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Description of brain wave synchronization programs. Program for creating binaural effects

About the program:
Can't relax? Having trouble concentrating? Do you have a terrible headache?
All you need is BrainWave Generator - a brainwashing generator. Just put on your headphones and BrainWave Generator will take control of your mood, and its stimulating sounds and visuals are sure to help you.

BrainWave Generator has long been on the market of special software capable of generating binaural impulses, which, as has already been proven, change the frequency of your brain in the desired direction to achieve the desired result in relaxation or concentration. Capable of managing your feelings and whims, for example, to relieve anxiety and has an extensive range of sessions that will help in all sorts of incredible cases from getting rid of bad habits such as drinking and smoking to serious assistance in a weight loss program.

Work principles:
Binaural brain stimulation.
People who have studied the functioning of the human brain have discovered that in different states of its activity, it (the brain) works at different frequencies. They came up with names for these frequencies corresponding to different letters of the Greek alphabet. You can influence the functioning of the brain using special techniques that use these properties. One of these techniques is stimulation using binaural beats.

Each frequency has its own important function.
– Alpha: 7-12 Hz. This is a state of deep relaxation, but not quite meditation. Alpha is great for creative searches - not from the mind, but from intuition.

– Delta: 0-4 Hz. Deep dreamless sleep. In addition, some frequencies in this range stimulate growth hormone, which is beneficial for self-healing and regeneration of the body.

– Theta: 4-7 Hz. Optimally suited for deep immersion in consciousness and for experiments with dreams.

Technical issues.
Generally speaking, such low frequencies cannot be transmitted using conventional audio means (and perceived using ordinary ears), which is why they came up with this thing with a stereo effect. Waves with a difference in frequency corresponding to the desired state of consciousness are sent to two channels, for example, if you want to get a Theta rhythm at 5 Hz (rapid eye movement sleep), you send, say, 400 Hz to the left channel, and 405 Hz to the right. Be sure to listen with headphones, otherwise there will be no effect. You will feel how the left and right channels converge and diverge in space along the stereo base with a frequency of 5 times per second. Out of habit, you may feel a little dizzy, do not get behind the wheel under any circumstances, etc. and so on. In general, this matter should be taken quite seriously.

Listening through speakers will not give any effect.
You should listen to psychoactive audio programs only with high-quality and comfortable headphones.
You also need to disable all audio effects on the player (or other equipment) - 3D, etc.

Since this product is a psychoactive audio program, you should not forget about safety precautions so as not to harm your health. Therefore, you need to adhere to certain rules for using this program.

– Contraindicated for people suffering from epilepsy, as well as arrhythmia and other heart diseases. Stimulating a person in the first category with beta waves (more specifically, 25 hertz) of a certain intensity for 30 minutes causes a seizure.

– Also for people who have cardiac stimulants.

– Taking psychoactive drugs and stimulants. This also applies to drunk people.

– Patients with severe mental disorders.

– If you do not know the principles of the program and the construction of binaural beats, then you should not use independently generated sounds. First, study the program and methods for constructing binaural beats, and only then use your masterpieces. For beginners, this program kit contains a large library of ready-made presets for listening and practice, so use the library of ready-made presets at the beginning.

– You should not mix different frequencies in one go. The exception is specially compiled presets where one frequency smoothly flows into another. There is also no need to jump from one frequency to another, as this can bring negative results, everyone has an individual organism, it is impossible to predict.

– You should also know that you should not listen for more than 45 minutes in a row, as the effect is lost, depending on the purpose of the practice.

– The break between each session should be at least 3 hours or more if after listening your health has become too ambiguous.

– You definitely need to listen to your feelings; if something is wrong, it’s better not to rush. And if everything goes smoothly, continue to practice, the results will be achieved by themselves and there will be no problems.

Practicing users are asked to write any questions and suggestions in the post, or their options for working and practicing with this program, so that everyone is aware of the possible results and the best options for using it.

Parting words:
Everyone who follows the path of spiritual development and improvement must be extremely courageous, but cautious.

In general, I want to say that everything works perfectly and at the initial stages of practicing astral travel, this program and ready-made presets with binaural sounds, which, by the way, are easily recorded on the player for more convenient listening, are very helpful, verified from personal experience. But, having mastered the techniques with the help of auxiliary programs, and achieved sustainable results, further practices should be developed and improved exclusively independently without any auxiliary equipment, etc.

