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Silicone breast size 2 before and after. What breasts look like after silicone is removed from them - Lena Miro. Visible scars remain after breast surgery

To silicone breast looked like a real one, you just need to follow a few rules.

The first, and perhaps the most important rule is not to chase size, otherwise your silicone breast will outweigh you. Choose modern anatomical implants that suit your needs.

The second condition is to take a responsible approach to choosing a plastic surgeon. Indeed, in the case of poorly performed breast surgery, you can get a wide variety of complications that will greatly complicate your life. By following these two simple rules, you can be sure that your silicone breast Only an experienced doctor can distinguish it from the real thing.

After the operation, you will have to forget about scuba diving and air travel for two weeks. Since changes in pressure cause swelling of the tissues, and unpleasant sensations and bursting pain may appear.

The myth that silicone breast may burst is just a myth. Modern high-quality implants have a durable multilayer capsule, high-stick silicone (which will not spread even if the implant shell is damaged), and a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. Therefore, after the end of the rehabilitation period silicone breast will not interfere with diving, driving a jet, going into outer space and participating in fights without rules or bullfighting.

Information that silicone breast provokes the development of cancer, and also the fact that you cannot give birth with silicone breasts and feed children with breast milk is not true. Unfortunately, breast cancer can develop both without and after surgery. There is no dependence. You can give birth and breastfeed your children without fear, just silicone breast after pregnancy and during feeding, the shape may change slightly, which is also fixable.

In addition to the surgical method of breast enlargement, there are also non-surgical ones. These include the introduction of polyacrylamide gel. After several injections, your breasts will increase before your eyes. Unfortunately, the gel often moves, becomes inflamed and deformed, because silicone breast so far the best alternative.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are safe for the body, but you can inject no more than 100 ml, and the beauty and volume will not last long, in a maximum of two years everything will resolve. Yes, and this procedure sometimes costs more than silicone breast(i.e., than implants, surgery and compression garments combined).

There is another way, for those who are not tempted silicone breast- lipolifting. The procedure involves sucking out your own fat from problem areas and injecting it into your breasts. But it is also capricious and unstable: it can become inflamed, deform the breast, or “melt.”

Breast massagers, creams and pills found on the Internet are among dubious methods of breast enlargement. With their help, no one has yet succeeded in enlarging their breasts by any size. So silicone breast- the safest alternative. After all, the female breast is a glandular organ; it cannot be pumped up like muscles through various training and massages. Breasts can increase in size on their own only during pregnancy and breastfeeding under the influence of hormones produced by the body, and not otherwise.

Currently, breast augmentation operations are available, if not to everyone, then to most of those who have such a need. They are affordable both in price and geographically due to the fact that plastic surgeons who practice breast augmentation with implants are now found in almost all large and medium-sized cities of Russia.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the term “pumping up the breasts with silicone” means precisely the use of silicone-filled implants. Injections into the chest using a syringe have only historical value. In European countries and the United States, the introduction of silicone-based fillers into the breast is prohibited by law due to the harmfulness of the procedure and its frequent complications.

For men and women

Everyone knows about silicone breast prostheses. Placing breast implants in men is a relatively new area of ​​plastic surgery. And we are not talking about gender reassignment surgery at all.

Male breast implants are often called pectoral, so as not to be confused with female ones. They are most often used by those who are actively involved in sports in order to achieve an ideal figure.

Usually these are men who have a constitutionally narrow and flat chest and who cannot gain the desired muscle volume through physical exercise. Often, surgery to install pectoral implants is combined with liposuction and mastopexy for gynecomastia.

How do men feel about this?

The attitude of men depends on what kind of silicone breasts a woman gets herself. There is a common belief that such breasts:

  • much denser than natural;
  • she has a huge size;
  • the operated breast has an unnatural shape, which often does not correspond to age, weight, etc.
In fact, none of the listed qualities is mandatory, but all of them together or in various combinations are found in women who, when choosing implants, were guided only by size.

Often these qualities are so pronounced that the question of how to distinguish silicone breasts from natural ones does not arise; everything is obvious. In addition to size, they have a fairly large number of other characteristics. If you approach the issue of choosing implants wisely, then no one will be able to distinguish artificially enlarged breasts from natural ones.

Video: Progress of breast augmentation surgery

Types of implants

The density of the breast to the touch is determined by the density of the implant itself. If you choose a soft one, the illusion of natural breasts will be complete. In addition, such implants will behave naturally: take different shapes depending on the type of bra, the presence of clothing, and body position.

