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Homemade dog kennel. How to build a dog house. Unusual dog houses

For many years now, a dog has been a devoted friend of a person, or rather, a member of the family in which it lives. Naturally, it is difficult to have a large four-legged pet in an apartment, but if a person is the happy owner of a private house, then a faithful guardian and friend - a dog - should always live in the yard.

But to ensure comfortable living conditions for your shaggy pet, you need to worry about convenient and comfortable housing - a booth. And in order to independently make a simple apartment for an animal, you need to understand the drawings and design features of such a structure. This will make a doghouse as comfortable, convenient and warm as possible.

Dimensions and location of dog housing

Before you start assembling the structure with your own hands, you need to choose the right location for it in the yard. First of all, this will allow you to turn an ordinary booth into a kind of security post through which no stranger will pass. In addition, when placing a structure The following factors should also be taken into account:

It is important to consider that, regardless of the shape of the pet kennel, its dimensions must exactly match the physical characteristics of the dog. Therefore, the basis of calculations is the height, length and other parameters of the animal with small allowances.

Based on the breed of the dog, on which its physical characteristics depend, to build a booth in accordance with the drawings The following sizes are used:

  • for a small dog such as a dachshund, a house with dimensions of 70 cm in length, 55 cm in width and 60 cm in height is suitable;
  • for average dogs, to which shepherds can be included, booths with dimensions of 120 by 75 by 80 cm, respectively, in length, width and height, are suitable;
  • For the Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd, which are the largest representatives of dogs, a home with dimensions of 140 cm length, 100 cm width, 95 cm height is suitable.

Due to the fact that even within the same breed, dogs can differ in size, the kennel for the animal is customized according to individual parameters. And to correctly determine the dimensions of a dog house, you need to start from the width and entrance of the booth, which must correspond to the size of the animal’s chest, with a margin of up to 100 mm, height 50 mm below the dog’s tail and depth corresponding to the length of the pet.

Drawings and design features of the booth

After the location for installation and the dimensions of the booth have been determined, it is important to transfer the image and exact parameters onto a schematic drawing made on paper. To make a high-quality doghouse with your own hands, it is important to correctly draw up a design diagram in accordance with the physical characteristics of the animal and its character traits.

To make the dog kennel a real shelter for your pet It is important to consider the following nuances:

Only by taking into account all the nuances is it possible make an accurate drawing, dog kennel, on the basis of which the amount of consumables is calculated.

Tools and supplies for the booth

Before making a doghouse with your own hands, it is important to prepare tools and supplies. In addition to the prepared sketches of the booth, you will need:

  • a simple pencil and a construction meter;
  • hand saw or jigsaw for wood;
  • shovel and water level;
  • construction hammer or screwdriver;
  • nails or screws;
  • impregnation for wood against rot and fungus;
  • paint with the shade you like.

Doghouse body is better make from pine wood. Such wood species breathe well, retain heat, are easy to process and have a long service life. If you plan to build an insulated dog house, you should ensure that you have the following materials:

  • several meters of roofing felt or plastic film;
  • high-quality insulation - polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

It is important to sand all the boards used in the manufacture of the booth with sandpaper or a sander so that the pet does not get hurt or get a splinter in its paw. To treat the structure inside, do not use chemicals with a strong odor or containing toxic components. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell, and strong aroma can damage the animal's smell buds.

How to make a booth with your own hands - assembly technology

After the preparatory stage you can go to assembly DIY dog kennel. This kind of work is quite simple and can be done by anyone who is not afraid of physical labor.

After the main structure of the booth is built, all that remains is to simply refine it, covering the outside with a layer of paint or varnish.

Comfortable dog housing with insulation

Even if the pet living in a kennel has thick and long hair additional insulation of the booth will not be superfluous. Moreover, the insulation process does not take much time and effort.

Thanks to such simple measures, you can build a booth with your own hands that is qualitatively protected from the influence of natural factors, which means that the animal will be feel cozy and comfortable.

Features of caring for the booth

You need to clean your dog's home at least once a month. All you need to do is sweep away any leftover food, hair, or other debris that your pet has dragged into its kennel. It is also important to remember to regularly disinfect your dog’s home.