Issue: 2005
Version: 3.1.12
Developer: Noromaa Solutions
Platform: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Portability: HDD/Flash
Language: English/Russian
Status: Free/Full version

based on materials from the magazine:

Here you will find a brief history of the most famous audio-visual computer programs.

For the sake of brevity, only those that allow a session and are designed specifically for the computer user (as opposed to programs intended only for use in mind machines) are presented here.

Result of brainwave synchronization

Mind Sync(1991-1993)

Even before CoolEdit was released commercially in 1995 and became the most popular sound editor for Windows, its developer David Johnston was working on creating brain stimulation software.

MindSync was designed to play binaural beats. A unique feature of this program is the "Brainwave Synchronizer", which is able to spatially position any sound in a way that is necessary to reproduce binaural beats, regardless of the difference between the two tones.

The brainwave synchronization feature was retained in all versions of CoolEdit and still exists today as an “Automatic Binaural Sync” filter in Adobe’s Audition (renamed after being acquired by Adobe). The spatial positioning function also exists in other programs, for example, in Mind Stereo (Mind Stereo).

How do binaural beats work?

Computer Narcotics(1994)
An updated DOS program focused on reproducing drug effects using audio-based synchronization. Unfortunately, this program cannot be played on new machines.

Brainwave Generator (1998-2004)
An audio-visual application specializing in the production of binaural beats with a flickering screen and the capabilities of Audio Strobe technology. Although BWG is no longer in development, it is one of the most well-known programs and still runs on many of the machines I've tested.

Binaural Sound System (Binaural Sound System) (1999-2000)
A unique and very interesting application, originally developed to study the relationship between frequency and harmonics, but later developed into a brain stimulation program. The seven frequencies are distributed around the circle, and the output frequency is determined by a "track" directed towards the inside of the circle. The track is controlled by mouse movement.

SBaGen (1999 - present)
Developed by Open source programmer Jim Peters, SBaGen is a flexible and well-known DOS-based binaural beats application. The program is resource-intensive, cross-platform and completely free.

Mind Explorer(2000 - present)
A sophisticated yet flexible audio-visual software package that allows you to play binaural beats, pulse tones, use Audio Strobe technology and much more. This program was developed by the manufacturers of the Light/Sound Synergizer mentioned earlier, initially as a standalone solution for a computer.

based on materials from the magazine:
translation into Russian: Nikonov Vladimir

Using this program, you can independently create from any music file music with a binaural effect that brings brain waves to the frequency you specify. The program is so simple that anyone can do it.

Advantages of the program

  1. Very small size - only 359 Kb.
  2. Does not require installation - i.e. launches with one click.
  3. Fully Russified with an extremely clear interface.
  4. Many functions for sound conversion that can be mastered in just 10 minutes.
  5. You can easily create any music (as well as tone, noise) with any binaural effect, the frequency of which you set yourself (for example, alpha waves, theta, etc.)

Download the program archive, unzip it and click on the Audio_Deformator_Pro.exe file located in the archive. This will launch the program.

download a program for working with sound(size: 359 Kb)

The program is in a zip archive.

Description of working with the program

Launch the program by clicking on the Audio_Deformator_Pro.exe file. Open any sound file as shown in the picture below. This can be any meditative music that you like (for example, music for meditation or relaxation).

After which the following picture will appear in which you simply select the binaural beat that you want. For example, 8 Hz (which will mean that when listening to this musical composition, your brain will tune in to emit brain waves equal to 8 Hz).

After that, wait a little while the program transforms the music to give it binaural properties - and then just save the file.
All. Then you can put on headphones and listen to this music to get the binaural effect that you yourself set with this program (if you are using the demo version, then just click on the triangle in the program to play).

Other program features

  • In addition to applying a binaural effect to music, you can do the same with tone or noise, which you yourself can create in this program with any desired characteristics. You can also create echo and other effects... You can easily find out about all this by reading the help for the program by clicking on "Help" » "Help Contents" - in the top-right of the program menu. For many, this will not be necessary - because the keys themselves, with a clear name, speak for themselves.
  • The program also allows you to analyze any piece of music for the presence of various effects.
  • This program also solves many problems of those who have expensive and slow Internet - by downloading just one, they can create any number of files on their own on their computer, of any size, without the cost of downloading on the Internet.

Briefly about brain waves:

  1. Delta waves (0.5-4 Hz): Appear during the period of deep sleep, trance, hypnosis.
  2. Theta waves (4-8 Hz): Occur during sleep, deep relaxation and meditation. Increase memory abilities, focus, stimulate imagination, promote vivid dreams.
  3. Alpha waves (8-12 Hz): Fixed in a state borderline between sleep and awakening, meditation causes positive emotions, a feeling of comfort and harmony. They are used in various “high-speed” audio-video teaching methods, for example, on cassettes with courses in learning foreign languages. Even reading a textbook while listening to theta waves promotes greater mastery of the material. The alpha range also contains a band of frequencies known as the "Shulman resonance" (frequencies that resonate with the Earth's magnetic field).
  4. Beta waves (12-30 Hz): Occurs in an active, alert state. High beta wave activity always corresponds to high vital activity.
  5. Gamma waves (30 Hz and above): They go side by side with the concepts of “hyperconsciousness” and “hyperreality”.

The so-called “brain waves” are low-intensity electromagnetic waves emitted by the brain, with a frequency of 1 to 40 hertz, which are successfully recorded by devices, for example, an electroencephalograph (EEG).

There are five main groups of brain waves

Delta waves (0.5-3 Hz): Appear during the period of deep sleep, trance, hypnosis.

Theta waves (4-7 Hz): Occur during sleep, deep relaxation and meditation. Increase memory abilities, focus, stimulate imagination, promote vivid dreams. Some people find that half an hour of theta waves a day replaces 4 hours of regular sleep.

Alpha waves (8-12 Hz): Fixed in a state borderline between sleep and awakening, meditation causes positive emotions, a feeling of comfort and harmony. They are used in various “high-speed” audio/video teaching methods, for example, on cassettes with foreign language courses. Even reading a textbook while listening to theta waves promotes greater mastery of the material. The alpha range also contains a band of frequencies known as the "Shulman resonance" (frequencies that resonate with the Earth's magnetic field).

Beta waves (13-30 Hz): Occurs in an active, alert state. High beta wave activity always corresponds to a large release of stress hormones.

Gamma waves (30 Hz and above): go side by side with the concepts of “hyperconsciousness” and “hyperreality”. In any case, this is what Nobel Prize laureate Sir Francis Crick and some other scientists believe.

It has been established that stimulation of the brain by these waves from the outside leads it to a state in which the waves arose naturally. For example, a highly agitated (beta) person can be relaxed by stimulating the brain with ten-hertz waves for five minutes.

The technology of the process itself is intricate. Humans are known to be very hard of hearing and hear sounds in the range of 16 hertz to 20 kilohertz. There are, of course, exceptions, but... These are exceptions. Our task is to stimulate the brain through the ear, using stereo headphones. SPEAKERS DO NOT FIT! We will not consider other methods, since we are talking about brain waves in sound. The problem is that the ear cannot hear brain waves, but it should. Binaural beats come to the rescue. Why binaural? Because the technology is designed to work ONLY with stereo material intended for TWO ears. Let me remind you that the word “aural” means “ear, auditory, acoustic,” etc.

The essence of the technology under consideration is easier to explain with an example. Let's say we need to stimulate the brain with 10 hertz. To do this... We apply a uniform tone of 500 Hz to the left ear, and 510 Hz to the right ear. Their “mixing” already occurs in the brain. In this case, 510 Hz - 500 Hz gives us exactly 10 Hz. This difference, perceived by the brain, is called binaural vibration.

In our example, with the same result, you can use pairs of values ​​such as, say, 400 and 410, 800 and 810, but not higher than 1000. The ability to alternate and apply different types of waves is an entire art, and there is enough material on this subject for a thick book .

David Johnson, a greater authority on the subject than I, advises the following:

  1. Instant relaxation and stress relief - use frequencies between 5 and 10 Hz for varying levels of relaxation.
  2. Sleep replacement - a thirty-minute session at 5 hertz replaces 2-3 hours of sleep, allowing you to wake up early in the morning more alert. Try listening for half an hour before falling asleep and getting up in the morning.
  3. Fighting insomnia - waves between 4 and 6 hertz in the first 10 minutes, then moving to frequencies below 3.5 Hz (for 20-30 minutes), gradually descending to 2.5 Hz before ending.
  4. Raising tone - theta waves (4-7 Hz) for 45 minutes a day.
    Clear visual images (e.g. for artists) - a few waves at 6 hertz, then increasing to 10.
  5. Migraine and Headache Relief - Experiment with alpha and theta combinations.
  6. Reduced symptoms of depression - again, combinations of alpha and theta, predominantly theta.
  7. Accelerated learning - from 7 to 9 hertz while the training recording is playing. This increases the absorption of the material. Also, during the learning process (for example, by reading), take 10-minute breaks every half hour, during which you listen to alpha waves (10 hertz).
  8. Subliminal programming - use 5 to 7 hertz while the recording plays (Johnson is talking about something like 90 minutes of "I'm calm, I'm relaxed"), or make your own recording and add waves to it by mixing them with the recording and adjusting the volume.
  9. Improving intuition - theta waves, 4-7 hertz, will help in this area.
  10. Achieving high states of consciousness - and again theta, with a minimum of a half-hour session per day. Expect results in about a month.

There is plenty of literature on brain wave synchronization (I mean English), but to study it you need to have a more or less understanding of science and medicine (as well as foreign terms). Since the sixties of the last century, hundreds, if not thousands, of respectable books and scientific articles devoted to this issue have been published.

Here, in the ex-USSR, unfortunately, the situation is somewhat different. Not so long ago, my words about brain waves in one seemingly educated literary community were simply ridiculed, as was neurolinguistic programming. Still would! Foreign publications such as Scientific American, Alchohol, Physiological Review, Brain, British Journal of Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology regularly cover the problem, gray-haired professors write thick books, and our cultural “elite” raises the knowledge of others for a laugh...

Meanwhile, brain wave synchronization is used in the West to treat depression, migraines and headaches, autism, absent-mindedness, alcohol and drug addictions.

What are brain waves?

Nerve fibers carry electrical currents that can be measured with a galvanometer, and the brain itself emits electrical impulses. These impulses are so weak that they cannot be measured by conventional methods; their voltage is about 20 millionths of a Volt (compare this with 220 V in an apartment network). They can, however, be detected using special amplifiers, and the waves can be recorded on special magnetic film or projected onto a television screen. The shape and magnitude of these waves provide significant information about the state of the brain (encephalon), so that electrical telegrams of this kind, called electroencephalograms, are very important for the detection of certain diseases of the nervous system.

Waves coming from different parts of the brain have different shapes. The procedure usually involves taping eight to eighteen small metal disks, about the size of half an aspirin tablet, to various locations on the skull, connected by wires to an amplifying device. The receiver is then set up and the “transmission” begins. A particularly impressive experiment is obtained if the magnets are connected not to a pen, but to a loudspeaker; then brain impulses are represented not by inky curves, but by noise. In this way one can actually hear the electrical thrill of the functioning brain.

The discoverers of these waves (German, Italian, American, Russian and English doctors) discovered that their appearance depends on a number of factors. They change with age and also when the subject opens or closes his eyes. They change when he is trying to solve an arithmetic problem or is excited or worried about something. They change when he falls asleep, but do not change during hypnosis (thus indicating that the hypnotic state is different from sleep).

The main medical use of the electroencephalograph is in the detection of epilepsy and brain tumors. In recordings taken from epileptics, smooth waves are suddenly interrupted by peaks of powerful electrical discharges. Similar peaks are often observed in families of epileptics, even in relatives who have never had epilepsy before or after; from this it is clear that the tendency to epileptic seizures is in some cases inherited, but the emotions and other stresses that cause attacks do not necessarily affect everyone who has such a tendency. This makes it possible to understand why, after a severe emotional shock or a car accident, an epileptic attack can occur in people who have not previously suffered from epilepsy, but have relatives who are epileptic.

Before brain surgery, you need to know in which part of the brain the tumor is located, and in some cases the best evidence is an electroencephalogram. Because tumor tissue is different from the rest of the brain, it emits a different kind of electrical waves. By gluing electrodes to different places on the skull and performing "triangulation" like a geodetic survey, it is often possible to pinpoint the source of the abnormal impulses, and then the surgeon knows where to begin the operation.

It is not known exactly which part of the brain the normal waves come from; but they probably arise in those parts of him which are occupied with conscious “thinking,” that is, the Ego; in fact, when these areas are removed in animals, waves of a different kind arise, apparently emanating from the “subconscious” parts of the brain. The fact that normal waves originate from the "conscious" parts of the brain makes it possible to understand why these waves change when a person falls asleep, or during an epileptic attack, since in these cases the normal state of consciousness is disrupted.

