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Interesting facts about the name Victoria. Let's consider the meaning of the name Victoria, what is her character and destiny? What astrology and the church say about this

Aries - A girl born under this zodiac sign will be special, constantly wanting to be in the spotlight. This type has a very active position in life, constantly strives to impose it on all acquaintances and friends, strives for perfection and impeccability in everything. It is difficult to get along with her, and this is one hundred percent fact.


Victoria is a Taurus girl, a confident and fairly balanced person who prefers to live according to a plan made with the future in mind. She knows how to adapt to what is happening in her world, is open and honest, but lacks femininity, which prevents her from acquiring a soul mate.


Gemini - and this bearer of the name Victoria is completely good-natured, responsive, especially sensitive and helpful to everyone around, ready to help and sacrifice herself for the sake of other people, active and temperamental, easy-going and cheerful. With her, representatives of the stronger half feel as if they are enveloped in all the best of this world, which is why she will have plenty of fans.


A Cancer girl named Victoria is a dreamy and romantic person. Her compatibility with other zodiacs is pleasing to the eye, she is able to charm anyone she notices. From an early age, she will dream of a strong family, cultivate thriftiness, complaisance and the ability to smooth out conflicts, which will surprise the chosen man.

a lion

The lioness is elegant, self-confident, calculating and smart, an obvious predator, one who can and wants to dictate the conditions of existence to the world around her. She can sacrifice herself for the sake of a person who needs her help, especially for the sake of a loved one, who will be able to surrender to her slavery.


Virgo is practical and realistic, a lover of outdoor activities and whirlwind romances. With this one, no one will be bored. She is honest and fair, views adventures and deception, and will never agree to a relationship with a male who, in her opinion, will not be at least slightly sincere with her.


Libra - under this zodiac sign and the influence of its meaning, Victoria will be born, with a peaceful and calm nature, one for whom fun and openness are the main factors that generate happiness in her. Characteristic lightness and increased charm attract men, fascinate them and impose thoughts of love.


Scorpio will be an impressionable and emotional girl, the soul of the party, sociable and apathetic. But this is only an outer cover - in the soul he thinks about love, passion, power and leadership. She will choose a passionate and temperamental guy.


Sagittarius - here, who received the name Victoria, will grow up to be a woman with obvious signs of leadership. The desire to be subservient to a loved one and a weak beauty is hidden under a thick layer of determination and patience. Achieving her favor is not easy, but it is possible, and only time-tested people will succeed.


Capricorn is calm and reserved, has a sense of humor and a biased attitude towards the world around her. Not emotional, but objective and reasonable, prefers to live by the rules, inclined towards freedom. She is ready to completely surrender to someone who will win her trust.


An Aquarius becomes a witty beauty, energetic and able to charm people. She lives in her own closed little world with a fantastic origin and the surrounding world, she won’t let anyone into it, not even her chosen one, but she simply adores whirlwind romances, passion and manifestations of love.


But the fish will become tender and sensitive in the future. She loves to give and create, but does not respect those who take advantage of it. Touchy, sometimes self-critical, she will choose a romantic for whom she can become a true muse, the one who will push him towards success and good luck.

Additional information

Compatibility horoscope: name Victoria, zodiac sign Sagittarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Kind Sociable Resourceful

Victoria Azarenka, Belarusian tennis player

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Lucky time: Friday

When there are problems: environment

Important years of life: 14, 38, 54

Lucky number: 4

What does the name Victoria mean?

For most people, the meaning of the name Victoria is inextricably linked with victory. However, with this name, as well as with its owner, not everything is so simple. And sometimes Vika has to go through a very difficult and long path to her victory.

Loud and strong, this name often makes Vika headstrong and uncontrollable from childhood. Therefore, parents dissatisfied with pranks can suppress her activity and strong will. And if they succeed, then the main character traits of the already adult Victoria will be indecision and lack of initiative.

This is what the name Victoria means, and therefore only a sensitive attitude, tender care, and sincere participation in all her affairs and interests will help the girl grow into a balanced, purposeful and self-confident person.

By the way, Victoria Andreevna or Alekseevna initially have better chances: their friendliness and sociability help them easily find a common language with others, win their favor and support.

Would you name your child this name?

Goddess of Victory

The origin of the name Victoria is connected with the word “victory”, which we borrowed from the Greek language, which in translation sounds like “victory” or “winner”. This was the name of the Roman goddess, who in ancient Greek mythology corresponded to the goddess Nike. Victoria was very revered: in addition to the temples built in her honor, her image was minted on coins.

Initially this name came to Europe. However, it is not Orthodox. Only Catholics and Protestants do not tie a name to the date of veneration of a particular saint, as in Orthodoxy; moreover, in the European tradition, they sometimes give several nicknames, one of which is church, and the other is not. That's why this name stuck.

True, the history of this name was initially associated only with the privileged environment of dukes, barons and kings.

And only in the post-revolutionary period did this Greek name appear in Russia, although then it could only be encountered occasionally. The form of the name, close to the original Russian nicknames, became the reason that over time, many parents began to gladly call their daughters this way. And now the name Vika is perceived as Russian.