If during the construction of the booth you take care that its structure is collapsible, then in the future this will significantly simplify the measures for its care. You can make the roof fold down or the walls of the booth extend out. Also, if a separate part of the structure breaks or deteriorates, it can be replaced without completely redoing the dog kennel.

After simple construction work, a beautiful and cozy home for your four-legged pet will appear on the site near the house. The dog will definitely be happy with his kennel and will be able to feel how much his owners love him, answering them with devotion in the future.

Homemade dog booths

A yard dog guarding your property needs its own house, protecting it from precipitation and cold in the winter. And in the summer, shelter from the heat won’t hurt. Do you know where a man's friend likes to settle down when there is no kennel? Right at the entrance to the house, with all the ensuing consequences - hair, dirt and the remains of a dog’s meal on your doorstep. Subsequently, it is quite difficult to accustom him to a new place. So it’s worth choosing a building of suitable dimensions and figuring out how to make a dog house from inexpensive materials.

What kind of booth to make for a dog - dimensions and design

Before you build a home kennel, you need to sketch it out and decide on the dimensions. To help you, here are some recommendations for developing a mini-project for a dog house:

  • the roof is made in such a way as to protect the animal from any precipitation, and the walls are not blown by the wind;
  • the dimensions of the building are selected in such a way that the dog can lie down or stand inside his home;
  • external insulation will protect the dog from the cold in winter and from the heat in summer;
  • It’s better when the dog house is made of environmentally friendly materials - wood, plywood, cardboard;
  • the entrance hole is cut to the size of the dog with a small margin (plus 50 mm);
  • a pallet is installed in the booth, raised above ground level and insulated from the outside.

Advice. It is advisable to start making a kennel when you have just purchased a puppy, since it is easier to accustom him to his new home. The exact dimensions of an adult dog for drawing up a drawing of a booth can be taken from reference literature. The approximate dimensions of the structure for various breeds are given in the table:

The ideal option is a dog house, put together with your own hands from wooden boards, blocks and plywood, which is reflected in the photo. Of course, you can build a dog’s home from bricks and other available materials, but it will not be as warm and comfortable. In addition, you cannot move a stone building to another place, unless you permanently put it in an enclosure.

The method for determining the exact dimensions of a structure for your pet is clearly described in the following video:

Types of dog houses

Having decided on the dimensions of the structure, think about its design. If you apply a little imagination and spend your personal time, then even a simple dog kennel will turn out beautiful; examples of such houses are shown in the photo.

In the courtyards of private houses, the following types of booths are most often found:

  • ordinary with a single-pitched roof;
  • with a gable roof;
  • original design with a vestibule or canopy;
  • home for two or more dogs.

Advice. You may have materials left over from building a house - scraps of wood, corrugated sheets and insulation. You can even use the remains of a block house and make a booth in the form of a log house. Then making a homemade kennel will cost less; you will only have to buy fasteners - screws or nails.

A shed roof with a slight slope is most convenient for a dog. Dogs love to jump on it and bask in the sun, so making a gable roof is not entirely correct, although it is beautiful. A useful solution is to provide a removable top part, then it is easy to clean up the booth. Tambours and canopies add originality to the structure, but the dog doesn’t really need them, unless he is constantly on a leash. But if you build a warm dog house, and even organize heating, then your four-legged friend will be grateful to you.

Pallet assembly instructions

A tray raised above the ground is a means of protecting the animal from penetration of cold and moisture from below. Regardless of which doghouse design you choose, the lower part is always built according to the same pattern. The step-by-step assembly algorithm looks like this:

  1. Cut 4 wooden blocks with a cross-section of 40-50 mm according to the calculated dimensions and make a frame, fastening them together with self-tapping screws or steel corners.
  2. Screw the first sheet of thick plywood on top, as shown in the drawing.
  3. Place insulation into the resulting recesses. It is better to use building materials that are not afraid of moisture - polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam.
  4. Nail the second sheet or sew the thermal insulation with boards up to 20 mm thick.
  5. Place the tray on legs 50-70 mm high. They should be made in the form of longitudinal runners so that the finished kennel can be dragged.

To increase the service life of the house, it is recommended to treat all wood with an antiseptic preparation such as Biosept and then paint it. Glassine is placed on the inside of the pallet to prevent moisture from penetrating into the booth from below. During the dog's housewarming, place a soft bedding on top of the glassine.

