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A drunken, swollen man dances in his sleep. New family dream book. Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Why do drunk people dream? Only one book of interpretations can answer this rather interesting question, and this is a dream book.

Interpretation of a modern dream book

Why do you dream of drunk people with whom the dreamer sits at the same table in a sober state? Usually it means that a person will soon have to find himself in a group of people who are unpleasant to him. And you may need to work with them or participate in some project. However, there is one interesting point here. Even if this happens, you should keep your opinion to yourself and not show negative emotions. Because soon a person will begin to think differently. His opinion may even change to the complete opposite.

If a girl dreamed of her drunken friend, then this is a warning. The dreamer should tell her friend about this, since the interpretation is not pleasant: it promises shame and even humiliation, and public one at that. If a married girl sees herself in a clearly drunken state in a dream, then this is a sign of struggling with her own emotions. She should be calmer and not succumb to some momentary impulses of feelings, which usually lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Why do drunk people (relatives) dream according to Miller’s dream book?

The interpretation of this vision is quite interesting. Such dreams mean that these relatives have some kind of guilt towards the dreamer. Often, after such a vision of loved ones, things get worse. But if a person dreamed of his drunken parents, then before interpreting the vision, it is worth remembering the details, as well as your personal feelings. It is important to take into account not only what you dreamed, but also real life. Or rather, the behavior of the parents in it.

A drunk mother who really likes to take a sip means subconscious concern for the health of her parent. In the event that she leads a healthy person, then this means that a person in reality is weak-willed and trouble-free. He should learn to say “no” and stop following everyone else’s lead.

Seeing a drunken father in a dream means incorrect and erroneous views on what is happening in his life. The dreamer is probably in search of some priorities, reliability and values.

Modern dream book

Why do drunk people dream about this book of interpretations? Interesting question. If a young man who runs a successful business saw his drunken father in a dream, then this is a warning. It wouldn't hurt for him to take a closer look at his business partners. Perhaps they are not so honest after all. To avoid sad consequences and ruin, it is worth taking control of their actions.

If a guy sees his late father alive and drunk, then this is also a warning. This means that he should not rely on the support of strangers. You only need to trust yourself. But when a married girl sees her dad drinking in a dream, this means possible conflicts with her husband. You should not provoke them by criticizing your chosen one; it is better to restrain your emotions.

But when one of the parents dreams of their drunken child, this is simply a subconscious concern for his health and well-being.

Drunk loved ones

Finally, a few words about this. Why do you dream about a drunk loved one? The spectacle is unpleasant. But if a man sees a drunken wife in a dream, this, on the contrary, is a good sign. It promises success in all endeavors. This is what a drunk man dreams about. A familiar dream for many girls is when they see that their betrothed has taken them to his chest. Unfortunately, this indicates that the chosen one has a difficult emotional state or health problems. He needs support and help now more than ever.

In general, there can be a lot of interpretations. But the most important thing here is to listen to them in order to take some action.

A state of intoxication in a dream warns a person about frivolous actions that can cause big trouble in the future. A detailed analysis, as well as the correlation of what was seen in a dream with events occurring in real life and the search for answers in the dream book will help to correctly understand why this image is being dreamed about.

Feeling intoxicated in a dream, according to the esoteric dream book, is fraught with the threat of getting sick or seriously injured in real life due to your carelessness. If you dreamed of a drunk acquaintance, then you should prepare for the troubles that this person can cause. Perhaps the dreaming person will feel unwell or unexpected grief will occur in the person’s family.

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing oneself drunk predicts reckless and provocative behavior for the dreamer in the future. Moreover, the person will not feel remorse about his own frivolity and rudeness. Also, this dream is a sign that the dreamer in real life avoids difficulties and life problems, hides from difficulties and is afraid of responsibility.

In the modern dream book, the meaning of a dream in which a drunk person sits at a table next to the dreamer speaks of the prospect of working shoulder to shoulder with a special person, causing unpleasant emotions and irritation in the sleeper. It is worth keeping your emotions to yourself, because your opinion will soon change to the opposite.

Feeling intoxicated in a dream.

For a young girl, seeing herself drunk in a dream speaks of the prospect of disgracing herself or compromising herself in the eyes of her loved one and the people around her. The dream book advises not to succumb to other people's persuasion and arguments, to listen to your heart and mind.

For married women, this dream predicts a struggle with their own emotions. You should not give in to a momentary impulse and conflict with household members, as this can lead to great discord and trouble in the family.

For a man to be drunk in a dream, the dream book promises problems with his beloved girl. The frivolous behavior of his beloved can cast a shadow on his honor and dignity.

