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Is it possible to build muscle without protein? Protein without exercise: can you drink it, and what will happen if you take the supplement without exercise. When is the best time to drink protein depending on its type?


Benefits and How to Take Protein Supplements. How to take them in the absence of training.

Most professional and novice bodybuilders add sports nutrition, namely protein, to their regular diet to increase strength and muscle mass. The advantage of this supplement is that it saturates muscle fibers with all the necessary amino acids, not only before and after workouts, but throughout the day. But if protein is so effective, can you drink it without going to the gym? Let's try to answer this question.

What are the advantages?

Numerous studies show that protein powder is useful at any age and cannot cause harm to the body. But, as everywhere else, there are exceptions. In particular, it is better not to drink protein for people with individual intolerance to this kind of additives, as well as those with serious kidney and liver diseases. Otherwise, additional protein is not capable of causing harm.

I would like to note that protein can be drunk not only by professional athletes (as many people think), but also by ordinary athletes. In this case, the type of sport does not matter much. There is an opinion that protein powder is a chemical product. No way. The basis for obtaining the supplement is still milk, so there are no harmful preservatives or other dangerous products here. Moreover, protein contains the necessary amount of amino acids, minerals and basic groups of vitamins, which are essential for a person to maintain all vital functions. Sometimes it is recommended to drink protein during severe stress to normalize your general condition, even in the absence of training.

The sports supplement provides maximum benefit when taken in combination with natural food. Therefore, if a person’s goal is to gain muscle mass, improve strength performance and increase the effectiveness of training, then his diet should include protein not only from sports nutrition, but also from ordinary foods - fish, beef and poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. Further.

Moreover, for full development, an athlete should take carbohydrates and even some fat. With the right balance of all substances, maximum results can be achieved. But it is important to remember that you need to drink protein and eat regular food separately. Otherwise, you may not achieve as significant an effect.

Reception features

Most often, protein powder needs to be stirred and drunk with juice, milk or plain water. In this case, the volume of the selected liquid is not particularly important. The main thing is not to use boiling water, the interaction of which with the protein leads to coagulation and loss of the properties of the latter.

The optimal time to consume protein is between meals. On days of active physical activity, you can drink protein immediately after exercise. If there is no training on a certain day, then you can drink one of the servings before dinner. The main thing is not to consume protein at once, because in this case it simply will not be absorbed. The optimal number of “approaches” is about 3-5 times.

Protein without sports

For the full development of the body, at least one gram of protein per kilogram of weight is necessary. If a person is actively involved in sports, then his dosage increases to at least two grams. What does it mean? You can consume protein without training if your body does not receive the required amount of useful elements from regular food. Otherwise, additional supplementation is considered pointless and sometimes harmful.

For example, you weigh 65 kilograms, which indicates your body’s daily need for 65 grams of protein (without training). If the body gets the required amount of protein from food, then there is no need to take protein powder.

Are there any options?

There are also situations where protein can be beneficial without training at all. In particular, you can and should drink protein when losing weight. Many people are distrustful of such statements, believing that it is impossible to lose weight with the help of sports nutrition. But no. If you build your diet correctly, strictly follow your diet and drink a protein shake, you can achieve impressive results.

The main thing is that supplements do not dominate regular food. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates and fats must be kept to a minimum. As for protein, the body should receive 1-1.5 grams per kilo of weight. The protein shake itself is best consumed in the evening, and sometimes instead of one of the meals. The advantage of this supplement is that it is filling. One serving is enough to suppress your appetite for a long time even without training, providing the body with all the necessary amino acids.

Prices and where to buy protein


We need protein. Therefore, if there is a shortage of it, you can take supplements without active training. The main thing is to strictly observe and not exceed the dosage. In addition, protein is an indispensable aid in losing weight. So why not use its capabilities? Good luck to you in achieving your goals.

Protein is a protein that consists of amino acids. Along with fats and carbohydrates, this is the most important nutrient from food products of animal and plant origin, thanks to which various metabolic processes occur and new cells are synthesized. But the protein is made in the form of a dry powder; one serving (about 30 g) contains 80-95% protein. Such supplements are intended for athletes. And if it’s still the same protein, what happens if you drink protein without training? Let's delve deeper into the topic.

Is it possible to drink protein without training?

First, let's look at protein standards for athletes and those who do not receive any physical activity.

  1. Protein norm for athletes: 2-3 grams per 1 kg of body weight. This amount is necessary to replenish protein reserves and grow new cells. Of course, for those athletes who, protein consumption doubles, as the amount of fat and carbohydrates decreases.
  2. The daily protein requirement of a healthy person is 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight. This amount is enough to support all vital processes in the body. Thus, it is enough for a man weighing 70 kg to consume 70-140 grams of protein per day from food.

