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Diathesis may cause your breath to smell like acetone. Your child’s breath smells like acetone - what to do and why does this happen? Reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to the introduction of complementary foods or a new product eaten by a nursing mother

Hello, my daughter’s breath smells like acetone in the morning. Sometimes the smell intensifies, especially when she gets sick. We noticed that if she doesn’t eat for a long time in the morning (for example, she sleeps longer), the smell also intensifies, and she also falls asleep while walking and complains of abdominal pain. What could it be? Which doctor should I contact? Catherine

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The pediatrician Solovieva Ekaterina Alexandrovna answers

Bad breath is always an alarming symptom that prompts patients or their parents to immediately consult a doctor, and in this case this is correct, since the smell of acetone in the air exhaled by a daughter can be both a manifestation of the child’s physiology and a sign of a chronic disease.

Acetone is formed as a result of the breakdown of fats and proteins. Normally, the body is able to regulate the formation of toxic metabolic products and remove them with the help of the liver, kidneys, lungs, etc. When there are more such metabolic products, the rate of elimination decreases, they accumulate, and, as in this case, a certain symptom appears. The breakdown of proteins and fats can increase when the body experiences a lack of glucose (hypoglycemia).

Glucose is the main source of energy for humans. A decrease in glucose levels can be triggered by a low-calorie or no-carbohydrate diet, fasting, a long course of any disease that requires a lot of strength and energy for recovery, an increase in the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotoxicosis), as well as cell insensitivity to insulin (insulin is a hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose body cells), insulin deficiency. The last two named situations are united by one pathology called diabetes mellitus. In addition to the presence of the smell of acetone in diabetes mellitus, the patient is worried about thirst, increased urination, skin itching, prolonged wound healing, etc.

Thyroid hormones control the metabolism in the body, but with a pathologically high concentration in the blood, that is, under the condition of enhanced functioning of the gland, metabolism (metabolism) is accelerated and the smell of acetone from the mouth may appear.

And finally, perhaps the most common cause of acetonemia in children is acetonemic syndrome. The occurrence of this syndrome is associated with the peculiarities of the physiology of children, insufficient activity of liver enzymes responsible for the utilization of ketone bodies - metabolic products that are toxic to the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, respectively, the symptoms confirm this - weakness, headache, abdominal pain , nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and the smell of acetone from the mouth. The course of acetone syndrome is crisis.

Crises are manifested by sudden vomiting, sometimes uncontrollable. To prevent crises or relieve symptoms (as soon as the smell of acetone from the mouth appears), excessive consumption of fatty foods, long breaks between meals should be avoided, immediately offer the child food containing carbohydrates (banana, biscuits, a piece of sugar, etc.), fractional drinking is useful ( preferably sweet tea). Often after 10-12 years the situation returns to normal. It is advisable not to allow long breaks between meals.

If a child has a smell of acetone from his breath, he should consult a pediatrician or endocrinologist.

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Attention: This doctor's answer is for informational purposes only. Does not replace a face-to-face consultation with a doctor. Self-medication with medications is not allowed.

The smell of acetone from a baby’s mouth is a symptom of a malfunction in the body, which can lead to serious consequences. There are diseases that have pronounced signs, but there are also ailments that are not accompanied by characteristic symptoms (for example, fever), when even weak signals of malaise may be absent.

The smell of acetone from the mouth is a reason to undergo a thorough medical examination

Diseases and conditions accompanied by the smell of acetone from the mouth

The smell of acetone is a frightening phenomenon for parents. Its reasons may be different:

  • infection;
  • physical overload;
  • hyperthermia;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • heavy food;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • acetonemia;
  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • microflora disturbance;
  • diabetes mellitus (we recommend reading:);
  • oncology;
  • fasting, diet, dehydration;
  • predisposition in young children.

The unpleasant “aroma” of acetone also indicates that the glucose level in the child’s body has greatly decreased. This is a common phenomenon observed in healthy, active children. To restore energy reserves, they intuitively ask for sweets.