Those who happen to be driving drunk in a dream should be on alert, since such a vision predicts the occurrence of unforeseen situations that could interfere with the execution of their plans. Being in a car driven by a drunk driver predicts that in the future the fulfillment of the sleeping person's goals will depend on the mood and behavior of other people.

Why do you dream about drunk friends and relatives?

Why do you dream about a drunk relative? Most dream books interpret this picture as the presence of guilt of relatives towards the sleeping person, and also predicts a deterioration in the health of the dreaming person.

To understand why drunk parents dream, you should remember the small details of the dream and your own feelings. In addition, not only the dreamed parent himself is of great importance, but also his behavior in real life.

A dream about a drunk mother who abuses alcohol in reality is a sign of subconscious concern about the health of the parent. If in reality, a loved one does not indulge in drinking, then a drunken mother in a dream testifies to the weak-willedness and dependability of the sleeping person, who is afraid to say “no” and follows the lead of other people.

Seeing a drunken father in a dream, according to the dream book, denotes the dreamer’s erroneous or incorrect views on the current situation or on life itself. Such a dream reflects the search for eternal values, reliability, priorities, which is often associated with the image of a parent.

If a man who owns a large business dreams of a drunken father, then it is worth thinking about the honesty of his partners. Perhaps, by sharing the reins of power with people you know, you should take control of the actions and behavior of these people. Due to the rash act of one of the partners, the prestige of the company and the authority of the sleeping person may suffer.

For a young man, seeing his late father drunk, according to the dream book, is a warning that he should not rely on the help of others. When difficult situations arise, you should rely only on your own strength.

For a married woman, a drunk dad in a dream warns about possible conflicts with her spouse, which should be prevented. Criticism and barbs addressed to a lover can cause unpredictable results and become one of the reasons for the chosen one’s betrayal.

If an unmarried young lady dreamed of her dead father being drunk, it means, as the dream book states, the parent is not satisfied with the behavior or choice of the dreamer’s lover. In most cases, girls receive such a picture on the eve of their wedding or engagement.

The image of a grandmother in a dream symbolizes comfort and warmth in the house, and mutual understanding between family and friends. Accordingly, a drunken grandmother, according to the dream book, has the opposite meaning.

For parents, seeing their son or daughter drunk in a dream indicates subconscious anxiety for the future of their own children, an expression of concern for their health and well-being.

Despite the unpleasant sight, the meaning of what a drunken wife dreams about has a positive meaning. This image promises unexpected success and good luck in business and any endeavors. A drunk girl, according to the dream book, speaks of the dreamer’s vain efforts to reveal someone’s secret or to find out someone else’s secret. You need to take care of the safety of your own secrets and not talk too much when talking with others.

Seeing a drunken husband in a dream does not bode well in the dream book. Such a picture may indicate an impending illness of the beloved or his difficult emotional state, which the chosen one cannot cope with on his own.

In addition, seeing a drunken husband in a dream is a sign of impending troubles and the difficult financial condition of the family. Quarrels, conflicts and clarification of relations with relatives are possible, litigation and proceedings are not excluded.

A drunk deceased husband, according to the dream book, speaks of the unsatisfactory behavior of his wife. And it can serve as an indicator that the dreamer abandoned her family and started organizing her personal life.

In some cases, a drunken deceased husband appears in a dream to warn of danger. This may apply to both the business (work) sphere and the young lady’s personal life. Often, such an image hints at the complication of the relationship between the sleeping person and the current chosen one.

Seeing your ex-husband drunk indicates that in real life the ex-husband is having a very hard time and needs support. Your participation will help this person stay afloat and will not allow him to completely ruin his life.

Why do you dream about a drunk guy? A drunk loved one is interpreted by the dream book as a possible complication of the relationship between lovers. In some cases, the image of a drunken beloved man speaks of insincerity or betrayal of a partner.

According to some dream books, a drunk ex-boyfriend dreams of those girls who perceive relationships with the opposite sex quite easily, in the form of another frivolous adventure. It’s worth settling down and thinking about the meaning of your own life and its values.

The need to support a loved one in a difficult matter is what it means to see a brother or sister drunk in a dream. The relative clearly needs the dreamer's participation.

Seeing a drunk girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream means a quarrel or an unpleasant conflict situation with this person.

Why do you dream about a drunk person?

Young girls will be interested to know why a drunk man dreams. Such a picture speaks of the young lady’s frivolous mood, as a result of which she is capable of frivolous actions, which she will bitterly regret in the future.