A place under the sun

What does the name Victoria mean special to its owner? First of all, it carries a heavy burden of responsibility for the “victorious” interpretation and the “royal” history. And therefore, from childhood, Vika can be uptight, notorious and a modest quiet person. She likes to socialize and play with other children, but she will never be the leader, no matter what happens.

Vika can really achieve victory in any matter, you just need to overcome natural shyness, believe in yourself and your strengths, be patient and go towards your intended goal with the tenacity of a skating rink - this is the most important secret of the name Victoria.

One of Vika’s main character traits can be called practicality. She always knows what benefits can be derived from communicating with this or that person or from the current situation.

Despite the fact that Vika usually doesn’t have enough stars in the sky in her studies, she always manages to find a good place in life. Perhaps this is due to her “royal” origin or due to natural luck. And Victoria Evgenievna can, among other things, achieve high career heights thanks to her hard work.

Harnesses slowly, drives quickly

The characteristics of the name Victoria fit the following description - charming, a little slow, stubborn. He tries to choose his work so as not to depend on other people and to act independently. Sometimes such a character trait as isolation manifests itself in her. This happens if Vika does not find understanding with those around her, then she closes herself off and goes “into herself.”

Confident Victoria, with the support of her loved ones, can move mountains. And also to lead people or convince people of something - she intuitively finds the right arguments.

She is attentive to details and notices all the little things and nuances, thanks to her analytical mind. Although Victoria Dmitrievna may overdo it - she is too impulsive, straightforward and sometimes “puts pressure” on others in order to impose her ideas.

In general, one can call Victoria’s versatility another characteristic, but it is not immediately revealed. And often she needs time to show her inner reserves and show herself and others what she is capable of.

Meaning and origin of the name Victoria

The history of the origin of the name Victoria goes back to the Latin word “Victoria”, which means “victory”. In Russia, this name came into use during the era of Peter the Great.

Secrets of communicating with Victoria

Usually Vika is not particularly prone to romanticism and excessive poetry; rather, she is a purely down-to-earth person and will be able to understand you much better if you build your communication with her from precisely these positions. She is unlikely to be able to share and approve your ambitious plans if they are devoid of material reasons or if the latter is pushed into too distant a future.

Victoria is usually in good health, but it happens that she often comes up with problems for herself. It always seems to her that she is tired or sick, and this phenomenon needs to be combated through physical activity, frequent walks, dancing or sports.

Love and family relationships

Victoria, as a rule, has a biased attitude towards family relationships. She is afraid to have affairs, goes through men for a long time, doubts them, and creates unnecessary problems. You may not get married at all, but if you fall in love and still trust your loved one, you will thaw out and find great happiness in your personal life. In general, she is a good wife: she takes care of her husband and children, is a good housewife, loves cleanliness and comfort, and is faithful.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, it is difficult for Victoria to be a team player. Her inherent willfulness can make the owner of this name a good actress, fashion model, event organizer, cook, teacher (children, as a rule, love her very much), hairdresser, photographer, trade worker.

Victoria horoscope name

Victoria-Aries horoscope: exalted, active woman. Any events resonate in her soul, and she tries to take a direct part in everything. Victoria-Aries is not shy about expressing her opinion, and sometimes even imposing it. This woman is incredibly passionate, often changes partners, and every time it seems to her that she has fallen in love forever.

Victoria-Taurus horoscope: balanced, correct, diligent personality. It is difficult for her to adapt to changes in surroundings, to new circumstances and people. In life, Victoria-Taurus values ​​stability and strength; she is very attached to her family and strives to create her own. Coquetry is alien to this woman; she prefers open, trusting relationships. The deception of a loved one will plunge her into shock and may lead to depression.

Victoria-Gemini horoscope: an elegant, warm-hearted, playful person. She sincerely strives to help everyone, is condescending to the shortcomings of others, but does not notice her own. It is useless to make comments to Victoria-Gemini; she will simply ignore them. She likes all sorts of entertainment events, where she easily makes acquaintances. Victoria-Gemini men are attracted by the ease of communication, and she is pleased with courteous, active people.

Victoria-Cancer horoscope: romantic, charming, timid nature. She makes her way in life by touch; she lacks energy and self-confidence. Possessing enormous potential, Victoria-Cancer rarely realizes herself. But her family life, as a rule, develops very successfully. Victoria-Cancer unerringly chooses her partner, and the greatest happiness in her life is her children.

Victoria-Leo horoscope: an elegant, self-confident, practical woman. She values ​​herself highly, behaves with dignity, and Alya benefits from any situation. Victoria-Leo won't get in the way, but she clearly guesses the moment for action. She needs the attention of men, and the more fans she has, the more it flatters her pride. This woman is not so easy to win: she strives for a luxurious life, where her every whim will be unquestioningly fulfilled.

Victoria-Virgo horoscope: a reasonable, categorical woman. She believes only in what brings practical benefits. Dreams, in her opinion, should remain dreams, and there is no point in wasting time on them. She acts clearly and does not participate in any dubious enterprises. But when Victoria-Virgo begins to choose a partner, guided by reason, she gets into trouble. She is completely clueless in love affairs.

