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New edition of the customs code of the customs union. Customs Code of the Russian Federation

Customs Code of the Russian Federation (TC RF)– a normative legal set of provisions and rules that defines the main economic, organizational and legal aspects of customs affairs and ceased to be valid after the entry into force of the Customs Code of the Customs Union (CU CU) in July 2010.

The Customs Union includes Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, on whose territory uniform rules and conditions for transit, customs value and customs procedures are defined.

The Customs Code of the Customs Union defines the main provisions for the movement of goods across the border, customs procedures, types of customs duties, their calculation and payment procedure, the procedure and forms of customs control, duties and powers of customs authorities.

The main task of the Customs Code of the Customs Union is to protect the Russian Federation from the penetration of prohibited goods into the territory of the state, protect domestic producers, and control the application of prohibitions and restrictions in accordance with customs legislation.

The Customs Code of the Customs Union is a mandatory act of legal regulation for any enterprise that decides to enter the international market.

Principles of customs administration

Principles of customs administration in the single customs territory of the Customs Union:

    lack of customs control and customs clearance at internal customs borders;

    uniform application of customs procedures (regimes) in a single customs territory;

    minimizing the costs of foreign trade entities associated with customs clearance and customs control;

    the possibility for the declarant to submit a customs declaration in the single customs territory of the customs union to any customs authority authorized to register and verify customs declarations.

Structure of the Customs Code of the Customs Union

The Customs Code of the Customs Union does not contain provisions regulating the system of customs authorities, the rights, duties and responsibilities of customs officials, as well as the conditions for serving in customs authorities. These issues are covered by national legislation.

Also within the competence of the national legislation of the member states of the customs union are:

    the procedure for appealing actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials;

    law enforcement activities of customs authorities;

    a number of other issues, mainly related to the technical implementation of various customs operations.

The general part of the Customs Code of the Customs Union consists of three sections:

    Basic provisions.

    Customs payments.

    Customs control.

The special part of the Customs Code of the Customs Union consists of five sections:

    Customs operations prior to filing a customs declaration.

    Customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure.

    Customs procedures.

    Features of movement across the customs border and performance of customs operations in relation to certain categories of goods.

    Transitional provisions.

Thus, the Union Code contains 8 sections or 50 chapters - this is 373 articles of the General and Special Parts.

The full text of the Customs Code of the Customs Union with all changes and additions can be found in the reference and legal systems Consultant and Guarantor.

The full text of the Customs Code of the Customs Union with all changes and additions can be found at the link: http://base.garant.ru/12171455/

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Customs Code (TC RF): details for an accountant

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    In another area (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). 5. Organize the passage of an extraordinary... part-time job (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); a certain category - in cases ... another day of rest (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); masters having state accreditation... 99, 113 Labor Code of the Russian Federation); recalling an employee from vacation (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); processing and... notice of dismissal (Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee’s consent is formalized either... does not contradict the requirements of Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Appeal determination of the St. Petersburg City...

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    Labor Code of the Russian Federation (paragraph 5, part 2, article 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Art. 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation... shifts). Part 1 of Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the duration of daily work... the general procedure established by Art. 149 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, when attracting to... the duration of working hours (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Duration of vacations. According to the general rule... established by Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of annual paid leave without... wages, provided for in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are divided into those that are provided...

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    Established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, collective agreement, internal rules ... labor contracts (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Compliance by the employer with the norms of labor legislation... established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, internal rules... that for failure to comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employer bears administrative responsibility... part-time work, are determined by Ch. 44 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time work is... only in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. ...

This article is about the law of the Russian Federation, which has completely lost force since October 1, 2011. For the current law, see the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Federal Law (Russia)
« Customs Code of the Russian Federation»
Number: 61-FZ
Adoption: State Duma April 25, 2003
OK: Federation Council May 14, 2003
Signing: President on May 28, 2003
Entry into force: January 1, 2004
First publication: "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation" No. 22 of June 2, 2003
"Parliamentary newspaper" N 99-100 dated June 3, 2003
"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" No. 106 dated June 03, 2003
Loss of power: December 29, 2010, with the exception of paragraph 1 of Article 357.10 - no longer in force on October 1, 2011

Customs Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - a codified legal act, which until December 29, 2010 was the main one regulating relations regarding the movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation. Since December 29, 2010, legal regulation in this area is carried out by the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation.”

