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Trouble at work what to do. Variants of conspiracies from troubles at work. A conspiracy to be respected at work - to climb the career ladder

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how conspiracies will help from problems at work, how to climb the career ladder with magic? How to keep a job if they are laying off? And how, finally, to find a good job if you are faced with the problem of employment? In the practices of white magic, there are very good strong conspiracies and rituals that give a real lasting result.

Conspiracies to be respected at work - how to get in touch with a church egregore

In order to successfully perform white rites from bad people at work, a connection with a church egregore is necessary. How to purchase it? Yes, just like connecting with demons or a cemetery - a relentless practice. In principle, it is possible to combine Christian and dark egregores, but this must be done consciously and prudently so as not to suffer from one's witchcraft practices.

So, the demonic energies and the energy of the Christian Forces do not fundamentally combine, they strongly conflict, and the magician, who turns out to be, can seriously suffer. So much so that then it will take a long time to recover, to disentangle their own bitter mess. But white magic and witchcraft rituals with the dead can be combined well, but you need to know and feel the intricacies of the work - where to go and where not to go, beware. Well, of course, it is not necessary to combine spindle magic practices with white rituals through Christian Forces; very dangerous experiments.

What challenges do we face at work? I think to start the practical part of the article with an independent conspiracy that will allow you to get rid of a person at work - to close the mouth of an envious person and a gossip, or even get rid of him in the literal sense by firing him.

Conspiracies for the respect and love of people - help if there is a conflict with a colleague at work

Here is an example of a strong conspiracy to protect against enemies at work:

“In the morning I wake up at dawn, cross myself three times at the icon, bow to mother earth itself. When I leave the house, there is lightness all around, true beauty comes from me. People are not higher than me, I am not lower than people. I will rise above all. Let old old people, young men, young girls, gloomy widowers and widowers appreciate me. Everyone would love and honor me, accept me with honor and joy, stand up with honor, give the word everywhere and in everything. As people wait for the red spring, as they cherish all their good, they would wait and protect me, they would cherish me, they would be with me. They looked at me, looked, they didn’t take their eyes off me (name), everyone would love and respect. I am to you, people, with Christ's Easter, and you are to me, people, to the last, with affection. My head, ore in my veins. Not oak, but iron, flint and fire. Amen".

This is a good strong conspiracy, strong protection against enemies at work. He closes his mouth to gossips, envious people will be silent and bypass you, slanderers will beware of slandering the authorities on you. Those who practice black magic can also read it. With some changes in the text home conspiracy from envious people at work, of course.

Here is another proven conspiracy from ill-wishers at work. You also need to read it at dawn, on the growing moon:

“I will get up, the servant of God (name), from bed, cross myself, go to the path, praying. I will look at all four sides - to the east, west, south and north; on one side, the east, stands the house of God, a white church. As everyone looks at the house of God, they bury themselves, so let everyone, big and small, guys and girls, old men and old women, all living on earth and singing praises to God, so they would look at me and burrow , and I would be loved by everyone, by everyone from now on and forever. Amen".

And if you have such a situation in your work team that you may even be beyond the threshold, read the conspiracy so that you don’t get laid off at work.

A conspiracy to cancel dismissal from work - to open roads and get rid of failures

To do on a waning moon. Men on men's magical days, women on women's. For a witchcraft rite from problems at work, you will need:

  • own photo
  • homemade fresh egg
  • 4 church candles
  • 4 new needles
  • dark natural fabric
  • piece of black cloth

Cover the table with dark matter. Put a photo in front of you, on top - an egg (the egg must be fertilized, from a chicken that knew a rooster). Fold your palms over the egg and read the prayer “Our Father” three times. Then carefully pierce the shell, and insert the needles into the egg from four sides, so that they stick out, forming a cross. Return the egg to its original place. String candles on needles sticking out of the egg, and light. On this, the preparation for the conspiracy so that they would not be fired at work is completed.

With burning candles, read the text of the conspiracy from troubles at work 12 times:

“Earthly passions, human slanders, failures, charity and bad luck from myself (name) I take off, I send the earth to the cheese. The damp earth cleanses me, saves me from troubles. Amen".

