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Morphological norms table of the Russian language exam. Exam preparation class. "Morphological norms (formation of word forms)" - Document. Difficult cases of forming verb forms

Task number 6 tests your knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. For the correct execution of this paragraph, you will receive one point.

The task itself can be formulated in several ways:

1) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

2) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing misused word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Note! You need to either EXCLUDE the word or REPLACE it.

What violations of the lexical norm can be found in this task? (We are talking about SPEECH MISTAKES that are deliberately made in this task.)

Violation of lexical compatibility.

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility, that is, their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common speech error. For example, a similar error can be heard in the speech of sports commentators: Although in these competitions our favorite skaters defeated, the spectators greet them standing (but: they win, they are defeated).

Some words are often used in speech in the wrong combinations:

meeting called

increase attention

give importance

broaden your horizons

Speech redundancy.

Speech redundancy is verbosity. Verbosity can manifest itself in various forms, for example, take the form of pleonasm.

1) PLEONASM(from Greek pleonasmos - excess) called the use in speech of words close in meaning and therefore unnecessary words:

main point

everyday routine

dark darkness

Often pleonasms appear when synonyms are combined:

courageous and bold


nevertheless, however

for example

2) A variety of pleonasm is TAUTOLOGY(from the Greek tauto - the same, logos - the word). Tautology can occur when repeating words with the same root:

tell a story

multiply many times

ask a question

resume again

as well as when combining a foreign language and duplicating its meaning:

memorable souvenirs

debuted for the first time

Let's look at some spelling mistakes.


The word "whisper" contains the meaning of "to say very softly", so the word "quietly" in this example is superfluous. The word "quiet" is superfluous.


A patriot is “a person who is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his homeland”, therefore the combination of "one's homeland" is superfluous.


You can make a “pleasant” impression, but not a “cozy” one. Replace the word "comfortable" with the word "pleasant".

Let's do task number 6.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

The new shoes were a little too big for her.

In this example, the word "a little" is redundant. In the adjective “too big”, the suffix -ovate- indicates the incompleteness of the trait, that is, the shoes are ‘slightly larger than necessary’. At the same time, the word "a little" means - "to an insignificant extent, slightly". This meaning intersects with the meaning of the word "large". Therefore, we exclude the word "a little".

reference Information

There are many morphological forms in Russian inflected words. Fortunately, most of them are acquired by children in early childhood and do not cause problems in preparing for the exam. But there are forms in the formation and use of which both children and adults make mistakes. Below is a list of such morphological forms.

Error forms. Remember the list examples.


Plural formation:

Words on Y - I:

engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, locksmiths, drivers;
vectors, winds, reprimands, jumpers, sweaters, contracts, containers, players, policies, spotlights, warehouses;
ages, choices, ports, handwriting, creams, cakes

Words starting with A - Z:

director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, watchman, paramedic, tenor, coachman;
districts, warrants, bills, boats, vacations, heaps, bells, bodies, domes, districts, passports, cellars, varieties, farms, poplars, stacks, stamps, anchors

Formation of genitive plural forms:

1.Formation and change of forms of compound numbers:

in the year one thousand and five, two sevenths, by three fifths, in two thousand and eleven,
eighty (eighty), eight hundred (eight hundred), five hundred, three thousand six hundred and fifty seven

2.Declension of complex and compound numbers:

two hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, four hundred rubles, about five hundred kilometers, three hundred pages, no six hundred rubles, about five hundred books

words: forty, ninety, one hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
R.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
D.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
etc. forty, ninety, one hundred (in rubles)
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers: five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
R.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
D.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
V.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
etc. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (roubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, in which errors are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (o) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound cardinal numbers: each word changes in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
R.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
D.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
V.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
etc. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
P.p. (about) two thousand fourteen (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound ordinal numbers: only the last word is changed in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
R.p. two thousand and fourteen
D.p. two thousand and fourteen
V.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
etc. two thousand and fourteen
P.p. (c) two thousand and fourteen (year)

3. The use of collective nouns:

two brothers, three puppies, to both brothers, to both girlfriends, two glasses, two sledges, two of us, three, six of them.

Since the topic causes a lot of problems, remember the cases when it is correct to use collective numbers, in a list:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only plural form. hours: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two points, two skis.
6. With pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Use of numerals both, both:

numeral both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both sides, both books.
With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both friends, both windows.

Wrong: both paths, to both paths, both stars.
Right: both paths, to both paths, both stars.


