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Guard dog breeds: for a house or apartment, selection criteria. Guard dog breeds Guard dogs

Better than any castle, guard dogs will protect the house from unwanted guests if they are trained correctly. There are many different breeds of dogs that can be guard dogs. The article talks about the five most popular guard dogs, for which their main function is to protect the home, property of the owner and his family. Attached are photos and videos that will help you evaluate each breed and decide which breed is best to get.

The habits of a guard dog are immediately obvious: it behaves in a special way, walks and even stands, this can be seen in numerous photos. A true watchman is always in a tense state, analyzing the situation for the presence of danger. When a dog is in a protected area, he is aggressive not only towards strangers, but also animals that may accidentally run into him. When walking, he is not aggressive and can easily come into contact with other brothers. Guard dogs are excellent at distinguishing between their territory and public territory.

In order for a pet to perform the functions of a hunter, it is necessary that she have a genetic predisposition to this. However, sometimes a dog with guardian genes cannot fulfill its duties.

The breeds listed below belong to the Molossian group, which is characterized by large size and late maturation, therefore it is not recommended to develop aggression in dogs of this group at an early age.

Not every breed is suitable as a guard for a private home.

A guard dog must not only be aggressive, but also have a balanced character, and also have a good psyche, otherwise it can easily become uncontrollable.

Popular watchdog breeds

There are many breeds that are more or less suitable for protecting a private home and yard. Any of them can be chosen as a guard.

The most popular breeds of guard dogs are:

  • rottweiler,
  • doberman,
  • German Shepherd,
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

The video from “Mood Workshop” presents the 10 best guard and security dog ​​breeds.


Rottweilers are one of the best guard dogs. They perfectly perform the functions of a private home guard. These watchdogs are able to protect their owner from danger. By nature, they are very attentive and calm, in case of danger they are able to react instantly. Despite the small size of the puppies, Rottweilers grow into reliable and strong guards for private homes.

In order for a Rottweiler to become a guard, it must be trained from childhood. During the training process, the owner must show his authority. If the dog is taught the necessary commands, then the Rottweiler becomes a fearless and devoted guard.


Doberman Pinschers make the best guard dogs, as they try to defend their territory more than other dog breeds. To protect the owner and his home, Dobermans are not afraid to show cruelty and rage. They are extremely sensitive, even during sleep. Therefore, it is impossible to approach the house without them noticing. Even in the photo you can see that Dobermans are always on the alert.

Training should be taken seriously, as the dog may try to show character. During training, you need to show that you are the owner. They must be taught to obey unquestioningly. In return, you will receive a guard capable of tearing apart anyone who threatens the health or life of the owner. The Doberman is the fastest guard dog; it is capable of covering a long distance in a few seconds and catching up with an intruder.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are the best guard dogs, as they have high intelligence, increased attention and an excellent sense of smell, which can be the envy of most other breeds. Photos of these guards cannot leave anyone indifferent. Shepherd dogs are very obedient, but this is achieved through persistent training aimed at developing the dog's guarding abilities. You can rely on a shepherd dog in any situation, as it is able to discern a threat and instantly select a plan of action in a given situation.

If you want to take a German Shepherd as a guard for a private home, then you need to remember that she always needs to be in shape, so you need to provide her with daily training and walks. This breed is capable of both aggression towards the enemy and friendliness towards the owner’s family and children.

Moscow watchdog

One of the most popular guard dogs is the Moscow Guard. She is aggressive, capable of attacking the enemy at any time on command. In order for her to grow into a loyal and strong protector, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, namely, provide regular walks and training.

While at the “security post,” the Moscow watchdog will selflessly and aggressively defend the territory of its owners. In your free time, your pet will become a great friend; you can play with him, run around and have fun. Moscow watchdogs are extremely balanced and can be both good-natured and very aggressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is most popular in the CIS. She is one of the largest dog breeds. Only a pack of wolves can compare in strength to a Caucasian. And his devotion knows no bounds. He can protect his owner from attack at the cost of his own life. In addition, the Caucasian Shepherd is no stranger to a good-natured attitude towards children. He is able to play calmly with small children, realizing that they are not a threat to life.

In terms of walking, the Caucasian Shepherd is undemanding, and an hour will be enough for her to get some exercise. However, so that she does not lose physical shape and is capable of guarding a private home, she must be trained and subjected to physical stress.

The guard in the form of a Caucasian Shepherd is extremely aggressive, as it is characterized by cruelty and aggressiveness. You should not offend a Caucasian, as he may take revenge over time. During the training process, it is better to encourage him with treats and teach him obedience, but the use of physical force is unacceptable.

What breed of dog would you prefer as a watchdog?

  • Rottweiler (0%, 0 replies)
  • Doberman (0%, 0 replies)
  • Moscow Watchdog (0%, 0 replies)
  • German Shepherd (0%, 0 replies)
  • Caucasian Shepherd (0%, 0 replies)

How not to make a mistake in choosing the best home security guard?

When thinking about which breed of dog to choose for protection, you need to focus on several fundamental points that are important for the breed.

  1. Dog's fur. It does not have to be beautiful, as this is not important to the watchman. But since the guard dog will live outside the house, it is necessary that it does not freeze. To do this, the pet must have a thick undercoat. This is most important for areas where the temperature is extremely low in winter. Breeds such as the Rottweiler or Doberman can freeze in winter, so you need to provide them with a warm place. Such a place could be a booth or an enclosure.
  2. How big a pet do you need? For a guard dog, it is very important what size it will be. Its large size will allow it to perform its functions and be able to protect the owner in case of danger. At a minimum, the pet should be medium size, but the larger the better. True, we must not forget that the larger the dog, the more food it eats, so you need to pay attention to this. The pet must receive enough food to be able to defend its territory. Numerous photos with pets give an idea of ​​the size of the “Caucasians”.
  3. Aggressiveness. It is very important to pay attention to this, since if the breed of guard dogs is characterized by increased aggression towards others, then it is necessary to provide proper education so that the dog does not rush at everyone, but distinguishes where there is a threat and where there is not. In addition, if a dog is not naturally aggressive, then teaching him to rush at people will be extremely difficult. This may have a negative impact on his psyche.