Structure of the Customs Code

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Basic provisions
Chapter 2. Basic principles of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border
Chapter 3. Activities in the field of customs affairs
Chapter 4. Information and consultation
Chapter 5. Customs statistics
Chapter 6. Country of origin of goods. Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity
§ 1. Country of origin of goods
§ 2. Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity
§ 3. Preliminary decision
Chapter 7. Appeal of decisions, actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials

Section II. Customs procedures

Subsection 1. Customs clearance
Chapter 8. Basic provisions related to customs clearance
Chapter 9. Arrival of goods to the customs territory of the Russian Federation
Chapter 10. Internal customs transit
Chapter 11. Customs carrier
Chapter 12. Temporary storage of goods
Chapter 13. Departure of goods from the customs territory of the Russian Federation
Chapter 14. Declaration of goods
Chapter 15. Customs broker (representative)
Chapter 16. Release of goods
Subsection 2. Customs regimes
Chapter 17. General provisions related to customs regimes
Chapter 18. Basic customs regimes
§ 1. Release for domestic consumption
§ 2. Export
§ 3. International customs transit
Chapter 19. Economic customs regimes
§ 1. Processing in the customs territory
§ 2. Processing for domestic consumption
§ 3. Processing outside the customs territory
§ 4. Temporary import
§ 5. Customs warehouse
Chapter 20. Final customs regimes
§ 1. Re-import
§ 2. Re-export
§ 3. Destruction
§ 4. Refusal in favor of the state
Chapter 21. Special customs regimes
§ 1. Temporary export
§ 2. Duty-free trade
§ 3. Movement of supplies
§ 4. Other special regimes
Subsection 3. Special customs procedures
Chapter 22. Movement of vehicles
Chapter 23. Movement of goods by individuals
Chapter 24. Movement of goods in international mail
Chapter 25. Movement of goods by certain categories of foreign persons
Chapter 26. Movement of goods by pipeline transport and along power lines

Section III. Customs payments

Chapter 27. General provisions relating to customs payments. Types of customs payments
Chapter 28. Calculation of customs duties and taxes
Chapter 29. Procedure and terms for payment of customs duties and taxes
Chapter 30. Changing the deadline for payment of customs duties and taxes
Chapter 31. Ensuring payment of customs duties
Chapter 32. Collection of customs duties
Chapter 33. Refund of customs duties, taxes and other funds
Chapter 33.1. Customs duties

Section IV. customs control

Chapter 34. General provisions relating to customs control
Chapter 35. Forms and procedure for customs control
Chapter 36. Expertise and research during customs control
Chapter 37. Additional provisions relating to customs control
Chapter 38. Measures taken by customs authorities in relation to certain goods

Section V. Customs authorities

Chapter 39. Customs authorities and ensuring their activities
§ 1. Customs authorities
§ 2. Duties, powers and responsibilities of customs authorities
§ 3. Use of physical force, special means and weapons by customs officials
§ 4. Ensuring the activities of customs authorities
Chapter 40. Information systems and information technologies in customs affairs
Chapter 41. Grounds and procedure for disposing of goods and vehicles
Chapter 42. Controlled delivery of goods moved across the customs border

Section VI. Final provisions

Provisions no longer in force

On the basis of Federal Law dated November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ, the following became invalid:
Sections I-II
Section III

Chapters 27 - 33 Chapter 33.1. CUSTOMS FEES Articles 357.1 - 357.9 Clauses 2-3 of Article 357.10.

Sections IV-VI



  • Customs Code of the Russian Federation on the ConsultantPlus website

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Customs Code of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A systematized single legislative act defining the legal, economic and organizational foundations of customs affairs in the Russian Federation and aimed at protecting its economic sovereignty and security, enhancing ties... ...

