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Propolis canvas. Application of propolis canvases Propolis canvas

All beekeeping products are of high value for humans and are used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Even a piece of canvas, which beekeepers place in the hive to prevent drafts, is later used for medicinal purposes. Bees soak the fabric with propolis for disinfection, enriching it with useful substances. Such a piece of fabric is called propolis canvas, or polozhk. It is great for external use, disinfects, warms and relieves inflammation.

Thanks to its amazing composition, polozhk is very useful for humans: it contains propolis, bee venom, pollen particles, as well as vitamins and microelements that improve the functioning of many body systems.

The healing properties of propolis have long been known in folk medicine:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - it reduces itching, inflammation, peeling and hyperemia in various diseases.
  • Improves tissue regeneration in case of injuries and wounds.
  • Helps with joint diseases, reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and improves sleep.
  • Improves the body's performance, tones.
  • Accelerates recovery from colds and ARVI.
  • Inhaling propolis fumes improves immunity, kills viruses and infections.
  • Effectively fights fungi.

During contact with the skin, propolis heats up and begins to release beneficial substances, due to which blood flow improves at the site of exposure, surrounding tissues warm up, and recovery processes begin to proceed faster.

Indications for use

The use of propolis canvas will be useful for a wide variety of diseases; the range of its applications is very wide. Complex treatment can be especially effective when it is used together with other drugs prescribed by the attending physician.

  • Joint diseases. Propolis will be an excellent addition in the treatment of radiculitis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis. It relieves inflammation and improves joint mobility.
  • Intervertebral hernia. This is an unpleasant condition that is accompanied by back pain and limitations in mobility. The tape reduces pain and helps restore mobility. Excellent results in the treatment of hernia can be achieved by using folk remedies together with drug treatment.
  • Bruises, dislocations, sprains. The use of canvas relieves pain and speeds up recovery after injury. Thanks to the warming properties of propolis and bee venom, swelling goes away faster and hematomas resolve.
  • Skin diseases. Psoriasis or neurodermatitis are skin diseases in which the skin can constantly itch and peel. The use of propolis canvas reduces inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms such as peeling, itching and hyperemia. The canvas also works effectively for acne - propolis quickly dries out inflammation and pimples disappear or become completely invisible.
  • Non-healing wounds, burns and ulcers. Propolis powder accelerates the healing of wounds and trophic ulcers, bee venom accelerates regeneration, and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances prevent the spread of infection.
  • Insomnia. The smell of propolis soothes, makes sleep sound and healthy.
  • Respiratory tract diseases. Helps with bronchitis, colds, excellent for prevention. Even with chronic sinusitis, noticeable relief occurs.
  • Foot fungus. Propolis is known for its antifungal effect, so its regular use will get rid of this unpleasant problem.

How to use propolis canvas

The properties of propolis canvases are very extensive and, depending on the disease, they can be used in different ways.

Diseases of the joints and spine

In this case, it is necessary to apply the pad to the sore spot for several hours. During the day, the procedure can be repeated several times until the pain subsides. The powder will work faster if you first heat it a little over hot steam or under a stream of warm air.

If you need to make a small applique, pieces of the required size are cut from the canvas, which are also heated and applied to the sore spot. During use, you may experience a feeling of warmth and even a slight burning sensation - this is normal; you should not stop the procedure unless the burning becomes too strong.

Colds and respiratory diseases

You can use the spoon to do inhalations; to do this, you need to place it over a water bath so that the side with propolis is on top. Under the influence of high temperatures, healing substances will begin to evaporate from the canvas, which should be carefully inhaled for 5-10 minutes. This treatment reduces cough, thins mucus, and alleviates the symptoms of a runny nose.

For bronchitis and severe cough, it is recommended to apply the pillow to the chest and back for a short time; 10 minutes on each side will be enough. If a person has a high temperature, then it is better to postpone the procedure; any warming up can worsen the situation.

Wounds, ulcers, other skin lesions

For speedy regeneration, the pads are applied through sterile gauze to the affected area. The gauze needs to be changed every few hours to prevent infections from developing. This method can also be used for minor burns, including sunburns.


Polozhk can also save you from this trouble, since thanks to its unique composition it perfectly calms and relaxes. If you put it next to you on the pillow, it will help you fall asleep faster, and your sleep will be sound and healthy.