The choice of a watchdog to guard a country house must be approached very responsibly, since this is a serious dog that must have sufficient aggression to perform its functions. Therefore, she needs serious education and control. The owner is responsible for the behavior of his dog.

Video “Raising a pet for protection”

The video from “Dog in the Frame” is dedicated to the guards of country houses, how to raise them correctly.

The task of a guard dog is to protect the territory entrusted to it. Such dogs are also called guard dogs. The best watchmen can be immediately noticed by their walking style. Such a dog is constantly exploring and marking its territory, and in its “own zone” it will be aggressive even towards those dog friends with whom it nicely communicates on neutral territory.

The guard qualities of a dog are determined by two important factors: the characteristics of the breed and the training program. Caucasian, Asian and South Russian shepherd dogs and the Moscow watchdog are considered unsurpassed watchdogs.

– one of the most popular and best breeds of guard dogs. Their height ranges from 74 to 88 cm, average weight is about 65 kg, but there are specimens exceeding 100 kg. This dog feels great living outside or in an enclosure and easily adapts to different climates. The breed's temperament is quite ferocious when guarding territory, so the dogs need socialization and special training.

Central asian shepherd dog

- a hardy, fearless and self-confident dog with a strong guard instinct. Aggressive towards strange dogs and strangers. Average height – 70 cm, weight – 60 kg.

It is less aggressive than the Caucasian Shepherd, but also requires socialization and early training.

South Russian Shepherd

Photo: South Russian Shepherd Dog - guard breed

– an unpretentious and reliable watchman, tireless, fearless and the fastest among shepherd dogs. Submits only to a strict and dominant owner, who will become the dog’s leader.

Moscow watchdog

Photo: Moscow guard dog breed

She inherited the genes of three quite different breeds - St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Pinto Hound. It weighs on average about 55 kg. This breed perfectly combines the ferocity of the Caucasian and the diligence of the St. Bernard with the endurance of the hound.

German Shepherd

– the most popular breed in the post-Soviet space, it also performs excellent guard functions. The average height of these dogs is 40 kg with an average height of 60 cm.

The main character traits of this breed are fearlessness and versatility. From a “German” you can raise a dog for a wide variety of purposes: a human protector, a policeman, a bloodhound, a companion, a worker and, of course, an excellent watchman. It is especially suitable for families with children. A calm and balanced dog in a family can be very aggressive when threatened by outsiders.

– a breed of large (62 cm) ferocious dogs that fearlessly guard their territory. Always dominates, therefore he is kept with other dogs only as a leader. An aggressive character requires socialization and special training.

is a dangerous aggressive dog that, with the help of training, becomes a responsible and reliable watchdog. The main characteristic of Rottweilers is self-confidence and incorruptibility.

Photo: Doberman is a good guard and watchman

– an excellent guard dog, often used to guard apartments. Their main qualities are alertness, devotion, dexterity and intelligence. They are able to prevent an unwanted person from entering the territory without causing him physical harm.

Photo: Dog breeds for guarding a private home. Guard breed

- a mastiff-like breed, specially bred as a watchman and guard. Its main qualities are the desire to defend its territory, fearlessness, strong instinct, and the desire to dominate. But due to their natural aggressiveness, it is better not to let children near these dogs. In the 19th century, bullmastiffs protected game from poachers. They are considered the best family watchdogs due to their strong instinctive abilities that help them distinguish friends from enemies.

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Guard dog breeds must not only be large in size and intimidating in appearance, but also have other important characteristics. The pet should be selected taking into account the preferences of the owner and his family, living conditions, pace of life, etc. It is important to consider that any breed of four-legged bodyguards, despite good natural characteristics, needs constant training and attention from the owner.

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    What qualities should guard dogs have?

    According to experts, all guard breeds must have a certain disposition and innate characteristics and skills, which must be slightly adjusted during training in order to obtain a true protector for the home and family. The mandatory set of a guard dog must include the following qualities:

    1. 1. Healthy psyche and balance. A large, hot-tempered dog can become a threat not only to strangers, but also to its own owners.
    2. 2. The ability to quickly navigate a situation and make decisions independently. Four-legged bodyguards must correctly assess a potential threat and decide what to do under certain circumstances without the owner’s command.
    3. 3. Good learning ability and high intellectual abilities. Guard dogs are very serious breeds that are required to undergo a special training course as soon as possible so as not to pose a potential danger to others. They must obey the owner unquestioningly and follow any commands, constantly improving their skills through exercises.
    4. 4. Physical development. A four-legged fighter must not only be of a strong build without excess weight, with developed muscles, but also be able to overcome various obstacles and effortlessly snatch a toy from the owner’s hands.
    5. 5. Distrustful and wary attitude towards strangers. The dog should not show obvious aggression towards strangers. But when they approach, it is obliged to react correctly, warning the owner by barking.
    6. 6. The animal's temperament plays an important role. It affects his ability to focus on protecting the premises and the ability to fight back. A dog that is too sociable or affectionate will make a wonderful companion, but will not effectively guard the territory.

    It is important to note another necessary quality for a bodyguard dog - goodwill towards the owner and his family, especially children. An outdoor dog must switch from rage to calm behavior in a timely manner and respond adequately to small residents who may unintentionally cross the boundaries of his personal space. Also, a puppy that is afraid or does not make contact with people is not suitable as a guard.

    A security guard with all of the above characteristics will become an ideal friend and watchman. But even purebred representatives of breeds with a pedigree cannot always boast of them.

    The best breeds to protect homes and people

    Before getting a guard dog for a private home, you need to understand that not every breed is suitable for performing these functions. Experts are guided by the following criteria:

    1. 1. Features of the hairline. The coat of a dog intended to live in the yard must be dense and two-layered and consist not only of guard hair, but also of thick undercoat. The fur coat should provide protection for the pet from low temperatures, cold winds, heavy rainfall and heat to avoid overheating in the summer.
    2. 2. Features of the grip. The pressure from the jaws of the four-legged bodyguard should be sufficient to not only catch, but also hold the attacker for some time.
    3. 3. Dimensions. Representatives of large breeds have a number of advantages. They are capable of destroying the plans of ill-wishers with their terrifying appearance.
    4. 4. Unpretentiousness, endurance and excellent health. Street watchmen should not require constant care and should not have serious illnesses.
    5. 5. Indifferent attitude towards other animals. Country houses often contain livestock and poultry. It is important that the dog shows a tolerant attitude towards domestic animals and does not attack them.
    6. 6. Self-sufficiency. A dog who lives most of his life in the yard must be prepared to spend time completely alone. At the same time, he should not have a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.