Wait until the candles burn out. Wrap the egg, needles and candle ends in a piece of black cloth and bury in a deserted place. In this interpretation, a magical rite from ill-wishers at work is done through Christian Forces. But, you can work not through the church egregor, but through the Dark Forces, as well as through the Slavic gods, for example, with an appeal to Veles. When working with Dark Spirits, candles in the rite are used inverted church, in addition, at the end of a strong conspiracies from bad people at work a ransom is needed. Working with Veles, they take ordinary wax candles. As for the ransom, everything here is in accordance with the standard rules for working through pagan deities - glorification, bringing requirements.

You can conjure not only in the warm season, but also in winter. For a witchcraft ritual, winter should not be. To bury the bundle with all its contents, first pour hot water over the place. The earth is rapidly thawing, and it will be possible to complete the ceremony so that they do not get fired at work.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

A conspiracy to be respected at work - to climb the career ladder

Before the rite, if they find fault at work, call on the Forces to help, which you usually turn to. And then, after the call, do the rite, read the plot so that colleagues at work love. Then it will be necessary to thank them, the called Forces. If the saints were called, thank them. If the angels (“angelic forces are on your grave and are deadly dead ...”), then thanks be to them. If the power of the cross (“invincible and incomprehensible, the divine power of the honest and life-giving cross, do not leave us sinners”), if you call on the power of God to help, then thank God. You need to read the prayer of thanksgiving yourself.

You can give your career a positive dynamic by trying on the power of a witchcraft rite for good luck in life.

To make a conspiracy to raise yourself at work, prepare the ingredients:

  • white canvas
  • 3 candles in candlesticks
  • bowl of spring water
  • 3 small tightly sealed containers

Cover the table with white cloth, place candles in a semicircle, and a bowl of water in the center. Light the candles clockwise. Read a home plot from envious people at work and for career success 4 times, 1 time for 4 cardinal directions, starting from the east side:

“As the ladder to the holy heavens stands firmly, so I stand firmly on the service ladder. Just as the tsar-sovereign stands at the very top of the stairs on the ladder, the princes and boyars bow to him, they honor and respect him, they consider me the first person, so I, the servant of God (name), are honored and respected and lifted up the stairs. And I, the servant of God (name), will easily and quickly climb that ladder to the very top. Just as princes and boyars bow to the tsar, so do my superiors bow to me. As everyone reveres the king-sovereign, his orders, so my bosses hear my word, my secret word is fulfilled, they raise me to the very top of the stairs. In my business there are no rivals for me. In my word there is no equal to me. There is no one on the stairs in front of me. I will close everyone in my business, I will easily climb the stairs to the very top. I will lock my business with a golden key. I will put the golden key at the top of the stairs at the feet of the tsar-sovereign, no one can get the key, I will stand firmly in my business. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the candles burn out, thank the Forces for their help. Divide the water for which the witchcraft conspiracy to increase at work was read into 3 parts.
  • Use one part for washing - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Bring the second part of the water to work, and sprinkle your workplace with a cross there.
  • And use the third part of the water to influence the boss, for example, spray the door of his office.

An independent rite is very effective. Try . And the next rite that I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you is an effective protective conspiracy from bad people at work, from slander, lies, envy and gossip, and from other inspectors.

A strong conspiracy from inspectors at work - get rid of government people

In order to fight off frequent checks with magic and go aside, you need to take a ball of clean sheep's wool, and do a magic ritual if they find fault when checking at work. But, this rite is not done with the help of white magic. Black is witchcraft, protection is strong. For a strong ritual during checks at work, you need:

  • skein of thread
  • 3 nickels
  • a handful of grave earth

To make yourself a protective conspiracy from enemies at work, take a skein of sheep's wool, and as dusk falls, go to the cemetery. There, find the grave of your namesake, throw nickels on the grave, go up to the cross and say:

“I’m going along the way, I’ll lead, I’ll confuse, but I’ll take the government people away from me, but I’ll bring a dead man to you. Let them know you, let them throw words with you. Amen".

Then tie the end of the thread to the cross and start wrapping the cross with the thread from right to left. Yes, while you are doing the cemetery ritual yourself, read conspiracy from enemies at work:

“Disperse in a move, so lie down on the cross with a word, then official people will rush in, but they will cling to the dead man, they will measure me off, but they won’t throw themselves in the eyes, then they won’t come down on me in court, but everything will be possible for me, the dead man will overpower, if the thread is twisted, yes to the cross sovitsya. Amen".

