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Behavior of the bitch before giving birth. The final stage of pregnancy and childbirth in dogs. Animal care, feeding

Childbirth in dogs is a complex and responsible process. Owners need to know how signs of labor appear in a dog, and how the process itself goes. This will allow you to help your pet or, if your pet is whelping under the supervision of a veterinarian, assist the doctor.

Features of childbirth in dogs

It is believed that dogs can give birth on their own, without human help. Animals have genetic memory and intuitively know what to do. However, it is worth considering that pets have partially “lost” their innate skills as a result of domestication. They are people-oriented and need support.

Also, problems during childbirth can arise due to the physiological characteristics of the animal’s body, illness and inexperience of the bitch.

Therefore, owners of a pregnant dog should learn about the peculiarities of pregnancy and labor.

On average, pregnancy in bitches lasts 59–63 days. The weeks before birth may vary slightly depending on the size of the animal and the number of embryos. So, if there are a lot of puppies, they will appear a couple of days earlier. Taking into account the breed, congenital characteristics and the number of livestock in the litter, the norm is considered to be a gestation period of 56 to 72 days.

It is impossible to predict how many puppies there will be in a litter. This parameter does not depend on the breed. Most of all, it is influenced by the mating time: you need to guess the period when the number of eggs will be maximum. Hormonal levels, health, and quality of care of both the bitch and the dog also play a role. A dog can give birth to from 1 to 15 babies. But there are also record holders.

Behavioral and physiological signs of beginning labor

There are three periods during childbirth in dogs:

  1. Preparatory: the birth canal opens, the bitch’s body prepares for the birth of puppies.
  2. Prenatal: contractions begin.
  3. Direct birth: the appearance of puppies and the release of placenta.

Conventionally, the first signs of labor in dogs can be divided into physiological and behavioral. The latter manifest themselves as follows:

  1. The bitch becomes restless, cannot find a place for herself, hides, digs, chews the bedding and floors.
  2. The dog can become very affectionate, not leave its owner’s side, and look expectantly into the eyes.
  3. Almost all pets lose their appetite. But sometimes they may start eating more than usual.
  4. The pet constantly asks to go outside, but immediately returns back.

The change in behavior is due to the fact that the first contractions of the uterus have begun and intra-abdominal pressure increases. This is not noticeable visually, but the bitch is already experiencing pain and discomfort.

The physiological signs of labor in dogs are as follows:

  1. The stomach sags. This happens about a week before giving birth. If you look at the bitch from above, it seems that she has lost weight.
  2. The puppies, which were previously pushing in the stomach, become quiet.
  3. 8–24 hours before birth, the dog’s body temperature drops to 37–37.5°C, whereas normally it is 38–39°C. Some individuals also have lower rates.
  4. A viscous white or grayish liquid begins to be released from the genitals. This is a “plug” coming out.
  5. Breathing and heart rate increase.
  6. The nipples become swollen, making the hair around them appear thinner.
  7. Hair falls out on the belly.
  8. Just before birth, your water begins to break. Outwardly, it appears as if the dog has urinated.

The above signs indicate that the birth of puppies will begin in 2-24 hours. If this does not happen, you need to contact your veterinarian so that he can determine the cause of the deviation and, if necessary, induce labor.

With the onset of contractions, signs of labor in a dog become visually noticeable. Abdominal contraction is visible during pushing. If you put your hand on the animal's belly, you will feel the uterus tense and relax after each contraction.

The dog lies on its right side. If the place of birth was limited to a box or playpen, the bitch will begin to rest her paws on the front wall, and her croup on the back wall. During contractions, she may moan loudly or even scream.

How to prepare for your pet's upcoming birth?

You need to prepare for the arrival of puppies 1-2 weeks before the expected date of birth. Forethought is necessary as the process may start a couple of days early.

A special place is prepared for the bitch and future puppies. This could be a large box, a playpen, or a specially designated area. Some owners prefer to have their dog give birth on the couch or bed. This method is suitable for large breeds. The surface is pre-covered with film and old sheets.

The place of birth should be fenced off so that the bitch can easily come in and out, and the newborns cannot get out. After birth, the puppies, together with their mother, are transferred to another place protected from drafts. Safe heating is also provided. The air temperature in the first two weeks should be 28°C, then it is gradually reduced to 20°C.