Form formation:

Wrong: was carried away by her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many books, how many students.
Right: was carried away by her - T.p., she has - R.p.; their; in the middle * of him (her), among * them; how many books, how many students

*In the middle, among- suggestions. If you say: from them, from them, say: among them. After prepositions in personal pronouns he she They letter appears in oblique cases n.


1. Education of personal forms:

Verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.
It is a mistake: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will run away, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, a stranger, a stranger.
Correct: do not use these verbs in the form of 1 l., singular.

Wrong: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, want (the wrong inflection model was used, vernacular).
Right: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, save, guard, rinse, wave, want.

2. Formation of return forms:

Wrong: met, wanted, said hello, sorry (colloquial).
Right: met, wanted to say hello(after vowels -sya, A -ss), sorry (the use of the reflexive form with this verb is a gross mistake).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms:

Wrong: go, go, go, go, go, ride, ride, wave, disperse, lay down, lay down, lie, lie down, run, climb, buy, lie down (wrong inflection model used, vernacular).
Right: go (with a prefix), wave, drive away, lay down, buy, lie down.

Pay attention to the formation of imperative forms of erroneous verbs, which are often found in KIMs:

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Ride - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

4. Formation of past tense forms:

Wrong: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, and others like that.
Right: frozen, strengthened, withered, dried up, dried up, wet, wet.


Participle formation:

Wrong: rinsing, waving, wanting (using the wrong inflection model); doing, writing, taking an interest (present participles are not formed from perfective verbs).
Right: rinsing, waving, wanting; do not try to form present participles from perfective verbs.


Formation of gerunds:

Wrong: looking in my direction, stacking up, driving (incorrect use of formation models: gerunds with the suffix -я- cannot be formed from the verbs CB).
Right: looking in my direction or looking in my direction, folding in a pile(excl.: stable combination folded arms), having gone.

There are many morphological forms in Russian inflected words. Fortunately, most of them are acquired by children in early childhood and do not cause problems in preparing for the exam. But there are forms in the formation and use of which both children and adults make mistakes. Below is a list of such morphological forms.

Error forms.Remember the list examples.


Plural formation:

Words on Y - I:

engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, locksmiths, drivers;
vectors, winds, reprimands, jumpers, sweaters, contracts, containers, players, policies, spotlights, warehouses;
ages, choices, ports, handwriting, creams, cakes

Words starting with A - Z:

director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, watchman, paramedic, tenor, coachman;
districts, warrants, bills, boats, vacations, heaps, bells, bodies, domes, districts, passports, cellars, varieties, farms, poplars, stacks, stamps, anchors

Formation of genitive plural forms:

Form on OB - EB:

several kilograms (kilogram), grams (grams), hectares, carats, tomatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apricots, pineapples, bananas, pomegranates, lemons, tangerines, eggplants, stockings, socks, shoulder straps, sneakers (sneakers), rails, nerves;

many dresses, upstreams, roots, tatters, downstreams, apprentices, flakes, mouths

Null-terminated form:

a pair of towels, stockings, bloomers, shorts, boots, shoes, boots, slippers, slippers, galoshes, shoe covers, boots, boots, apples, melons, plums;
detachment of soldiers, hussars, dragoons, grenadier (grenadier), cadet, lancer, partisan;
one hundred amperes, watts, volts;
many towers, fables, saucers, splashes, cases, pasta, loops, nannies, cuffs, towels, earrings, gossip, apple trees;
many thoughts, pancakes, seats, pickles, gorges, cookies, dishes, coasts, necklaces, dungeons

The use of nouns of various kinds:

good shampoo, penalty, chimpanzee, cockatoo, wildebeest;
terrible tsetse (fly), fresh ivasi (herring);
old Tbilisi, Sukhumi, beautiful euro;
wide Mississippi, Yangtze, Yellow River;
new subway, scarf, coat

The use of indeclinable proper names:

Nikita Struve publishing house, Dumas reading, Shevchenko's poetry


A mixture of simple and compound forms of comparative and superlative degrees:

Wrong: later, higher, lower; less clear, more scary; the most beautiful (colloquial).

Right: later - later; higher lower; less clear, less scary; the prettiest or prettiest.

Comparative degree education:

Wrong: prettier, better, worse (wrong choice of inflection model, vernacular).

Right: prettier, better, worse.


Inflection of numerals traditionally difficult teaching material.

