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Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd dog comparison. Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd: comparison of breeds. Purpose of the breed. What services is it suitable for?

In the article I will talk about dogs: Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai, about the history of the origin of these breeds. I will compare their appearance, character, behavior, tell you about the characteristics of each breed, how they are similar and how they are different.

There is still no consensus on the origin of the Caucasian Shepherd dog breed. Judging by the name, the homeland of dogs is the Caucasus. There is an opinion among dog handlers that the ancestors of Caucasians are Asians who came to the Caucasus along with shepherds. Under the influence of climate and various factors, Asian dogs changed and became Caucasian. According to other dog breeders, the ancestor of Caucasian shepherd dogs is the Tibetan Great Dane. Not a single version of the origin of the breed is supported by any evidence. One thing is certain, that the origin of the breed goes back to ancient times. At first, dogs guarded flocks of sheep, as they were fearless and hardy. Later they performed guard duty. Today, objects and private property are protected.

According to experts, the Central Asian Shepherd is the oldest dog on the planet. Moreover, it has been preserved almost in the form in which nature created it. The birthplace of the birth and development of the breed is Asia, where nomadic peoples lived who herded livestock. The shepherds themselves selected the strongest and bravest representatives of the breed. To protect the sheep flocks, they could not take a large number of animals to feed them. Therefore, the guards were 2-3 dogs, very reliable. Naturally, the shepherds carried out a strict selection among the puppies.

External differences

You can determine the breed by the appearance of dogs without being a dog handler. Based on my own experience, I will highlight several external signs of difference:

  • wool;
  • paws;
  • head;
  • muzzle shape;
  • eyes;
  • tail.

And now more details about each.

  1. The Caucasian has long, hard, fairly dense hair with a thick undercoat. Alabai's is shorter, but very thick.
  2. Both dogs shed in the spring. The Caucasian must be combed at least every other day to avoid the formation of tangles. Alabai wool does not require frequent brushing, although during shedding they also need to be combed to prevent skin diseases.
  3. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has shorter paws than the Central Asian Shepherd. They are a little thicker.
  4. Caucasians, especially males, have larger heads than Alabais.
  5. The muzzle is more pointed towards the nose than that of the Caucasian.
  6. Caucasians have small, slanted, deep-set, angry eyes. Among Central Asians, the outer corners of the eyes are not raised upward, so there is no slanting.
  7. The Turkmen Alabai has its tail docked, which is why it is short. Caucasian Shepherd dogs do not have their tails cut off. They are beautiful, fluffy, wrapped in a ring at the end. Although cropping the ears of Alabai puppies and trimming their tails is a personal matter for each owner.

In appearance, the dogs are similar in large dimensions

Representatives of the Turkmen Alabai breed are slightly larger than Caucasian Shepherd Dogs.

Features of the Caucasian and Alabai

Dogs of both breeds are large and powerful. They have strong bones, an athletic build, and a muscular body. The chest is large. The height of a Caucasian is from 63 to 75 cm, dogs can weigh up to 75 kg. Bitches are slightly inferior to males in height and body weight.

Asians grow up to 80 cm at the withers and weigh up to 85 kg. Girls are smaller than boys.

There are many similarities between Central Asians and Caucasians:

  1. Dogs are able to live in special climatic conditions when it is hot during the day and cold at night.
  2. Tolerate lack of food and drink.
  3. They guarded herds of sheep, lived with flocks, and had contact only with shepherds.

This way of life affected the appearance of the animals and their character. Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are strong, hardy, fearless, and very attached to their owner. They love freedom of movement, can make their own decisions, but obey the owner unquestioningly if the dog was raised correctly.

Differences in character and attitude towards a person

Let's start with Alabai.

By nature, the dog is respectable, strict, important, self-confident, stubborn, decisive, independent. In his possessions he feels like a master. On foreign territory does not show interest in others. It is friendly towards other living creatures living next to it.

He loves his owner very much and subtly senses his state of mind. Dogs have a hard time being separated from their owner for a long time and may refuse to eat during his absence. Asians treat other family members calmly and tolerantly. Alabais love their owner's children and play with them with pleasure.

