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My periods came ahead of schedule and were very scanty. Why did my period come a week earlier?

Our article will introduce you to the most common causes of premature menstruation. You will also find out what affects the regularity of the cycle and whether early periods are a symptom of a serious illness.

  • The female body is quite vulnerable, so even the slightest stress can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. But if women react quite quickly to a delay in menstruation, then they practically do not pay attention to the early arrival of menstruation
  • No matter how scary it may sound, many women are more afraid of an unplanned pregnancy than inflammation of the female genital organs. For this reason, women who experience bleeding ahead of schedule almost never see a doctor.
  • And they do it, of course, in vain, because in most cases the body signals in this way that not entirely correct processes are taking place inside it. And if you don’t try to understand the cause of this pathology, then quickly enough this can lead to more serious problems.

Can my period start a week earlier?

Menstruation may start earlier due to a central nervous system disorder
  • Period- this is the process of rejection of the uterine mucosa, as a result of which not very heavy bleeding occurs. If everything is in order with the body, then the uterine discharge will be slightly different in color from ordinary blood. This is explained by the fact that they contain an enzyme that makes them a little darker and prevents natural folding.
  • A completely healthy girl should menstruate every 21-33 days. Of course, there may be some deviations in one direction or another, but this is considered a completely normal process. But if your period starts before a certain date, then it’s worth thinking about
  • If a woman feels quite well, then the reason for the early appearance of “guests” may be a malfunction of the endocrine system. It has been proven that with the correct development of events, ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is attentive to her body, this will happen 10-15 days after the start of discharge
  • But if everything is not in order with a woman’s hormonal background, then there is a possibility that menstruation will begin prematurely. Therefore, if you have such problems, then in addition to the gynecologist, do not forget to visit an endocrinologist

My period came a week early, reasons

Oral contraceptives may affect cycle regularity
  • It is probably difficult to find a woman who does not know that a regular menstrual cycle is the main indicator of her excellent female health. Therefore, if it goes astray, then for most women it causes anxiety and concern
  • Most often, ladies who do not really like the gynecologist and go to him only in case of emergency begin to worry a lot. After all, if they regularly visited a specialist, they would probably know that some women are generally prone to such a course of menstruation
  • Of course, this is considered a deviation from the norm, but with proper adjustment, the cycle is adjusted quite quickly and discharge occurs exactly according to the calendar. If everything is normal with the hormonal system, but menstruation still begins ahead of schedule, then we need to look for other reasons

Factors contributing to late onset of menstruation:

Stressful situations. When we are nervous, an involuntary muscle spasm occurs and our blood pressure rises. All this has a negative impact on the central nervous system, and it already begins to directly affect the reproductive system

Taking oral contraceptives. Almost all birth control pills contain huge doses of hormones. Once in the body, they can interfere with the functioning of female hormones for some time. All this can lead to menstruation starting prematurely.

Bad cold. Any disease gradually reduces a person’s defenses. Against this background, a rather strong inflammatory process begins in the woman’s body, which disrupts the blood supply to the uterine area. Due to this negative influence, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and discharge appears a little earlier than it should.

My period came a week early - pregnancy?

Unplanned pregnancy can also cause premature periods
  • Periods may well help us understand that something is wrong with us. If they come earlier than you expect them, this means that you need to be more careful about your health.
  • After all, although it is believed that premature menstruation is provoked by stress and hormonal problems, in some cases this pathology can signal that another life has arisen under your heart
  • Fortunately or unfortunately, such a possibility still exists. Bleeding that began quite unexpectedly cannot be called menstruation in the truest sense of the word. It’s just that when the embryo enters the uterine cavity, partial damage to the endometrium occurs and this is what provokes the appearance of bloody discharge

Signs of an unplanned pregnancy:
Menstruation began 2-7 days earlier than expected
The discharge is pink or brown
The number of lochia has decreased quite significantly
My period lasted less than usual

Heavy periods a week earlier, reasons

Heredity has a strong influence on the formation of the cycle

Heavy periods- a rather painful process, accompanied by fairly intense bleeding that can cause the development of anemia. How do you know if you have excessive bleeding? Yes, very simple. If you have to change a pad or tampon every hour and a half, then immediately seek help from a specialist.