1. Formation and change of forms of compound numbers:

in the year one thousand and five, two sevenths, by three fifths, in two thousand and eleven,
eighty (eighty), eight hundred (eight hundred), five hundred, three thousand six hundred and fifty seven

2. Declension of complex and compound numbers:

two hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, four hundred rubles, about five hundred kilometers, three hundred pages, no six hundred rubles, about five hundred books


words: forty, ninety, one hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
R.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
D.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
etc. forty, ninety, one hundred (in rubles)
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers: five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
R.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
D.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
V.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
etc. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (roubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, in which errors are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (o) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound cardinal numbers: each word changes in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
R.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
D.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
V.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
etc. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
P.p. (about) two thousand fourteen (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound ordinal numbers: only the last word is changed in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
R.p. two thousand and fourteen
D.p. two thousand and fourteen
V.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
etc. two thousand and fourteen
P.p. (c) two thousand and fourteen (year)

3. The use of collective numbers:

two brothers, three puppies, to both brothers, to both girlfriends, two glasses, two sledges, two of us, three, six of them.


Since the topic causes a lot of problems, remember the cases when it is correct to use collective numbers, in a list:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only plural form. hours: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two points, two skis.
6. With pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Use of numerals both, both:

numeral both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both parties, both books.

With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both friends, both windows.

Wrong: both paths, to both paths, both stars.

That's right: both paths, to both paths, both stars.


Form formation:

Wrong: was carried away by her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many books, how many students.

That's right: he was carried away by her - T.p., she has - R.p.; their; in the middle * of him (her), among * them; how many books, how many students

* In the middle, among- suggestions. If you say: from them, from them, say: among them. After prepositions in personal pronouns he she They letter appears in oblique cases n.


1. Education of personal forms:

Verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.

It is a mistake: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will run away, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, a stranger, a stranger.

Correct: do not use these verbs in the form of 1 l., singular.

Wrong: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, want (the wrong inflection model was used, vernacular).

That's right: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, they want.

2. Formation of return forms:

Wrong: met, wanted, said hello, sorry (colloquial).

That's right: met, wanted, said hello (after vowels not -sya, A -ss), sorry (the use of the reflexive form with this verb is a gross mistake).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms:

Wrong: go, go, go, go, go, ride, ride, wave, disperse, lay down, lay down, lie, lie down, run, climb, buy, lie down (wrong inflection model used, vernacular).

That's right: go (with a prefix), wave, drive around, lay down, buy, lie down.


Pay attention to the formation of imperative forms of erroneous verbs, which are often found in KIMs:

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Ride - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

4. Formation of past tense forms:

Wrong: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, and others like that.
That's right: frozen, strengthened, dry, dry, dry, wet, wet.



Wrong: rinsing, waving, wanting (using the wrong inflection model); doing, writing, taking an interest (present participles are not formed from perfective verbs).

That's right: rinsing, waving, wanting; do not try to form present participles from perfective verbs.


Formation of gerunds:

Wrong: looking in my direction, stacking up, driving (incorrect use of formation models: gerunds with the suffix -я- cannot be formed from the verbs CB).

Correct: looking in my direction or looking in my direction, stacked (exc .: stable combination folded arms), having gone.


1. Formation of adverbs:

Wrong: from there, to open inward, I can hardly, we will divide it in half (colloquial).

That's right: from there, break away inside, I can hardly, we will divide it in half.

2. Formation of the comparative degree of adverbs:

Wrong: bad - worse, beautiful - prettier and prettier, good - better and good, hard - harder (colloquial).

Correct: bad - worse, beautiful - more beautiful, good - better, hard - harder

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We wish you successful passing of the exam!

This task tests the ability to evaluate speech in terms of compliance with basic morphological norms of the Russian literary language. The most common errors in the formation of the form:

1) comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives;

2) collective numerals;

3) whole and fractional numbers;

4) genitive case of numerals;

5) nominative and genitive plural of nouns;

6) indirect cases of personal pronouns of the 3rd person after a preposition, etc.

So let's revisit the theory.

Error type

Rules and correct options

1. Formation of forms of various degrees of comparison of adjectives

The most intelligent less prettier, the most most talented and so on.

This table shows the correct formation of the degrees of comparison of the adjective light . If the adjective is in a compound comparative or superlative degree, then it remains in its initial form (except for cases with the word “all” (smarter, prettier, more talented, etc.).

Correct option: most smart; less Beautiful; most talented.

Note! It is forbidden to mix simple and composite forms of degrees of comparison!

2. Formation of forms of numerals

a) difficult

No six hundred rubles, about four hundred books, etc.