By nature she is wayward, independent, free, very suspicious of strangers. The dog requires respectful treatment. Aggressive towards everything that does not belong to its owner.

The dog perceives the entire world around him as “his own” and “someone else’s”. Submits only to the owner if he manages to establish himself as a leader. If not, the dog will become the leader. In such a situation, there were cases when the owner fed the pet from a shovel, afraid to enter the enclosure.

If you did manage to subdue the Caucasian, then you couldn’t find a more loyal and reliable guard. Although the dog shows its feelings towards its owner calmly and evenly. She won't lick him when they meet him. Caucasians do not recognize baby talk.

A dog treats children, first of all, as a stranger, and only then as a small person, except if the child and puppy grew up together. The Caucasian tolerates the rest of the family members, but can show aggression. It must be eradicated from puppyhood.

The Caucasian Shepherd has a more ferocious disposition. Listens exclusively to the owner. She ignores commands from other family members.

Who is stronger

There is no clear answer to this question. During dog fights, it was noticed that animals of both breeds were practically not inferior to each other in strength. The only differences are: combat tactics, manifestation of anger and readiness to serve the owner. Victory, according to dog breeders, is a matter of chance, although some of them prefer Alabai.

Reference. Dog fighting is illegal in many countries. Violation is strictly punishable by law.

Price per puppy

Private individuals have the opportunity to buy puppies of these breeds without documents for 5 to 8 thousand rubles.

You can buy an Asian puppy from ten to fifty thousand rubles.

  1. Up to 10 thousand you can buy a baby with a small defect. He cannot be exhibited, but he can become a friend and a wonderful guard.
  2. Up to 25 thousand you can buy a puppy with no outstanding build.
  3. Up to 50 thousand is the price for a small Alabai with a great future, possibly a winner of dog shows.

It is better to purchase a puppy from specialized nurseries.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd puppy for about the same price.

Who is better to have: a Caucasian or an Alabai?

Before getting a dog, you need to clearly understand for what purpose you need to get it. If you need a friend, then it is better to pay attention, for example, to a Labrador or another breed.

If you need a security guard, then, of course, you won’t find a better one than a Caucasian or an Alabai. Don't forget to consider:

  1. Is there time to exercise with the dog? Without proper upbringing and training, the animal will grow up uncontrollable.
  2. Do you have the qualities to become a leader in communicating with a Caucasian or an Asian?

Having studied many reviews of shepherd owners, it is clear that everyone praises their breed.

It was described above what kind of character these dog breeds have, their behavior, and I tried to compare these shepherd dogs. The choice is yours. Let us present all of the above in the form of a table.

Comparative characteristics

Comparison options Alabai Caucasian
The dogs are large. + +
Appearance. Beautiful. + +
Force. Endurance. + +
Aggressiveness. Less. Only on your own territory. More. Everywhere.
Attachment to the owner. + +
Security qualities. + +
Attitude towards children. Kind. Wary.
Care. Requires frequent brushing
Attitude towards other animals. Friendly towards your own people. Towards strangers – aggressive. Doesn't like other people's animals.
Who is stronger. + +
Whom to choose. + +

There is no clear answer in the last two columns of the table. There are advantages and disadvantages to both breeds. Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are worthy and unique dogs.

If you work with them, train them, and educate them, they will forever become devoted friends and reliable guards. If necessary, they will give their lives to protect yours.

Both the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Alabai are members of the wolfhound family. Dogs of these breeds are capable of boldly going after both a wolf and an invader in order to protect the herd or property of the owner. But what will happen if they fight against each other? You will find out the answer to this question, as well as how a Caucasian Shepherd Dog can behave in fights with other dog breeds, in this article.


Humanity has faced various dangers throughout the history of its existence. Initially, people tried to save and preserve themselves and their property from attacks by predators. To do this, they domesticated wild dogs, making them guards and defenders capable of defending their territory.

Looking at this state of affairs, many people have clearly established the stereotype of a fighting dog. They began to believe that these are terrible, aggressive, uncontrollable animals that do not know pity, whose main goal is to destroy all of humanity.