    Code 60-FZ: Air Code of the Russian Federation- Terminology Code 60 Federal Law: Air Code of the Russian Federation: 1. An airfield is a piece of land or water area with buildings, structures and equipment located on it, intended for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft.… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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    CUSTOMS CODE, a systematized unified legislative act regulating customs business (see CUSTOMS), the main source of customs law. The Customs Code of the Russian Federation was adopted on June 18, 1993. It defines the legal,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The Customs Code is a codified legal act that regulates relations regarding the movement of goods across the customs border. Customs Code of the Russian Federation is the law of the Russian Federation, in force from 1... ... Wikipedia

    Customs business in the Russian Federation- constitute the customs policy of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure and conditions for moving goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation, collecting customs duties, customs clearance, customs control and... ... Dictionary of legal concepts

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    - (see CUSTOMS CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

Instead it comes into effect new: Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union EAEU .

I. General part

Section 1. Basic provisions

Article 1. Customs regulation in the customs union

Article 2. Single customs territory of the customs union and customs border

Article 3. Customs legislation of the customs union

Article 4. Basic terms used in this Code

Article 5. The procedure for calculating the deadlines established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union

Article 6. Customs authorities and their main tasks

Article 7. Law enforcement activities of customs authorities

Article 8. Attitude to information received by customs authorities

Article 9. Appeal against actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials

Article 10. Informing about the customs legislation of the customs union

Article 11. Consultation by customs authorities

Article 12. Customs representative

Article 13. Conditions for inclusion in the register of customs representatives

Article 14. Grounds for exclusion from the register of customs representatives

Article 15. Rights of a customs representative

Article 16. Responsibilities of the customs representative

Article 17. Responsibility of the customs representative

Article 18. Customs carrier

Article 19. Conditions for inclusion in the register of customs carriers

Article 20. Grounds for exclusion from the register of customs carriers

Article 21. Obligations of the customs carrier

Article 22. Responsibility of the customs carrier

Article 23. Owner of a temporary storage warehouse

Article 24. Conditions for inclusion in the register of owners of temporary storage warehouses

Article 25. Grounds for exclusion from the register of owners of temporary storage warehouses

Article 26. Obligations of the owner of a temporary storage warehouse

Article 27. Responsibility of the owner of a temporary storage warehouse

Article 28. Owner of a customs warehouse

Article 29. Conditions for inclusion in the register of owners of customs warehouses

Article 30. Grounds for exclusion from the register of owners of customs warehouses

Article 31. Obligations of the owner of a customs warehouse

Article 32. Responsibility of the owner of a customs warehouse

Article 33. Duty-free shop owner

Article 34. Conditions for inclusion in the register of owners of duty-free shops

Article 35. Grounds for exclusion from the register of duty-free shop owners

Article 36. Obligations of the owner of a duty-free shop

Article 37. Responsibility of the duty-free shop owner

Article 38. Authorized economic operator

Article 39. Conditions for assigning the status of an authorized economic operator

Article 40. Register of authorized economic operators

Article 41. Special simplifications provided to the authorized economic operator

Article 42. Submission of preliminary information to customs authorities

Article 43. Information systems, information technologies and means of supporting them, used by customs authorities

Article 44. Information resources of customs authorities

Article 45. Protection of information and rights of subjects participating in information processes and informatization

Article 46. Information exchange of customs authorities

Article 47. Customs statistics of foreign trade in goods

Article 48. Special customs statistics

Article 49. Documents and information used for statistical purposes

Article 50. Unified product nomenclature for foreign economic activity of the customs union

Article 51. Maintaining the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity

Article 52. Classification of goods

Article 53. Procedure for making a preliminary decision

Article 54. Application for a preliminary decision

Article 55. Time limits for adoption and validity of a preliminary decision

Article 56. Termination, modification or revocation of a preliminary decision

Article 57. Publicity of preliminary decisions

Article 58. General provisions on the country of origin of goods

Article 59. Confirmation of the country of origin of goods

Article 61. Certificate of origin of goods

Article 62. Submission of documents confirming the country of origin of goods

Article 63. Additional conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure when determining their country of origin

Article 64. General provisions on customs value

Article 66. Control of the customs value of goods

Article 67. Decision regarding the customs value of goods

Article 68. Adjustment of the customs value of goods

Article 69. Carrying out additional inspection

Section 2. Customs payments

Article 70. Customs payments

Article 71. Types of customs duty rates

Article 72. Customs duties

Article 73. Advance payments

Article 74. Benefits for payment of customs duties

Article 75. Object of taxation for customs duties, taxes and the base (tax base) for calculating customs duties and taxes