Uterine bleeding is a rather insidious process in which a woman may need emergency medical help. After all, if you don’t try to normalize a woman’s condition, this can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation:
Lochia is secreted for more than 7 days
Blood loss per day exceeds 200 ml
Blood clots do not disappear for more than 3 days
Very severe pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries
Regular occurrence of intermenstrual discharge

Causes of heavy menstruation:
Carrying out a medical abortion
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
Avoiding certain foods
Taking aspirin regularly
Lack of vitamins C, K, P
Diseases of the reproductive system

Scanty periods a week early, reasons

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system may well provoke scanty periods
  • We all know that during normal menstruation, approximately 70-150 ml of blood is released. If the amount of discharge is even slightly less than these indicators, then we can say that you are developing hypomenorrhea. In addition to a sharp decrease in the number of lochia, their color also changes
  • The discharge may be so sparse that only faint traces of pink or brown may remain on the pad. In addition, a woman may experience severe headaches, general weakness, nausea and dizziness.
  • But with all this, such menstruation can begin at the right time and lasts from 3 to 7 days. Most often, the cause of scanty periods is not entirely correct functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland. If these two organs work abnormally, this immediately leads to negative changes in the endometrium.

Factors influencing the appearance of scanty discharge:
Frequent abortions and curettages
Injuries of the genitourinary organs
Operations on the reproductive system
Malfunction of the nervous system
Incorrectly selected hormonal therapy
Intoxication of the female body

How to get your period a week earlier?

Try taking a larger dose of ascorbic acid
  • Every woman knows that menstruation has the ability to start at the most inopportune moment. For example, on the very day when you gathered with your whole family at the water park or just on your birthday. Of course, such a natural phenomenon quite spoils the long-awaited holiday
  • To avoid such problems, some women try to calculate the onset of ovulation as accurately as possible and try to induce menstruation ahead of schedule. But remember, you should only do this if you know for sure that you are completely healthy and definitely not pregnant. If you have even the slightest doubt, then it is better to abandon your plan
  • Also remember that this is an emergency measure that can be used in the most extreme cases. After all, if you regularly resort to such manipulation, then there is a possibility that you will begin to have problems with women’s health, which can subsequently lead to infertility

Oral contraceptives. This method is only suitable for women who take birth control pills regularly. In this case, in order for menstruation to occur earlier, you just need to not take a seven-day break from taking the drug

Hormonal drugs. The mechanism of action of such drugs is quite simple. Once in a woman’s body, they reduce the level of progesterone as much as possible and increase the amount of estrogen. It is the latter that is responsible for the planned onset of the menstrual cycle

Hot bath. If you don't want to take medications, then try simply increasing blood flow to the genitals. To do this, give yourself a hot bath and lie in it for at least half an hour. Passionate and violent sex can enhance the effect of warm water

Herbal decoctions. Brew mint, chamomile and valerian and take 2 times a day for 3-4 days. The decoction maximizes the tone of the uterus and this contributes to an earlier onset of menstruation

Why did my period come 2 weeks earlier?

A sexually transmitted infection can cause premature menstruation
  • Unfortunately, recently there has been a significant increase in cases where menstruation begins 2 weeks ahead of schedule. And, although women like to think that this is a banal hormonal imbalance, in some cases the cause of this pathology may be problems with the ovaries
  • Most often, against this background, a woman develops two diseases, which contribute to a rather short period between menstruation. First, anovulatory dysfunction develops. This disease reduces the production of female hormones and maximizes the production of male hormones. In this case, estrogen may not be produced at all. Typically, women with this problem have quite noticeable male pattern hair.
  • If you do not begin to get rid of this problem, the condition may worsen and this will provoke the development of ovarian resistance. In this case, the body will produce all the necessary hormones, but the ovaries themselves will not respond to them in any way. Without proper treatment, menstruation may stop completely or appear quite unexpectedly in the form of fairly heavy and painful bleeding.

Main causes of pathology:
Thyroid problems
Excess weight
Elevated blood sugar
Tumors in the uterus
Miscarriage or abortion
Fasting and, as a consequence, lack of vitamins and microelements

What does brown discharge a week before your period mean?

The appearance of dark brown discharge can be caused by intense physical exertion.

Discharge from the genital tract is a natural physiological phenomenon that helps a woman understand how healthy her reproductive organs are. If the mucus that appears from the vagina has a light, almost transparent color and does not emit any odor, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you notice that they have begun to change their color and consistency, then this is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor. Light brown discharge may appear due to bacterial vaginosis or cervical injury. Dark brown mucus indicates that there is clotted blood in the vaginal cavity all the time.

Causes of brown discharge:
Abrupt climate change
Physical exercise
Uterine fibroids
Bleeding disorder

Video: Is getting your period a week 10 days early a sign of pregnancy?

