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How to wear a trench neck collar. How to choose and wear an orthopedic trench collar correctly. Advantages of the bandage and indications

Most middle-aged people have certain signs of osteochondrosis, for the purpose of treatment and prevention of which a special bandage or collar is used for the neck. A Shants collar is prescribed for people of different ages to fix the spine in the cervical region.

Why do you need a Shants collar?

Osteochondrosis is the cause of many diseases and pathologies in the body. Compression of blood vessels and nerve endings can lead to irreversible consequences, to eliminate which a corrective type of treatment is prescribed using an orthopedic collar.

Its main function is to reduce the load on areas of the cervical spine and improve blood circulation in painful areas. By applying such a splint, the natural musculoskeletal system of the neck is temporarily replaced, which leads to a limitation of its inclined amplitude. The use of this clamp is necessary when:

  • migraines and headaches that occur due to impaired blood supply;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • torticollis;
  • injuries of varying severity;
  • displacement of vertebral discs;
  • curvature of the spinal column.

The Shants collar splint for adults is also used for prevention purposes. It is especially useful for people who sit for a long time. However, wearing a bandage should be moderate, since constantly keeping the neck in a relaxed state can lead to muscle tissue atrophy.

Video “How to properly wear a Shants collar?”

Demonstrative video that shows in detail how to properly put a bandage on your neck.

Types and features of collars

There are several types of orthopedic collars. The main factor that differentiates them is the materials used to make the bandage.

1. Inflatable

It is a device that, through an inflatable mechanism, takes the form of a bandage. When lowered, such a collar is fixed on the neck, after which air is pumped until it is completely filled. The density and force of inflation must be calculated individually. This bandage allows you to increase blood flow to the spinal cord and brain, stretch the cervical column of the spine and develop muscles.

2. Soft

The Shants soft splint for the neck is prescribed for children and infants diagnosed with torticollis, as well as for the prevention of osteochondrosis in adults.

For its manufacture, medical foam rubber or any other elastic porous material is used, which provides convenience and comfort to the patient. It is a flexible strip with an anatomical notch and Velcro fasteners.

With such a bandage, it is quite difficult for a person to tilt his head, as a result of which the spine is in a relaxed and elongated state. When used correctly, weakened spinal discs gradually become stronger, reducing the risk of osteochondrosis.

3. Semi-rigid

Most often, these types of collars are prescribed for pathologies of the cervical vertebra in adults and neck injuries in children. In its design, it is not much different from a soft bandage. Its only difference is the more rigid materials, since dense fabric and metal inserts are used for production, which act as structural elements. When such a collar is prescribed, the mobility of the head and neck is severely limited. Despite the discomfort caused, the vertebrae are well stretched and the manifestation of osteochondrosis is reduced.

4. Hard

These types of splints are used for serious injuries, fractures and pathologies of the cervical spine. Thanks to the rigidity of the bandage, the spine is firmly fixed in a clearly established position. Such a collar should be worn every day for quite a long time. Metal elements and durable types of plastic are used for production. With the right treatment, even the most severe pathologies can be eliminated without surgical intervention.

How to choose a Shants collar?

When talking about which Shants collar is best to choose, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s condition, the symptoms of his disease, age and individual characteristics of the body. The choice of a bandage should be approached with full responsibility, since your health depends on it. After all, an incorrectly selected device will not only not get rid of the current problem, but may even worsen the situation.

Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is best to contact an orthopedist who will help you make the right choice. Thanks to his recommendations, you can more accurately select the type of retainer and its size. If it is not possible to use the help of a specialist, then the choice of collar size is made taking into account the following parameters:

  1. Bandage heights. To calculate it, you should take a measurement from the angle of the lower jaw to the collarbone. In this case, the head must be positioned straight, so that the eyes and ear openings are located at the same horizontal level.
  2. Bandage lengths. It is necessary to measure the diameter of the neck at the base. The resulting value will correspond to its length. It is important that these indicators practically do not differ from each other, otherwise this may cause harm later.