Article 76. Calculation of customs duties and taxes

Article 77. Application of rates of customs duties and taxes

Article 78. Conversion of foreign currency for the purposes of calculating customs duties and taxes

Article 79. Payers of customs duties and taxes

Article 80. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes. Cases of non-payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 81. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes and the timing of their payment in the event of illegal movement of goods across the customs border

Article 82. Deadlines for payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 83. Changes in deadlines for payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 84. Procedure for payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 85. General conditions for ensuring payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 86. Methods of ensuring payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 87. General security for payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 88. Determination of the amount of security for payment of customs duties and taxes

Article 89. Excessively paid or excessively collected amounts of customs duties and taxes

Article 90. Refund (offset) of overpaid or overcharged amounts of customs duties, taxes and other funds (money)

Article 91. General provisions on the collection of customs duties and taxes

Article 92. Recognition as uncollectible and write-off of amounts of customs duties, penalties, interest

Article 93. Customs authority collecting customs duties and taxes

Section 3. Customs control

Article 94. Principles of customs control

Article 95. Conducting customs control

Article 96. Goods under customs control

Article 97. Customs control zones

Article 98. Submission of documents and information necessary for customs control

Article 99. Customs control after the release of goods

Article 100. Customs control during the circulation of goods imported into the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 101. Participation of a specialist during customs control

Article 102. Involvement of specialists and experts from other government bodies to assist in carrying out customs control

Article 103. Interaction between customs authorities and regulatory state authorities at the customs border

Article 104. Inadmissibility of causing unlawful harm during customs control

Article 105. Exemption from the application by customs authorities of certain forms of customs control

Article 106. Collection by customs authorities of information about persons during customs control

Article 107. Use of technical means and vessels during customs control

Article 108. Cargo and other operations in relation to goods and vehicles necessary for customs control

Article 109. Identification of goods and vehicles, premises and other places

Article 110. Forms of customs control

Article 111. Verification of documents and information

Article 112. Oral questioning

Article 113. Receiving explanations

Article 114. Customs surveillance

Article 115. Customs inspection

Article 116. Customs inspection

Article 117. Personal customs inspection

Article 118. Checking the marking of goods with special marks and the presence of identification marks on them

Article 119. Customs inspection of premises and territories

Article 120. Accounting for goods under customs control

Article 121. Checking the system of accounting for goods and reporting

Article 122. Customs inspection

Article 123. Mutual administrative assistance

Article 124. Exchange of information between customs authorities

Article 125. Mutual recognition of decisions taken by customs authorities

Article 126. Carrying out certain forms of customs control on behalf of the customs authority of one of the member states of the customs union to another customs authority of the member state of the customs union

Article 127. Terms used in this chapter

Article 128. Purposes of applying the risk management system

Article 129. Objects of risk analysis

Article 130. Activities of customs authorities in assessing and managing risks

Article 131. Desk customs inspection

Article 132. On-site customs inspection

Article 133. Access of customs officials to the facility of the person being inspected to conduct an on-site customs inspection

Article 134. Rights and obligations of officials of the customs authority when conducting a customs inspection

Article 135. Rights and obligations of the inspected person during a customs inspection

Article 136. Submission of documents and information for the purposes of customs inspection

Article 137. Terms used in this chapter

Article 138. Appointment of customs examination

Article 139. Procedure and period for carrying out customs examination

Article 140. Rights and obligations of a customs expert (expert)

Article 141. Rights of the declarant, other person with authority in relation to goods, and their representatives when appointing and conducting a customs examination

Article 142. Conclusion of a customs expert (expert)

Article 143. Types of customs examination

Article 144. Samples and specimens of goods

Article 145. Goods and documents subject to detention during customs control

Article 146. Storage periods for detained goods and documents for them

Article 147. Return of detained goods and documents for them

Article 148. Actions with detained goods whose storage periods have expired

Article 149. Disposal of amounts received from the sale of detained goods whose storage periods have expired

II. Special part

Section 4. Customs operations prior to filing a customs declaration

Article 150. Movement of goods across the customs border

Article 151. Places of movement of goods across the customs border

Article 152. Compliance with prohibitions and restrictions when moving goods across the customs border

