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Irs 19 instructions for use in lactation. IRS19 - instructions for use. Dosage for prophylactic purposes


In diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, doctors prescribe nasal spray IRS 19 - instructions for use contain all the information for a patient of any age. The immunological preparation locally increases the amount of immunoglobulin, resists diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug is available in spray format, has a minimum of side effects.

The drug increases adaptive specific, innate nonspecific immunity. The spray is sprayed in the form of a fine suspension, which is evenly distributed over the nasal mucosa. This measure can significantly accelerate the formation of a local immune response. Spray IRS 19 has found wide application in the treatment of pathogenic infections of the respiratory system, prevention for adults and children.


The drug is a nasal spray, has the form of transparent, colorless liquid crystals with an unexpressed odor. The composition is represented by groups of beneficial microorganisms and excipients:

Volume, ml

Bacterial lysates

Haemophilus influenzae type B

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Staphylococcus aureus

bacteria Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

Moraxella catarrhalis

Neisseria subflava

Neisseria perflava

bacteria Enterococcus faecium

Enterococcus faecalis

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Spray IRS 19 has a stimulating effect on specific and nonspecific immunity. The first immune defense is due to locally produced antibodies belonging to the secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) class. They counteract fixation, an increase in the number of pathogens on the mucous membrane.

Aerosol IRS 19 acts in the region of the upper respiratory tract, evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. To date, there are no objective pharmaceutical studies on the absorption characteristics of liquid droplets. Due to the absence of recorded cases of severe complications, the drug is approved for sale without a clear description of the pharmacokinetics.

Indications for use

An immunostimulating drug is designed to inhibit infectious processes. The main spectrum is determined by the following pathological conditions indicated in the instructions for use of IRS 19:

  • bronchial treatment to prevent the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • therapy of acute, chronic forms of pathologies: laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • support and restoration of immunity weakened by influenza, other viral diseases;
  • in order to minimize the risks of infectious complications before and during surgery on the ENT organs, in the postoperative period.

Method of application and dosage

Age restrictions of the drug apply only to children under the age of 3 months. IRS 19 is prescribed for adults and children, using it intranasally according to the instructions: an aerosol spray gun is introduced into the affected nasopharyngeal cavity, the mucosa is irrigated by pressing the spray gun. The dosage of the injection of the drug is determined individually depending on the age of the patient and medical indications:

  1. For prophylactic purposes, children from three months old, adults are given one dose of the drug in each nostril twice a day. The duration of the liquid is two weeks. It is recommended to take a course of IRS -19 15-20 days before the onset of the morbidity season.
  2. For the treatment of chronic and acute pathologies, children from three months to three years of age are prescribed one dose in the nostril, twice a day. Children over three years of age and adults are shown to use one dose for each nostril two to five times a day. Before using IRS 19, it is necessary to first clean the nose from the mucous membrane of the separated substance. Therapy should be carried out until the symptoms of infection are eliminated.
  3. To support local immunity, weakened after influenza and other viral pathologies, children and adults are prescribed one dose of IRS 19 per nostril twice a day. The duration of the course of application is two weeks.
  4. To minimize the risks of infectious complications before and during surgery on the ENT organs, in the period after the operation, one dose of IRS 19 spraying into the nostril twice a day is prescribed. The duration of the course is two weeks.

special instructions

The first time after the start of IRS 19 therapy, sneezing attacks and an increase in nasal discharge may occur. In the vast majority of cases, this reaction passes quickly. If the reaction takes a pronounced form, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of treatment with the drug. In severe cases, cancel the use of the remedy. If during use the temperature rises to a value of 39 degrees and above, the reception must be canceled.

If an asthma attack develops after using a fine aerosol, the intake should be stopped, since it is highly likely that the attack was provoked by bacterial lysates (IRS basis 19). This specific reaction occurs in some asthmatics. In this case, you need to stop taking the drug, avoid funds of this category in the future. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy

To date, there is no information on the interaction of the components of the drug on the development of the fetus during pregnancy. The degree of toxic and teratogenic effects remains to be seen. The experimental way in the study of the effect of IRS 19 aerosol on pregnancy presents risks and is therefore unacceptable according to the instructions.