Making a kennel

A wooden dog house is made in two ways:

  • panel assembly;
  • frame assembly.

Frame assembly drawing

Both methods are correct, so choose whichever is convenient for you. The panel assembly algorithm is as follows:

  1. Based on the drawing, cut the timber to size and put together frames - the contours of the future walls and roof.
  2. Sew the frames with boards or plywood on one side. You will get wooden shields.
  3. Fasten them together with self-tapping screws or nail down.
  4. Insulate the walls and roof of the booth by cutting out and placing sheets of foam plastic into the recess of the shields.
  5. Line the outside of the kennel with clapboard, and cover the gable roof with corrugated sheeting.
  6. Treat the outside of the building with an antiseptic and paint.

Panel assembly diagram

Advice. Do not chemically treat or dye the inside of the kennel; this will negatively affect the dog’s health and sense of smell.

The best method of insulation, shown in the picture, is to install double walls with thermal insulation inside. The point is to lay the insulation with your own hands during the manufacturing process of the booth and thus close the issue. If the dog house has already been made, then external insulation can be done, provided that the top is covered with cladding. To install it, place vertical strips on the walls, insert foam plastic between them, and attach finishing material on top.

The second way to build a home for a dog is to assemble a frame from wooden beams, followed by lining with plywood or clapboard. There are no difficulties with such installation, except for the operation of forming the rafters of a gable roof. In order to securely support the inclined beams on the frame, you will have to make cutouts in them, as shown in the photo. The step-by-step construction of a doghouse with your own hands is shown in the video:


There are many options for building dog houses - as many private houses as there are so many different designs, it is difficult to find two identical kennels. Most of them are easy to build even if you are not a skilled carpenter. Finally, advice on placing the kennel: place it in a place protected from the wind or in an enclosure closed on the windward side. This way your pet will be better protected from cold and rain.

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Winter is a difficult time for both people and animals. But it’s not easy if you don’t prepare. If you take the necessary measures in time, both people and pets will be comfortable. Since more often than not there is a dog in the household, insulating the dog house will be the first important step in preparing for winter.

Photo of an insulated booth

There are different opinions about whether a dog house needs insulation. Some dog experts argue that only smooth-haired dog breeds need a warm kennel. There are also those who offer only hay on the floor of the kennel as insulation. And yet, it is worth considering that our pets live in different regions. This could be the Leningrad region or sunny Crimea. And with the latest climatic changes, even winters in traditionally warm regions can be cold. So, if you think insulation is necessary, how to carry it out?

Approaches to insulation

Let's highlight four main approaches to how to insulate a dog house:

  • Insulating the floor with hay;
  • Using curtains;
  • Creating a vestibule;
  • Complex insulation.

The choice of approach depends on three factors: the region in which the owner and the pet live, financial capabilities and, of course, attitude towards the dog. Apparently, you definitely have the latter, since you are looking for information about insulating a kennel.

Hay on the floor

  • Price. Hay needs to be changed regularly (at least once a season). This requires money and time to purchase.
  • Fleas. Some people claim that hay can harbor fleas. But if you regularly change the flooring, this will not happen. By the way, your dog will be happy to help with this, regularly pulling the flooring out of the booth in parts.

One of the advantages is the highest environmental friendliness. This type of insulation is most similar to the animal’s natural habitat and will definitely appeal to it. Some owners buy hay from pet stores, for example, hay for rabbits. Others prefer the more economical option of making their own.


The curtain is attached to protect the main source of heat leakage - the manhole. If this particular structural element is not well protected, many other insulation actions will not make much sense. What material should I choose for the curtain?

Some dog breeds don't like curtains. For example, these include German shepherds.

Definitely durable because the dog will inevitably play with it. The curtain needs to be replaced from time to time, so there is no point in using too expensive fabric. Most often, the canopy is made from an old bedspread that is available on the farm. In online stores you can purchase a silicone curtain for 400-500 rubles.


The vestibule or “hallway” will significantly insulate the dog’s home. This method of thermal insulation does not exclude the possibility of hanging a curtain, but even if there is none, it will be effective. With the correct structure, the hole into the booth and the hole from the vestibule into the main part of the booth should not coincide. A vestibule, done correctly, will be a buffer zone that does not allow warm air to escape from the kennel.