If you choose dense ones, then such breasts will be pleasant to look at from a distance, but to the touch they will be clearly artificial and hard. And such breasts will retain the same shape in any position and in any underwear.

Size and shape

Gigantomania and unnatural breast shape, which was chosen in accordance with a stereotyped and exaggerated idea of ​​beauty, without taking into account the features of the figure and appearance in general, is what can often be seen in before and after photographs.

Size does not matter if, with an initial breast size of zero, a woman who is not particularly thin makes a choice between the second and incomplete third size.

If we are talking about the fourth or fifth size of a twig girl, then we can say with confidence that the unnaturalness will not only be noticeable, it will be striking.

As for the shape, some ladies after the age of thirty often change implants just to make the breast shape more natural for their age. The most interesting thing is that there is not a single comment on men’s forums about the presence of scars as a sign of silicone breasts.

The presence of scars only for women is an indicator of unnaturalness, and even then not for everyone. This means that if you approach the choice of breast size, shape and implant density wisely, then others will not have any suspicions about your new shape.

Pros and cons of silicone breasts

The pros and cons of silicone breasts are relative and are often a consequence of which implants the patient chose and how well the surgery was performed.


Photo: silicone prostheses
  • excellent mood, well-being and self-esteem from the fact that the breasts look great;
  • the ability to become pregnant and breastfeed without restrictions if the ducts of the mammary glands are not damaged during the operation;
  • a new wardrobe and a collection of new swimsuits every year;
  • new relationship with an old or new partner.


  • cost of surgery, implants, compression garments, recovery period;
  • the operation is performed under general anesthesia;
  • the need to spend part of the planned or unpaid leave on the operation and the postoperative period, since sick leave is not given for plastic surgery;
  • the recovery period requires compliance with a large number of restrictions;
  • after childbirth, the shape of the operated breast may change for the worse;
  • there may be adverse consequences of the operation, such as displacement of the implant, its rupture, contouring of the implant under the skin, back pain and much more;
  • inability to breastfeed if the milk ducts are damaged during surgery through an incision around the nipple.

Video: Silicone implants


Which ones to choose?

If earlier implants were chosen solely on the principle of “the bigger,” now a huge size is not in fashion. Ideal shapes are in fashion as an indicator of youth and health. Therefore, preference should be given to safe, proven products from those manufacturers that have proven themselves well.

The shape and size must be chosen based on the shape and size of the bust you want to get. To prevent such complications as capsular contracture, implants with a rough surface have been developed.

What can you save on during breast augmentation?

You cannot save on the cost of implants, since replacing low-quality prostheses is a full-fledged operation that is performed under anesthesia and costs money. There are young ladies who find some offices in Europe that sell them cheap. If you want to repeat their experience, please note that this is entirely your responsibility.

You cannot save money on compression garments, since the effectiveness of healing during the recovery period depends on it. You can’t save money on pain relief for the operation either, since you can choose a budget option for anesthesia, but this means a long recovery from anesthesia after the operation, poor health, nausea and vomiting.

Those who were given anesthesia with good drugs feel much better. After such anesthesia, by the evening you can have a full dinner, and you feel much better.

During the recovery period, medications such as painkillers and antibiotics, silicone patches, and scar removal creams will also be periodically needed.

The only thing you don't have to pay for is the pretentiousness of the clinic. But only in those cases if you can find, through recommendations, an excellent surgeon whose services will cost a reasonable amount of money.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby like this?

It all depends on the method of performing the operation and the location of the incisions. To maintain the opportunity to breastfeed your baby, two conditions must be met:

  • the incision should not take place in the area of ​​the areola, since it is in this place that the milk ducts come closest to the skin and there is a risk of damage to them;
  • the implant should be installed under the muscle, or partially under the muscle, but not under the glandular tissue of the mammary gland, as this may damage the glandular tissue of the mammary gland.

How can surgery affect pregnancy?

The operation can only become a problem if it occurs in the first days or weeks after conception. Anesthetics, painkillers and antibiotics can have a toxic effect on the fetus and cause birth defects. Therefore, it is recommended to terminate such a pregnancy. In other cases, no plastic surgery is a contraindication for conceiving and bearing a child.

Will the scars be very noticeable?

If there is no tendency to form hypertrophic or keloid scars, then there is no risk of developing rough scars. To make everything look absolutely perfect, you can make an incision in the armpit or perform an endoscopic operation.