Acetonemia is a rather dangerous problem characterized by the presence of ketone bodies in the blood. The malaise associated with acetonemia is of a crisis nature. You need to know the main signs of such an anomaly:

  • weakness;
  • unhealthy appearance;
  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • temperature rise to 37-38 °C;
  • vomiting after eating;
  • special smell, reminiscent of acetone.

High blood sugar

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common and dangerous root causes of acetone odor. There is an excess of sugar in the blood, unable to get into the cells. Why? Due to lack of insulin. At the same time, the body is working hard. The baby is constantly thirsty, may experience uncontrolled urination, and noticeable weight loss. All this causes a dangerous phenomenon - diabetic ketoacidosis. It is characterized by the following features:

  • dry mouth, constant desire to drink;
  • abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • depression of consciousness;
  • positive reaction of a special test for ketoacidosis.

The smell of acetone can occur due to high blood sugar levels; with this diagnosis, the child is constantly thirsty

Kidney and liver diseases

Failures in the work of "filters" lead to the accumulation of toxins. If the liver and kidneys do not cope with cleansing, the smell of acetone is felt from the urine. If the cleansing organs are not functioning well, the child may experience abdominal pain, weakness, and may refuse to eat. Chronic diseases are of particular concern.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In critical conditions with hyperthermia (as with the flu, for example) or severe vomiting, diarrhea (with enterovirus infection), fluid is lost. Improper functioning of the digestive tract leads to the accumulation of ketones. Rotavirus also causes "acetone breath". Often it appears with inflammation in the stomach or small intestine. These ailments tend to develop under the influence of acute respiratory infections. The first thing parents need to do is consult a doctor.

Dental problems and sore throat

It is possible that a specific smell from a baby’s mouth is a signal of the presence of inflammation of the gums, tonsils, or dental caries. Pathologies usually appear when the pH balance fails, as well as with poor salivation. The smell will disappear if you visit the dentist in time. In addition to treatment, it is necessary to take care of prevention.

Parents may notice bad breath from the baby's mouth during teething (we recommend reading:)

Other common causes are SARS, as well as inflammatory or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the acute period of the disease, metabolism accelerates and the child’s appetite decreases. The body quickly begins to break down fats and carbohydrates, causing the accumulation of acetone. Treatment of the disease will also remove the unpleasant odor.


Hyperthyroidism is a condition of the thyroid gland characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones. The disease threatens with serious consequences for a fragile body. The central nervous system suffers, visual impairment appears. Sometimes a change in the functioning of the pancreas leads to the smell of acetone from the mouth. The amount of hormones is restored with medications.

Other reasons

The reason may be the intake of heavy indigestible food, which is especially important when the baby is switching to a regular diet. A sharp change in milk to fatty foods leads to poor digestion and impaired secretion. As a result, ketone substances accumulate in the blood.

Unbalanced feeding is also one of the possible factors. If there is insufficient carbohydrates, the number of ketone bodies increases, which means that an unpleasant odor will appear from the oral cavity. A similar situation occurs when the microflora is disrupted - the mechanism of absorption of carbohydrates from food is disrupted. The consequences are similar.

An acetone odor can be observed with neuro-arthritic diathesis. This is a hereditary metabolic feature that affects girls more often.

At the same time, uric acid and ketone bodies accumulate in the blood. The child is bothered by pain in the abdomen and joints, vomiting. The condition is characterized by symptoms:

  1. unreasonable fears;
  2. restless, anxious sleep;
  3. sudden and prolonged bouts of vomiting;
  4. joint pain;
  5. fever;
  6. headache;
  7. aching pain in the abdomen.

The smell of acetone may be a sign of rickets. The basis is the same metabolic disorder, increased sweating, and as a result, dehydration.

Features of the appearance of an unpleasant odor in infants

A newborn's breath is bad due to the air being exhaled from the lungs. The peculiarity of the sour aroma is its persistence, that is, it will not be possible to get rid of it by simply cleansing the oral cavity. Most often, a sour smell appears due to an increase in the amount of ketone bodies in the blood. Nausea, vomiting and weakness may also cause concern.

