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Cheer up with good night wishes. Heartfelt good night wishes. I wish you a good night's sleep

Give yourself over to dreams until dawn, throw all thoughts about the day out of your head. Night doesn't like competition.

I wish you the best dreams that the queen of the night prepares for her guests!

Roll over on your side
And hurry up to fall asleep...
The night is already on its wing
Covers the sleepy house.

The day brought a carload of troubles,
There was a lot to do...
And now it's time to sleep
Until the morning...

It's been night for a long time now
And the firefly stars shine.
You yourself are no longer averse to sleep
And your dreams are already close...

Sleep, let him rest from his thoughts
Your busy mind during the day!
And I'll ask the gods
Sending you good dreams.

I wish you good night
So that you don't dream about anything.
After all, they say the brain rests
In dreams, without seeing anything...

So that you have strength for tomorrow
Meet another dawn.
Sleep... Night has already covered the city,
Morpheus is already rushing to you...

I wish you very tenderly
Have bright dreams and good night!
Touch your cheek to your pillow,
Let the silence caress your ears.

And there will be no noise until the morning...
Try to think about good things.
Fatigue has knocked you off your feet,
And sleep will return your former strength...

Tuck the blanket tighter
Lie down comfortably on your bed...
The morning is clearly wiser than the night
And that's why you need to sleep.

So sleep peacefully until dawn,
Immerse yourself in unknown dreams...
Let them tell all their secrets
Summer and spring will be brighter...

Surrender to the queen of the night,
There, in a dream, live as you want...
Let your dreams go...
There's no fear and no pain

Until the morning in my bed,
Any day of the week
Sleep peacefully like a baby
The silence of the night outside...

I'll hug you goodbye
My tender bunny,
And I'll kiss you a little
Sleep, baby, like in heaven.

On the cheek, nose, neck, ear,
In the side, shoulder blade and navel,
Chin, forehead and hand...
In general, from head to toe!

Rest! - the dream will whisper.
It's time to go to bed!
Illusions await us again,
Time to sleep soundly!

May you dream of the sky
Bright fabulous sunset
The sea is warm and it's summer.
There is a wonderful garden of love in it!

Sleep well, my beloved!
I will come to you in a dream.
I hug you tenderly, darling!
Wish that for me too!

Good night, sweet cat!
Sleep well, rest!
Here is love's magic raft,
Meet your dreams!

Let him carry you to the sea
To distant warm shores.
We'll see you there soon.
Giving freedom to dreams and dreams!

Shining light in the starry sky
Takes you to the kingdom of sweet dreams!
Dreaming, you fall asleep in bliss,
Like the petals of heavenly roses.

Sweet dreams to you, Baby!
I whisper while kissing you.
You've been sleeping so sweetly for a long time
And you don’t know what I’m writing.

The night is long, it is languor
Without your beautiful eyes.
But doubts will melt again,
As soon as the time for meeting comes!

You are a wonderful vision
Sleep peacefully until the morning!
Creation of angels' dreams,
I only need you alone!

The day is over and the sun
Hidden into the sunset again.
Through the wide window
You can see the parade of bright stars!

Smile at them as you fall asleep.
Just breathe in their scent!
And you will see how, dreaming,
You will find yourself in a magical garden!

Let the stars shine softly
Keeping your sweet dream.
And only they will notice
How much I am in love!

Breaking up is very difficult
Let only the night pass.
Where can I gain strength?
To drive away sorrows!

Without you, my dear,
The souls of my gardens are sleeping.
And when you wake up, they shine again
Flowers all over my Earth!

With the light steps of a dream
We are called to colorful dreams.
You fly, don't chase them away,
Take a look into a magical world!

Delicate, affectionate flower,
I want to hug you!
Kisses as much as you want
I'm glad to send before going to bed.

You're tired, I know, very tired.
Rest, go to bed soon!
In the blanket of a warm night
Wrap yourself up tenderly and sweetly!

Flowers have been sleeping in the garden for a long time.
The moon shone in the sky.
Rest quickly and you too,
Staying in sleepy bliss!

Let the night spare no colors for your dreams, and let peace give you new strength.

Let my good night wishes, like a warm blanket, let you fall into a sweet sleep!

Night crept in from the yard,
Caught in the net of a dream,
The day is over, it's time
Climb under the blanket.

Sleep peacefully in a sweet dream,
Like bears in winter
Just don't snore loudly -
Don't wake up the neighbors.

Close your eyes in the silence of the night,
The pillow is waiting
Calls you:
“Come to me, my dear!”