Do implants need to be changed?

3rd generation implants, which are currently used for breast augmentation, do not require routine replacement. Repeated surgery will be required if mastoptosis develops and cosmetic defects such as skin ripples appear.


Prices often depend on the experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon, so any attempt to save money can lead to unplanned costs for correcting cosmetic defects that may appear after unsuccessful breast augmentation surgery.

Silicone breasts allow a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from her appearance. There are different opinions regarding the introduction of implants. Modern technologies and experienced specialists have already perfected the technique of breast plastic surgery. Therefore, an increasing number of women want to use the services of a surgeon to enlarge and correct their bust.

Silicone breasts allow a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from her appearance.

Many women are concerned about how the operation is performed. The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health. Before the operation, the patient undergoes all necessary tests. If certain diseases are detected, it becomes impossible to perform surgery.


  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • malignant formations in the mammary glands;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • severe diseases of internal organs.

Before surgery, you must stop taking medications that contain aspirin for a week. The day before surgery, you should eat a light meal.

The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health.

After a comprehensive examination and in the absence of contraindications, the selection of a breast implant begins. The best option is silicone fillers. Modern technologies have developed a special gel that does not leak if the shell is damaged.

Depending on the shape of the breast, a round prosthesis or a drop-shaped implant is selected. For a bust that has lost its aesthetic appearance, use the first option; for small breasts, a teardrop shape is suitable. Each woman requires an individual approach. The specialist will select the necessary prosthesis and create an original design on a computer in 3D format, which will allow the patient to evaluate what the future result of the operation looks like.

The volume of implants is calculated in milliliters. A filler with 250-300 ml is considered optimal. The patient’s wishes do not always coincide with the surgeon’s opinion; the expected breast size is influenced by:

  • chest width;
  • body proportions;
  • skin condition;
  • skin density and extensibility.

After selecting the volume and shape of the filler, surgical procedures proceed.

Myths and reality about silicone breasts (video)

Surgery and rehabilitation

In plastic surgery, implantation is performed in several ways. In the first option, the silicone breast is located between the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue. This way the maximum aesthetic effect is achieved. For patients with thin mammary glands, this operation is not recommended due to the possible formation of tissue wrinkling. For this category of people it is used for muscle implantation, without cutting its lower part. Sometimes silicones are placed partially under the mammary gland and muscle tissue with its dissection.

Silicone breasts are made under general anesthesia, and the operation lasts up to 3 hours. Incisions are made in inconspicuous places, depending on the placement of the implant. These could be nipple halos, a fold under the breasts, or the axillary area. After the operation, the woman remains in the clinic for another 1-2 days. The breasts will take their final shape only after 4-6 weeks after surgery. At first, swelling, redness of the skin and its tension will be visible. The sutures are removed after a week if no postoperative complications arise.

After surgery, it is necessary to protect the new breast by following simple rules:

    You should immediately put on a bra made of natural fabrics with soft cups.

    You should postpone going to fitness clubs and swimming pools for a month.

    Take medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

    Avoid intimate relationships for 2 weeks, as rapid blood flow can increase swelling of the mammary glands.

At first, some women need the help of a psychologist because of new sensations, an unusual state, or their own complexes.

After surgery, you must avoid direct ultraviolet rays and strenuous physical activity. Otherwise, after 3-4 weeks you can lead your usual lifestyle.

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts

Complications after surgery

Sometimes situations of postoperative complications arise related to the characteristics of the body, the skill of the surgeon and the quality of the implants. As a result, you may experience:

    Hematoma, when blood accumulates around the implant. It can appear due to an unexpected injury or high blood pressure.

    Seroma, accumulation of fluid near a foreign body.

    Loss of tactile sensitivity of the nipple, a temporary condition.

    Infections in postoperative sutures.

    Scar formation after a wound becomes infected or due to a specific condition of the body.

    Contractures or fibrous rings that occur around the implant. The main reasons are a disproportionate prosthesis, a small pocket made to place the implant, a predisposition of the body, and unprofessional surgical intervention.

    Implant deformation is extremely rare. The reason for the shift of the prosthesis may be insufficient qualifications of the surgeon. A specialist who has not strengthened the inframammary fold dooms the implant to inevitable displacement. After its shift, a repeat operation is required to eliminate the defect.

    Implant rupture is very rare today. Modern technologies have made it possible to reduce this problem to zero. The dentures are filled with a special silicone gel, which does not leak out of the implant if it ruptures. In order not to worry about your beautiful breasts, the silicone must be of high quality.