Victoria-Libra horoscope: tactful, funny, pleasant personality. She has her own life principles, she knows how to convince, justifying her point of view very logically. Victoria-Libra can turn any brewing quarrel into a joke. Men worship this charming woman. She is not against starting an easy romance, but dreams of true boundless love.

Victoria-Scorpio horoscope: an eccentric, impressionable, jealous person. Her whole life is a series of ups and downs, accompanied by stormy emotions. Like any woman, Victoria-Scorpio dreams of love and happiness, but one that burns from the inside. Even if these feelings do not exist, she will create them herself. Victoria-Scorpio's partner must fully match her in terms of temperament, otherwise she will simply drive the man crazy.

Victoria-Sagittarius horoscope: power-hungry, imposing personality. She has a wonderful sense of humor, which allows her to cope with everyday troubles. She likes to subjugate people and use their shortcomings to her advantage. Victoria-Sagittarius, as a rule, is liked by men at first sight. However, she is in no hurry to respond to feelings, but will check and test her chosen one.

Victoria-Capricorn horoscope: an unflappable woman with liberal views on life. It seems that nothing can confuse her, provoke her, or strike her imagination. In response to the antics of others, Victoria-Capricorn, at best, will shrug her shoulders. But close people know that she is a kind person and a reliable friend. It’s just that Victoria-Capricorn is afraid of disappointments, and that’s why she hides her thoughts.

Victoria-Aquarius horoscope: the name and the sign are perfect for each other. This is a lively, witty, efficient woman. Her friends and acquaintances are countless, but the inner world of Victoria-Aquarius is surrounded by a reliable wall, in which there is no door even for a loved one. Incredibly charming, she simply basks in male attention. Her novels follow one another. It is incredibly difficult to keep this woman: she slips away like the wind and often never gets married.

Victoria-Pisces horoscope: nature is gentle, sensitive. She knows how to approach any work creatively and bring something of her own, original. She is easily offended, however, Victoria-Pisces will try to hide her feelings and blame only herself for everything. It was created for a romantic man, because it corresponds to the image of a fairy-tale princess.

The meaning of the name Victoria

The name Victoria came into Russian from Greek mythology, when the goddess of victory was called Victoria. The Greek goddess was depicted on coins of that time as a winged woman holding a laurel wreath in her hands, which she placed on the head of the winner.

There is another version of the origin of this beautiful name. Vandals and pagans rampaged through ancient Carthage, subjecting Christians to persecution and torture. A woman named Victoria was captured by vandals and brutally tortured. Her husband begged her to renounce Christ and the Christian faith, but Victoria was adamant. The pagans abandoned her, thinking that the woman had died from torture, but Victoria survived, and all her wounds were miraculously quickly healed.

Victoria's name day

The name came to Russia relatively recently, during the reign of Peter I. Believing parents sometimes refuse to name their daughters this beautiful and sonorous name, since the saint named Victoria is not present in the calendar. Therefore, the priest will baptize the baby under the name Nick. Nika's name day is celebrated on April 29 and March 23, and Saint Nika will be considered her patroness.

However, in 2011 the situation changed, and everyone who was born after 2011 can celebrate their name day on November 30. The fact is that the Moscow Patriarchate has made changes to the official Orthodox calendar, and now the name of Saint Victoria of Corduba is present in the calendar. So now parents who want to give their daughter the name Victoria will not have any problems with baptism. All parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church have the opportunity to prayerfully honor this saint.

Characteristics of the name

Victoria's main character traits are firmness, mobility and the ability to achieve her goal. She is a rather doubtful person, and if she is not sure that she is right, she will not go ahead. But if this confidence is present, then nothing and no one can stop it. Vika has a strong will, but lacks determination, and she cannot always complete the work she has started.

Victoria's whole life is built on confrontation with the opposite sex. She tries to challenge men everywhere - at work, in her personal life, her father, brother, boss. In this bizarre way, Victoria is trying to assert herself and overcome her insecurities. Often, a sloppy appearance and some eccentric behavior are also a way to assert oneself.

By type of character, Victoria is phlegmatic, that is, moderately lazy and with a slow reaction. She never does anything hastily, never panics - she stands firmly on her feet and does not build castles in the air. It is not Victoria's rule to rely on inspiration or luck, so she always carefully plans her affairs.

Vicky has few friends, but she is devoted to all those she has, just as she is to her loved one. Secrecy is another character trait of Victoria; she does not let anyone into her thoughts. She is very observant, knows how to listen, hear and draw the right conclusions. Unmistakably guesses a person's attitude towards himself. He is distinguished by sensitivity, fairness and aversion to any show off. He does not forgive betrayal, as well as rudeness and excessive familiarity.

Victoria’s mood is also changeable, she is quick-tempered, but easy-going. Vika has a good memory, she is a cultured and well-read person with high morals. She never acts basely and unworthily; this is completely out of character for her.

Victoria has a masculine mentality, she knows how to collect scattered facts and see a clear picture in front of her, she patiently delves into all the details. Gets along well in any group, but prefers male company.