Article 153. Use and (or) disposal of goods moved across the customs border

Article 154. Goods that have become unusable, spoiled or damaged

Article 155. Taking samples of goods by interested persons

Article 156. Place and time of arrival of goods to the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 157. Measures taken in the event of an accident, force majeure or other circumstances

Article 158. Notification of the arrival of goods into the customs territory of the customs union

Article 159. Documents and information submitted to the customs authority depending on the type of transport on which goods are transported

Article 160. Customs operations carried out at places of arrival

Article 161. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment upon arrival of goods into the customs territory

Article 162. Place and time of departure of goods from the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 163. Customs operations performed at places of departure

Article 164. Requirements for goods upon their departure from the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 165. Measures taken in the event of an accident, force majeure or other circumstances

Article 166. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment upon departure of foreign goods from the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 167. General provisions on temporary storage of goods

Article 168. Places for temporary storage of goods

Article 169. Customs operations related to the placement of goods for temporary storage

Article 170. Period of temporary storage of goods

Article 171. Operations with goods in temporary storage

Article 172. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment during temporary storage of goods

Section 5. Customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure

Article 173. The procedure for performing customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure

Article 174. Placement of goods under the customs procedure

Article 175. Place and time of customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure

Article 176. Documents and information necessary for placing goods under the customs procedure

Article 177. Presence of interested persons or their representatives during customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure

Article 178. Priority procedure for placing certain categories of goods under the customs procedure

Article 179. General provisions on customs declaration of goods

Article 180. Customs declaration

Article 182. Transit declaration

Article 183. Submission of documents during customs declaration of goods

Article 184. Additional documents submitted during customs declaration in accordance with the terms of customs procedures

Article 185. Deadlines for filing a customs declaration

Article 187. Rights of the declarant

Article 188. Obligations of the declarant

Article 189. Liability of the declarant

Article 190. Submission and registration of a customs declaration

Article 191. Changes and additions to information declared in the customs declaration

Article 192. Revocation of a customs declaration

Article 193. Preliminary customs declaration of goods

Article 194. Features of customs declaration of goods

Article 195. Grounds for release of goods and procedure for release of goods

Article 196. Time limits for release of goods

Article 197. Release of goods before filing a customs declaration

Article 198. Release of goods when it is necessary to examine documents, samples and samples of goods or obtain an expert opinion

Article 199. Release of goods upon detection of an administrative offense or crime

Article 200. Conditionally released goods

Article 201. Refusal to release goods

Section 6. Customs procedures

Article 202. Types of customs procedures

Article 203. Selection and change of customs procedure

Article 204. Placement under customs procedure

Article 205. Obligation to confirm compliance with the conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure

Article 206. Customs control over compliance with the conditions of customs procedures

Article 207. Liability for non-compliance with the conditions and requirements of the customs procedure

Article 208. Consequences of seizure (arrest) of goods placed under the customs procedure

Article 209. Contents of the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption

Article 210. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption

Article 211. Origin, termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption

Article 212. Contents of the customs export procedure

Article 213. Conditions for placing goods under the customs export procedure

Article 214. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay export customs duties and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed under the export customs procedure

Article 215. General provisions on customs transit

Article 216. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 217. Measures to ensure compliance with customs transit

Article 218. Customs escort

Article 219. Duration of customs transit

Article 220. Place of delivery of goods

Article 221. Equipment of international transport vehicles when transporting goods under customs seals and seals

Article 222. Unloading, reloading (transshipment) and other cargo operations with goods, as well as replacement of vehicles for international transportation during customs transit

Article 223. Obligations of the carrier during the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 224. Liability of the carrier

Article 225. Completion of the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 226. Measures taken in the event of an accident, force majeure or other circumstances during the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 227. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to foreign goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 228. The emergence and termination of the obligation to pay export customs duties and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods of the Customs Union placed (placed) under the customs procedure of customs transit

Article 229. Contents of the customs procedure of a customs warehouse

Article 230. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse

Article 231. Period of storage of goods in a customs warehouse

Article 232. Operations performed with goods placed under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse

Article 233. Customs warehouses and their types

Article 234. Storage of goods in a customs warehouse

Article 235. Placement under another customs procedure of goods that have become unusable, spoiled or damaged during their storage in a customs warehouse