When it comes to sports nutrition supplements, just two scoops can meet your daily protein needs. To get this amount of protein from chicken meat, you need to eat from 400 to 800 grams per day or 10-20 eggs with yolk (as an example only). It is from food products (eggs, milk, meat, soy) that protein for athletes is obtained, only in dry form and with a higher protein concentration.

If athletes need such an amount at once, and even their rapid absorption is desirable, which is what some provide, then the rest have no need for it.

But is it possible to gain weight from protein without training - yes, but only excess fat tissue.

Protein without training does not affect muscle growth, its volume is affected by training and nutrition!

What happens if you drink protein and don't exercise?

Taking protein without training is not contraindicated. You can only replace one of your meals with it, drink it instead of a milkshake, and simply diversify and enrich your diet, if you calculate the daily consumption of KBJU.
But there are also some things to consider Disadvantages of taking protein without training:

  • You need to eat a balanced diet and get a full range of amino acids from food, which you cannot get from protein alone.
  • Some types of sports powders are absorbed very quickly. Athletes need this for speedy or sleep, warning.

It's important to understand, that in athletes it is much faster than in untrained ones, and muscle volumes or a lack of energy reserves imply faster absorption of substances and in larger quantities.

For people who do not receive stress, everything happens differently. There is a surge in insulin in the blood due to the content of simple carbohydrates in the supplement, this leads to the accumulation of excess fat. In this case, the effect can be compared with eating sweets (to some extent). Although both glucose and lactose are needed by a healthy body, regardless of training.

That's why In order not to gain weight due to adipose tissue, it is better to consume protein foods separately, because they do not contain carbohydrates.

What happens if you exceed your protein intake without training?

Unlimited consumption and excess protein for a long time can lead to complications in the kidneys. The fact is that the breakdown product of protein is ammonia, and its high concentration can lead to kidney dysfunction. Therefore, for the benefit of your own health, It is better to control the amount of protein, especially without playing sports.


So, you can take protein without training, because it is a necessary component of nutrition for everyone, but it is not advisable. In addition, this is not profitable, because sports nutrition does not cost three pennies. The main goal of a sports supplement is to supplement the missing amount of protein from the diet, otherwise athletes would only eat with such needs. And if you can fill your daily requirement with a piece of meat, eggs and a portion of cottage cheese, then why do you need it without training?

Is it possible to drink protein without training?

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Sports activities help to significantly strengthen the muscle corset. Working on yourself allows you to increase muscle size, endurance and strength. It is known that growth requires the presence of a building material, which in the case of the human body is protein. At a certain stage, the amount supplied with food becomes insufficient, and in order to stimulate further muscle development, athletes use special nutritional supplements - protein shakes.

Information about this method of supplementing your diet with essential nutrients quickly spread in wide circles. In this regard, many began to be interested in the question, what will be the effect of taking protein drinks without training in the gym? This article will discuss whether it is possible to drink protein without training, and whether there is any benefit from such actions.

Sports activities help to significantly strengthen the muscle corset

What happens if you drink protein without training?

There are several types of basal metabolism in the human body:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrate;
  • lipid.

They exist to maintain the vitality of the body; each type of metabolism provides certain processes and effects. For example, the carbohydrate link provides a person with the necessary amount of energy for the functioning of the brain and other body systems. In turn, protein is the material from which muscles and elements of the immune system are built.

Insufficient supply of one of the necessary components will lead to the development of a certain type of dystrophy, which will certainly negatively affect the patient’s well-being and appearance. You can take sports nutrition without training in two situations. In the first case, if a person eats poorly, his diet is unbalanced and the cells simply do not receive enough protein.

Taking sports nutrition without training

Such an organism, as a rule, is exhausted; morphologically, it will be determined by reduced body weight relative to the norm, weak muscle strength, and insufficient cross-sectional area of ​​muscle fibers. In this case, you can drink protein shakes to replenish the missing nutrients, this will normalize the immune system and.

After reaching certain indicators determined by genetic predisposition, muscle growth will stop. At this stage, a slightly different process will be observed, which can be called the second model of protein intake against the background of lack of training.

It is known that the average adult needs to consume approximately one hundred and twenty grams per day. If the body receives the required amount of “building material,” additional protein shakes will be perceived as excess. As a result, amino acids simply will not be absorbed, but will transit through the digestive tract and leave the body naturally.

Is it possible to drink protein without training?

  • presence of diagnosed dystrophy;
  • strength indicators do not correspond to age and gender standards;

Taking protein without training

  • insufficient activity of the immune system;
  • compliance aimed at getting rid of excess fat deposits.

In this case, the point is that the artificially created carbohydrate deficiency in the body is compensated by the processes of gluconeogenesis. It means that the carbohydrates necessary to provide energy will be synthesized from protein molecules. In this situation, a person will lose significant weight provided that normal muscle mass and immune activity are maintained.

