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The uterus is posterior causes. Optimal positions for sex. After intercourse: tricks to increase the likelihood of fertilization


The uterus is a mobile organ, and its position can change under the influence of various factors. According to the physiological norm, it is located between the bladder and rectum. Posterior bending of the uterus is a common pathology called retroflexion.

What is retroflexion

Posterior bending of the uterus is a sign of an atypical location in the abdominal cavity. According to the norm, relative to the cervix it forms an angle that is open anteriorly. Thanks to this, the organ can be displaced, if necessary, so as not to put pressure on a full intestine or bladder.

If the uterus is tilted back, it means that an “wrong” angle is formed, directed towards the spine. For a long time, the disorder may be invisible to the woman herself, but serious complications may develop. These include prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

Due to the hidden course of the pathology, a woman often finds out that the uterus has deviated posteriorly during a routine examination or when determining the causes of infertility. If there is a strong deviation or bend, sperm cannot penetrate to the desired part of the organ for conception.

Types of pathology

The posterior bend can be movable or fixed. In the first case, the organ can independently return to its normal position; with fixed retroflexion, the uterus is constantly deviated in relation to the cervix. When a doctor attempts to correct the pathology manually, a sharp pain syndrome occurs.

Posterior flexion can be corrected through massage techniques and certain physical exercises. Conception is possible with it: it is enough for a woman to take a position that will “return” the uterus to the correct physiological position - lying on her stomach. A fixed deviation requires more serious manipulations, including surgery.

If the uterus has a congenital bend backwards, pathology is often accompanied by diseases that exclude the possibility of conception.

Possible reasons

Posterior bending of the uterus can be primary (congenital) or secondary (acquired). The disorder is formed during the period of intrauterine development of the girl. If the uterus is slightly tilted backwards, treatment is not necessary. A woman can become pregnant, and the process of bearing the fetus will return the organ to its place.

Acquired posterior bending develops due to the effects of pathological processes and disorders in the body. So, a moving deviation is caused by:

  • sprain;
  • decreased tone of the pelvic muscles;
  • injuries;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • malnutrition;
  • infections after childbirth or abortion;
  • lack of physical activity;

If a fixed posterior bend of the uterus is diagnosed, this means that the mobility of the organ in relation to the rest of the pelvic organs is impaired. The most common cause is considered to be adhesions in the pelvis.

The following can also cause permanent bending:

  • complications after childbirth;
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • regular constipation;
  • chronic diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.

With timely treatment of most diseases, posterior bending of the uterus can be avoided.


Most women do not feel that the uterus is tilted posteriorly for a long time. The pathology has no specific symptoms. A fixed bend appears:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • constipation;
  • pressing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • copious discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Similar symptoms are characteristic of a number of other diseases of the genitourinary system. Typically, patients turn to a gynecologist with suspicions of cystitis or vaginitis, and only during the examination it is discovered that the uterus is deviated posteriorly.

Pregnancy when bending

An unfixed bend does not interfere with sexual activity. But it is difficult for sperm to get to the right place, which means that the likelihood of fertilization is significantly reduced. When switching to a fixed type of disorder, irreversible physiological infertility is possible.

The knee-elbow position is considered the most favorable for conception. After completing the process, it is advisable to lie on your stomach for a few minutes. This leads to a gradual straightening of the uterus, which increases the chance of fertilization.

With a fixed bend, the chances of successful conception are significantly reduced. Even if pregnancy has occurred, it requires special monitoring from doctors: the chances of successfully carrying a child to term are very low. Gynecologists recommend undergoing a full medical examination at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to promptly identify any abnormalities.


If there is a suspicion that the uterus is deviated posteriorly, a specialist should conduct a two-handed examination. During this, the fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina while the other examines the surface of the lower abdomen. Internal organs can be felt between the fingers.

During such a study, the gynecologist determines the position of the uterus and the presence of tumors in the pelvic area. If it turns out that the uterus is deviated posteriorly, then other manipulations are necessary. The doctor will try to return it to the correct position; with a movable bend, this will happen without any problems.

If obvious pathologies in the location of organs are identified, the patient receives referrals for additional studies. It is necessary to do a computed tomography and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If adhesions, inflammation or tumors are detected, the necessary therapy is selected.

Mobile bending of the uterus without unpleasant symptoms often do not require treatment.