When choosing a collar in a store, you should remember that sizes from different manufacturers may vary slightly.

Therefore, before purchasing, you should try it on to make sure it fits in size. You can be sure that your choice is correct if:

  • there is a feeling of limited neck tilt and movement;
  • An index finger can fit between the bandage and the neck;
  • the height of the collar fully corresponds to the length of the neck, the head should not be tilted forward or backward, it should have an even horizontal position;
  • there is no pain, skin chafing or discomfort, it should be comfortable to swallow and move the lower jaw.

How to wear it correctly?

The specifics of wearing a Shants collar should be clarified with the attending physician who prescribed it. Depending on the patient’s condition and the type of collar, there are differences in the time and length of stay in it. In some cases, it is recommended to wear a bandage only after massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, while in others it is recommended almost constantly, until the situation improves. The main thing is that there is no compression of soft tissues and constriction of breathing.

How long can you wear it?

On average, to prevent osteochondrosis and treat mild forms of this disease, wearing a splint is allowed no more than 4 hours a day. You should not overuse it, so as not to weaken the natural muscle corset and spine. The treatment course lasts approximately a month. If you feel unwell from wearing a bandage, you should consult a doctor to find out the real reasons for this side effect. After which the doctor will decide on the need for further therapy.

Is it possible for an adult to sleep in a Shants collar?

For most symptomatic indications, doctors recommend removing the retainer at night. At this time, there is no need to support the neck, because it is already in a relaxed state. However, in case of certain diseases, injuries or in the postoperative period, if the neck must be completely immobilized, it is not recommended to remove the collar, even during sleep. All these points also need to be individually agreed upon with your doctor. But for preventive purposes, sleeping in it is strictly not recommended.


There are a number of pathologies for which the use of the Shants collar is contraindicated. This primarily applies to patients who experience instability of the cervical spine, for example, after fractures. This is due to the fact that such fixation is quite weak, so there is a possibility of displacement of the spinal disc with subsequent pinching of the spinal cord. It is impossible to replace rigid splints with such bandages, which provide completely motionless fixation, without the appointment of specialists.

In addition, people with dermatological problems and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases (dermatitis, in the form of miliaria) are also not recommended to use a bandage, as this will lead to an even greater aggravation of the disease.

While wearing it, there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the materials of the product. If this happens, then you need to stop using it at least for a while. Therefore, when choosing a bandage, pay attention to the material, it should be natural.

Product price

You can purchase orthopedic braces in specialized stores or pharmacies. In such a situation, it is better to refrain from purchasing online, since there is a high probability of making a mistake with the size of the product. The cost depends on the model, manufacturer and size of the collar itself. Its average price ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. More expensive bandages are branded products and are of better quality compared to their cheap counterparts.

Among people over the age of 45, a disease such as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is very common. Unfortunately, in recent years, younger people have also begun to experience this disease. Wearing a Shants collar (or head holder) is one of the effective means in the fight against pathology.

Tire collar Shants– an orthopedic remedy for cervical osteochondrosis.

Why might children and adults need such a corset? How to wear a collar correctly? Below you can find the answers.

Indications for use

Many people are interested in whether the use of the Shants collar helps in the treatment of osteochondrosis, what are its benefits for the neck, and whether there are contraindications. Doctors prescribe the use of a head holder for a number of diseases or complications. If there is a need to choose a certain type of collar for a child or adult, then you should first familiarize yourself with indications:

  1. Cervical hernia. Age-related changes, injuries, neglect of a healthy lifestyle, and osteochondrosis lead to degradation of the internal structure of the vertebrae.
  2. Torticollis in newborns. This is a congenital pathology. The neck turns normally to the right side, but hardly turns to the left. Often torticollis progresses to short neck syndrome. Male infants are at risk.
  3. Myositis. This is an inflammation of the neck muscles, which occurs due to infection, muscle strain, infections, injuries, hypothermia, etc.
  4. Vertebral instability. Even a slight turn of the head is associated with severe pain due to the pathological mobility of the cervical vertebrae.
  5. Complications that arise during pregnancy and after pregnancy. Associated with malfunctions of the central nervous system.
  6. Certain types of depression of the nervous system.
  7. The rehabilitation period after surgery on the muscles or vertebrae of the cervical spine.
  8. Subluxation of the cervical vertebra. This pathology is associated with significant displacement of one or more vertebrae. Most often, the first vertebra that supports the head, otherwise called the atlas, becomes a victim of subluxation.
  9. Vertebral artery syndrome. Atypical sensations appear in the neck, which intensify when tilting and turning the head. The syndrome is accompanied by dizziness, severe headaches, vomiting and nausea.
  10. Constant neck fatigue syndrome. It often accompanies static work (as in violinists, for example), which causes permanent tension in the muscles of the neck and back. In this case, immobilization with a collar may be necessary.
  11. Injuries. The use of a head holder complements the main methods of treating cervical spine injuries, and the collar becomes a rehabilitation tool.

Three main areas of therapy can be distinguished when a patient is prescribed to wear a Shants collar:

  1. Auxiliary in the treatment of diseases of the muscles and vertebrae of the neck.
  2. A remedy for pain relief and rapid fatigue due to a sedentary lifestyle associated with systematic tension of the neck muscles. The reason may be sitting at the computer for a long time, etc.
  3. A remedy that accelerates rehabilitation during the postoperative recovery period.

Video about Shants' collar:

Types of collars

A semi-rigid collar is often called a soft splint because it has a gentle effect on the cervical vessels and vertebrae. In some situations, hard tires are used. The degree of softness has become the basis for the most popular classification of collars:

  • soft(these are predominantly used Shants collars);
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

Depending on what material was used for manufacturing, the clamps are:

  • plastic or metal rigid structures. Used to treat complex cases;
  • inflatable. A very elastic, dense material is used for production.

As for the external decoration, the collars are made of cotton-gauze or foam rubber.

Separately, it is worth mentioning asymmetrical collars used to treat torticollis in children. These products are reinforced on one side, because such collars are needed to correct a pathology in which the neck does not turn in one direction.

Rules for choosing a Shants collar

It is necessary to take into account what stage of development the disease has reached in order to choose the right orthopedic product. In addition, the following factors are of great importance:

  • Collar size. Depends on individual characteristics;
  • Purpose of using the collar and indications for its use;
  • How to properly put on and wear the head holder throughout the day;
  • Duration of treatment. The patient must know how long to wear the product;
  • How long to use the collar to achieve a quick effect;
  • Possibility to lie in the collar;
  • The ability to sleep in the collar without removing it;
  • The age of the patient and the lifestyle he leads;
  • Features of choosing a head holder for children and adults;
  • The ability to wash the product, the method of washing and further care;
  • How to choose a specific type of collar from several options (see photo).

Important information: You need to consult a specialist if you want to make the right choice and choose the right tire size. In addition, it is important not to lose sight of many other significant nuances.

Remember cervical osteochondrosis– this is not a simple disease, and each patient’s disease progresses differently. You should not choose a collar yourself, and any questions you have should be asked to your doctor.


Many people often ask the pressing question about the price of the head holder. How much does Shants' collar cost? The cost depends on the purpose of the collar (products for adults are more expensive than cotton and gauze for children) and, of course, on the manufacturer.

How to use a Shants collar

The tire cannot be hidden under clothing, because the collar looks like a collar. When worn, the product must be protected from moisture, dirt, etc. It is important not only to determine the size correctly, but also to read the instructions described in the instructions. rules for using the product:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash and dry the skin of your neck, because the collar is worn exclusively on a naked body.
  2. You need to put on the splint as soon as pain appears after prolonged muscle strain, or 2 times a day. In the second case, the head holder is put on 1.5-2 hours after getting up and 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The course of therapy lasts from two weeks to a month.