What happens if you exceed the dose of protein?

It is important to understand that protein is a rather dangerous product if there is an excess of it in the intestines. The human body is a complex and at the same time simple system. Its complexity lies in the fact that regulatory processes are built on the principle of feedback, which means that a sufficient amount of a certain nutrient in the body signals to all organs and systems that its further intake should be prevented.

The simplicity lies in the fact that immediately after receiving this signal, the intestine stops digesting the protein located in its lumen, but simply removes it through the anus.

Don't exceed your protein intake

But if you drink protein and do not engage in physical activity, the amount of it in the body will be too large, and the harm from this will be that the human intestines contain about two kilograms of special flora, which allows food to be digested faster. It is these microorganisms that secrete specific enzymes that, over time, trigger the processes of protein decay.

During this chemical reaction, substances that are toxic to the nervous system are released. In order to neutralize toxins, the circulatory system delivers them to the liver parenchyma, where they bind and then leave the human body with urine and feces. Continuous intake of excess protein contributes to long-term stress on hepatocytes, which over time can lead to serious diseases. Summarizing, we can conclude that excess protein in the body will lead to the following effects:

  • the appearance of putrefactive processes in the digestive tract;
  • load on the liver and kidney parenchyma;
  • toxic effects on the structures of the central nervous system.


The body of any person requires a certain amount of protein daily. The amount of protein required depends on the physiological parameters of a person - his height, weight, physical activity and even gender. A deficiency can cause the development of dystrophic conditions and many pathologies associated with the functioning of the immune system and the musculoskeletal system.

On the other hand, an excess of amino acids promotes the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines and increases the load on liver tissue. It is best to take sports nutrition in combination with regular workouts in the gym, otherwise unpleasant health complications may arise. You can also drink drinks with protein under the strict supervision of a doctor to treat dystrophy or to remove excess fat deposits.

For many people, training in the gym is associated with the use of various types of sports supplements. One of the most popular supplements today is protein. Because of this perception, people often mistakenly believe that without such a supplement to their diet, it is almost impossible to build muscle mass.

This opinion is also formed by the majority due to the active PR of protein, protein-carbohydrate mixtures on various Internet resources, popular channels on YouTube, and so on. In today's article, we will look at this topic in detail and tell you how to build muscle mass without using it, and we will also tell you whether it is necessary to add protein mixtures to your diet.

The fact is that due to the active PR of the company, sports supplements are too overrated among the people. In reality, such nutrition is only a common addition to the athlete’s main diet and its use is completely optional.

A properly selected training program is of great importance. Very often, athletes do not plan their plan correctly, as a result of which they train for many months without noticeable progress. In order to correctly compose the program, read. But still, nutrition plays a key role in achieving your goal. If you want to build muscle, you need to carefully plan your daily diet and stick to the regimen.

In words everything is quite simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. As you know, in order to effectively start gaining weight, you must necessarily increase the calorie content of your diet by at least one and a half times. That is, if a normal, healthy man needs to consume approximately 2000 kcal per day, then for an athlete who leads an active lifestyle, lifts iron, tears his muscle fibers, it is necessary to consume approximately 2700 kcal per day. The numbers, of course, are approximate, it all depends on many factors, for example, what body type you have and the like, but I think you understand the principle itself. By the way, in order to accurately calculate how many kcal you need to gain weight, I advise you to use it here.

So that's why I'm saying all this. In our everyday life, it is not so easy to get enough calories to support the recovery processes in our body. In the life of any person there are factors such as work, study, family, which often do not allow compliance with the regime. A person eats poorly and is exposed to various stressful situations, which lead to catabolism, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue. Let's add all these factors together and, as a result, we get a regression in muscle mass gain. That is, a person will simply either mark time, or will generally lose weight.

It is in such situations that a sports supplement such as protein will come in very handy. In fact, in order to maintain the calorie content of your daily diet, you need, in addition to food, to consume protein, which is very convenient to use. All you need to do is take protein powder and water with you (you can mix the protein with kefir, milk, etc.). At any convenient moment, take out everything you need, pour in protein, mix with water and drink, here you have one serving of protein that will help in the fight against catabolism. Here, of course, a food supplement is very useful, as we have already said before, due to many factors, a person does not always have the opportunity to eat fully and get a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. All this is very good, but many people forget that this is only an addition to the main food. You can’t just drink protein and other sports supplements around the clock and hope for a positive result. Protein does not contain those vitamins, macronutrients and other useful substances that we need not only for building muscle, but also for normal existence, normal digestion, and ensuring the functioning of many, many processes in our body.


Quite a lot of athletes advertise sports supplements, but in reality, many of them are limited to advertising. In fact, professional bodybuilders practically do not use sports supplements in the off-season or during preparation for competitions. Here's what a famous bodybuilder, owner of a sports supplement company, says ( pay attention to this) Rich Piana:

You can build muscle mass without problems without using proteins, even if you take into account various factors such as work, study, and so on. Now we will examine this topic in more detail.