Article 236. Completion of the customs procedure of a customs warehouse

Article 237. The emergence and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse

Article 238. Peculiarities of calculation of customs duties and taxes when placing goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption after their storage in a customs warehouse

Article 239. Contents of the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory

Article 240. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of processing in the customs territory

Article 241. Processing operations in the customs territory

Article 242. Identification of foreign goods in processed products

Article 243. Time limit for processing goods in the customs territory

Article 244. Document on the conditions for processing goods in the customs territory

Article 245. Standards for the release of processed products in the customs territory

Article 246. Waste generated as a result of processing of goods in the customs territory and production losses

Article 247. Remains of goods placed under the customs procedure of processing in the customs territory

Article 248. Replacement with equivalent goods

Article 249. Completion of the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory

Article 250. The emergence and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of processing on the customs territory

Article 251. Features of placing foreign goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption

Article 252. Contents of the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory

Article 253. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of processing outside the customs territory

Article 254. Processing operations outside the customs territory

Article 255. Identification of customs union goods in processed products

Article 256. Time limit for processing goods outside the customs territory

Article 257. Document on the conditions for processing goods outside the customs territory

Article 258. Norms for the release of processed products outside the customs territory

Article 259. Replacement of processed products with foreign goods

Article 260. Completion of the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory

Article 261. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay export customs duties and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of processing outside the customs territory

Article 262. Features of placing processed products under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption

Article 263. Features of placing goods placed under the customs procedure of processing outside the customs territory under the customs procedure of export

Article 264. Contents of the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption

Article 265. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption

Article 266. Processing operations for domestic consumption

Article 267. Identification of foreign goods in processed products

Article 268. Time limit for processing goods for domestic consumption

Article 269. Document on the conditions for processing goods for domestic consumption

Article 270. Standards for the yield of processed products for domestic consumption

Article 271. Waste generated as a result of processing of goods for domestic consumption and production losses

Article 272. Remains of goods placed under the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption

Article 273. Completion of the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption

Article 274. The emergence and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption

Article 275. Features of placing processed products under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption upon completion of the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption

Article 276. Features of placing foreign goods that have not undergone processing operations under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption upon completion of the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption

Article 277. Contents of the customs procedure for temporary import (admission)

Article 278. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of temporary import (admission)

Article 279. Restrictions on the use and disposal of temporarily imported goods

Article 280. Period of temporary import of goods

Article 281. Completion and suspension of the customs procedure for temporary import (admission)

Article 282. Full conditional and partial conditional exemption from customs duties and taxes

Article 283. The emergence and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of temporary import (admission)

Article 284. Features of placing temporarily imported goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption

Article 285. Contents of the customs procedure for temporary export

Article 286. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of temporary export

Article 287. Restrictions on the use and disposal of temporarily exported goods

Article 288. Time limit for temporary export of goods

Article 289. Completion of the customs procedure for temporary export

Article 290. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay export customs duties and the deadline for their payment in relation to goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of temporary export

Article 291. Features of placing temporarily exported goods under the customs export procedure

Article 292. Contents of the customs procedure for re-import

Article 293. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of re-import

Article 294. Documents and information necessary for placing goods under the customs procedure of re-import

Article 295. Refund (offset) of amounts of export customs duties

Article 296. Contents of the customs procedure for re-export

Article 297. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of re-export

Article 298. Peculiarities of transportation of goods placed under the customs procedure of re-export

Article 299. Documents and information necessary for placing under the customs procedure for re-export of goods previously placed under the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption

Article 300. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay customs duties, taxes and the deadline for their payment in relation to foreign goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of re-export

Article 301. Refund (offset) of amounts of import customs duties and taxes

Article 302. Contents of the customs procedure for duty-free trade

Article 303. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of duty-free trade

Article 304. Duty-free shops

Article 305. Completion of the customs procedure for duty-free trade

Article 306. Origin and termination of the obligation to pay import customs duties and the deadline for their payment in relation to foreign goods placed (placed) under the customs procedure of duty-free trade

Article 307. Contents of the customs destruction procedure

Article 308. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure for destruction

Article 309. Features of the application of the customs destruction procedure

Article 310. Contents of the customs procedure for refusal in favor of the state

Article 311. Conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of refusal in favor of the state