The apartment is also being prepared. Childbirth is a very “dirty” process. Therefore, they remove all the carpets, take old sheets and diapers that they don’t mind throwing away. It is also better to wear clothes that are already worn.

On the eve of childbirth, the dog may gnaw on everything it can get its teeth on. Therefore, all valuables are hidden.

Owners must take care of sterility. The room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. If possible, an infrared lamp is installed above the birth site. The dog's belly, nipples and genitals are washed, and the hair is shaved. If the bitch is long-haired, you can collect the overhanging strands with elastic bands. The owner's hands should also be clean and with nails cut short.

Necessary materials for childbirth

There are a few things you need to purchase before giving birth. "Obstetric" kit for dogs includes:

  • oilcloth;
  • sheet;
  • heating pad;
  • a small box where newborns will be placed;
  • a basin or bucket for dirty rags;
  • thermometer: room and veterinary;
  • sterile tweezers, scissors, pipettes;
  • syringes;
  • cotton wool, gauze or bandage;
  • napkins and diapers;
  • disinfected silk threads: they are useful for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • scissors;
  • scales;
  • multi-colored wool threads for marking puppies;
  • block and pen - for recording data about birth and puppies: body temperature, intensity and duration of contractions, weight, time of appearance and color of babies.

You also need to stock up on medications:

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • glucose in ampoules;
  • syntomycin ointment;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • calcium gluconate;
  • "No-Spy";
  • diphenhydramine;
  • oxytocin;
  • vitamin B12 in ampoules;
  • analgin.

To strengthen the mother's strength, she can be given small pieces of chocolate in between contractions.

Activities during childbirth

Just before giving birth, your dog's water breaks. The water bubble bursts, and the fluid flowing from it washes the birth canal. It either bursts on its own or is chewed by the bitch. You cannot break the bubble on your own.

Afterwards the pet rests for some time. Attempts during childbirth become intense, the time of contractions is reduced. The first puppy after the water breaks should appear within a maximum of 3 hours. If this does not happen, you need to call a veterinarian, since this sign indicates a complicated labor and there is a risk of death of the mother or puppies.

Puppies are born either head first or tail first. Both positions are considered normal. Newborns are born in the amniotic sac. Sometimes it ruptures on its own as it passes through the birth canal. But most often the bitch takes it off. If she does not do this, the shell must be broken immediately.

A healthy puppy should squeak immediately. If he is silent, breathes through his mouth, wheezing is heard, or appears not in the amniotic sac, but covered in blood or green exudate, you need to clean his nose and mouth. In some cases, it is necessary to suck out fluid from the lungs.

Next you need to cut the umbilical cord. The dog usually does this himself. But if not, you need to squeeze the umbilical cord with one hand at a distance of 3 - 4 cm from the puppy’s belly and express the blood towards the baby. With the second hand, the umbilical cord is intercepted a little higher, fixed, and with the first hand it is carefully pulled towards the newborn. It should come off easily on its own. If this does not happen, it is cut with scissors and tied with silk threads soaked in alcohol.

After the birth of each puppy and dog, the placenta comes out. It is necessary to carefully monitor that all traces come out. Residues can cause metritis - inflammation of the uterus. You also need to change the bedding as soon as the newborn is born and the placenta is expelled.

After the baby is born, the mother carefully licks it and roughly pushes it with her nose. There is no need to intervene: these actions stimulate breathing, blood supply and the release of the first feces.

When should you call a veterinarian?

Careful preparation for the birth of a dog is not a guarantee that everything will go well. Complications may arise during the process as a result of unforeseen circumstances or existing health problems.

The veterinarian is called when:

  1. 2 hours after the start of labor, the first puppy did not appear.
  2. Scarlet blood flows from the genitals.
  3. After the puppy was born, the placenta did not pass.
  4. If the interval between the births of babies exceeds 1 hour.
  5. The bitch has dysplasia and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  6. The dog had previously undergone a caesarean section.

The help of a veterinarian will not be superfluous when the litter is expected to contain more than 6 animals, the owner has never given birth before, or the dog is a small breed.