After the above, I think you understand that various nutritional supplements like protein do not play any role in achieving results. To gain lean muscle mass, it is enough to adhere to a diet, train intensively and sleep a lot. Let's talk about this and much more in more detail.

First, let's touch on the topic of nutrition. This is perhaps one of the most important factors in the offseason. More than one article has already been written on this topic; to read them, I recommend going to the section.

First of all, you need to take care to correctly plan your daily diet so that you receive the right amount of nutrients for recovery and growth per day. In the off-season, you need to pay special attention to proteins and carbohydrates. As for proteins, you should consume approximately 2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight. You need an order of magnitude more carbohydrates when gaining weight, approximately 6-7 grams per 1 kilogram of an athlete’s weight. So do the math. Let's say a person who wants to build muscle weighs about 75 kilograms. Then he needs to consume approximately 75x2 = 150 grams of protein per day, and 75x7 = 525 grams of carbohydrates per day. Based on this calculation, we move on to compiling your daily diet.

You need to eat about 6-7 times a day. From these numbers we calculate how much protein and carbohydrates should be in one meal. What it looks like: 150/6=25 grams of protein per serving your body should receive; 525/6=87.5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. These are approximate numbers and I am putting them in so that you can then use a ready-made example to correctly calculate your daily diet.

The challenge now is to plan each meal correctly. It should be complete no matter whether it is breakfast or dinner. To calculate everything correctly, I recommend that you use. There you can choose a menu, calculate the calorie content of your diet and, according to the diagram provided above, calculate the correct amount of proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition to the nutrients listed above, you must not forget about fats, which are also necessary when gaining weight. Their concentration in the daily diet should not exceed a percentage of 10-20%. Do not limit yourself too much in the consumption of this natural organic compound. Eat more fatty fish, as they contain large amounts of beneficial Omega-3 acid, which is very important for muscle growth, athlete development and the maintenance of other vital processes in the body.

Remember, the whole point of gaining mass is that you begin to grow only when more nutrients enter your body, more calories than you burn in a day.

We looked at the standard rules that absolutely any person who wants to build muscle must adhere to. Now, as for proteins. Without the use of sports supplements, you can also grow without problems. You just need to correctly plan your daily routine and prepare everything you need. We recommend purchasing special food containers where you can put all the necessary products to eat and replenish nutrients.


Plan your day. Even if you don't have time, you work. Every enterprise or company has a specially designated time for employees when they can have a snack in peace. Take advantage of this. I’m generally silent about educational institutions, since there is a break every hour and a half, you can safely go out and eat.

Today, more and more athletes prefer one or another type of sports nutrition. The balanced composition and improved formulas of new types of nutritional supplements almost completely satisfy the needs for amino acids and proteins, without which muscle growth is impossible. However, there are a lot of myths about sports nutrition (we have already written about some of them in the article:), so novice athletes wonder - how necessary is it to take sports nutrition for muscle growth? In principle, if you are patient and carefully monitor your daily menu and choose the optimal exercise program, you can do without additional protein intake.

Where to begin?

First of all, calculate how much your daily calorie needs are. To do this, simply multiply your weight by 40, the resulting number is your calorie intake.

However, eating sandwiches and chocolate bars is not enough to meet your nutritional needs. Of the resulting amount of calories, at least ¼ should be proteins, 60% should be carbohydrates, and fat should account for about 15%.
You should balance your diet so that this ratio is met, based on the fact that one gram of protein and carbohydrates contains 4 kcal, and one gram of fat contains 9 kcal.

Selecting suitable food products

At this stage, you cannot do without a table of calorie content of foods or a nutritional guide. If you do not intend to retreat, then prepare for the fact that it will take several days to carefully analyze everything that was eaten during the day, including snacks, drinks, etc. Every evening, count how many calories were contained in the food eaten, as well as how much protein and carbohydrates it contained. After some time, you will understand in which direction you should adjust your regular menu in order to achieve the desired result.

Time correction

When choosing foods for your menu, don't forget to consider meal times. So, for breakfast you need to eat slow carbohydrates that will provide energy for a long time, for example, porridge or grain bread, or fortified cookies. But take fast carbohydrates and proteins immediately after training. Fruits, sweets (in limited quantities!), boiled eggs, and natural yogurts are well suited for these purposes. Don’t forget that the benefits of fractional meals have long been proven by leading nutritionists.

What are we going to drink?

A sufficient amount of water is also one of the necessary conditions for gaining muscle mass. You will need at least two liters per day. Green tea is a good tonic, as is a cup of coffee. But it’s better to give up alcohol - alcohol removes water from cells and weakens them, reducing muscle strength.