It should be remembered that brain wave stimulation

  1. People suffering from epilepsy, as well as arrhythmia and other heart diseases. Stimulating a person in the first category with beta waves (more specifically, 25 hertz) of a certain intensity for 30 minutes causes a seizure.
  2. People with cardiac stimulants.
    Taking psychoactive drugs and stimulants. This also applies to drunk people.
  3. Patients with severe mental disorders.

If you use brainwave synchronization in your material, then it is a duty of honor to warn listeners about this, for example, on the cover of the disc or in the comments to the file. In addition, do not forget to mention that you do not bear any responsibility for the possible consequences of listening to your material.

Binaural brain stimulation

People who have studied the functioning of the human brain have discovered that in different states of activity, it (the brain) works at different frequencies. They came up with names for these frequencies corresponding to different letters of the Greek alphabet. You can influence the functioning of the brain using special techniques that use these properties. One of these techniques is stimulation using binaural beats.

Each frequency has an important function. For deep diving into consciousness and for experiments with dreams, it is optimal to use THETA frequencies (4-7 hertz).

ALPHA: 7-12 hertz. This is a state of deep relaxation, but not quite meditation. ALPHA is great for creative searches - not from the mind, but from intuition.

DELTA: 0 - 4 hertz. Deep dreamless sleep. In addition, some frequencies in this range stimulate growth hormone, which is beneficial for self-healing and regeneration of the body.

Technical issues

Generally speaking, such low frequencies cannot be transmitted using conventional audio means (and perceived with ordinary ears), which is why they came up with this thing with a stereo effect. Waves with a difference in frequency corresponding to the desired state of consciousness are sent to two channels, for example, if you want to get a THETA rhythm of 5 hertz (rapid sleep), you send, say, 400 hertz into the left channel, and 405 into the right. Be sure to listen with headphones, otherwise there will be no effect! You will feel how the left and right channels converge and diverge in space along the stereo base with a frequency of 5 times per second;) Out of habit, you may feel slightly dizzy, under no circumstances should you get behind the wheel, etc. In general, this matter should be taken quite seriously.

Decoding built-in frequency sets

BUILTIN: Attention focusing 1 (cyclic): Focusing attention (cyclic). Helps focus attention by putting the brain in a state of high beta activity. The frequency is reduced for a short period of time every 15 seconds to keep the brain more receptive. Can also be used to treat depression

BUILTIN: Attention focusing 2 (from drowsiness): Helps focus attention with the transition from low alpha to high beta frequency. For additional effect, 15Hz modulation is used, emphatically increasing towards the end. May also be used to treat depression.

BUILTIN: Creativity increase 1 (7 to 6 Hz): Increase CREATIVITY 1 (7 - 6 Hz) Generates a state of heightened creativity using three varying shades of theta tones. The set begins with an intermittent beta tone and ends in a beta tone, then subsides. Can be used while doing anything. In this case, the sound level should be set to low.

BUILTIN: Creativity increase 2 (varying): Generates a state of expanded creative power using shades of theta tone. The shades change to make the brain more responsive to them. The set begins with an intermittent beta tone and ends in a beta tone, then subsides.

BUILTIN: Headache treatment 1 (steady 10/5): HEADACHE RELIEF 1 (steady, 10/5) Helps relieve headaches by mixing a steady low theta tone (5Hz) with a mid-alpha tone (10Hz). For greater effect, the hues of the mid-alpha tone are modulated.

BUILTIN: Headache treatment 2 (steady 10/5, circular): Helps relieve headaches by mixing a steady low theta tone (5Hz) with a mid-alpha tone (10Hz). For greater effect, the beta tone shades are modulated.

BUILTIN: Headache treatment 3 (varying 10/5): HEADACHE treatment 3 (varying 10/5) Helps relieve headaches by mixing low theta tone (5Hz) and mid-alpha hues (10Hz), which varies periodically from one to the other. For added effect, the hues of the mid-beta tone and the smoothness of the background noise are modulated.

BUILTIN: High frequencies:

High frequencies. Generates very high-frequency sounds, which, according to some sources, should improve overall health. Should have been listened to with loudspeakers, not headphones. For smooth playback, set the playback buffer length (in the Advanced tab of the sound card properties) as small as possible (50 or less), and the number of buffers as large as possible (20 or more).

BUILTIN: Learning aid 1 (for subliminal): Help in LEARNING 1 (for subliminal) Helps you learn and remember new material when listened to while studying something. A recording with the text of a subliminal suggestion can be played with this set in the background.

BUILTIN: Learning aid 2 (for studying): Help in LEARNING 2 (for studying) Helps you learn and remember new material when listening while studying something.

BUILTIN: Meditation 1 (basic): MEDITATION 1 (basic) Concentrating on these tones helps you quickly achieve a meditative state of mind. The tint is a pure 7 Hz tone with no background noise or other special effects. This is the simplest form of meditative tone.

BUILTIN: Meditation 2 (deep): MEDITATION 2 (deep) Helps to achieve a very deep meditative state by passing through the theta frequency region, up to 4Hz. A second voice with a lower sound level but a higher frequency helps you stay awake.

BUILTIN: Meditation 3 (after high mental activity): MEDITATION 3 (after high mental activity) Brings the brain to a meditative state with a frequency of 7Hz after intense mental activity. To help focus the mind, there is a background that fades into smooth noise added to the frequency of meditation.

BUILTIN: Noise sample: Distant buzz: Noise sample: Distant buzz. The buzzing sound is achieved using very fast modulation (30ms) with soft brown noise.

BUILTIN: Noise sample: Helicopter: Noise sample: Helicopter. A helicopter-like sound is achieved by modulating noise with a modulation period of 100 ms.

BUILTIN: Noise sample: Normal ocean waves: Noise sample: Normal ocean waves This set demonstrates the most basic noise modulation effect: ocean waves.

BUILTIN: Noise sample: Rain and windshield wipers: Noise sample: Rain and windshield wipers. The unique right-left-right effect is achieved using modulation, which has a phase of 180 degrees and a "noise source in the head" setting.

BUILTIN: Noise sample: Shoveling sand "Left-right" is achieved using noise modulated with an irregular modulation phase of -30 degrees. To get a reverse sound (right-left), use a modulation phase of +30 degrees.

BUILTIN: Quick mental refresher 1 (end relaxed): A way to quickly refresh your mind and relax. Reduces brain frequency to 10Hz, then stops.

BUILTIN: Quick mental refresher 2 (end focused): A way to quickly refresh your mind and relax. Reduces brain frequency to 10Hz. Eventually brings the frequency back to 15Hz, then stops.

BUILTIN: Relaxation 1 (general): RELAXATION 1 (main). Helps to relax with the transition from regular beta activity (15Hz) up to 7Hz. The end of the set is emphasized by a slight increase in sound volume.

BUILTIN: Relaxation 2 (while staying focused): Helps relax with the transition from regular beta activity (15Hz) to 12Hz, which is still far from the state produced by theta tone. Finally moves brain activity back to beta

BUILTIN: Schumann Resonance: Schumann's RESONANCE. Helps you think by producing a steady 7.83Hz tone. This is the resonance frequency of the Earth's magnetic field, making this set a very natural meditation frequency.

BUILTIN: Self-hypnosis 1 (simple repeating sound): Self-hypnosis 1 (simple repeating sound) This set is designed to help you enter a state of self-hypnosis. You need to hear the repeating sound and concentrate on it. The key to successful self-hypnosis is to concentrate on the sound.

BUILTIN: Self-hypnosis 2 (complex sound): SELF-hypnosis 2 (complex sound). This kit is designed to help you enter a state of self-hypnosis. You need to hear the repeating sound and all its nuances and concentrate on it. The key to successful self-hypnosis is to concentrate on the sound.

BUILTIN: Sleep induction 1 (general): Gently shifts brain frequency up to 3Hz, eventually falling asleep.

BUILTIN: Sleep induction 2 (from wide awake): Sleep induction 2 (from wide awake). Gently moves the brain frequency down to 3Hz from high beta daytime. The sound weakens eventually and background noise is only heard in the latter part of the set.

BUILTIN: The awakened mind: AWAKENING the mind. Try to generate a state called "awakened mind", which Anna Weis describes in her book "FAST MIND", ISBN 0-87477-850-6.

This state contains proportions of beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain waves. They all represent separate voices in this set, and their volume levels are mixed from a beta-weighted ending to induce a state of awakened mind.

Articles on this topic:
Tones and binaural beats
About the Hemi-Sync process
At the limit of hearing
Sounds that don't exist
How to use a computer program to influence the human psyche
Specially designed music for meditation