When declining, complex numbers change both parts (four hundred(R.p.), four hundred(D.p.), four hundred(T.p.), oh four hundred(P.p.).

Correct option: no six hundredrubles, about four hundred books

b) composite

three thousand five stami eight tenths of the family

When declining compound numbers, it changes every word (three thousand seven hundred fifty two(D.p.), five thousand eight hundred fifty six(T.p)).

Correct option: three thousand five stami eight ten seven

c) fractional

four fifth

When declining fractional numbers change all words, while the numerator changes as the corresponding integer, and the denominator as a plural adjective (three(what?) seventh ; five(what?) ninth ).

Correct option: four fifth

d) numerals one and a half and one and a half hundred

One and a half glasses, one and a half hundred friends

Numerals one and a half (female - one and a half) and a hundred and fifty in Im. and Win.p. have the indicated form, and in all other cases - the form one and a half and one and a half (one and a half cups(I.p.), one and a half cups(R.p.), one and a half hundred centners(I.p.), one and a half hundred centners(T.p.)).

Correct option: One and a half glasses, one and a half friends

e) numerals forty, ninety, one hundred

ninety notebooks; about forty events; to stams books

Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred when declining, they have only two forms: Im.p. and Win.p. - forty, ninety, one hundred, other cases - forty, ninety, one hundred.

Correct option: ninety notebooks; about forty events: to a hundred books

f) collective numbers two, three, four, five, six, seven

Two girls, seven women, three cats

These numerals are used only:

a) with nouns denoting persons masculine and common gender: three brothers, two orphans;

b) with nouns that have the form only plural: three days, two scissors;

c) with nouns guys, people, children, face (in the meaning of "man"): five suspicious persons, three guys;

d) with personal pronouns we you they: they are three, you are five;

e) with the names of paired items: two socks, mittens, skis;

f) with the names of baby animals: two rabbits, four hedgehogs.

g) collective numerals both-both

TO both old ladies both boys

Note! Collective numbers can't match with nouns denoting females and adult animals!

Correct option: Two girls, seven women, three cats

numeral both (both, both, both) used only with masculine nouns (both sons, on both houses), and the numeral both (both, both, both)- only with nouns female (both friends, on both tracks).

Correct option: To both old ladies, both boys

H) Formation of verb forms

Lay in the bag, go hurry up, i win his


a) forms of the imperative mood of verbs:
go - go (-those); lie down - lie down (-those);

b) verb put used only without prefix;

c) root verbs -lie-- only with a prefix (put, lay out, etc.)

d) the forms of the 1st person singular of the present (future simple) tense of verbs are not used to win, to convince, to find oneself, to be weird etc. When necessary, expressions are used: I can find myself, I can convince and so on.

Correct option: Polozki in the bag, go hurry up I can win his

4) Formation of forms of pronouns

in the middle his, inside them, closer her, theirs fate

a) to personal pronouns of the 3rd person ( he, she, it, they) the initial H is added, if they come after simple prepositions without, in, for, before, for, from, to, with, at and others: without Him, with Her or after adverbial prepositions around, in front of, near, past, opposite, about, in the middle, after, behind etc., ruling the genitive case: around Them, behind Him;

b) after adverbial prepositions contrary to, according to, contrary to, towards, respectively, like, inside, etc. initial H is not added: in spite of him, towards her;

c) after forms of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs of the pronoun 3rd person used without initial H: older than him, better than her.

Note! Possessive pronoun their has only this form! THEIR - this is a mistake!

Correct option: in the middle him inside their, closer her, them fate

5) Formation of noun forms

Variants of case endings

a) Exist. m.r. 2nd sk.

Two boots, some Romanians, platoon soldiers, five amps , beautiful towels

Ex. m.r. 2nd sk. with a basis on a hard consonant in Rod.p. plural have null ending, if they mean:

1) pair items: mittens - mittens (But: socks - socks);

2) nationality (if the stem ends with H or R):

Armenians- Armenians, Bulgarians - Bulgarians(but: Kalmyks, Kirghiz, Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Yakuts);

3) military units: (squad) partisan, hussar, soldier ( But: miners, sappers);

4) some units of measurement: (some) amp, watt, volt, grain(but: grams, kilograms);

5) as well as nouns f.r. on -nya and on -

tse: tower - towers, fable - fables; saucers, mirror, blankets, towels ( But: swamps, hooves, laces, logs).

Correct option: Two boot, some Romanian, platoon soldier, five ampere, beautiful towels

Young engineerA

Ending -s(s) used:

a) in borrowed nouns on -er(-er): drivers;

b) from borrowed neosouls. and shower. noun on -tor, -sor: reducers, designers, inspectors (but: directors, professors).

Correct option: Young engineers

Piece cheese

Ending -y (-y) used:

a) in real entities. when referring to quantity: a glass of tea, a spoonful of sugar ( But: tea plantations, sugar reserves);

b) in abstract and collective entities. combined with words many, few: a lot of noise, few people.

Correct option: Piece cheese

Five orange, delicious apples

Nouns denoting the name of vegetables and fruits, mainly in the form R.p., pl. have an ending -ov: lemons, eggplant But: apples)

Correct option: Five oranges, delicious apples

Nouns on -e in the form R.p., pl. have an ending -ii: drug - drugs uy, outback - outback uy ( But: dresses, mouths, lower reaches, upper reaches)

Let's analyze the task

1. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the word form:

1) in thirty notebooks

2) the brightest light

3) they want

4) kind people

In the first example - a numeral and a noun. There is no violation of agreement: both words are used in the prepositional case correctly. In the second case - the comparative degree of an adjective and a noun. Both words are coordinated in the phrase (active case). The form of the comparative degree is created correctly: from the adjective "bright" with the help of the suffix -aysh-. The third answer is an unproductive verb with alternation. There's an error here! Correct form - want. In the last example, an adjective and a noun in the genitive plural form. The form of the noun is correct. The phrase agreed is plural, genitive case. The correct answer is 3.

Theory for task 7 from the exam in the Russian language

Morphological norms are the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech.

Morphological norms of nouns

1. Indeclinable nouns that denote inanimate objects belong to the neuter gender: coupe, potpourri, bikini.
Exceptions: curlers, riding breeches (plural), blinds, kiwi, whiskey, brandy, coffee (m. and sr.r.), mocha, penalty, euro (m.r.).

2. The gender of nouns denoting persons is determined based on the gender to which they refer: beautiful madam, serious monsieur, cunning frau and so on.

3. The gender of geographical names, names of press organs is determined by the generic word: Capri - island (m.r.), Jungfrau - mountain (m.r.), Monaco - principality (m.r.), Borjomi - city (m.r.); "Times" - newspaper (female).

4. Abbreviations are usually assigned to the genus to which the reference word in them belongs: NATO - alliance (m.r.), CIS - commonwealth (sr.r.); Moscow State University - university (m.r.).

However, the following rules must be kept in mind:

  • If an abbreviation ends in a consonant, then it may agree in the masculine gender, despite the fact that the reference word belongs to the feminine or neuter gender. Moreover, in some cases, agreement on the masculine gender is the only possible one. For example, only masculine words university(although the institution), MFA(although the ministry), marriage registry(although the record). In some cases, fluctuations are observed: for example, MKAD- masculine in colloquial speech, feminine in stylistically neutral contexts. In some cases, masculine agreement is not possible: hydroelectric power station, CHP- Only feminine nouns. The generic affiliation of such abbreviations should be consulted in dictionaries.
  • The genus of a foreign language abbreviation is determined by the key word in Russian transcription: FIFA(federation) made a decision; CERN(center) conducted research. However, in some cases, the external phonetic appearance of the word can influence the generic affiliation. For example, the abbreviation NATO is used as a masculine noun (as a result of the influence of a combination with the words alliance, bloc, agreement), feminine (according to the key word organization) and neuter (according to phonetic appearance, compare with other words in -O: coat, subway, cinema). Experiencing fluctuations in gender abbreviation UNESCO(the phonetic appearance suggests the neuter gender, and the reference word organization- female).
5. Some masculine nouns in the nominative plural instead of ending -s(s) may have a shock ending -and I):
1) monosyllabic nouns: side - sides, forest - forests, eye - eyes, house - houses, eye - eyes, century - centuries, silk - silk, food - feed, board - sides etc.;
2) two-syllable nouns, in which, in the singular form of the nominative case, the stress is on the first syllable: buffer - buffers, coast - coast, pearls - pearls etc.

6. The gender of compound nouns is determined by the word that expresses the broader meaning of the noun: Butterfly Admiral, pay phone, sofa bed.
And if both concepts are equivalent, the gender is determined by the first word: armchair-bed, cafe-restaurant.