Attention! Wearing a collar for too long causes the neck muscles to weaken and lose their function. In this case, treatment becomes ineffective.

As for caring for the product, you can only wash the tire by hand in cool water. The instructions only allow baby soap as a detergent. The collar should be dried naturally, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.

How to put on a Shants collar correctly

The technique of applying the bandage holder must be performed correctly, and for this it is worth observing specific algorithm:

  1. A person wearing a head holder can breathe freely without feeling pressure on the blood vessels or suffocation.
  2. The height of the collar fully corresponds to the length of the neck. Length is measured from the base to the jaw in front and from the base to the beginning of the occipital bone in the back.
  3. The lower part of the splint rests completely on the collarbone, and the upper part continuously maintains the normal position of the head, performing the direct function of a head holder. The neck muscles should not tense up.
  4. Any finger can easily pass between the fabric and the skin of the neck.

The main criterion to pay attention to is own feelings. Of course, unusual sensations will be present for some time. Then wearing the collar will become comfortable if the rules of application are followed.

Actions and benefits of the Shants collar

A soft gauze splint continuously maintains the normal position of the head. This is the principle of the collar. Wearing the product gives the neck muscles and vertebrae the opportunity to rest and recover during the period after injury or illness.

Unloading the soft tissues and vertebrae of the neck produces a healing effect. The collar supports the head in one position, relieving tension caused by movements and turns of the head. For this reason, it is necessary to use such bandages in the treatment of various diseases, for example, hernia of the cervical spine.

The use of a soft splint may provide some advantages:

  1. No severe discomfort during use. The patient quickly gets used to the head holder.
  2. No side effects. The main condition is to follow the rules of wearing.
  3. Rehabilitation time after illness or surgery is significantly reduced.

Do not forget: Shants' collar is only an auxiliary tool. The main therapy is different. These are massages, the use of medications, etc. The splint must be put on and worn correctly so that the vertebrae and muscles receive support during therapy or during the rehabilitation period.

The use of a collar in the treatment of children

Difficult childbirth, cesarean section, congenital pathologies can cause the child to:

  • neck muscles may be damaged;
  • vertebral injury occurs;
  • torticollis appears.

Each case is individual, and the course of treatment depends on this. Often infants are prescribed use of the Shants collar. You can purchase the product even in the smallest size. Occasionally, a splint is made to order if a serious injury occurs or the individual characteristics of a small patient require it. In this case, the splint is ideally suited to the parameters of the child’s neck.

The choice of head holder and the method of wearing it must fully comply with the doctor’s recommendations. One session lasts several hours (sometimes a day), then you need to take a break. Hygiene is of great importance: both the newborn’s skin and the surface of the collar must be perfectly clean.

Contraindications and alternatives

The advantage of using a splint is that there are practically no contraindications to wearing a collar. Even after surgery on the cervical (and other parts) of the spine or after a stroke, patients are prescribed to wear a collar. However, there are several reasons that exclude the use of a head holder:

  1. Structural anomalies when the neck is either too short or too long.
  2. Severe vertebral instability. In this case, specialists make more radical decisions.
  3. Allergies, itching, rash and other skin reactions.

Patients often wonder what alternative options exist if there are contraindications. You can make a special order taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. Of course, this will affect the cost. In addition, medical equipment stores offer a number of analogues that may be suitable in case of allergies.

You can make a corset with your own hands if you need to relax your neck muscles.

You will need:

  • a small plastic jar;
  • natural hypoallergenic fabric;
  • Velcro fasteners (width – 1 cm, length – 5 cm).

How to make a homemade tire:

  1. Measure the height and circumference of your neck.
  2. Cut a rectangle from the fabric. The width should be 30 cm, the length should be 2 cm greater than the circumference.
  3. Fold the fabric inside. The width should vary from 10 to 12 cm.
  4. Cut a strip from the can. The width of the strip should be 2 cm less than the width of the fabric.
  5. Place the fabric on the side adjacent to the neck, then apply the plastic strip. The outer layer is Velcro that secures the tire. The edges of the plastic strip must be completely covered with cloth, otherwise there is a risk of cutting yourself.