In addition to complications, silicone inserts interfere with the diagnosis of breast cancer.

What women with silicone breasts should not do in the gym (video)

Benefits of silicone breasts

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts. Sometimes women resort to the services of a surgeon due to physical disabilities. Mammoplasty is often recommended after breast cancer surgery. Having undergone a mastectomy leads to stress, complexes, and a feeling of inferiority. In some cases, after pregnancy and lactation, the breasts lose their previous shape, asymmetry of the glands occurs, which also affects the psychological state of women. After surgery to implant silicone prostheses, a woman’s self-esteem increases. She feels more attractive, desirable and gets rid of complexes about small breasts.

Silicone breasts do not affect pregnancy and breastfeeding, but during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor their shape. You cannot gain weight or lose weight suddenly; you must wear corrective bras, regularly massage the glands and carry out contrast procedures.

Representatives of the fair sex can get a chic bust after reaching 18 years of age. It is necessary to choose an experienced surgeon and high-quality implants. Properly selected prostheses and a well-performed operation will make the breasts indistinguishable from real ones.

This article contains detailed information that will help you make the best decision for you. It answers questions you may have about breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery to help you make an informed and informed decision about whether you want to have silicone breast implants.

We will answer frequently asked questions along with complete, detailed, and informative answers on all safety aspects related to implants. We want to help women make informed and informed decisions.

What kind of material is this?

Silicone is made from silicon, a semi-metallic or metal-like element that naturally combines with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, or silica. Silicon dioxide is the most abundant substance on Earth. When silica is heated with carbon at high temperatures, a material can form.

Upon further processing, it can become a long-chain compound, or polymer, called siloxane; it may be a liquid, gel or rubber-like substance.

Various silicon-containing compounds are used in lubricants and oils, as well as silicone rubber. Organosilicon compounds are found in many everyday items, such as:

  • varnishes,
  • sun cream and hand cream,
  • antiperspirants,
  • and chewing gum

Are silicone breasts safe?

Special studies have shown that the content of silicon dioxide in cow's milk and commercially available infant formula is significantly higher than in the breast milk of women with implants.

The Institute of Medicine concluded: " There is no evidence that silicone implants are responsible for the development of any serious diseases in the body. Women are constantly exposed to silica in their daily lives».

Can I go to a solarium or sunbathe if I have implants?

Salon tanning and sunbathing will not damage the implant, but may worsen the condition of the scars. You should avoid sun exposure and tanning salon exposure to the scar area for at least one year after surgery, as such rays can cause permanent darkening of the scar.

The implant, like any tissue, can heat up, and it takes longer to cool down than the rest of your body.

When can I fly and/or scuba dive?

Many women with silicone breasts go scuba diving and fly on airplanes. With changes in pressure, some stretching and contraction of the implant shell may occur. This may result in some air bubbles forming inside the implant.

With both gel and saline implants, you may feel or hear fluid-related sounds (gurgling). These phenomena should disappear on their own within 24-48 hours.

When can I wear a bra again?

Many doctors ask that women not wear a bra with wire inserts (underwire) after implantation. within 3 months after surgery. During this period, scar tissue will form around the implant. Therefore, the additional pressure of the wire may cause marks to form in the scar tissue that will remain permanent.

After the initial healing period, wire bras should also not be worn continuously to prevent such marks from appearing.

Will my silicone breasts retain their natural mobility?

This depends on many factors, such as the type of implant, the method of incision, how your body tolerates the presence of the implant, and the presence of varying degrees of capsular contracture. For many women, breast implants retain softness and good mobility, while for others, the breasts may become denser, and the implant will be more likely to be fixed in a certain position.

How much does the implant weigh?

The weight of the implant depends on its size and filling volume. Implant volume 200 ml. filled with gel (about 250 ml) weighs about 250 grams.

Will implants cause stretch marks on the breasts?

Placing an implant may cause stretch marks (stretch marks), but this is extremely rare. If you are concerned about this problem, choose a smaller implant to avoid skin wrinkling, or choose an implant with an adjustable volume, which stretches the skin more slowly, gradually increasing the volume.

How do breast implants affect mammography results?

Breast implants can interfere with detection of signs of breast cancer or mammography and make mammography difficult. It is important that before the mammography procedure you inform the specialist about the presence of an implant. It may be necessary to use special moving techniques and take photographs in additional proportions.

Is it possible to be allergic to silicone?