But this statement is completely wrong. Of course, all dog fights did not take place without the participation of fighting dogs. They were also used to bait various predators, for example, a wolf - a spectacle, to put it mildly, not for the faint of heart. But officially open, bloody open fights have sunk into oblivion, and the definition of “fighting dog” has stuck with many dogs. This is how the stereotype became entrenched in people’s minds.

In fact, modern fighting dogs have excellent physical abilities and a strict character, nothing more. Their owners make them angry due to poor or harsh training.

As mentioned above, now officially open dog fighting is prohibited - this is regarded as cruelty to animals. However, in Russia there are test fights for wolfhounds and other dog breeds capable of going into battle. This helps maintain their certain performance qualities. Such as the ability to overcome a wolf, protect the owner from attack by intruders, and others.

You need to feel the difference - this is a test controlled by experienced Russian dog handlers, and not a mortal battle. For example, in the West, trainers specifically train a pit bull, making it a vicious murder weapon.

Basic Rules

To understand who is better, stronger, more agile, smarter among large breed dogs, we had to pit them against each other. Specialists who have long been involved in the selection of dogs through dog test fights have come up with certain rules. In the overall picture of the fight, it is thanks to the rules that it becomes clear what qualities a particular dog has.

Here are the main points of the summary of rules so that you can understand what exactly they pay attention to during an organized dog fight:

  • fights are carried out with the aim of forming a breed;
  • fights are conducted in strict accordance with sports rules and Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals);
  • all fights are voluntary - owners should not force their dogs to fight;
  • the fight can be stopped if the animal is injured, and the injured dog is considered the loser;
  • if the opponent whines, he is considered a loser due to increased sensitivity to pain;
  • if one of the opponents leaves the ring during an active fight, he is considered a loser due to cowardice;
  • if the dog does not want to meet the opponent halfway, then they change places; if the same thing happens again, the dog is disqualified.

Thanks to the rules, you can identify the shortcomings and advantages of any dog. However, the assessment is not mechanical; each case is considered individually.

Breed comparisons

The large and powerful Caucasian Shepherd is capable of leading a herd and can save it from a predator attack. This animal can follow the trail of both a wolf and a person. These abilities have made him a universal breed: she is an excellent guard dog and a devoted protector.

The fighting qualities of Caucasian Shepherd dogs were tested mainly in mixed fights against different breeds. As a result, it was proven that the Caucasian can fight no worse, or even better, than any fighting dog or wolf, often winning. Let's look at a few examples.

If we take as an example the fight between a Caucasian Shepherd Dog and an Alabai, it will not immediately be clear which of them will be stronger. To figure out who will emerge victorious from the fight, you first need to say a few words about Alabai.

Alabai is also an excellent guard dog, however, its guarding qualities are territorial. This means that a dog of this breed will not pay attention to someone who is outside the meters assigned to it, unlike a Caucasian. But as soon as the “enemy” crosses the line set by the animal, he will be in trouble.

Alabai often takes part in dog fights to preserve its unique characteristics. Being one of the largest dogs in the world, the Alabai is capable of defeating many rivals, because it has not only great weight, but also remarkable strength.

It is very difficult to say with certainty who will be stronger - the Caucasian Shepherd or the Alabai. These representatives of the wolfhound family have almost the same set of physical and mental qualities. Which of them will perform better in battle depends on several parameters: weight category, conditions of detention and training, individual characteristics.

If the Moscow Watchdog goes into battle against the Caucasian Shepherd, then, most likely, the second breed will perform better. Of course, if the Caucasian Shepherd developed correctly both psychologically and physically.

The Moscow Watchdog appeared as a result of crossing the Caucasian Shepherd, St. Bernard and Russian Pinto Hound. Therefore, many dog ​​handlers and experts consider it a “degraded” version of the Caucasian, incapable of many power tasks.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog considers its main task to protect its owner, it is also capable of guarding its territory. These qualities, combined with obedience and unpretentiousness, are what the breeders tried to obtain when creating this breed. The Moscow Watchdog rarely participates in test battles. Based on all of the above, it is generally accepted that the Caucasian Shepherd is stronger.

In the case of comparing the Caucasian and German Shepherd, the first breed will most likely again be better. The German Shepherd does not have the same strength as the Caucasian, although both dogs perform the same tasks at home: to protect and protect the owner and his family.