And I wish from the bottom of my heart:
Sleep like a groundhog
Without hind legs
But don't sleep on the alarm!

Let you dream
Eared red horse
Thirty fluffy kittens
And a six-legged elephant,

Lyrical songs
Singing pig...
But it will be better if
You'll only dream about me.

If you suddenly come to me at night
The ghost will come
Or an evil toothy beast
It will steal sleep from your pillow,

You tell me and I will come,
I'll drive them under the bed,
So that they don't hang around here,
No more interruptions to sleep!

I want at least in a dream
To be closer to you.
Promise to dream about me
Otherwise I’ll be offended!

I'll be glad to meet you
In the kingdom of sleep and night.
And you will dream about me
I'll try my best!

Let my good night wishes warm you like a warm blanket, seem softer than a pillow and more long-awaited than sleep itself...

See you in your dreams, go to bed quickly and dream about me!

Good night, sweetheart, beloved,
So my long week is over.
And I’ll lie down with you now in an embrace,
Snuggle up to my beautiful soul mate.

You know, not everything in life is measured,
It happens that there are countless worries and worries.
But I want you to always know
How I love such evenings.

Good night, sleep my beauty!
In your sleep, let your lips smile sweetly.
Dear, I am always sorry,
See the sadness on your face.

Good night, may you have dreams,
About how important we are to each other,
That everyone's dreams come true,
When we are together, you and I are nearby.

I won't sleep - I'll watch a little,
How you, curled up sweetly like a cat,
Purring, dozing on my shoulder.
I believe that there is heaven on Earth.

You are far away, but still close,
Let this sadness pass by.
And no rain, no snowfall
They will not take us away from each other.

I don't dare lose you
And separation is not a barrier for us.
I will be able to preserve your image,
Your love is my reward...

And time will fly by like an arrow,
I’ll tell you all the important things when we meet,
I live with you every moment,
And evening quickly comes...

You are in my thoughts and desires,
I’ll dream about you, I know for sure.
I write to you in my messages,
I love you in every line...

And a new day will come suddenly,
I'm waiting for you, I miss you very much.
I'll call you, see you tomorrow.
Bye baby, good night.

See also good morning wishes. SMS good night wishes to your loved one will help you please your soulmate. We have SMS wishes for both the beloved and the beloved. Choose according to your taste. We also have poems about love for a guy.

Good night, my piece of happiness,
So welcome, like the sun in bad weather.
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.


You go to bed,
My dear friend?!
The only friend
I wish you beautiful dreams,
Be happy this night!


I kiss you
In your cold nose!
Good night, Kisa!
Your favorite Doggie!


And the stars shine brightly in the sky.
Only the moon is as bored as I am...
I mentally kiss you sweetly.
Good night my girl :)


The stars quietly mutter:
“Sleep, kitten, good night!”


Dear little girl,
Rest on a pillow.
I also fall asleep
My precious one!


Honey, good night!
Have scary dreams...
Maybe tomorrow night
You will come running to me :)


Good night my cat,
Don't forget that I'm with you
And day and night and always,
Wherever you were, or I was!


A crazy day has curled up into a ball,
Alluring with sweet wine,
Melting a thousand delights
And the pleasures of a secret warehouse...
You too will find this valuable treasure
Just close your eyes...


You don't snore at night
And you don't drool.
Sweet dreams to you baby!
You know someone loves you!


You snore softly into your pillow
And you see wonderful dreams.
And you are not just a friend to me,
My favorite girl!
Night has come, and I'm already on my way...
I will guard your sleep on the roof,
Girl, my love, sleep well,
Sweet dreams to you, my baby...


The stars lit up like pearls,
Everyone has gone home...
I wish you a sweet night
I'm burning with love for you.


It will be a wonderful, good night,
And the darkness can't help her
Destroy the beautiful nonsense of dreams,
Dispel the alluring light of dreams...


Good dreams to you baby.
Perhaps you are still awake.
But it's warm in your crib.
And soon you will have a sweet dream.


I am writing to you good night,
I love you very, very much!
Good night, darling,
I wish you sweet dreams!


The moon is shining so bright today,
Perhaps, just as I fell in love with her...


Sleep, little bunny, sweet, sweet,
I kiss your paw!
I gently stroke your ear,
Good dreams, my Little Animal!


The crib has been waiting for you for a long time,
Pajamas are very boring.
Sleep is knocking on your window,
My kitten, good night :)

When you are far away from me,
look at the sky...
where the milky way is,
you will see stars, a huge cluster.
Take one of them and hold it close to you,
I will whisper to you from heaven:
“My baby, sweet dreams!!!”


Quiet... Somewhere a seagull is sleeping.
It's kind of lonely.
I probably won't sleep.
Let someone protect your sleep,
And I’ll pick up the book...
Quiet. Somewhere a star is sad
And you're already asleep.
Sweet Dreams, baby.


Good night…
For warm shelter
Was always overhead
And peace warmed my heart.


Good night sweet dreams.
The path to the valley of dreams is:
What is so tempting
So beautiful and so deceiving
That there's no way out
To us from his sweet paws...


My you! And everything is fine
Even this night
Both the blizzard and the wind are not scary!
Sweet dreams to you angel...

You know, I don’t know how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason I believe in you !
Good night and thank you for being there - my dream and hope!


Good night, serene,
May you sleep soundly until the morning.
Leave your worries until tomorrow, darling,
It's time for all of us to rest.


Sleep sweetly baby,
because you're probably in bed,
I will come to you in a dream
I'll lie down next to you on the bed
and we wake up to sleep together


There is a magical country
It is visible from space.
Everyone quickly falls asleep in it
And in dreams they fly.
I can’t sleep at all, -
I want to look at you.
I want to touch your lips,
To come back to you at least for a moment!


And darkness replaced the day again,
And the light went out for five hours,
And go to bed again
Until tomorrow, sweet rest...


Let all nightmares dissolve
They will go into the silent darkness of the night,
And let you dream what you dream of
Under the veil of night silence...


The night has come and the moon is shining brightly, the kitten sleeps sweetly, and so that you have beautiful dreams, I will gently kiss your lips!!! Good night, darling!


I’m writing a text message - my hand is shaking
My love runs to you!
Good night, I put an end to it
I kiss you on both cheeks!


I am writing to wish you good night,
Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow!
I can no longer endure separation,
What is this?! Could it be love?


Good night. Good night
There's so much silver in the sky.
Sleep, my love, sleep,
You and I are alone now.
I was late with the SMS,
I admired your dream.


I kiss your eyes...
Like a prince's princess in a sweet fairy tale..
Baby, I love you!!! May your dreams be as sweet as your lips...


Good night sweet dreams,
What is pleasant to us without words,
What sadness carries into the distance,
Everything you won’t be sorry to part with...


I wish you good night
May you have joyful dreams,
I love you and hug you tightly
We will be by your side together.


Let the canopy of the night cover you
And your angel will kiss you so tenderly, lovingly...


The dawn is getting closer, getting brighter,
The sky has already lit up
The lights of a thousand candles...
Let this light in your soul
Find a warmer place.


The first hour of the night has come,
I'm the only one who didn't sleep
I wrote a text message
I wished you good night...


The moon freezes in the sky,
And your crib is warm.
Sleep well, my joy,
Good and sweet dreams.

Sleep baby and may you have a dream this night, how we will be close to you, how I will be in love with you, sleep baby I want to wish you a good night! 39

I’ll kiss your ear and tell you - my favorite girl! Dream about me today! 14

I wish you good night and I hug you tenderly sleeping! 45

Good night, my angel, I love you with all my soul, I kiss you tenderly, I hug you, and know that I miss you! 63

May you dream of me in a good dream,
Good glorious dream, where days rush, years fly,
Where life flows without counting the days,
Where a golden ray of sunshine touches you
The bird of happiness will spread its wings over you
And will cover up the bad weather,
Just remember me
And your soul will become easier. 20

There are two stars in the world, called me and you. Good night, my star. 25 - Good night girl

Sleep sweetly, baby, I wish you briefly: that I come to you in a dream, kiss you, and leave by morning! 12

Sleep well, everything is ahead of us! ;) 10

I wish you
Good night,
I wish you warm, bright dreams,
May your favorite CAT dream this night,
who loves and madly waits... 28

I'm writing you a poem
Go to sleep my little angel
After all, sweet dreams are already a path
It has been lying at your feet for a long time! 18

Good night, my piece of happiness. I want to touch your lips, look into your eyes, and quietly whisper into the night - I love you! Kiss. Smack-smack. 21

In the morning you will wake up and quietly open your eyes. And you will remember that there is a heart in the world that really, really needs you! 8 (1)

A strangled bird is sleeping, a dead fox is sleeping, flies are sleeping in the web, sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow!)) 32