Anyone can have an allergy to almost any substance present on earth, but an allergy to silicone is extremely rare. In our daily life, we constantly encounter silicon dioxide. It is found in many everyday items such as

  • varnishes, suntan cream and hand creams,
  • antiperspirants
  • and chewing gum.

What is the average life expectancy of an implant?

Implants are not lifelong devices, so it is likely that sooner or later during your life you will need a replacement implant. The service life of silicone breasts is individual for each woman. Some women require implant replacement after just a couple of years, while others can live with them 10-20 years.

There are several different reasons why a woman may need implant replacement surgery. In some cases, this is done at the request of the woman herself, for example, to change:

  1. size or type of implant,
  2. and in other cases, deflation or displacement of the implant.

How long should I abstain from exercise and other activities after implant surgery?

Only your doctor can estimate the length of recovery time you need and advise you on when and how best to resume your activities. The duration of the recovery period is individual for each woman. As a rule, the first days are the most difficult. The average time to return to full activity is four to six weeks.

It is important that the wound does not get wet during the healing period. In this regard, it is necessary to reduce physical activity and sunbathing until the incision heals and is completely closed.

Do not start excessive physical activity too early, especially involving the upper body. Give your body the opportunity to rest and heal itself. In addition, you will want the swelling around the implant to go down as soon as possible, and excessive exercise does not help this.

As a rule, it is possible to take a bath after about a month. In the early postoperative period, from one to two weeks after surgery, do not wet the suture.

Before returning to work, be sure to consult with your doctor. Recovery time varies significantly between patients. It is usually recommended to walk more to improve blood circulation. The larger the silicone breast is, the heavier the iron will be. When running, you should wear a well-supporting bra, which will reduce skin shifting and reduce the likelihood of breast ptosis (sagging)..

What is capsular contracture?

The scar tissue, or capsule, that normally surrounds a silicone breast can tighten and compress the implant. This condition is called capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is most often observed after:

  • past infection,
  • hematomas
  • and seromas.

In addition, it is more common with subglandular implant placement.

Symptoms may be hard to the touch and mild discomfort, but may include pain, changes in shape, the ability to feel the implant or its displacement. In case of severe pain and severe compaction, additional surgical intervention is required. The surgery may involve removing tissue from the implant capsule to release it and possibly replacing the implant itself.

After these additional interventions, capsular contracture may develop again. You should know that closed capsulotomy– a technique of forced squeezing or compression of the fibrous capsule around the implant, aimed at destroying the scar capsule, not a recommended method as it may cause implant rupture.

What effect does smoking have on the healing process after surgery?

Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow and oxygen transfer to surgical areas. To heal, tissues need blood supply and oxygen from the blood. With reduced blood supply, tissues heal more slowly.

Different doctors recommend different periods of smoking abstinence for patients before and after surgery. According to our data, these periods range from one to two to five weeks before and after surgery. Ask your doctor how long he thinks you should abstain from smoking before and after surgery.

Will my nipples lose sensitivity?

After implant surgery, changes in nipple sensitivity may occur. The sensation in the nipples may either increase or decrease. Various changes - from absence to increased sensitivity - can be either temporary or permanent.

Should I be at my ideal weight before breast augmentation surgery?

You should stay close to your ideal body weight. Significant weight loss after silicone breast implantation may adversely affect the results of the surgery. In this case, some ptosis (sagging) and a decrease in breast size may be observed. Significant weight gain can lead to an increase in breast size.

I am 50 years old, is old age a barrier to breast enlargement?

To perform the operation, your good health is important, not your age.

What changes will happen during pregnancy?

Each woman is individual, so the results of surgery performed both before and after pregnancy may be different. During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge and go through all the changes associated with pregnancy. The degree of change varies from woman to woman, with the size of the implant being one of the important factors.

Will I be able to breastfeed?

Many women with breast implants successfully breastfeed their children. Modern studies have shown that women who have breast implants, both silicone gel and saline, do not experience an increase in silicone levels in their milk compared to women who do not have breast implants. However, breast implants may affect the ability to breastfeed in some women.

The greatest likelihood of impairment of this ability is observed when performing a periareolar incision. Some women develop mastitis, an inflammation of the milk ducts, which can also lead to the formation of capsular contracture.

Taking antibiotics when symptoms first appear can help reduce the likelihood of developing this pathology. You should always report signs of inflammation to your doctor.