But even here everything will depend on the development of animals. If the German Shepherd is ready to enter the ring, that is, has all the necessary qualities and features for this, and the opponent turns out to be less capable, then the German Shepherd will win.

If you put a Caucasian Shepherd against some kind of fighting dog, for example, a pit bull, then even if it doesn’t win, it will fight no worse. Naturally, in the presence of certain fighting qualities, such as endurance, intelligence, courage.

What do you think about the role of the Caucasian Shepherd in dog fighting?

Fans of large dogs are wondering how the Alabai differs from the Caucasian Shepherd. These two breeds are similar in appearance, but there are still some differences between them. We will try to compare the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Alabai, examining in detail the most notable discrepancies.

Caucasian Shepherd or Alabai: the difference

The comparison shows that the differences between the Alabai and the Caucasian Shepherd appear primarily in the temperaments of both animals. The Caucasian is an independent creature who values ​​his freedom and is not used to being submissive; he often allows himself to ignore everyone except his master. He needs a lot of space for physical activity. He makes a good watchdog, because he is smart and has a tendency to protect his owner from any dangers. Can be aggressive, rush at strangers and bite painfully.

Caucasians do not require special care; they live quietly on their own, without additional care. The average lifespan of such a dog is 11 years.

Alabai also needs freedom. He is much more obedient, eager to receive his master's attention. He loves not only the person who tamed him, but also the entire family in which he lives. Gets along well with other pets and does not offend small children. Patient and quite flexible, not prone to aggression. Loves to demonstrate all his dexterity and courage. Lives for about 13 years.

The difference between the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai is obvious: the first breed is much more aggressive, impetuous and freedom-loving than the second.

Who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian?

Alabai is a dog of impressive size, with a height of as much as 65 cm. Some adult dogs reach 80 cm. They weigh from 40 to 80 kg.

The Caucasian is slightly smaller: his height is approximately 60 cm, rarely exceeding 75 cm. Weight ranges from 45-75 kg.

So who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd? Overall, Alabai. Much is determined by nutrition, intensity of exercise and regularity of walks. It is important to note that bitches are shorter and thinner than cables.

Who is stronger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd?

It doesn’t matter whether an Alabai or a Caucasian lives with you: each of the breeds will protect you if necessary. If you compare the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai, it turns out that the dogs have almost the same strength indicators. The difference is noticeable only in the manner of their behavior. The Caucasian quickly gets angry, attacks the enemy without hesitation, and acts fearlessly. In intelligence he is superior to the Alabai, he can understand and even predict the tactics of the offender.

Alabai is somewhat larger, and this is its advantage. He reacts with lightning speed and is ready to do anything to earn praise. Thinks through his actions in advance, hits powerfully, bites hard.

Alabai outperforms his no less worthy opponent, but not in strength, but in thoughtful tactics that help him win even the most brutal fights.

Alabai or Caucasian: who to choose?

It is impossible to say for sure which is better: the Alabai and the Caucasian are completely different dogs in character. If you are going to raise your pet alone, you can safely choose a devoted Caucasian. Be careful when buying it for a home with children: they may not be able to make friends. If your family also wants to take part in raising a new pet, consider purchasing a more friendly Alabai. Your own behavior also plays a role. Alabai people tend to want to show off. They get used to doing rash acts if they are constantly provoked to do so. Remember: imbalance can lead to tragic consequences.

Choosing a dog for fights. Leave your sentimentality towards animals, I ask you to answer only those who really know about dog fights. There are only Alabai and Caucasian to choose from. It is possible to train an animal and buy a quality puppy. Please describe all the pros and cons of the breeds in combat. If anyone really helps, they will receive special thanks. Don’t offer any babies, rats, or erks of any kind. Waiting for an answer.