When the entire skein of threads is wound on the cross, fasten everything with a knot, and say this at the same time:

“The dead man will master it, but the government people will throw it away, then it is fastened with a knot, it’s done in a word. Amen".

Take a handful of grave soil, throw it on a road cross, and read a strong conspiracy when checking at work:

“They will point out the way, but order the official people, they will lean back from me, and spread to the dead man. Amen".

Work according to the standard rules of graveyard witchcraft.

However, the threat to a career is not only inspectors, but also competitors, and if you work in a team where the atmosphere is not entirely healthy, then you know how enemies can. And it happens that the boss is a tyrant, from whom there are also many problems. Here's another strong conspiracy to protect you from enemies at work, which can come in handy when your boss is mean and nagging.

  • Icon of All Saints
  • 4 candles in candlesticks
  • black prayer cloth
  • bowl of water
  • handful of salt
  • nail
  • On the waning moon, read the plot if they find fault at work.

    Cover the table with a white cloth, set icons in a semicircle. Before each icon, place a candle in a candlestick, and in the center of the table, a candle of your boss. Put a bowl of water on the table, and sprinkle salt next to it. Stick a nail into the pile of salt. After these preparations, lay a black prayer sheet on the floor. Stand on it and call for help the Holy Trinity, Michael the Archangel, St. Cyril, Bishop of Turov. Now light the candles. Keep your left hand on the bowl of water. And put your right hand on a handful of salt.

    Read 4 times the words of the conspiracy to protect yourself from the evil boss at work:

    “The blue fire burns, the flame rages, the blue water floods the red fire, hatred and evil fade away. Evil is quenched in the heart of God's servant (name), my boss. As the nail hissed, blushed, buzzed, and cooled in the blue water, so in the heart of my boss, God's servant (name), hatred dies away, evil does not burn, the boss cools down in his heart. As salt melts easily in blue water, so do the boss's chicanery to me, God's servant (name). The salt will melt, the nit-pick falls off the tongue, the evil in the hearts of the servant of God (name) melts, it doesn’t matter. The evil of his heart does not gnaw, after the moon will subside. As from the full moon, the round side of the Moon melts, the month fades in the sky, so it melts, the anger from the heart of God's servant (name) will fade away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Pour the salt crosswise into the bowl. Heat the nail on fire, throw it into the bowl, and read the plot from ill-wishers at work 4 more times. When the candles burn out, say a prayer of thanksgiving to the called Forces. Hide the nail under the threshold to the office of the evil boss. And pour water at the threshold of the building where you work.

    Hello Anton Mikhailovich! I'm in trouble at work, I'm already 52 years old, I moved to another city and got a job. And for many years a single woman has been working there, who raised two daughters alone. Before me, two more women tried to work at this place, one completely quit, the second moved to work in another place, they could not work here. A female colleague screams all the time and says “she doesn’t scream, but talks like that”, she has all fools and fools, she is the smartest. Everyone who does not go into the department offends everyone and yells at everyone. She has been working here for a very long time. As a specialist, she is considered good, but everyone knows about her behavior with other colleagues and everyone tries not to mess with her. I'm new and don't know everything at this enterprise and when I ask a question. I receive the answer in such a form that it would be better not to ask, after receiving the answer, I feel like a complete fool. And in general, in communication, when I try to insert something, I get a humiliating answer. My heart already hurts and hypertension has begun. I just don’t have the strength to work there anymore, I just want to go somewhere, run away. And just stay quiet. She still talks very loudly for a whole day, She is very tired, her nerves just can't stand it. I do not know how to be? I now come to work and just keep quiet, there is no desire to even talk to anyone. Thank you for your reply Anton.

    Psychologists Answers

    As a specialist, she is considered good, but everyone knows about her behavior with other colleagues and everyone tries not to mess with her.

    An interesting picture. Somehow it happened that one person crushed the whole team under him, simply putting pressure on others with emotions, while others (no one, mind you!) tried to object to her? Naturally, in this situation, a person will more and more feel his permissiveness, if no one even tries to object, and everyone just runs away ....