Of course, such a remedy can only be a temporary measure in an emergency. If neck pain constantly bothers you, hurry up and see a specialist. Painful sensations can not only cause discomfort, but also indicate the initial stage of osteochondrosis and other insidious diseases.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease of “modern man”, associated primarily with upright posture, a modern sedentary lifestyle, and rare but intense exercise. Every year, osteochondrosis occurs more and more often in fairly young people, ceasing to be an age-related disease, and the more important it becomes to prevent, early diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Cervical spine - causes of osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis in Russian medicine refers to a whole complex of dystrophic disorders in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. In healthy people, intervertebral discs absorb loads when walking, running, and doing physical activity. Intervertebral discs allow you to hold the vertebrae exactly in a position in which they do not touch each other and do not compress the blood and nerve channels of the spine. People suffering from spinal osteochondrosis have to deal with the consequences of the fact that the intervertebral discs cannot fully perform their function - this is expressed in painful sensations and “shooting” pain in the neck, dizziness, and “stars” in the eyes. The reasons for the development of cervical osteochondrosis are different and, as a rule, are complex. Among the main reasons are age-related changes (associated with a gradual deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, which leads to a loss of their shape, elasticity, consistency and strength), heredity, metabolic disorders, spinal curvature, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition.

Most of the negative factors leading to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occur in the life of almost every person. Even among professional athletes who carefully monitor their health, a sudden refusal of physical activity can provoke problems in the spine. What can we say about ordinary people who cannot always pay enough attention to their health. It should be taken into account that the presence of factors influencing the appearance of osteochondrosis will ultimately lead to problems with the spine, and the presence of the first symptoms indicates that you already need to see a doctor.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

The first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are constant neck pain. It can be either pulling or “shooting”, and can radiate to the arms and shoulders. Due to compression of the vertebral artery, tinnitus, dizziness, severe headache and sensory disturbances occur. As a rule, when these signs appear, your attending physician will prescribe additional tests to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. If you comply with all the doctor’s requirements, treatment can take only a few months, after which, if you follow the necessary diet and perform simple physical exercises, the disease recedes.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

In most cases, osteochondrosis is treated conservatively; surgical intervention is prescribed only if the indications are persistent and there is no significant effect from conservative methods. Conservative treatment helps to create a full-fledged muscle corset, which reduces the load on the spine and, as a result, eliminates the painful sensations of osteochondrosis.

Conservative methods of treating the cervical spine include: physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, manual and reflexology, spinal traction and drug therapy. The type of therapy is prescribed by your attending physician; as a rule, a set of conservative methods is used for greatest effectiveness.

Prevention of neck osteochondrosis

To prevent neck osteochondrosis, it is necessary to eliminate negative factors that contribute to its occurrence. Considering that the main function of intervertebral discs is to absorb shock loads, it is necessary to reduce these loads. To reduce the impact load when walking, it is recommended to use comfortable, preferably orthopedic shoes, eliminating or at least limiting the wearing of high heels. It is also recommended to use orthopedic insoles, which reduce the load on the foot and above – the joints of the legs and spine.

Daily moderate physical activity is recommended, since a sedentary lifestyle, as well as excessive physical activity, contribute to disorders of the spine, leading, among other things, to osteochondrosis. In most cases, daily physical therapy and morning exercises for neck pain are sufficient.

gymnastics for osteochondrosis

During night sleep and rest with cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use orthopedic pillows that support the position of the spine and relieve excessive muscle tension. Their peculiarity is that they fill the space between the neck and head, preventing curvature of the spine and pinching of nerve fibers.

Cervical collar to help with osteochondrosis

Shanza splints are an effective means of reducing pain and treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The collar is an anatomically shaped orthopedic head holder used for rehabilitation after spinal injuries, neck muscle strain, instability of the cervical vertebrae, to improve blood supply to the brain and relieve pain. Neck orthoses maintain the correct position of the head, preventing the occurrence of pain during daily natural activities, during work and rest. A collar for osteochondrosis significantly relieves the load on the neck, making it indispensable for prolonged sitting.