Aromatization and air disinfection

The bedding in the room will smell pleasant, while also disinfecting the room thanks to its antibacterial effect. This is an excellent prevention of colds. If you hang it in a bathhouse, it will also have an antifungal effect. In order for the canvas to begin to emit a pleasant smell, it must be near a heat source.

How to choose canvas

The most important thing when choosing a canvas is its color. The darker it is, the more active substances the bees left on the fabric, which means it will heal better. Light-colored canvases, judging by reviews, are much less effective.

It is worth paying attention to the smell - a good canvas should emit a strong aroma of propolis. When the smell disappears, it means that the beneficial substances have come to an end, it’s time to buy a new one.

The most useful canvases can be bought in the spring, because during the long winter the bees managed to leave a lot of useful substances on the fabric.

How to store it

The period of use can be long. Much depends on how to apply the propolis layer. Even with frequent use, its service life can be more than 3 years; the main thing is to avoid mistakes during use and storage.

  • The canvas should always be dry; washing or getting it wet is strictly prohibited - this will lead to the loss of its healing properties.
  • You can heat the tray over hot steam, without immersing it in water, on a radiator or using a hairdryer.
  • After use, you need to let the fabric lie in the fresh air, then roll it up with a propolis layer inside and put it in a secluded place.
  • Store in a cool and dry place, carefully wrapped in plastic or parchment.
  • When propolis loses its smell, it needs to be replaced with a new one.


The most serious contraindication is an allergy to bee products, so you need to check your reaction in advance. You should not apply the pad to the chest if the person has serious heart problems or has a high temperature. Otherwise, it is a completely safe product that can be used even during pregnancy.

The benefits of beekeeping products are known to everyone, but many have not heard about propolis. So, this is an effective, natural and safe product that works great both on its own and in combination with the treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Pozhok (propolis canvas) - an integral attribute of a bee hive. It is a piece of canvas fabric that is placed under the hive cover to prevent drafts. Over time, the bees themselves impregnate it with propolis, wax, natural enzymes and other products of their vital activity to reliably protect the bee colony from cold, disease, and microbes.

Canvases are easy to use and store, you can take them with you on trips and business trips. "Polozhok" used for quick removal:

    inflammation, inflammation

    skin itching,

    as a warming antiseptic.

According to the analgesic effect propolis It is 5 times stronger than novocaine, and in terms of bactericidal and antiviral action it is more effective than many chemically synthesized antibiotics.

Due to its strong phytoncidal properties propolis canvas can be successfully applied:

    for the treatment of various inflammatory and cold diseases,

    for disinfection and aromatization of air in baths, saunas and residential premises,

    for inhalations, which will provide sanitization of the respiratory tract and serve as a good prevention of viral diseases.

As an anti-inflammatory and local irritant "Polozhok"used in the treatment of:







Propolis canvas is applied to the sore spot. In contact with the skin, the canvas heats up and already at a temperature of 30 degrees its healing components begin to work intensively. The initial irritant is bee venom. It expands blood vessels and capillaries in the area of ​​joint damage, ensuring the fastest and most complete transportation of the healing substances of propolis to the diseased joint or intervertebral disc. Instead of pain, there is a feeling of warmth and comfort. This means improving local microcirculation of blood and lymph, which is a necessary condition for recovery.

After 2-3 days of use, an increase in joint mobility becomes noticeable. This effect is explained by the fact that propolis enhances bone tissue regeneration.

Mode of application:

For sunburn with severe redness

"Polozhok" Lubricate with melted butter and apply to the area of ​​redness.

This procedure eliminates the formation of blisters and peeling of the skin.

For disinfection and aromatization of air

Strengthen "Polozhok" near a heat source.

For inhalations

"Polozhok" place over a water bath with the treated layer facing up. Inhale carefully, avoiding burns to the respiratory tract.

The duration of inhalation should not exceed 10 minutes.

Applications for removing age spots, freckles, warts

Cut the “Polozhok” into pieces of the required size and apply it when heated to problem areas of the skin.

For local medicinal use

Heated over a water bath "Polozhok" applied to the sore spot, wrapped in plastic wrap or compress paper, then with warm cloth or cotton wool.

The application time of the compress is 30-40 minutes.
! "Polozhok" used repeatedly until the specific aroma disappears.

After each use "Polozhok" It is necessary to air dry and fold the layer inside.


Individual intolerance.

Best before date:

unopened package - 3 years,

opened package - until the specific smell disappears.