Beautiful dreams, like from a fairy tale: kind, gentle, about love... Close your eyes quickly, good night, sleep sweetly! 29

After day comes night, a light wind brings on dreams, as if alive, and I dream that it will always be you and me! 16

May you have joyful dreams, may you dream of the hot shine of the moon, may you dream the same thing as me, let’s meet in a dream tonight! 26

I go to bed, but my heart dreams of seeing you! Read, smile and remember me! 18

I’m in a hurry to deliver a good night wish to you, and it contains the following message: well, I miss you very much! 18

Quickly close your eyes and fall asleep! I'm already waiting for you in my dreams! 17

My text message arrived again, I want to wish you good night :) 14

The city is quietly falling asleep, the stars, the sky, silence, sleep, kitten, good night! Even at night I'm crazy about you! 14

Hello! I'm a night text! Sent from a man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! I kiss you goodnight and wish you sweet dreams! 9

My beloved, I adore you, I haven’t seen you for an hour, I miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile, why is the blanket hugging you now and not me? I want the morning to come quickly and I will see you again... I miss you, I love you! 24

Today it is quiet, serene, the night will smile tenderly. Let yourself dream about everything you want. Darling, good night! 15

Sleep, purr, don’t be sad, all your worries are behind you, always, in the heat and in the cold, in the heat and on days off - I want to be next to you! 10

Good night, sweet dreams, I wish you again, I want to wish you every day, and in the morning gently sing - I love you, everything in this world is for you! 4

Are you tired, baby? After all, I suppose, like a squirrel
In a wheel, has it been spinning all day?
Go to bed quickly, my girl!
The routine of the day will dissipate,

Anxieties will go away, troubles will be forgotten
May you be in the wondrous kingdom of sweet dreams!
I want to come to you... The ray of the libertine moon
Draws a plexus of bodies on the window...

I will overcome the force of gravity!
Count to three! witchcraft ability,
Having fallen in love, I gained teleportation -
Can you feel me kissing you?

Night lays down a blanket of ash plush
Sunset is replaced by kumach.
Close your eyes, my love, and listen,
I whisper a lullaby to you.

May the storms of the day subside quickly,
And tenderly I heat your flesh
A wave will cover you with sweet languor
Under the breeze I wove from a hundred “I love”,

So that, rocking you smoothly,
Carry to the wonderful land of cherished dreams,
In which to gain strength, my glorious one,
I wish you the dawn roses before the bell rings.

I know you can't fall asleep without a kiss.
And my lips, crushing fragments of words,
They slide, molting your chest from bottom to top,
To the cheek... Imagine?.. So pleasant dreams!

Sleep, my beloved, sleep, I have turned off all the lights. She also turned off the gas and closed the doors and windows. Everyone is already asleep - the fish in the pond, the birds in the garden. We won’t wait until the neighbors fall asleep. The moon is also already persistently looking out the window. To avoid the light, I closed the curtains. So sleep, my joy, sleep.

Let the light of the moon caress you,
Flows into your room,
Let the night drive away worries,
Let the fairy tale come in a dream.

Let the night wrap you in peace
And it will free you from worries,
Let the stars shine above you,
And for a month the lock of hair turns silver.

May your dreams be magical today,
Beautiful, pleasant, sincere,
Wonderful, like the stars in the sky, bright,
Let the feelings be fiery, hot.

Let your heart fill with inspiration
And tomorrow may the skill come to you
In your successful deeds and decisions,
In dreams, in bright hopes and aspirations.

And whatever you have in mind, let it work out,
And the new day will not let you get bored,
And now I, with my love, affection
I will burst into your dream with a beautiful, kind fairy tale.

Sleep is essential, so close your eyes and imagine that your pillow is my gentle shoulder, and the blanket is my warm embrace. Sweet dreams, my love! Get a good rest so that in the morning you will again shine with cheerfulness, sparkle with vigor and glow with happiness.

May the night, my love, calm you down,
Giving wonderful colorful dreams,
He will quickly hide you from all the worries of the day,
Easily drive away the worries of the day.

Let all the vanity remain in the past,
And the country of dreams is already beckoning to itself,
Moonlight slowly pours through the glass,
And a sweet dream, dear, will captivate you.

To cling to you, to taste the secret caress,
Quench your thirst with a heady sip,
Throwing away the daytime decency of the mask,
To drink to the bottom of you, my beloved,

I'm dreaming. And the starry path
My dreams rush into the night
Get through the cobwebs of your lungs' dreams,
Like the omnipresent rays of the sun,

To the ruler of flying dreams
Your soul, beloved, so that in your dreams
We met for hot revelations.
Go to bed quickly, I’m already in my dreams.