Types of orthopedic collars

a - hard Philadelphia collar (PHILADELPHIA);

b - Shin-Shants collar for adults;

c - Shin-Shants collar for children;

g - Shin-Shants collar for newborns.

There are several types of orthopedic collars - soft collars, hard collars and inflatable collars. By age they are divided into collars for adults, children and newborns. A properly selected orthopedic collar helps normalize blood circulation and relieve muscle fatigue. It relieves the neck muscles, reducing pain due to osteochondrosis. Thanks to its anatomical shape, the collar does not cause discomfort, making the treatment process more effective.

How to choose an orthopedic collar

The type of orthopedic collar will be prescribed to you by your doctor, depending on the necessary properties recommended in your case and the degree of osteochondrosis. For the correct functioning of the splint-collar, it is necessary to select it in such a way that, on the one hand, it supports the head in a functionally advantageous position, and on the other hand, it limits the possibility of rotation and rotation of the head. A properly fitted collar fills the space between the collarbone and chin in the front and the base of the neck and base of the skull in the back. In this case, the head should not be pulled up or dropped down excessively - it should be parallel to the floor. It should be difficult for a finger to fit between the chin and the splint. When choosing the length of the splint, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the neck, tightening the collar so that it is not too tight, since its effectiveness depends on the correct height.

If you travel a lot, an orthopedic travel pillow will be an excellent solution for preventing muscle fatigue and pain in the cervical spine. It fills the space between the head and neck, relieving the muscles during long periods of sitting. Thanks to the huge range of models offered - pillows made of latex, polystyrene balls, polyurethane foam, you can choose exactly the model that suits you.

One of the orthopedic devices is the Shants collar, designed for soft fixation of the cervical spine. It is also called a splint, neck brace, or brace. It is used in the complex treatment of various conditions in children and adults.

What is a Shants collar?

The Shants collar is a removable soft structure consisting of a medium-hard polyurethane (or foam) base and a cover. It looks like a strip or roller, curling into a ring around the neck and occupying the space in front from the chin area to the sternoclavicular joints.

There is a fastener to secure the 2 ends of the collar, and wearing comfort is ensured by the presence of anatomical cutouts for the chin and shoulder girdles. The materials used are hypoallergenic and do not cause skin irritation even with prolonged wear.

The Shants collar provides neck support, limits the amplitude of head tilts in all directions, and helps give the head a symmetrical position.

But this fixation is soft and does not affect the ability to turn the head. This is how the Shants collar differs from rigid retention orthoses.

Indications for wearing a Shants collar in children and adults:

  • recovery period after surgical interventions on the spine;

  • muscular torticollis at any age;

  • muscle hypotonia in children of the first year of life associated with the consequences of perinatal pathology;

  • short neck syndrome in children;

  • uneven changes in muscle tone and other neurological disorders associated with impaired blood flow in the vessels of the neck;

  • condition after manual correction of the position of the vertebrae;

  • the first few hours after a therapeutic massage session.

After injuries to the cervical spine, rigid fixation may initially be required using an orthosis, which will only be replaced with a looser orthopedic Shants collar during the rehabilitation period.

How does the Shants collar work?

A correctly selected Shants collar performs several tasks:

  • limits head tilt in all directions;

  • partially takes on the weight of the head and transfers it to the collarbones, relieving part of the load from the cervical spine;

  • corrects head position with muscular torticollis;

  • keeps the cervical vertebrae at the same distance from each other;

  • reduces the load on the neck muscles and at the same time acts as an external frame;

  • since the collar is dense, it retains heat and even warms up, which is especially important after a massage, exercise or physiotherapy.

All this protects the cervical spine and muscles from overstrain, allows damaged structures to recover, gives the head and neck the correct position and prevents the development of neurological complications.

How to choose

The Shants collar is available for adults and children, each category is available in several sizes. The product is selected individually, and as the child grows, you need to purchase a collar of the next size.

To determine the size you need, measure the distance from the collarbone to the angle of the lower jaw. The head should be positioned straight so that the eyes are in the same horizontal line with the ears. This indicator corresponds to the required collar height. The second necessary parameter is the neck circumference, which will determine the required length of the bandage. After measurements, you need to compare the results obtained with the manufacturer’s sizing chart indicated on the packaging.

It is important to take into account that size designations differ from company to company, and alphabetic and numeric symbols may be used.

The length size of collars for adults can be fixed or universal, which depends on the fastening features and the possibility of slight adjustment of the volume.

Most often the dimensions are as follows:

  • 1 (S) size corresponds to a neck circumference of 35–36 cm;

  • Size 2 (M) is equal to a girth of 37–38 cm;

  • 3rd (L) size is 40–41 cm;

  • 4(XL) size should be purchased with a neck circumference of 42–43 cm.

After choosing the size, you need to determine the desired collar height, it can be 8–13 cm. Different brands of bandages may have different cutout depths and thicknesses. Therefore, when purchasing, it is worth trying on several versions of the product of the same size, since adults need to carefully select a Shants collar, focusing on the need for long-term wearing.

The collar should not rub, interfere with swallowing and lower jaw movements, put pressure on the neck or prevent head rotation. One finger should fit freely between the skin of the neck and the inner surface.

At the same time, the selected Shants collar cannot be absolutely comfortable, because its task is to limit head tilt and lightly stretch the cervical spine. The lower jaw should rest against the edge of a special notch at the top of the bandage, and the bottom of the product will rest against the collarbone. At first, the main inconvenience when wearing will be difficulty tilting your head forward and trying to look at your feet. This is normal and does not require collar replacement.

Wearing rules

When a doctor recommends using a Shants splint for the neck, you should clarify the approximate scheme for wearing it. It is important to find out whether an adult can sleep in a Shants collar, when it is best to wear it and how long it should be worn, and in what situations it is mandatory.

The collar is usually put on immediately after a session, physical therapy or therapy.

You should wear the Shants splint no more than 3-4 hours a day, unless your doctor gives other recommendations. Constant use does not allow the neck muscles to work fully, which can lead to their gradual atrophy and a decrease in the strength of the natural muscle corset.

This will worsen spinal support and worsen problems. In some cases, the doctor recommends sleeping with a collar. In this case, you should use a selected orthopedic pillow.

The Shants collar is intended for long-term daily use, usually the course of treatment is at least 1 month. If you experience headaches, nausea, weakness in your arms or other signs of deterioration while wearing a bandage, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. This will make it possible to find out the cause of such symptoms and determine the possibility and need for further use of the Shants splint.


The Shants collar has a supportive rather than corrective function and is well tolerated. However, even this soft product has some contraindications for use.

For example, a collar cannot be used in the presence of purulent-inflammatory and dermatological diseases with rashes on the neck and nearby areas. It is also contraindicated in case of instability in the cervical spine, because such soft fixation is not able to prevent displacement of the vertebra and subsequent infringement of the spinal cord.

The occurrence of allergic reactions to the materials of the product requires discontinuation of its use.

The Shants collar should be used as prescribed by a doctor; it should not replace the recommended more rigid means of fixation. When worn correctly, it provides proper support and relief of the cervical spine, which has a beneficial effect on the course of the underlying disease.

Modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects the musculoskeletal system and provokes development. The cervical spine experiences daily stress and stress. The disease causes discomfort and stiffness of movement. As it develops, additional symptoms appear, health worsens, pain and dizziness occur. The Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis helps reduce the load on the spine, reduce pain, and smooth out the clinical picture.

Purpose of the Shants tire

The structure that fixes the neck is called a collar or Shants splint. The main purpose of the bandage is to immobilize the cervical spine, relieve the load on the spine, and allow the muscles to “take a break.”