    I receive the answer in such a form that it would be better not to ask, after receiving the answer, I feel like a complete fool.

    Why? You don't know, you're new. And you did not want to ask in response - "on what basis are you insulting me? why do you allow yourself to yell at me? why do you allow yourself to communicate disrespectfully with colleagues?" - and make it clear that you will not tolerate it.

    My heart is already hurting and hypertension has begun.

    Certainly. Because you, like everyone else, apparently, choke on your feelings (anger, indignation, resentment, disappointment) and essentially direct all these feelings to yourself instead of her. And this is already causing harm to oneself and it just won’t go away for the body, of course.

    I just don’t have the strength to work there anymore, I just want to go somewhere, run away.

    You have only two options - run or get your way. Either you will be suppressed, or you will make it clear that you can pressure her too if you wish, and turn her life at work into a rather unpleasant plot, because you will not at least tolerate her antics. And sooner or later it will become unpleasant for her that they constantly make comments to her, object, ask for silence, shake her rights, etc. She will understand that there is someone at least as strong as she is.

    And just at least stay in silence

    Demand, seek. Yes, this is a conflict, but otherwise there will be only two conflict-free exits for you - either harm yourself by suppressing your negative feelings, or leave. These are non-conflict options. Do they really suit you?

    Why are you so scared to defend yourself? Why is everyone around (with rare exceptions) accustomed to "tighten their tails" at the first emotional pressure? Why is everyone so intimidated, why does everyone think they are so weak?

    Why do YOU ​​feel like you have absolutely no rights in the first place?

    Perhaps this is not true at all. But you just got used to backing away in front of the one who is louder (and not the fact that it is stronger).

    Or maybe you just need to believe in yourself and the value of what you need - silence at work, polite treatment, no shouting ...? And the "war" with her will not be so protracted?

    Sincerely, Nesvitsky A., consultations, psychotherapy in St. Petersburg and on skype

    Good answer 5 bad answer 1
    Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 31 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    From trouble at work

    From trouble at work

    If you have trouble at work, read this conspiracy:

    The mother serpent has many daughter serpents.

    She called them, called each by name:

    Ruler Serpent, Ruler Serpent

    Guardian Serpent, Leader Serpent,

    Substitute snake, tormentor snake,

    Snake-tamer, snake-seducer,

    A disturbing snake, a conniving snake,

    Snake-devourer, snake-warrior,

    Snake-abductor, snake-enlightener.

    And also her seventy-seven snakes,

    Her cold-blooded daughters.

    Veli, mother snake, to her daughters

    To protect me (such and such) from the authorities,

    No prince, tsar and princess

    Don't let it kill.

    And who will offend me,

    My word will get him.

    Let your snakes

    Six hundred and sixty-six times will curl up,

    And all my enemies-enemies will be pumped out of me.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen.

    From the book Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for indestructible love and dove fidelity author Smorodova Irina

    FROM FAMILY SCANDALS AND TROUBLES Prayer from quarrels and insults Read this prayer every time something goes wrong in the house. It will help to smooth out all the sharp corners and cool the brawlers. The prayer is this: Jesus Christ, the son of God, and ever-virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor!

    From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Ceremonies, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

    Protection from troubles and adversities Sew any button to your clothes and say three times: "MAN, LAGU, ING, ETEL, AK, AESK, IR, QUEORL, KALC, STAN, GAR." The main condition: you should use the thing that you regularly wear, not the clothes that lie in the closet. Bye

    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    During troubles in the service They read mentally (to themselves): Whoever of the evil people will reproach me, May holy meek David remember him. The knife breaks off, the bullet has mercy, The official will pass me from the court. The poison will wake up, the flame will not flare up. Who is angry with me, let him not

    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    Protection from troubles Everyone can be recommended to rewrite the protective conspiracy from troubles on a piece of paper and always carry it with you or read it regularly so that nothing bad happens to a person. This conspiracy is an appeal to your Guardian Angel,

    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 05 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    From enemies and troubles If the enemy is unknown There are many letters that harm, but people do not know the name of the enemy. How to protect yourself in this case? Light a candle and slander protection. The candle burns out completely. Conspiracy on the "unknown enemy": Lord, Almighty God, protect