dick is stronger




Before choosing - Caucasian or Central Asian? The question is not at all so clear-cut. We asked it in two versions. The first one is in the sense of “who should I buy?” We have already written that in most cases an Asian is more flexible, while a Caucasian has a more explosive character. But the Caucasian is more impressive in appearance and more reliable as a security guard. We once had to be present at a completely egregious case of judicial tactlessness, to put it mildly. Finishing the judging of the Asian rings, the Slovak expert, who had already amused the audience enough with his antics and crawling on all fours, suddenly declares: “Whoever wants a smart dog takes an Asian, whoever wants a fool takes a Caucasian!” This is in front of the Caucasian rings and in the presence of their owners! One of the spectators surrounding the ring shouts: “What difference does it make?” The expert readily explains: “If a person climbs over a fence, a Caucasian will immediately kill him, but an Asian will first think for a second and then kill him.” The same voice, shouting over the audience’s laughter, asks the same question: “So what’s the difference!?” This case is very indicative and very well illustrates the abyss of knowledge and understanding of wolfhounds by foreign “all group” “specialists.” But there is another meaning of what we asked question. Are Caucasians and Asians one breed, or two? Far from the problems of cynology, this question may seem at least strange. But! Indeed, there are officially two breeds registered by the FCI - the “Caucasian Shepherd Dog” and the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. We will not repeat ourselves, once again proving that they are not shepherd dogs (“sheep dogs”), whose functions are herd management (German, Scottish, Belgian and other shepherds), and shepherd dogs, whose main function is to protect the herd. More than enough has already been written about this in the domestic canine literature by such authoritative specialists as Krasnova, Eisenberg, Mychko, Belenky and many others. But this is not the problem. It would be dishonest to readers not to note the fact that some experts consider wolfhounds to be one breed after all. And although the authors themselves tend to divide wolfhounds into two breeds, emphasizing their common origin and close relationship, we will still dwell on this in more detail. So, there are two trends: “delimiting” and “unifying”. Supporters of the first insist on emphasizing the differences between a Caucasian and an Asian: the structure of the skulls (primarily), colors, coat, and psyche. Considering wolfhounds in this way, they are sometimes overly keen on distinguishing between intra-breed types, singling out Caucasians as Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, dividing them into long-haired (mountain), transitional and short-haired (steppe or lowland), and these, in turn, into the Gergeti, Gorban, Dagestan types etc. , Turkmen Asians (Alabai), Uzbek, Kazakh, etc. But it is probably fair to say that in factory conditions this division is already quite arbitrary. Supporters of “unification” tendencies (and this point of view is supported by very authoritative experts - experts on wolfhounds) fundamentally These dogs are called “shepherd dogs” or “wolfhounds of Asian origin.” And their arguments are also very convincing. We will return to the problems of the official status and classification of wolfhounds. And at the end of this chapter, we want to warn novice wolfhounds against a primitive solution to the problem: if shaggy and with a tail, it means Caucasian, and if short-haired, without a tail or black, it means Asian! The fact is that Caucasians also often have their tail docked, while Asians have the length of the guard hair reaches 8 centimeters, and black Caucasians are very valued in Armenia, although from the point of view of the compilers of the standard k.o. This is a disqualifying fault.


I will answer you this way: 1. The best match pitmen knock down both Alabais and Caucasians.2. The Caucasian Shepherd is better due to its thicker coat. Although in battle everything depends on the dog itself, and not on the breed... the better protection of the body of Caucasians allows them to receive less damage.3. Take a Caucasian Shepherd from dogs of a special fighting line.4. If you want more victories, buy a sheep, raise it with a Caucasian and before the start of the battle let him smell the wool of this sheep. Or better yet, challenge the enemy to fight in front of a herd of sheep...5. According to shepherds, Caucasians often become winners. Again, these are just general statistics.6. The main key to success is training. You need to train strength, endurance, bite and tactics. Remember point 6, and force the person you hire to train the animal to do everything! 1. Force – traction of a cart with a load. 2. Endurance - running after a car (don’t try to follow a big one - a Caucasian will drag you to hell, this is a stupid machine) 3. Bite - the dog should chew food regularly + teach how to rip a tire. 4. Tactics is the most difficult factor, you need a dummy of the enemy dog... in short, there are many ways.7. Look for a good trainer. By observing all 7 factors, your dog will be a champion. How do I know this? Because shepherd dogs most often do not train properly... and only a few can afford to train them. Hopefully...like you!


The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a breed of dog whose region of origin is the Caucasus. Today, the guarding qualities of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are the most sought after in the breed. However, not every dog ​​has an innate ability to guard, and it is passed on only genetically. I saw both dogs in kennels and still the Alabai is stronger! His paws and build are stronger! Although a canine specialist can say more precisely! The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai, Turkmen Wolfhound) is an ancient breed of dog bred in the regions of Central Asia - Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Used for herding, security and guard duty. An important feature of the breed: the Central Asian Shepherd Dog can enter into battle only in cases of obvious danger to the protected property - property or the owner himself, or when attempting to violate the boundaries of the protected zone.


You're just a weirdo if you're from a different letter!


In all seriousness, among aboriginal dogs there are separate lines of fighters (not guard dogs, not wolfhounds, but fighting dogs). Among and you need to look. And who exactly is stronger: a Caucasian or a Central Asian depends on the individual qualities of individual dogs: one is stronger and more massive, the other is lighter and more agile.


go to the ring yourself

The question itself about choosing a dog for fights indicates the inadequacy of the questioner

Who is better: Alabai or German Shepherd? Both breeds perform excellent watchdog functions, quickly responding to threats, but each of these breeds has different external and behavioral characteristics. First, let's briefly look at the main features of the breeds, and then draw a conclusion.


Alabai is one of the largest dogs in the world. The height at the withers can exceed 70 centimeters, and the weight can reach 80 kilograms.

Features of Alabaev:

  • excellent herding and guarding qualities;
  • the ability to smell a predator from afar;
  • loyalty and devotion to the owner if properly raised from an early age;
  • stable psyche;
  • excellent health;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • good learning ability;
  • stubbornness and slowness in executing the owner’s commands;
  • strength and endurance;
  • a clear division of people into “us” and “strangers” with a corresponding positive attitude towards the former and an extremely negative attitude towards the latter.

Alabai are not very suitable for apartment keeping due to the excessive thickness of the coat, which requires appropriate regular care and the need for a large area for physical activity and waste of energy.

Important! If movement is limited in a small area or in a small room, she will inevitably develop psycho-emotional and physiological problems.

Alabais are able to think and make independent decisions in various situations. They need a master who will overcome their excessive stubbornness and become an unquestioned authority.

Alabais are larger and heavier than German Shepherds

German Shepherd

Initially, the “Germans” were used as assistant shepherds of sheep. Later they began to be trained to work in special services, search and rescue teams and many other industries.

The height of shepherd dogs at the withers is up to 65 cm, weight up to 40 kg.

Features of the German Shepherd:

  • high level of intelligence. They are among the ten smartest breeds in the world in terms of learning speed and memorization of new commands;
  • excellent physical data and high activity;
  • flexibility and quick adaptation to new things;
  • balance and calmness;
  • contact and ability to restrain aggression;
  • excellent security qualities;
  • ability to get along in the same territory with other pets.

Important! German Shepherds need regular exercise and daily walks. It is necessary to train and educate the dog from an early age in order to avoid problems with its behavior.

Comparison of breeds

German Shepherds are more active and remember commands faster than Alabais.

Who's smarter?

German Shepherd, if by intelligence we mean agreeableness and ability to learn. In Alabais, stubbornness and independence of character are manifested to a greater extent, which reduces the speed of learning and can create difficulties in training.

Who is stronger?

Alabai. They are larger and taller.

Who's friendlier?

German Shepherds. Alabais are more prone to display aggression towards people and other animals.

Interesting to know! Some dog breeders cross them with each other, producing beautiful large and strong mestizos. But when genes are mixed, the character of puppies often displays both positive (intelligence, courage, activity, obedience and learning ability) and negative traits (increased aggressiveness, cowardice, unpredictability of behavior).

Whom to choose?

For apartment living, it is better to choose a German Shepherd. To protect a house with a large territory, you can choose any of the breeds. It is worth considering that Germans are easier to maintain and are a universal option. If you want to have a more formidable and dangerous dog, choose an Alabai, but be prepared to struggle with the stubborn nature of the animal and additional difficulties in raising it. But this does not mean at all that it will be easy and simple with a German Shepherd - any dog ​​requires great attention.