My beloved sun, every day is wonderful with you, you give me warmth, fill me with joy and protect me from the dullness of everyday life. Just like the sun, you need rest. Close your eyes dreamily and go to the land of dreams without fear, and I will sneak into your fantasies, take your hand and share this nightly journey with you.

Let the night warm you with its moonlight,
Well, the stars will inspire you to believe and love,
So that with a ray of sunshine, with a joyful dawn
Make all your desires and dreams come true immediately.

Let the night tell you where to find luck,
How to catch the bird of happiness and not let go
Let him awaken optimism and talent to boot,
To live tomorrow with joy.

May you dream of my tenderness and love,
Let him get rid of problems, from the melancholy of shackles,
Well, let tomorrow be a new day with a dream,
Sleep, my dear man, sweet dreams to you!

Alena Svetlaya, 2016

Collection of Good Night Wishes for your Lover and Beloved, Send Beautiful Good Night Wishes.

A wonderful dream crept into the house,
And he comes to you furtively,
Wish you pleasant dreams,
And good night sweet!

Let it be in your bed
Warm, soft and cozy,
Nothing wakes you up until the morning,
Your sensitive sleep is not disturbed.
Sleep well and get enough sleep,
I hug you very tenderly.
And in my dreams, smile at me.
Rest. Good night.

I am dreaming of you,
In reality and in a sweet dream!
I wish you a tender night,
I'm just melting from you!

My darling, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and peaceful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

The night has come, my eyes have closed,
Dreams have rushed and run,
Let them deliver it to you
Many joyful moments!

I want to wish you
Good, sweet, sweet dreams.
Quiet kiss on the cheek -
This is better than any words.
May you dream of a month
Gently gilded with happiness...
From the smiles of the curtain...
Sweet dreams! Good night!

My beloved, beloved person! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. May I come to you in your dreams in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your wishes and dreams, I will always be your beloved, friend and faithful assistant! Let the singing of birds remind you of our love, and let the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

Let the stars kiss you
The moon is shining tenderly.
Sleep, kitten, it's late!
The night is full of miracles!

My gentle angel sleeps on the wing,
My gentle angel shines in the darkness.
Sleep, my baby, you see the night outside the window,
Sleep, you are enveloped in spiritual warmth,
Sleep, may you dream
Milky Way, joyful world...
Just don't forget me.
Sleep, my baby, the bed will be heaven,
I will guard your sleep until the morning.
Good night, my beloved kitten.

Good night sweet dreams,
And may the moon not go out.
Let the breeze be warm
You will dream of joy and happiness.
Let the bed be cozy
And a soft pillow.
Good night sweet dreams,
I'll whisper in your ear.

May everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow,
Let there be more warm words,
Well, for now, close your eyes...
And rest - sweet dreams!

I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

Like the world we spin around for good reason,
And again, everyone in their own orbit.
Sleep well, my star...
Your faithful, loving guardian...

I wish you sweet dreams
And I kiss you tenderly on the nose,
I hug you tightly
And I miss you very, very much!
Sleep sweetly, my happiness!
May you have good dreams,
Where will you and I be together?
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute.

Good night, my dear!
May you sleep sweetly!
After all, sleep is a place where sometimes
You can hide from all misfortunes!

Night has come. The time has come
We have to say goodbye until the morning.
I wish you a good night
Calm, very, very kind,
Let in the bright light of the night moon
Have rainbow dreams!
The stars guard your peace
And they protect you from adversity!

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

The night covered everything with a light blanket,
It’s time for you, dear, to sleep...
You shone like the sun all day long,
You are entitled to rest until the morning!
Wake up with the first ray of dawn
And you will smile sweetly at me...
I have a lot to give for this!
Sleep, my sun! I'll come in my dreams!

There are many kilometers between us,
But my soul is next to you.
I really want at these moments
Just touch you with my cheek.
Only the distance presses,
It's like my heart is in a vice.
I can probably fix everything,
I just wish you sweet dreams.

Good night, my beloved. I wish that you have a good and wonderful dream, that you get a good night’s sleep and wake up in a great mood and with inspiration in your soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

I wish you good night
May sweet dreams come to you.
I also close my eyes,
I'll go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you want!

Good night my cat,
Don't forget that I'm with you
And day and night and always,
Wherever you were, or I was!