The origin of the name Victoria leaves no doubt that she is an extremely active person. Such famous people as American actress Victoria Beckham, Russian socialite Victoria Bonya, singer Victoria Makarskaya, actress Victoria Isakova, writer Victoria Tokareva, and Queen Victoria of England are direct proof of this.

Victoria in childhood and youth

Little Vika was the first to start games; she has more boys than girls as friends. But, despite her mobility and sociability, Vika can withdraw into herself, become silent and thoughtful, and for no apparent reason.

She will grow up to be a kind child with a deep inner world, but very insecure. Parents need to praise their daughter more often and pay attention to even the smallest merits and achievements. When raising a girl named Victoria, adults need to hide the “stick” away and leave only the “carrot”.

The girl will begin to read and write a little later than her peers, and at school she will also not shine with special knowledge. The grades will not be very good, not because she is lazy or unintelligent, but because she, as always, is not confident in herself. It may even happen that the girl becomes an outcast and is ridiculed by her peers.

As Victoria gets older, she will begin to change not only externally, but also internally - she will begin to take care of her appearance and become more confident. Throughout the rest of her life, the girl will make various attempts in order to increase her importance. Unfortunately, attempts to assert oneself will not always end in success.

Young Vika will be a maximalist and an adventurer by nature, who tries in every possible way to attract attention to herself - with bright makeup, extravagant clothes or non-standard behavior. She will be attracted like a magnet to all sorts of non-standard cultures and hobbies - gothic, punks and other informals. The girl will be interested in theater, cinema, and attending exhibitions and parties. Victoria will actively seek her place in the sun, and her hobbies and passions will change frequently.

The main hobby of adult Victoria is to indulge her whims. She loves a beautiful life, fashionable clothes, delicious food and a luxurious vacation, therefore, while she is not burdened with family and children, Vika will spend all her time and money on herself, her beloved.

As Victoria grows older, she will become calmer and lose the desire to stand out and attract attention. She, like a flower, does not open up immediately, but only over the years, gradually turning from a quiet, downtrodden girl into a passionate and businesslike person.

Victoria's sexuality

Victoria is an amorous person; without love and passions, life seems insipid and uninteresting to her. She likes love itself, the feeling of romance and surroundings - courtship, gifts, compliments. Sex will always be in second place for her, as a consequence of love.

She knows how to skillfully hide her stormy temperament and seem like a gentle creature in need of protection and patronage. It will seem to the man that he is the one and only, whom the woman has been waiting for all her life.

In fact, this is just a mask - Victoria is a completely independent and strong person. She does not need any protection, but simply skillfully manipulates the feelings of a man in love.

For Vika, sex is first and foremost a way to assert herself, and only then a way to gain pleasure. Quite often among the owners of this wonderful name there are women who are frigid or simply indifferent to sex, but they are excellent at portraying passion in such a way that a man will never guess that he is dealing with an experienced simulator.

Victoria does not accept rudeness and violence, but in bed she prefers to dominate - a woman expects admiration, compliments and submission from her partner. And she is also very jealous and never forgives betrayals.

Victoria married, compatibility

Victoria cannot get married for a long time, and the point is not that she has few fans, but the same indecision. And even when she makes her choice and gets married, she will be tormented by doubts about the correctness of her choice.

Her chosen one must be impeccable, because the slightest offense can lead to divorce - this is how the maximalism inherent in all Victorias is manifested. Attention, sensitivity, decency - these are the main traits of a man with whom Victoria can be happy. In return, he will receive the boundless love and devotion of a passionate and such a difficult woman.

Because of such high demands, finding a life partner for Victoria is problematic. In the family, she wants to lead and likes to command.

As soon as Vika feels comfort and security in family relationships, she will be able to shed the mask of a bitch and become soft and fluffy. Victoria feels great in her role as a wife and housewife. May sacrifice his career for the sake of quiet family happiness. Children are raised to respect their father, instilling in them from childhood that the father is the main one in the family.

Victoria's maximalism will manifest itself both in boundless love for her husband and children. With this approach, she risks seriously spoiling the children.

A successful marriage will be with a man named Vladimir, Mikhail, Lev, Semyon, Arkady, Valentin and Valery. You should avoid relationships with Victor, Vladislav, German, Yuri, Alexander and Grigory.

Victoria's health

As a child, Victoria's health was rather poor - she often caught colds and could suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and sore throat. After an illness, there is a risk of complications. Therefore, a girl needs to be hardened from early childhood, or even better, send the girl to a sports section.

Being a schoolgirl, Victoria needs to strictly adhere to her daily routine. She has difficulty waking up in the morning and can fall asleep during class at school, so she definitely needs long sleep.

Over the years, closer to old age, Victoria may develop polyarthritis, cholecystitis, rheumatism or diabetes.

Career and business

Victoria is not able to push with her elbows and walk over heads, so she is unlikely to make a good businessman. But she knows how to work well in a team, is endowed with a share of ambition and has a desire to be a leader. But, as always, self-doubt can prevent her from making a career.

Vika can change many professions in life until she finds one in which she feels comfortable and confident. Of all the professions, Vika will choose the one that does not require close communication with people, and where the final result will depend only on herself. Victoria is quite lucky in financial matters, and money loves her.

Victoria has a masculine mentality, so it is better for her to give preference to a non-creative profession. She can become a scientist, engineer, designer, or work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, among the owners of this victorious name there are many people with creative professions - hairdressers, fashion designers, actresses and writers. Vika can make an excellent teacher or educator - children love her very much, and she herself is infinitely kind to them.

Talismans for Victoria

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky color is purple.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli and amber. Lapis lazuli will bring Victoria success and luck in business, and will help get rid of the blues and depression. Amber symbolizes health, happiness, loyalty and love. It strengthens a love connection and makes its owner attractive to the opposite sex. In addition, the stone is considered a mascot for travelers, protecting against troubles on the road.
  • Totem animal - toad and bumblebee. The toad is a symbol of the origin of life, longevity, immortality and material well-being. The bumblebee represents hard work, health and good luck in business.
  • Totem plant - mimosa and cedar. Mimosa is a symbol of sensuality, shyness and timidity. Cedar is the personification of dignity and greatness, health and beauty.

Horoscope for Victoria

Aries- an active nature, always at the center of events. She knows everything about everyone, she has an answer to any question, which she never hesitates to express. She is in love, often changes partners, each time confident that the last one is forever.

Taurus- a well-mannered and balanced woman, accustomed to planning everything in her life. Any surprise or non-standard situation can unsettle her; she also finds it difficult to adapt to changes. Stability is the motto of her life. But she really lacks femininity and charm.

Twins- the young lady is responsive and sensitive, always ready to help. He treats the shortcomings of others condescendingly, and cannot tolerate criticism of himself. Victoria has a cheerful disposition and loves clubs and parties. She never lacks fans.

Cancer- charming and timid Victoria, who really lacks energy and self-confidence. Possessing great potential, she rarely manages to realize herself in life as a professional, but she becomes a wonderful wife and mother.

a lion- an intelligent and practical person who knows her worth. He knows how to take advantage of any situation, without going overboard or losing his dignity. She loves when she is beautifully looked after and demands that all her whims be fulfilled. She loves luxury and strives for a beautiful life.

Virgo- a realist and materialist, avoiding all dubious matters. He always looks for profit in everything. Calculation and pragmatism help her make a successful career, but greatly interfere with building her personal life. Men feel nothing in her except cold calculation.

Scales- a woman with a wonderful sense of humor, open and pleasant to talk to. Healthy indifference and natural optimism help her move through life easily, without leaving behind grievances and discontent. Men really like Victoria, she easily enters into new relationships, but deep down she dreams of one and only one.

Scorpion- a passionate, emotional and impressionable person who rushes from one extreme to another. Pride and pride do not allow her to ask and accept anyone's help, but sometimes she really needs this help. She can find her personal happiness only with an equally temperamental man, for whom love is inconceivable without a constant intensity of passions.

Sagittarius- a domineering and imposing nature who has very few friends. She likes to subjugate and use people, which is why she also has few fans. Her man must be very patient and calm, as Victoria will constantly test and provoke him.

Capricorn- a completely unperturbed woman, devoid of any temperament. He never bothers anyone with his advice, sincerely believing that every person is the architect of his own happiness. She is a very reliable and devoted friend, she knows how to inspire trust in people and justify it. She is afraid of men, so she gets married very late.

Aquarius- a witty and energetic young lady, the star of any company. But she carefully protects her inner world, because she does not know how to forgive betrayals and disappointments. It is difficult to bear grievances and often withdraws into himself. Her chosen one must be able to surprise, otherwise Victoria will quickly find a replacement for him. Despite the abundance of fans, he may never make his choice.

Fish- a very sensitive and gentle person who reacts very sharply to any injustice. She tends to blame herself for all troubles and is prone to depression and neuroses. She may be happy with a romantic man who will understand her subtle mental organization.

The origin of the name is related to the Orthodox, Catholic, faith and Greek culture. It means victory and is associated with the Roman goddess of victory, Victoria. Short forms of the name include: , Vika. An analogue of the Greek name is .

  • Patronizing planet - Uranus;
  • Tree that restores strength and energy - Cedar;
  • A flower that promotes health is mimosa;
  • Totem insect – bumblebee;
  • Stone-amulet – lapis lazuli;
  • The color that helps attract good luck and prosperity is purple.

The name Victoria is not included in the calendar of Orthodox holidays, therefore it does not have an angel day.

The main character traits and behavior of Victoria from childhood to adulthood

The girl Vikulya begins to show her strong, assertive character from an early age. She is stubborn and persistent in achieving her goals. She is ruled by a heightened sense of justice. This sometimes stops her from realizing her own desires if they contradict her principles.

Little Vika is still very indecisive, doubting her capabilities and talents. But when she gets older, she begins to show stubbornness and excessive independence, bordering on self-will. Possessed by an obsession, she can rush towards trouble, contrary to the advice and persuasion of loved ones. He never blames anyone for his mistakes and consciously takes the blame upon himself. This does not mean that he repents of anything.