An unfamiliar tipsy man in a dream is a sign of the emergence of an unforeseen situation that will be difficult to take control of and bring the work started to its logical conclusion. The dream book advises to show your willpower and patience to avoid losing.

The need to reconsider your own ways of achieving the desired results, since in reality the efforts made will be in vain - this is what a drunk woman dreams of. To ensure that the final result pleases you, you should enlist the support of trusted people.

For people who are busy building a career, seeing a drunken boss in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an unfavorable period for meetings and communication with the boss. Perhaps the leader, busy with his own problems, despite the dreamer’s former merits, will take out his evil on the sleeping person.

If a person dreams of drunk people, then, according to the dream book, in the near future the dreamer will have to take part in an entertainment event. During the holiday, you need to drink alcohol in moderation and watch your own words and actions.

Getting slapped in the face by a drunken dead man in a dream is a good sign. The dream book predicts a successful completion of the current business, a successful financial investment and financial well-being. Drinking alcoholic beverages with a deceased person warns the dreamer about future problems that will rain down on him as if from a cornucopia.

Why do you dream of a drunk child? According to the dream book, this dream indicates the onset of problems that the sleeping person was most afraid of.

The article on the topic: “dream book of seeing yourself drunk in a dream” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

If in a dream you saw a person intoxicated, be sure to look in the dream book. A drunk in a dream can tell you many details about your present and future.

Drunk people in night dreams sometimes characterize the dreamer as a frivolous person who cares little about the consequences of his actions. But more often than not, such dreams predict quite interesting events.

Why you dream about being drunk can only be understood when you manage to remember all the details of your dream. Consider the gender of the drunk person, his actions, and characteristics. Or maybe you happened to see yourself drunk in a dream?

Alcohol is harmful to health

First, let's look at why drunk men dream. This usually happens before fun events. Perhaps soon you will attend a holiday, a party, or just meet with friends.

If drunk men behave cheekily and impudently, then you will have an argument with your interlocutor. Patience and calm will help you win it. Try to restrain your emotions, do not give in to provocations.

A calm, adequate drunk in a dream, according to the dream book, portends a pleasant pastime in good company. You will have a lot of positive impressions and unforgettable memories.

A drunk person singing is a sign that you are talking too much. Try to be less frank in front of people you don’t know: this can harm not only you, but also those who are dear to you.

A drunk stranger in a dream foretells an extraordinary situation for the dreamer. You may find yourself in conditions that were previously unfamiliar to you. The dream book recommends not to get lost, but to gain new, useful life experience.

And if you see a friend in a state of alcoholic intoxication, then be prepared for the fact that he will soon surprise you. It is possible that this person will commit an act that will make you change your opinion about the dream.

Now let’s figure out why a drunk woman dreams in a dream. Often such a young lady foreshadows gossip and squabbles. Also, such night dreams can promise a meeting with a friend of youth or an acquaintance with a flighty representative of the fair sex.

If in a dream a drunk lady turns to you with a request, then in reality someone will need your help. Psychologists recommend not to refuse the person asking, as soon you will have a counter-offer.

According to the dream book, seeing an unfamiliar drunk woman in a dream means being an object of envy. Perhaps someone from whom you could not expect this is jealous of your success. Most likely, this is one of your colleagues.

A dream of a friend in a state of alcoholic intoxication foreshadows troubles and fuss. It is possible that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to someone else’s fault. Don't worry, you will be able to quickly resolve the problem.

According to the dream book, fighting with a woman “under the wing” means wasting time and doing meaningless work. And if you dream of a drunk man beating a drunk girl, then troubles will pass you by.

See yourself intoxicated

Having a dream where you were drunk often speaks of your frivolous attitude towards life. The dream book recommends not relying on fate, but making important decisions on your own.

Why dream of being very drunk in a dream? Such a dream is often evidence of the dreamer’s unstable psychological state. It is possible that you have been too stressed or depressed lately.

Mild intoxication is a harbinger of unbridled fun. Most likely, an event is coming up in your life that will leave only pleasant memories. This dream is especially favorable for young girls and boys.

Meeting with relatives or friends is what you dream about being drunk while visiting them. The dream interpreter can make you happy. You will have a great time, having plenty of conversations with your loved ones.

Being drunk and feeling unwell, according to the dream book, means moving in the wrong direction. Carefully analyze your actions. Perhaps it's time for you to think about making new plans for the future.

  • Screaming loudly while intoxicated means needing communication.
  • Driving a car is taking risks.
  • Getting drunk at a party means having fun.
  • To hit someone is to act rashly.
  • Drinking alcohol makes the situation worse.