    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 30 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    Get out of trouble From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am writing to you in complete despair. I've been in trouble for two years now. One thing, then another falls on me. I already went to the temple, and my father consecrated the house, and there were prayers for me in the church, but all

    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 03 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna


    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 04 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna


    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna


    From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 07 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna


    From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    A conspiracy from troubles If you are overcome by endless troubles, sprinkle the charmed millet on the chickens. They will peck it and your troubles will stop. Millet is spoken like this: As this millet is depleted and disappears, so all my troubles would disappear from me (name), now,

    From the book How to heal yourself with water author Stephanie Sister

    Amulet from troubles They read on Wednesdays, in the morning, before washing. Wednesday is the middle, go with a word to the water. I am baptized with Christ, I am covered with faith, I am protected by a guardian angel. My guardian angel, have mercy, sit on your right shoulder, guard me from morning to evening: from the beast and the wolf, from

    From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    Trouble protection It's good to know and have a trouble guard with you, which calls on your Guardian Angel. Be sure to give this amulet to the person from whom you removed the damage so that there will be no trouble with him in the future. My angel, guardian, my savior,

    From the author's book

    Elimination of future troubles This method will allow you to prevent any trouble and ensure a successful outcome of any event. It makes sense to use it on the eve of some important day, or if your instinct tells you that you or someone close to you are threatened

    From the author's book

    A conspiracy from troubles If you are overcome by endless troubles, sprinkle the charmed millet on the chickens. They will peck it, and your troubles will stop. Millet is spoken like this: This millet will be depleted and disappear, So would my (name) All my troubles disappeared Now, forever and

    From the author's book

    PROTECT FROM TROUBLES AND ENEMIES A conspiracy from ill-wishers Read on the third Friday of any month. On the sea, on the ocean, a wave rose, It got up, rose from the very depths to heavenly heights.

    Problems in the workplace are not uncommon. And they can lie in wait for almost everyone. Therefore, in our article we will talk about how to survive problems at work and how to make sure that your colleagues and superiors have an excellent opinion of you? Before revealing such a topic in detail, we want to give one valuable piece of advice. So, try to adequately and balancedly accept criticism addressed to you and overcome any conflict situations with a sober head.

    Dealing with conflict situations in the workplace

    If you are haunted by constant problems at work, then in this case, the advice of a psychologist will definitely help you. There is such a widespread opinion that, about the morals of people, their attitude to their own failures speaks. Since often we do not always control our statements on this or that negative situation. And this, of course, we are living people, not dolls. Having studied the tips below, you can easily simulate the situation and know how to find a way out of almost any conflict situation with your head held high!

    Situation one . You have been criticized. In such a situation, we first of all draw a conclusion: if you find yourself in a similar situation, then initially listen to all the negative comments and analyze them, what, in your opinion, seems to be justified criticism and what does not.

    Try to find out what reasons your opponent has for such critical statements. There are two versions here: either he had a bad day, and he just pours out all his negativity on you, or he really talks about some misdeeds and failures you have committed, so that you correct yourself and continue to be careful and not commit rash actions.

    In the first variant, the interlocutor begins to become furious, cannot concentrate on one moment, and, as a rule, turns to insults. However, we will tell you that this kind of criticism is not even worth getting hung up on.

    Your actions in such a situation: Using every opportunity, do everything to stay in balance, for example, count to fifteen (and if necessary, up to a hundred), keep calm breathing, and in no case show your indignation with facial expressions.

    In the event that the claims against you are fair, then take them into account with dignity and do not try to transfer the topic to another conversation. And give a competent answer, for example: "I admit my mistakes, and henceforth you will not see such behavior (act) from me again."

    Situation two: You made a mistake. We conclude: Let's just say that only those who do not work do not make mistakes, we are not machines, and any person can make a mistake, and machines sometimes make mistakes. Having made a mistake, you will definitely not repeat it in the future, and you will do everything right. Our mistakes are a colossal experience, as they say, they learn from their mistakes. And look around, yes, you made a mistake, but everything around did not stop, everyone continues to work.

    Your actions: you made a mistake and no one noticed it, you immediately set about correcting it and you succeeded, and this did not have any impact on the organization. Congratulations on solving the problem, just don't tell anyone.

    In the event that it is not possible to disguise the situation, our advice to you is to go to your superiors and report everything until it is done for you. But you need to go to the boss with a ready-made action plan to correct the current situation.

    Situation three. You were not appointed to the position you applied for. The new project was given to another employee or they did not give you an increase in wages.

    We conclude: Surely you will be upset, and at home in the company of a loved one over a bottle of excellent wine you will complain that there are only traitors around you. But for now, you need to understand why your work colleague has surpassed you?

    Your actions: You need to do everything possible so that the next time the choice falls exclusively on your candidacy. However, you should not engage in sabotage in relation to your competitor, because the authorities will notice this and absolutely rightly attribute your actions to your envy. Do not show that you are offended, hold on with dignity. Analyze all your shortcomings that influenced the result, perhaps your boss’s decision was influenced by your constant lateness to work, or you were rude with clients, or maybe you still don’t know the price list by heart. But if you guess that your colleague was promoted not due to personal merit, but, for example, he is a relative or has closer ties with the company's management, then in this case it is worth knowing the office policy, it is possible that only relatives receive promotions in this company or familiar guides then you need to consider whether you are ready to work without a development perspective and is it worth it to stay working in this company?

    Situation four: In case you were fired. We conclude: We do not think that everything is over, but we pull ourselves together, and rejoice, because everything is just beginning, you have the opportunity to choose a new workplace again. You are waiting for new prospects, a new team, interesting people and much more.

    Your actions: Naturally, we are starting an active search for a new job and we are glad that we can schedule any number of interviews per day, and you yourself can select suitable employers and working conditions in such a situation.

    Start saving, try to reduce personal expenses for now, because you don't know how long it will take to find a job.

    Make a farewell party at the old workplace, exchange phone numbers with former colleagues, perhaps these contacts will still be useful to you.

    If you think that you were fired unfairly, then you should seek the help of a lawyer and get advice on this issue (for example, free legal assistance on employment issues is provided at employment centers). Keep in mind that you may be entitled to some payments after you leave, or there is a chance to get money from the employer in court.

    By the way: In the event that the process of dismissal of an employee did not take place in accordance with applicable law, then such an employee has every right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, court or prosecutor's office, but only within three months. During the proceedings, the employer will explain the correctness of the dismissal of his former employee. In the event of a positive decision in favor of the employee, he has the right to count on reimbursement of legal costs and salary for the time of forced downtime.

    Read another portal post:


    In this article, you've learned what to do if you're having trouble at work. Here for you we have given real situations and helped you find the right way to resolve them. Therefore, if you do not know how to resolve troubles at work, then you should first of all know how to calm down in such situations. And how to proceed further you should learn from our publication.

    In order for spells and conspiracies from troubles at work to be effective, it is necessary to repeat the words exactly as they are written. Neither before reading the conspiracy, nor after its impact, you can not tell other people about the effect obtained. It is forbidden to use magical texts for women during menstruation, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers. In these cases, it is recommended to use Orthodox prayer.

    IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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        Protective conspiracies, against difficulties

        Conspiracies can improve the situation at work, resolve difficulties. Special rituals and spells build energy protection around a person, their action is also aimed at overcoming difficulties and problems.

        Negative motives of ill-wishers are reflected from the performer of the ritual, without harming him.

        • Rites with the use of additional paraphernalia

          These conspiracies involve the use of simple objects and substances. Rituals may require coins, salt, birch bark, milk.

          When the situation at work improves and the item is no longer needed, it should be left at the pedestrian crossing.

          Coin conspiracy against wage cuts

          Say three times on a coin:

          "Do not fish in the blue sea-okiyana. Shine on the heavenly firmament of clear stars - do not shine. Do not outgrow in a wide field of wild grasses. The path is the same for me, the servant of the Lord (name), money will be a dime a dozen. My words are strong like a white stone Alatyr. I lock the conspiracy, I throw the iron key into the sea. Amen."

          The coin is placed on the right side of the desktop. She must stay there for three days, and then she should buy a candy for her and treat the child to it.

          Protective rite with salt

          A handful of salt is calcined in a frying pan at home. The words are spoken at the same time:

          “I, the Lord’s servant (name), have an iron mace behind the stove. I will lock myself with thirteen locks, and thirteen keys, and copper bolts. The mace is in my hands, it will bring confusion and fear to the enemy. deed. Amen."