The shelf is made according to GOST 28886-90

Bee canvas has been widely used in folk medicine due to its amazing healing properties. This type of cover is a small piece of canvas that is placed under the hive cover to prevent drafts. Thanks to the influence of bees, canvas becomes a real storehouse of useful elements.

Using canvas in the fight against various ailments

Beethorn has a large number of healing properties, due to which it is widely used in the field of traditional medicine. With its help, you can relieve pain and relieve inflammation, and the substance also has an effective warming and antiseptic effect. As soon as the material comes into contact with the skin, it immediately begins to heat up and release amazing healing components. Such substances can heal and cure any wound. Bee canvas has found its use in:

  • treatment of scratches and other damage to the dermis;
  • relief from pain in the bones and joints;
  • therapy of neuritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • fight against psoriasis and neurodermatitis;
  • removal of warts, age spots and freckles;
  • implementation of preventive measures for influenza and ARVI.

Bee canvas is quite often used to treat diseases of the joints and spine. For such therapy, it is necessary to apply a blanket to the affected area of ​​the body for about 2-3 hours. It is recommended to perform the procedure systematically throughout the whole day until the discomfort disappears. To enhance the effect, the canvas can be heated in a water bath.

In cases of diseases of the dermis, it is recommended to apply propolis canvas to the affected area, but always through a bandage or gauze. This application needs to be changed every 3 hours. Very often this healing material is used to treat burns. To carry out this procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with butter and then apply a bee canvas.

If a person suffers from insomnia, then to get rid of this phenomenon, it is enough to lay out pieces of propolis next to the pillow. This will allow you to quickly and soundly fall asleep and plunge exclusively into pleasant dreams.

In folk medicine, canvas is often used to treat foot fungus. To do this, you just need to cut out special insoles and socks from propolis material and wear them under your shoes. In addition, such a useful canvas is used to disinfect air in residential areas. A significant advantage of the bee bed is that it has no contraindications for use, there are only isolated cases when it cannot be used - individual intolerance.

Use for the treatment of respiratory diseases

With the help of a bee bed, diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be effectively cured. This therapy can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to place a canvas (in a special mesh) over a boiling kettle, after which you should insert a paper tube into the spout and inhale such vapors. For various rhinitis, it is allowed to absorb fumes through the nose, but very carefully, since hot air can harm the mucous membrane. There is another method of inhalation, which requires the use of boiled potatoes. You should place a piece of canvas cut into strips (medium size) on it and cover it with a thick cloth, after which you should inhale the healing vapors.

Bee canvas is also used for the treatment of bronchitis, as well as viral infections. To carry out this treatment, you need to apply a pad to your back and chest for half an hour. Please note that the first procedure should last at least 10 minutes. With the help of bee pads, sinusitis is effectively treated. To do this, you need to warm up the material a little and apply it to the bridge of your nose (but be sure to place a cloth on the skin before warming it up). It is recommended to carry out this procedure for 10-12 minutes. You can completely recover from the disease in 6 sessions of such treatment.

Sometimes pologok is also used to get rid of painful sensations in the throat. To do this, you need to apply it to your neck (on which a woolen scarf is first placed), then wrap yourself in a cloth and hold this application for 7-9 minutes. As soon as discomfort appears, the compress must be removed. To improve your well-being, it is enough to carry out 2-3 procedures.

Since polozhk has an excellent phytoncidal effect, it is recommended to use it in saunas and baths to get rid of pockets of infection in the air, as well as to sanitize the respiratory tract.

Before using a filler, you must select it correctly. The material that is most “contaminated” is best suited for medicinal purposes. The longer the canvas is in the hive, the more efficiently it can work. The ideal option is a dark-colored material.

In order for the pad to bring the proper therapeutic effect, it should absolutely not be washed or wet. If you do not adhere to these rules, the material will lose its healing properties. Before use, the bee bed may only be heated on a warm radiator or steam bath. It should not be brought near electric heaters. You can use the canvas many times until the layer of propolis disappears on it and it is noticeable that a bee once worked there.

After use, the canvas must be dried and folded with a propolis layer inside. In order for the pod to have amazing healing properties for as long as possible, it is recommended to keep it in a dry and dark place, but be sure to wrap it in parchment paper or cellophane. If such material is stored correctly, it will not lose its medicinal properties for 3-5 years.