For children

Instructions for use IRS 19 prohibits the use of the drug by children under the age of 3 months. Older than this age, taking the drug is justified in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Before using the aerosol, you need to clean the baby's nose from the mucous discharge, use one dose in both nostrils twice a day in a course until the infection disappears completely. A repetition of the IRS 19 course is possible after consultation with a pediatrician.

drug interaction

IRS 19 for throat and nose is combined with almost all medicines. According to the instructions, no negative interaction of the drug with other medicines was registered. If a bacterial infection joins the disease, you can combine the medicine with the appointment of antibiotics. Systemic antibiotics speed up a person's recovery.

Side effects

IRS 19 - rare cases of side effects are described in the instructions for use. Popular reactions reported by patients include:

  • erythema, eczema, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • allergic reactions, rash, urticaria, angioedema;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma, cough, sinusitis, bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • stomach ache;
  • an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees and above for no particular reason.


Instruction IRS 19 highlights very few contraindications in which the use of the drug is not recommended by doctors. Such prohibitions include hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug and autoimmune diseases of the patient (oncology, lupus erythematosus). Caution is required to use the drug for allergic reactions.

Terms of sale and storage

IRS 19 can be bought without a prescription from a doctor. The drug is stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees for three years. Do not freeze the bottle, store in a horizontal position. Do not expose the aerosol can to temperatures exceeding 50 degrees, do not expose it to direct sunlight, do not puncture or burn the packaging even after full use.

Analog IRS 19

The unique drug IRS 19 has no analogues in such an effective composition, but you can find approximate substitutes that have the same therapeutic effect. The analogues of the drug include the following drugs:

  • Broncho-Vaxom;
  • Broncho-Munal;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Glancet Advance;
  • Montelevo;
  • Ecomed;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Insuman.


To save money when buying IRS 19, familiarization with price monitoring will help. The cost depends on the mark-up and costs of the pharmacy. The manufacturer of the nasal spray is one - Abbott, Germany. The following are prices for a 20 ml can in Moscow and St. Petersburg (online options and pharmacy outlets were taken into account).

Nasal spray, Solvay Pharmaceuticals

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instructions for use

Release form and composition

Nasal spray 100 ml active substances: bacterial lysates 43.27 ml composition of bacterial lysates: Streptococcus pneumoniae type I, II, III, V, VIII, XII 1.11 ml each Staphylococcus aureus ss aureus 9.99 ml Neisseria subflava 2.22 ml Neisseria perflava 2.22 ml Klebsiella pneumoniae ss pneumoniae 6.66 ml Moraxella catarrhalis 2.22 ml Haemophilus influenzae type B 3.33 ml Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 3.33 ml Enterococcus faecium 0.83 ml Enterococcus faecalis 0.83 ml Streptococcus pyogenes group A 1.66 ml Streptococcus dysgalactiae group C 1.66 ml Streptococcus group G 1.66 ml excipients: glycine - 4.25 g; sodium merthiolate - no more than 1.2 mg; flavoring based on Nerol (linalol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, limonene, geranyl acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, phenylethyl alcohol) - 12.5 mg; purified water - up to 100 ml

in vials of 20 ml (60 doses); in a box 1 bottle.


Complex preparation of bacterial lysates.

Active substance

Mixture bacterial lysates (Streptococcus pneumoniae, type I + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type II + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type III + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type V + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type VIII + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type XII + Haemophilus

Description of the dosage form

Transparent, colorless, sometimes with a yellowish tint, liquid with a slight odor of Nerol-based flavoring.


IRS® 19 increases specific and non-specific immunity. When spraying IRS® 19, a fine aerosol is formed that covers the nasal mucosa, which leads to the rapid development of a local immune response. Specific protection is due to locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection is manifested in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages and an increase in the content of lysozyme.


prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi;

treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi (rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), etc.;

restoration of local immunity after influenza and other viral infections;

preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and in the postoperative period.


hypersensitivity to the drug or its components in history;

autoimmune diseases.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Side effects

While taking IRS® 19, the following side effects may occur, both related and not related to the action of the drug.

