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Metrogyl gel 1 instructions for use. Metrogyl - complete instructions. Features of use for acne

Every year, many people around the world face the problem of skin rashes. In different patients, these problems can be caused by different factors, but they all have one thing in common - the desire to get rid of inflammatory processes. In the fight for the aesthetic appeal of the face, one of the popular products, according to reviews, is Metrogyl acne gel.

Metrogyl gel contains the following active ingredients:


Metrogyl gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the appearance of even the most significant rashes within 3-5 days of use. The gel is particularly effective for bright focal lesions of the dermis.

After using the gel, the skin is cleansed, the increased production of sebaceous glands is reduced, which leads to a long-lasting effect, provided there are no hormonal disorders in the body. Metrogyl gel is universal for most acne, which is what made it a popular assistant for both professionals and ordinary people.

Indications for use

Metrogyl acne gel, reviews of which are given by most cosmetology specialists, has the following indications:


During clinical studies, the following contraindications were identified:

  • individual intolerance to metronidazole and its derivatives;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester and lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin.

Doctors recommend taking into account that during the drug study, all the side effects that were identified for this medicine are indicated, so you should not be afraid of contraindications and listen more carefully to your feelings from using the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Advantages of Metrogyl gel:

Disadvantages of this tool:

  • For visible results, complex therapy is required. It is best to use the gel after cosmetic facial cleansing, as an addition to the main procedure;
  • the degree of effectiveness of the product varies for different people, and for some, the gel is not always effective, and sometimes is simply useless;
  • Metrogyl gel is quickly addictive, and in most cases a repeated course is less effective or not at all effective;
  • The algorithm of the product’s operation causes dryness and flaking in the areas of application, which forces the parallel use of moisturizers.

Features of application

When using Metrogyl gel, there are a number of rules for use, following which you can not only significantly increase the effectiveness of the product, but also avoid unpleasant application errors and allergic reactions.

Features of application:

Side effects

Due to the low concentration of the active substance in Metrogyl gel, side effects after use are extremely rare.

These include:

Complex treatment

Metrogyl gel for acne (reviews and recommendations from experts indicate that only complex treatment will achieve the best results) has long confirmed its high effectiveness. To improve the effect, it is recommended to use Metrogyl in combination with other popular products.

Such drugs may include:

  • Curiosin;
  • Retinoic ointment;
  • Zenerite;
  • Regetsin;
  • Differin;
  • Klenzit.

The face and hands are thoroughly cleansed (with tar soap, alcohol lotion, micellar water or facial wash). Metrogyl gel is applied locally to the affected areas of the skin in small portions.

The gel requires 10-12 minutes to be completely absorbed. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning and evening, however, for mild problems, the frequency of use should be reduced to once a day.

Is the drug effective for demodicosis?

However, it should be taken into account that the course of therapy for demodicosis should also include, in addition to Metrogyl, drugs that are individually prescribed by a dermatologist.

Can Metrogyl be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Metrogyl acne gel (reviews of which are in most cases positive) is a safe drug, however, experts recommend that nursing mothers and pregnant women refrain from using it in the first three months of pregnancy.

You should also take into account the individual intolerance of the body to the components of the gel. Experts warn that if a pregnant woman’s body is oversaturated with metranidazole, an allergic reaction may occur.

Where to buy Metrogyl gel

Metrogyl gel is available in a metal tube with a volume of 30 g. The gel has a medium consistency and is not bright in color, which makes it easy to use throughout the day. Depending on the region of the country and the place of purchase, the cost varies from 180 to 230 rubles per tube. The tube itself is distributed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Metrogyl acne gel, thanks to positive reviews from doctors and cosmetologists, is sold everywhere:

  • in online medicine stores and pharmacy warehouses. Often prices at such sales outlets are lower, and when purchasing in bulk there is an opportunity to save;
  • pharmacies within walking distance;
  • cosmetics and household chemicals stores.

The drug can be purchased from a specialized specialist, who can also tell you in detail about the most effective methods of its use and dosages.