As the dream book writes, seeing yourself slightly drunk while in a public place means being proud of your achievements. Most likely, you have done something and want others to know about it.

But seeing yourself drunk in a dream where you were alone means trying to analyze your inner world. The dream book recommends engaging in healthy introspection rather than self-criticism.

What else can you dream about? For example, seeing a drunk friend in a dream when you are also drunk, according to the dream book, portends getting into an exciting adventure with him. And traveling together is what dreams of a drunk friend driving a car in which you are a passenger.

If in a dream you persuade a drunk person to go to bed or calm down, then in real life you are assigned the role of a peacemaker. Perhaps someone you know will ask you to act as a mediator between quarreling people.

Our dreams contain important information about the present and the future. Therefore, if you dreamed of a drunk, be sure to try to interpret your night dreams with the help of a dream book.

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Dream Interpretation: why be drunk in a dream?

Dreams involving alcoholic beverages, according to the interpretations of various dream books, rarely foreshadow positive events in real life. What does it mean to be drunk in a dream yourself, to see other people intoxicated? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Alcoholic drinks in a dream

An alcoholic drink seen in a dream (except wine, cognac or beer) is a symbol of turns in fate that can cause confusion in the sleeping person.

Drinking vodka, mash or moonshine in a dream means that in reality the dreamer does not notice obvious things and prefers to abstract himself from disturbing and frightening circumstances.

Choosing alcohol in a dream means that a person who is in the kingdom of Morpheus is in reality looking for a way to hide from negative thoughts and complex problems.

Wine in a dream is a symbol of something new that will soon appear in reality and will contribute to the successful development of various areas of life.

Red wine often signifies changes in the area of ​​personal relationships, white wine – in the area of ​​personal growth.

If a representative of the fair sex drinks cognac in a dream, this can be interpreted to mean that in reality she will meet a worthy man. For a representative of the stronger sex, a dream in which cognac appears may warn that in real life he should be responsible for his actions and be a more psychologically mature person.

Drinking beer in a dream symbolizes pleasant communication and meeting with friends.

Seeing yourself drunk in a dream

Being drunk in a dream yourself symbolizes unpredictable actions, fleeting desires, and a frivolous attitude towards the dreamer’s life. In reality, he is not responsible for his actions and does not strive for this.

If the sleeper was drunk at his own wedding, in reality he may face a crisis in family relationships. If in a dream he was present at a holiday where everyone around him was drunk, then this portends great luck in real life.

Being drunk at work in a dream means difficulties in business.

Severe intoxication in a dream is considered a symbol of lies and betrayal. If a sleeping person feels drunk without drinking alcohol, this may be a harbinger of illness.

Drunk relatives in a dream

Seeing a drunk relative in a dream often means that this person feels guilty towards the dreamer. The dream also warns that a drunk in a dream may get sick or find himself in a difficult situation.

A drunk mother in a dream signals problems with her health. A drunk father in a dream warns that the sleeping person has an incorrect understanding of values ​​and priorities in his life.

A grandmother who is intoxicated in a dream can be a symbol for the dreamer of a loss of comfort in life.

Moms and dads who see their children under the influence of alcohol in a dream will have to worry about their health and well-being in reality.

A dream in which a husband sees his wife drunk has a favorable meaning. He promises him quick success in all his endeavors. If a wife saw a drunken husband in a dream, this means that in reality she will worry about him, help and support her loved one.

Drunk strangers in a dream

For a girl who has not yet met her betrothed, seeing a drunk person (man) in a dream can signal that in reality she is behaving rather frivolously. For other dreamers, a drunk male representative seen in a dream is a symbol of unforeseen situations that can get out of control. To overcome them without losses, you will need to be patient and put in a lot of effort.

A drunk female representative appearing in a dream indicates that the methods of achieving certain goals need to be adjusted. In reality, the sleeper can turn to trustworthy friends for help.

Many drunk people in a dream represent an entertaining event in the life of a sleeping person. While attending it, he should limit his consumption of alcoholic beverages and watch his speech.

Drunk children seen in a dream predict unwanted problems, which a person is very afraid of in reality.

Drunk acquaintances in a dream

A drunk acquaintance in a dream, if in reality he is the sleeping person’s friend or girlfriend, portends a quarrel with him.

A drunk loved one in a dream also foreshadows a quarrel. If in reality he does not drink alcohol, this dream may indicate that the dreamer is not satisfied with certain character traits of this man.

Seeing a drunk man you know in a dream is interpreted by dream books as the likelihood of sleeping people committing acts that they will subsequently be ashamed of.