Why do adults need a collar? The Shants tire is used for. It protects damaged areas of the spine from overstrain, relieves pressure from the head on the neck, improves blood flow and oxygen access to brain cells.

Does the Shants collar help with osteochondrosis? The massage and warming effect allows you to reduce pain and restore damaged areas in a shorter time. Before purchasing a product, you need to understand how the Shants collar works.

The bandage allows you to improve the patient’s condition and has many advantages:

  • stabilizes the vertebrae in the cervical region;
  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • improves blood supply to adjacent tissues and the brain;
  • has a light massage effect;
  • moderately relieves pain.

There are several types of collars: soft ones made of latex, inflatable ones made of rubber, semi-rigid ones with reinforcing inserts, hard ones made of plastic.

Correct selection of bandage

The greatest difficulty lies in choosing neck collars. How to choose the right tire size? Manufacturers pay more attention to adjusting the neck circumference than to its height. An important point is the distance from the collarbone to the angle of the lower jaw, which is perpendicular to the floor - both parameters are the most significant.

On a note. A well-chosen collar should rest on the lower part of the collarbone and create light pressure on the lower jaw, and from the back reach the base of the skull and rest on the neck.

How to put on a tire? When applying a bandage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wash and dry the skin of your neck - the collar should only be put on a clean body.
  2. Wrap the splint around your neck and secure it firmly so that it is impossible to bend or turn your head.
  3. Do not tighten too much, as this may cause breathing problems and dizziness.
  4. Inflate the inflatable collar after placing it on your neck.
  5. Check the correct fixation - insert your finger between the collar and neck, it should go through with little effort.

The splint is applied correctly if the person experiences slight discomfort. In this case, breathing remains free, and head rotation is impossible.

How to wear a bandage for cervical osteochondrosis? The duration of wearing depends on the stage of the disease, the physiological characteristics of the person and must be agreed with the attending physician. It is recommended to wear the bandage several times a day for 15-30 minutes or 2 hours twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

On a note. One session of using the Shants collar should not exceed 3 hours.

How long should the collar be worn? Typically, the course of treatment varies from 20 to 30 days. It is not recommended to use the bandage for a long time. Smooth muscles can atrophy and stop performing their direct functions - supporting the cervical spine.

Advantages of the bandage and indications

The Shants splint is designed to fix the cervical vertebrae in an anatomical position. As a result, the muscles and spine get additional time to relax, rest and recover.

Wearing a bandage has a number of advantages:

  • recovery after operations and injuries of the cervical spine is accelerated;
  • with proper selection there are no side effects;
  • contraindications are minimal.

Prescribed only as part of complex therapy. The product relieves the main symptoms and promotes the recovery process.

Some people are interested in the question: is it possible to sleep in a Shants collar? A short sleep will not harm your health, the main thing to remember is that wearing it should not be long. You can't rest all night wearing a brace.

The Shants orthopedic collar is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vertebral instability;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • anatomical deviations;
  • fatigue syndrome;
  • myositis;
  • hernias and protrusions;
  • torticollis of newborns;
  • depression of the nervous system during pregnancy.

Important. Wearing a bandage has minimal contraindications. These include injuries and diseases of the skin, high instability of the spine.

Shants children's tire

Sometimes childbirth occurs with various complications, which can cause torticollis. Without treatment, the baby remains disabled. Shantz's children's collar is the solution to the problem. The doctor must choose the right product, taking into account the height and weight of the baby.

How to use the splint for children:

  1. Place the clamp under the baby's chin.
  2. Fasten the tire at the back.
  3. Check that the installation is correct.

The frequency and time of wearing is determined by the doctor. Wear a collar after a massage. The bandage for children requires constant care; it is washed by hand and dried flat.

The Shants splint is a preventive measure. The collar helps reduce pain symptoms, relieve stress from the cervical spine for a short period of time, relax “tired” muscles, and improve blood circulation. Even short-term unloading promotes the recovery process and improves the patient’s well-being.