Postpartum period

For the first few hours, the dog is allowed to rest and care is taken that it does not accidentally crush the puppies. For a couple of weeks, the bitch has been secreting mucus with blood, which gradually becomes discolored. If there is too much discharge, it is green, or there is an unpleasant odor, you should call a veterinarian.

After giving birth, the pet is given warm tea, adding a little sugar and glucose. Diarrhea may occur. In this case, the bitch is given activated carbon. For three days, feeding is limited to fermented milk products and semi-liquid porridges with milk. Meat dishes are gradually introduced: broth, boiled lean meat. It is impossible to feed raw chicken or beef, as they can lead to excess milk and inflammation of the mammary glands.

During the first couple of weeks, the dog is reluctant to leave the puppies, so the walking time is reduced to 15–20 minutes. But the pet must walk, as this stimulates milk production. After going outside, the paws, belly and nipples are thoroughly washed so that the puppies do not become infected.

How to understand that a dog is giving birth? How do you understand that your pet needs your help and, most importantly, how to help? Let's figure out what signs you can rely on when expecting childbirth and what may indicate danger.

Even if you are worried, overcome by emotions or fears, remember one thing - the dog knows for sure that she will give birth soon. No one other than your pet will give you clearer “data” about the upcoming birth. You don't have to do much, just be aware and notice any changes in your dog's behavior.

Some actions will be required on your part:

A week (and sometimes earlier) before giving birth, the dog will begin "to build a nest". Absolutely all females whose pregnancy is proceeding normally do this. The fact is that a few days before giving birth, it will be difficult for the expectant mother to move and she will no longer be able to make a comfortable nest.

Domestic dogs are descendants of wolves, and they give birth in burrows or deep depressions in the ground. A safe nest should have a roof, not let in direct sunlight, and maintain temperature well. At home, the ideal nest would be a spacious box with a light “ceiling”, for example, made of cardboard. The base of the lounger can also be made of cardboard, but in this case the box must be placed against the wall. During birth, the dog will rest its hind legs against the wall of the box and may tear it.

The nest must be placed in the farthest room. In anticipation of childbirth and after it, the temperature and humidity in the room must be strictly monitored. Make sure the nest is not in a draft or near a radiator. While the dog is preparing for birth, do not interfere with its desire to take toys or other things to the nest.

Everyone calm down - this is a drill!

Many inexperienced owners, who are going through their pet’s first pregnancy together, “fall for” the alarm drill. The dog begins to behave very restlessly, usually this happens at night. The owner intuitively understands that the pet will soon give birth, begins to frantically run around the house, look for the veterinarian’s phone number, pull off a bunch of towels, prepare warm water, and so on. At this moment, amid panic, the owner does not notice that the dog has calmed down and is watching with great interest the “throwing” of its guardian.

Read also: How long do pregnant dogs stay? Deadlines and changes by week

In most cases, the situation develops, or rather, gets worse, if the owner does not face the facts. Realizing that the dog was about to give birth, but there are no puppies, the owner grabs the pet and rushes to the veterinary clinic or calls a veterinarian to the house. If the doctor is called to the house (which is a more reasonable alternative), the pet will most likely fall asleep before he arrives. If you finally arrive at the clinic, but there is no birth, then for the first time you will hear about such a phenomenon as preparatory or false contractions.

Real signs of labor

Even if you understand in detail all the signs indicating the onset of labor and possible complications of its process, you should not be overconfident. Keep your veterinarian's contact information handy at all times. It is advisable to arrange a home visit with your doctor in advance so that you do not have to take the woman in labor to the clinic.

It is also worth preparing for the fact that during the birth process the dog will become very tired and the puppies will need your help. A few weeks before the birth, collect a kit that will remain untouchable until the puppies are born. The kit must include:

  • Sharp scissors (previously disinfected and placed in a bag).
  • Several clean, medium-sized cloth towels.
  • Hot water bottle.
  • Second nest (for puppies).
  • Paper towels.
  • Moisture-wicking diapers.
  • Bitch milk substitute.
  • For a woman in labor: calcium supplements that support heart function and hemostatic medications (prescriptions should be discussed with a veterinarian).