          Salt is brought to work and sprinkled near their workplace.

          Ritual with an aspen branch

          The sacrament allows you to neutralize difficulties at work. They take a small aspen branch and wind a white thread around it. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

          "Holy saints of Christ, protect me from all evil. Stand with your back to me, close from all evil and misfortune. As the Pillars of the Church of Christ stand forever, scorched by flames, watered with water, and beaten with a hammer. So let the holy saints take care of me. Amen ".

          The branch must be carried with you in your purse as a talisman. Enemies from work will not go anywhere, but at the same time, intrigues will not be built to those who have completed the ritual.

          Protective amulet made of birch bark

          At noon, they approach a birch tree and with their left hand pinch off a small piece of birch bark. It should be dominated by white. At the dawn of any day, a conspiracy is read on the birch bark 7 times:

          "As I was told, so I took (a), for every good, and not for evil."

          The talisman must be carried with you to work. For convenience, you can wrap it in a piece of cloth.

          From the groundless nit-picking of the leader

          So that the boss does not find fault for no reason, before going to work, you need to wash yourself with charmed milk. The words of the conspiracy are:

          "The Lord Holy Sabaoth gave a tongue for the benefit of his creation. A man speaks the truth with his lips and praises God. And all the dissatisfied, mockers and teachers, leave the servant of the Lord (name), stop lying. From now on, I should be at peace, but forget all the bad things. Today I will meet good luck, I will return the change to each debtor, but not with a bad and dashing word, but with a kind, golden one. Amen.

          Against unfriendly colleagues

          The rite will be useful to anyone who feels like an outcast at work. It is carried out as follows:

      1. 1. On Wednesday, they buy a glass of honey without bargaining.
      2. 2. Waiting for the new moon.
      3. 3. On the first day, dissolve honey in a glass of heated holy water.
      4. 4. The words of the conspiracy are read on the resulting liquid:

      “Honey-honey, sweet sugar, the people are greedy for you. So everyone would love me, the servant of God (name), they would honor me. pampered. As I said, so be it. Amen."

      After that, you need to wash yourself with this water for 12 days.

      Conspiracies without the use of special items

      Each of the following spells can be cast 3 or more times. If the energy of the reader is strong, you can pronounce the words as many times as indicated in the rite. If it is weakened by problems and stress, repetitions increase to 9, 12, 40 or more times.

      Against dismissal

      It helps well against job loss due to layoffs. It is also useful if management and colleagues are trying to survive from the position. You should come to work earlier than others and say the words in the toilet:

      “Just as a person in a latrine will not eat waste, so the management will not eat me. As a person sits in a latrine, so I will be at work. ) will not be able to do without my work. Amen. "

      Conspiracy from Stepanova

      This conspiracy was proposed by the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. Read before going to work, as well as in a working environment:

      “The snake had many daughters, snakes. Their mother called them by name, as she called at birth: Aspida the vigilante and Aspida the warrior, Aspida the tormentor and Aspida the absorber. "Snake under the deck, to protect my daughters (name) from the authorities. Do not let the king and queen, governor and prince and princess fall into disgrace. And whoever starts to upset me, get my word out of the conspiracy. Let the snakes under the deck nine hundred ninety-nine times roll up, and all my persecutors will roll away from me. My word is strong forever. Amen."

      Whisper from nitpicking

      Words are spoken in the back of a picky boss:

      "The wolf has lips, the wolf has teeth. The wolf eats away with his lips, with his sharp teeth he gnaws out all evil and nit-picking. Amen."

      If called "on the carpet"

      The spell is cast in front of the leader's door. It is also permissible to whisper it in the absence of the boss in the office:

      “I’m standing on this side, and you’re on that side. You shouldn’t shout with a cry, but quietly be silent in front of me. Your mouth is closed to the castle, thoughts are silenced by a stone retinue. Stand in front of me like a dumb one. don't yell at me. Amen."

      Spells for a good attitude of superiors and colleagues

      The following conspiracies have a positive impact. They win over the right people at work, improve the attitude of superiors.