Regular use of bee pads will keep your body in good shape. Such material contributes to the normal functioning of all vital processes. The support can improve blood condition, stop severe bleeding and strengthen the vascular system. In addition, such a substance significantly restores the normal metabolic process. If you use the material during epidemics of influenza and ARVI, you can protect yourself from such diseases.

A propolis canvas or mat is a small piece of canvas known to all beekeepers, which is placed under the hive cover to prevent drafts. Naturally, like all objects in the hives, it lends itself to some kind of bee disinfection - polising.

Propolis is a real wealth of microelements and nutrients. A lot has already been written and said about its properties. Therefore, in folk practice this product is used in many known forms. And one of them is propolis canvas. It is used as an excellent remedy for the treatment of many external ailments, it is excellent in relieving pain, skin inflammation or itching. Also used as an antiseptic and warming agent. But first things first.

Collecting bee glue from the surface of canvas requires special equipment in the form of machines or vacuum cleaners, as well as a suitable room. They are usually collected in summer and autumn and left in storage until cold weather sets in. This is important, since in a warm room at high temperatures it is almost impossible to extract bee glue. But during storage, the product loses its most useful volatile substances and, naturally, its pharmacophysical properties and quality decrease. Very often, ordinary gauze is used as a backing, which then serves as the basis for medicinal napkins and tampons. But the deposit can also be a material for obtaining a product.

Propolis extraction procedure

This technique allows you to completely extract propolis from the canvas and simplify human labor. To do this, around August - September, the canvases are taken from the hives and placed in the freezer overnight. Then the frozen propolis and all the impurities present crumble well and are separated from the fabric. You can additionally use a special tool - a chisel.

Another fairly common method for extracting bee glue is steam. To do this, use a regular steam bath, over which a canvas and a container are placed to collect the product. As it heats up, the wax will melt and, together with propolis, will drain from the fabric.


Propolis canvas has found wide use in folk medicine. The fact is that upon contact with the skin, the material begins to heat up and release special healing components. All of them are excellent pain relievers, antimicrobial, and also help in the rapid healing and treatment of the sore spot. In addition to bee glue, the canvas contains poison, which, when released from the fabric, dilates blood vessels and enhances metabolic processes in the skin. As a result, a person feels warmth and a pleasant feeling of comfort. The bed itself is a great help for insomnia, purifies the air and prevents ARVI diseases. It is often hung or placed near the pillow.

Canvas applied:

  • Treatment of wounds, scratches, skin damage
  • For joint and bone pain
  • For neuritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis
  • Treatment of psoriasis and neurodermatitis
  • For trophic ulcer
  • For ARVI, bronchitis
  • For bruises and sprains
  • For the treatment of insomnia
  • For flu prevention
  1. You should choose only fresh and natural propolis canvas. This one is easy to recognize by its color: it should be dark.
  2. The canvas should not be wetted or kept in a damp place. If it is exposed to moisture, its properties are lost.
  3. If you want to heat it, it is better to do this with steam or dry warm air.
  4. The propolis canvas should be stored in a dry and cool place, wrapped in parchment or polyethylene.
  5. Under the right conditions, canvas can be stored for 3 or even 4 years.

Medicinal properties

Beekeepers and healers have long noticed the unique medicinal properties of polozhka. The fact is that the propolis canvas contains a large amount of phytoncides, which it “absorbed” while in the hive. Its properties began to be used to treat many colds and viral diseases. In particular, this is the flu, colds, ARVI. Back in the 70s of the last century, many domestic apitherapists noted the effectiveness of the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract with the use of napkins. However, it was used mainly in the form of inhalations.


Inhalation, as a method of use in medical practice, is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, treatment is carried out in normal home conditions. To do this, place a canvas in a mesh over a boiling kettle, then insert a paper tube into the spout and inhale the steam. For diseases of the nose and a runny nose, steam can also be inhaled through the nose, only carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane with the hot air flow.

Canvas for diseases of the joints and spine

In this case, treatment occurs by applying a pad to the sore spot for 1-3 hours. The procedure should be repeated regularly throughout the day until the pain stops. For a more enhanced effect, the canvas can be heated in a water bath.

Skin ailments

For ulcers, skin inflammation and other problems, the canvas should be applied to the entire affected area of ​​the body through gauze or a bandage. Change every three hours.

For burns

To do this, butter is spread on the affected area of ​​the skin and a propolis canvas is applied on top.

Bronchitis, viral infections, acute respiratory infections

Treatment of these ailments occurs by placing a pillow on the back and chest for 30-40 minutes. However, it is important to remember that the first procedure can be carried out for no more than 10 minutes.