Changeable - at one time large breasts were in fashion, in other periods of history women hid their breasts in every possible way, trying to make them as flat as possible. Nowadays individuality is in fashion, but most have in their minds a certain ideal, part of which is very voluminous, beautiful breasts of the correct shape.

Nature has not given everyone the desired shape, which is why silicone breasts are a very popular plastic surgery service. At the same time, there are many myths about silicone breasts that continue to multiply on social networks and even serious magazines. Let's try to figure out how things really stand with breast plastic surgery, and whether it is worth getting silicone breasts...

1. Rehabilitation after breast surgery is long and painful

Rehabilitation after surgery means 30 days of wearing special elastic underwear. Soreness may be present during the first few days after surgery due to the trauma of surgery. As after any operation, pain occurs, which is relieved with analgesics.

2. After breast surgery, noticeable scars remain

Today, breast surgery is the most well-established operation in plastic surgery. When installing a silicone implant, only cosmetic scars remain, which can be located in several places: along the areola line, in the folds under the breasts, or in the armpit area.

The length of the scar is standard, since the size must be such as not to deform the implant and so that its filling remains intact. The size of the access is usually 4-5 cm, no matter where it is. Within 10-12 months it becomes almost invisible if the technology is followed. There are countless photographs of silicone breasts on the Internet, which clearly show how difficult it is to notice traces of plastic surgery.

3. Silicone breasts lose sensitivity

Many people have a different opinion and explain this by the fact that after the operation the skin spreads over the implant, accordingly the number of tactile receptors increases, and therefore sensitivity increases.

4. You can't breastfeed with implants.

Can. Modern technology suggests installation under the pectoralis major muscle, which is located below the mammary gland. Implants have nothing to do with its functioning at all. The implant only changes the shape and size of the breast.

5. Silicone breasts often look unnatural

If you have chosen the correct size of implants, and the clinic has installed them correctly and followed the technology, then everything will look beautiful. Moreover, with modern anatomical implants, an absolutely natural shape of the mammary gland is obtained.

6. Over time, implants can sag or deteriorate.

Implants cannot deteriorate because the shelf life of silicone is longer than the duration of human life. As for sagging, if the implant is selected and installed correctly, then you don’t have to worry about breast sagging. If it is installed under the skin or under the gland and is large and heavy for this breast, then, of course, the soft tissues can stretch and then the shape will not be so beautiful.

7. Silicone implants need to be replaced after 7-10 years

There is a study that included more than 150,000 women, they were followed for more than 10 years after breast augmentation surgery, and over 97% of them were satisfied with their decision to enlarge their breasts. Silicone implants are replaced in cases where a woman decides to change their size or when an injury occurs that compromises the integrity of the implant.

8. Silicone breasts can burst on a plane.

Many celebrities and ordinary women with silicone breasts regularly fly by plane, thereby clearly proving that it is possible to fly. Nothing happens to implants either on an airplane or underwater.

9. Breasts can freeze in the cold

Some people believe that in winter, silicone breasts can freeze and turn into a piece of ice. Theoretically, a silicone implant can freeze in the cold and harden, but only this will require such a low temperature that it will first freeze the owner of the breast to death.

10. After breast surgery, you can’t go to the sauna.

Another myth is the fear that the high temperature of a sauna can heat up the silicone in the breast to the point of destroying the implant! The melting point of silicone is approximately 200 degrees, and the temperature in the hottest sauna is no more than 100-130 degrees. However, your body temperature will never be even close to these numbers.

Although doctors do not recommend visiting a sauna with silicone breasts. The fact is that silicone, unlike the human body, changes temperature longer. When you leave the sauna, your body temperature will return to normal within a few minutes, but the silicone will take much longer to cool down, which can cause discomfort.

11. After breast surgery, you should not sleep on your stomach.

Immediately after the operation you cannot, but after a couple of months you will be able to sleep in any comfortable position.

12. After losing weight, implants look unnatural and breasts sag

The implant is installed under the muscle, so when you lose or gain weight, the shape remains constant. In addition, women with curvy figures rarely resort to breast augmentation.
Therefore, you should not be afraid of breast surgery, the main thing is to know why to do it. Before you make a decision, think about whether you are ready to deal a blow to your health at your own expense and sew two foreign objects into yourself? will not make you happier, but will only bring your shape closer to the notorious standards of beauty.

There are many examples around when girls with small breasts feel confident in this world. For example, how many mocking and insulting comments were written about her for her small breasts, but she is still pleased with herself and successful in life.