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How to properly attend a doctor's appointment. A note on the sick leave about failure to appear for an appointment with a doctor If the patient came to the doctor healthy

2 times a year, even if nothing bothers you. After a preventive examination, you will have complete information about the condition of your teeth and gums. The dentist will also select oral care products that are most suitable for you.

Remember that many dental diseases in the initial stages cannot be detected without a professional examination by a doctor. For example, hidden carious cavities located in the interdental spaces.

Do I need to make an appointment or can I come without an appointment?

If the reason for your visit is acute tooth pain or injury, then you must be seen in any dental clinic, regardless of whether it is regional or private.

In any other case, it is always better to call the dentist in advance and make an appointment. This will allow your doctor to accurately plan the time of your visit, and will save you from waiting in line.

How long will it take for dental treatment?

In case of a scheduled preventive examination, the consultation will take no more than 20 minutes. If treatment is planned, the time of the visit and the frequency of return visits may vary. The doctor will definitely agree on this issue with you when drawing up a treatment plan.

Remember that dental treatment often requires several visits to the doctor. Therefore, try to choose time that you can truly devote to your health.

What should I do if I am late or cannot make it to my appointment?

Please notify your doctor about this as soon as possible by calling and agreeing on a time for a new visit.

How to behave after dental treatment?

It all depends on the type of treatment you received. For example, after dental restoration, for 2 hours it is not recommended to consume food or drinks that can stain the filling material (tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, red wine, borscht). After surgery, do not plan active rest or intense work. Your dentist will give you more detailed recommendations or you can read them in the “Reminders” section on this website.

When should you postpone visiting the dentist?

  • during exacerbation of herpes,
  • with influenza or ARVI
  • with severe nasal congestion,
  • if there is a slight increase in temperature.

In all these cases, it is better to reschedule your visit to the doctor.

What should you do before visiting the dentist?

  1. Have a hearty snack
  2. Don't forget to perform hygiene procedures: brushing and flossing your teeth.

What should you not do before visiting the dentist?

Drink alcohol.

What should you remember before visiting the dentist?

Before the examination, the doctor will collect general information about your health.

  1. Do you have an allergic reaction to medications, foods, animals, etc.
  2. Previous and concomitant diseases, as well as previous operations.
  3. Are you currently taking any medications? If you need to take certain medications regularly (heart medications, medications for asthma, diabetes, or hypertension), take them with you.

What should you take with you?

You must have your passport with you. It is also advisable to bring existing x-rays of the maxillofacial area and test results if you have had them recently.

What does the first visit usually include?

  • Meet the doctor
  • Clarify patient complaints, if any.
  • Examination and preparation of a treatment and prevention plan
  • Informing the patient about the essence of the proposed treatment, prognosis and alternative options. Coordination of time and number of visits, cost of work and guarantees.
  • Signing an agreement for the provision of medical services.

Dr Makau is an oral surgeon, periodontist and specialist in aesthetic dentistry at Favero Dental Clinic in London. He received his diploma as a dental surgeon from the Carol Dávila Medical University in 2015.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

To feel good, you should maintain oral hygiene. Regular visits to the dentist will help keep your mouth healthy and protect it from possible problems and diseases. You can go to the dentist at any time; for this you need to make an appointment and plan your visit.


Part 1

Make an appointment with the dentist

    Find a dentist in your area. Having a good dentist that you like will be a positive thing that will contribute to your oral health. Shop around for local dentists and find one you like and will see regularly.

    • Ask friends or family to recommend a dentist they go to or know. Most people won't recommend a dentist they don't like.
    • Read reviews of local dentists online or in newspaper articles.
    • Call your insurance company and find out if you are required to see a covered dentist or if you can pay an additional amount and see an outside dentist. Many insurance companies provide a list of doctors who are part of their health care network.
    • Make a list of potential dentists and list the reasons why you chose them.
  1. Call your dental clinic. Call your chosen dental clinic and ask if they are accepting new patients. If not, call the next clinic on your list.

    • Give the receptionist your basic information, including whether you have insurance.
    • Tell him other important information, such as whether you are afraid of dentists or perhaps suffer from serious dental problems.
  2. Make an appointment. Once you have found a suitable dental clinic, make an appointment with the dentist. Then you will no longer avoid going to the dentist and will finally take care of your teeth.

    Please state the reason for your visit. Briefly describe to the secretary the reason for your visit to the dentist. This way, the secretary will be able to tell you whether the dentist is right for you and the approximate duration of your appointment.

    Ask for directions. If you can't get an appointment with your chosen dentist, ask if he or she works with a partner or if he or she can recommend another dentist. Doctors often work with partners so that they can help all of their patients.

    • Ask your doctor to give you the names of several dentists in case one of them is unable to see you. Otherwise, go back to your list.
    • If you have insurance, make sure the recommended dentist is in a network supported by your insurance company.
  3. Thank the staff. Be sure to thank the people at each clinic for making an appointment for you. This will help you make the appointment process easier in the future.