Section 7. Features of movement across the customs border and performance of customs operations in relation to certain categories of goods

Article 312. International postal items

Article 313. Features of sending goods in international mail

Article 314. Peculiarities of performing customs operations in relation to goods sent in international mail

Article 315. Customs control of international mail

Article 316. Application of customs duties and taxes in relation to goods sent by international mail

Article 317. Scope of application of this chapter

Article 318. Movement of goods by diplomatic missions of foreign states

Article 319. Movement of goods by the head of a diplomatic mission of a foreign state and members of the diplomatic staff of a diplomatic mission of a foreign state

Article 320. Movement of goods by members of the administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission of a foreign state

Article 321. Extension of customs benefits provided to members of the diplomatic staff of a diplomatic mission of a foreign state to members of administrative, technical and service personnel

Article 322. Movement of goods by consular offices of foreign states and their employees

Article 323. Movement of diplomatic mail and consular bags of foreign states across the customs border

Article 324. Customs benefits for foreign diplomatic and consular couriers

Article 325. Customs benefits for representatives and members of delegations of foreign states

Article 326. Movement of goods by members of diplomatic personnel, consular officials, representatives and members of delegations of foreign states in transit through the customs territory of the Customs Union

Article 327. Customs benefits for international interstate and intergovernmental organizations, representative offices of foreign states attached to them, as well as for the personnel of these organizations and representative offices

Article 328. Measures to protect rights to intellectual property taken by customs authorities

Article 329. Duration of protection of rights to intellectual property by customs authorities

Article 330. Customs registers of intellectual property objects

Article 331. Suspension of release of goods containing objects of intellectual property

Article 332. Cancellation of a decision to suspend the release of goods containing objects of intellectual property

Article 333. Providing information, taking samples of goods

Article 334. Scope of application of this chapter

Article 335. Peculiarities of import, export and customs declaration of goods transported by pipeline transport

Article 336. Peculiarities of import, export and customs declaration of goods transported along power lines

Article 337. Places of installation of metering devices for goods transported by pipeline transport and along power lines

Article 338. Identification of goods transported by pipeline transport and along power lines

Article 339. Customs declaration of transit of goods transported by pipeline transport and along power lines

Article 340. Scope of application of this chapter

Article 341. Procedure for moving vehicles of international transport

Article 342. Temporary import of vehicles of international transport

Article 343. Terms of temporary import of vehicles of international transportation

Article 344. Operations with temporarily imported vehicles of international transportation

Article 345. Temporary export of vehicles of international transport

Article 346. Time limits for temporary export of vehicles of international transportation

Article 347. Operations with temporarily exported vehicles of international transportation

Article 348. Import of temporarily exported vehicles of international transportation

Article 349. Temporary import and temporary export of equipment and spare parts

Article 350. Customs declaration of international transport vehicles, spare parts and equipment

Article 351. Terms used in this chapter

Article 352. General provisions on the movement of goods for personal use

Article 353. Methods of moving goods for personal use

Article 354. Customs operations carried out in relation to goods for personal use

Article 355. Customs declaration of goods for personal use

Article 356. Submission of documents during customs declaration of goods for personal use

Article 357. Application of the double corridor system when customs declaring goods for personal use

Article 358. Temporary import of goods for personal use

Article 359. Temporary export by individuals of goods for personal use

Article 360. Payment of customs duties and taxes in relation to goods for personal use

Article 361. Customs value of goods for personal use

Article 362. Spare parts and fuel for vehicles transported by individuals for personal use

Article 363. Scope of application of this chapter

Article 364. Peculiarities of performing customs operations in relation to supplies

Article 365. Use of supplies

Article 366. General transitional provisions

Article 367. Transitional provisions in relation to persons carrying out activities in the field of customs affairs and other persons

Article 368. Transitional provisions on the specifics of customs operations

Article 369. Transitional provisions on the specifics of transporting goods under customs control

Article 370. Transitional provisions on the status of goods and customs procedures

Article 371. Transitional provisions on the specifics of performing customs operations in relation to vehicles

Article 372. Transitional provisions on legal relations arising in the field of subsoil use (fuel and energy sector)

Article 373. Deleted