All of the above are mediocre insulation methods and are suitable for warm winters and/or temporary insulation. If the winter is expected to be cold, and you want to insulate your doghouse for many years, you need to take comprehensive measures.

Complex thermal insulation

It’s worth mentioning right away that you can buy a home for a dog. Such an insulated dog house will cost from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. The price depends on the size and material. However, if you want to make a warm doghouse with your own hands, you will find detailed instructions below.

Choosing insulation for a kennel

How to insulate a dog house? Most often, doghouses are insulated with polystyrene foam. This material is relatively inexpensive. If you look in the closets of many households, you can even find scraps left over after the owners themselves insulated their homes. In some cases, the material is quite sufficient. Mineral wool is also used, although less frequently. This insulation is considered breathable and in the summer it will create fewer problems for your pet. You can also use sprayed polyurethane foam. However, this is rather an expensive exotic, although its application is technically simpler than the same foam.

Let's focus on the most popular and budget option - polystyrene foam. It’s worth saying about mineral wool: if you decide to use it for a kennel, be sure to cover the slabs with a vapor barrier layer. In this case, the insulation will be protected from moisture and the fibers will not harm the pet.

Making a frame

If the booth is already ready to be insulated with polystyrene foam, you need to make a kind of lathing by attaching the timber to the walls. We will lay polystyrene foam into the resulting voids. The slats are fastened from the inside with self-tapping screws. A similar lathing is done on the floor and on the removable roof.

If the roof is permanent, especially a pitched one, it is best to redo it. A non-removable roof will not make it possible to keep the kennel clean. In addition, dogs love to climb into their homes.

After preparing the sheathing, use a construction knife or other tools to cut out the required pieces of polystyrene foam.

The foam plastic should be 5-10 mm wider than the prepared niche for it. In this case, the material will be tightly fixed.

Having thus insulated the floor, ceiling and roof of the booth, we have done most of the necessary work. Some owners add wind protection over foam sheets. For example, you can use polyethylene.

This approach will also help protect the upper ends of the insulation from moisture.

Now all that remains is to close the foam sheets on the outside.


We cover the foam sheets with a board or decorative elements, for example, under a beam. Do not leave the foam outdoors because the sun and moisture will greatly damage it. And the dog himself will not be indifferent to the insulation. The roof is covered with tiles, slate sheets, and sometimes linoleum.

It is also important to take care of the cracks. First, blow them out well with polyurethane foam. Also in our example, a plinth is used that prevents snow and wind from blowing in.

Useful little things

There is no clear answer to the question: whether to paint the inside of the booth or leave the plywood and boards as is. Dog breeders claim that the paint could harm the animals' health. But, without paint and varnish, the booth will become unusable in a few years. This moment is at your discretion.

It is also good if the booth does not stand on the ground, but is raised, for example, you can place a few bricks.

Heating in the booth: is it too much?

Well, that's how to say it. For example, back in 2012, ClimateRight offered an air conditioner for dog kennels. So, heating is not a luxury, but quite a necessity. Seriously though, there is an opportunity and it’s not that expensive. Although, most likely, this approach will be useful only for the coldest regions. How to make heating in a booth?

You can create a heating system using “warm floor” technology. This approach requires pouring the base. To create an electric heated floor you need:

  • Pour the first layer of screed;
  • Lay a layer of polystyrene foam;
  • Lay the electrical cable;
  • Fill the cable with a second layer of screed.

Of course, this approach is quite expensive, but it would also be wrong not to mention its existence.

Video: how to make heating in a kennel


A do-it-yourself dog house is an inexpensive pleasure. We analyzed the insulation of a doghouse using foam plastic as an example and highlighted ways to protect the insulation. By applying the recommendations from this article, you will make life much easier for your furry friend.

No matter how spacious the garden plot is, the animal should have its own place. You can relax in it, hide from bad weather and stay away from annoying attention. For dogs, such a place is a booth.

A standard wooden booth is a smaller copy of a house, consisting of a roof, walls and floor. The roof can be single-pitch or gable, located parallel to the ground or sloping at an angle. Kennels appeared en masse in the Middle Ages, when dogs began to be kept not only to look after the herd and hunt, but also to protect the farm. Peasants were not always able to feed large shepherd dogs, so some of the first elegant and practical kennels appeared in the homes of wealthy families.