    A person’s home in the city, especially in disadvantaged areas, is no less susceptible to looting than a country house. Choosing a guard breed to protect an apartment is not so easy. The following rules will help you navigate your choice:

    1. 1. In a metropolitan area, breeds with short hair and no undercoat should be adopted.
    2. 2. The dog should not be too large. Otherwise, she will feel uncomfortable in a confined space.
    3. 3. The pet should not be too active. Restless dogs can damage furniture and other interior items, and also require constant walking, which can cause difficulties for the owner.

    For a private home

    The breeds listed in the table are suitable for protecting a country house.

    Type nameShort descriptionPhoto
    German Shepherd

    A universal breed, adapted for guarding, searching, patrolling, escorting, etc. It has a number of significant advantages over other guard breeds:

    • It is of medium size and has a developed muscle corset. The average weight ranges from 22 to 40 kg, height - from 55 to 66 cm.
    • The jaws of Germans are powerful, developed and provide a good grip.
    • The coat is dense with moderate undercoat. It is not advisable for representatives of this breed to stay outside in severe frosts. They either need to be allowed into the house at night, or they need to be equipped with an insulated and spacious enclosure.
    • These dogs are distinguished by extraordinary intelligence, are easy to train and remember even very complex commands for a long time.
    • They are good with children and effectively protect their owners.

    When purchasing a German Shepherd, you need to take into account that they are very active and require increased physical activity.

    East European Shepherd

    This is a kind of analogue of German shepherds, also classified as universal service dogs. The breed is characterized by the following qualities:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals varies from 62 to 76 cm, and weight reaches 60 kg. The physique is muscular.
    • The coat is dense and of medium length, the guard hair is even, hard and close to the body. The undercoat is thick and felt-like.
    • They have a sharp mind, learn effectively, are distinguished by devotion and good attitude towards all family members, including the child.
    • Fearless, they carry out protection functions well.

    Caucasian Shepherd Dog

    According to many experts, this is one of the best guard breeds. Its arsenal of qualities includes:

    • Big sizes. The weight of an adult reaches 50 kg and above, the height at the withers is 70 cm.
    • Dense coat with thick undercoat. This coat allows these dogs to survive even in the harshest conditions.
    • High level of intelligence. He has incredible mental abilities and can make decisions independently in difficult situations. When in danger, they do not show external signs of aggression, but attack without warning.
    • Courage and bravery. In the event of a threat, it will protect the owner to the last.
    • Devotion. Despite their independent disposition, they treat their owner and his family very well.
    • They are wary of strangers and constantly monitor their assigned territory.
    • They respond well to training. But classes should start as early as possible.

    It is important to note that representatives of the breed are very active, so they need a free enclosure and regular physical activity.

    South Russian Shepherd

    This breed is used to guard military installations. Has the following properties:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals can reach 72 cm and weight exceed 50 kg.
    • Powerful and well-developed jaws that provide a secure grip.
    • The coat is fluffy and thick with a well-defined undercoat.
    • The four-legged fighter is fearless and resilient, and is distinguished by an extreme degree of aggression when angry.
    • The dog is independent, proactive and needs strict training.

    Moscow watchdog

    Powerful representatives of four-legged animals are an excellent option for protecting a country house and local area. They have the following necessary qualities:

    • The dogs are distinguished by their impressive size; the height of the animals at the withers can reach 69 cm, and the weight can reach up to 70 kg.
    • Dense wool provides them with comfortable living even in harsh climates.
    • They are fearless and will never retreat in the face of danger, protecting their owner and his property to the last.
    • These dogs have a fairly balanced character, and with proper upbringing they will become not only excellent bodyguards, but also true friends for all family members.

    It should also be taken into account that these dogs need a lot of free space. When chained, they can become aggressive and withdrawn. This variety is suitable for people who are willing to devote significant time to training the dog.

    Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

    The oldest variety of four-legged friends is distinguished by the following protective characteristics:

    • Large dimensions. The height of an adult reaches 70 cm at the withers, and weight reaches 63 kg. It has a large athletic build and powerful jaws, which allows it to effectively guard its possessions.
    • Abundant hair with a thick and dense undercoat. The coat is close-lying and reaches a length of 10 cm.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty, devotion and reliability. They get along well with all family members and are ready to protect them to the last.
    • They are aggressive towards strange dogs and warn strangers of their presence with a loud growl.

    It is important to note that this breed needs strict training, otherwise its representatives may feel superior to humans, this will lead to certain problems

    Black Russian Terrier

    This breed was bred specifically for official purposes, so its protective qualities are formed at the genetic level. It has the following properties:

    • Large, athletic and powerful build. Males reach 76 cm at the withers, females - 72 cm, and weight varies from 50 to 60 kg.
    • The coat is two-layered, coarse, with long guard hairs and soft undercoat. Provides comfortable living in any weather conditions.
    • They get along well in the same area with cats and other dogs.
    • They have quick reactions, are observant and courageous.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty and quick learning.
    • They are very suspicious of strangers, but with the proper level of socialization and training they will not create problems.

    Those wishing to have such a pet should know that representatives of this species need a strict and patient owner who is able to show not only strength of character, but also care and love towards their dog.

    Tibetan mastiff

    This rare, ancient variety originally originated in the Himalayan mountains. It was intended to protect Tibetan monks, shepherds and nomadic tribes. Breed characteristics:

    • The dog has impressive dimensions and well-developed muscles. Their height reaches 66 cm and above, and the average weight is 60 kg.
    • The dog has a double coat with a large undercoat, which closes at the neck and forms a mane reminiscent of a lion's.
    • She has a high level of intelligence and is quick-witted.
    • While guarding the house, she is constantly on guard and notifies of the approach of strangers with a guttural bark.