Acid odor from the mouth of a baby is complemented by a host of symptoms - for example, the baby becomes restless and irritable

Associated symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • frequent involuntary emptying of the stomach;
  • yellow or white plaque in the mouth;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • poor sleep;
  • incessant desire to drink;

First aid for a baby when a smell is detected

First of all, you need to urgently call a doctor. The main threat is acetone syndrome, accompanied by vomiting, leading to dehydration. If symptoms are detected in the early stages, you can act independently. It is necessary to stop vomiting and protect the child from rapid fluid loss.

Parents need to keep the child hydrated: give rehydration solutions (according to the instructions for their use) - Regidron, Gastrolit, Humana Electrolyte, offer frequent drinking in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting. Fluids that help normalize blood sugar levels are:

  • teas with honey;
  • compotes;
  • still mineral water;
  • fruit drinks;
  • rice broth.

Treatment for acetone odor

You should stop self-medication and go to the hospital immediately if:

  • the child showed noticeable indicators of dehydration - dry, parchment skin, pale mucous membranes, chapped lips;
  • parents are unable to give their child water due to incessant vomiting;
  • the baby loses consciousness and falls asleep while walking;
  • convulsions appeared.

If the child's condition noticeably worsens, his treatment takes place under constant medical supervision in a hospital.

Treatment in a hospital consists of the following:

  1. IVs with glucose are prescribed;
  2. injections are made with antispasmodics if a small patient suffers from cramps and pain in the abdomen;
  3. antiemetics are given that improve the functioning of the intestines, liver, and normalize metabolism.

Drug therapy

When the acetone level is increased, as a rule, the first to be used are:

  • Atoxil - eliminates toxins;
  • Regidron - normalizes water balance;
  • Smecta - resists the penetration of toxins through the intestinal walls.

After the critical period, the child should be given Stimol. It will restore strength and improve the condition of the body. Betargin, which normalizes the functioning of the liver, will help you regain strength after illness. If the pancreas is damaged, Creon is prescribed (we recommend reading:).

Diet food

Nutrition plays a special role in restoring the normal state of the body. Diet is necessary for all patients. You should not force a child to eat, especially if eating is accompanied by vomiting. You need to eat often, but in small portions. After treatment, it takes several weeks to follow the diet (more details in the article:). New products should be added gradually. It is important that the child receives enough fluids and gets proper rest.

  • drink often and in small sips;
  • shows walks in the fresh air, plus morning exercises;
  • balanced diet.

Can be used:

  • eggs and dairy products;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • all types of cereals;
  • fresh and stewed vegetables;
  • crackers;
  • biscuits.

An important point in complex treatment is dietary nutrition.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • bananas and citrus fruits;
  • all types of sausages;
  • sour cream;
  • legumes, cabbage and spinach;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • milk and dairy products with high fat content;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • meat by-products;
  • sauces, mustard, sour cream.

The basis is disease prevention, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, as well as plenty of drinking water.

Fresh air is needed. Correctly selected loads help restore metabolism. It is undesirable for the child to be overloaded mentally and physically, for example with additional classes at school.

Parents should try to follow the following rules:

  • establish nutrition and daily routine;
  • protect the child from severe stress;
  • give moderate physical activity;
  • do not overfeed the baby, but also do not expose him to prolonged fasting;
  • limit the consumption of fatty foods, too sour or spicy, legumes;
  • walk more.

The doctor occasionally prescribes sedatives: teas, decoctions, as well as soothing baths and a course of healing massage. Regular monitoring by a doctor is required. In the off-season, prophylaxis with multivitamins is prescribed.

There are many reasons why a child may have bad breath. Some of them can be solved by visiting the dentist or maintaining good hygiene. But the smell of acetone is especially dangerous. It is a sign of disorders in the child’s body, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, parents in such cases need to be wary and consult a doctor.

Mechanism of acetone formation

In children and adults, the mechanism for the formation of acetone in the body is the same. Acetone is a product of defective breakdown of fats and proteins. As a result, toxic substances called ketones accumulate in the human blood. Acetone belongs to their representatives. First, ketones are oxidized almost to the level of safe products, and after that they are excreted in urine and exhaled air. When the rate of production of toxic substances exceeds their exit from the body, they damage cells, including the brain.