Skin reactions: in rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, angioedema) and skin erythema-like and eczema-like reactions are possible.

From the ENT and respiratory organs: rarely - asthma attacks and cough.

In rare cases, at the beginning of treatment, there may be an increase in body temperature (≥39 ° C) for no apparent reason, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.

Isolated cases of thrombocytopenic purpura and erythema nodosum have been described.


Cases of negative interaction with other drugs are unknown. If clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection appear, antibiotics may be prescribed against the background of continued use of IRS® 19.


Cases of overdose are unknown.

Precautionary measures

The use of IRS 19® does not affect the psychomotor functions associated with driving a car or operating machines and mechanisms.

special instructions

When prescribing drugs based on bacterial lysates for the purpose of immunostimulation to patients with bronchial asthma, asthma attacks may occur. In this case, it is recommended to stop treatment and not take drugs of this class in the future.

Precautions for use

Spray bottle:

Keep away from heat above 50 °C and from direct sunlight;

Do not pierce the vial;

Do not burn the vial, even if it is empty.

The autumn-winter period is accompanied by a high level of infectious diseases. The drug Irs 19 has a direct indication in the instructions for use to use it as an immunostimulating agent.

local immunity of the upper respiratory tract, the drug plays the role of a preventive measure, contributes to a faster cure for acute respiratory viral infections, prevents the development of severe bacterial complications and reduces the duration of the disease.

Irs 19 is available as a spray for intranasal use. It is a substance consisting of components of bacteria that can cause a response of the body's immune system.

A lyophilized lysate is a mixture that includes fragments of a destroyed bacterial cell (parts of the cell wall and intracellular components, proteins and amino acids). The bacterial components contained in the lysates are no longer toxic, therefore they cannot have a negative effect on the body and cause disease.

But, having antigenic activity, these substances act as an immunomodulatory agent, and are also able to exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

In the medicine Irs 19, it is the lysate that is the active ingredient and consists of fragments of 18 species of bacteria - the most common pathogens of respiratory tract infections.

The full composition of the drug is as follows:

  • Lysates of bacteria of the following types - pneumococcus types I, II, III, V, VIII, XII, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter, Moraxella catarilis, Neisseria sub- and perflava, pyogenic (pyogenic) group A streptococcus, streptococcus dysgalactice group C, enterococcus, group G streptococcus.
  • The amino acid glycine.
  • Sodium merthiolate (preservative).
  • Nerol-based flavoring, including linalol and other alcohols, limonene and geranyl acetate.
  • Water.

Visually, the drug looks like a colorless liquid (sometimes with a slight yellow tint), has a mild specific aroma. The average price per pack of a 20 ml can is 500 rubles.

Pharmacological properties

Irs 19 instructions for use describes how a drug with the following properties:

  • Antiviral and antibacterial effect.
  • Activation of B-lymphocytes and macrophages.
  • Increased production of lysozyme.
  • Stimulation of interferon production.
  • Allows you to achieve recovery 2 times faster.

At its core, Irs 19 is a kind of vaccine strain that prepares the human body for a meeting with a pathogen. When spraying the bacterial lysate, an aerosol with fine particles is formed. They settle on the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, pharynx and cover it, stimulating the local response of the immune system.

This is achieved by inducing lymphocytes and macrophages, activating their vital activity, as well as enhancing the synthesis of protective mucin with a high content of the antibacterial enzyme lysozyme.

Activated B-lymphocytes, responsible for a specific immune response, begin to intensively produce class A antibodies. These are immunoglobulins responsible for protecting the mucous membranes of the body.

They are synthesized in response to the influence of an infectious antigen and have a maximum activity within 6-7 days. These antibodies prevent bacteria from attaching to the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract mucosa. This closes the further path of penetration of the infection, prevents its reproduction.

Mechanism of action of IRS-19

Macrophages and lysozyme are responsible for nonspecific immunity. The former under the action of the drug increase their phagocytic activity. Their ability to capture and destroy pathogenic microorganisms increases dramatically.