The dog kennel can be equipped with a vestibule or be made in a simple one-volume version. The vestibule plays the same role as in a residential building, protecting the main room from bad weather. Simple designs have only one walled space that the dog can enter directly from the street.

A high-quality kennel should retain heat in winter and not get too hot in summer, so the best material is wood. Solid metal structures are not recommended. A tin-lined booth will become hot under the sun, and in winter the dog will not be able to warm up.

A building that is too spacious will be quite cold, since it is heated only by the heat of the animal. A cramped room will not allow your pet to stretch at full strength and will not allow you to stretch out while sleeping. The optimal kennel size should be calculated for each dog breed.

Before you build a booth, you should find out whether the dog can live on the street. It is contraindicated to keep lap dogs in a kennel. This is especially true for artificially bred breeds. Their resistance to disease and harsh weather conditions is low and can lead to disease.


When planning any kennel, you should not use ready-made options without making sure of their suitability for a particular dog. The dimensions of the living space are calculated as follows:

  • height – should be 10-15 cm greater than the dog’s height at the withers. For each breed, the animal’s dimensions are approximately the same, so a full-size kennel can be built for a puppy;
  • length (depth) – is 5-10 cm more than the length of the dog;
  • width – taken to be 5-10 cm greater than the dog’s height (slightly lower than the estimated height of the kennel).

This is how the dog sits in the kennel to fully relax:

The optimal width of the opening in the booth exceeds the width of the dog by 10 cm, and its height should be approximately one and a half times greater than the width.

For example, a shepherd dog house should have the following dimensions: 1350 × 1000 × 950 mm with a manhole 400 × 600 mm

The given parameters allow the animal to easily turn around after entering the home and do not constrain it during rest. The version of the booth with a pitched roof will be more spacious, since the entire roof plane will be raised to the optimal level. A gable roof is more economical and provides the required height, reducing excess space for heating. A flat roof without a slope can be made for a kennel in an indoor enclosure.

Watch a video about how a master makes an insulated version of a booth with an opening roof:

What else do you need to know about dog house design?

  1. Removable roof - necessary for periodic cleaning. At the top of the roof you can leave windows covered with plexiglass. This will provide some light inside and will be useful for guard dogs, reducing their reaction time after emerging from the dark.
  2. Tambour - needed for a dog that will be in the yard all year. It must be comparable to the dimensions of the booth so that the dog can turn around freely.
  3. A rug for a dog must be laid, regardless of the degree of insulation of the floor. You can buy a special carpet or use regular blankets and thick rags. Even better are rugs made of durable and relatively rigid material that will not bunch up. The covering can be glued with glue (stationary option) or fixed with double-sided tape (can be periodically cleaned or changed).

Where is the best place to place it?

The main criteria when planning a place for a kennel:

  • a space protected from constant direct sunlight. This may be an area in the shade of a tree or the wall of a house, as well as the gap between the main and outbuildings;
  • near the booth there should be simultaneously a piece of land and a hard surface (asphalt, rubble, tiles). On the ground, the dog will be comfortable in hot and cold weather, and the stone will help wait out wet weather when the soil becomes “soggy” due to rains;
  • The booth cannot be placed in a low area where precipitation will accumulate. Also, you should not choose a place through which water flows when watering the area, during floods or rain.

How to build a doghouse? Stages of work and preparation of materials

1. Selection of material

It is best to take solid wood as the basis of the booth - bars with a square cross-section. Since the dog will always be in the home, you should minimize the use of wood protection products and select lumber that is resistant to decay. Practical and cheap pine wood is best suited.

The thickness of the bars should be 50-100 mm. The larger the dog, the stronger the material you need to use. This will increase the stability and strength of the kennel in strong winds.

It is also preferable to make walls from solid boards. A single-layer wall may not be enough, so the supply of wood should be calculated based on double the material consumption. You can cut ready-made fragments from chipboard and later sheathe them with non-toxic and durable material. It is not recommended to make a booth from solid plywood, as the structure will be cold and short-lived.