The menstrual cycle is a reflection of a woman's health. Menstruation begins prematurely for various reasons, some are quite harmless, while others require medical intervention. It is also important to understand the difference between an early period and sudden bleeding.

We can talk about early menstruation when a woman’s cycle is already stable and menstruation took the woman by surprise. Teenagers and women in menopause should not be afraid of early periods, as these are completely natural hormonal changes.

Regular is formed 2-3 years after the first menstruation. Normally, the cycle lasts 28 days, this figure ranges from 21-35 days.

Every woman knows the characteristics of her body, what is normal for her and what is not. A woman can determine for herself, by the date of the onset of menstruation, the nature of the discharge and the accompanying sensations, whether her body is functioning normally.

Periods ahead of schedule: main reasons

Why do my periods come early? The main causes of early periods come down to natural and pathological.

  • Severe nervous tension, stress, emotional exhaustion.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Acclimatization of the body to changes in climatic conditions or time zone.

In such cases, early menstruation is not caused by serious internal disorders, but by the body’s reaction to external circumstances.

  • Traumatic sex. Rough sexual intercourse can injure the walls of the vagina, the cervix and this will cause bleeding, which can be mistaken for early menstruation. Also, intense contractions of the uterus can trigger an early onset of menstruation.
  • Untimely spotting may be bleeding due to the fact that the fertilized egg has not implanted in the uterine cavity; this condition requires consulting a doctor.
  • Contraceptives. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives, an incorrectly installed IUD, or emergency contraceptive medications can affect the regularity of the cycle and shift it in one direction or another. When taking oral contraceptives prescribed by a doctor, the monthly cycle can be adjusted again during the first 3 months. If you stop taking birth control pills for a long time, your cycle may also shift. These points should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This happens with ovarian dysfunction, disruption of the adrenal glands and thyroid glands, which are responsible for hormones.
  • Surgical operations.
  • Abortion. Menstruation after an abortion begins 7-14 days later. The allocations should be scanty.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body. Viral and bacterial infections disrupt the functioning of the entire body, and the cycle can change.
  • Diseases of the genital organs. This reason requires more in-depth consideration. Diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system organs can both cause bleeding and provoke early menstruation.

An ectopic pregnancy may cause bleeding

In addition to bloody, untimely discharge, a woman may be bothered by dizziness, constant or periodic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, irregular cycles, periods that are too thick or thin with an unpleasant odor with whitish impurities. These symptoms indicate a serious illness. In such cases, you should undergo an examination.

Common diseases that affect the menstrual cycle are:

  • Hyperestrogenism. A phenomenon associated with excessive secretion of estrogen, along with this, luteal insufficiency is observed. This eventually leads to lack of ovulation and infertility. Symptoms: discomfort during sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, disruption of the functioning of the excretory system.
  • . The process of proliferation of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterus) in atypical places: in the abdominal cavity, bladder, rectum, ovaries and other tissues and organs of the body. Symptoms include pain of varying intensity, localized in the pelvic area, and spotting before and after menstruation. Endometriosis can cause infertility.
  • Hypoplasia. This is underdevelopment of the genital organs; with ovarian hypoplasia, insufficient synthesis of sex hormones occurs.
  • Oncological diseases, which are divided into benign and malignant. Their symptoms include untimely bleeding.

Endometriosis as a cause of menstrual irregularities

3 days earlier

Many women notice that menstruation comes 1-3 days earlier. Experts believe that in the absence of other disturbing symptoms, this situation is not dangerous. The cycle has the peculiarity of being rearranged a couple of days earlier, when a woman experiences nervous tension, is very tired, engages in excessive physical activity and does not monitor her diet.

It is necessary to pay attention to this when, due to constant early menstruation, the cycle is significantly shortened. Menstruation that came 4-5 days earlier can also be considered normal in the absence of disturbing symptoms.

A week earlier

If your period comes 7 or more days earlier, then this should alert you. This could be a hormonal imbalance, inflammation, or the onset of a serious illness. This situation requires a trip to the doctor and examination.

Menstruation began 10 days or even two weeks earlier. This happens after surgery. It is necessary to consult your doctor. If there have been no operations, but such an early onset of menstruation requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist.

Video about dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Nature of the discharge

The nature of the discharge can tell you what the cause of early menstruation is. Scanty discharge occurs after surgical operations (abortion, removal of polyps, etc.). Often after childbirth, the cycle is not established immediately, and menstruation may be scanty and begin earlier than expected.

There may be ovulatory bleeding, they accompany ovulation and last 1-3 days, have a light pinkish color.

Heavy menstruation can easily be confused with bleeding. Uterine bleeding begins abruptly, the discharge is constant and profuse, and severe weakness is felt. Heavy periods begin gradually, the discharge is portioned, and clots may be present. If bleeding continues continuously for more than an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Early pregnancy occurs due to hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, benign formations, inflammatory processes and pathologies.

How to recognize pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting can be implantation bleeding. This occurs when a fertilized egg implants into the uterine cavity. This process occurs 8-12 days after fertilization.

Implantation bleeding is scanty bloody discharge that can be observed for 3 days, this process is accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

This does not always happen and is not a deviation from the norm. Often, implantation bleeding may not be noticeable, and the discharge is insignificant.

If there is a suspicion that bleeding is a sign of implantation, then you should take a pregnancy test from the first day of the delay or consult a gynecologist.

Implantation bleeding

What to do?

If menstruation started earlier and proceeds without alarming or worrying symptoms, then it is enough for a woman to reconsider the rhythm of life, optimize physical activity, eliminate stressful circumstances, adjust nutrition, and the cycle will be restored over time.

You should consult a doctor if, in addition to bloody discharge, you experience:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • painful sensations;
  • heavy periods are accompanied by;
  • body temperature rises;
  • menstruation starts earlier by 7 or more days for several months in a row;
  • There is a suspicion of a sexually transmitted infection.

Consequences of cycle disruption

An irregular menstrual cycle can have various consequences. These are increased fatigue, infertility, the development of pathological processes and neoplasms, dysfunction in the endocrine system. Neglect of some diseases and their untimely diagnosis can have fatal consequences.

Having your period ahead of schedule is a signal that something is wrong in the body. It is imperative to analyze your lifestyle, assess possible risks and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

If your period starts a week ahead of time, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist for advice, but still this state of affairs should not be very alarming, since it may depend on many factors.

Every month for a woman is determined by menstrual bleeding, which in most cases should begin and end in accordance with the biological calendar. Thus, it is worth monitoring not only the general condition of the body, but also the health of the woman’s reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle can be effectively controlled using the conventional calendar method. Therefore, if you make all the notes correctly, you can notice if your period starts a week earlier or, conversely, its delay. In this case, only a highly qualified doctor will be able to decide why this or that phenomenon occurs, as well as determine whether it is a pathology or simply a physiological deviation from the norm.

The main reasons for early menstruation

Menstruation is a complex phenomenon that is controlled by a number of factors, which may include the following:

  • stressful situations that are accompanied by long-term and severe anxiety. This phenomenon can cause both early menstruation and the fact that menstruation may take a longer period of time or be delayed altogether;
  • menstrual bleeding may change due to excessive stress or physical overdoing;
  • very sharp weight loss or, conversely, obesity;
  • change in climatic conditions. This is especially true for long flights in winter to hot countries;
  • very intense sex life, which is caused by trauma to the genital organs;
  • tumor processes in the uterus or appendages. Such bleeding, which begins suddenly, can easily be confused with menstrual flow that comes ahead of schedule;
  • early stages of pregnancy. This condition in the earliest stages may be caused by a certain bleeding, the duration of which in most cases is an indicator of the norm or, on the contrary, is a sign of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • Your period may appear prematurely due to an ectopic pregnancy. However, it is worth noting here that such a phenomenon can be dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of a woman. Therefore, if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to resolve the problem;
  • spotting may occur due to the use of oral contraceptives, which are made on the basis of hormonal components. Thus, incorrectly selected contraceptives can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and, as a consequence, to the fact that menstruation may begin a week earlier;
  • discharge may begin in advance due to the presence of infectious diseases of the genital area in a woman;
  • adolescence. The formation of menstruation occurs over the course of two years. Consequently, during this period, irregular periods may be recorded, and they may also begin earlier or later than expected.

The course of menstruation, if it began prematurely

How regular discharge proceeds after its premature onset directly depends on the cause of the phenomenon. However, if this condition is directly related to malfunctions of the central nervous system, then in this case the nature of such discharge will differ significantly from the normal condition.

Often, due to the fact that your period started a week earlier, uncontrollable migraines, nausea or signs of suffocation may begin. However, a woman can compare this condition with signs of pregnancy. This should not be done, but you should consult a doctor who will very clearly explain the reasons for this phenomenon.

As for a woman’s mood, for the most part it is characterized by a certain depression; also, during this period of time, tearfulness increases significantly, which is absolutely nothing to justify. An early cycle in some cases can become the most direct cause of such an illness as insomnia.

It is worth saying that menstruation began a week earlier, the reasons for which have not yet been fully studied - this is a fairly common occurrence, however, in order to judge the presence or absence of pathology, it is worth paying special attention to the accompanying symptoms that may accompany such a phenomenon as menstruation that began 7 days ahead of schedule.

If, during such an early onset, blood clots or very heavy discharge can be noted, this may indicate hormonal imbalances, which can have a very bad effect on a woman’s reproductive health. In this case, the visit to the gynecologist should not be delayed.

Is early menstruation a sign of pregnancy?

In some cases, bleeding may occur earlier due to the fact that the fair sex is preparing to become a mother. This is due to the fact that in case of interrupted sexual intercourse, protection is not guaranteed and such discharge, which comes 7 days earlier than the expected date, can be the very first herald of a successful conception.

Therefore, be sure to take a test to determine if you are pregnant. If the following symptoms are observed:

  • my period came a week earlier;
  • the bloody discharge suddenly changed color. It has turned pinkish or dark brown;
  • if previously the discharge was quite abundant, then upon conception its quantity decreases sharply;
  • the number of menstrual days was halved.

Thus, if you observe at least one of the symptoms, then you can consider the cycle that has begun not just another menstruation, but the most common implantation bleeding, which indicates a successful conception.

Pathological causes of early onset of discharge

In some cases, it becomes necessary to discuss the pathological factors of the early onset of menstruation, since, alas, they cannot be excluded.


This syndrome is caused by increased production of estrogen. Their number practically doubles, which becomes the reason for the onset of menstruation before the due date.

If we talk about the presence of pregnancy, then this is naturally excluded, since when this pathology occurs and the presence of such a phenomenon as a premature menstrual cycle, ovulation is not observed.

If we talk about the most basic provoking factors, then these are, for the most part, a woman’s excess body weight, the presence of neoplasms, or the unreasonable use of hormonal drugs.

In order to identify this phenomenon during the period of unexpected bleeding, you simply need to take a blood test.

Inflammation of the reproductive organs

The reason why menstruation began can be observed due to a variety of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. Therefore, if you notice unexpected bleeding, you should definitely undergo all the necessary tests to determine the true cause of this phenomenon, since such inflammatory processes can cause a woman’s infertility.

Uterine bleeding

An early menstrual cycle may not be menstruation at all, but unexpected uterine bleeding. Most often this is observed due to various pathologies of the pelvic organs or after violent or hard sex, which leads to trauma to the cervix.

Early scanty discharge

If we talk about pain, it does not depend at all on the abundance of discharge. This is due to the fact that even if menstruation comes earlier and is not abundant, pain and other unpleasant symptoms will be excluded.

Thus, as for the main symptoms of scanty periods, they are as follows:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lumbar back;
  • intestinal upset, or vice versa, persistent constipation.

It is also worth highlighting the main cases when a woman may encounter scanty discharge from the genitals:

  • postpartum discharge;
  • bleeding after abortion;
  • ovarian pathologies;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infectious diseases of the female pelvic organs.

Discharge that came before the due date and is abundant

Your period may arrive ahead of schedule and be particularly heavy in some cases. However, such a phenomenon should definitely alert the woman and cause an urgent visit to the gynecologist. This is especially true in situations where there may be discharge with uncharacteristically large blood clots.

Thus, the main reasons for this condition may be the following:

  • pathologies of the uterine system or its premature aging;
  • imbalance of hormonal levels;
  • labor or post-abortion state;
  • endometriosis or other uterine tumors;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • deficiency of hemoglobin in a woman’s blood;
  • infectious diseases;
  • use of contraceptives or intrauterine device.

Thus, why your period came ahead of schedule and is especially abundant should be discussed with your doctor, who will answer all your questions.

Methods for eliminating the problem of early menstruation

Menstruation, which began not one day, but a week earlier, is always a cause for concern for the fair sex. Thus, after we have found out what could be the cause of this phenomenon, it is worth determining what ways exist to eliminate it.

It is necessary to make a complete analysis of your way of life. And, if there are errors, it is necessary to completely abandon bad habits and give preference to healthy pastime.

The workload must be reduced as much as possible, not only physically, but also morally. This is due to the fact that stressful situations very often become the cause of various disorders and hormonal disruptions, which significantly affects the course of menstruation.

The food a woman eats should be filled as much as possible with vitamins and other useful elements. Therefore, unhealthy eating is prohibited during this period.

Taking hormonal drugs must be agreed upon with a gynecologist, who will correctly calculate the dosage and decide on the need to use a particular drug.

It is worth noting that pain during early menstruation is a rather dangerous symptom that requires urgent medical intervention. This can be a harmless injury or uterine bleeding, which in some cases is very difficult to stop.

Most often, the doctor makes all adjustments to this condition using specially selected drug therapy. But, most of the success depends on the woman herself and the way of life she leads. Therefore, a healthy diet, moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general are the key to women's health.

If the woman’s reproductive system is set up correctly, then the menstrual cycle is a certain number of days, the same every time. However, certain factors can cause cycle disruptions and cause your period to come early.

Normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a physiological process characterized by a lot of subtleties. Its normal course indicates that the egg is developing, maturing and capable of fertilization.

The menstrual cycle is individual for each woman, but there are some averages that are considered normal. A cycle is the period of time from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. Ideally, it should be 28 days, but a limit of 21 to 35 days is considered the norm.

Menstruation normally lasts 3-7 days, and blood loss during this time is no more than 100 ml.

Possible reasons

There are many possible factors that can affect the disruption of the usual menstrual cycle:

  • nervous or emotional overload, stress;
  • acclimatization (moving to new conditions, going on vacation to an area with a different climate);
  • emergency contraception;
  • pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • lactation period;
  • miscarriage;
  • abortion;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hereditary factor;
  • use of oral contraception;
  • injury to the vagina or cervix (internal bleeding);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • physical stress;
  • cold;
  • first sexual intercourse;
  • inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • oncology;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • overweight;
  • sexual infection;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney or liver problems;
  • poisoning with harmful substances;
  • exceeding the permissible level of radiation;
  • installed intrauterine device;
  • diet;
  • irregular sex life;
  • lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients necessary for the body;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, a lot of alcohol, drugs);
  • some medications (cycle disruption is usually indicated as side effects).

Premature onset of menstruation may be normal during the period of establishing a period. This usually occurs during adolescence or after pregnancy, when the cycle is restored again. Similar failures are also typical before menopause.

Causes of early heavy periods

It is necessary to distinguish between the abundance of menstruation. When they begin ahead of schedule, and the bleeding is heavier than usual, then possible reasons for this may be:

  • internal bleeding;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • gynecological disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • great physical activity;
  • diet;
  • lack of elements necessary for the body;
  • an abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • disorders in the reproductive system.

If your period begins prematurely and is quite heavy, then there are several signs that should alert you:

  • blood is bright scarlet;
  • absence of clots;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • pain or pain (read more about why your stomach hurts during menstruation -);
  • pre-fainting state.

If such alarming factors occur, without exception, you should contact a specialist.

Heavy bleeding, including blood clots, may indicate pseudomenstruation. This phenomenon usually occurs in certain reproductive system disorders, such as endometriosis.

Reasons for scanty discharge ahead of schedule

When menstruation begins prematurely and is quite scanty, there are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  • injury causing internal bleeding;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • consequences of the inflammatory process;
  • previous gynecological surgery (including abortion);
  • emotional or nervous overstrain, stress;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diet, unhealthy diet;
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • lactation;
  • excessive physical activity.

Scanty menstruation is called hypomenorrhea, and a reduction in the number of days of menstruation is called oligomenorrhea. This phenomenon occurs normally only during puberty or before menopause. In other cases, this indicates some kind of violation.

What does it mean if your period starts 2-3 days earlier?

Menstruation that comes 2-3 days earlier than the established time may not mean anything serious. If such a phenomenon occurred once, then the reason may be simple stress or physical overexertion. Systematic disruption of the cycle indicates a problem, the cause of which must be found out and eliminated.

There can be many reasons for starting your period 2-3 days earlier:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress, other emotional overload;
  • high physical activity;
  • cold;
  • acclimatization;
  • diet;
  • unidentified menstrual cycle (usually typical for teenagers);
  • lack of regular sex.

What does it mean if your period comes a week early?

If menstruation began a week earlier, then this is an alarming reason. The reasons may be:

  • physical overload;
  • nervous or emotional stress;
  • infection or inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • abortion;
  • miscarriage;
  • injury;
  • tumor;
  • acclimatization;
  • age factor (adolescence, menopause);
  • taking emergency contraception;
  • installation of the spiral.

What does it mean if your period starts 2 weeks earlier?

If menstruation occurs 2 weeks earlier, you should definitely visit a specialist to find out the reason.

If your period starts 2 weeks ahead of schedule, the reasons may be:

  • severe stress;
  • acute infection;
  • abuse of nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
  • taking hormonal medications (including contraception);
  • acclimatization;
  • inflammatory process;
  • strict diet or long fasting;
  • exposure to sunlight or other harmful radiation;
  • progressive disease of the endocrine system;
  • uterine tumor (internal bleeding);
  • failure of ovarian function.

What to do?

In case of premature onset of menstruation, it is in any case worth visiting a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will confirm or rule out any violations, if necessary, refer you to another specialist or give a referral for certain tests or examinations.

The early onset of menstruation always occurs for some reason that needs to be identified and eliminated.

If a cycle failure occurs in adolescence, then in the first five years this is considered the norm. The body undergoes quite serious changes, is completely rebuilt, and begins to function differently. During this period, disturbances not only of the menstrual cycle are possible, but also failures of other systems and organs.

If the reason for the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule is stress or emotional stress, then you should resort to a course of sedatives. These can be herbal tablets "Persen" or a natural sedative mixture. You can purchase these products at any pharmacy. If mental stress is in a critical phase, then more serious medications or specialized treatment may be required.

When the reason for the early onset of menstruation is an increase in physical activity, the body must be given time to adjust. It is important to introduce any loads gradually, to alternate different types of activities. You should play sports under the supervision of a trainer - he will select the right program and draw up an individual training program.

Diseases and infections that provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle must be treated. The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, based on examination, test results and additional research data. Taking these factors into account, the necessary treatment is prescribed, the course of which must be completed in full.

If your period began earlier than expected due to fasting or a strict diet, then you should think about the correctness of such methods. The body receives a certain amount of stress and lacks the usual set of nutrients and microelements. Failure of the menstrual cycle can only be the first alarm bell - due to improper nutrition, many organs and systems of the body can suffer.

If the reason for the early onset of menstruation is a hormonal disorder, then you must first determine its cause.

If you are taking hormonal contraception or medications that cause disruption in your menstrual cycle, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe another drug or explain what to do in this case.

Often girls are frightened by a cycle failure after the first sexual intercourse, so they immediately think about the worst. In fact, such a violation is the norm, as in the first years after the appearance of the first menstruation. Such changes are stressful for the body and change its normal functioning. In this case, a failure of the menstrual cycle is an elementary response of the body.

Premature onset of menstruation sometimes occurs after an abortion or miscarriage. In this case, the cycle often returns on its own. For prevention purposes, you should consult a specialist who can prescribe medication.

If the cycle has been disrupted repeatedly, then you should think about your health and lifestyle. It is worth taking several preventive measures:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Healthy food;
  • regularly spend time in the fresh air;
  • get enough sleep;
  • promptly, correctly and completely treat any disease, including a common cold.

A disruption in the menstrual cycle can be a one-time occurrence, meaning elementary stress or accompanying any changes in the usual rhythm of life. Such violations may also indicate serious health problems. It is important to undergo regular preventive examinations and not be afraid to contact specialists in case of any alarming factors.

If your period started a week earlier, then it is imperative to establish the cause of this phenomenon. Menstruation can start earlier than expected for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they can go ahead of schedule as a result of physiological reasons or the hereditary characteristics of a woman. In some situations (in most cases), critical days begin prematurely due to the presence of a very serious and quite complex disease in the female body.

Why can critical days begin earlier than expected?

If a woman’s monthly cycle lasts less than 21 days and menstruation is almost always premature, then in such a situation experts talk about a certain diagnosis - polymenorrhea. As a rule, any failure that repeats from cycle to cycle indicates that menopause will soon occur. As numerous practice shows, early critical days in young girls are observed very rarely, such cases are isolated. The older a woman gets, the more her cycle will shorten, and menstruation will occur more frequently. Then this phenomenon becomes very rare, and after some time it disappears altogether.

In any situation where menstruation began a week earlier than expected, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and conduct a thorough examination. It is necessary for the doctor to either confirm or refute this diagnosis. If there are no deviations from the norm and everything is in order with women’s health, then the woman only needs to carefully monitor when her periods begin so that anemia does not begin to develop.

In order to normalize critical days, a specialist may prescribe after an examination special medications that contain hormones. This may be progesterone or estrogens. Oral contraceptives can be prescribed quite often.

Unexpected onset of menstruation

Most women whose periods constantly come ahead of schedule do not understand the reason for what is happening. They may worry and worry about this, but they are in no hurry to contact a gynecologist. And this must be done. Doctors carefully examine the woman. During critical days, you must definitely donate blood to check your hormone levels. As a rule, it is hormonal imbalances that cause menstruation to begin a week earlier.

In addition, there are several other reasons that can provoke the appearance of critical days earlier than expected.

For example, progesterone affects the body over a long period of time. This reason is extremely rare, but if this problem is present, then it will definitely cause early critical days.

Another reason is hyperestrogenism. A disease that causes too much estrogen to be released. As a rule, this problem occurs in conjunction with luteal insufficiency. Together, these two diseases, without timely treatment, can lead to failure to ovulate.

If, then this does not mean that critical days have begun. This may be intermenstrual bleeding. It is this that most girls can confuse with a monthly report. Such bleeding occurs as a result of an inflammatory process that is actively developing in the woman’s genital organs. Often inflammation occurs directly in the uterus and can affect the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

This leads to the woman beginning to develop extremely serious diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometrium;
  • endometriosis;
  • hypoplasia - the genitals are not fully developed;
  • glandular hypoplasia.

You may encounter situations where menstruation begins much earlier due to pregnancy. From approximately 6 to 10 days after fertilization of the egg occurs, the embryo has already reached the area of ​​the uterus it needs and begins to dissolve that part of the surface of the uterus on which it will soon attach. It is worth noting that bleeding in some situations may be of an implantation nature. This has an extremely negative effect on the child and can result in spontaneous abortion.

Experts say that menstruation may begin a week earlier or they may not occur for a month just because the woman has changed her place of residence. This happens when you move to another city or country when the climate changes.

Early menstruation can be caused by stress, worry and constant worry.

Menstruation begins much earlier and, in addition, a disruption in the cycle occurs after taking an emergency contraceptive pill, after unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred.

Only a specialist can answer the question of why menstruation began earlier, after he has carried out the necessary examination of the woman. In this regard, there is no need to delay visiting a specialist, especially if you want to maintain your women’s health and have healthy children in the future.

Early menstruation: signs and causes

If your period begins ahead of schedule, you need to pay attention to your well-being. Do you feel slightly dizzy, do you experience pain in your head and chest, or is there pain in your lower abdomen?

As a rule, without these signs, this is a normal disruption in the menstrual cycle, which occurred, for example, due to stress. Of course, it is advisable to go to the doctor and get tested to make sure that everything is fine and there are no diseases.

At the same time, you can encounter situations where menstruation begins a week or even 10 days ahead of schedule.

Some women do not pay attention to this, while others begin to worry and panic. The reasons that menstruation began quite early can be very different. Intrauterine bleeding in women is especially dangerous.

In addition, experts call implantation bleeding, which has the following symptoms, dangerous:

  1. Basal temperature. When bleeding begins earlier than 10 days from the due date, you need to measure your basal temperature. If it is slightly lower than normal, this indicates that the egg is implanted into the uterine cavity. In other words, the woman became pregnant.
  2. The second sign is a feeling of discomfort. If menstruation begins a little earlier, the woman may feel heaviness or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and severe nausea. This may be the first symptoms of spontaneous abortion. If a woman has even the slightest suspicion of pregnancy and these symptoms are present, then she should go to the gynecologist as soon as possible.
  3. A period that starts too early can hardly be called menstruation. The concept of spotting discharge is more suitable. They can have a dark brown, brown or barely noticeable pink color. The duration of such discharge ranges from several hours to up to a day.

How not to confuse menstruation and implantation bleeding

If menstruation begins about 10 days earlier than the due date and ends about a day later, then most women, of course, begin to worry about this. Some of them decide that this is a normal disruption in the menstrual cycle and is not worth paying attention to. If a woman clearly understands how menstruation occurs and what specific signs it has, then suspicions will arise that something is wrong with the body and this is not menstruation at all, which began much earlier than the due date. In fact, menstruation and implantation bleeding have some features that help distinguish them.

If we talk about menstruation, then at first the discharge is insignificant, then its quantity increases. The duration of menstruation is 3 days or more. The maximum duration of menstruation is a week. Implantation bleeding, in turn, is very scanty and ends within a day at most.

If your critical days started a week or more earlier, then you shouldn’t expect everything to get better on its own. Contact a specialist to make sure that everything is in order with your health and reproductive system.