The smell of acetone from the mouth not only causes discomfort to the child, but also serves as a reason for timely action

Important information: The ailment associated with acetonemia appears unexpectedly, that is, it is of a crisis nature.


The main feature of the appearance of the characteristic odor of acetone from a child’s mouth is the presence of acetone syndrome. It can be primary (develops due to temporary disorders in practically healthy children) and secondary (occurs against the background of various diseases). Parents should know that acetonemic syndrome is characterized by a complex manifestation of symptoms, which include:

  • periodic vomiting with light intervals;
  • smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • poor sleep;
  • constant thirst;
  • presence of itching.

Important information: Acetone levels can also increase in adults. However, the child’s body has many features that are conducive to the appearance of violent reactions in acetonemic syndrome.

Acetonemic syndrome is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms, including a deterioration in general health

Digestive system problems

The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth can occur due to chronic diseases that are caused by intestinal infections. At this time, the process of protein breakdown is intensified, and the body becomes dehydrated.

This symptom is also characteristic of intestinal dysbiosis, which is manifested by activation of fermentation processes. Carbohydrates that enter the body are partially broken down by the microflora of the digestive organ. The following symptoms occur:

  • colicky pain in the navel area;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • discharge of gases without a characteristic odor;
  • bloating.

Intestinal dysbiosis can last for months, resulting in impaired liver function and acetonemic syndrome.

Often the smell of acetone from the mouth occurs during diathesis. It may also be caused by starvation, which is caused by anorexia nervosa, which is often observed in adolescent children. Sometimes hunger is associated with the presence of a tumor or obstruction in the esophagus (stenosis or atresia).

Sometimes the reason for the smell of acetone in a child’s mouth is infection with helminths.

ARVI and ENT diseases

Often, parents notice that their child’s breath smells like acetone before an acute illness (ARVI) or diseases of the ENT organs. It can also appear during an illness. In this case, accompanying signs are often:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature.

The reason for the smell of acetone on the breath of a child with ARVI and ENT diseases is an increase in metabolic rate and a decrease in appetite. As a result, there is an increased breakdown of fats and proteins, as well as an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood.

Important information: When acetone syndrome accompanies a child with every disease of acute respiratory viral infection or ENT organs, the parents’ task is to carry out prevention, which consists of an expanded drinking regime and providing the child’s body with sources of glucose.

Endocrine disorders

The appearance of an acetone odor from a child’s mouth, which is caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, should be an alarming signal for parents. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by an increased amount of hormones, which can be successfully normalized with the help of medications. But in some cases, their levels become too high, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. As a rule, this happens unexpectedly, which is why the following symptoms appear simultaneously:

  • high body temperature;
  • inhibited state;
  • increased arousal.

The pancreas reacts quite quickly to the food eaten. Sometimes this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the organ and the smell of acetone from the mouth. Not the last place in the functioning of the pancreas is occupied by stress and nervous experiences.

Liver and kidney diseases

The kidneys and liver are the main organs that are responsible for cleansing the body. All harmful substances pass through them. They filter the blood and take part in the removal of toxins from the body. In chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, nephritis, and others, there is an accumulation of harmful substances in the body, among which acetone may also be present. In severe cases, a characteristic odor is observed in the child's mouth, as well as in the urine and skin secretions. In addition to the standard signs, symptoms such as an enlarged liver, pain under the right rib or in the lumbar region, and the appearance of yellowness of the skin can accompany the disease.

Oral diseases

With an insufficient amount of saliva in the oral cavity, ideal conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria. This causes a slight unpleasant odor. In addition, diseases of the gums, teeth, and tonsils can cause a similar symptom. Very often, such problems are solved after a visit to the dentist, who prescribes effective treatment.