In life, Victoria is an emancipated person who constantly defends women’s rights to the male part of the population. From a young age, this manifests itself in relationships with father, grandfather, and brother. She always strives to prove something to them and challenge them. In adult life, such behavior will be reflected in various areas: her professional activities and personal life.

She grows up in an atmosphere of confrontation with men, but, having reached puberty, she realizes that living in peace with the male half of humanity is not so bad.

During her school years, Vika shows herself to be a calm and balanced person. When communicating with peers, he does not strive to take a leading position or initiate any activities. Content with a passive role, Vika enjoys her laziness and regularity.

Does not show much interest in studying, does not like to read, or talk a lot. Sometimes she is prone to mood swings, which can be accompanied by withdrawal and apathy towards others. Her silence and pessimism can greatly alarm and worry loved ones. But this behavior will change with age.

During her student years, Victoria begins to change for the better. She develops an interest in fans, takes care of her appearance, dresses fashionably, and shows herself as a cheerful and sociable person.

In her attempts to assert herself, Vita sometimes looks very ridiculous and bizarre. This can be expressed in very bright, provocative makeup, a short skirt, and harsh statements. At the same time, her behavior may also correspond, she will become more courageous and daring. Such demonstrativeness, the desire to attract attention to oneself will manifest itself in the future.

Profession, love or family - what is most important?

Victoria is an outwardly bright and memorable girl; she can become a professional fashion model or presenter on central television. But often she chooses a profession that does not require frequent and direct communication with people. She enjoys doing scientific work, understands medicine, and can become an experienced teacher or educator.

Victoria, born in the spring-summer period, is a creative and emotional person. She often relies on inspiration and requires psychological relief. For people like her to feel fulfilled in their profession, they must become a musician, theater and film actor, writer or artist.

This also expresses her desire to independently achieve a specific result. Vita is not a process person; to be highly effective, she needs to clearly understand what she is doing and why it is needed.

The desire to know that a lot depends on her results in her work can show her the path to medicine, a design bureau, or a restaurant. Victoria has a wide choice of activities in which she will achieve success. Her hard work, ability to plan tasks and delegate responsibility contribute to her career as a leader. Vita does not strive to take a warm and comfortable place, performing equally labor-intensive work together with her subordinates.

She can safely take a leadership position also because she has the gift of persuasion, she knows how to set up a team and direct its energy in the right direction. She won't need too much effort for this.

But her straightforwardness, impulsiveness and tendency to dictate can sometimes complicate relationships with colleagues and superiors. The main thing is to feel this edge in time and take a step back.

Vita, born in autumn or winter, is distinguished by her composure, seriousness and practicality. She copes with a large volume of tasks and easily maintains a high pace of work, wanting to receive a decent fee. She can easily earn money for an apartment or a car and be a completely financially independent girl.

Vicky's personal life is always a mystery. She doesn't like it when relatives or friends intrude on this, trying to give wise advice. Although she sometimes needs this kind of consultation. Her connections are not always selective; she often falls in love with a man who is not worthy of her attention. Therefore, the marriage is not always happy for Vita.

Her external attractiveness and charm do not look harmonious with her internal insecurities. In love matters, she often becomes indecisive, and the choice remains with her partner.

If Victoria has a sensitive, caring and loving husband next to her, she will feel this confidence in marriage, fully opening up and showing her best character traits, becoming more affectionate, trusting and open.

This Victoria is ready to become a wonderful housewife and mother, forgetting about her previous dizzying career. She will be fascinated by household chores, cooking and raising her offspring. The main thing during this period is that she feels important; it is important for her that her loved ones appreciate what she does for them.

Victoria is a very temperamental and sexy woman, she knows how to present herself, her manners, timbre of voice and figure can drive more than one man crazy. But it is important for her to have feelings for her partner, so she is often guided only by the voice of her heart, and not her mind.

In her adult life, Vika has many friends, she is hospitable and friendly, loves to gather warm and sincere companies at home. But it will be difficult for those who find themselves among her opponents or enemies. She does not know how to forgive and behaves quite harshly in personal confrontations.

Favorable compatibility between Victoria and Albert and Arkady is possible. You should avoid serious relationships with Vladislav, Victor.

Victoria’s health should be taken more carefully. Since early childhood, the baby has had poor appetite and restless sleep. She has a weak immune system. As a teenager, Vika is susceptible to various colds and sore throats. Poor appetite may persist. Old age will remind you of itself with polyarthritis and arthrosis.

Talented people named Victoria

  • Queen Victoria, the royal person of Great Britain, has always been the embodiment of peace, justice and creativity. She respected the constitution of England and was a living symbol of statehood, influencing all spheres of life;
  • Victoria Tokareva is a contemporary writer, screenwriter and playwright;
  • Victoria Bonya – TV presenter;
  • Victoria Azarenka is a talented tennis player from Belarus.

The name Victoria gained popularity in the pre-revolutionary years, after which it became firmly rooted in the Russian name book.

The mystery of the name Victoria is closely connected with its origin; according to the legends of Ancient Rome, it was the name given to the goddess of victory. Therefore, the etymological translation of this name is winner. It comes from the male name Victor.