An ex-boyfriend in a drunken state is usually interpreted as a girl’s frivolous attitude towards building personal relationships.

Why dream of being drunk in a dream?

If a female representative dreams that she is drunk, then in reality it would not hurt her to be extremely careful. This will help you avoid mistakes in business and personal relationships.

This dream can also be a harbinger of gossip from ill-wishers who may try to damage a woman’s reputation. It can be a symbol of incontinence, rash actions on the part of the female representative herself, who saw herself drunk in a dream.

If she dreamed of another woman under the influence of alcohol, then she should avoid drinking alcohol. Abuse of them in real life can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

When interpreting various dreams, the day of the week on which this or that dream occurred is of great importance.

Being drunk in a dream at night:

  • From Sunday to Monday - spontaneous decisions can give positive results.
  • From Monday to Tuesday - the dreamer's selfishness can ruin all his plans.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - mutual feelings will be tested for strength.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - excessive impatience can become an obstacle to your goal.
  • From Thursday to Friday - harmony, success.
  • From Friday to Saturday, the dreamer will follow the beaten path, relying on the experience gained.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - unpleasant gossip.

Interpretation by zodiac signs

The zodiac sign is also able to lift the veil over the mystery of a dream.

Being drunk in a dream promises:

  • Aries - society and the world around them have a great influence on them.
  • Taurus – shielding oneself.
  • For Gemini - having an unpleasant secret.
  • Cancer – refusal of ill-considered actions.
  • For Leos, making difficult decisions; traveling long distances is best postponed for a while.
  • Virgos need emotional release; tears can bring comfort.
  • Good news for Libra.
  • For Scorpios, trusting people will help them take a significant step forward.
  • Sagittarius – balancing on the brink.
  • Capricorns – bold, decisive actions.
  • Aquarius - mutual feelings.
  • Pisces – suppression of anger.

Drinking alcoholic beverages in a dream often indicates that in real life the dreamer may suffer from his frivolity. A detailed analysis of sleep and reference to various dream books can help solve it and prevent consequences.

Drunk according to the dream book

A state of intoxication in a dream warns a person about frivolous actions that can cause big trouble in the future. A detailed analysis, as well as the correlation of what was seen in a dream with events occurring in real life and the search for answers in the dream book will help to correctly understand why this image is being dreamed about.

Feeling intoxicated in a dream, according to the esoteric dream book, is fraught with the threat of getting sick or seriously injured in real life due to your carelessness. If you dreamed of a drunk acquaintance, then you should prepare for the troubles that this person can cause. Perhaps the dreaming person will feel unwell or unexpected grief will occur in the person’s family.

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing oneself drunk predicts reckless and provocative behavior for the dreamer in the future. Moreover, the person will not feel remorse about his own frivolity and rudeness. Also, this dream is a sign that the dreamer in real life avoids difficulties and life problems, hides from difficulties and is afraid of responsibility.

In the modern dream book, the meaning of a dream in which a drunk person sits at a table next to the dreamer speaks of the prospect of working shoulder to shoulder with a special person, causing unpleasant emotions and irritation in the sleeper. It is worth keeping your emotions to yourself, because your opinion will soon change to the opposite.

Feeling intoxicated in a dream.

For a young girl, seeing herself drunk in a dream speaks of the prospect of disgracing herself or compromising herself in the eyes of her loved one and the people around her. The dream book advises not to succumb to other people's persuasion and arguments, to listen to your heart and mind.

For married women, this dream predicts a struggle with their own emotions. You should not give in to a momentary impulse and conflict with household members, as this can lead to great discord and trouble in the family.

For a man to be drunk in a dream, the dream book promises problems with his beloved girl. The frivolous behavior of his beloved can cast a shadow on his honor and dignity.

Those who happen to be driving drunk in a dream should be on alert, since such a vision predicts the occurrence of unforeseen situations that could interfere with the execution of their plans. Being in a car driven by a drunk driver predicts that in the future the fulfillment of the sleeping person's goals will depend on the mood and behavior of other people.

Why do you dream about drunk friends and relatives?

Why do you dream about a drunk relative? Most dream books interpret this picture as the presence of guilt of relatives towards the sleeping person, and also predicts a deterioration in the health of the dreaming person.

To understand why drunk parents dream, you should remember the small details of the dream and your own feelings. In addition, not only the dreamed parent himself is of great importance, but also his behavior in real life.

A dream about a drunk mother who abuses alcohol in reality is a sign of subconscious concern about the health of the parent. If in reality, a loved one does not indulge in drinking, then a drunken mother in a dream testifies to the weak-willedness and dependability of the sleeping person, who is afraid to say “no” and follows the lead of other people.

Seeing a drunken father in a dream, according to the dream book, denotes the dreamer’s erroneous or incorrect views on the current situation or on life itself. Such a dream reflects the search for eternal values, reliability, priorities, which is often associated with the image of a parent.

If a man who owns a large business dreams of a drunken father, then it is worth thinking about the honesty of his partners. Perhaps, by sharing the reins of power with people you know, you should take control of the actions and behavior of these people. Due to the rash act of one of the partners, the prestige of the company and the authority of the sleeping person may suffer.

For a young man, seeing his late father drunk, according to the dream book, is a warning that he should not rely on the help of others. When difficult situations arise, you should rely only on your own strength.

For a married woman, a drunk dad in a dream warns about possible conflicts with her spouse, which should be prevented. Criticism and barbs addressed to a lover can cause unpredictable results and become one of the reasons for the chosen one’s betrayal.

If an unmarried young lady dreamed of her dead father being drunk, it means, as the dream book states, the parent is not satisfied with the behavior or choice of the dreamer’s lover. In most cases, girls receive such a picture on the eve of their wedding or engagement.

The image of a grandmother in a dream symbolizes comfort and warmth in the house, and mutual understanding between family and friends. Accordingly, a drunken grandmother, according to the dream book, has the opposite meaning.

For parents, seeing their son or daughter drunk in a dream indicates subconscious anxiety for the future of their own children, an expression of concern for their health and well-being.

Despite the unpleasant sight, the meaning of what a drunken wife dreams about has a positive meaning. This image promises unexpected success and good luck in business and any endeavors. A drunk girl, according to the dream book, speaks of the dreamer’s vain efforts to reveal someone’s secret or to find out someone else’s secret. You need to take care of the safety of your own secrets and not talk too much when talking with others.

Seeing a drunken husband in a dream does not bode well in the dream book. Such a picture may indicate an impending illness of the beloved or his difficult emotional state, which the chosen one cannot cope with on his own.

In addition, seeing a drunken husband in a dream is a sign of impending troubles and the difficult financial condition of the family. Quarrels, conflicts and clarification of relations with relatives are possible, litigation and proceedings are not excluded.

A drunk deceased husband, according to the dream book, speaks of the unsatisfactory behavior of his wife. And it can serve as an indicator that the dreamer abandoned her family and started organizing her personal life.

In some cases, a drunken deceased husband appears in a dream to warn of danger. This may apply to both the business (work) sphere and the young lady’s personal life. Often, such an image hints at the complication of the relationship between the sleeping person and the current chosen one.

Seeing your ex-husband drunk indicates that in real life the ex-husband is having a very hard time and needs support. Your participation will help this person stay afloat and will not allow him to completely ruin his life.

Why do you dream about a drunk guy? A drunk loved one is interpreted by the dream book as a possible complication of the relationship between lovers. In some cases, the image of a drunken beloved man speaks of insincerity or betrayal of a partner.

According to some dream books, a drunk ex-boyfriend dreams of those girls who perceive relationships with the opposite sex quite easily, in the form of another frivolous adventure. It’s worth settling down and thinking about the meaning of your own life and its values.

The need to support a loved one in a difficult matter is what it means to see a brother or sister drunk in a dream. The relative clearly needs the dreamer's participation.

Seeing a drunk girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream means a quarrel or an unpleasant conflict situation with this person.

Why do you dream about a drunk person?

Young girls will be interested to know why a drunk man dreams. Such a picture speaks of the young lady’s frivolous mood, as a result of which she is capable of frivolous actions, which she will bitterly regret in the future.

An unfamiliar tipsy man in a dream is a sign of the emergence of an unforeseen situation that will be difficult to take control of and bring the work started to its logical conclusion. The dream book advises to show your willpower and patience to avoid losing.

The need to reconsider your own ways of achieving the desired results, since in reality the efforts made will be in vain - this is what a drunk woman dreams of. To ensure that the final result pleases you, you should enlist the support of trusted people.

For people who are busy building a career, seeing a drunken boss in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an unfavorable period for meetings and communication with the boss. Perhaps the leader, busy with his own problems, despite the dreamer’s former merits, will take out his evil on the sleeping person.

If a person dreams of drunk people, then, according to the dream book, in the near future the dreamer will have to take part in an entertainment event. During the holiday, you need to drink alcohol in moderation and watch your own words and actions.

Getting slapped in the face by a drunken dead man in a dream is a good sign. The dream book predicts a successful completion of the current business, a successful financial investment and financial well-being. Drinking alcoholic beverages with a deceased person warns the dreamer about future problems that will rain down on him as if from a cornucopia.

Why do you dream of a drunk child? According to the dream book, this dream indicates the onset of problems that the sleeping person was most afraid of.

Falling under a car

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Why do you dream of a drunk child?

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I dreamed of a drunken deceased mother, we fought and quarreled. Then I hugged her drunk and said how sorry I was for her! What does it mean?

I dreamed of a drunken deceased mother, we fought and sweared!

I dreamed that I was sitting drunk under the entrance of my ex-boyfriend by his car, waiting for him there, leaving and then coming back again, but the car was gone and I left upset.

I had a dream as if I saw my father drunk (my father is alive), why is this?

Why did you dream about a drunk and dirty loved one?

I dreamed of a drunk ex-girlfriend with her father, who was also drunk. They stole change from me.

Hello! I dreamed of a drunk father, but he didn’t behave badly, he was just drunk! In life, he rarely drinks and in small quantities, please tell me what such a dream could mean!?

Dreams have multiple meanings, but they can accurately reflect the impending future. Visions where a drunk person was present very often predict future mistakes and frivolous actions. Why do you dream about a drunk person?

Drunkards always bring unpleasant emotions. But is this really so? What should you pay attention to in order to correctly interpret your dream?

Interpretation of sleep

Contact your favorite interpreter and find out what to expect from the coming future. Interpretations of vision according to the most popular dream books.

Modern dream book

Seeing others drunk unfortunately. If you saw such a dream, regardless of who was drunk and where, then you should pay attention to your health and reconsider your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The dream predicts a meeting with unpleasant people; they will enter your life quickly, creating many problems. Frivolity, wastefulness and shame await you.

Aesop's Dream Book

Did you see a drunk? Expect a number of problems, they need to be resolved quickly. Drunkard under the fence means an unexpected meeting.

If in a dream an acquaintance or loved one was drunk, then the dream suggests that you are helpless. Shifting problems onto others is not the best option. On you attacked by a drunk Human? Things will hit snags and your mood will be depressed.

English dream book

If woman dreams of a man drunk, then she should choose her husband more carefully. With his stubbornness and unbridled passions, he will cause a lot of grief.

Newest dream book

Drunk relative warns you that you may soon commit an offense due to alcoholism or excessive drinking.

Russian dream book

Seen drunk a person foretells layoffs at work, perhaps you will be on the list of laid off workers.

Russian folk dream book

Dream where are you saw a drunk, symbolizes an unpleasant, weak-willed and weak person. You will encounter difficulties, it is important to solve them immediately.

Dream book of the soothsayer Mary

If in in the dream the drunk man was aggressive and dirty, then fate predicts an unpleasant meeting with a deceitful and dangerous person. If you helped a drunk man, then you should wait for scammers and deceivers.

Drunk in a woman's dream, in addition, her beloved, speaks of quarrels and misunderstandings between lovers. Stranger offering obscenities, promises a meeting that you will not like.

Dreams often warn about something or suggest the right thing to do. Perhaps this is why people have been interested in visions for centuries. This article defines the nuances of why drunk people dream. The visions may include the person himself, his acquaintances, types of drinks and other important factors that significantly influence the interpretation.

General description of dreams with drunk people

For a more complete interpretation of dreams, a detailed analysis is required. Everything can be important: who is intoxicated, what drinks are consumed, places of drinking, etc. The descriptions of various dream books agree in many ways. For example, a drunk person in a dream is likely to commit a reckless act or get into trouble. This often happens due to inattention or carelessness.

Why do you dream about your own drunkenness?

Your own intoxication in a dream often symbolizes frivolity, committing acts that provoke trouble. However, there may be other meanings, each of which must be linked with other nuances and ultimately achieve a more accurate interpretation of the visions.

According to the esoteric interpretation, feeling your own intoxication in a dream means in reality the threat of illness or serious injury. This could be due to carelessness. For girls, seeing themselves drunk in a dream means imminent shame, or she will find herself in an unfavorable light in front of others and her loved one. To avoid this, the young lady needs to listen to her own heart.

When married women see themselves drunk, the dream warns of a struggle with emotions. A lady should not succumb to momentary rage or quarrel with her family. Otherwise, it will not be possible to make peace with them soon. When a man sees himself drunk in a dream, he will have a quarrel with his beloved because of doubts about her honesty.

When you dream about drunk relatives

Why do you dream about a drunk person? Seeing a relative in a dream means that the dreamer is experiencing a feeling of guilt. However, the same dream also indicates health problems. Seeing your mother intoxicated is a sign of concern about her well-being. When you dream of a drunken father, this indicates erroneous views on life. It is necessary to search for other priorities and values.

If you dream of a drunk father who has already died, this means that the dreamer cannot expect help from the outside, he only needs to rely on himself. A grandmother intoxicated means quarrels between relatives and a tense family atmosphere. Seeing drunk children in a dream means concern for their health and fate. If a married girl dreams of a drunken father, then this indicates serious quarrels with her husband in the near future.

What does it mean if you dream about your acquaintances being drunk?

Why do you dream of someone you know drunk? This indicates imminent trouble. Moreover, most likely, it is this person who will deliver them. However, there is another meaning - if you have a friendly relationship with an acquaintance, then trouble may happen in his family or someone will become seriously ill.

Another interpretation of the dream is when a friend dreams of being drunk - he started having some kind of trouble. When drunk colleagues appear in a vision, this is a warning that you need to be more attentive to your work. If this is not done, then trouble may arise.

Interpretation of dreams with drunk friends

Why do drunk people dream? Friends who are intoxicated tend to quarrel with them. However, there is another interpretation. If you see a drunk friend in a dream, this is a warning not to abuse alcohol, otherwise you may commit an ugly act. The meaning intensifies when a party in a dream ends in a fight and litigation.

If you dream about strangers being drunk

Why do you dream of a drunk person in a dream? If a girl or woman dreams of a stranger, then this indicates her frivolity, which will lead to rash actions. In reality, unexpected situations will arise. Even if it is possible to control them, it will be quite difficult to do so. And bringing the matter to completion will be even more difficult. The vision warns that a lot of patience and the desire to win will be required.

When you dream of a drunken boss, this indicates an unfavorable period of communication with the manager. The dream warns that the boss can easily take out his evil and disappointment on the dreamer. When you see a lot of strangers, this indicates an upcoming big and noisy party, at which you need to carefully monitor your actions and words.

Nuances of dreams depending on alcoholic drinks

Seeing alcoholic drinks in a dream is a bad sign. Drinking any alcohol is a sign of short-term entertainment. Why do drunk people dream? If the sleeper drinks brandy, this indicates a good position in society. However, when you drink a cheap tincture or balm, you need to wait for a blow from fate.

When a sleeper drinks whiskey in a dream, this indicates imminent disappointment. The same meaning will exist even if you just see this drink or just taste it. When a sleeper gets drunk from vodka, it speaks of imminent shame, from cognac - about health problems. Drinking rum in a dream means an imminent party.

If a person dreams that he is drunk on moonshine, this indicates quarrels in the family. However, getting drunk on cider in a dream is a good sign. The sleeper will find quick happiness if he does not waste his time. Drinking different alcoholic drinks in dreams means making new friends.

What does it mean if a loved one dreams of being drunk?

Why do you dream about a drunk loved one? If a woman saw her husband drunk, this indicates his imminent illness or severe depression. Moreover, it will be very difficult for a man to cope with them on his own. At the same time, a drunk husband in a dream means imminent troubles and problems with family material well-being.

If a spouse dreams of his beloved being drunk, this vision is positive. It portends good luck in any endeavor and success. Why do you dream of a drunk dead person? If a woman dreams of her beloved husband dying while drunk, this means his concern for his wife or her bad behavior. Perhaps the lady completely abandoned worries about her family and began to arrange her personal happiness.

In another interpretation, such a dream means a warning of impending danger. It can affect a woman’s work or personal life. Misunderstandings and quarrels with the real chosen one are possible. Many dream books agree on the meaning when a loved one dreams of being drunk. This promises complications in the relationship between lovers.

Other nuances of dreams with drunk people

Why do drunk people dream? A dream in which the sleeper is sitting next to a drunk person indicates that soon you will have to work with him or a new acquaintance. How the process will proceed depends on the attitude towards it in the dream. If a person is annoying, the work will become unpleasant, and vice versa.

It happens that a sleeping person sees that he is driving drunk or is looking at a drunk at the steering wheel. This vision serves as a warning. Soon, in the sleeping person’s real life, troubles and unforeseen situations will begin that will interfere with the fulfillment of his plans. It is worth being extra vigilant and always on the alert.

If a person dreams that he is in a car with a drunk driver, in reality the dreamer’s plans will come true. However, the result will depend on the behavior of others and their mood. When a person dreams that he is drunk from plain water, this vision warns that one should not praise other people's wealth and brag about what the dreamer does not have.