      The rites will also be useful for those who have become the object of attacks by an individual or a whole team.

      For the respect of colleagues

      Any jewelry made of gold or silver is taken to work (the best option is a ring). When no one sees, they lower it into a mug of water and say the words:

      "As the people respect gold and silver, so let everyone revere me, the servant of the Lord (name), Amen."

      Then, with the charmed water, it is carefully necessary to sprinkle the workplaces of those colleagues with whom relations need to be improved.

      Rite of command and friendship

      It will be useful to those who experience difficulties in relationships with a particular colleague. On the growing moon they take a teaspoon of sugar and read words on it. Breath should touch sugar:

      "Dry on my sweet sugar, body and soul, exuberant head. As a fly sticks to syrup, so does the slave (a) (name) stick to me. Hold this advice, as a mother a little child appreciate me. Amen."

      A small amount of charmed sugar should be scattered at the door of the object so that a person steps over it, as well as at his workplace (the best option is to pour it into a sugar bowl).

      To win the mercy of leadership

      The rite allows you to win over leaders. It works well on those bosses who are used to raging at work, expressing their anger with or without cause. A conspiracy is pronounced on the waning moon on an odd number of the month.

      At dawn, you should pour water from the tap into a glass, stand facing the window. The glass is taken in the left hand. Looking at the surface of the water, say the words three times:

      "As a wolf's lamb is afraid, and as a gray wolf is afraid of a fast lynx, so you, the servant of the Lord (name), be afraid of me, the servant of the Lord (name). Amen."

      Then you should wash your face with this water and sprinkle yourself with it from head to toe.

      To attract good luck at work

      It is read in holy water, which then needs to be washed before work:

      “Lord, Holy God! I, Your servant, stand before You. My Patron Angel, deliverer from all evil, saves me, protects me from hardship. did not take away my luck. Lord, Holy God! Increase luck and luck, and from the temptation of the devil's liberation. My angel, Patron, always be with me, hide my happiness from the hands of others. Amen."

      Orthodox prayers

      Orthodox prayers are a charitable and effective way to get rid of trouble at work. The effect of prayers manifests itself more slowly, but any negative consequences are excluded.

      Petition to Archangel Michael

      This prayer, which protects from all troubles, allows you to receive the help and protection of the Archangel in a difficult working environment:

      "O Wonderful and Great Archangel of God Michael! Hurry to me, the sinful servant of the Lord (name), and save me from fire, sword, death in vain, dirty tricks of the enemy, fierce storm, from the temptation of the evil and hellish flame. Most Holy Lord Archangel! Strike with Your sword every unclean spirit that tempts my weak flesh and soul. Strengthen me with the love of the Lord, and help me to glorify the Most Holy God Jesus Christ. Amen."

      Prayer to the guardian angel

      With the help of a protective prayer, you can ask for help from the guardian angel:

      "My patron, the Holy Angel, assigned to me in order to protect me from all the charms of the devil! I ask you humbly, save me from all contention with the authorities and those in charge. I am not guilty of anything before them, and if I have sinned, then accept my repentance and beg Lord, forgive me, a sinful servant of God (name). Protect me from evil people and do not let me offend my rulers. For the Lord establishes all principalities and authorities, so be it. May they heed the good Word of God and glorify the Great Trinity. About this I humbly ask you, my Patron, holy warrior, in my petition. Amen."

      Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow

      The Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow will also help in overcoming life's difficulties. They refer to it as follows:

      "O Blessed Mother and our Patroness! Receive us, sinful servants of the Lord, diligently and in humility of spirit praying to you, in your holy life accustomed to listen to every afflicted person. We pray you for an ambulance in these days. May your goodness not be impoverished and now to us Help us and hasten to carry your Cross of life with dignity, preserve the image of the Lord in yourself and endure all hardships for the glory of God. Help us create a peaceful life, and reach the Kingdom of the Highest. Amen. "

      Prayer to Saint Nicholas

      This prayer allows you to neutralize the threats of spiteful critics, destroy their intrigues:

      "Holy Saint Nicholas of God! I zealously resort to you, the servant of the Lord (my name), since I have no help on earth. Get me out of the hands of those who are looking for my soul. Hurry to help me soon, and deliver me from all ill-wishers. Amen".