2. Tool for work

The minimum set of tools should include a saw, drill, hammer and screwdriver. To mark, you will need a long ruler or tape measure, a pencil and a square. When assembling the structure, nails (100-150 mm) or self-tapping screws are used. You will have to use thin drills to drill holes in the fastening points to make the fit of the structure better.

3. Where to start - making a design drawing for a dog house

You can draw a diagram of the kennel yourself or use ready-made projects from the Internet. A typical design is shown in the left figure. Any project can be easily drawn based on the template in the right picture.

Standard booth dimensions (length (depth) × width × height):

  • German Shepherd (large dog). 1350 × 1000 × 950 mm, manhole – 400 × 600 mm (width × height);
  • bull terrier (medium dog). Booth – 1150 × 750 × 800 mm, manhole – 350 × 500 mm;
  • Pekingese (small dog). 700 × 550 × 600 mm, manhole – 300 × 400 mm.

4. Preparing the site

After choosing the optimal location of the booth, you should prepare the ground surface. It will have to remove all vegetation and remove the top layer of soil. The foundation can be laid out of bricks held together with cement mortar. You should not place the booth directly on the ground, since even the most stable wood will rot after standing for a long time on wet ground.

5. Preparing material for the booth

The roof of the kennel must be covered with waterproofing. The optimal solution would be sheets of roofing material laid on the surface of the slopes. It is advisable to cover the bottom with a single piece of plywood or tongue and groove boards. This will make the floor more durable and prevent your dog's nails from getting stuck in the cracks.

During the work process, you can “try on” the booth. This will make it much easier to assess how comfortable the family pet will be in the kennel.

6. Installation procedure

The stages of assembling the kennel occur in the following sequence:

  • trimming the frame bars according to the selected drawing;
  • preparing the required number of edged boards or cutting out walls from a sheet of chipboard;
  • assembling the frame using nails or self-tapping screws;
  • installation of boards or chipboards on walls;
  • Insulation – foam plastic or mineral wool – is placed in the gap between the planes of the walls. In a single-layer wall, the insulation is placed in the gap between the main partition and the finishing layer;
  • installation of finishing, which is sheets of plywood or wooden lining.
  • laying floor boards and fixing the rug;
  • installation of a roof made of pre-made boards. The removable roof can be less carefully connected to the base of the booth, using quick-release fasteners;
  • applying an external coating (varnish, paint or wood preservative);
  • laying waterproofing on the roof.

At the entrance to a booth that does not have a vestibule, you can hang a thick canvas apron. It will improve heat conservation in winter and will protect your pet well from bad weather.

After assembly, the house is placed on a slight elevation above the foundation. The structure can be secured to the corners, which are fixed simultaneously to the kennel and the base.

Kennel care

To maintain the appearance and health of your pet, you should pay attention to hygiene issues. The booth will have to be periodically cleaned and dried, checking its condition from time to time. A dirty rug needs to be thrown away or washed - which is why temporary fixation with adhesive tape is preferable.

Drying and washing the doghouse should be done every year in the summer, when the wood dries out quickly. It is recommended to use only detergents purchased at a veterinary store.

Painting the booth should be done to reduce cracking of the wood and the influence of microorganisms and wood-boring beetles on it. The paint is selected from the least toxic varieties. Painting should also be done in the summer. The frequency of restoration depends on the rate of destruction of the paint layer and is about 2-3 years. Every year you should check the stability of the structure and the presence of play at the joints of load-bearing elements.

The booth can be varnished and coated with special antiseptic impregnations for wood. When caring for a wooden kennel, you should not save money on the safety of materials, since the pet’s health depends on them. A booth made of high-quality wood will last 7-8 years without losing its properties, and caring for the structure will extend the life of the pet and its activity.

Making an ordinary wooden kennel with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Even in a self-assembled home, the dog will feel more confident and safer, hiding from the cold and bad weather. The wooden booth is environmentally friendly; it always maintains optimal temperature and humidity.

A kennel can perform not only a practical function, but also a decorative one. These are the unusual booths, look at the photo:

Building a comfortable home for a faithful friend is a worthy response to the love and loyalty of a four-legged pet. A dog needs a place where it can hide from bad weather, relax and gain strength.

How to build a dog house with your own hands? More on this in detailed instructions below.