Keep the maternity kit on hand if the expectant mother’s body temperature drops to 38.5–37 degrees. A decrease in base body temperature is the first and most obvious sign that the dog will give birth today (within 24 hours). From the moment the body temperature drops until contractions, it is advisable to measure the temperature every 2-3 hours.

Important! Some dogs have a slightly lower body temperature that is natural (normal). To clearly track the date of birth, control measurements of body temperature should begin 2 weeks before the expected end of the gestation period.

Regular body temperature measurements will not only help predict the date of birth, but also provide the expectant mother with maximum comfort in the last week of gestation. You may notice that your pet will become calmer and more apathetic. In the last week before giving birth, there is no need to insist on long walks, and it is better to move the walking area to a deserted place away from crowds of dogs and people.

Important! If pregnancy occurs in winter, make sure that the dog does not lie on the ground during a walk and is not in a draft.

A few days before giving birth, your pet may have a strong desire to build a nest in another place or move an already built nest. Do everything to make the dog feel calm and comfortable. If your pet stubbornly crawls under the bed, move the bed. You will be able to move the nest with the puppies a few days after birth. But until the dog starts giving birth, you will have to put up with all the inconveniences.

Read also: How to prevent a dog from going into heat?

Stages of labor – what to expect and how to act

The birth of a dog is conventionally divided into three stages. At the first stage, everything happens relatively unnoticed.. The cervix begins to dilate and the uterus contracts. You may notice that the dog's loop has become significantly enlarged and discharge has begun to appear from it.

Note! At the first stage of labor, dogs may behave inappropriately, become very anxious, howl, look for a secluded place, or, conversely, show complete apathy.

During the second stage of labor, puppies begin to move through the birth canal. Normally, a dog expels all puppies within 3-12 hours, but labor lasting up to 24 hours is also considered normal. The first sign that the process of expelling the puppies has begun is an increase in the base body temperature to normal. Within a few hours the first puppy will be born. Carefully monitor the dog's condition; 10–15 minutes before the first puppy appears, amniotic fluid will literally pour out of the loop.

Note! The small volume of amniotic fluid that comes out of the dog’s uterus before the birth of the first puppy should not scare you. Each puppy is in an individual bubble, which is filled with liquid.

After the first puppy arrives, it will normally take a while before the second one arrives. about 20 minutes. During the break, the dog lies on its side and breathes heavily. Your task is to calm your pet as much as possible so that she can rest. The “gap” between the birth of puppies can reach an hour, but should not last more than 2 hours. Contact your veterinarian if you suspect your dog is in labor. You should also consult a doctor if more than an hour has passed after the expulsion of amniotic fluid, and the first puppy has not appeared.

During the preparatory period, the body prepares for birth, the dog's birth canal opens. The first sign is considered to be a change in the bitch's behavior. She gets worried, digs at the floor with her paws, and begins to rush and hide. The expectant mother may ask to go outside, but only after going out does she return home. Some dogs may refuse to eat, while others, on the contrary, will not leave the bowl. It is important during this period to calm and caress her, to support her.

Restless dog behavior is associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure. The first contractions of the uterus are almost imperceptible, and the bitch begins to feel pain, which is not yet very strong.

There are also physiological signs of impending labor. In about five days, the dog's stomach drops and pits appear on the sides. If during this period you look at the bitch from above, from the side of the tail, it will appear.

A day before giving birth, the body temperature of the expectant mother drops to 37 degrees, while the normal body temperature of a dog is 38-39 degrees. They also freeze in the womb, although before this they actively move and push.

A few hours before giving birth, the bitch begins to have a thick whitish discharge and the loop softens. She also develops chills and trembling, and her breathing quickens. This indicates that the process has started and labor will begin within 24 hours. If after a day everything remains the same and contractions do not start, you need to take the dog to the veterinarian.

The second stage of labor is contractions. They become more intense, and pushing is added to them.

Some dogs can give birth standing up, but they typically whelp while lying on their right side. If a bitch gives birth in a special box, then with each push she rests against one wall, and presses her croup and back against the other.

At this stage, it is easy to monitor the contractions of the uterus. You need to place your palm on the dog’s stomach, and you will feel how the uterus hardens during a contraction and how it relaxes after. In the intervals between attempts, the bitch breathes heavily, relaxes, and during particularly strong contractions, some women in labor may even scream.