    In addition to advantages, representatives of this variety also have disadvantages. Mastiffs are stubborn and often defend their independence, which can complicate the training process and make the dog uncontrollable.

    For apartment

    The types of dogs for guarding urban homes are shown in the table.

    Breed nameShort descriptionPhoto
    Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)This variety is quite large and reaches 70 cm at the withers, and the weight of adult dogs can exceed 50 kg. Capable of becoming an ideal protector not only for an apartment, but also for a dacha. She shows aggression only in dangerous situations, the rest of the time she is a faithful and reliable companion. Feels comfortable in a spacious enclosure or apartment and needs regular walking. Animals must be trained from early childhood to ensure complete obedience and tolerance of their owners, especially small children.
    DobermanThey are distinguished by their large sizes, height reaches 72 cm, and weight - 5 kg. They have short, smooth hair and thrive in urban environments. Dogs of this species are moderately aggressive, have a stable psyche and good guard qualities. In dangerous situations, they immediately run to the owner’s aid and are capable of giving their lives for him. They will become excellent bodyguards with the proper level of training and physical activity.
    RottweilerThis breed is fierce and fearless, and therefore ideally suited for protection. Their height reaches 68 cm, and their weight reaches 50 kg. They are distinguished by good adaptation, are well socialized, but at the same time they need intensive training. They will not show aggression just like that, but will use all their protective functions only in case of serious danger. They are loyal to children, but still not recommended for living with them
    BoerboelThese large dogs, with a body weight of up to 90 kg and a height of up to 66 cm, were simply born to protect a person and his property. They have lightning-fast reactions and are able to pursue an attacker to the last. Representatives of this breed do not have excessive bitterness and unmotivated aggression. They are loyal to people, including children, and animals, so they can be kept in the same area as other pets. Nevertheless, they have an independent disposition and are prone to dominance, therefore they need high-quality training and an owner-leader.
    German boxerIn a large family with children, it is advisable to have this breed, since its representatives are very supportive of children and are ready to play with them tirelessly. Their height at the withers does not exceed 63 cm, and their weight is 30 kg. These dogs are physically well developed, active, intelligent, and highly trainable. Their powerful jaws provide a reliable grip on the enemy, making them perfect for defense

    Which dogs should not be chosen as guard dogs?

    RescuersThese include St. Bernard or Newfoundland. These dogs have a good-natured disposition and are determined to help people, which is why they do not have security functions.
    Hunting dogsThese include, for example, the Australian Greyhound, Alaskan Malamute, etc. These breeds mainly have a predominant hunting instinct for other animals and birds, but they are too loyal to humans
    CompanionsThese include Labrador, collie, etc. They have too calm a temperament and react poorly to strangers
    Fighting breedsDogs such as bulldogs or bull terriers can be kept as guard dogs, but with some restrictions. They require serious training and do not like confined spaces (kennels, enclosures). When tied they become aggressive and uncontrollable
    Sled dogsHuskies, huskies and similar small breeds can control their assigned territory. But they tend to work in groups, so they cannot cope with security functions alone.
    Sporting breedsSpaniels, setters, etc. have good endurance and are physically developed, but are completely unsuited for protecting a person and his property. These species do not divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, but perceive everyone as “players”.

    Features of watchman training

    Whatever breed of dog is chosen as a guard, it is necessary to devote enough time and effort to training it. In order for an animal to unquestioningly carry out the owner’s commands and be effective in protection, it must undergo special courses in obedience and protection.

    When raising a bodyguard dog, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

    • Communication with strangers should be excluded completely or partially. This will instill in the dog distrust and wariness towards strangers.
    • Security guards require daily walks and activities in unfamiliar places. This way, they will be better able to navigate different situations and make the right decisions independently. In addition, the dog needs to be able to attack the attacker correctly: reduce the speed while running or increase it depending on the actions of the ill-wisher. And this can only be achieved through constant exercise.
    • It is important from childhood to suppress the dog’s leadership qualities and his desire to dominate a person. You can only let a dog win games for up to six months, otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop at a later age into inappropriate behavior and unreasonable aggression.

    In order for your dog to effectively perform the functions of a bodyguard, it is important to consider the following recommendations for its maintenance:

    • The animal should not constantly be in a confined space (kennel, enclosure), or on a leash, as this will lead to degradation. He should be given a place to play, walked regularly and given adequate exercise.
    • The booth and enclosure should be quite spacious and maximally insulated. The pet should be able to lie in it freely and turn gray.
    • A guard dog must be socialized. The animal needs at least minimal contact with people. But she should not listen to other people and take food from their hands.
    • It is necessary to ensure the dog's obedience not only in the house or in the local area, but also outside it. Otherwise, she will be able to show causeless aggression in unfamiliar places.
    • The dog needs to be provided with a nutritious diet. An animal that eats monotonous food will lose all interest in protecting its home.
    • You need to carefully monitor your pet's health. Constant exposure to outdoor conditions can negatively affect the pet’s condition and cause colds and skin diseases.

The first idea of ​​a dog that should guard the house is that it is an angry, large animal. In fact, there are a lot of criteria for choosing a dog for a private home. In many ways, it is necessary to take into account wealth, the environment of the dog’s place of residence, the age characteristics of family members, the activity of life position and personal preferences.

When choosing a dog, you need to take into account that many breeds are completely unsuitable for protection, only because they do not have a guard instinct. Guard breed dogs are endowed with a common set of certain qualities: a balanced nervous system, independence in decision-making, vigilance towards strangers, prudence, speed in learning, an indifferent attitude towards dogs and other types of animals, a tolerant attitude towards the owner’s loved ones, the presence of a dense coat for protection from cold and heat.

It is worth considering that the characteristics only theoretically apply only to a purebred dog that has a pedigree. Not purebred dogs, even if the puppy was purchased from purebred parents without documents, this will not be a guarantee that everything will meet your expectations.