    Contact the dentist you were referred to. If the dental clinic you choose recommends another doctor, call him. Politely tell the receptionist that you have been referred to them by another dentist, then ask if they are accepting new patients.

    • Be as kind and accommodating as possible. This behavior will not only help you get an appointment, but will also leave a positive impression of you.

    Part 2

    Go to the dentist
    1. Come early. Be sure to arrive early for your appointment. This will give you enough time to fill out the necessary paperwork and provide other information, such as your insurance policy details.

      • Confirm your appointment a few days in advance.
      • Call the clinic if you are running late or want to reschedule your appointment. The sooner you call the secretary, the greater the chance that he will be able to help you.
      • Bring your insurance information and other important information you may need, such as the names of the medications you take and a list of doctors you see. The dental clinic may also mail you forms that you will need to take with you to your appointment.
    2. Talk to your dentist. Good communication is the foundation of any doctor-patient relationship. By talking to your dentist before, during, and after procedures, you will know what he or she is doing, which will reduce your fear or anxiety.

      Practice relaxation techniques. Your dental appointment will be much more enjoyable if you use relaxation techniques. There are various relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, that can help while away the appointment, especially if you are afraid of going to the dentist.

      Distract yourself during your appointment. Nowadays, many dental clinics allow patients to use various media devices during their appointments, which they use for distraction. Agree for your doctor to turn on music or TV to help you relax.

    3. Follow your doctor's directions. You will likely receive written instructions about whether you need additional treatments, how to brush your teeth, and when your next appointment is due. Take them with you so you don’t forget, and do everything exactly as the doctor said.

      • Ask your dentist about how to continue caring for your teeth and mouth in general.
      • Obtain all necessary prescriptions, including prescriptions for medications and procedures such as dental impressions.
    4. Pay before you leave. Pay for your appointment with the receptionist after your appointment is complete and you will discuss your next appointment with the dentist. The secretary will tell you the total amount and schedule the next appointment.

      • Ask the receptionist about insurance or payment methods so you don't miss a payment.
      • Tell him about the next appointments that need to be made and what they are for. Perhaps he has already received all the necessary recommendations from the doctor.
      • Thank the secretary for his help.

We continue, and today we will master the subtleties associated with verbs. Among them there are many whose spelling we are not sure of: “to come” or “to come”, “to put” or “to lay down”, “to illuminate” or “to sanctify”? Let's figure it out together, and let the truth speak through your lips!

Proper warm-up

The sore spot of verbs with -TSYA or -TYSYA at the end is a soft sign, or rather the inappropriate presence or absence of it. But the hint is always with you, just ask a question to the verb. If there is “b” in the question, then it will be in the verb, and vice versa:

I (what does?) LOVE the silver nautical themed charm bracelet. You can’t help but (what can you do?) like this decoration.

This film (what will it do?) will appear on our screens in the winter of 2018, and (what will it do?) any Hollywood star would consider it an honor to appear in such a film masterpiece.


The correct form is just COME: show up on time for your doctor's appointment, promised to come no later than eight in the evening. The confusion arises due to the unprefixed verb IDE - under its influence, we consider the form with the prefix PRI - “to come”, which is characterized as erroneous by the rules of Russian spelling, to be correct. And in general, after any prefix in the indefinite form of a verb (answers the question what to do?) only Y, not D: come, enter, leave, leave, go, move away, etc.

Important! The verbs I WILL COME, COME, COME are written without Y: in no case will I come, you will come, they will come

If you WALK at a snail's pace, you can hardly ARRIVE on time: we still have two blocks to go! But you promised that you WOULD COME in advance!


The colloquial word “lay down” will not decorate the conversation and texts of a literate person. Don’t want to hear jokes about how a girl can leave the village, but the village can never leave the girl? Remember that the verb “to lay down” (and its forms “you lay down”, “you lay down”, “lay down”) does not exist - only PLACE. But the verbs “lie down”, “state”, “put down” and similar ones with prefixes and postfixes (-Сь, -СЯ, -TE at the end of words) are quite correct and literate, there are no restrictions on their use.

DO YOU PUT AN APPLE IN YOUR BAG? PUT in a cereal bar too - tomorrow they wanted to close the canteen for inventory. And let's take coffee in a thermos - you can't RELY on Masha for this, she'll forget.


The first clue to distinguishing between these two is the direction of action. Compare, DRESS - who, what (the action is directed FROM oneself to someone else). Dress a child for a walk, dress a mannequin in a window. WEAR - what (the action is directed AT oneself by those who perform it - themselves or at someone’s request). I'll put on my hat, put on my new shoes.