A “neglected” posterior bend of the uterus requires special treatment, which can cause infertility, as well as complications in the form of prolapse or prolapse of organs. The main therapeutic measures are aimed at correcting the root causes of the disorder.

Indications for medical intervention also include:

  • dysmenorrhea;
  • infertility;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • constant constipation;
  • inflammation;
  • adhesions.

The nature of therapy depends on the reasons why the uterus is deviated posteriorly. For both types of deviations it is recommended:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • physical exercise;
  • massages.

The course of exercises is selected individually by a physical therapy instructor.

Among the main objectives are to increase muscle tone, speed up the metabolic process, and improve blood supply to the pelvic tissues.

For bending caused by inflammatory diseases, a course of drug therapy is necessary. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents are used, and in addition there is a general strengthening effect on the body. Adhesions are removed by surgical dissection via laparoscopy.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself from backward bending of the uterus. But there are a number of recommendations that will help reduce the likelihood of developing this pathology. Recommended:

  1. Refuse to work that requires constant standing and excessive physical exertion.
  2. Avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs: a passive lifestyle is unacceptable, daily physical activity is necessary.
  3. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent the transition of diseases from the acute phase to the chronic phase.
  4. The “bet” is on general strengthening physical exercises, and not on strength training.
  5. It is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
  6. Nutrition should be balanced and complete.
  7. Strict diets are prohibited: sudden weight loss harms the entire body.

With a mild course of the disease, the prognosis is favorable. A course of special massage of the uterus allows, in case of first-degree bending, to return the organ to its place and pregnancy occurs quickly. In the presence of adhesions in the pelvis and chronic inflammatory processes, relapse is often observed.

Violation of the position of the uterus is not a disease, but a pathology, the occurrence of which has a number of reasons. There are several options for organ displacement. The nature of the symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The consequences can affect reproductive capacity, the nature of the menstrual cycle, and the general health and well-being of the woman. Several methods are used to eliminate ailments due to the bending of the uterus.


What is uterine inflexion

Many women experience a pathology such as displacement of the uterus relative to its natural position in the pelvis. It is located approximately in the center, the cervix enters the vagina. In a normal position, sperm enter the organ cavity through the cervix and from there into the tubes, where fertilization of the egg occurs. If there is a deviation from the norm, the process may be disrupted, and various complications may appear. Their nature depends on the direction in which the bend occurs, as well as on the degree of deviation.

Types of bends

Depending on the direction of the bend, several types of such pathology are distinguished.

Retroflexion. The uterus is pushed back towards the rectum, which is why a woman sometimes fails to conceive a child. This displacement is observed most often. It is this pathology that is usually meant when talking about the occurrence of a bend.

Anteflexion. The uterus is tilted forward towards the bladder. In this case, the cervix is ​​not displaced. This bend is considered a normal variant in nulliparous women. Usually after childbirth the uterus returns to its natural position.

Anteversion. Simultaneous displacement of the uterus and its cervix towards the bladder.

Lateroflexion– displacement of the organ to the side, towards the right or left ovary.

Another variant of the pathology may be “twisting” of the uterus when it turns around the cervix.

Causes of pathology

The causes of a bent uterus can be:

  • congenital disorders of the pelvic organs that arose during fetal development;
  • weakening of the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus in its natural position (for example, due to multiple pregnancies or age-related changes in the body);
  • rupture of the muscles and ligaments connecting the organ to the walls of the abdominal cavity;
  • the occurrence of adhesions between the body of the uterus and other organs;
  • formation and growth of tumors on the outer surface of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes leading to the formation of scars and changes in the shape of the organ;
  • diseases associated with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, cysts and ovarian tumors);
  • abortions, surgical interventions, caesarean section;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • lifting weights, intense sports during menstruation;
  • frequent births, especially difficult ones;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • intestinal diseases, as well as bladder tumors.

Note: There is an opinion that baby girls should not take the “sitting” position too early, as this will subsequently cause uterine inflexion. However, doctors refute this claim.

Symptoms of a bent uterus

The first signs that suggest that a woman has a uterine inflexion may be a violation of the regularity of menstruation, increased pain during menstruation and during sexual intercourse. In addition, if the uterus is tilted forward, there is a frequent urge to urinate.

A symptom of the occurrence of a bend may be an increase in the intensity of menstrual flow, the formation of clots of coagulated blood in it. The duration of menstruation increases due to spotting. Delays may occur due to impaired cervical patency due to bending.

When the uterus is bent, leucorrhoea of ​​a yellowish or greenish color with an unpleasant odor often occurs. Their appearance indicates stagnation of mucus and the presence of a bacterial infection.

Compression of the intestines when a bend occurs leads to constipation and gas incontinence. Urination becomes more frequent.

Possible complications when the uterus is bent

When a bend of the uterus forms, the consequences are associated both with disruption of its functioning and with the impact on neighboring pelvic organs.

Menstrual irregularities (changes in the duration and nature of menstruation) are possible. The danger of pathologies (inflammatory processes, endometrial hyperplasia) increases.

Due to the bending of the uterus forward or backward, compression of the rectum or bladder occurs, which affects the functioning of these organs and complicates defecation or urination.

Deflection of the uterus and pregnancy

With a slight bend of a congenital or acquired nature, problems with the onset of conception, as a rule, do not occur if there are no other pathologies. During pregnancy, the uterus stretches, its position becomes more natural. Changes in shape and size can lead to the disappearance of pathology after childbirth.

If a significant bend occurs, the opening of the cervix rests against the vaginal wall, which makes it difficult or impossible for sperm to penetrate into it. The consequence is the woman's infertility. The same complication occurs if there is an inflection at the base of the uterine body. In this case, after sexual intercourse, sperm is retained in the vagina.

In many cases, pregnancy if a woman has a bent uterus becomes possible due to partial or complete restoration of its position relative to the vagina. Conceiving can be helped by a woman choosing the correct position during sexual intercourse, eliminating the bend with the help of a special massage and other measures recommended by the doctor.

If pregnancy has occurred, complications are most likely to occur if the uterus is tilted back. In this case, spontaneous abortion is possible. During childbirth, it becomes difficult for the cervix to open and the baby to pass through the birth canal, which threatens fetal hypoxia and injury. In some cases, the birth of a child is only possible through cesarean section.

Pregnant women who have a pathology such as bending are recommended to practice yoga and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis. Exercises often help correct the position of the uterus if there are no adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The presence of adhesions significantly complicates the course of pregnancy, since the growth of the fetus causes displacement of other organs. A so-called “strangulation” of the uterus occurs, which often ends in miscarriage.

Video: Possibility of pregnancy when the uterus is bent. Features of the course

Diagnostic and treatment methods

The bend is often diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination. To clarify the nature and extent of deviations, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is used, as well as hysterosalpingography (x-ray of the uterus using a contrast solution), which makes it possible to detect the cause of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

To determine the cause of uterine flexion and assess possible complications, laboratory methods for examining blood and vaginal smears, biopsy (taking tissue samples for microscopic examination), and colposcopy are used.

The following methods for eliminating bends are used:

  • drug treatment to speed up the resorption of adhesions;
  • elimination of diseases that caused the organ to deviate from its normal position (hormonal therapy, anti-inflammatory treatment, physiotherapy);
  • carrying out activities that help strengthen muscles and ligaments (physical therapy, Pilates classes);
  • restorative treatment with vitamins.

A special gynecological massage allows you to correct the position of the organ.

In some cases, surgical treatment methods are used. For example, adhesions are removed using laparoscopy.

The uterus is often fixed by installing a pessary (a special ring that fixes it in the correct position). It is installed for a certain time and is removed after the tilt is eliminated.

Sometimes a method is used in which the doctor manually corrects the position of the organ. In this case, general anesthesia is used.

They boil down to the fact that women should not lift weights or be in a standing position for a long time. Participation in certain sports associated with tension in the pelvic muscles (strength exercises, prolonged cycling) is harmful.

You cannot endure the urge to urinate and have bowel movements for a long time. It is useful to sleep on your stomach. It is recommended to perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, perineum and vagina.

You should carefully care for your genitals to avoid infection. It is necessary to receive timely treatment for gynecological diseases and undergo regular preventive examinations.

Video: Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Can't get pregnant, although there are no obvious reasons for this and all tests are normal? Did you have an ultrasound and the doctor determined that the uterus is bent, the treatment of which requires time and effort? What does the mysterious diagnosis of “retroflexion” in gynecology and its consequences mean? How you can get rid of a bend and posterior displacement of the uterus, what to do, how to get pregnant with a bend and carry a child in this case, we will tell you in this material.

Please note that this is general information about the problem. What therapeutic approach to choose for a successful and quick solution to the problem of uterine retroflexion can only be said after establishing the cause of this condition. For all these questions, we invite women to contact the good gynecologists of our clinic in Moscow - a complete diagnosis of the causes of the appearance and effective treatment using the best, proven techniques!!

What is uterine retroflexion

Bend of the uterus (posterior deviation) is an anomaly in the position of the organ, in which the deviation from the normal position in the pelvis is permanent. It can be congenital or acquired.

The congenital form usually does not cause significant discomfort or problems in a woman’s adult life. More often, the posterior location of the uterus is found in women of asthenic physique, characterized by low weight, thinness and an elongated chest. Often, the causes of retroflexion include a hereditary factor.

Secondary (acquired) posterior bending of the uterus is a consequence of various pathological processes occurring in a woman’s body, which lead to loss of elasticity of the ligaments or to their weakening. The most likely causes of the formation of a bent cervix, according to most obstetricians-gynecologists, are inflammation of the internal genital organs, infections, including some sexually transmitted diseases, gynecological surgical interventions and traumatic childbirth.

Reasons why there is a bend of the uterus

  • weak muscles and ligaments of the pelvis;
  • a consequence of inflammation of the appendages, untreated or undertreated;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • tumor processes of the uterus and ovaries;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • adhesions in the pelvic area
  • after operations (appendicitis, abortion, caesarean section).

Consequences and complications

In the event that uterine retroflexion is congenital, there is usually no threat to health. If the bend is formed due to previous inflammatory diseases or abortions, then an adhesive process may develop, which can cause infertility and many other female problems. In this case, everything depends on the type and degree of displacement of the uterus (backward, sideways, forward), but there are general symptoms that occur in almost all women. The consequences of retroflexion are usually as follows:

  • severe abdominal pain during menstruation;
  • periodic fluctuations in the menstrual cycle;
  • pain during menstruation, there are blood clots;
  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • infertility;
  • problems with urination.

It should be borne in mind that all of the listed symptoms of uterine retroflexion do not negate the need to use contraception if conceiving a child is not part of your plans at this time.


Poses when bending the uterus

Is it possible to get pregnant if the uterus is bent backwards? For women with a backward curved uterus, the following postures for conception are best practiced:

  1. "Knee-elbow" is a good position for conception. It is also called the “dog position” or “doggy style” (English), or in common parlance the more understandable term “doggy style position”. Provides the closest possible contact of the cervix with the penis during friction. After ejaculation in the vagina, a woman is recommended to lie down for 20-30 minutes, preferably on her stomach. Being in a knee-elbow position during intimacy with the uterus bent backwards can reduce discomfort in the abdomen caused by the pressure of the penis on the cervix, and also increases the likelihood of pregnancy.
  2. Pose "woman on stomach". The considerations are the same as in the case of the knee-elbow position. In addition to the fact that seminal fluid accumulates in the vagina directly at the cervix, this position also creates conditions for the maximum possible proximity of the uterus and penis, which is also a favorable factor for pregnancy. The leakage of sperm from the vagina, which in some cases occurs in women with a bent uterus posteriorly, to the right, or to the left, is exclusively a manifestation of insufficiency (weakness) of the muscles of the vagina and perineum.


To speed up conception during retroflexion, such positions can also be useful. Intimacy in this position can speed up the onset of pregnancy when the uterus is displaced posteriorly:

How to treat a bent uterus

As we have already found out above, often the cause of bending is adhesions in the pelvis caused by chronic inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the appendages, STIs or previous gynecological operations. Surgical abortion is also among the likely causes of uterine retroflexion. To get rid of them, in advanced cases, laparoscopy is performed. In case of an infectious nature, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc. are first prescribed.

After the main course of treatment, procedures are needed that will prevent relapse of inflammation and complications, including pathological displacement of the uterus. To do this, according to indications, gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs or contraceptives according to the scheme, physiotherapy and manual techniques for influencing the female internal genital organs. Among the latter, the leading role in the correction of retroflexion belongs to special massage techniques affecting the pelvic organs in combination with some “folk” methods. In addition to this, physical therapy exercises such as Kegel exercises are considered the best exercises for correcting the mobile pelvic muscles.

Treatment of a bent uterus with folk remedies

Rear displacement of the uterus caused by external factors is successfully corrected in gynecology using various techniques. As a therapeutic therapy, gynecological massage is prescribed in cases where the cause of the bend is chronic inflammation in the appendage area, weakness of the pelvic muscles, and various ovarian dysfunctions. This method is good because without surgical intervention or consequences it helps restore the correct position of the uterus, improve and strengthen the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor and soften and reduce adhesions. This procedure corrects and removes the bend; pelvic massage, when performed correctly, relieves pain during sexual intercourse, increases the chances of conception and pregnancy, and improves a woman’s overall well-being.

The technique of performing manual massage in the treatment of posterior bending of the uterus has its own characteristics. In this case, the causative factor and the spatial position of the displaced organ in the pelvis are taken into account. Therefore, in addition to certain technical nuances in performing this procedure, gynecological specialists recommend combining it with such “folk remedies” as hirudotherapy and mud sessions, as well as physiotherapy. Performed in various combinations during the course, they significantly increase the chances of success. Treating retroflexion with gynecological massage also helps stop further progression of the disease.

Surgical intervention for this gynecological pathology is performed in advanced cases and in the presence of special indications.

Thus, in the presence of a posterior bend or displacement from the axis of the uterus to the left or right, in addition to the massage mentioned above, physiotherapy, mud procedures (rectal administration), and placement of leeches have shown effectiveness in gynecological practice. Their skillful combination allows the specialists of our clinic to correct the curvature of the uterus and help a woman get pregnant as quickly as possible!

Came from LCD, G said that my uterus is posterior

I've looked all over the internet and read that it's difficult to get pregnant if the uterus is posterior, girls who have this too, tell me what to do?

Causes of uterine bending backwards, to the right, to the left

  1. Hereditary weakness of connective tissue (ligaments), as a result of which the ligaments that fix the uterus in the correct position are easily stretched and the uterus changes position, deviating to the side, posteriorly.
  2. Untimely emptying of the bladder and bowels in kindergarten, school, work, etc., as a result of which there is prolonged pressure on the uterus and it deviates from its normal position.
  3. Engaging in sports associated with straining, heavy physical labor, postpartum inadequate physical activity until the normal tone of the uterine ligaments and muscles of the vagina and perineum is restored.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the pelvis (parametritis, salpingoophoritis, peritonitis) cause the development of adhesions. Adhesions, like the bulkheads of a submarine, delimit foci of inflammation from healthy parts of the pelvis. Involved in the adhesive process, the uterus is pulled up (displaced) towards the inflammatory process.
  5. Tumors of the uterus (uterine fibroids, uterine fibroids, uterine leiomyomas), ovarian cysts put pressure on the uterus and deviate it.
  6. Lack of proper postpartum rehabilitation.
  7. Oblique pelvis. With an oblique pelvis, the ligaments that suspend and support the uterus experience varying degrees of tension. This causes rotation (rotation of the uterus around its axis) and all sorts of shades of uterine displacement from small to significant.

Prevention of the formation of a bend of the uterus posteriorly, to the right, to the left

  1. It is necessary to empty the bladder and rectum at the first urge to urinate or defecate. This rule should become a habit! It is extremely undesirable for a girl to restrain the urge to urinate and defecate at any age!
  2. Avoid playing sports that involve strong short-term or long-term straining.
  3. Treat the inflammatory process in the pelvis in a timely manner (at the first signs of discomfort and pain in the pelvis).
  4. Regularly (at least once a year) contact a gynecologist for a preventive examination.
  5. Early postpartum rehabilitation of the muscles of the vagina and perineum.
  6. Prevention and timely treatment of constipation, including in childhood and adolescence and after childbirth.

When the uterus is already bent backwards, to the right, or to the left, there are no restrictions. Participation in sports involving straining, exercise in the gym, including exercises for training the abdominal muscles, legs, and night shift work are not contraindicated.

The uterus is a hollow female reproductive organ that resembles a pear. The bending of her neck leads to problems with conception and gestation. Therefore, if a woman cannot become pregnant during regular sexual activity for a long time, she should consult a doctor.

Description of the pathology

In its normal state, the uterus is located deep in the pelvis and is located parallel to the vagina. The organ is tightly held in place by connective tissue. This position was not chosen by nature by chance, since it allows sperm to move unhindered to the egg. If the body of the uterus deviates from its cervix, a pathology occurs called inflection or bending.

Most women learn about the pathology only when they seek help if they are unable to get pregnant. The problem is that a diagnosis can only be made through a thorough examination.

The bend of the cervix most often does not make itself felt. In rare cases, painful menstruation occurs. But this symptom may indicate the presence of other gynecological pathologies. The bend can be congenital or acquired. Women who have suffered infectious diseases of the genitourinary system or surgical interventions are at risk.

Classification: posterior bending, curvature to the left, right and other forms

Depending on the location of the uterus relative to the cervix, several types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Anteflexion. Specialists most often have to deal with this kind of pathology. In this case, the uterus itself is located closer to the center of the pelvis, its bottom is directed upward and anteriorly. The neck is facing downwards and anteriorly. Thus, an obtuse angle is formed between the body of the organ and its neck. This form is the least dangerous.

    With anteflexion, there is a high chance of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby.

  2. Anteversion. This is a forward deviation of the uterus relative to the vagina. This also changes the position of the cervix.
  3. Leteroflexion. Deviation of the organ from the axis to the left or right (towards one of the ovaries).
  4. Retroflexion. Strong posterior tilt of the uterine body. This pathology is the most serious. Many women with retroflexion fail to conceive a baby.

The position of the uterus in the pelvis may also depend on the condition of the connective tissue. Specialists have to deal with situations where the reproductive organ twists around its axis. Depending on the mobility of the uterus, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • motionless;
  • limited mobility;
  • movable.

Causes: why can a bent cervix occur?

In most cases, doctors deal with congenital pathology. Some representatives of the fairer sex with this diagnosis do not even require treatment. It is worth paying more attention to the problem if it is acquired. The following reasons can lead to the occurrence of a bent cervix:

  1. Adhesive disease. If there were infectious diseases of the woman’s reproductive organs or she had to undergo surgery, connective tissue may develop in the area of ​​inflammation. In some cases, this leads to a change in the shape or position of the uterus in the pelvis.
  2. Underdevelopment of the ligamentous apparatus. Most often, young girls (under 17–18 years old) have to deal with pathological retroflexion.
  3. Atrophy of the muscular system. Ligaments often weaken due to age-related changes. For this reason, cervical flexion can develop in women who have already entered menopause.
  4. Pathological changes in other organs. When the anatomical dimensions of the intestines or bladder change, the position of the uterus also changes. Such conditions can be observed in the presence of tumors (fibroids, myomas) in the pelvis.

The risk group includes women who had an abortion at an early age. Less commonly, the disease develops after childbirth, when hidden pathologies begin to appear.

Women of reproductive age who are still planning to have a child should be careful about their health.

Heavy physical exertion, as well as inflammation of the reproductive organs due to unprotected sex life, can lead to bending of the cervix.

Signs of such an anomaly

Symptoms appear if the pathology is pronounced. These signs include:

  • painful menstruation;
  • constipation or pain during bowel movements;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse;

Every woman should pay attention to the nature and amount of vaginal discharge. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if their volume increases sharply. Intermenstrual spotting can signal a fixed (immobile) bend of the uterus.

A mobile bend can develop after childbirth or rapid weight loss. Pathology will be indicated by constipation, pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.


If the pathology is pronounced, it can be detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. In this case, differential diagnosis is of great importance, allowing to exclude other diseases of the reproductive system. The following research techniques can be used:

  1. Ultrasound. Thanks to a special vaginal sensor, the specialist is able to accurately determine the position of the uterine body relative to the cervix.
  2. Patient interview. The doctor should take into account complaints such as painful menstruation, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and a large amount of discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Palpation. The presence of pathology can be signaled by immobility of the uterus due to the development of adhesive disease.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the disease in accordance with its form and cause.


Treatment of pathology must be comprehensive. All appointments are made exclusively by a doctor. Self-therapy can lead to serious complications.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment for cervical inflexion may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are prescribed if the bend of the cervix is ​​the result of an inflammatory process of the ovaries or body of the uterus. In gynecology, drugs such as:
    • Hexicon;
    • Betadine;
    • Flagyl.
  2. Antibacterial agents. Drugs from this group are used if the infection that provoked the development of the pathology is of a bacterial nature. The most commonly prescribed medications are from the cephalosporin group, such as:
    • Cefepime;
    • Cefuroxime.
  3. Absorbable drugs. Such medications are necessary when adhesions develop. Tools that can be used include:
    • Chymotrypsin;
  4. Hormonal. These drugs are prescribed to women with congenital bending of the cervix. Drugs Novinet and Mercilon contribute to the formation of the necessary hormonal levels for conception.
  5. Vitamins. Helps improve local immunity. It is recommended to take vitamins B, PP, C.
  6. Antispasmodics. Relieves pain when the uterus bends. The following drugs are used:
    • No-shpa;
    • Spasmalgon.

Drugs for the treatment of uterine flexion - gallery

Terzhinan is prescribed if the bend of the neck is the result of an inflammatory process
Cefazolin is necessary for the bacterial nature of the disease Longidaza promotes the resorption of adhesions
Novinet is necessary to normalize hormonal levels
No-spa relieves pain


Along with medications, a specialist may prescribe therapeutic exercises, which will completely eliminate the consequences of the pathology. Kegel exercises can achieve good results. The technique includes the following techniques:

  • alternate contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. It is worth performing 10 repetitions several times a day;
  • tension in the pelvic floor muscles. After contracting the muscle, you need to hold it in this state for 10 seconds;
  • exercise "Waves". It is necessary to alternately strain three muscle groups - around the anus, vagina and urethra.

Kegel exercises can be done at any time of the day. At the same time, outsiders will not even be able to understand that gymnastics is currently being performed. Great results can be achieved if you do the exercises in different positions (lying, sitting, standing on all fours).


For serious pathologies, physiotherapeutic treatment methods, such as UHF and mud therapy, can also be used. Gynecological massage gives good results. A specialist can perform the procedure for adhesive disease, ovarian dysfunction, and muscle atrophy.

Optimal results can be achieved by combining several physiotherapeutic techniques. The course of treatment can be quite long - from several weeks to six months.

During the adhesive process, electrophoresis is effective. During the treatment process, adhesions are not completely eliminated, but are significantly softened. Thanks to this, the uterus can take the correct position in the pelvis. In addition, electrophoresis relieves pain and improves the functions of the intestines, which are also tightened by adhesions.

Surgical intervention

If there are pronounced symptoms of bending, a rapid deterioration in the woman’s well-being, the doctor may prescribe laparoscopy. Through simple surgical intervention, it is possible to eliminate adhesions, if present, and restore the uterus to its normal position. However, surgical intervention does not get rid of the cause of the pathology. Therefore, specialists resort to this technique only in extreme cases. It often happens that after surgery the organ returns to a pathological state.

Traditional methods

The inflammatory process in the uterus, which can cause bending, can be eliminated using traditional methods. A popular recipe is based on the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. marshmallow leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. melilot officinalis.

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The cooled mixture is used for douching twice a day.

An infusion of acacia flowers is also considered a good anti-inflammatory agent:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers are poured with 60 ml of alcohol;
  • the product is infused for a week;

The infusion can be taken orally, a teaspoon at a time, as a painkiller, and can also be diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio to perform douching for inflammatory processes.

Important! Folk remedies can replace many pharmaceutical drugs. But they must be used strictly after consulting a doctor.

Prognosis and possible complications

If the pathology is congenital and cannot be completely eliminated, the gynecologist will be able to recommend positions for sexual intercourse that increase the likelihood of conception.

Neglect of one’s own health, inattention to pronounced symptoms, and late treatment will lead to aggravation of the problem, even leading to a diagnosis of infertility. In addition, complications may occur during pregnancy. Deflection of the uterus is often the cause of early birth or retarded fetal development.

Prevention methods

If the pathology is hereditary, it is almost impossible to stop its development. To avoid acquired inflection, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • avoid abortion;
  • promptly treat genitourinary tract infections;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • be careful when choosing a sexual partner (avoid indiscriminate contact).

If you had to undergo surgery in the abdominal cavity, you should consult a surgeon about the need for resorption therapy.

About the bend of the cervix - video

If the diagnosis of cervical flexion was made in a timely manner, in most cases conservative treatment is sufficient. After complete therapy, many women get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and pregnancy occurs without problems.