Very large dogs

Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is a molossoid breed developed in Brazil. Large, with folded skin. According to the standard, height is from 60 cm to 75 cm at the withers and from 40 kg to 50 kg in weight, depending on the gender of the dog. The dog is classified as a working dog, and it is also an excellent guard for a private home, because it treats strangers with wariness and aggression. She is friendly to the owner's family and other pets, quickly becomes attached and trains well. In some countries, keeping this breed is prohibited.

Advantages of the breed:

  • is suspicious of strangers;
  • no difficulties in care.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • follows the instructions of only a balanced person with leadership qualities;
  • sometimes aggression manifests itself, this is due to the genetic characteristics of the dog.


Bullmastiff - dogs of this breed are very gentle and love their family, friendly to other domestic animals. Size does not at all prevent the animal from being agile, dexterous, and fast. The Bullmastiff is a non-aggressive dog, always ready to follow the commands of its owner. Standard height is 61-68 cm, weight 41-59 kg depending on gender. Has a soft, dense coat.

Advantages of the breed:

  • excellent sense of smell;
  • ability to learn;
  • intelligence.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Small children should not be left alone with the dog;
  • requires long walks and intense physical activity.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a large, folded dog bred in France. Dogs of this breed are calm, reserved, hardy, savvy, and have a strong character. According to the standard, height is 58-68 cm, weight 45-50 kg in accordance with gender.

Advantages of the breed:

  • do without intensive training;
  • love to spend time in the company of family.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • dyspepsia, predisposed to eye diseases.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is an excellent breed for hunting and guarding, bred in Argentina. Dogs of the Dogo Argentino breed are courageous, hardy, strong and very powerful, and have well-developed body muscles. Dogo Argentinos are very intelligent, loyal to their owners, balanced, and strictly follow commands. Height 60-68 cm, weight 40-45 kg corresponds to gender. The breed is banned in some countries.

Advantages of the breed:

  • learns quickly;
  • accuracy in the execution of the owner’s commands.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • manifestation of aggression;
  • intolerance towards other pets, the hunting instinct prevails.

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is an unpretentious dog with good immunity, bred in Russia. An excellent guard breed, easy to train. Loves to be in constant contact with the owner and all family members. The Russian Terrier is a large dog with a stable psyche, good-natured disposition, they are loyal to their owner and very hardy. It has great dignity, reliability and ease of operation. Height 68-76 cm, weight 45-60 depending on gender.

The Black Russian Terrier is an excellent guard breed and is highly trainable.

Advantages of the breed:

  • treats family well;
  • has good health, stable immunity to colds.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • cannot stand being tied up;
  • very demanding of attention and communication between owner and family.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a balanced, active, loyal and courageous dog from Germany. It has endurance, unpretentious maintenance, excellent health, and is easy to train. The dog has well-developed senses. Self-confidence, non-fatigue and prudence are also characteristic of this breed. Height 60-69 cm, weight 36-47 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • remarkable security skills;
  • search and investigative qualities are well developed.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • the need for long walks and heavy physical activity.

Moscow watchdog

The Moscow Watchdog is a powerful, long-haired dog. A balanced, independent and sociable animal. Excellent security guard and watchman. The dog has fearlessness and the desire to protect all family members and the protected territory. Height 66-68 cm, 45-55 kg depending on the gender of the dog.

Moscow Watchdog is an excellent security guard and watchman

Advantages of the breed:

  • normal conditions of detention;
  • does not require intensive training.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • coat care required;
  • sometimes aggressive;
  • predisposition to dyspepsia, obesity and hip diseases.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a favorite breed in security activities. The animal is very persistent, brave, decisive, fearless. It is necessary to show the dog who is the leader, as well as to stop any attempts to display aggression. Education should be from an early age, diligent and gradual. If you do not immediately control the dog, then after two years of age it will be impossible to correct the character. Height 64-68 cm, weight 45-50 kg.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a brave, decisive, fearless animal.

Advantages of the breed:

  • Great for protecting a private home;
  • obedient and acts on command.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • intensive education is required;
  • long and regular intensive exercises.

Central asian shepherd dog

The Central Asian Shepherd is a powerful dog with good dense hair. By the age of 3, dogs are fully developed physically and intellectually. A dog tends to take a long time to react to an external stimulus, so the animal needs to be switched to another action. Education is important in a dog’s life; this is the only way to instill in it endurance, patience, loyalty and protective qualities. Height 65-70 cm, weight 40-50 kg depending on gender.

Advantages of the breed:

  • good house guard;
  • can overpower a person.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • needs intensive training and careful care of appearance.

Large guard dogs

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a versatile breed with a balanced psyche. Mobility, ability to do a variety of training, and ability to work as a team with another person. Has contact with animals and enjoys spending time with family. Height 55-65 cm, weight 22-40 kg depending on the gender of the dog.

Advantages of the breed:

  • well developed sense of smell and search quality;
  • devoted to the owner;
  • friendly.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires the owner's attention;
  • long-term strength training.

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd - have excellent memory, smart, obedient, brave, calm, reserved, hardy and easily adapt to various weather conditions and situations. Belgian Shepherds are much more energetic than German Shepherds, but are just as loyal to their owner. Height 56-66 cm, weight 20-30 kg according to gender.

Belgian Shepherds are very intelligent, calm and reserved.

Advantages of the breed:

  • follow commands accurately;
  • very friendly.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • weak, straightened hocks;
  • aggressiveness.


Rottweilers are hardy, energetic, hardworking dogs bred in Germany. The breed is not suitable for beginners, as it is very aggressive and requires a lot of experience and time to train. Dogs tend to form close relationships with their owners, so leaving them with small children is extremely dangerous. Due to its short fur, it will not be able to guard outdoors; an insulated room is required. Height 56-70 cm, weight 45-50 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • ability to learn quickly;
  • easy to maintain and care for.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • uninhibited character;
  • aggressive behavior towards everyone except the owner.


The Doberman is a strong, balanced dog bred in Germany. Dobermans are able to respond adequately to any stimuli; they can be safely left near small children. They are friendly, loyal, non-aggressive and have a graceful appearance. Like the Rottweiler, Dobermans cannot guard while living outside. Height 63-72 cm, weight 32-45 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • friendly with children;
  • adequately assesses the situation;
  • search qualities are well developed.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires long and intense training.