Lysozyme, the concentration of which becomes several times higher, is also able to destroy the bacterial cell wall. This is the enzyme N-acetylmuramidase, capable of causing lysis of a bacterial cell by breaking glycosidic bonds in its membrane. In addition, lysozyme increases the activity of antibodies and the compliment system.

Indications and contraindications

Irs 19 (instruction for use is contained in each package of the drug) is prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

  • As one of the stages of preventive measures to prevent the next exacerbation of the chronic pathology of the upper respiratory system (from the nasopharynx to the bronchial tree).
  • As a means of non-specific treatment of acute infections and chronic respiratory diseases (inflammation of the nasal mucosa in the form of rhinitis, sinuses, larynx, trachea, pharynx, tonsils, bronchi).
  • To restore the immune resistance (that is, immunological resistance) of the body to viral and bacterial loads during the recovery period after past respiratory infections (influenza, parainfluenza, rhino-, adeno- and enetoroviruses, respiratory syncytial virus)
  • As a preventive measure before planned surgical interventions occurring on the organs of the respiratory system, as well as in the postoperative period.

Conditions when the use of the drug is absolutely contraindicated or it is necessary to consider its use with caution are:

When Irs 19 is used as part of the complex therapy of viral diseases, the risk of bacterial flora, aggravation of the course of the disease and the development of complications is reduced.

Already within 1 hour after a single injection of the drug, mechanisms are launched that activate the immune system. In this regard, this medicinal substance can be considered as a means of emergency prevention of infectious diseases in the midst of an epidemic, as well as a means of rapid response when the initial symptoms of the disease appear.

Side effects

Irs 19 (instruction for use contains comprehensive data on side effects) can cause negative effects such as:

  • rare allergic reactions of the skin in the form of urticaria (blisters), angioedema (local swelling of mucous membranes, skin, subcutaneous fat), redness of the skin, eczema-like manifestations;
  • on the part of the organs of the respiratory system, there are rarely attacks of bronchial asthma, episodes of coughing;
  • in some people, on the first day after the use of the drug, the temperature may rise to febrile values ​​\u200b\u200b(up to 39 ° C) - in this case, the intake must be stopped (in this case, it is worth clearly separating the fever caused by the infection from the adverse reaction to the drug, therefore, in case of hyperthermia, consultation with a specialist is required);
  • from the digestive system rarely nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain syndrome;
  • possible development of bacterial rhinopharyngitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis) and larynx;
  • described single cases of thrombocytopenic purpura and erythema nodosum.

With the manifestation of the above reactions and complaints, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor.


During the period when this drug was on the pharmacological market, not a single case of overdose was recorded.

But do not neglect the instructions for use because of this and strictly observe the recommended dosages.

Instructions for use

Irs 19 instructions for use recommend spraying after thorough preparation of the nasal cavity by washing and cleaning it from excess mucus (you can use pharmacy products with sea water).

The effectiveness of the therapy depends largely on the correct use of the drug. Next, the drug is administered intranasally, that is, the spray is directly injected into the nasal cavity. 1 dose is equal to a single press on the spray gun.

This drug is used in the following volumes:

  • As a preventive measure after contact with a sick person and during the peak of the incidence of acute respiratory infections, Irs 19 is prescribed to adults and children from the age of three months, 1 injection into each nasal passage twice a day for 14 days. It is recommended to start preventive measures 2-3 weeks before the expected period of increased incidence.
  • As a complex treatment of acute infectious diseases and chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, children over 3 years old and adults are recommended 1 dose of the drug 2-5 times a day until the signs of the disease disappear.
  • In order to rehabilitate the immune system after suffering the flu and other acute respiratory viral infections, the spray is prescribed for 2 weeks, 1 spray 2 times a day.
  • In the pre- and postoperative period, a week before invasive medical manipulations and within a week after them, the agent is prescribed 1 dose in each nasal cavity twice a day.

At the beginning of treatment, sneezing and rhinorrhea (discharge from the nose) may occur. These events are of short duration. If they last a long time, and the patient's condition worsens, the frequency of administration of the drug should be reduced or it should be completely canceled.