Other ailments

Often, the smell of acetone in a child’s mouth can be a sign of diabetes. Of course, this disease is more common in adulthood, but no one is completely immune from it. In diabetes mellitus, insulin levels decrease and carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. The patient has:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • disturbances in falling asleep and staying asleep;
  • itching on the skin;
  • thirst;
  • frequent urination.

Approximately 2–3% of children experience neuro-arthritic diathesis, which is a hereditary feature of metabolism. Most often, this disorder is observed in girls. At the same time, uric acid and ketone bodies begin to accumulate in the blood. Children experience abdominal and joint pain and acetonemic vomiting. Usually these symptoms disappear by the age of 10.

This is interesting: Acetonomy syndrome often manifests itself in children from one to five years of age, but can persist until adolescence. Girls suffer from these disorders more often than boys.

How to find out why it smells: diagnostics

Acetone in the urine of a child can be checked using a special test. It is easy to get in any pharmacy. The test is recommended to be carried out in the morning. To do this, it must be lowered into the urine for half a minute. The color of the indicator determines the level of acetone present in the child’s body.

The level of acetone is determined by comparing the colors of the indicator

However, it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis. Even if the test showed a normal level of acetone, it is worth at least to reassure yourself by donating blood and urine for analysis, and also consulting with a specialist.

Important information: With high levels of acetone in children, if timely action is not taken, a rapid increase in the concentration of toxins in the body, as well as dehydration, can be fatal.


The main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner, when the signs of acetonemic syndrome only make themselves felt. Therapy includes two main areas:

  1. Providing the body with glucose.
  2. Rapid withdrawal of ketones.

To replenish glucose reserves, the child should be given compotes, sweet tea, and it is advisable to add honey to it. The liquid should be given a teaspoon every 5 minutes. This will prevent repeated vomiting. Don't forget to give your baby something to drink at night. Sweet drinks should be alternated with still mineral water and rice water. In difficult cases, intravenous infusion is performed using a dropper.

Regular drinking during acetone syndrome will help avoid dehydration

Use of medications

If the level of acetone in a child is elevated, the first drugs used for treatment may be:

  • “Atoxil” - absorbs toxins and removes them from the body;
  • "Regidron" - restores the acid-base balance;
  • "Smecta" - acts similarly to "Atoxil", prevents the penetration of toxins through the intestinal walls.

When first aid has been provided and the acute period is over, it is worth giving the child Stimol. It will give strength to the body and improve overall well-being. Betargin, which normalizes liver function, will also help you recover from illness. If pancreatic function is impaired, Creon is prescribed. It helps improve digestion.

Attention! Consultation with a specialist is required! Do not self-medicate your child!


If acetone is elevated in children, it is necessary to follow a diet, which will help avoid relapses. It is prohibited to consume products that contain large amounts of preservatives. It is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • legumes;
  • fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • meat by-products;
  • chips;
  • sauces, mustard, sour cream;
  • cauliflower.

It is advisable to stick to the diet for two to three weeks. It is recommended to feed the child vegetable soups, mashed potatoes cooked in water, and rice porridge. A week after starting the diet, you are allowed to eat boiled or baked dietary meat and crackers. After two weeks, you can eat greens and fresh vegetables. It is necessary to introduce products gradually to prevent overloading the body.

After treatment for high acetone levels, the child must adhere to the diet for several weeks.

Doctor Komarovsky about acetone in the baby’s body

In the video below, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the problem clearly and give advice to parents.

The appearance of an acetone odor from a child’s mouth is a serious problem that many parents face. Whatever the reasons, you need to take timely measures to eliminate them by going to the hospital. The health and life of the child is at risk, so effective treatment is required.

A strong odor of acetone from a child’s mouth is a reason for parents to worry. This usually indicates certain health problems. The sooner they are identified, the better.

Where does acetone come from in a child’s body?

Children's and adult bodies are structured almost identically. Carbohydrates absorbed by a person are digested in the stomach, as a result of which glucose enters the blood. Part of it is used to obtain energy, and the remainder is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen.