Italian Cane Corso

The Italian Cane Corso is a powerful, resilient, strong, intelligent dog that intuitively determines the game process or a real threat occurs at a certain moment. The Cane Corso will never show aggression without a reason, which is why it is a wonderful guard dog. The dog knows how to make decisions independently and react in time to protect the owner and family members. The breed requires leadership qualities from a person, because it is often stubborn. Height 60-68 cm, weight 40-50 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • independence in decision making;
  • not aggressive.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • requires tough upbringing.

Guard dogs of medium and small sizes


The Airedale Terrier is an emotional, intelligent, brave, non-aggressive, fearless dog bred in England. Airedale Terriers are friendly, sociable, savvy, persistent and suspicious of strangers. Height 56-61 cm, weight 18-29 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • does not show aggression;
  • No training or long walks are required.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • wavy coat requires attention and careful grooming.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer - dogs of this breed are excellent guards and companions. Dogs have a lively temperament, fearlessness, poise, good behavior, playfulness and great devotion to their owner. This breed cannot be bribed; it is always on the alert and wary of strangers. Dogs tolerate any weather conditions well. Height 45-50 cm, weight 14-20 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • endurance in different weather conditions;
  • bravery;
  • developed intellectual abilities.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • special processing of wool.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer - the difference between this dog and other schnauzers is only in size. They are also hardy, loyal to their owner, fearless, attentive and quick to train. Miniature Schnauzers love children and are ready to protect them at any cost. Animals are very active and distrustful of strangers. Height 30-35 cm, weight 4-8 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • not aggressive;
  • is not difficult to care for.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • aggressive behavior towards strangers.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a strong, muscular dog that has a balanced, calm character, leads an active lifestyle and is loyal to its owner. Height 38-43 cm, weight 7-11 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • friendly;
  • ability to learn quickly.
  • predisposition to glaucoma and digestive disorders.


The Jagdterrier is an independent, calm, fearless and loyal dog to its owner. It has excellent hunting and guard qualities. Height 33-40 cm, weight 7-12 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • easily adapts to weather conditions;
  • can be excellent hunting helpers.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • may show aggression towards other dogs;
  • need careful education.

What you need to know! If you like a short-haired dog of a guard breed that does not have a dense undercoat, then this choice will not be correct. Dobermans, Rottweilers, Boxers, Cane Corsos are wonderful guard breeds, but only for apartments and yard areas. Such dogs cannot spend all their time outside; they need an insulated room.

Video - 10 best security guard dogs

Proper training of a guard dog

You need to start raising a dog at a very early age. First of all, you need to pay attention to the toilet, where the puppy is and team training. Creating a daily routine will be a logical step, so the dog will know what time there will be a walk, games, training and feeding. It is imperative to show the puppy that the owner is the leader in the house, and not she:

  • The owners enter the house first, and then only the pet;
  • the owner makes the first meal and only then does the dog feed;
  • if there are children, attention is also paid first to them, and only then to the dog;
  • all game processes are started and completed only by the owner;
  • you cannot give in and allow yourself to be defeated;
  • the puppy must learn where his place is, and this command must be carried out unquestioningly;
  • if a puppy is bred to guard a private home, then excessive affection must be avoided so as not to develop the dog into a sweet, trusting creature. Guard dogs must be treated strictly and at the same time given moderate amounts of love so as not to become spoiled.

If you purchased an adult dog, then it will take longer to adapt. First you need to analyze the character of the animal. If before acquisition the animal was intimidated (the dog is pressed to the floor from every sudden movement and raised tone), then training will be difficult and long. An aggressively intimidated animal also crouches to the floor, and then tries to carry out an attack - such a dog is uncontrollable in a state of panic. A dominant-aggressive dog, which without any chance can attack the owner, as well as other people while walking, can only be retrained by a canine service specialist. A dog without a psychologically disturbed upbringing will be able to re-educate if it allows itself to be stroked and sniffed by its future owner during the first interaction. If a dog does not show interest in a person, then this is a sign of self-confidence and such a dog can be accepted into the family.

Causes of dog aggression towards its owner

If a dog shows aggression towards its owner, this can happen for a number of reasons:

  • trying to become a leader;
  • feels afraid;
  • warns the person.

With warning aggression, the pet does not cause pain, grabs clothes, tries to pull and barks loudly. The manifestation of leadership and fear must be corrected. Aggression is formed due to incorrect upbringing. It is necessary to suppress all attempts at aggression, especially during the period of eating (if the owner is nearby), as well as when the dog takes a position above the person, while the owner indicates the place. Growling while fixing the collar and unfulfilled commands are also suppressed and corrected. When retraining a dog, you should not scream; only a raised tone would be appropriate, hitting the animal and depriving it of water or food. Locking someone up and leaving them alone is not an example of good parenting. If a dog’s behavior is not corrected at all, then it must be sent to a specialist for training, otherwise it may be a danger to others.

If, on the contrary, you need to achieve aggressive behavior in an animal, then you should contact a special trainer. You should not set a dog on yourself or your loved ones - this is not the right decision. Here you need to clearly be able to loudly stop aggressive behavior. Before training aggression, you need to completely achieve clear obedience from the dog. Sometimes the dog itself takes the initiative and goes to protect its owner and family members, this is the correct development of the relationship between pet and owner, and this is how it should be.

To properly raise a guard dog, you first need to choose the appropriate breed with the desired qualities. The animal must be mentally stable and undergo special training with a specialist. It must be taken into account that not all guard breeds can live on the street. If the dog does not have the necessary dense coat that will protect it from cold or heat, then it is worth placing it in a heated room, but it will not lose its skills. If the breed allows you to stay in a kennel outside, then you need to provide maximum visibility to the pet to protect the territory.

Training with an experienced canine service specialist will bring many benefits and will train your pet to be a worthy guardian, and most importantly, the training will be correct and will not harm the dog’s psychological health.

Education is long and hard work, depending on the desires and goals of the dog owner. That is why the phrase “a dog is similar to its owner” is a determinant and even a guide in education. Look at your dog's behavior and you will see a part of yourself in it, as the animal imitates the leader of the pack.

Raising a dog is long and hard work.

What you need to know! It must be remembered that a guard dog in a private house must move freely around the yard. If you decide to put it on a chain, then it would be wise to install an alarm in the house, since the animal will not be able to help in protecting the house, but will only degrade. The chain has a temporary restraining effect.

Tips for choosing a dog to guard a private home

When choosing a pet, it is worth considering the criteria of external data:

  1. Wool cover. To live outside, the dog must have warm fur to protect it from frost, wind, heat and rain. But even with a good coat, the dog must be provided with a kennel for shelter from bad weather.
  2. Size parameter. To protect a private home, it is worth purchasing breeds - giants and large breeds of dogs, so that even with its impressive size, an ill-wisher will think about entering the protected area.
  3. Excellent health and ease of maintenance.

What character traits should a guard dog have:

  1. Equilibrium.
  2. Quickly assess the situation and make an independent decision.
  3. Wariness towards strangers.
  4. Tolerance to domestic animals and birds.
  5. Ability to learn.
  6. Friendly communication with children and other family members.

All of the above qualities make the dog an ideal guard. When purchasing a puppy, it is worth asking the breeder in detail what percentage of success his pets have. There are situations when the puppy’s parents have absolutely no experience in guarding activities, but only attend exhibitions, then all the qualities inherent in guard breeds will be lower in the puppy.

Dog breeds that will never become home guards

In the modern world there is a wide variety of breeds that can never be guards, even if they are huge.

Video - How to choose a dog for a private home

Difference between a guard dog and a guard dog

General qualities:

  1. Territorial instincts are well developed.

Distinctive qualities:

  1. Responding to potential danger. Guard breeds are the first to start making noise, barking loudly as a warning to take action. Guard breeds choose a different tactic - they come as close as possible to the stranger and, crouching to the ground, bare their teeth, warning that big trouble awaits if the person goes further. If the person does not heed this warning, the dog will attack.

Security and guard breeds are well trained and trainable. Guard dogs, when left alone, immediately switch to home guard functions. The actions of security breeds are to warn a stranger in advance that a master of security is on the territory, and if the person does not accept the warning, then the dog goes on the attack. The animal will hold the intruder until the owner arrives or the police arrive, but will not cause serious injuries

In this case, the peculiarity of the breed plays a special role. For security assignments, you need to select a dog with a very lively, developed intellect and an easy ability to learn. German Shepherds and Dobermans are excellent for this role.

Man and dog are a duet that arose at the dawn of time. As living conditions changed, the purpose of four-legged friends in our lives also changed. Decorative, fighting, and hunting trends in breeding appeared, but guard dog breeds were most valued at all times.

How to raise your friend

Guard and security dogs are slightly different areas, primarily in training. This needs to be taken into account when you come to classes in a canine group. Intelligence and a balanced nervous system are very important for a watchman. Even height does not always play a role, since the watchman’s task is to notice the danger in time and warn the owner. This is why aggression is considered an undesirable quality, otherwise the dog will react to any noise and bark constantly. A good watchman, on the contrary, is neither seen nor heard until his intervention may be required. He perfectly distinguishes between ordinary noise and sounds that pose a threat.

Below we will look in detail at what guard dog breeds exist, but for now let's define the role of a guard dog. Its function is a protective guard service. Just active actions, attack, persecution and detention are their strong point. They receive a much more in-depth training course, but this is often necessary for special security structures, police or border services.

Genetic characteristics of the breed

Often, breeders convince buyers that puppies have innate qualities that are sufficient to perform certain duties. Indeed, some breeds are better suited for watchdog or security work, but you should not rely only on what is in their blood. In the best case, your natural guardian will lie down in the enclosure or, conversely, bark 24 hours a day. At worst, you will get an aggressive animal, which is very dangerous.

Guard dog breeds today are represented by such a variety that without special knowledge it is easy to get confused. Each of them has its own characteristics, which we will talk about later. But we must remember that without special training, these data may not be revealed.

Main breeds of guard dogs

Almost any dog, not necessarily a purebred one, can be trained to guard. Sometimes mongrels can be much smarter and quick-witted and, despite their relatively small size, loudly signal danger. But society has developed certain stereotypes and ideas, so when they say the phrase “guard dog breeds,” people usually mean breeds such as:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Doberman;

This list is far from complete; among those who can adequately perform guard duty, one can highlight the bullmastiff, American bulldog, Dutch shepherd, Bernese shepherd dog, Akita, Ridgeback, Malinois, bobtail, boxer and many others.

In general, the ability to perform guard or security service for a dog is often not a matter of breed, but of upbringing. You need to invest a lot of time and effort to turn a playful puppy into a smart dog with excellent working qualities.

Pride of Russia

There are domestic breeds in our country that are best adapted to the local climate and are used as guards almost everywhere - in the private sector, cottages, enterprises and areas with increased control (strategically important objects, places of deprivation of liberty.

First of all, these are the famous and popular Caucasian, Asian, South Russian and East European shepherd dogs. They are distinguished by their impressive appearance, that is, they are capable of not only signaling danger, but also seriously frightening a burglar. Their thick fur helps them withstand the harshest weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia. These are the best guard dogs you can imagine. The list continues with beautiful breeds - the Moscow Guard Shepherd and the Black Russian Terrier. Next we will talk in more detail about the characteristics of the most famous breeds, so that the reader can make the right choice.

Features of large guard breeds

The first on this list is the Chelyabinsk guard dog. These are charming “bears” with maximum advantages. It was bred by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. This smoothed out the aggressiveness inherent in Caucasians, and added to the new breed the courage of a true rescuer, making him an incredibly loyal and devoted friend. Much more often there is another name by which this breed of dog is known. The Moscow Watchdog is the same breeding group, only with the blood of the Russian Hound added to it.

This is a serious dog that absorbs the ability to guard with its mother's milk. Completely unsuitable even for a very large apartment. This is a large and strong animal, the weight of a male can reach 90 kg, height more than 66 cm at the withers, which needs movement. A dog needs to do something, and if you lock it in an apartment, out of boredom it can damage property.

This is an incredibly smart dog breed. The Moscow watchdog will not make any unnecessary noise until the service requires it. She is not fussy, not too sentimental, she needs an object to protect, some purpose in life. Her character is not too harsh, much softer than that of the Caucasian Shepherd, but she matures late, so she needs to work on socialization and education. The advantages include good health, unpretentiousness to living conditions and climate. The long coat provides excellent protection but requires daily brushing to keep the dog looking good.

Before purchasing a representative of a large breed, be it a Chelyabinsk guard dog, a Muscovite or a Caucasian, think about whether you can afford the costs of its maintenance. A growing puppy will require enormous amounts of raw and cooked meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vitamins and much more. In order for a dog with heavy bones and correct proportions to grow from a small and fluffy ball in one year, you will have to invest heavily in its nutrition.

The menu for an adult four-legged friend is also quite expensive. Twice a day he should receive a large bowl of meat with cereals (this can be a variety of cereals). Moreover, the percentage of meat should be more than 50%. The optimal option is 70% meat, the rest is porridge.

Rottweiler is a true bodyguard

The historical purpose of these dogs is to guard the herd. Much later, for their intelligence and devotion, they began to be used in security and watchdog activities. There are many opinions about how to raise and train a Rottweiler. In fact, you just need to love him, and gently, but confidently and consistently show him what not to do.

The Rottweiler knows everything else himself and will protect you and your property without sparing himself. There are many cases where an untrained puppy covered its owner with its chest, receiving a bullet or a knife blow for him. This speaks of the loyalty inherent in these royal dogs. Today, Rottweilers are also used as watchdogs. They have an excellent, balanced nervous system. Having met a thief who has entered the home, the dog will block his exit and block his movement until the owner arrives. The robber will only have to stand motionless under close attention. And all this happens without empty barking.

It is convenient to keep a Rottweiler in an apartment. They are practically odorless and their short coat does not require much grooming. Shedding occurs twice a year, but if you are not prepared for such an inconvenience, you should not get a dog. The Rottweiler is somewhat phlegmatic, which will allow him to sleep peacefully while you are at work. But in severe frosts he freezes outside, so he is not suitable for working as a watchman at strategically important sites.

Classic guard - German Shepherd

Who hasn’t watched the famous film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” and didn’t admire the dog’s intelligence and intelligence? Most often, the German Shepherd is chosen to work in the police, on the border, for service that involves risk, and for situations where it is sometimes necessary to act independently, without the owner’s command.

These are quite large dogs. Guard or service, it’s not so important, these are just the nuances of training and the features of practical service. The main thing is that they have a formidable appearance, a sharp mind and endless devotion to man. One cannot expect disobedience, desire for dominance, or aggression towards the owner from this breed.

An excellent breed, can guard a private house or apartment. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the German Shepherd. If possible, go to the exhibition. Surely there will be a couple of handsome guys with long, flowing hair. These are the best guard dogs of the German Shepherd breed. Seasonal temperature changes will not prevent them from completing their duty.

Gorgeous Doberman

Handsome, taut as a spring, aimed forward like an arrow, the Doberman is the epitome of elegance. Medium height with short hair, it is suitable only for indoor keeping. If you look at dog breeds with photographs, the proud posture of the Doberman will immediately attract attention. But it is only suitable for very dynamic people, as it is a choleric dog. She constantly needs to be on the move, run and play a lot.

Noticing danger, she will rush to defend with a menacing bark, but the Doberman does not know how to think and make decisions on her own, so she works well only in tandem with her owner. More suitable as a bodyguard and living in a private house or cottage, so that there is somewhere to throw off energy.

Imposing commander

This is a real king among dogs, majestic, stately and serenely calm. A guard dog of the Commander breed was used in mountainous areas to protect herds from wolves. They cultivate such qualities as wisdom, the ability to analyze a situation and make independent decisions, fearlessness, courage and vigilance 24 hours a day.

This makes the commander one of the best representatives of guard dogs. Their unique coat grows in the form of cords, it does not shed and is absolutely odorless, dry or wet, and protects from heat. In the cold season, you can’t leave it outside, it will freeze.

Just imagine all the difficulties of caring for such wool, because you have to choose thorns and grass that are tangled in long cords. Brushing and bathing the commander is problematic; you can cut it, but then he will lose all his natural beauty until the fur grows back.

German dog

This is a patient and kind dog that will take small children under its wing and will carefully guard adults. This is a real family member, smart, reasonable, with a completely livable character. Thanks to his stable nervous system, he will not make a lot of noise and bark over trifles. But these are wonderful guard dogs. The photos will help you choose exactly the color that you like best. The most elegant are the marbled Great Danes, followed by yellow, brown and black. Don't forget that this is a large dog that requires a lot of exercise.


This is a real sleepyhead, an incorrigible phlegmatic who will not annoy you with endless jumping and requests to play. Children's best friend, he allows you to crawl on him, pull his ears and jaws. If the pestering gets too annoying, he will try to sneak away to his place.

The Bullmastiff is silent, you will never hear him bark, but in an extreme situation he will not wait for a command, but will immediately take action. This is a soft, sleepy “ottoman”, but we must not forget that at the same time it is a serious guard dog. He needs basic obedience and training. Initially, it was bred to protect forest lands and detain poachers. Qualities such as strength, perseverance, endurance, good learning ability and the ability to cope with several armed people at the same time were polished from generation to generation.


As already mentioned, one cannot rely only on innate qualities; they manifest themselves with proper upbringing. If you have a serious dog, be it a German Shepherd, Commander or Moscow Watchdog, training is necessary. You will learn serious lessons in classes with instructors, but you need to know the basics from the first day you take your baby. Forget about physical punishment, this will embitter the dog and minimize your contact with it.

A short, calm response should be given, always the same. All voice commands should be positively reinforced. You cannot shout hysterically “Come to me!”, even if you give the command for the tenth time, and the baby does not obey. Better take a treat and praise the puppy that runs up. Be sure to play with the dog, praise it, it should know that you love it, then any training will be easier.


Today we looked at many wonderful breeds, from which you can choose the representative who will be your personal friend. They are all good in their own way, have a set of individual and general qualities, and are excellent guards who can be trusted to protect your property without fear.