The secret of the name is this: Victoria’s talisman stone can be amber or lapis lazuli, and you need to wear jewelry with them as a talisman. Lapis lazuli will bring a girl good luck in all her endeavors and get rid of the blues and depression. Amber will protect a woman while traveling; it is a symbol of love, fidelity, and happiness.

The name corresponds to the zodiac signs Libra, Taurus and Virgo. It is under the protection of Uranus. The best time of year for Vikuli is winter, and all important decisions can be made on Saturday. White and purple colors suit her; favorable colors include yellow, brown, steel and blue.

Totem animals are the bumblebee and the toad. The bumblebee is associated with hard work and health, it brings good luck in business. The toad gives financial well-being; it is a symbol of the birth of a new life, long years and material well-being. The mimosa flower talisman means sensuality, modesty, even timidity, and the cedar tree gives the name dignity and grandeur.

Victoria celebrates her name day on October 24, September 12, March 12, November 17 and December 23. This girl's name is affectionate Vika, Vikulya, Vikusik, Vikusya, Vikochka, Vikusha, Vikonka, Viki, Vik, Vikulechka, Tori, Toria. The Orthodox form of the name is Victorina.

Meaning of the name

Each name carries a certain charge, which determines the appearance of certain character traits in a person. Victoria has her positive and negative characteristics. It also influences fate.


The characteristics of the name appear regardless of whether the girl is given her full name or an abbreviated one. As a child, Vika is always modest and shy; she is not confident in herself and is constantly embarrassed. Has the ability to create problems out of nowhere, and parents should be imbued with it, even if at first glance it seems to them that this is a trifle.

Vikula is characterized by neatness, cleanliness and commitment; peer recognition is of great importance. A little girl is easily hurt or offended. With age, Vika becomes bolder, strives to assert herself and gain firmness and self-confidence. Which means she tries to achieve her goal through desperate actions, sometimes she goes too far. For example, in his youth he may wear excessive makeup or dress provocatively.

She is non-conflict, tries to avoid scandals, does not participate in showdowns. Respectfully communicates with the spouse's relatives, attaches great importance to communication with parents and relatives. Despite his strength of character and ability to achieve his goals, he often doubts his decisions. If you are not sure that you are right, you may retreat. But if Victoria is firmly convinced that she needs something, she will achieve her goal.

A strong will is combined with little determination, so Vika often does not finish what she starts. He is phlegmatic by nature, which means some laziness and a slow reaction. Little emotional, rarely panics and does everything thoroughly. Everything is carefully planned; this woman does not rely on inspiration and luck.

Victoria has few friends, but they are loyal, just as she is always devoted to her friends. Many note her observation, ability to listen and hear, and draw the right conclusions. But she rarely shares her thoughts, which is explained by her secrecy. Feels the mood of others. Low actions, gossip, rudeness - this is not about Vikula.

Her mood is changeable, her memory is good, she has great patience. She reads a lot, her thinking is developed, Vika knows how to compare facts and delve into all the details. She can find like-minded people in any team; her colleagues love her. She has an active nature.

Victoria prefers a male environment; her life is clearly marked by constant confrontation with the opposite sex. Victoria constantly challenges men, at work and at home, in personal relationships. This allows her to assert herself, so she fights her insecurities. This is evidenced by a slightly sloppy appearance and noticeable eccentricity in behavior.


Since childhood, Victoria has gravitated toward male society, makes friends with boys, and plays boyish games. Active and sociable, she sometimes withdraws into herself, thinks and becomes silent. Parents need to praise this girl as much as possible, even for minor achievements, so that she gains self-confidence.

Older Vika will believe in herself. He will begin to monitor himself, wanting to attract attention. But often attempts at self-affirmation will not be crowned with success. Throughout her life, this woman will struggle with herself and look for her place in the sun.

Her hobbies include theater, art, and attending various parties and exhibitions. She is often thrown into extremes, and informal culture is just for her. Vikusha's preferences change constantly. But the main hobby of a mature girl is indulging her whims. She does not strive to get married, start a family, she simply spends all her money on entertainment, clothes, and adventures.

Growing up, Victoria will change, calmness and prudence will appear in her. She will lose the desire to stand out by any means. Like a flower, she will open up over time, becoming a passionate businesswoman. The fate of the owner of this name will not be simple, but this will not make her life any less interesting and eventful.


Victoria opens up in love, but her constraint, modesty and tendency to doubt prevent her from doing so early. She chooses her life partner very carefully; an easy, fleeting marriage is not for her. Despite such a serious approach to finding a candidate for her heart, even after marriage she may doubt her choice.

Women are attracted to strong and decisive men who are self-confident. They can give her attention and care, increasing her self-esteem. But the husband should always have the last word. Often dissatisfied with her husband, she openly and directly points out his shortcomings. But as soon as Vikulya realizes that next to her is the very person she can trust, with whom she will be completely safe and comfortable, the attitude will change and Vikulya will become white and fluffy.

This woman will respect and honor her husband; for her, family is, first of all, coziness and comfort. She feels quite naturally in the role of a housewife, and does her best to demonstrate her talents to friends and acquaintances. He loves children very much, while raising them, he tries to instill in them that the most important person in the family is the father.

She maintains good relations with her husband's relatives; her desire to gather with her relatives as often as possible plays an important role. There is a tendency to sacrifice career for the sake of family. As a wife, Victoria is simply an ideal man, despite the complexity of her character. She will always be faithful and devoted to him. This expresses her maximalist views.

Name compatibility will help Vikula with choosing a partner. The best husband for her could be Vladimir, Arkady, Valery, Valentin, Mikhail, Semyon, Lev, Sergey, Savely. In order not to be disappointed in family life, she should avoid relationships with Vladislav, Victor, Dmitry, Yuri, German, Grigory, Alexander.


Building a career for Victoria is somewhat different, since she is endowed with boundless hard work, and any leader will appreciate this potential. It is important to choose the right direction so that work is a joy. Vika gives her best, she easily copes with any assigned tasks, which allows her to become an excellent subordinate and an excellent responsible leader.

Thanks to her developed sense of beauty, Vikushu will be successful in fields such as design and modeling; she can try herself in the modeling business, entertainment, and management. As a rule, a woman with this name searches for herself for a long time, trying this or that activity until she finds a job in which she feels comfortable.

Victoria will make a good hairdresser, educator or teacher, she gets along easily with people, and is infinitely kind to children. This woman can also choose non-creative professions, thanks to the male mentality, she will like the work of a researcher, designer, engineer or service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Despite her ease of communication and ability to work in a team, Vika prefers work that does not require constant contact with others. It is important that the result of the work depends on it. Victoria's financial issues are always resolved well; she loves money.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Victoria, Quiz- victory, winner (Latin).
Victoria in Roman mythology is the goddess of victory, corresponding to the Greek Nike. She was depicted winged, sometimes on a chariot, with a laurel wreath in her hand, with which she crowned the winner. In Russia, the name appeared in the 18th century in connection with the victories of Peter I. The name is found infrequently, in cities more than in rural areas.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Auspicious plant: cedar, mimosa.
Patron name: bumblebee.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Vika, Viktusya, Vikusha, Veta, Vitulya, Vitusha, Vityanya, Vira, Vichka, Tora, Tosha, Tusya.
Main features: activity, stubbornness.


Doesn't appear in the calendar.


From childhood, traits such as self-will and stubbornness begin to appear in Vika’s character. If parents resort to harsh methods of education, Vika will have a heated protest already in her early youth. She will assert herself, satisfying her wounded pride: dressing extravagantly, painting her nails with bright varnish, impressing those around her with the strong smell of perfume, and acting defiantly at a party. This demonstrativeness and assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future.

Victoria is very beautiful, charming, and just begs to be on the cover of a magazine. But she herself thinks about it least of all. She is not without ambition, but loves when her abilities, intelligence and professionalism are noted. Victoria has a masculine analytical mind, which makes it possible to patiently delve into details. Her will is strong, but it is often not enough to achieve her goal.

Victoria is most attracted to scientific activities; she can become a scientist, engineer, or teacher. At work, she is efficient and active, Victoria is witty, sometimes even resorts to evil irony, and is not afraid to tell a colleague, even her boss. But everything is forgiven to Victoria, they love her, they know that by nature she is a kind, sympathetic person and will never act basely.

Victoria is hardworking, emotional, she cannot plan her affairs carefully, she relies on inspiration. Victoria has a creative side; she can be a writer, artist, musician, painter, or ballet soloist. She likes the profession, the final result of which depends on herself. Victoria's field of activity is wide - nurse, doctor, cook, hairdresser, designer. Victoria is unable to actively fight for a warm place in life; she is proud and treats people with respect.

Victoria is sexy, she has a stormy temperament, but this is a secret area of ​​​​her nature, and she does not like to be invaded. She is not always lucky in marriage. It seems to many that she has no problems in this matter; in fact, most often her chosen one turns out to be not the one she was expecting! But she fell in love, feels responsible for him, for the family, and it is difficult for her to part with him. She cries secretly, and proves to others that he is good. Victoria can sacrifice herself for the sake of her family and child. She loves children selflessly and often spoils them.

Victoria dresses tastefully, cooks well, and is very caring. With a sensitive, attentive husband, she can become a housewife, since her career is not very exciting for her, she just loves to do her job well and to be appreciated as she deserves.

Victoria is very sociable, she loves when guests come to her, and even with an unexpected intrusion she will always find something to treat her. However, it is better to avoid collisions with her; Victoria does not know how to forgive.

Victoria can create a reliable and cozy family home with Vladimir, Mikhail, Leo, Sergey, Semyon, Eduard.


Victoria (1819-1901) - Queen of Great Britain since 1837. She came to the throne imbued with deep respect for the English constitution, and throughout her reign she never made an attempt to violate it. She fulfilled her duty to be a living symbol of the state and people, and did not seek to put pressure on the activities of the ministry. However, she had such a strong influence on the internal politics of England, on all social strata, fashions, customs, that the entire century of her reign was subsequently called Victorian.

Queen Victoria was married to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and had nine children. Among them is Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, mother of Alice Victoria Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, the last Russian empress to convert to Orthodoxy and receive the name Alexandra Feodorovna.