Second tip: if in doubt, “dress” or “put on,” replace the verb in your phrase with its opposite in meaning:



Example reasoning:

Will I “put on” or “put on” my favorite blouse? We mentally substitute antonyms: “dressed” - “undressed” does not fit, the blouse can only be taken off, but not undressed. Therefore, in the original version we boldly say and write: “I’ll put it on.”


MEASUREMENT of clothes and, for example, the length and width of a tabletop is preferable to MEASUREMENT. The first word is general literary, stylistically neutral, and the second is acceptable, but belongs to colloquial speech. Some linguists consider the verbs “measure” and “measure” to be completely colloquial.

Important! Do not confuse “try on” (that is, measure) and “reconcile” (settle the conflict, lead to peace).

I TRIED on the dress, and now I TRY on the sandals. I love trying on summer new clothes - it reconciles me with the gloomy, not yet hot weather.


To choose between E or I in the root of a verb, focus on the meaning of the word, its meaning. You are talking about LIGHTING - light from some source (light the room with a candle) or interpretation of events, facts (cover the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in television news)? Or do you mean the rite of SANCTIFICATION - giving someone or something spiritual purity, special significance and holiness: consecrate a silver cross in the temple, this house is consecrated in memory of my grandfather.


The logic of reasoning is the same as in the example above: let's look at the root! If we are talking about development, then the verb we need is DEVELOP. Like many cultural phenomena, fashion develops cyclically. If our gaze noted the beautiful play of the wind with any object or thing, then we write FLOW: locks fluttering in the wind, a flag fluttering from the mast.


Many are convinced that the verb TRY (TRY, TRIED) is written with Y, after all, there is a word for “trials”? However, this “y” is deceptive because it is the ending of a noun and not part of a verb suffix. This means that “samples” are not suitable as a test word.

There is another simple rule: if in the present or future tense the verb ends in -YU (-YUYU), then in the indefinite form and past tense the suffix -OVA- (-EVA-) is written.

I TRY the “Four Cheese” pizza - this cafe really praises it. I TRIED it at another pizzeria - I didn’t like it. We need to TRY somewhere else.

When we visit a doctor, we often expect help from him. Compassion, attention, correct diagnosis and treatment. And most importantly, we expect that we will get better.

But doctors are people, not all-knowing gods, so they ask patients to follow simple rules to ensure that their visit to the doctor is as effective as possible.

  1. On the day of your visit or the day before, you MUST take a shower, just wash yourself with a washcloth! Shave areas that are usually shaved. Wear clean clothes and linen. Yes, you need to wash your hair too. And brush your teeth.
  2. Collect your extracts, tests and other medical information in a separate folder. documentation. No need to crumple them, mess with them and shove them in your pocket. Just put it in a file. And make photocopies of each document; the doctor will need them for an outpatient card.
  3. Take with you or write down those medications (name, dose and how many times a day you took them) that you take regularly or took the day before due to illness.
  4. Don't forget your passport, insurance policy and directions.
  5. Think about all your chronic illnesses.
  6. Remember the cases of serious illnesses and the names of the operations that you performed. If you don’t know the names, then at least what they were made about. The names “female style”, “stomach cut”, etc. are not suitable.
  7. Think about what medications you were allergic to

A therapist is a doctor whose competence includes treating a wide range of diseases. The specialist’s task is not only to identify and treat various ailments, but also to refer patients to their specialist colleagues.

When to see a therapist

In most cases, the therapist becomes the first specialist with whom a person enters a medical institution communicates. In essence, the doctor is the patient’s coordinator in the medical sector. If a person does not understand which doctor he should contact, the therapist is guaranteed to provide help.

The therapist’s office always has the full range of necessary instruments for the initial examination of patients. The doctor’s competence allows the therapist to make preliminary diagnoses, which may need to be confirmed:

  • lab tests;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • consultations with relevant specialists.

In some cases, the doctor immediately prescribes medications to the patient, the course of which is always selected on an individual basis. Medical Center "Zdorovye" is therapists work schedule in such a format so that patients can choose the most convenient appointment hours for themselves. Identical opportunities are provided in the laboratory and functional diagnostics sector.

What symptoms do you see a therapist for?

You can come to see a specialist either urgently or by appointment. In the second case, the following symptoms may be a reason to contact a specialist:

  • increased body temperature;
  • discomfort, pain in any area of ​​the body;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, etc.

In most of these cases, self-diagnosis can cause the disease to worsen. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to immediately seek qualified medical help.

You don't need any special preparation to visit a therapist's office. It is enough the day before to refrain from heavy consumption of food, liquids, and alcoholic beverages, as this may become an obstacle to a reliable diagnosis. In all other respects, a person can adhere to a standard daily routine.

Additional therapist services that are relevant for a large number of people include issuing various certificates, documents for issuing health resort cards, applying for training or employment.

Based on materials from the site http://y-zdorov.ru/.