Preparing for the birth of a dog

The nest for the dog and its future puppies should be covered with clean sheets. You also need to prepare safe heating: a heating pad or an infrared lamp. Keep in mind that both hypothermia and overheating are equally dangerous for puppies. During birth, you will need another heated box - the puppies will lie here until the last of them appears. The room where the birth will take place must be quartzed, wet cleaned and vacuumed.

On the eve of giving birth, you need to trim the dog's fur on the belly, around the anus and loop. Long hair should be collected in buns.

Also, at the place where the birth will take place, you need to have a supply of diapers and basic necessities - oilcloth, basin, thermometer, cotton wool, syringes, scales. Medicines you will need are alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, analgin, calcium gluconate, diphenhydramine and vitamin B12.

The owner should be not only a friend, but also an obstetrician when needed. But in order to at least somehow help the dog, you need to roughly guess when she will go into labor. This is not so difficult to do, because the animal’s behavior changes somewhat.


Particular attention should be paid to the dog approximately 60 days after it. On average, she feeds her offspring for 62-66 days. If the birth is not the first, then the dog may whelp a little earlier, which is not considered a deviation from the norm. In this case, begin to control the animal’s behavior from day 57. Don’t forget that your pet really needs you at this time; don’t leave her alone for a long time.

Measure the dog's temperature in the rectum, and when it starts to drop by 1-2 degrees, get ready - labor will begin soon. This usually happens 24-32 hours before a significant event. On average, the rectal temperature during the animal stays at around 38-39 degrees and only decreases slightly just before the birth.

If a dog is about to become a mother for the first time, the responsible owner is worried that everything will go well. Yes, you can’t do without anxiety, although the owners know that in most cases healthy bitches can cope with an important mission themselves. Dogs usually give birth without the help of veterinarians or owners. Still, you need to know about the signs that your pet is about to give birth.

Features of bearing offspring

A responsible owner of a female dog should know that the gestation period lasts on average 63 days. But this is an approximate period, and for many bitches it may change upward or downward. Previously, those bitches who are planning to have many cubs (up to 8) and representatives of small breeds of dogs produce offspring. Their labor begins on days 58-60 and is considered physiological. If the dog is pregnant for the first time, then she is definitely not in danger of multiple births, and she can bear offspring for 72 days. By the way, it is precisely with a small litter, that is, the bitch is carrying 1 or 2 puppies, that post-maturity may occur.

In general, veterinarians divide female pregnancy into the following stages:

  1. Early. This is a period of up to 3 weeks when almost nothing changes in the life of the expectant mother. Pregnancy is difficult to suspect. The dog is active, playful, and sociable. Some bitches may still experience early toxicosis and increased sleep duration.
  2. The average lasts from 3 weeks to 6. At this time, the expectant mother changes dramatically. She no longer plays, sleeps a lot and gets really lazy. The pet is cautious in everything, becomes rounder, and gains weight. Up to 6 weeks, the most active growth and development of the future offspring occurs. The mobility of the fetus can be felt by placing your hand on the belly of the expectant mother. They kick and move if the pregnancy goes well.
  3. Late. The final stage lasts until birth, and the pet becomes anxious and very slow. She refuses long walks. Already on days 60-62, signs of imminent delivery may be observed.

What will tell you that a bitch is about to give birth?

So, the owner knows when his pet became pregnant and keeps count. And when there is a week left before the due date, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of your ward.

The separation of the mucus plug in the mother is indicated by the discharge of white mucus from the genital tract after sleep or during urination. But it is not yet a signal of the onset of labor. This is only a harbinger, from the moment of its appearance until contractions can take 4-5 days. Usually during this period the dog begins to look for a “maternity hospital” for itself, that is, preparing a place where it will give birth to offspring. The fact that there are 24-48 hours left before the onset of contractions is indicated by the flow of colostrum when lightly pressing on the dog’s nipples and significant baldness of its tummy. The areas around the nipples become completely bald.

