should be no more than 100 ml.
  • A mess. You can take some products on board the plane. On flights lasting less than 3 hours, as a rule, there is no food, so a small sandwich and an apple will not be out of place. Read more about transporting food in hand luggage.

How to deal with motion sickness and ear congestion?

If you get motion sickness on other types of transport, it is better to worry about this problem in advance. In many pharmacies and even at the airport you can buy special tablets or pills for seasickness, for example “Aviamore”. This drug will help you get rid of discomfort during the flight and nausea.

Many people experience stuffy ears during takeoff and landing, but in most cases this can be avoided.

Road to the airport

Think in advance about how you will get to the airport. it could be a bus, minibus, taxi, train (Aeroexpress). The fastest way is Aeroexpress. If you choose a bus or taxi, be aware of traffic jams.

You must arrive at the airport 2-2.5 hours before departure and register. As a rule, check-in ends 40 minutes before departure, but on some transatlantic flights it ends 1 hour.

How to stop being afraid of flying?

According to statistics, every 3rd passenger experiences fear of flying to one degree or another. You are not alone in this.

But if you rely on statistics, you should also keep in mind that an airplane is the safest transport. The number of victims of accidents associated with air transport is almost 3000 times less than in road transport.

If the stress from the upcoming flight is severe, then drink and take a sedative with you.

Never drink alcohol before a flight. For a short time it may help, but on the way, passengers who have consumed alcohol feel much worse.

Flying is a heavy load on the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Alcohol will only make the situation worse.

19 Aug 2013 Anna Komok Tags:

Traveling by plane is very simple and comfortable. Sometimes it is much better to buy a plane ticket and spend a couple of hours in the air than to be on a train for 2 days. What to do if you are flying for the first time? How to calm down and tune in to the flight? What do you need to consider if you want your trip to be successful?

Tips for passengers flying on an airplane for the first time:

  1. Check the check-in time for your flight. Each airport installs it separately. On average, check-in begins 2 hours before departure. It is better to arrive exactly at this moment in order to choose a place and go through all the necessary formalities without any problems.
  2. In front of the entrance to the airport there is a large board that displays all upcoming flights. There you can also find information about where check-in and boarding gates are. If you have any questions, please contact airport staff.
  3. So, you've found the reception desk. Get in line, have your passport and ticket ready. You will be given a boarding pass at the counter. It will indicate the exact time and gate number, as well as your seat on the plane. At the same time, all suitcases are weighed and sent for loading.
  4. If you are flying outside the country, you must go through passport control and then a personal search. Processing procedures may vary from airport to airport, so if you are unsure what to do, ask airport staff for assistance.
  5. Boarding is usually announced approximately 30-40 minutes before departure. By this time, you can hide your passport and take out only your boarding pass. Then find your gate and you'll soon be on board.
  6. If you do not find a pillow and blanket on your seat (this applies to long-distance flights), immediately ask the flight attendant for these accessories. It’s more comfortable to fly under a blanket, and you can put a pillow under your lower back.
  7. On an airplane, most passengers experience slight swelling in their legs due to poor circulation. Therefore, it is better to immediately take off your shoes and change your socks.
  8. Some people get stuffy ears when flying. To combat this problem, you can use earplugs, lollipops, and chewing gum. On many flights, all this is given out by flight attendants before the flight.
  9. Please note that in recent years there has been a ban on smoking on airplanes (this even applies to electronic cigarettes). The toilets located on board the aircraft are equipped with special smoke detectors, and therefore, do not even try to smoke there - you will pay a huge fine.
  10. During the flight (depending on its duration) you will be offered breakfast, lunch, dinner, and soft drinks. All this is included in the ticket price.
  11. When you arrive at your destination, you will need to go through all the same formalities.
We wish you a successful trip!