When there is significant energy expenditure (for example, stress, excessive physical activity or illness), it is the liver that provides assistance to the body and releases a dose of glycogen into the blood. If the reserves in the liver are good, the child is not in danger. Otherwise, fats begin to be released into the blood. A certain amount of energy is formed during their breakdown, but along with them are also ketones.

First of all, a high level of acetone in a child is detected in the urine. To determine its level, you should use special test strips or do a laboratory analysis. From urine, if nothing is done, ketone bodies enter the blood. As a result, acetone begins to irritate the gastric mucosa, and acetone vomiting begins. The result is a real vicious circle: vomiting occurs due to a deficiency of glycogen in the liver, and carbohydrates cannot enter the body in sufficient quantities due to vomiting.

Causes of acetone odor

There can be many reasons why a child’s mouth smells like acetone. Most often we are talking about the following points.

Poor nutrition

Acetone is an intermediate element involved in the breakdown of proteins or fats. If you do not maintain a normal diet, feeding the child fatty and protein foods in large quantities, at a certain point the body will not cope, and the level of acetone in the blood will increase, as a result the child will begin to smell like acetone.

Fasting can also cause acetone odor from the mouth. If no food enters the body, there is a risk of developing ketoacidosis. The glucose content in the blood is significantly reduced, and the child’s body begins to find ways to produce energy by breaking down fats and proteins from its own reserves. As a result, a large amount of acetone elements appears in the blood, and the child’s mouth smells like acetone.


Sometimes the smell of acetone from a child’s mouth is explained by such a reason as intoxication of the body. Signs of intoxication include vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Any rotovirus can cause bad breath in an infant or small child. If the poisoning is treated in a timely manner, the smell of acetone will stop immediately after the child’s well-being improves.

It is much worse if intoxication is not the cause of acetone amber, but its consequence. Treatment in this case will require more serious and lengthy treatment.


In some cases, a slight acetone odor is caused by diseases. For example, the cause may be a disease such as diabetes. Due to excess sugar in the blood, substance molecules do not penetrate into the cells, which leads to ketoacytosis, the symptoms of which include not only odor, but also pain in the abdominal cavity, dry mucous membranes, vomiting and even coma (if the syndrome is not treated in a timely manner) .


The aroma of acetone can be an indicator of pathologies of internal organs. First of all, the kidneys and liver. The indicated internal organs are responsible for cleaning the body and removing harmful substances. In a pathological state, these processes slow down, and the body accumulates toxic substances, primarily acetone.

Nutrition adjustments

Whether it's a newborn or a teenager, when acetone amber appears, the first thing to do is to reconsider nutrition. Every day a child should drink at least one and a half liters of water. You will need to completely exclude fatty, protein foods, fresh pastry on yeast dough, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables from the diet. All food taken should be as easily digestible as possible: cereals on the water, tea, crackers. After a while, it is permissible to start introducing fermented milk products and lean meat.

Diagnosis of acetone syndrome

Acetonemic syndrome is detected exclusively in children under 12 years of age. Its diagnosis is made through a medical examination. In order to make a conclusion, the doctor simultaneously studies the laboratory tests performed, as well as the patient's complaints and anamnesis.

Important! When diagnosing acetonomic syndrome, it is important to pay attention to those analyzes that show minor deviations from the norm.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Not in every case, the smell of acetone from the mouth requires immediate medical attention. Sometimes it is enough to change your diet and increase the amount of fluid you drink to solve the problem. There are a number of symptoms that should never be ignored.

Strong smell of acetone

If the smell of acetone comes from a child strongly, this can only mean that not everything is going smoothly in the functioning of some organs. In this case, you cannot do without going to see a doctor. If acetone notes are felt not only from the mouth, but also from the skin, sweat and urine, contact a doctor should be made immediately.

Other symptoms

You should also make an appointment with a doctor if, in parallel with the smell of acetone from the mouth, the child’s temperature begins to rise, obvious signs of intoxication, dizziness or abdominal pain appear. Only an experienced doctor will be able to understand why the problem arose and prescribe adequate therapy. Self-medication is likely to lead to undesirable consequences.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky does not consider the smell of acetone in children to be a disease. From his point of view, this is the specificity of metabolism that is worth taking into account. As a preventive measure, it is enough not to limit children’s sweets and ensure that they drink plenty of fluids.

If an acetonemic state appears before vomiting occurs, you need to start giving the child glucose, a teaspoon every five minutes.

Detection of bad breath in a child should not cause parents to panic, but it should mean that it is time to take certain actions.


Depositphotos/Alena Ozerova

It is an absolutely atypical situation if a child’s breath smells of acetone. This smell is alarming and greatly frightens parents. The source of this phenomenon is the air leaving the lungs. That is why, even after performing oral hygiene procedures, the acetone smell from the child’s mouth does not disappear. This condition is typical for some diseases. Some of them are harmless and belong to normal physiological conditions, while others, on the contrary, are an urgent reason to visit a doctor.

What causes acetone to form in the body?

Any organism receives the largest share of energy from the breakdown of glucose. Together with the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body and reaches every cell. In the event that the rate of glucose supply is insufficient, or there are problems with its supply to the cells, a signal is sent to an alternative search for an energy source. Most often, this source is fat deposits.

The result of this splitting is the filling of the bloodstream with various substances, including acetone. Once in the blood, it enters various organs, including the kidneys and lungs. If you test your urine for acetone, the result will be positive, and the air you exhale will smell of acetone.

The most common causes of acetone smell in a child:

  • prolonged abstinence from eating (fasting);
  • dehydration due to poisoning;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • genetic predisposition of children under 10 years of age.

The smell of acetone due to an incorrect diet

There are some diseases in the treatment of which children are required to adhere to dietary nutrition, for example, these may be allergic reactions or the postoperative period. In both cases, an improperly balanced diet due to the presence of an extensive list of prohibited foods can lead to a serious deterioration in well-being.

If you refuse food containing carbohydrates for some period, this provokes a lack of energy, and, accordingly, the destruction of fatty tissue. The result is the filling of the bloodstream with harmful elements, which results in intoxication of the body and an imbalance in the functioning of various vital systems.

The child begins to smell of acetone, the skin becomes unnaturally pale, the nail plate peels off, frequent dizziness and irritation appear - and this is not a complete list of symptoms of an incorrectly formulated diet for the growing body.

Parents should be aware that the consulting doctor should refer them to a nutritionist who will prepare a balanced diet for the child, taking into account concomitant diseases. Refusal of this type of service can result in irreparable consequences.


The most commonly diagnosed cause of acetone odor in a child’s mouth is the presence of diabetes mellitus. Due to the excessive concentration of sugar in the bloodstream, it becomes impossible for it to penetrate into cells due to insulin deficiency. This is how a potentially life-threatening condition, diabetic ketoacidosis, begins. The most likely cause of this complication is a blood glucose ratio of more than 16 mmol / l.

Symptomatic indicators of ketoacidosis:

  • acetone test positive;
  • the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth;
  • not saturated with water;
  • xerostomia (dry mouth);
  • localized abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • severe depression of consciousness;
  • coma state.

At the time of identifying the listed indicators, you should immediately call for emergency care, because. the consequences of such a state can become a threat to further life.

The most dangerous acetone smell in children with the following risk factors:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed for the first time;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus with incorrect or incorrectly administered insulin;
  • diseases of the infectious group, operations performed with diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Treatment methods for ketoacidosis:

  1. Insulin is administered first. When the patient is admitted to the hospital, insulin is administered intramuscularly by drip.
  2. Measures to restore the water-salt balance.
  3. Supports the correct functioning of the organs most affected - the liver and kidneys.

Preventive measures include strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician, namely, the correct and timely administration of insulin, as well as parental vigilance and, in case of any alarming indicators, contacting a specialist.

The most common causes of acetone odor in children

In the table, you can clearly see the main reasons why a child’s breath smells like acetone, what symptoms are accompanied and which doctor should be consulted.

Root causes of acetone odor in a child’s mouth

Causes and accompanying symptoms

Who should I turn to for help?

Acetonemic syndrome (non-diabetic ketoacidosis, cyclic acetonemic vomiting syndrome, acetonemic vomiting)

There are two types of acetonomy syndrome: primary and secondary. In the first case, the cause of this condition of the child is an unbalanced diet or starvation. The second is characterized by development after previous infections, infectious or non-infectious. Most often it manifests itself as frequent vomiting, refusal of the baby to eat, lethargy, drowsiness and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Acetonomy syndrome often occurs in infants whose young parents do not monitor the child’s diet. First aid is provided by a pediatrician (for incessant vomiting, an ambulance). Depending on the condition and age of the child, the doctor refers to a specialist, most often an infectious disease specialist, because It is quite difficult to identify the cause of bad breath at the initial stage.

Diseases of the food tract (allergies, helminthiasis, dysbiosis)

A common cause of problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children occurs due to improper introduction of complementary foods at one year of age. Parents begin to feed fatty foods, which becomes the main factor in dysbiosis or an allergic reaction. The child may feel cutting pain in the abdominal area and fatigue. Against the background of this condition, the body stops eating, profuse loose stools and vomiting begin. Often in young children, helminthic infestation is also found in this condition. The child becomes irritable, sleeps poorly and is capricious.

The first step is to visit a pediatrician, who will refer you for further examination. With obvious symptoms, hospitalization is possible for more detailed diagnostics.

ARVI, ENT diseases

The first stage of the disease may be accompanied by an acetone odor from the mouth. The illness may manifest itself as fever, obstruction, runny nose, sore throat or other signs of a cold.

Consultation with a pediatrician and an ENT doctor will help identify the causes of such symptoms.

Thyroid diseases

An increase in the production of thyroid hormones during hyperthyroidism provokes a strong acceleration of metabolic processes in the child’s body. In addition to the smell of acetone on the breath, children may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • localization of abdominal pain;
  • development of jaundice;
  • excited or inhibited state.

This disease falls under the specific treatment of an endocrinologist. Thyrotoxic crisis is a dangerous syndrome requiring hospitalization. Treatment is carried out by intramuscular injection of droppers to stop hormonal release, eliminate dehydration and stabilize the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Food or carbon poisoning

Poisoning occurs as a result of uncontrolled intake of medications, consumption of poor-quality or insufficiently heat-treated food, as well as saturation of the lungs with vapors of toxic substances. The disease can be identified by the following signs:

  • the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth;
  • loose stools;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • elevated temperature (not always);
  • chills.

If such symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance. The child will be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, where all necessary measures will be taken to stabilize the condition and remove toxins from the body.

Methods for self-determination of acetone in urine

You can independently determine the presence of ketone bodies (acetone) in urine using special test strips (Acetontest, Norma, Uriket, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to collect a sample of the urine being tested in a sterile container and lower the tester to the level indicated on the strip. After this, after waiting the required time (as indicated in the instructions), it is necessary to compare the color of the strip with the scale on the indicator test package. Depending on the amount of ketones in the test material, the color of the test strip will change.

The deeper the color on the test strip, the more ketone bodies there are in the urine sample.

Genetic predisposition to acetonomy

Some parents periodically detect an unnatural smell of acetone from their child's mouth. Such symptoms are typical for children with genetically determined acetonomia. As a result of exposure to any aggressors, the child’s body immediately begins to react with an increase in acetone. For some, such cases occur up to three times a year, for others - with every acute respiratory viral infection.

Due to a viral infection or poisoning, which is accompanied by an elevated body temperature, the child’s body may not have enough glucose to activate its defenses. Most often, the blood sugar level in children with a predisposition to acetonomy is at the lower level of normal and, when exposed to any kind of virus, begins to decline rapidly. The process of fat breakdown is activated to produce more energy.

The release of harmful substances, including acetone, provokes signs of intoxication. This condition does not pose a danger to the child and goes away on its own after complete recovery. However, parents of such children always need to be on alert and check the level of ketones in the urine.

The smell of acetone is a signal that the body gives as a result of violations of the proper functioning of its systems. You should pay close attention to the accompanying symptoms and consult a doctor in time.