Accurate signs of approaching contractions are the bitch's anxiety. Her body temperature drops by about one and a half degrees. In representatives of large breeds of dogs it usually drops to 37C°, in small breeds - to 36.5C°. The anxiety and nervousness of the mother without five minutes is expressed in the fact that she begins to lick the genitals, digs on the floor, squeals pitifully, rubs against the owner, as if asking for help, looking into his eyes. These symptoms indicate that there are just under 24 hours left before the onset of contractions. The pupils of pregnant bitches will dilate before full labor, because hormones enter the blood.

If the expectant mother hunches over, squats and urinates frequently, this means that contractions are about to begin within half an hour or an hour. When the dog no longer walks or is nervous, but simply lies on its side and pushes, you can observe the contractions of its peritoneum. The birth has begun, and in just a couple of minutes the owner will hear the squeak of newborn dogs.

If your pet is giving birth not for the first time, then teach that she, like all bitches without exception, has a good genetic memory of behavior during childbirth. And if the first ones passed without complications, on their own, at the time of the second birth the pet is healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. They will pass faster and easier. But when the dog is problematic in terms of breeding offspring, and the breeder warned you about this, then it is better to play it safe and enlist the support of a veterinarian in advance.

Childbirth in dogs is a serious process that requires special preparation, as well as assistance from the owner. Before you give birth to a dog, you need to become familiar with the birth process itself and fulfill the requirements for a painless birth.

The most important sign that labor is approaching is the animal's temperature. If in the normal state it is 38.5ºC, then before childbirth it drops to 36.5ºC, and maybe slightly lower. The temperature indicates that labor will occur in approximately 24 hours. Pregnancy in dogs lasts from 56 to 72 days. Over a period of several weeks, practically no changes are observed, but starting from the 22nd week, puppies can be felt. On the 50th day, the puppies begin to move, but before the onset of labor, no movements are observed. 7 days before the birth, it is necessary to prepare a place for the birth. The article answers the question of how an animal gives birth, and also learn about caring for it after birth.

Description of the birth process in a dog

The average duration of the process ranges from 3-24 hours. Before giving birth, dogs change their behavior: they are nervous, whining, scratching the fabric, digging the ground. 5 days before the birth is allowed, the animal’s back sags and the uterus descends. A couple of hours before contractions, the vagina will swell and mucus will appear. The birth procedure begins with little visible uterine contractions and contractions.

The birth canal gradually begins to expand. The interval between the first contractions can reach a couple of hours. The animal has a mucus plug coming out of the vagina. Contractions gain strength, and the intervals between them decrease significantly. The contractions will be joined by pushing.

The dog strives to find a comfortable position for childbirth. The walls of the uterus become smaller and over time push the baby towards the exit. Each puppy appears in a shell. Carefully tear this film and dry the puppy with a clean napkin. Next, pull the umbilical cord and help the animal remove the placenta. At a distance of 1 or 2 cm from the puppy, squeeze the umbilical cord and cut it with treated scissors.

The dog is obliged to clean its own puppy on its own, but sometimes, due to its inexperience, it does not know what to do. As a result of cleansing, the puppy's blood circulation is stimulated and breathing is normalized. Place the puppies in a separate box with a heating pad underneath. Watch for all puppies and placenta to come out.

Obstetric support includes the following assistance:

    • the newborn puppy should breathe immediately after birth;
    • the puppy must try colostrum so as not to become weak;
    • The animal must be walked every 3 hours for relief;
    • There are signs in which you cannot limit yourself to your own efforts.

Contact your veterinarian if you experience:

  • strong contractions for 2 hours, and then a sudden end of labor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • labored breathing;
  • the occurrence of convulsions.

If pathologies occur, do not use devices or medications. This hasty action can result in the death of the dog and the entire litter. Do not neglect the following recommendations:

  • try not to fuss or yell, since the human condition is transmitted to the animal;
  • help the animal, wipe the newborn puppy;
  • most dogs whelp without problems, pay a lot of attention to the animal;
  • After birth, examine the babies to see if there are any pathologies.

After giving birth, for some time, preferably about a couple of weeks, try to avoid showing your offspring to your friends. Before labor begins, you should purchase oilcloth, diapers, napkins, cotton wool, threads, and also have contact information for a veterinarian.