Other Applications

Propolis, as you know, is widely used in everyday life due to its amazing properties. For example, as a strong aromatic agent, canvas is used in bedrooms, as a means for air disinfection. For aromatization and preventive effect, it is hung in offices and at home. Used in baths and saunas. In addition, as a natural remedy, it is used as an antifungal agent, for example in cabinets. It has a strong mycostatic effect. So, let's summarize.

The canvas is used for:

  • air disinfection and aromatization
  • inhalations, in baths and saunas
  • air purification in offices and homes
  • medicinal applications
  • treatment of many ailments


Beekeeping. Old canvas - removing propolis and wax

How to collect propolis

A cover is a piece of canvas fabric that beekeepers place under the lid of a beehive for insulation and protection from drafts. Over time, the bees impregnate this fabric with wax, and pollen, propolis and other bee waste products settle on it. This fabric is called propolis canvas, which is widely used in folk medicine.

How does canvas with propolis work?

The beehive is used as an external agent. Its medicinal properties help to quickly cope with skin itching, inflammation and pain. Has antiseptic and warming properties. Simply apply the canvas to the sore spot and it will begin to act.

When heated by the body, the propolis canvas activates the release of healing components that will relieve pain and speed up the treatment and recovery of the body. Under the influence of bee venom, which is one of the first to penetrate the body, blood vessels and capillaries dilate. This increases the effectiveness of other healing components of propolis canvas. The pain will quickly be replaced by relief and a feeling of warmth.

Beekeepers have long noticed the truly miraculous qualities of bees, which is why it is used as an excellent folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds and joint diseases.

Propolis canvas is used in the treatment of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • sprains;
  • neuritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • bruises;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • sinusitis;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchitis and colds;
  • for the prevention of influenza.

And this is not surprising, because the canvas is impregnated not only with propolis, which is recognized as having an excellent anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, but also with pollen, as well as various enzymes from the glands of bees. Overall, this is a unique product.

Methods of using propolis canvas

To aromatize and disinfect the air, canvases should be hung in residential areas, or placed on warm radiators. A positive effect can also be achieved by hanging canvases in a sauna or bathhouse.

In addition to the pleasant aroma, propolis vapors have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract. This method is excellent for preventing colds during epidemics; in addition, headaches stop and the overall tone of the body increases.

If you put the canvas under your pillow at night, your sleep will normalize and insomnia will go away.

Inhalations with propolis canvas

Used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Place a colander on the pan and pour in enough water to reach the colander and bring to a boil. Then you need to remove it from the heat and put the canvas in a colander, propolis side up. The steam should be inhaled carefully so as not to burn your throat. You can make a paper funnel and inhale steam through it. Inhalation time is no more than 10 minutes.

Treatment of joints and spine with propolis

A pad is applied to the affected joint for up to 3 hours. You can preheat it over a steam bath. Apply every day until the pain disappears.

Skin diseases, non-healing wounds and ulcers

The canvas is applied through gauze to the inflamed area for up to 3 hours.
Treatment of sunburn
Reddened areas of the skin should be lubricated with melted butter and a propolis cloth should be applied. This method prevents blistering and peeling of the skin.

Bronchitis, viral infections

Small pieces of preheated canvas are applied to the back and chest for 30 - 40 minutes. Important! The first such procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

  1. You should choose a propolis layer according to the principle “the dirtier the better.” This is true. The longer it was in the hive, the darker it was and the more useful substances it contained.
  2. It is strictly not recommended to wet, much less wash, the canvas. This will lead to a complete loss of healing properties. Heat only in a steam bath or on a warm radiator.
  3. It is recommended to use the tray repeatedly until the layer of propolis and the specific smell disappear on it.
  4. After each use, the propolis layer must be dried and folded strictly with the propolis layer inside.
  5. The folded canvas should be stored in a dark, dry, cool room, wrapped in cellophane or parchment paper.
  6. When properly stored, the service life of propolis canvas is 2 – 3 years.

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17 comments to the article “How to be treated with propolis”

    I've never heard of this. I wonder if it can be purchased somewhere? Probably, we need to look for those who keep the apiary. It would not hurt for me to treat osteochondrosis. The other day, my sister-in-law was taken to the hospital by ambulance with this disease. I never thought that it could twist to such an extent. It needs to be treated before it gets too advanced.