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The kitten meows all the time what to do. Why do cats and cats meow? Reasons for this condition

Maybe she does it out of pain. Your pet's excessive talkativeness coupled with unusual, odd behavior is cause for concern. It's a good idea to take your furry friend to the vet.

"Hello master"

Not only dogs can greet their owner by raising their voices joyfully when he returns home after a long absence. Cats can also meow to meet their owner, thereby greeting him.

"Feed me"

Cats often meow when they want to eat. Even the not-so-talkative Felis silvestris catus will give a voice to let the person know it's time to refill the bowl.

"Come on, pay attention to me"

Sometimes cats meow simply because they want the owner to give them a little of their time: play, talk, pet, finally.

"Let me in"

Your pet, walking around his apartment, may stumble upon a closed door to a room where he often spends his free time lying on his favorite sofa, or to the kitchen, where his favorite bowl is. Barsik fails to remove the obstacle in the form of a massive door on his own, and he begins to meow plaintively. Some pets meow in front of the door, not so much because they want to come in, but because they simply do not like it when the doors are closed.

"I need a cat"

When at, they often roll on the floor, meowing desperately at the same time. Your pet needs a cat, so she is crying. Cats during the period of sexual hunting also meow. If this is a problem for you, you can solve it by sterilization / castration.

"Where are you, master?"

Left at home for a long time, felines from loneliness can drag on a sad song.

"Old age is not joy"

Your Murzik may become more talkative with age than usual. Excessive sociability for older cats is the norm.

"I'm scared"

Desperate meowing may be the result of stress that your pet is experiencing. Taking your cat outside for the first time, where there are so many loud, harsh sounds and foreign smells, do not be surprised that he meows without stopping.

"Do not make me angry"

When playing with a kitten or an adult animal, the main thing is not to get too carried away. If your pet is not in the mood to play, and you only annoy him with your harassment, he may also give a voice. And you run the risk of hearing not a plaintive "meow", but a loud threatening howl.

A new family member appeared at home, a small fluffy ball and ... you lost sleep, lost your peace. The kitten meows all the time, asks for something, and you start to get nervous, annoyed because you cannot understand him. There is no need to get upset, just try to find out why your pet is behaving this way and correct the situation as soon as possible.

Causes of a kitten's constant cry

The reasons are different, both physical and psychological.


Demanding food from the owner, a small fluffy lump expresses concern and begins to meow loudly. Feed your pet something tasty he will calm down and will not annoy you with their "weeping". Below is a sample diet for a small kitten.

  1. Meat. In cooking for a small pet, you can only use poultry, beef, lamb or horse meat. The meat must first be boiled. In no case do not buy pork meat for a kitten, it contains a lot of fat and helminths may be present.
  2. Fish. Despite the fact that all representatives of the cat family are not indifferent to this seafood, you should not get carried away with it. Frequent use of it can provoke urolithiasis in a kitten. Fish should be given to kittens boiled, pitted and no more than 1 time per week. Eggs can be given both raw and boiled.
  3. Dairy products. Instead of whole cow's milk, give the baby fermented milk products, such as fermented baked milk, curdled milk and kefir.
  4. A mixture of cottage cheese, milk and chicken yolk will definitely please your furry friend. Sometimes you can treat him with a small piece of cheese.
  5. At least 2 times a week, the kitten should receive chicken eggs. Their use has a beneficial effect on the growth of the pet and the shine of his coat.
  6. Necessarily include a variety of cereals in the diet, except for "hercules" and legumes.
  7. Clean water must always be available.

Having eaten, the kitten will stop meowing and you can safely go about your business.

Difficult adaptation

A kitten, once in an unfamiliar environment, gets a lot of stress, feels anxiety and fear of the unknown. The kid, just separated from his mother and his brothers, misses them greatly, begins to meow loudly and pitifully. This situation is especially acute for very tiny kittens (up to 2 months of age). In this case, you will need maximum patience and calmness.

Create conditions for the baby that are close to those that were in the same place, next to the mother cat. Make a cozy house, prepare a warm heating pad wrapped in a piece of soft, preferably fluffy fabric. This will remind him of his mother's warmth, the baby will calm down and fall asleep quietly. Surrounding the baby with care and attention, you will let him know that now he has another protector and breadwinner who will feed and protect him, just like his mother. As a rule, having got used to the new environment, the kitten completely relaxes and the “concerts” stop. Adaptation of kittens lasts about a week.

Lack of attention

Although domestic cats are independent creatures, they still need to feel loved, needed and not alone. The constant meowing of a kitten that has lived in the house for some time can be explained precisely by a lack of attention. Take a break from household chores for a while, play with the baby, talk, strive for contact, even if the baby is still a little afraid of you.

If you need to urgently go about your business, come up with some entertainment for the baby. You can buy in advance in the children's world or in a pet store a plastic ball with holes, usually there is a simple rattle inside it, but you can "improve" the design by placing a homemade mouse there. The toy can be sewn from a piece of fur, filling it with padding polyester, sew on a tail using any leather or synthetic cord. The kitten will try to get the "mouse" out of the ball, which at the same time rolls on the floor, which complicates the task a little and makes the game more interesting. The game will take all the attention of the baby and he will stop meowing and "getting" you with his cries.

Health problems

If psychologically everything is fine, you should pay attention to the physical condition of the kitten, as various diseases can also cause the baby to constantly “cry”. Since small individuals have still weak immunity, they can very easily become infected and get sick. Necessarily take your pet to the vet and strictly follow his instructions.

Each sound "pronounced" by a cat carries certain information. By this, the animal tells you about its desires and needs. Some “talkativeness” is inherent in all individuals of the feline genus, but if your pet meows constantly, you should definitely pay attention to this and understand why the baby is meowing.

It has been scientifically proven that the sounds reproduced by a cat carry certain information. If we are talking about kittens, then their meowing can be regarded as a desire to express their desires and needs.

What to do if the kitten constantly meows?

Everything that happens to your pet should be in moderation. If you notice that he almost constantly “shouts”, of course you should pay attention to this. Many people think about why it meows for no reason, but it is worth noting that often the reason is always found: psychological or physical. In a normal state, a physically healthy animal will not make extra sounds. The root cause of why a kitten constantly meows may be hunger. Demanding food from the owner is accompanied by loud meowing and anxiety. Another reason may be that he simply requires your attention and affection. Do not forget that little kittens need to be stroked, caressed, they want to feel warm and protected. The period of weaning from the mother cat may be accompanied by a similar protracted reaction of the baby. In this case, you need to pay attention to him, play with him and be patient. It is important to check the health of your furry friend, because various things can be the reason for his constant meowing. Helminthiasis is a very common disease that often worries small pets.

To avoid such problems, do not forget to examine your animal at the veterinarian in a timely manner. If you are thinking about how to wean a kitten to meow, then first of all think about what is the reason for this behavior of the animal. The sooner you can find the cause, the sooner you can fix it.

A kitten that has appeared in the house is not only a great joy, but also a source of constant anxiety. Sometimes owners say that the kitten meows all the time. It is worth taking a closer look at the pet and find out what is bothering him.

Even the owners of adult animals are puzzled if their pet's voice suddenly changes or their beloved cat starts meowing at night. Animal psychologists are constantly studying the habits of cats and can name dozens of reasons, distinguish between the meow of a hungry kitten and the meow of an angry cat. In this article, we will highlight the main causes of animal anxiety and offer options on how to respond to the owner if a cat meows frequently in the house.

Sometimes they yell worse than Vitas

5 Reasons Your Kitten Meows Frequently

  1. It is normal if a kitten meows in a new house - the baby has stress, which he expresses in an accessible way. Let the new family member settle in, don't disturb him for at least a few hours (but don't forget to feed and show him the toilet).
  2. The most common reason little kittens meow is hunger. The bowl should be in its usual place, and the food should be fresh.
  3. Sometimes a kitten's mournful meow means just a request to be played with or petted. Or the baby is trying to get your attention if he is in a difficult situation: for example, he cannot get out of the room or gets tangled in the threads during the game.
  4. In certain cases, you will have to be firm: if the door to the room is closed, and the kitten meows at night and demands to be let in, you should not indulge in whims. If the baby understands that the game begins when the kitten begins to meow, you will come to work not having enough sleep and tell your colleagues: “The kitten meowed all night and did not let you sleep.”
  5. The sweetest reason why a kitten purrs and meows is because it expresses love and affection.

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6 Reasons You Need Vet Help

Some owners worry that the kitten meows when it goes to the toilet. There is no need to worry if the following conditions are met:

  • the kitten was driven off the worms;
  • he has no constipation or diarrhea.

If the worms are not driven away, you need to do this, and in case of indigestion, contact your veterinarian.

A doctor will also be needed if the kitten meows and scratches its ear. This behavior could be caused by allergies, ear mites, or another medical condition.

Have you noticed that the kitten is shaking and meowing at the same time? If the baby is not cold and not hungry, this is also a reason to visit the clinic, because such symptoms are also characteristic of a spinal injury and the presence of worms. You will need the help of an experienced specialist to diagnose the disease.

An adult cat meows after the toilet - a serious reason to immediately take the pet to the doctor. Often this behavior is a sign of an incipient urolithiasis.

You need to contact the clinic when the cat does not eat anything and meows. This is a dangerous symptom, but it is impossible to make a diagnosis without an examination and a complete examination.

It happens that the kitten meows hoarsely, as if something is bothering him. This is a common sign of the presence of worms in the lungs or heart, but it can also be a symptom of a viral disease. Show the baby to the veterinarian to start treatment immediately.

What if it meows weird?

There are animals whose owners think that the kitten meows silently. If the kitten is cheerful and playful, does not refuse food, does not sneeze or cough, your pet may have a quiet voice. And even if it seems that the cat opens its mouth, but does not meow, it is not. The human ear simply does not perceive the full range of sounds made by cats.

The cat meows strangely when something hurts him

And if the kitten has stopped meowing, take a closer look at his behavior. The reason may be stress, or maybe right now he does not want to communicate.

People are surprised when deaf cats meow. They can make sounds that are inappropriate for the situation - too loud or too quiet, and usually do this less often than normally hearing animals. But meowing remains an important way of communication for them.

Sometimes owners hear that a cat meows in a dream. Most likely, he is having a dream in which the events require the cat to give a voice, or are too exciting and realistic. Don't wake the cat, this is normal.

Carefully observe the animals, and soon you yourself will begin to distinguish shades of voice and nuances of behavior, and it will no longer seem to you that the cat is meowing for no reason. And if this happens, remember that sometimes our pets just need communication and affection.

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Young tailed pets, like children, require from the owner not only attention, but also knowledge. After all, the presence of kittens in the house is not always peace, games and the joy of communication. Sometimes the owners suffer from the fact that they do not know how to help their young wards, because they do not understand what is happening to them. It happens when babies constantly meow. What do they want to communicate? What help is required?

mother's call

When kittens are separated from their mother, they experience a lot of stress. After all, mother for babies is a means of calming, protecting, protecting and supporting immunity.

At first, cat cubs simply do not know how to behave without a mother, they suffer from the lack of her warmth. They are scared. It is during this period that they meow, in great need of the care of a mother cat. Such crying during the period of adaptation to the owner may not subside for hours at all. What should the owner do in such a situation?
We must be patient and show maximum care for the baby. Take him in your arms, stroke him, talk to him, hug him and warm him. The warmth emanating from you will to some extent replace the mother's. Adaptation stress in a kitten can last for several days, and may be longer if you take the baby into the house too early. It is recommended to do this no earlier than he is two months old.


The desire to eat is the most typical reason for the kitten's discontent and its prolonged meowing. A young pet asks for food in this way, and this is normal. Perhaps you give him too small portions, feed rarely?
A well-fed kitten will sleep a lot and feel content. Maybe the baby you are feeding dry food needs water? It must always be freely available to him.

To attract attention

Many owners believe that a young pet can stay in the house for a long time and still feel good. No! Kittens need attention just like children. They really need communication, affection, games. And if the baby stays at home alone all day while you are at work, then it is natural that in the evening he will want to “tell” you how he was bored, how sad and lonely he was. By meowing, he simply attracts attention. Give the baby time, talk, play - and he will calm down.

Expression of love

Many owners are surprised: when a cat is well, he should not meow, he purrs like a tractor. But some animals express their love for the owner loudly, and kittens simply do not know how to purr quietly yet. Again, thank the baby with reciprocal attention, stroke, take it in your arms.

The coming of spring

It would seem that with the onset of the first spring warmth, instincts awaken only in adult cats. But if your kitten is no longer a baby, but a teenager who is 6 months old, then it is quite possible that the first signs of sexual behavior begin to appear in him, hormones make themselves felt. Veterinarians recommend preparing for this period in advance. If you are not going to have offspring from your ward, then it should be sterilized on time. In this case, the owners will be able to avoid not only inviting spring meows, complete disregard for the owner, but also damage to household property. Sterilization is a radical way to avoid such problems. There are also more acceptable options, for example, hormone therapy. A veterinarian will help you choose a reliable remedy.

Diseases, pain

Gently feel the belly. Maybe it is swollen, and the meowing intensifies on palpation? In such cases, it is worth taking the kitten to a veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to accurately diagnose after examination or (if necessary) after ultrasound. If a disease is detected, the owner must follow the doctor's instructions clearly and regularly.

So, for no reason, a baby cat will not meow. There is always a reason for this, only to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone can be difficult. So, if a young fluffy has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.