How to give birth to a dog and what is required for this

The owner needs to cut his nails and sanitize his hands. A day before the birth, it is advisable to prepare the animal (wash the belly, genitals, trim the hair).

Also purchase medications:

  • ethanol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green.

If a veterinarian attends the birth, he uses the drugs oxytocin and traumatin. Let us analyze these pharmaceutical substances in more detail.

Oxytocin contains hormones and is used during labor, when labor is difficult, or after it. This drug increases the tone of the uterus.

Oxytocin injection should only be administered by a veterinarian. It is forbidden to use the medicine without the advice of a doctor, since it is necessary to clearly understand how much of the substance is needed. Using a pharmaceutical product without the permission of a veterinarian may cause uterine rupture. The hormone is used after an ultrasound, because when the puppy is lying incorrectly, the drug cannot be administered.

The medicine has found its use in resolving childbirth. First, the medicine relieves pain. Secondly, it stimulates tissue restoration, and the animal recovers faster. Thirdly, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. The veterinarian sets the dose based on the animal’s body weight. When the female is of a large or medium breed, the single dose is up to 4 ml.

The medication has no contraindications. However, it is forbidden to use the medicine if you are intolerant to some of the components of the medicine. There are 3 stages in pregnancy:

  1. First stage. It lasts up to 3 weeks. The animal's lifestyle remains almost unchanged. During this time, certain dogs experience toxicosis. In some cases, dogs sleep for long periods of time.
  2. Middle stage. It lasts up to 6 weeks. This stage is characterized by the manifestation of laziness and indifference. The dog puts on a lot of weight. This is a time of intense growth in the womb of babies who are already moving in the stomach.
  3. The final stage lasts from 6 weeks until the birth process. The animal is inactive, restless and does not even want to walk for a long time. By 62 days, signs of impending labor are visible.

How to understand that a dog’s birth has ended is when a puppy appears within 10 minutes after the previous one. There are cases when the interval between the appearance of puppies is approximately an hour. Labor lasts from 3 to 12 hours.

When more than two hours have passed since the last puppy came out, the birth process is completed. The discharge in the first day after labor has resolved may be brownish-green and red in color, then the discharge will be light in color with mucus. After a week, the discharge will become transparent, and after 21 days it will completely disappear. Sometimes the discharge lasts about 30 days.

Choosing a place for whelping

It is important to pay attention to the main points by which you will find out the answer to how to understand that a dog is giving birth:

Calculate how much time has passed since the day of mating. In most cases, the period for labor to begin to resolve is approximately 58 to 65 days. Designate or write down the time in advance and try to organize your own work moments in such a way that you have the opportunity to be near your pet.

Set up an area for the expectant mother and her puppies. In most cases, as time approaches, the animal becomes restless and carefully explores dark areas of the house, cabinets, boxes and other possible hidden areas. If the owner sees such changes in the pet’s behavior, this most likely means that it is necessary to organize a nest for childbirth.

The most positive option for a woman in labor is a box made of thick plywood or wood with three sides. Place the container in a quiet place where there are no drafts and the bottom can be covered with paper and cloth.
Carefully monitor the health of the animal. The initial signs of labor are a decrease in temperature. In addition, the dog is restless, it goes to the place intended for birth, and begins to rummage around the area.

Concentrate on the appearance of mucus from the vagina, which indicates the release of water, the animal is breathing heavily, howling, there is a drooping stomach, as well as an aversion to food. Particular attention should be paid to animals that give birth for the first time, since the animal sometimes does not realize what is happening to it.

Don't worry, ask strangers to leave the room and keep an eye on your pet. Contractions last a couple of hours, but, as a rule, there is no need to help the animal. It is necessary to ensure that the inexperienced female does not crush the puppies. When you notice that labor is progressing, it is not normal to immediately contact your veterinarian.

How to understand that a dog is giving birth can be done by observing the dog’s behavior or using the doctor’s recommendations.