Metrogyl gel is a modern drug that is breaking all records of popularity

Components of the drug, properties

An integral part of a medical product is active and auxiliary substances. The first group includes metronidazole, the second includes sodium hydroxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, carbomer (namely 940), propylene glycol, purified or distilled water, disodium edetate.

Thanks to this composition, the drug is tropenic (affects) anaerobic microorganisms, gram-positive bacteria and protozoa.

Due to the presence of a 5-nitro group, Metrogyl gel inhibits the activity of bacteria and the synthesis of nucleic acids in their DNA. In addition, since the drug is an antioxidant when applied externally, it significantly reduces the production of active oxygen by neutrophils, which directly leads to tissue damage at the site of inflammation.

Due to the presence of a 5-nitro group, Metrogyl gel inhibits the activity of bacteria and the synthesis of nucleic acids in their DNA

Regarding pharmacokinetics, when applied externally, the absorption of the drug is minimal and only traces of it are found in the blood serum. Metrogyl gel can be absorbed through the placenta and the blood-brain barrier (therefore, it is necessary to use the drug with caution during pregnancy - the first trimester and during lactation).

Where is it used?

Metrogyl gel has a wide variety of uses. This drug is especially popular in cosmetology. It is pleasant to use, easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

In cosmetology it is used to treat acne, rosacea and demodicosis.

In cosmetology, the gel is used to treat acne, rosacea and demodicosis.

Metrogyl gel instructions for use include the following group of indications:

  • Acne on the skin of the face, back or bust area (most often manifests itself in adolescents during puberty due to hormonal changes);
  • Rosacea (this type of rash is typical for athletes who actively use steroid drugs);
  • Vulgar acne;
  • Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis of various localizations;
  • Wounds, post-scars, the regeneration of which takes a very long time and is almost ineffective;
  • Bedsores (most often localized in the sacrococcygeal region due to prolonged stay in one position, this may be due to injuries, in the postoperative period, due to an accident during a long period of bed rest);
  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissures and the likelihood of infection (this condition very often manifests itself in the postpartum period, with a family history, inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins);
  • Trophic ulcers on the lower extremities, which appeared against the background of diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent, insulin-independent), varicose veins.

Metrogyl is used for acne on the skin of the face, back or bust area

Metrogyl acne gel is especially effective. It will help clear your skin of rashes in just three weeks, and within another three weeks it will consolidate the results and prevent relapse of the disease. No other antimicrobial drug can boast of such an effect. If all signs of acne on the face have disappeared, you should not continue using Metrogyl, as this is inappropriate. When the desired effect has not occurred after three weeks, it is better to consult a dermato-cosmetologist who will conduct the necessary diagnostics and accurately determine the cause of the rash. Only after this will it be possible to prescribe adequate treatment to solve your problem. Perhaps the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous or endocrine system needs correction.

Metrogyl acne gel is especially effective

Rosacea is a condition otherwise known as rosacea. It occurs most often in women after thirty years of age. This occurs due to a number of disorders within the body, which include neuroendocrine disorders and disorders of the digestive tract. In response to these disorders, bumps and pustular rashes appear on the skin of the face, especially in the area of ​​the chin, nose and forehead. In men, with a long course of the disease, rhinophyma can form - a change in the shape and size of the tip of the nose. In this case, Metrogyl gel reviews cannot but rejoice. It reduces the percentage of skin damage and significantly improves its appearance. The expected effect occurs after about two weeks, but is less pronounced than with acne. The course of treatment must be continued for a longer time.

Rosacea is a condition also known as rosacea.

Demodicosis is a lesion caused by a subcutaneous mite, whose name in Latin sounds like Demodex folliculorum. It is present on the surface of human skin normally, but in some cases it begins to multiply in excess quantities. Then the waste products of the mite clog the pores, which provokes the development of inflammation and rashes on the skin. In mild cases, only Metrogyl gel can be used, and in more advanced cases, oral metronidazole may be required.

This drug is also used in dentistry. Metrogyl denta gel is used for diseases such as:

  • acute and chronic gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gums;
  • periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tooth, which is manifested by pain and bleeding;
  • aphthous stomatitis - usually occurs in children. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is affected, on which shallow erosions appear, which are called aphthae;
  • alveolitis is a condition that occurs after tooth extraction. Inflammation may appear in the alveolus, that is, the hole formed after removal. It is called alveolitis;
  • removable dentures - sometimes they are not chosen exactly, then the denture begins to rub, inflammation and pain occur;
  • cheilitis is an inflammation of the red border of the lips. Popularly it is called “jams” when cracks appear in the corners of the lips. They cause a lot of discomfort, especially when chewing;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the periodontium, the layer of tissue surrounding the root.

This drug is also used in dentistry

Metrogyl gel plays an important role in gynecology. It is used to treat vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis. The causative agents of these diseases are various kinds of microorganisms, such protozoa as Trichomonas. Metronidazole has a detrimental effect on both. In some cases, it may be necessary to treat the woman's sexual partner, but usually other drugs are used for this.

Metrogyl vaginal gel is available in tubes with a special applicator that allows you to insert it directly into the vagina. The course of treatment is continued for 7 - 10 days. During this period, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. For trichomoniasis, after a course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a repeat test for Trichomonas in both sexual partners. If symptoms of thrush persist after treatment, it is recommended to switch to another drug; your pathogens may be resistant to metronidazole.

How to use

If you use Metrogyl for skin diseases, Metrogyl gel instructions recommend applying it in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and rubbing in with light massaging movements. Before the procedure, the skin must be washed with mild soap and blotted from excess moisture. After applying the gel, you need to wait until it dries, you can apply your usual decorative cosmetics. Before and after applying the drug, you must wash your hands with soap.

Metrogyl denta gel involves treatment with the drug twice a day

Metrogyl denta gel instructions for use involve treatment with the drug twice a day. First, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with any antiseptic. Most often, Chlorhexidine or its more expensive analogue, Miramistin, is used for this. After rinsing, dry the gum surface with a sterile gauze pad, and then apply a thin layer of gel. Metrogyl denta instructions recommend applying the drug to the gums closer to the edges of the teeth. It is better to focus on the front surface of the gum, but do not forget about the lingual side. After treatment of the oral cavity, do not eat for 2 - 3 hours and do not drink for at least 30 minutes.

For gynecological diseases, Metrgoil gel instructions for use provide all the necessary information about the methods and frequency of administration. The tube with the drug has a special applicator. It is inserted into the vagina, and then the woman presses on the tube. It is better to do this while lying down, with the pelvis slightly elevated, so the active substance will be better distributed. The frequency of administration depends on the specific nature of the pathology. When exposed to mucous membranes, metronidazole is rapidly absorbed and can cause a slower reaction rate, drowsiness, and fatigue. These effects are especially noticeable when a woman drinks alcohol during the course of treatment. It is not recommended to drive in the first days of taking it in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Group of contraindications

These include allergic intolerance to any of the components of Metrogyl gel, be it the main active ingredient or any of the fragrances. It is not recommended to take the drug for people with severe damage to the kidneys, liver, blood, or nervous system. Before taking, be sure to consult with your doctor, tell us about previous allergic reactions to drugs, tell us what medications you are taking, whether you are planning a pregnancy or are breastfeeding.

Metrogyl gel is an excellent drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is used in a wide variety of fields of medicine: gynecology, dentistry and cosmetology. Metrogyl denta gel reviews are beyond praise. It is really effective and has a good price-quality ratio. Metrogyl denta gel instructions for use reviews are extremely positive. The method, frequency, and dose administered are clearly defined for each disease. All indications and indications are accurately described. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but be sure to consult a doctor before use.

Description of Metrogyl gel and methods of its use was last modified: April 18th, 2016 by Christina

Metrogyl gel 1% is considered effective in the treatment of acne. It does not contain antibiotics, and the main active ingredient is metronidazole.

It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect against protozoa and anaerobes. You can read more about the use of Metrogyl gel by clicking here.

Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness of Metrogyl ointment for acne

Pharmacist of the pharmacy, Frolova V.E.:“Metronidazole, which is part of the gel, has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action against bacteria that can multiply even in the absence of oxygen.

It is particularly effective in suppressing their growth and development, which leads to clearing the skin of pimples and blackheads. With the right treatment, the maximum effect is achieved, which lasts for a long time.”

Dermatologist, Stepanova N.I.: “Metronidazole is widely known for its ability to inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, when you contact us for help in treating acne, we often prescribe Metrogyl gel. It has been producing good results and performance for several years now.”

Before using Metrogyl gel, consult your doctor. First, you need to find out the cause of acne in order for the treatment to be effective.

Cosmetologist, Vishnitskaya V.Ya.: “When people come to us for help in treating acne, we recommend that our patients use antibiotic-free ointments and gels. The antibiotic can reduce the skin's immunity, and addiction to it quickly develops. One of our favorites is Metrogyl gel. Although treatment with it takes a long period of time, it gives excellent results!”

Customer reviews about the effect of Metragil

Svetlana:“I learned about this gel from a friend, for which I am incredibly grateful to her. I bought it in winter, used it for 2 weeks, was unhappy with the result, it was practically gone! Therefore, until spring came, the gel lay there and waited in the wings. With the arrival of spring, I took up Metrogil again and this time with success! After 3 weeks, the skin cleared up, the blackheads disappeared, and now I think about enlarged pores much less often. My face became much clearer.

But small pimples still occasionally bother me, but Metrogyl dries them out well and eliminates them in just a few uses. I’m also pleased with its universal availability, fairly large tube (30 g) and low price.”

Anna:“The skin was never clear, but every day, for a reason unknown to me, the inflammation became more and more. No masks, lotions or cauterizations work anymore.

Therefore, I seriously thought about purchasing a pharmaceutical drug for the treatment of acne, and my choice fell on Metrogyl.

Metrogyl is a transparent, odorless gel. I used it according to the instructions as expected. Used it 2-3 times a day. I really liked the fact that it absorbs quickly, doesn’t stick, leaves no traces, and cosmetics fit well on it.

After 2 months of use, when the promised results should have appeared long ago, I did not notice any improvement. Zero effect. It’s possible that it simply didn’t suit me or that I have bacteria that Metrogil cannot handle.”

Nellie:“I started using this product on the advice of my treating dermatologist. My breakouts were caused by mites living in my pillows. Used it every day, morning and evening, on cleansed skin. The result was not noticed immediately, but after time you can notice that there is an effect. All acne and inflammation have gone away, the skin is less oily, the remaining spots will be removed with the same Metrogyl in combination with the “talker”. The only drawback is that it is addictive.”

Sonya:“I purchased this product on the advice of a cosmetologist. When I bought it I was very pleased with the price, it costs around a hundred rubles. The consistency of the gel is transparent, thick, quickly absorbed, lies evenly, and does not dry out. But according to my feelings, after using it a thin film remains. I used the product 2 times a day, the results appeared quite quickly: it dried out small pimples, the redness went away in a few days. But, unfortunately, it is powerless in the fight against large pimples.

I would also like to note that Metrogyl is an ideal base for makeup. The film it creates evens out all the unevenness and hides flaking.”

Angela:“The first thing I tried when I started getting breakouts as a teenager was Metrogyl gel. I used it for a month once a day before bed. The skin has returned to normal, problems and imperfections have disappeared. I stopped using Metrogyl and decided to recommend this drug to a friend who has always had problem skin. He helped her 100%.

When I used it again, when my face again became covered with acne and inflammation, Metrogyl did not give any results at all. Zero effect! Most likely, addiction, which everyone who uses antibacterial agents faces. I advise you not to use it for more than 3 months, you never know how it will come back to haunt you later..."

Christina:“This miracle gel saved me at one of the most solemn moments in the life of every woman or girl. Just a few days before the wedding, my entire face was covered with acne and inflammation. I was terrified! The pharmacy recommended Metrogyl-gel. In 3 days, he completely healed the skin: all the large comedones dried out, and small pimples resolved. I really liked the tactile sensation of the gel; it does not stick, does not flow, has no color and odor. Another plus is that it is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces or greasy film.

But unfortunately, this gel did not suit me, because after 2-3 it stopped helping altogether. There were acne - the acne remained. It's a pity…"

Tatiana:“This is not a panacea for all problems, 100%. But there are still results, and quite good ones. I really liked the texture of the gel, the lack of odor and the low price category.

Under the influence of Metrogyl, the skin is transformed, becomes less oily, and pimples go away. Ideal under makeup and does not dry out the skin. Removes all imperfections without aggressive influence.”

The gel does not cause redness, itching or burning. It lies softly on the skin and is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces. After two weeks of use, I noticed the first results, and after a month I completely forgot what foundation was. In addition to Metrogil, I completed a course of masks and used skincare products that suited my skin.”

Using Metrogyl gel against acne: pros and cons

Like any drug, Metrogyl has its “+” and “-”.

So, the advantages of Metrogyl gel:

Cons of Metrogyl gel:

  • Metrogyl is contraindicated in persons who have allergic reactions to one of the components. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Allergic reactions may cause unpleasant side effects on the skin: itching, burning, dryness, redness or irritation.
  • Addictive.

Thus, Metrogyl gel in symbiosis with other skincare products can completely eliminate acne and its consequences.

The main thing is to monitor the skin's reaction. If intolerance or addiction occurs, the use of Metrogyl should be limited.

Mild skin diseases include pimples (acne) and acne. It is known that acne occurs due to the penetration of bacteria from sweat and dirt. Also, they can appear due to hormonal imbalances or surges. This problem especially often affects adolescents during puberty. There are many more factors that lead to the appearance and spread of acne and pimples.

Thanks to the fact that pharmaceuticals are well developed today, many means have appeared to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. One of these products is Metrogyl gel.

This gel is much more effective than a number of other medications. It is recommended by dermatologists. It is a derivative of the natural antibiotic azomycin, but does not cause addiction and resistance of pathogens. It is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent.

Composition and release form

Such an effective effect of this drug is justified by its composition. Metronidazole is the main component. This substance penetrates the DNA of the pathogenic bacterium and destroys it. Other substances play a supporting role:

  • Preservative E218 (methylhydroxybenzoate) is an artificially created preservative with fungicidal and bactericidal properties. In nature, willow bark, grapefruit and blueberries have similar properties;
  • Preservative E216 (propyl parahydroxybenzoate) - has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and is able to prevent the growth of bacteria and various fungi;
  • Carbomer 940 - gelling agent;
  • E385 (edetate disodium) - an anticoagulant, used to regulate the absorption of the main substance;
  • Preservative E524 (sodium hydroxide) - cleanses the epidermis of dead skin and other various external growths on the skin;
  • Preservative E1520 (propylene glycol) - is a humectant;
  • Purified water.

Today, Metrogyl gel is produced for use in several directions - for external use, for the treatment of the oral cavity and gums, and for vaginal use.
It appears as a transparent, odorless mass.

The drug Metrogyl is available in various forms: in the form of droppers, gels, ointments, solutions and tablets.

It has a huge number of analogues, both domestic and foreign. It is practically non-allergenic and is often prescribed to patients to combat various bacterial inflammations.

pharmachologic effect

Metrogyl gel belongs to the group of antiprotozoal drugs. It has an effect on the simplest unicellular microorganisms. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it not only relieves the external inflammatory process, but penetrates into the dermis and interacts with pathogenic microorganisms, destroying it from the inside.

Thanks to its pronounced antibacterial properties, it eliminates various inflammatory processes and stops the spread of infections. It is also an antioxidant, which helps to quickly heal damaged skin.

It has a local anti-acne effect on the epidermis without penetrating deep into the blood. Perfectly compatible with other medicines and cosmetics.

Indications and instructions for use

To treat pimples and acne, Metrogyl gel is applied locally in a thin layer to the affected skin. Before use, it is necessary to treat the skin with cleansing agents - soap or lotion.

The treatment procedure is carried out twice a day, mainly in the morning and evening. The course is quite long and lasts from three to nine weeks, depending on the nature of the lesion. For severe skin lesions, a dermatologist may prescribe a course of up to four months.

Since the gel is water-based and non-toxic, if it gets on the mucous membranes, it is recommended to simply rinse the area with running water.

Indications for use of Metrogyl:

  • Rosacea - rosacea;
  • Acne - vulgar acne;
  • Seborrhea (dandruff), including seborrheic dermatitis;
  • lower extremities caused by diabetes or varicose veins;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin;
  • - soft tissue necrosis;
  • and anal fissures;
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis and vaginosis - intravaginal use;
  • Gingivitis, periodontitis, - the gel is used as an application.

The use of Metrogyl gel is rational after consultation with a doctor. This is necessary to accurately establish the cause and nature of the disease, for proper use, duration of the course, and also to avoid side effects.

The gel can be used as monotherapy or included in complex treatment.

Treatment of infectious skin lesions

The drug Metrogyl gel has long been popular, as it has gained enduring popularity in the fight against infectious skin lesions. Dermatologists often prescribe it as an independent drug, and also include it in complex therapy.

Infectious skin lesions for which Metrogyl gel is prescribed in complex therapy:

  • Folliculitis - metronidazole is used in tablets and as part of Metrogyl gel. Tablets 200-400 mg 2-3 times a day, for children 7 mg/kg every 8 hours. The course of treatment is a week. The gel is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day for 2-4 months.
  • Furunculosis - used in the same way as for folliculitis. If the boil has been opened, the doctor may also prescribe the application of Metrogyl gel for faster healing.
  • - Metronedazole is used orally for 10 days, 1 mg per day, and Metrogyl gel for 2 months.
  • Pyoderma - apply Metrogyl gel 2 times a day, doxycycline 1 tablet 1 time a day for 20 days, bellataminal 1 tablet after lunch and dinner for 1 month, "YAM" ointment externally, according to the scheme with 15 minutes, gradually increasing, 1 month, blepharogel 2 times a day.
  • Impetigo - Metrogyl gel is usually prescribed as a stand-alone drug for impetigo in children. The disease has many varieties, so for proper treatment it is necessary to contact a dermatologist to select an individual treatment regimen.

Use for acne

When approaching the treatment and elimination of various problems with acne, Metrogyl gel is a universal remedy. It fights virtually all kinds of rashes, if the etiology does not provide for the manifestation of these rashes in connection with internal problems of the body.

Metrogyl gel is prescribed as a monotherapy for the following types of acne:

  • A comedon is a manifestation of white or black sebaceous plugs. It can form both in the upper part of the pore and can be easily eliminated, or deeper in the pore. Can be open or closed. If such a comedone gets infected, a papule develops.
    A papule is a painful pimple with an inflammatory process. Does not contain pus;
  • Pustule - pimples containing pus;
  • Nodular cystic acne is a collection of purulent pustules. Can penetrate deeply into the dermis;
  • Pimples are a severe form of acne. They affect large areas of the skin and are accompanied by muscle and bone pain. Treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Cracks in the anus, bedsores, hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids is a disease that affects millions of people. It is also called “sedentary” disease, as it mainly occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle. Of course there are a number of other factors. In the lower zone of the rectum there are cavernous bodies, penetrated by a network of tiny veins. With hemorrhoids, they fill with blood, since the outflow is impaired, and appear outward.

Metrogyl is applied in a thin layer to hemorrhoids and the skin around the anal ring, without rubbing into the tissue - 2 times a day until the signs of the disease completely disappear.

If hemorrhoids are inside, the product is squeezed out in a small amount directly into the anus.
When anal fissures and bedsores appear, Metrogyl gel is also used according to the scheme - 2 times a day.

Anal fissures- these are injuries to the anus, which include:

  • Anal tears;
  • Fistulas;
  • Perenial fold dermatitis;
  • Ulcers and erosions.

Bedsores- are necrosis resulting from localized pressure and circulatory impairment.

Application of Metrogyl gel in gynecology

Metrogyl vaginal gel is prescribed to combat sexually transmitted infections caused by various protozoan microorganisms, fungi and bacteria. Efficiency lies in the ability to penetrate inside a pathogenic cell and disrupt the synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to their death. Destroys diseases such as:

  • Trichomoniasis and trichomonas urethritis and vaginitis;
  • Gardenerellosis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Sepsis of the pelvic organs.

Usually the course of treatment is a week. The medicine is administered deep into the vagina in a dose of 500 ml 2 times a day. To prevent relapse, you can repeat the course after two weeks.

Metrogyl gel and dentistry

Dentistry also focuses on the use of Metrogyl gel.
It is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis
  • cheilitis;
  • periodontal disease.

Metrogyl eliminates inflammation when wearing dentures. Fights various cracks and bleeding gums.

The gel can be used in the form of applications. A small amount of gel is applied to gauze strips and applied to the gums for 20-30 minutes. Also, using a toothbrush, apply to the gums and interdental spaces for 20-30 minutes. During this time you should not consume anything.
The course is 7-10 days, 2 times a day.

Contraindications for use

Since the gel is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it also has contraindications for use.

Metrogyl is not prescribed for breastfeeding, as it can be excreted in breast milk, as well as for children under 6 years of age.

At an earlier age it can be prescribed in individual cases. In case of individual intolerance to one of the components of the gel, use is strictly prohibited.

Side effects

In general, Metrogyl gel is a safe drug with minimal side effects. But in rare cases, the following may occur:

  • Peeling and dryness of the skin;
  • Redness and swelling;
  • Rash, urticaria;
  • In case of contact with mucous membranes, a burning sensation is possible.

Along with other creams, ointments and gels indicated for the treatment of acne and various skin rashes, Metrogyl is the most effective. It helps get rid of the unattractive effects of acne and also returns the skin to its original condition.

Metrogyl gel is a publicly available product that can be purchased at any pharmacy at a very affordable price.

Of course, it is not a panacea, but it can get rid of many problems.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

Greetings, dear readers. Agree, hardly anyone will be happy to see it appear on their face. Such a phenomenon is far from a decoration of appearance, and having noticed such changes, there is a desire to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

As usual, people try to solve the problem quickly and begin to squeeze out pimples, which leads to the spread of infection and new rashes, which often last for life.

In general, a pimple is a consequence of a malfunction of the pilosebaceous apparatus of the epidermis, which manifests itself as blockage of the sebaceous glands with skin secretions, which leads to inflammation, which we observe as the formation of a defect on the surface of the dermis.

Most often, acne occurs between the ages of 12 and 24, affecting about 85% of people. Some people have to deal with this phenomenon infrequently, but for others it is a whole problem, for example, when it is acne.

Metrogil can eliminate skin diseases caused by diseases of the digestive system, heredity, menstrual cycle, stressful conditions and other relevant reasons. This is an excellent remedy for acne and acne.

Effect of Metrogil gel

Many people believe that the drug contains antibiotics or hormones and therefore refuse to try it. In fact, the basis of this tool is metronidazole: the substance has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Metrogil boasts the ability to resist a wide range of bacteria and harmful microorganisms that cause more complex skin problems.

Another big advantage is that the drug can be used for a long time, it is not dangerous due to addiction or absorption into the bloodstream.

If there are not many acne, the gel is applied locally several times. With more extensive forms, treatment will require more time. It is noteworthy that literally after the first use, noticeable improvements can be noted - redness goes away, swelling, itching and burning decrease.


To quickly get rid of blackheads, acne and pimples, as well as to rejuvenate your facial skin, we recommend that you read this effective remedy .

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Features of application

Before resorting to using the gel, you need to study the instructions: it contains information about indications and contraindications.

The main indications include acne during puberty, rosacea caused by the use of hormonal drugs, seborrhea, hormonal imbalance in the body, eczema, poorly healing wounds, burns, skin cracks, bedsores and ulcers of trophic etiology.

The drug can also be used to get rid of an infected rash.

Contraindication- This is an increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug. Side effects are extremely rare, because the gel is almost not absorbed by the blood plasma. However, they cannot be completely excluded either.

So, among the side effects we can note, first of all, an allergy to the drug. This reaction manifests itself as skin rashes, irritation, peeling, and dryness.

The skin may begin to itch within the first few minutes after application, but the itching usually goes away.

If you need to cover the area around the eyes with gel, the eyes may become inflamed and tearing may occur. Sometimes there is skin tightness.

The product can be used during pregnancy. However, if you are planning to use the gel in the first trimester or during breastfeeding, it is important to consult your doctor. By strictly following all the instructions, you will get an excellent result.

You should not try the drug if you have urticaria, demodicosis, or dilation of small vessels under the skin.

The product is used externally, twice a day - morning and evening, in a thin layer on the skin. It is important to cleanse your face before the procedure.

To do this, you can simply wash your face or use laundry soap. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Rub the product in with light massaging movements. When finished, wash your hands again.

If acne has become pronounced, the drug is applied under a bandage. In this case, after a few weeks the skin will noticeably improve its appearance.

The gel can also be combined with other drugs, because it does not interact with components absorbed into the blood. The individual characteristics of the body should not be ignored.

When using warfarin in parallel, the gel should be used with great caution. This combination increases the time required for blood clots to form.

As for the cost, the product is sold in pharmacies at a very affordable price. So, everyone can afford it. The cost may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

How effective is Metrogyl?

Referring to the low price, many begin to doubt the effectiveness of this drug. However, these doubts are unfounded. An element such as metronidazole eliminates bacteria that cause acne. However, there are bacteria that this component cannot cope with.

To obtain an impeccable result, experts advise resorting to complex treatment, using the gel along with other medications. Such drugs may include retinoic ointment, Zenerit, Regetsin, Klenzit, Differin (do not use in the summer).

You can also dry out pimples using talcum powder with zinc.

Do not neglect hygiene during treatment, wash your face, wash your hands, change towels in a timely manner. Wash lotions, foams and other cosmetic products for regular use will not be superfluous here.

Avoid products that are harmful to the integrity of acne.

Within 2 weeks it will become clear whether this remedy helps you. Improvements are manifested by clearer facial skin and a decrease in new rashes on it.

It must be said that when using the drug for more than 1 month, you may experience a slight decrease in its effectiveness.

If you notice that there are no improvements at all, you can try supplementing the treatment with some other means or consult a doctor. Perhaps this gel is simply not suitable for you and it is better to replace it with another drug.

Cosmetologists advise using the gel for at least three months to get lasting results.

Advantages of the drug

And finally, let's summarize why Metrogil received such huge popularity.

  • Long-term use does not lead to addiction, but it is better to ask a dermatologist about the most optimal course of treatment and focus on the time frame indicated by the doctor.
  • According to the instructions, the gel can be used for a maximum of 9 weeks.
  • The drug has a powerful effect on certain types of bacteria that are most active (bacteria that cause skin diseases).
  • The gel remains on the surface of the skin for a long time, it is almost not absorbed into the blood, and is completely harmless to the body.
  • The transparent composition is suitable for eliminating large rashes and single pimples.
  • The drug helps many people as an effective first aid. If you need to remove inflamed tubercles, they will disappear quickly enough. As for the rash, it will take longer.
  • The drug can be used together with other well-known remedies that get rid of pimples. For example, feel free to combine it with Zenerit or Skinoren, applying the composition to problem areas of the skin and relying on the information in the instructions.
  • The metronidazole component does not destroy all types of bacteria. So, by combining various healing agents, you will enhance the effect and eliminate more harmful microorganisms that end up on the skin.
  • Side effects are not common. Read the contraindications and do not forget to cleanse your face before the procedure. Then a positive result will not be long in coming.
  • The gel is sold at an affordable price and can be found in almost any pharmacy. If we take into account that it is preferable to undergo a long course of treatment, the low cost will be a significant pleasant factor.

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