7. For the correct formation of the genitive form of the plural of nouns, you should know the following trends: For most masculine nouns, in the initial form ending in a solid consonant ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock), the ending -ov is characteristic in the form of the genitive plural: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks etc. An extensive number of exceptions can be distinguished from this rule, having a zero ending in the form of the genitive plural:

  • Names of people by nationality (in words with a base on -p, -n) and by belonging to military units, mainly used in plural forms in a collective meaning: live among Turkmens, Romanians, Turks, Ossetians, Armenians, Georgians, Gypsies, Bulgarian Tatars; see partisans, soldiers, hussars; this also includes the form r. n. pl. h. person.
  • Names of paired items: a lot of boots, for the eyes, without shoulder straps, near the stockings, for the sake of an epaulette, from boots.
  • Names of measures and units of measurement: 220 volts, 1000 watts, 5 amps, 500 gigabytes. If such names are used outside the “measuring” context (in other words, the genitive form is not countable), then the ending -ov is used: live without extra pounds, not enough gigabytes.
The names of fruits, fruits and vegetables, which are masculine nouns, in the initial form ending in a hard consonant (orange, eggplant, tomato, tangerine), in the genitive form pl. h. have an ending -ov: five oranges, a kilogram of eggplant, without tangerines, tomato salad. For some nouns, the formation of plural forms. h. n. difficult; these are the words dream, prayer, head. On the other hand, the words shets and drovets have no other forms, except for the plural form. h. case.

8. Unstressed nouns -я and -е have the ending -й in the form of the genitive plural: minx - minx, wrist - wrists, and on hit -ya and -yo - ending -her: bench - bench, gun - guns. But: spear - spear.

9. In the form of the genitive plural of nouns on -nya with a preceding consonant or letter y, the letter ь at the end is not written: cherry - cherries, bedroom - bedrooms, slaughterhouse - slaughterhouse. Exceptions: young ladies, young ladies, villages, kitchens.

10. Russian surnames on -ov (ev) / -ev, -yn / -in have the ending -ym in the instrumental case of the singular: Nekrasov, Ptitsyn, Nikitin. Foreign surnames ending in -ov and -in end in -om: Darwin, Chaplin.

11. The names of settlements on -ov / -ev, -yn / -in, -ovo / -evo, -yno / -ino have an ending -om in the instrumental case: behind Lgov, near Kiev, above Pushkin, behind Ukleev, near Borodino, behind Golitsyn.

Morphological norms of adjectives

1. It is impossible to combine simple and complex forms of the comparative degree of the adjective into one construction: a better essay / this essay is better (not this essay is better)
2. You can not mix the simple and complex forms of the superlative degree of the adjective: the wisest old man/the wisest old man (not the wisest old man)

Morphological norms of pronouns

1. The mistake is the formation of the form of the possessive pronoun theirs instead of their: their son.

2. After the prepositions of personal pronouns he, she, they, a letter appears in oblique cases n: to him, from her.

Morphological norms of nouns

1. When declensing compound ordinal numbers, their last part changes, which, when declensed, takes on forms that coincide with the form of full adjectives: first, first, first etc. The rest of the compound ordinal noun remains unchanged for all types of declensions, and any changes to it are considered a morphological error: in two thousand two.

2. Each part and each word that makes up a compound and complex quantitative numeral is declined separately: saw twenty-four classmates.

3. Cases when it is correct to use collective numbers:

  • with nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
  • with nouns children, people: two children, four people.
  • with nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
  • with nouns that have only the plural form. hours: five days.
  • with nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two goggles, two skis.
  • with pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Numerals both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both books. With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both elephants.

Morphological norms of verbs

1. For verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.
2. Formation of return forms: met, wanted to say hello(after vowels -s is used), Sorry(no return form).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms: ride, wave, drive away, lay down, buy, lie down.

4. Formation of past tense forms: hardened, dry, wet(Not hardened, dried out, wet).

Morphological norms of participles

1. Formation of participles: rinsing, waving, wanting(Not rinsing, waving, wanting);

2. Present participles are not formed from perfective verbs.

Morphological norms of gerunds

1. Perfect participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive with the help of a suffix -V: spill - spill, save - save, thin out - thin out.
There are perfective verbs from which gerunds can be formed using the suffix -and I or -shi, -lice: go in - go in, look - looking, lean - leaning.

2. Imperfect gerunds are formed from the stem of the infinitive with the help of suffixes -and I: think - thinking, walk - walking, fly - flying.

Morphological norms of adverbs

1. Formation of adverbs: from there, come off, inside, I can hardly, we will divide in half.

2. Formation of the comparative degree of adverbs: bad - worse, beautiful - more beautiful, good - better, hard - harder.