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What could be causing heavy sweating? Reasons why a person sweats a lot and solutions to the problem. Can infection manifest itself in profuse sweat?

The smell of sweat - what could be more unpleasant? In the summer, the problem worsens, and in the fight against sweating, women are ready to do anything: deodorants and antiperspirants are used, the advertising of which promises complete relief from the effects of sweating. But alas, sometimes even cosmeceuticals cannot help - a person is sick with hyperhidrosis..

It's human nature to sweat! At room temperature, we produce about half a liter of sweat per day, and in the heat, especially when combined with physical activity, we sweat tens of times more.


This ability sometimes brings a lot of trouble. At the same time, when we have a cold, we wrap ourselves in a blanket and drink raspberry tea to sweat!

What is hyperhidrosis? When is it a good idea to sweat, and when should sweating be a concern? Let's try to figure it out...

Types of hyperhidrosis

So, Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating.

Normally, sweating increases in hot weather, physical exertion or fever. Excessive sweating can occur reflexively during emotional experiences, pain, ingestion of hot or spicy food, alcohol and a number of chemicals.

It should be taken into account that wearing tight clothes and shoes made of synthetic materials, staying in stuffy rooms with high air humidity, and improper drinking regimen also lead to increased sweating. All this - physiological hyperhidrosis, protective function of the body from overheating.

Pathological hyperhidrosis - This is inadequate sweating, caused by a number of neuroendocrine disorders, occurring regardless of the temperature effect on the body.


In this case, sweating can increase only on certain parts of the body: face, palms, armpits, soles of the feet. This type of hyperhidrosis is called local (local). In addition to local there is generalized hyperhidrosis, in which sweating of the whole body bothers you.

Most often, pathological hyperhidrosis is a symptom of various diseases. That is, increased sweating is only a consequence of the underlying disease. It is cured and the sweating also goes away. This secondary hyperhidrosis.

However, there is also primary hyperhidrosis. This is excessive sweating for no apparent reason.

Well, now it’s clear that wet palms on a date are normal and sometimes even romantic, but wet spots under the armpits in the sun are disgusting, but quite natural.

But what to do if you sweat excessively, contrary to all the laws and rules of physiology? How to find out the reason and where to turn for help?

Causes of the disease

First, let's look at the main conditions in which secondary hyperhidrosis develops. It is these diseases that the diagnostic search of the general practitioner, to whom you will turn for help, will be primarily focused.

1. Endocrine diseases and conditions: increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism), pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, menopause, etc.

2. Pathology of the nervous system and psycho-emotional sphere: vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks, phobic disorders, Parkinson's disease, polyneuropathy, stroke, etc.

3. Infectious diseases: tuberculosis, malaria, brucellosis, helminthiasis, sepsis, AIDS, etc.

4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.

5. Kidney diseases

6. Tumor diseases

7. Genetic diseases

8. As well as alcoholism, the effects of narcotic substances, poisoning with mushrooms, organophosphorus compounds.

As you can see, the list is quite large, but even it does not fully cover all possible causes of excessive sweating.

As a rule, with secondary hyperhidrosis the whole body sweats, there is no dependence on the time of day, a clear connection with the activity of the underlying disease is maintained and, as recovery progresses, sweating decreases.

To find the cause of hyperhidrosis, you will be asked standard examination, including laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. You may have to visit specialists: endocrinologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, gynecologist, oncologist, etc.

In the case when the examination does not find reasons for the development of sweating, they speak of primary hyperhidrosis as an independent disease.

Primary hyperhidrosis is often characterized by local sweating. There are complaints of constant and profuse sweating on the face, palms, feet, and armpits.


Sweat flows down the skin in streams, leads to irritation, promotes infection, and the development of fungal diseases. People experience serious physical and social problems, and their standard of living deteriorates sharply.

Sometimes primary hyperhidrosis is inherited and is family in nature. Most often it is symmetrical and stops at night.

A huge number of techniques have been proposed to evaluate hyperhidrosis. Most of them have no practical significance for diagnosis, but exist only for scientific research, used during preparation for surgery and to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.

These techniques can be reduced to determining body weight loss over certain periods of time and sweat absorption in special chambers. Electrometric methods are used, based on changes in skin resistance during sweating.

They use the ability of various substances to change their color when combined with sweat, which makes it possible to qualitatively determine the location of hyperhidrosis zones. Exist provocative tests with the introduction of various substances that stimulate or inhibit sweating.

So, the diagnosis is clear. How can you get rid of this disease?

Treatment of hyperhidrosis


Alas, despite the fact that modern medicine offers many solutions to the problem, the answer to this question will be prosaic. Hyperhidrosis can be cured, but...

Firstly, Treatment of hyperhidrosis is long-term. There is a need for repeated courses. Secondly, get ready to significant financial expenses.

Thirdly, among doctors There is no consensus on the priority treatment method. The superiority of various methods is constantly disputed. To date, sufficient information has not yet been accumulated on the results of treatment.

And conclusions about the preferability of a particular method have to be made mainly on the basis of literature reviews, private studies and monographs. Apparently, finding the optimal treatment method is a matter of the future.

Thus, a person suffering from hyperhidrosis finds himself in an extremely difficult situation and is forced to take an active part in choosing a treatment method. Let's try to sort out the main medical techniques and recommendations, weigh their effectiveness, safety, cosmetics and cost.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing caffeine and theobromine - substances that stimulate sweating. Such products are: tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cola, etc.

2. Compliance with hygiene rules


It is advisable to take a shower twice a day. You should wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, made from natural or artificial (viscose) fibers, and leather shoes that fit properly. Don't buy synthetic clothes!

3. Daily use of aluminum chlorides

Such as “Drisol”, “Odoban”, “Maxim” instead of regular antiperspirant deodorants. The use of these drugs significantly reduces sweating. But, unfortunately, in some cases skin irritation occurs and treatment has to be stopped. The cost of an antiperspirant is on average about 1000 rubles.

4. Various types of electrophoresis

Including the Drionik device. Sessions are held once a week, the effect is usually very good and occurs after 8-9 sessions. Possible burns, skin irritation, redness and itching. It is necessary to constantly repeat courses of treatment. The cost of an electrophoresis device is about 8,000 rubles.

5. Taking medications

The production of sweat by the body is a physiological necessity, leading to cooling of the body and the removal of various types of toxins and fluids from the body. The secretion is released in case of overheating of the body at high air temperatures, stress, or prolonged nerve tension. In some cases, sweat secretion is released in excess quantities, causing inconvenience, discomfort in the form of odor and constantly wet clothes. Excessive secretion is called hyperhidrosis. The causes of excessive sweating often lie in various diseases of the body, and hyperhidrosis is one of the symptoms of the disease. For a long time, excessive sweat secretion was not considered a disease. However, recently excessive sweating has been classified as a disease of the endocrine system.

In some cases, sweat secretion is released in excess quantities, causing inconvenience, discomfort in the form of odor and constantly wet clothes.

How can you tell if you have hyperhidrosis?

Normally, sweat is secreted through the eccrine and apocrine glands. The liquid they secrete consists of salts, water, organic components and other things. Sweat secretion can appear on the entire body in the form of a film, or appear abundantly on individual parts of the body. The work of the sweat glands is regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

Doctors have found that the normal amount of sweat secreted by a person living in the middle zone should not exceed nine hundred milliliters. However, it is difficult to measure the amount of sweat secreted. Therefore, the diagnosis of hyperhidrosis will be made based on complaints of deterioration in quality of life due to excessive sweating. It is not difficult to determine this pathology if:

  1. You sweat in a state of mental and physical peace, that is, the room temperature is comfortable, you were not nervous, did not work physically;
  2. Sweating occurs not only in the armpits, but also on other parts of the body, in particular, on the soles of the feet, on the palms of the hands, on the scalp, back, and abdomen;
  3. You need to take a shower and clothes several times a day, as they quickly become damp;
  4. You are nervous about excessive sweat secretion;
  5. Excessive sweating has been observed for three years or more;
  6. You cannot go to the gym due to excessive sweating;
  7. You don’t want to contact people, keep your distance from them, you have self-doubt, and you constantly have thoughts about excessive sweating.

Sweat secretion can appear on the entire body in the form of a film, or appear profusely on individual parts of the body.


Hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  • local;
  • generalized.

Local local increase in sweating. For example, if the head sweats, or only the palms, soles of the feet or armpits, or the palms, soles of the feet, head, armpits sweat simultaneously or separately;
Generalized – sweat production by the entire body simultaneously and in large quantities. This happens when the temperature of the whole body is high, for example, during illness.

Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary.

  • Primary – occurs in adolescents, of which 1% are affected;
  • Secondary – due to various diseases of the nervous, endocrine system, heart and blood vessels.

Sweat does not have any odor, but everyone notices an odor when sweating. The unpleasant odor of the secretion comes from toxins, bacterial agents that are eliminated by the body, as well as proteins from the sweat secretion.

By degree:

  1. There is a slight degree of sweating, which may go unnoticed by a person;
  2. The secretion is abundant, the sweat secretion sometimes flows down the face, body, clothes quickly becomes wet and smells unpleasant;
  3. Excessive sweating, constantly damp skin, unpleasant odor, skin diseases appear.

Excessive sweating at night

If at night, at normal room temperature, a person wakes up wet from sweat, which is localized on the back, chest or head, then the reasons for excessive sweating should be found out.

Normally, at night, all processes in the body slow down, including the secretion of sweat. This is due to the fact that during sleep a person is emotionally and physically calm. Therefore, if the body sweats at night, then an appointment with a doctor is necessary to find out the causes of excessive sweating, since hyperhidrosis can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness.

What questions might a doctor ask to diagnose hyperhidrosis?

To diagnose hyperhidrosis and determine the causes of excess sweating in the future, your doctor may ask the following questions:

  • Is sweat secretion constantly or periodically increasing?
  • Does sweating increase with nervous tension or stress?
  • Is sweat secreted locally (on the forehead, soles of the feet, arms, back or abdomen, armpits) or throughout the body simultaneously?
  • Do relatives have the same problems?
  • Is sweat secreted in greater quantities at night or during the day?
  • When the temperature is comfortable or even low for those around you, do you feel hot?
  • Do you experience weakness, impaired consciousness, or trembling limbs?
  • Does hypohidrosis affect your life and work in any way?
  • Do you have a cough or swollen lymph nodes?
  • Are you taking any medications?
  • Have you lost weight? Has your appetite decreased?

Causes of excessive sweating

The causes of local and generalized hyperhidrosis are different.


More often it has a hereditary cause.

  • Gustatory – manifested by sweating on the face, in particular on the upper lip or forehead. Secretion of sweat fluid occurs after eating spicy food, alcohol, or hot drinks. The cause is surgery on the salivary glands, or infectious diseases of the salivary gland;
  • Idiopathic – associated with excessive irritation of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is felt at a young age, up to about thirty years of age. Secretion of sweat fluid can be observed both on all of the listed parts of the body at the same time, and on the palms and soles of the feet; often no treatment is required, the disease goes away on its own. The weaker sex is most susceptible to this type of increased work of the sweat glands due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause;


Most doctors are confident that excessive work of the sweat glands is due to hereditary factors in eighty percent of cases. The following diseases can cause excessive secretion:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

In addition, nervous diseases, insufficient hygiene, taking medications and antibiotics can be the cause.

  • Intoxication – can occur due to infectious lesions of the body or poisoning. Fever leads to intoxication, chills and increased activity of the sweat glands. Abundant secretion of sweat fluid is observed in malaria, brucellosis, and septicemia. And with tuberculosis infection, a person sweats at night, since that is when he develops a low-grade fever;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system - thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease), diabetes, low blood sugar - the symptoms of all these pathologies include excessive secretion of sweat fluid. In women, excess secretion can be observed during pregnancy and menopause. The generalized form can occur with acromegaly and pheochromocytoma;
  • Oncology – with malignant tumor processes, sweating may increase. For example, Hodgkin's lymphoma is accompanied by alternating fever and low temperature, generalized hyperhidrosis at night, fatigue;
  • Kidney disease - since in case of kidney disease, the release of various substances not needed by the body through the kidneys is difficult, this process occurs through sweat secretion;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia - hyperhidrosis can be observed not only during the day, but also at night;
  • Medicines - insulin, antiemetics, NSAIDs, painkillers - if they are overdosed, excessive sweating may occur;
  • CNS diseases - Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, tabes;
  • Reaction to pain - sweat may appear with intense pain syndrome, spasm;
  • Psychosomatic disorders - rage, anger, stress, nervous tension - all this leads to activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes excessive secretion of sweat fluid;
  • Obesity.

Excessive sweating, which lasts for a long time, manifests itself not only during the day, but also at night, can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if you have excessive sweat secretion, you should consult a doctor.

Sweating is a natural phenomenon for the human body. People sweat, which helps cleanse the body and lower body temperature. However, some may experience heavy sweating. Then it becomes a big problem. This condition of excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. It can occur both as a result of certain physiological disturbances in the functioning of the body, and as a result of diseases.

Increased sweating is a disease that severely affects the palms, armpits and face.

Heavy sweating: characteristics of the disease

Before we figure out how to get rid of women, let’s find out what hyperhidrosis is and why intense sweating occurs.
The term "hyperhidrosis" is usually mentioned to describe excessive sweating in a person. Hyperhidrosis usually does not cause serious or hazardous health consequences. However, it is an extremely uncomfortable syndrome that significantly affects a person's daily life. Excessive sweating can be caused by anything: heat, stress, change of environment.. In summer the situation worsens and sometimes becomes simply unbearable.

Of course, sweat is an absolutely normal condition for a person. Moreover, along with sweat, toxins and other harmful substances are eliminated. Sweating is the body's protective function against overheating. However, when a person experiences hyperhidrosis, it usually appears due to certain dysfunctions of systems in the body. It is also important to note that with this syndrome, a person often does not constantly sweat throughout his whole body. Excessive sweating affects only some parts of it: palms, armpits, face.

Features of excessive sweating

The signs of hyperhidrosis are extremely easy to identify. Doctors identify the main signals. The main thing is to increase the volume of sweat. It is also important to note that sweat is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, another sign that you are sweating too much may be an unpleasant odor that you can hardly get rid of.

In advanced forms of the syndrome, skin irritation may occur, and even ulcers are likely to occur. Therefore, do not ignore the problem and do not start the process to quickly begin to treat the unpleasant disorder. If you notice the first symptoms of the disease and that you have increased sweating, consult a doctor.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Severe sweating of the body is a sign that describes the hyperfunction of the human sweat glands. A condition in which a person sweats profusely occurs, as a rule, due to impaired functionality of the sweat glands. Most often, the problem of not working correctly is a consequence of extreme emotional excitability.

Classification of types of hyperhidrosis

Most often, severe sweating is an independent disease and is called primary. Then excess sweat occurs for no apparent reason, literally out of nowhere. However, sometimes constant heavy sweating is a concomitant symptom of certain diseases. In this case, it is called secondary. But there are a number of other forms and types of pathology, which are determined by doctors.

Primary or idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis does not occur due to any other disorder and is not associated with a side effect of medications. With it, sweat constantly appears only in certain areas of the skin: hyperhidrosis is recorded on the hands, feet, palms, and face.

Severe sweating can occur in childhood and in adults.

Excessive sweating in this case often begins and develops in childhood or adolescence, and not in old age, especially when it comes to sweating of the hands and feet. It is interesting to note that although people with this type of condition experience excessive sweating at least several times a week, they usually do not suffer from it while sleeping.

The cause of this syndrome is often heredity. However, patients do not always know if they have relatives suffering from this syndrome in their family, as many are embarrassed to talk about the problem.

Secondary hyperhidrosis

The other main type is secondary hyperhidrosis. Its peculiarity is that increased sweating is caused by another disorder or is a side effect of taking medications. This is why it is called secondary - it is not the main symptom.

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs in adulthood or old age, while primary hyperhidrosis begins in childhood or adolescence. Since it is associated with another disorder, this suggests that treatment is based primarily on eradicating the underlying cause. The causes of this syndrome are:

  • side effect from taking certain medications;
  • diabetes;
  • menopause, menopause, old age in women;
  • low blood sugar;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • some types of cancer;
  • heart attack;
  • neurological disorder;
  • respiratory tract infections (tuberculosis, ARVI).

Forms of the disease

The general classification suggests dividing the pathology into two forms: generalized hyperhidrosis and local.

Generalized hyperhidrosis

When sweating occurs on all areas of the skin, this form of severe sweating is called generalized hyperhidrosis. Profuse sweating is observed throughout the body. This type of sweating requires complete diagnosis and treatment. Most often, sweating on all areas of the skin is caused by another serious illness that you are suffering from. This form requires immediate treatment.

Local hyperhidrosis

The term “local hyperhidrosis” is used when sweating occurs only in certain areas of the body: feet, palms, armpits.


This type of hyperhidrosis involves severe constant sweating in the lips, near the mouth and occurs mainly after eating spicy or hot food.
Sometimes gustatory hyperhidrosis occurs due to Frey's syndrome. Frey's syndrome (sometimes also called auriculotemporal nerve syndrome or parotid-temporal hyperhidrosis) involves sharp temporal pain accompanied by severe sweating in this area.

Axillary (excessive sweating under the arms)

The most common type of excessive sweating is axillary hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating in the armpits. Most often, the cause of this type of increased sweating is strong emotional arousal. Axillary hyperhidrosis is almost always a form of primary hyperhidrosis.

Cranial (excessive sweating of the head)

Cranial hyperhidrosis, or profuse sweating in the head area, is also very common. Most often, cranial hyperhidrosis is primary, but sometimes it is caused by certain diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, cavernous tumor, and facial herpes.

Plantar (sweating feet and legs)

This form of hyperhidrosis can be either primary or secondary. For example, plantar hyperhidrosis is often provoked by wearing tight, rubber shoes or socks made of synthetic materials. In addition to the sweat itself, such an environment is ideal for the growth of bacteria. That is why, under such conditions, a person is susceptible to infectious diseases, irritations and inflammations.

Palmar (palms)

This type of sweating is one of the most rare. It is generally not associated with other diseases. Sweat occurs due to severe emotional excitability, stress and anxiety.

Working up a good sweat in a bathhouse or sauna, sweating profusely during physical activity in the gym - it can even be pleasant. Excessive sweating is normal for the human body. However, sometimes it becomes a problem. in humans it is called hyperhidrosis. It is imperative to understand the reasons for this condition, because the inconveniences we experience signal to us that we need to pay attention to our health, and the sooner the better.

The mechanism of sweating in the body

On the surface of our body there are about 2-3 million glands that produce sweat. Their activities are controlled by nerve signals. Skin receptors react to heat, food, overheating of the body as a result of stress or illness. Nerve impulses stimulate fluid production during sleep and wakefulness. Moreover, all this happens without the participation of consciousness. No one has ever been able to dry their armpits by force of will. Why is it that in 1 case out of 10 sweating is higher than normal, too profuse?

Profuse sweating in a person can be observed both on the entire body and on individual parts. Excessive sweating of the whole body is called generalized hyperhidrosis. In the second case, when it is abundant in the armpits, arms, legs, back, groin area - this is local hyperhidrosis.

Causes of local hyperhidrosis

Abundant, in certain parts of the body (legs, arms, armpits, head, face, etc.) is observed in both men and women.

Moreover, the reasons for such selective sweating may be different.

Before we start fighting hyperhidrosis, let’s look at what profuse sweating in certain parts of the body may indicate in men and women.

Extremities sweat profusely

The most common problem in men and women is profuse sweating of the extremities. Moreover, for some reason, women suffer from this disease much more often. By the way, they say that in Great Britain, a husband even has the legal right to divorce his wife if her feet are cold and wet. But in South American countries, the sweaty smell is considered stimulating.

According to experts, it is in these places on the body that there are too many cells that are simply doing their job. There is also an incorrect, too strong reaction of the body to such stimuli as physical exercise, warm weather, and emotional experiences. In a situation of stress, sweating can become very profuse and exceed the norm by 10 times. Such sweating can already be called not just profuse, but excessive.

Why does my face sweat a lot?

Some people experience profuse sweating on the face. As a rule, this happens more often during the day rather than during sleep. They want to take out a handkerchief, blot their forehead and the area above the upper lip.

More often, men suffer from facial local hyperhidrosis. The reason for this is various factors:

  • Tea, coffee, alcohol or other hot and intoxicating drinks.
  • Chocolate, honey and other sweets.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Damage to the facial nerve in newborns. This happens if the doctor uses obstetric forceps.

Causes of profuse sweating of the head

According to statistics, the head sweats more often in women than in men. Although many ladies wear voluminous hair in the heat and do not sweat a bit. Some representatives of the fair sex, even in cool weather, are forced to wash their hair every day due to excessive sweating. Increased sweating on the head, especially often occurs in women and men at night, during sleep. The head may sweat profusely for several reasons:

  • Excess weight (here profuse sweating may be caused by a metabolic disorder, which obese people often suffer from).
  • Problems with the endocrine system (here hormonal changes or diabetes mellitus lead to sweating of the head).
  • Diseases of the nervous system (hyperhirdosis in this case is a consequence of stress, panic attacks).
  • Hypertension (sweating in the head area is caused by changes in intracranial pressure);
  • external factors (it may simply be hot in the room where a sweating person sleeps).
  • Synthetic bedding and accessories.

Generalized hyperhidrosis

In this condition, the whole body is literally drenched in profuse sweat, regardless of the ambient temperature. The weather may not be hot at all, the person does not engage in sports or any physical work. If this is exactly what happens, experts advise carrying out a thorough diagnosis of the body, because the reasons for constantly having to change shirts that are soaked with sweat may lie in a variety of diseases and no deodorant will save you. Here are just a few of them:

  • Excessive sweating is one of the signs of hyperthyroidism.
  • Diabetics have severe dryness in their hands and face, but their feet, on the contrary, can be excessively dry.
  • With obesity, sweating also becomes profuse, because the energy that comes from food is not consumed due to the sedentary lifestyle that overweight people lead. They often have metabolic problems and other pathologies, which also leads to profuse sweating.
  • Hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that a person often gets a fever; it happens that during sleep he sweats so much that the bed linen needs to be replaced. This is especially true for men during puberty, women during the menstrual period and during menopause.
  • The course of infectious diseases (ARVI, tuberculosis, brucellosis and others) is characterized by copious sweat production.
  • can manifest itself in problems with the kidneys and cardiovascular system, as well as in genetic, tumor and neurological diseases.
  • Abstinence syndrome or withdrawal or overdose of medications can cause profuse sweating.
  • It can make a man or woman sweat in case of acute food or chemical poisoning.

Purely women's problems

The cause of profuse sweating in women can be natural hormonal processes in the body:

  • Puberty.
  • Menstrual cycles.
  • Climax.

Sweat is produced especially profusely at night, during sleep. This may be local hyperhidrosis or general increased sweating of the entire body, armpits, head and limbs. The main danger is that during bouts of profuse sweating, a woman tries to cool down: she unwraps herself, opens windows, and creates drafts. An incorrect assessment of your condition at these moments often leads to colds and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, which aggravates the situation. At night, you can take herbal sedatives; there should be no nervous activity during sleep.

Hormonal medications help during these periods. However, you should not take them during your menstrual cycles. Warm baths before bedtime will help you get rid of profuse sweating during your period:

  • with sea salt,
  • chamomile,
  • lavender,
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Also, eliminate synthetic materials from your bedding sets. Thick cotton fabrics (satin, calico, knitwear) are also best left until the end of the process. Use items made from light chintz or natural silk. After taking a bath or shower, dry your body with a cotton towel and apply powder (talc, starch). The use of cosmetics (deodorant, antiperspirant) is not recommended.

How to deal with excessive sweating

In most cases, people use only cosmetic products, without thinking about the causes of sweating, until it becomes profuse and deodorant no longer provides an opportunity to get rid of the smell of sweat. Deodorants can help treat excessive discharge in the areas of the feet and armpits. Sprays only help get rid of odor; roll-on deodorant has a creamy base and allows you to block sweating for a while. Cosmetics such as roll-on and gel in the fight for a clean armpit area. A special deodorant is produced for legs, so you should not use the same product for legs and armpits.

Excessive sweating must be treated. To do this, you need to be examined for the presence of the diseases listed above.

Traditional and traditional medicine offers a wide range of solutions to the problems of sweating during sleep and wakefulness at any age. As a rule, when the illness that causes profuse sweating is treated, the problem resolves on its own. In case of genetic predisposition or chronic diseases, a local effect is applied. The smell will be removed by deodorant, powder, ointment, gel.

Thus, people who suffer from any type of hyperhidrosis need to understand whether it is an independent disease or whether some other serious illness needs to be urgently treated. In any case, it is necessary to treat profuse sweating; cosmetic products alone will not get rid of this problem.

In medicine, there is such a thing as hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. This phenomenon can be either an independent pathology or a symptom of a disease. Hyperhidrosis is a common symptom of diabetes, thyroid problems, or an infectious disease. How do you understand when sweating becomes abnormal, and in what cases you need to deal with it?

Sweating is a natural process and a normal reaction of the body to protect it from overheating. The amount of sweat produced directly depends on what a person is doing or what temperature conditions he is in, because it is impossible to sweat the same way at noon in the desert and in the evening in the Arctic. An absolutely normal, natural increase in sweat production is caused by the following reasons:

  • high air temperature, unusual for the body;
  • physical activity, such as sports or heavy work;
  • state of excitement, stress, nervous tension, fear.

At the same time, excessive sweating can be an individual characteristic of a person, which causes some discomfort and does not have the best effect on the psychological state, since it reduces the quality of life.

But this problem can be easily overcome with the help of modern care and hygiene products. Today there are many strong deodorants - antiperspirants that lock sweat in place. It is much more dangerous if sweating is caused by a disease, in which case it is necessary to look for the cause of hyperhidrosis and first of all treat the underlying disease.

Signs of hyperhidrosis

When can increased sweat production be considered abnormal? Doctors advise you to think about treatment if you sweat a lot, regardless of weather conditions, physical activity or psychological state. At the same time, sweat is released so profusely that no deodorants or other hygiene products help, and you have to wash and change clothes several times a day. Another cause for concern is the unpleasant, pungent smell of sweat, which forces people around you to avoid communication or stay away from you.

Excessive sweating, from the point of view of doctors, is of two types: local and generalized.

Local pathology, that is, limited to certain areas of the body, is usually “prescribed” in the following areas:

  • palms, feet, ;
  • face, area above the upper lip;
  • groin area;
  • bends of legs and arms.

It is believed that the local form of excessive sweating affects from 1% to 3% of the population and the first manifestations of the disease occur in adolescence. Experts do not consider this condition a sign of a serious illness. In most cases, the local form of increased sweating is associated with minor disorders in the nervous system or hereditary predisposition.

From a medical point of view, a generalized type of hyperhidrosis is a manifestation of pathology. In this case, profuse sweating is observed throughout the body, which is associated with a number of diseases. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.

Excessive sweating does not require correction or treatment in the following cases:

  1. in adolescence, during puberty;
  2. during pregnancy;
  3. during menopause and the corresponding restructuring of the body;
  4. when changing the climate zone to a hotter one.

Also, doctors do not consider treatment of pathology justified in cases of diseases or dysfunctions of the body such as:

  • somatic;
  • endocrine;
  • neurological;
  • hormonal;
  • metabolic failures;
  • drug treatment

In these cases, as in a number of others, hyperhidrosis is only a symptom, that is, a consequence of some illness in the body; accordingly, the disease itself should be treated, and not its manifestation.

Increased sweating at night

When a person sleeps, all processes in his body slow down, so excessive sweating during sleep is an anomaly, and if it occurs, you should consult a doctor. Of course, provided that the appearance of sweat is not due to reasons such as an overly hot room, an overly warm blanket or nightmares. Excessive sweating at night can indicate the presence of a number of serious diseases, for example:

  • influenza or acute respiratory viral infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis of any kind;
  • vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • various malignant formations, tumors, including cancerous ones;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • immune or hormonal disorders;
  • fungal infections;
  • all types of hepatitis;
  • HIV or AIDS.

This is an incomplete list of those ailments that may be indicated by excessive sweating during sleep. Travelers and tourists returning from trips to tropical countries (especially Asia or Africa) should be especially attentive to such a symptom. In this case, night sweats may be the first sign of infection with an exotic virus.

Causes of excessive sweating

Increased sweating in certain areas often runs in families and is inherited. Local, that is, local, hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  1. taste;
  2. idiopathic.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis occurs after consuming any food or drink, and is localized on the face, usually above the upper lip or on the forehead. The most common culprits for this phenomenon are:

  • hot chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • heavy spicy food (for example, khash or solyanka);
  • spices such as pepper or curry.

The idiopathic type of pathology is mainly caused by severe irritation or an initially high level of activity of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, such sweating occurs between the ages of 16 and 30 years. This is the period of life when a person experiences the strongest emotional experiences. Typically, sweat is concentrated in three areas: on the palms, soles, and armpits.

Excessive sweating in women is additionally caused by the following reasons:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Excessive sweating in men has other characteristics and appears when:

  • sports or just physical activity;
  • heart diseases (including arrhythmia);
  • prolonged stress.

With generalized hyperhidrosis, the causes usually lie in a specific disease. Excessive sweating accompanies such “dormant” ailments in the body as diabetes, vascular pathologies, and thyroid diseases. In addition, sweating throughout the body may occur under the following conditions:

  • infectious and colds;
  • all forms of tuberculosis;
  • malaria, synthecymia or brutellosis;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • all kidney diseases, in which the body removes excess moisture in a “back-up” way;
  • acromegaly - dysfunction of the pituitary gland, one of the symptoms of which is sudden sudden sweating throughout the body;
  • pheochromocytoma, an insidious disease that is often disguised as symptoms of hypertension and manifests itself in the form of severe sweating of the body;
  • oncological diseases are accompanied by increased sweating in the evenings, at rest (for example, when watching TV);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • illnesses affecting the nervous system, for example, Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, strokes;
  • consequences of taking medications, for example, analgesics, insulin, aspirin-containing drugs if the dosage is incorrect or taken for too long;
  • psychosomatic disorders and disorders such as stress, panic attacks, depression, paranoia are often accompanied by severe sweating.

Let us separately dwell on excessive sweating of the feet, which is not always caused by any disease. Often the reason is completely banal - incorrectly selected shoes. The material from which the “clothing” for the legs is made is of great importance.

Synthetic shoes do not allow the skin to breathe and thereby create conditions for increased sweating. However, using foot deodorants will not have a positive effect. In addition, many people wear synthetic socks, which only aggravates the problem. Therefore, if you have hyperhidrosis of the feet, you need to wear only cotton socks and take care of finding high-quality shoes made of genuine leather that will provide the necessary ventilation and air access.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of excessive sweating, like any other disease, begins with a visit to a specialist. During the appointment, the doctor will ask whether the person sweats constantly or whether it happens from time to time, and whether sweating increases under stress.

During the conversation, the specialist should find out whether the immediate family suffered from similar symptoms, at what time of day the person sweats, which areas are affected, and assess the general condition of the patient in order to exclude infectious diseases.

Very often, the reason for the progression of hyperhidrosis is the person himself, as he begins to worry about his own sweat, experiencing discomfort in life and at work because of it. These thoughts and worries trigger psychosomatic mechanisms, increasing the symptoms of the pathological condition.

Excessive sweating in a child requires special attention. If the baby is not predisposed to sweating and does not genetically suffer from allergies, and an older child has not yet entered puberty, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

In children, excessive sweating is almost always a symptom of serious illnesses (for example, heart disease). Therefore, if a child sweats profusely for no objective reason, this is an alarm signal that cannot be ignored.

Therapy methods

Modern medicine uses the following methods and With remedies for excessive sweating:

  • drug treatment;
  • use of antiperspirants;
  • physiotherapy;
  • cosmetic procedures (Botox, laser);
  • surgery.

Medical antiperspirants are in steady demand for hyperhidrosis. One bottle of a product such as Maxim will be enough for intensive use throughout the year. Drydry deodorant is less economical, the package will last for six months, and Odaban is the strongest, the effect of one application lasts up to 10 days.

Most antiperspirants contain special components that prevent sweating. These are aluminum salts, zinc salts, salicylic acid, ethyl alcohol. The effect of these substances is to narrow or completely block the excretory channels of the sweat glands, which helps reduce sweat production. However, regular use of such products can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions, or swelling and inflammation in the area of ​​blocked ducts.

Drug correction is widely used to stop excessive sweating based on drugs containing alkaloids (bellataminal, bellaspon, belloid). These drugs reduce excessive activity of the sweat glands and do not cause dependence on the intake.

If the cause of hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the nervous system, sedatives (valerian, motherwort, belladonna preparations), physical therapy or yoga are recommended. For people with an unstable, labile nervous system, the doctor usually prescribes tranquilizers that reduce increased excitability, help cope with stress and thus eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures provide a good therapeutic effect. For example, hydrotherapy and the use of contrast showers and pine-salt baths have a general strengthening effect and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

Electrosleep, a therapeutic method based on the effect of low-frequency impulses directly on the brain, has a particularly beneficial effect. Electrosleep sessions have a pronounced sedative effect, inhibit nervous excitement and strengthen the autonomic system.

Another common method is therapeutic electrophoresis, during which problem areas are exposed to constant electric current in combination with medications. This effect causes temporary dehydration of the area with increased sweating, and the active components of the drugs penetrate the skin and prevent sweat production for up to 20 days.

Popular methods
  1. Botox injections. One of the most modern methods of treating hyperhidrosis is Botox injections, which block the nerve endings in the sweat glands for a long period (up to 6 months) and prevent excessive sweat production. You can inject Botox into a problem area in a beauty salon, but the procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist.
  2. Laser treatment. The latest development by experts in the field of cosmetology is a laser method for treating hyperhidrosis. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. The essence of the method is to use the thermal radiation of a neodymium laser, which destroys the sweat glands. In just one session, you can completely cure axillary hyperhidrosis. The procedure is practically painless, does not require preliminary preparation and does not cause complications.
  3. Surgery. This is the most radical way to combat hyperhidrosis, which is associated with a certain risk. Therefore, they resort to it only in especially severe cases and after conservative treatment has not brought results. There are both local and central methods of surgical treatment. The specialist decides which one to choose after assessing the patient’s condition and possible risks. Most interventions are aimed at removing part of the sweat glands in order to normalize the sweating process.

Folk remedies

The traditional, popularly accepted methods of combating excess sweat include three areas:

  • hygiene;
  • sedatives;
  • measures against odor.

Body hygiene involves visiting a bathhouse, with a mandatory steam room and brooms, which should contain not only leaves, but also birch buds. This method, in addition to the pronounced hygienic effect, “drives” many ailments out of the body.

Herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm, motherwort and other medicinal plants that have a calming effect and eliminate psychosomatic disorders are recommended. Measures aimed at combating sweat odor include the use of various natural deodorant substitutes, such as fruits or herbs with a pleasant, fresh smell, which can be used to treat the armpit area.

Tinctures for wiping problem areas prepared on the basis of medicinal plants (chamomile, birch buds, mint, sage, oak bark) provide an excellent effect. You can take pine baths two or three times a week, adding a few drops of a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

To treat feet, people use a mixture of talc and starch or boric acid powder. It is enough to treat them with this powder every evening after washing your feet to reduce excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating of the body can be a sign of various ailments, an independent pathology, or simply an individual characteristic of a particular person. In any case, it is quite possible to solve this unpleasant problem; for this purpose, doctors have enough tools and opportunities in their arsenal.