The first step is to choose a location to accommodate the dog’s future home:

  • the building is located in the local area on the windless side;
  • a wide view of the area from the booth is desirable, including a view of the entrance gate;
  • the kennel is built in a well-lit place, but at the same time close to an area where you can hide in the shade from the heat;
  • choose a slightly elevated place so that the home is always dry.

The booth could be like this


A do-it-yourself dog house from scrap materials is most often built using coniferous wood. This is the most harmless, affordable and easy-to-use material.

A wooden booth retains heat well.

The floor in the kennel is lined with dry boards that fit tightly together.

For the frame, wooden blocks of 40x40 or 40x20 millimeters are useful. It is best to sheathe the outside of the booth with wooden clapboard. The internal walls are finished with clapboard or waterproof plywood.

Polystyrene foam or mineral wool are suitable as insulation. Thanks to their use as padding, you can create a warm dog house with your own hands.

The degree of insulation is calculated based on the region of residence and the breed of the pet. For example, it is relatively unpretentious and tolerant of frost, and will prefer to live in the courtyard of a house.

After all the calculations and creation of the drawing, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • saw, hacksaw, hammer, level;
  • pencil, tape measure, ruler;
  • paint, antiseptic;
  • galvanized nails, screws;
  • building materials ( Be sure to clean the boards and lining so that the dog does not get hurt).

Drawings and dimensions of the booth

To properly build a kennel, you need to decide on its size. First of all, the doghouse should be comfortable and suitable in size for the tailed pet. More does not mean better.

The dog feels more protected in small spaces. It is enough to be able to easily turn around and sit freely. The presence of extra partitions or steps only hinders movement.

Do-it-yourself dog house: drawings and dimensions are “adjusted” to the size of the dog. When drawing up a drawing, you should rely on the size of the pet:

  • the height of the building is 5-10 cm greater than the height of the dog with its head raised;
  • the depth of the kennel is the same as the height;
  • the width of the opening into the booth is equal to the width of the chest plus 5-7 cm;
  • the height of the entrance corresponds to the height of the dog at the withers minus 5 cm;
  • the roof can be flat, single or double slope.

It’s better to double-check all the calculations several times so that you end up with an ideal, comfortable building. Do-it-yourself dog kennel: drawings and dimensions drawn up initially are used until the completion of work.

Assembly sequence

When all the necessary tools and materials are prepared, the assembly of the frame begins. At the first stage, the installation of the bottom takes place. We construct a frame from the bars and tightly fasten the floorboards on it. To preserve heat, the bottom must be slightly raised from the ground or reinforced with additional bars. In addition, the bottom is lined with roofing felt.

The bottom should be treated with an antiseptic to prevent rotting.

Vertical support bars are mounted at the corners of the bottom, which serve as the basis for the walls. A roof strap is made along the top of the bars.

At an angle of 40 degrees, two bars are fixed on top of the frame of the booth. Four such frame corners are installed.

The nails are driven from the inside of the frame, and screws are additionally used for reliability.

After installing the frame, blanks of the required size are cut out of plywood for sheathing. The outside of the kennel is finished with clapboard. Galvanized nails are used to secure it. The boards are installed so that there are no gaps.

The roof is mounted close to the walls of the booth, but is not nailed tightly.

The roof of the dog house must be removable for cleaning and sterilization of the premises.

To conveniently lift the roof, nails with a diameter of one centimeter are driven halfway into the ends of the corner beams. The caps are sawed off, and the pediments, with pre-drilled holes, are put on the rod.

It is better to insulate the roof of the booth and cover it with roofing felt. Tiles can be used as roofing material.

Possible mistakes

In addition to the correct size and location of the home, there are a number of points that are worth paying attention to:

  • After installation, the kennel must be checked for protruding screws or nails;
  • a curtain is installed on the manhole made of dense material as additional protection from bad weather;
  • If a dog has lived in a house for a long time, it will not immediately want to settle in a new home. To accustom her to a new kennel, you can put her favorite toys there and feed her treats near the kennel;
  • in no case Don't use sending your dog to the kennel as punishment.;
  • While sanitizing the home, exclude the presence of the dog.

A dog house is a necessary condition pet on the street in the yard of the house. It can be an addition to . She will even be glad to have a cozy home and feel the owner’s care.

Additionally, check out the video on how to build a dog kennel with your own hands: