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How to help your baby fall asleep. Ways to get your child to sleep quickly. The Long Goodbye Method

What prevents a child from getting into the mood for sleep and how can caring parents help?

“He refuses to go to bed,” “He’s capricious, cries, says he wants to play,” “Demands to eat or drink so as not to go to bed,” “Every time the process of going to bed ends in hysterics,” parents note. Why is this happening? What prevents a child from getting into the mood for sleep and how can caring parents help?

Why don't children like to sleep?

Where does a child's reluctance to go to sleep come from? American psychologist Alan Fromm offers the following classification of causes:
1. For a child, going to bed means parting with some interesting activity or leaving a pleasant company (for example, working mom and dad).
2. Children know that adults don’t go to bed yet, and therefore they think that we allow ourselves something that they are not allowed to do.
3. It often happens that children are not tired yet.
4. Sometimes children are afraid of the dark.
5. Perhaps the child had terrible dreams, and because of this there was some aversion to sleep.
6. It is possible that by persuading the child to sleep, adults spoiled him too much, and now this serves as a good reason for manipulating parents.

Signs of fatigue

It is very important to learn to notice the first signs of tiredness and fatigue; this will help redirect the child’s attention and prevent overstimulation before bed. This is not difficult to do. If you notice one or more of the following signs, your child most likely needs rest:
causeless crying, whims;
the baby begins to rub his eyes and yawn;
sucks a finger or rattle, fiddles with a button, sucks a lip;
coordination of movements, especially of the hands, is impaired, the child drops toys and makes mistakes in the game;
movements slow down, lethargy appears;
Aggressive actions unusual for a child occur: throwing or taking away toys, screaming, falling to the floor, etc.;
Excessive activity may occur that is unusual for a baby: running aimlessly, jumping, pushing.

As soon as you notice the appearance of these signs, it’s time to distract the child and put him in a sleepy mood.

Getting ready for bed

Bedtime is a good time to strengthen your emotional closeness with your child. May it be pleasant for both of you. Read a book to your baby, sing him a lullaby, give him a light massage, speak in a quiet and calm voice.

If your child is very emotional and active, use a short and simple phrase before bed, for example, “it's time for bed.” You may have to repeat it several times, but do it calmly, repeating it in a neutral tone, without switching to commands.

Give your child a toy “for good dreams.” This could be a small soft toy (bear, bunny, gnome, kitten, etc.). Tell your child that this toy will give him good dreams. Take this toy with you when you travel, it's an easy way to give your baby a sense of security no matter where he sleeps.

Let your child take an active part in getting ready for bed by choosing a story, pajamas, or lullaby to listen to.

You can also use “ritual games” to prepare your child for bed.

"Sleeping rituals"

It is often difficult for children to tear themselves away from their favorite game or watching TV when their parents start talking about how “it’s late and we should go to bed.” Therefore, you can use so-called “sleeping rituals”. On the one hand, they will calm the child’s nervous system, on the other hand, they will make the process of going to bed pleasant. These are calm games and activities that should be done daily, start at the same time whenever possible and take no more than 30 minutes.

It is important to choose calm games to avoid emotional overstimulation. For a baby, it can be the same lullaby at night. For children from one to three years old, special games can be used.

✔ For example, the game “Bear” ( E.V. Larechin). The adult shows the movements, and the child repeats after him.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects cones and sings songs. (Show Mishka walking through the forest.)
Suddenly a cone fell, right on Mishka’s forehead. (Touch your forehead with your right hand.)
The bear got angry and stomped his foot. (Stamp your foot on the floor.)
I won't collect pine cones anymore. (“Shak” with your finger.)
I'll get in the car and go to bed. (Join your palms and place them on your cheek.)

✔ Game "Bunny"(L.A. Buldakova).

A pen - plop, another plop! Poor things, they fell. (Alternately drop one handle, then the other.)
It’s like strings are hanging, just like me, I’m tired. (Easy to shake hands, tired expression on face, lethargic expression on whole body.)
Again the bunny jumps and hops and walks along the path. (Walk slowly across the floor.)
Together with him we will relax and rinse our feet. (Shake your right leg, then your left leg.)
We worked so hard with the bunny that we ourselves were tired.
Now let's go and rest on mom's lap. (Place the child on your lap and hug).

After such games, you can start cleaning up toys, turning this process into a ritual game. You can say: “The toys are tired and want to sleep, we need to help them find their home.”

While getting ready for bed, praise your baby for understanding that he needs to sleep, put away toys, etc.

For older children, reading books together or having a quiet conversation before bed is suitable. You can tell an “imaginary” story, giving the opportunity to dream a little. Talk about some special place that is familiar to the child, for example, a garden, clearing or forest. Describe this place slowly, in a quiet and calm voice. Ask your child to close his eyes and try to imagine what you will talk about. Talk about friendly animals, kind people, or wise men. When the child grows up, he will be able to continue the story himself.

After finishing the ritual, calmly and firmly wish your child good night and leave the room.

Also try to maintain bedtime routines and times during travel, holidays, and when your child is sick. Children find it difficult to return to established routines if they have been disrupted.

✔ Games with water

Ritual games before bed can also be games with water. Water has a positive effect on the emotional state of the child. When the child comes into contact with water, he receives a pleasant sensation. Many parents notice that when playing with water, children calm down and stop being capricious. The sounds of flowing water have a beneficial effect, and playing with water relieves emotional stress.

The following games can be used:

✔ Game “Pour it over”. For this game you will need several glasses and deep plates. Show your child how to scoop water and pour it from one container to another. You can pour water into bowls from a small watering can and then feed the animals. Such games also develop the child’s coordination and perseverance.

✔ Game “Catch a piece of ice”. Place a few ice cubes in a bowl of warm water and invite your child to catch them.

✔ Game “Catch the toys”. Invite your child to throw toys into the water and then catch them in different ways: with two fingers or using a sieve.

✔ Game "Water Mill". Place the water mill in a basin and show how to pour water onto the mill blades to make them spin. Have your child place a bowl under the mill so that water gets in.

Night awakenings

All children may have night terrors and nightmares from time to time. Even a one-year-old baby can be bothered by night terrors. The reason for this is vivid emotional impressions, to which children are susceptible just like adults. If your child screams or cries in the middle of the night, lie down next to him, hug him and hold him close to you. Night terrors usually go away over time.

Nightmares rarely plague a child under three years of age. They differ from fears in that the child remembers the contents of the nightmare. Pay attention to the content of cartoons, fairy tales and computer games. Avoid overload and fatigue by maintaining a daily routine.

If a child has a nightmare, don’t be afraid to talk about it, don’t blame the child for making it all up. On the contrary, ask to tell your dream or draw it, let the child release the tension.

If nightmares are regular, consult a psychologist and neurologist.

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own?

It is better to start teaching your child to fall asleep on his own in infancy. Sometimes put your baby in the crib while he is still awake and let him try to fall asleep on his own. At night, try not to take your child into your bed, but if necessary, approach him yourself.

After putting your child to bed, leave the room. If the child jumps up, put him down again and say, “It’s time to go to bed.” If after you leave the child gets up and starts crying, put him down again, repeating the phrase: “It's time to go to bed.” Don't let your child seek entertainment in your company.

You can sit with your child until he falls asleep, but increase the distance each evening by moving further and further away. For example, on the first evening you sit on the bed, on the second - on a chair next to the bed, on the third - on a chair at the end of the room, etc. Finally, you find yourself in the doorway, then in the next room.

Try putting your child to bed later than usual to help him fall asleep faster, but gradually move your bedtime 15 minutes earlier each evening until you reach an acceptable bedtime.

So, to help your child fall asleep, you can use the following techniques:

Set a bedtime and try to stick to it. Note signs of fatigue; if you miss this moment, the child will become overexcited and will have to be calmed down.

Set a bedtime routine. Let this ritual be short - no more than 30 minutes. You can feed the baby, then read a story or sing a song, change the baby, then rock or massage.

Choose 1-2 games that your baby will like, they will be ritual games before bed.

You can give a soft toy that the child associates with sleep.

During the evening toilet, give your child the opportunity to play with water.
Good dreams to you and your baby!

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Do you have to fight every day to get your baby to sleep? Are you worried about how to fall asleep quickly because you end up losing the battle and falling asleep faster than you could get your baby to sleep?

We all understand that we definitely need to sleep. Children need sleep not only for rest, but also for growth and development. A small child needs about 12-14 hours of sleep at night. Preschoolers should sleep 11-13 hours. As they get older, they will need about 10-11 hours of sleep. However, today children often experience sleep disturbances, the cause of which may be related to illness, improper food intake, as well as psychological factors.

But still, how to put a child to sleep without spending so much effort? Here are some of our favorite tips for getting your baby to sleep.

1. Play calm music

This is a short-term solution, but many mothers use it often. Soothing music playing in the background can help your baby drift off to sleep effortlessly. Soothing music for babies will help induce sleepiness and put your baby to sleep. Feel free to sing to your child, the child may respond better to your voice. Either way, a selection of soothing music or a CD of your child's favorite tunes will also work well. The only thing you need to remember is that you don’t include this in your child’s daily routine, otherwise the child will only fall asleep if he hears music!

2. Build trust

The reason many children don't want to go to bed is because they're afraid their parents won't be there. ? When you put your child to bed, calmly tell him that you are going to do some other chores, such as washing the dishes or feeding the dog, etc. Promise him that you will come back. Remember that a promise must be kept so that the child can trust you. Then repeat the same thing after some time. Leave it for longer this time. Do this over the next few days, gradually increasing the time until you return. Soon your baby will fall asleep on his own.

The good old tradition of reading books before bedtime works wonders for kids. Reading bedtime stories is not like singing lullabies - any parent can do it. By the way, did you know that? Give him this. Choose a story that is interesting to your child and read it slowly, in a calm, even voice. Gradually, the child's attention span will decrease and he will begin to fall asleep. Make sure your child doesn't use any gadgets, watch TV or use the computer before bed, as this can reduce their chances of getting a good night's sleep.

4. Give warm milk

Another traditional strategy for falling asleep quickly is to drink a glass of warm milk before bed. It can help your baby fall asleep. Dairy products are rich in the amino acid L-tryptophan, which induces sleep by increasing serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain. Also, a psychological effect cannot be ruled out - it may remind the child of those pleasant times when he was a baby, and you breastfed him, and he felt so warm and cozy in your arms. The warmth of the milk can also help your baby sleep.

5. Provide a comfortable room

A children's room should be a comfortable space that is pleasant to be in. Make sure that the temperature in the children's room is comfortable, a little cool. For good sleep, make sure the room is dark enough for your child to fall asleep. Check to see if clothing or blankets are restricting the baby's movement. A table lamp is an ideal solution if your child is afraid to sleep in complete darkness. Give your child a warning some time before bedtime so he can prepare for it.

6. Muscle relaxation

This helps older children who have trouble sleeping. Encourage them to use brain relaxation techniques. Ask your child to tense all the muscles from the tips of the toes to the head, and then gradually relax each muscle group from the bottom up.

7. Children's games

Playing games is also a great way to get your baby to sleep. Invite your child to play the “five things” game. This is a simple children's game, the child just needs to name five things that he can see; five things he can hear; five things he can feel and so on. You can also use a book or any other material to make the game more interesting. Before you have time to finish the game, your baby's eyes will begin to close and he will fall asleep.

Insomnia is a pressing problem facing both adults and children today. Let's look at effective methods for falling asleep quickly.

Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who could boast of healthy sleep. There are many reasons for insomnia. The problem of falling asleep occurs due to overwork, overexcitation, stress, various chronic diseases and many other factors.

There is a certain method that answers the question of how to fall asleep in 1 minute. This is a deep breathing method. It allows you to fall asleep in less than one minute. This method was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. The technique is based on saturating the body with oxygen through slow deep breathing. This relaxes the psyche and muscles, promotes calm.

Method "4-7-8":

  • Suitable for children and adults, it allows you to quickly fall asleep and, most importantly, not wake up during the night.
  • Inhale slowly, calmly and deeply for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth. Exhalation should last 8 seconds.
  • Exercise slows your heart rate and calms you down. The effect of this method can be compared to taking a mild sedative.

In order to minimize or completely prevent night waking, it is necessary to eliminate irritants and properly prepare for night rest:

  1. Bedding and sleeping area should be clean and comfortable. At the same time, warm shades make it easier to fall asleep.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the sleeping area. Fresh air helps you fall asleep and have a good night's sleep.
  3. A walk before bed or light physical activity is the best way to recharge with positive emotions and prepare the body for a night's rest.

Don't forget that night's rest is influenced by the rhythm of life. A lack of sleep, as well as an excess of it, increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and other pathologies throughout the body.

How many minutes does it take to fall asleep?

Surely everyone has thought at least once about how many minutes it takes to fall asleep. On average, falling asleep occurs within 3-10 minutes. In this case, the optimal sleep duration for an adult is 7.5-9 hours. Getting ready for bed affects how quickly you fall asleep. There are many factors to consider when preparing for a night out:

  • Stick to a schedule - try to go to bed at the same time every day. The body will gradually get used to the routine and will switch off and wake up at a certain time. Avoid daytime rest.
  • Don't forget about relaxation. Before going to bed, you can take a warm bath to relax your muscles. You can also read or listen to music.
  • Remove all possible irritants. First, turn off electronic devices that cause eye and brain strain. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed, as even a glass of wine can cause sleep disturbances. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The need for night rest, as well as the time to fall asleep, is individual for each person. Moreover, the longer a person falls asleep and sleeps less, the higher the risk of developing various disorders and pathologies.

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute?

To combat insomnia, there are special techniques that will tell you how to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute, consider them:

  1. Sleep breathing - this method calms and relaxes. It consists of several phases, and each phase should last 5 seconds: inhale - stop - exhale - slow inhale - stop - exhale. Gradually, the time between phases can be increased to 10 seconds. This type of breathing causes drowsiness.
  2. Breathing in 10 counts - breathe slowly, counting your inhalations and exhalations to ten. This exercise automatically turns off attention from internal problems and promotes sleep. Breath counting can be done in several cycles, but you need to breathe through your mouth and not very deeply.
  3. The secret services method - this method was described by the famous intelligence officer Suvorov. You need to lie on your back, relax as much as possible and stretch out. Close your eyes and roll your pupils up, that is, ensure the physiological state of the eyeballs during sleep. In this position, sleep comes very quickly.
  4. Reverse blinking technique - lie down and close your eyelids. After 5, 10 or 15 seconds, that is, at equal intervals, open and close your eyes. This allows you to quickly relax and fall asleep.

You can perform breathing exercises if you do not have chronic lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis). REM sleep techniques are not recommended for acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia. At the same time, do not forget about the prerequisite for a quick and quality night's rest - a ventilated room for sleeping and a comfortable bed.

How to fall asleep in 1 minute for children?

Children most often face the problem of falling asleep. Sleep is important in a child's development. Not only the emotional state, but also physical development depends on its quality. Difficulties falling asleep are associated with a certain age, that is, the period of the baby’s life.

  • Daily routine - if the child follows a certain schedule of sleep and wakefulness, this will improve the process of falling asleep and waking up. The average sleep duration for a child under 12 years of age is approximately 9-10 hours. During adolescence, these values ​​change.
  • Relaxation – before bedtime, you can read a book to your child or play quiet background music, which will help you fall asleep quickly. At the same time, it is better to stop cartoons, games and other activities that irritate the nervous system 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Physical activity throughout the day is a guarantee that the child will fall asleep quickly. An early dinner and a glass of warm milk with honey are equivalent to a quick sleep.

The above methods allow you to normalize the process of falling asleep in children of any age.

How to fall asleep in 5 minutes?

Sleep problems are known to many; various breathing techniques and relaxation methods are used to fall asleep. Let's look at how to fall asleep in 5 minutes and minimize the frequency of night awakenings using auto-training exercises:

  • Exercise beach

First of all, you need to lie down comfortably in bed and cover yourself, freely straighten your arms and legs. Imagine that you are on a warm sandy beach. Warm sand begins to gradually warm your back. Warm sand is poured onto the right hand, covering it more and more. Gradually the sand covers the wrist, elbow and reaches the shoulder. The hand becomes heavy. Then the warm sand slowly covers your left hand. Then the legs, starting with the feet, through the ankles to the knee, thighs and lower abdomen. Gradually sprinkles on the stomach, left and right sides, chest and neck. The face is pleasantly warmed by the warm sand and relaxing rays of the sun. The forehead relaxes, a light cool breeze blows on it. The eyelids close and sleep sets in.

  • Exercise ball

Take a comfortable sleeping position and close your eyes. Imagine a large ball that lies on the waves of the ocean and sways. Waves emanate from the ball in all directions. As soon as you have imagined this picture, all your attention must be focused on the swaying of the ball and the waves coming from it.

This type of meditation promotes relaxation, minimizes stress and helps you fall asleep quickly.

How to fall asleep in 10 minutes?

If the methods of falling asleep quickly did not help you, then you should consider how to fall asleep in 10 minutes. The following recommendations can help you achieve the desired result:

  • Go to bed at the same time every night. In this case, deviation is allowed, but not more than 30 minutes. The ideal time to fall asleep is 10:00 pm, and getting up at 6-8 am.
  • Do not drink invigorating drinks or food before bed. Even a cup of coffee drunk in the afternoon can cause problems falling asleep. The last meal should be 3 hours before rest.
  • Try not to sleep during the day, as this will negatively affect your night's rest. Drive away evening naps, at least half an hour before the planned bedtime.

Another good way to fall asleep in 10 minutes is meditation. Let's look at the most effective psychological techniques:

  1. Visualize your body in detail. Start at your fingertips, briefly tensing and relaxing each muscle. In this case, you need to breathe slowly and deeply. The last point should be the tip of the nose. As a rule, ten minutes is enough to complete this exercise and fall asleep.
  2. Visualize the most beautiful and desirable place on earth for you. Imagine everything in the smallest detail. This will allow you to gradually immerse yourself in a state of warmth and peace. You won’t even notice how pleasant visualization will lead you to sleep.
  3. Carousel breathing exercise - used by practicing psychologists, it allows you to quickly relax, calm down and fall asleep. Lie down in bed and take a comfortable position, preferably so that your arms and legs are not constrained. On each count, slowly inhale and exhale. One is warm air coming through your right ear. Two - the air touches the shoulder of the right arm and hand. Hold your breath. Three - warm air flows through the right ear again. Four - warmth is exhaled from the hips to the legs and feet. Stop. Five - warm air again in the right ear. Six - a warm wave goes through the legs and feet. Seven - warm air near the ears. Hold your breath. Eight – exhale slowly, the air goes to the left ear. Nine – deep breath and pause. Ten - warm air permeates the whole body. Repeat the entire cycle in reverse order. At first, you will fall asleep in 4-5 cycles, but then drowsiness will creep in during the first cycle.

How to fall asleep in one minute and get enough sleep depends entirely on the preparation for the night's rest. Try to finish or put off all important things, do not overeat or get nervous. Read your favorite book, listen to music, take a warm bath, or just daydream.

Children are so reluctant to go to bed in the evening that parents have to spend a lot of effort getting them to sleep. Meanwhile, falling asleep on time is very important, and you need to teach your baby to fall asleep quickly from an early age. Simple but pleasant customs that you should do together with your children help you fall asleep faster. At first, this may seem difficult, but then the body itself will perceive them as a command to hang up.

When sending your child to bed, you have to be both calm and persistent. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice or send him to bed early, punishing him for an offense. Sleep should not be the price to pay for wrongdoing. To make your baby more willing to go to bed, show your imagination.

Toy - keeper of dreams

Some are capricious for a simple reason: they are afraid of the dark, nightmares. It is possible to cope with this. Children are more likely to fall asleep with someone they trust. Let your baby have a toy that he will take with him when he goes to bed. You can explain that she will protect him at night, make sure that he dreams only pleasant things.

Traditions before bed

A sharp transition from vigorous activity to night rest is impossible, especially when the child is passionate about something interesting. There is only one way out - to make getting ready for bed arousing interest. This could be reading bedtime stories, putting dolls to bed, bathing with toys. The baby will be very pleased that you spend time with him before bed. The list of such activities depends only on parental imagination.

Such traditions should become regular, always starting and ending at the same time. At first, parents themselves will have a hard time sticking to the established routine. But then, when they and the children get used to them, bedtime will be carried out exactly according to the schedule.

Never break your established routine, as it will be difficult to return to it later. Regardless of how the usual preparation for bed goes, at the end wish your baby good night, sweet dreams, and of course, kiss him. Let mom's love be the logical end of the day.

How to fall asleep in 1 minute for children?

They say that children grow in their sleep - this is true. Night rest should last according to childhood, so that the baby grows and develops correctly. However, it is difficult to put them to bed on time, much less get them to fall asleep. Often the parents themselves are to blame for this, as they violate the following rules:

They don’t stick to a daily routine, but it wasn’t invented out of nowhere. Up to 12 years of age, on average, children should sleep up to 10 hours. Teenage children can sleep about 8 hours like adults.

Children should be active throughout the day, go for walks, play with peers.

Active physical games, watching cartoons and TV should be finished 2 hours before bedtime so that the nervous system has time to calm down by this time.

Dinner should not be late, otherwise it is simply physically impossible to fall asleep quickly. If your baby says he is hungry, you can offer him warm milk and honey. This combination is calming.

How to quickly and soundly fall asleep for a child aged 10, 11 and 12 years old

Older children are unlikely to be able to fall asleep after reading one or two fairy tales. Therefore, adult rules are suitable for them: early dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime, jogging before bed or walking the dog. To help your teenager relax faster and fall asleep, turn on some soft music. It must be a calm melody, and not his favorite musical group. And before bed – no cakes or cookies!

It turns out that everything is simple and parents do not need to come up with anything new. If you can teach yourself to fall asleep quickly and without problems from a young age, then this quality will remain in adulthood.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960. - 37 p.

Every mother and father knows how difficult it is to cope with a child who cannot sleep. Your child sometimes needs a nap to recuperate, and maybe you do too. While the child is sleeping, have a good rest or do household chores. Unfortunately, there is no magic spell that will instantly put children to sleep. If the doctor has confirmed that the child does not have any diseases that are bothering him, but the baby still cannot sleep, try these few tips.

Use white noise

This is the same sound that appears if you go to an empty television channel. It may seem strange, but it is he who is able to calm the child. Try this advice when your child refuses to sleep. The main thing is to choose the optimal channel volume. The sounds of waves or wind (which blows through the leaves of trees), or the sound of rain can also help. These are the sounds that calm children.

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One of the reasons why children often cannot fall asleep is the lack of a clear daily routine. The sequence of actions is very important for a child. And a certain time should be allocated for sleep. Having such a schedule will help parents too. Knowing when your baby will sleep will make it easier for you to plan your own activities. Now there will be one less unknown in life.

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Rocking motion can be a good way to interact with your baby more often. But if your baby just can't fall asleep without being rocked, it's time to think about alternative methods. Unfortunately, no one can say which of the proposed options will work for your child.

The first thing you should try is a rocking chair that will run on batteries. The second is the ability to use the car in this capacity. If your child often falls asleep in the car, you are very lucky. In the most critical situations, it is best to put your baby in a car seat and drive a couple of blocks. A good way to switch from one thing to another. If the child does not sleep, it may be worth getting to the store with your husband and buying everything for dinner. An unexpected bonus in the form of a falling asleep baby is included.

The third way is to make a small cradle at home. At one time there were such cradles in almost every peasant house. Many names for this amazing device have been preserved: shaky, cradle, rocking chair, cradle, cot, cradle, zybka. All of them are a cradle suspended from the ceiling.

You're worried that your child can't sleep. Walk around the house, rock the baby in your arms, even hum lullabies, but nothing helps. Well, try to relax and lie down on the bed. A little silence, a sense of calm, a house falling asleep - perhaps this is what will allow your baby to feel the atmosphere of calm and take a nap.

This may sound completely seditious, but sometimes you need to skip a nap. If your child has difficulty falling asleep during the day, he may be one of those children who does not always need rest during daylight hours. This idea seems unusual, but even in a nursery, not all children fall asleep. The most active ones are allowed to just lie in bed while other kids sniffle and dream after dream. Of course, if your baby refuses to take a nap, you'll have less free time. But it’s better to accept this thought than to try every method in the world to make the child fall asleep. Sometimes this is simply impossible.