Inexperienced dog breeders should know that all animals have good genetic memory associated with childbirth, so often assistance during childbirth is not needed. You need to seek support from a veterinarian in advance in the following cases:

  • When you are squeamish, afraid of blood, don’t understand the process, or have never given birth to an animal;
  • When a dog has abnormal development of tissues, organs and body parts;
  • When a female has heart problems;
  • If you expect rich offspring, for example, from six children, use the ultrasound method;
  • If the animal belongs to a small breed or birth occurs for the first time;
  • If the female gave birth by caesarean section in a previous pregnancy.

Practical activity shows that a novice dog breeder is able to understand how to give birth to dogs and provide assistance if he is morally committed to the process itself.

Postpartum care

Naturally, the animal is exhausted after giving birth, and the body needs rest and calm. Postpartum care is of great importance. It is not recommended to walk the animal for a long time. During the period of several weeks, the female has a very pronounced maternal instinct, so she cannot leave the puppies for a long time. After adaptation, 20 days after birth, the dog calms down. After childbirth, pupils are observed to have a purplish discharge and this is absolutely natural.

Nutrition after childbirth

What to feed the animal after birth? This problem is considered very important. After labor is completed, the dog does not need food. The pet eats afterbirth, rich in nutrients. Doctors believe that consuming such substances can lead to stomach upset. However, this phenomenon is natural for the first 3 days.

Then the diarrhea disappears on its own. The first two days the animal eats poorly. Certain owners are very concerned about this. They start feeding the animals various treats that are not recommended. Adding new treats to the menu can trigger diarrhea. The only thing the animal needs is purified water. After 8 hours of the postpartum period, the dog can be fed. Let your pet eat light, non-solid food.

It is recommended to introduce food into the diet gradually, but up to 6 times a day. Overeating can also cause digestive problems. The veterinarian will recommend how much food the pupil needs and what to feed him. When your pet is diagnosed with diarrhea, dairy products must be eliminated from the menu. Strengthen the chair, perhaps adding bones to the menu.

However, it is not recommended to give bones to animals after birth, or even if they have diarrhea, so doctors recommend adding bone meal to the menu. When diarrhea does not stop after childbirth, you need to call your veterinarian and do the necessary research. The disorder may not occur as a result of eating the placenta, but due to other major complications. At home, to stop the diarrhea, you can feed your pet rice porridge.

Females are fed with inexpensive food during the postpartum period, but this is prohibited. It is recommended to feed with products that are made exclusively from natural food without chemicals. When using inexpensive food, vitamin supplements must be added to your pet’s menu.

The owner must remember that there is no need to feed the dog very nutritious food. Such foods often become a factor in excessive milk supply. High possibility of suppuration of the mammary glands.

Positive aspects of breeding dogs

The instinct of motherhood in an animal is the most powerful manifestation. A dog in heat strives for fertilization by any means. Satisfaction of this instinct will give the animal an undeniable benefit. A dog that gives birth lives longer. The emotional area of ​​the animal will certainly acquire positive impulses. Dogs constantly feel proud of their own offspring.

After giving birth, the female gains new strength. The dog is full of beauty and energy and quickly gets used to being a mother. The owners of the animal also gain a huge advantage, since dog owners treat their babies with great trepidation and continue to care for them, including after they are given away.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, since not all owners are able to withstand the birth process. Owners are afraid for the dog’s health, and also list the possible costs of caring for the pet. Most owners do not pay attention to such shortcomings, because a dog in the house is always a joy. Read the positive points again and all worries will dissipate on their own.

Remember, if there are no necessary conditions, then you should not buy a dog. She needs to be fed at the same time every day. Irregular feeding has a bad effect on the animal's digestion. The same applies to mating a female, if you are not ready for the process and especially for the resolution of childbirth, think before you make a purchase. When you are unsure of your personal abilities or may be lost if complications arise, go to the nearest veterinary hospital and arrange with the doctor about the birth.

Giving birth to a dog is not exactly a difficult process, but quite exhausting for the owner and his dog. Childbirth sometimes takes a very long time and unforeseen circumstances may arise. The birth of puppies is a joyful event, in which you cannot do without worrying about your own dog and its offspring.

But there is no need to panic under any circumstances. You must be attentive and collected in order to provide assistance to your pupil at any moment or promptly arrange for a veterinarian to come to your home. The process of childbirth has been regulated by instinct for centuries. The dog will do everything on its own. You must provide moral support and help in case of urgent need.