Before use, it is necessary to correctly adjust the spray can:

  1. Put a spray nozzle on the bottle.
  2. Gently, without the use of force, press on it, releasing the drug. After that, the device is ready for use.
  3. Holding the balloon in a strictly vertical position and without tilting your head back, place the tip of the nozzle in the nasal passage.
  4. Release 1 dose of the drug with gentle pressure.

It is important not to tilt your head while spraying, as this can cause the propellant (gas-forming substance) to leak out, and the can will become unusable. Also, do not remove the nozzle from the device if it is used regularly.

When the drug is left for a long time without use, it is possible to block the outlet of the nozzle with drops of evaporated liquid. This happens especially often if the unwashed nozzle is removed from the aerosol and placed in the same box with it with the spout down.

To uncork, it is necessary to press several times on the nozzle put on the bottle in order to break through the resulting cork under the action of pressure. If there is no effect, you should place it for a few minutes in a container of warm water.

Irs 19 best of all shows its effectiveness in the combined treatment of infectious diseases. So, it can be used against the background of influenza vaccination during epidemics.

special instructions

With extreme caution, the medicinal spray should be prescribed to people with bronchial asthma, since an asthmatic attack may develop. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the drug and in the future to avoid drugs with bacterial lysates in the treatment.

The aerosol does not affect the central nervous system, therefore, it does not affect the ability to drive and psychomotor functions.

Also, this tool should be used with caution in people in whose family there have been cases of autoimmune diseases. These include systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and some others.

Being an immunostimulating substance, this medicine can activate the processes of autoimmune aggression. That is why Irs 19 is contraindicated for people with actual autoimmune pathology.


Irs 19 can be used in children from 3 months. For preventive purposes, the dosage and timing of the introduction of the spray are the same for adults. In the treatment of the disease in children under 3 years of age, the drug is prescribed no more than 2 doses per day (single administration 2 times a day).

During pregnancy and lactation

Teratogenic and toxic effects on the fetus in utero with the use of this drug have not been studied. In this regard, Irs 19 is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

In old age

Dosages and frequency of administration of Irs 19 for the elderly do not differ from those in adults.

For impaired renal function

Instructions for use of the medicinal product informs that there are no data on negative reactions when using Irs 19 in persons with impaired renal function.

drug interaction

There are no documented cases of negative drug interactions. Spray can be prescribed in combination therapy of infectious diseases in combination with antipyretic, vasoconstrictive drugs. It is also possible to prescribe antibiotics in parallel, in case of attachment of the bacterial flora.

Terms and conditions of storage

The spray bottle must be stored at a temperature of 2 ° C to 8 ° C, avoiding freezing of the substance. Avoid direct sunlight on the container with the product, heating it above 50 ° C. The bottle must not be pierced and burned, even if there is no longer a medicine. The drug must be protected from children.

The drug is stored for 3 years. It is released in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Analogues of the drug Irs 19

IRS 19 analogues include immunomodulating agents, the composition of which may differ significantly.

Name of the drug Composition and method of application
ImmunalThe active substance of this drug is the juice of Echinacea purpurea. In addition to it, the composition includes ethanol and sorbitol. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for oral administration in a 50 ml dark glass bottle with a pipette, as well as in tablets. Children from one year to 6 years old are prescribed 1 ml of solution 3 times a day or 1 crushed tablet dissolved in a small amount of water. For older children up to 12 years old, the dose is increased to 1.5 ml and 2 tablets per day. For adults and adolescents, the use of 2.5 ml of a solution or 3-4 tablets per day is acceptable.
Broncho-munalThe drug is in capsules. Contains lysates of Haemophilus influenzae B, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pyogenic and viridescent streptococcus. Among the additional components are mannitol, starch, gelatin, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, indigotine. Approved for use by persons over 12 years of age. For the treatment and prevention of the development of infectious pathologies, the drug is taken orally in the morning, 1 capsule half an hour before a meal. The duration of one course is 10 days. The break between them should be 20 days. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If the capsule is difficult to swallow, it should be opened to release the contents. The resulting powder is dissolved in a small volume of liquid (juice, tea or milk) for further consumption.
LizobaktTablets consisting of 2 active ingredients - lysozyme and pyridoxine (a form of vitamin B6). Also in the composition as additional elements are lactose monohydrate, gum, magnesium salt, saccharin (sodium salt), vanillin. Children from 3 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet three times a day. Adults and children of senior school age (from 12 years old) are recommended to take 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of admission is 8 days. The tablet should be dissolved in the mouth without chewing. In this case, the melted tablet must be kept in the oral cavity as long as possible until completely dissolved.
Ismigen (ismigen)Instructions for use of this agent describe it, like Irs 19, as a bacterial lysate. The drug is available in sublingual (sublingual) tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg of 13 lyophilized bacterial lysates - Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic and viridescent streptococcus, several types of pneumococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria catarrhalis. In addition, additional components are included in the composition. Among them are cellulose, the amino acid glycine, calcium salts, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium salts, ammonium salts, and mint flavor. The tablet is taken on an empty stomach sublingually (it should be kept in the sublingual region until completely dissolved, without chewing or dissolving). In infectious diseases, this medicine is prescribed 1 tablet per day for a ten-day course until the symptoms disappear. With frequently recurrent infections, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases, the duration of administration is 10 days with repeated prophylactic courses (3 cycles of 10 days with breaks between them in twenty days. Prevention is carried out no more than 2 times a year.

Despite the fact that many of the above products are freely available in pharmacies, a specialist consultation is necessary before purchasing each. You should also carefully read the instructions for use before using Irs 19 and other treatments.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about the drug IRS-19

Instructions for using IRS 19 for children:

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug IRS 19. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of IRS 19 in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. IRS 19 analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment and prevention of sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

IRS 19- immunostimulating drug based on bacterial lysates. IRS 19 increases specific and non-specific immunity.

When spraying IRS 19, a fine aerosol is formed that covers the nasal mucosa, which leads to the rapid development of a local immune response. Specific protection is due to locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection is manifested in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme.


Lysates of bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, Klebsiella and others) + excipients.


The drug mainly acts in the upper respiratory tract; currently there are no data on the systemic absorption of the drug.


Adults and children over 3 months old:

  • prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi;
  • treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and others;
  • restoration of local immunity after the flu or other viral infections;
  • preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and the postoperative period.

Release form

Spray nasal.

Instructions for use and method of use

The drug is used intranasally (in the nose) by aerosol administration of 1 dose (1 dose = 1 short press of the spray gun).

For the purpose of prevention, adults and children from 3 months of age are administered 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times a day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start a course of treatment 2-3 weeks before the expected rise in incidence).

For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, children aged 3 months to 3 years are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times a day after preliminary release from the mucous discharge until the symptoms of infection disappear; children over 3 years of age and adults - 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 to 5 times a day until the symptoms of infection disappear.

To restore local immunity after influenza and other respiratory viral infections, children and adults are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

In preparation for a planned surgical intervention and in the postoperative period, adults and children are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times a day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 1 week before the planned surgical intervention).

Rules for the use of the drug

For the correct functioning of the aerosol can, put the nozzle on the can, center it and gently, without force, press it. After that, the device is ready for use.

When injecting the drug, the vial should be in a strictly vertical position, the patient should not tilt his head back.

If you tilt the balloon during injection, the propellant will flow out in a few seconds and the device will become unusable.

With regular use of the drug, it is not recommended to remove the nozzle from the vial.

If the drug is left for a long time without use, a drop of liquid may evaporate and the resulting crystals will clog the outlet of the nozzle. This happens most often when the nozzle is removed and placed in the packaging with the top end down next to the cylinder, without first rinsing and drying it. If the nozzle is clogged, several clicks should be made in a row so that the liquid can pass under the action of excess pressure; if there is no effect, lower the nozzle for several minutes in warm water.

Side effect

  • erythema-like and eczema-like reactions;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • asthma attacks and cough;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • an increase in body temperature (> 39 ° C) for no apparent reason.


  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is insufficient data on the potential for teratogenic or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, the use of the drug IRS 19 during pregnancy is not recommended.

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, reactions such as sneezing and increased nasal discharge may occur. As a rule, they are of short duration. If these reactions take a severe course, the frequency of administration of the drug should be reduced or it should be canceled.

At the beginning of treatment, in rare cases, an increase in body temperature ≥ 39 ° C is possible. In this case, the drug should be discontinued. However, this condition should be distinguished from an increase in body temperature, accompanied by malaise, which may be associated with the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In case of clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection, the advisability of prescribing systemic antibiotics should be considered.

When prescribing IRS to 19 patients with bronchial asthma, an increase in attacks is possible. In this case, it is recommended to stop treatment and not take drugs of this class in the future.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

IRS 19 does not affect the psychomotor functions associated with driving vehicles or operating machines and mechanisms.

drug interaction

The drug interaction of the drug IRS 19 is unknown.

It is possible to prescribe antibiotics against the background of the continued use of IRS 19.

Analogues of the drug IRS 19

The drug IRS 19 has no structural analogues for the active substance. The drug is unique in the composition of its constituent components.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

IRS 19 increases specific and non-specific immunity.

When spraying IRS 19, a fine aerosol is formed that covers the nasal mucosa, which leads to the rapid development of a local immune response. Specific protection is due to locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection is manifested in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme.


  • prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi;
  • treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.;
  • restoration of local immunity after the flu or other viral infections;
  • preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and the postoperative period.

Dosage and administration

The drug can be prescribed to adults and children from 3 months of age.

The drug is used intranasally by aerosol administration (1 dose = 1 short press of the spray gun).

For the purpose of prevention, adults and children from 3 months of age are administered 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 2-3 weeks before the expected rise in incidence).

For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, children aged 3 months to 3 years are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day after preliminary release from the mucous discharge until the symptoms of infection disappear; children over 3 years of age and adults - 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 to 5 times / day until the symptoms of infection disappear.

To restore local immunity after influenza and other respiratory viral infections, children and adults are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks.

In preparation for a planned surgical intervention and in the postoperative period, adults and children are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 1 week before the planned surgical intervention).


  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • There is insufficient data on the potential for teratogenic or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, the use of the drug IRS 19 during pregnancy is not recommended.

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, reactions such as sneezing and increased nasal discharge may occur. As a rule, they are of short duration. If these reactions take a severe course, the frequency of administration of the drug should be reduced or it should be canceled.

At the beginning of treatment, in rare cases, an increase in body temperature ≥ 39 ° C is possible. In this case, the drug should be discontinued. However, this condition should be distinguished from an increase in body temperature, accompanied by malaise, which may be associated with the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In the event of the appearance of clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics against the background of the continued use of IRS 19.

When prescribing IRS to 19 patients with bronchial asthma, an increase in attacks is possible. In this case, it is recommended to stop treatment and not take drugs of this class in the future.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

IRS 19 does not affect the psychomotor functions associated with driving vehicles or operating machines and mechanisms.

Rules for the use of the drug

For the correct functioning of the aerosol can, put the nozzle on the can, center it and gently, without force, press it. After that, the device is ready for use.

When injecting the drug, the aerosol package should be in a strictly vertical position, the patient should not tilt his head back.

If you tilt the balloon during injection, the propellant will flow out in a few seconds and the device will become unusable.

With regular use of the drug, it is not recommended to remove the nozzle from the vial.

If the drug is left for a long time without use, a drop of liquid may evaporate and the resulting crystals will clog the outlet of the nozzle. This happens most often when the nozzle is removed and placed in the packaging with the top end down next to the cylinder, without first rinsing and drying it. If the nozzle is clogged, several clicks should be made in a row so that the liquid can pass under the action of excess pressure; if there is no effect, lower the nozzle for several minutes in warm water.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a strictly vertical position (after opening) at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C; do not freeze. The bottle should be protected from heating above 50°C and from direct sunlight; do not pierce the cylinder, do not burn it, even if it is empty.