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Sloe sauce for the winter. Sauce and sweet preparations from thorns for the winter

Today I will tell you how to prepare tkemali from sloe at home; this sauce can be prepared for the winter. According to the Georgian recipe, this spicy sauce is prepared from special plums, which we call cherry plum. You can also make it from prunes, but if you want to try something unusual, then garden sloe is suitable for this purpose.

Usually in mid-autumn you can start harvesting thorns. It itself has an astringent property, and its tart taste is transferred to the sauce. By adding hot pepper, you get a spicy sauce for meat or fish. The workpiece is also distinguished by its beautiful colors, which the mass is obtained after heat treatment.

As for spices, you should definitely add ground coriander and suneli hops. Of course, you can change the set of these components if you wish, but it is because of them that you get an aromatic and tasty sauce. Small sterilized jars should be prepared for storage.

Ingredients for making tkemali from thorns

  1. Thorn – 700 g.
  2. Water – 1 glass.
  3. Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  4. Khmeli-suneli – 0.25 tsp.
  5. Ground coriander – 0.25 tsp.
  6. Ground red pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  7. Garlic – 2 teeth.
  8. Parsley – 5th century.

How to prepare tkemali from thorns for the winter

Typically, thorns bear fruit every year, so you can pick or buy these fruits without any problems. First you need to weigh the required amount of fruit.

Rinse the sloe well with water using a sieve or colander.

Pour the fruits into a saucepan and pour clean water. Heat on the stove and cook for 15 minutes until softened.

Crush whole fruits using a puree tool. There is no need to use a wooden masher; it may become stained. Then grind the mixture through a large sieve to remove the seeds. If desired, the bones can be removed immediately before cooking.

Pour salt, red pepper, coriander and suneli hops into the pan with sloe. Add grated garlic, stir and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Rinse the parsley with water and finely chop with a knife.

Add herbs to the sauce and mix well.

Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes and turn off the fire.

Place tkemali in jars. Half a liter of sauce comes out, so for convenience it is better to distribute them into 250 ml containers.

Close the lids of the jars and cover with a towel, cool.

Tkemali made from thorns can be stored both in the cellar and in the refrigerator. Hot sauce with a tart taste goes well with meat dishes. Bon appetit!

Not all of us are Georgians, but many people love tkemali sauce. The aroma of this seasoning alone can drive you crazy. Absolutely any meat, if served with such a sauce, gets an unforgettable, absolutely exquisite taste.

A real Georgian seasoning is prepared from tkemali plums. However, it does not grow in Russia, and we have to get out. We will prepare tkemali from thorns, which many people grow in their gardens and dachas. In principle, you can use any plums, the main thing is that they are not particularly sweet and ripe.

Ingredients we will need: plums, hot peppers (preferably straight from the garden), garlic, ground red pepper, herbs - dill, cilantro, mint (a combination of all or any of them is possible), coriander, salt and sugar.

To prepare tkemali from sloe, add all kinds of aromatic herbs just a little and only those that you like. First, boil the plums. There is no need to remove the bones from them. It is better to make a slight cut and remove all the branches. We make a couple of bouquets of greenery and place them on the bottom of the pan to add flavor. You need to add very little greenery to the sauce so that the color does not deteriorate. Pour a little water (maximum a glass for each kg of fruit, or less depending on the softness of the plums) into our tkemali made from thorns so that it does not stick, and put it on the fire. Boil over low heat until soft, stir occasionally. When the berries begin to unfold, you can turn it off. There is no need to boil them too much!

Next, we begin wiping the drains. A colander will help us here, but the lazy can use a blender or meat grinder, although the classic option involves manual work. Let the juice drain a little. Throw away the greens immediately.

After 8 minutes, when most of the liquid has already drained, we move the colander, which contains our future tkemali thorn sauce, to another vessel and let it cool. We do not pour out the separated juice; it may still be useful.

If the volume of our mass is large, then it is better to divide it into parts to make wiping more convenient. We put on rubber gloves, pre-washed with dishwashing detergent to prevent odor. Wipe by hand using pressing circular movements. In the end, you are left with a handful of seeds, skins and puree.

Next, add spices to our tkemali made from thorns. First, add salt, add sugar, and let stand until completely dissolved. Take a blender and grind pepper and garlic in it. Then add greens to them.

Pour our puree into a pan, preferably an aluminum one, as the sauce will burn. Add a little juice there so that the sauce becomes a little thinner than the finished one. Place on the fire, add ground coriander, as well as ground red pepper and green gruel.

Add all the spices gradually, continuously stirring and tasting. If necessary, you can also add sugar and salt. Bring our mixture to a boil and keep it on the fire for another 8 minutes, stirring very actively, especially from the bottom. That's all!

Store tkemali sauce from thorns, the recipe for which is described above, preferably in a cool place.

Sloe tkemali for the winter - recipes

Properly prepared plum sauce has a wonderful aroma and rich taste with many shades and emphasizes the taste of meat dishes. Next, we’ll look at interesting recipes for spicy tkemali made from thorns and prepare it for the winter.

Tkemali from thorns for the winter - a classic recipe

  • table salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pod;
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • a large bunch of cilantro and dill;
  • mint - 5 leaves.
  • First, remove the seeds from the thorns, sprinkle the slices with salt and wait until the plum releases its juice. Place the saucepan on the fire, add water, wait until it boils and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Now add the chopped pepper and cook for another 5 minutes, and then add the chopped herbs. Boil for a couple more minutes, add pureed garlic. Stir and turn off the heat. Pour the sauce into a blender and puree until smooth. The sauce is now ready to eat. And to prepare it for the winter, pour hot tkemali into sterilized small jars, seal and store.

    How to prepare tkemali sauce from sloe for the winter - recipe

  • thorn – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 300-400 g;
  • water – 235 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 6 pcs.;
  • mint – 4 sprigs;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • coriander – 25 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (natural) – 25 ml;
  • sugar – 110 g;
  • honey – 25 g;
  • salt – 55 g.
  • Rinse the thorns thoroughly, remove the pits and place the slices in a suitable pan. Pour water into it, put it on fire and cook for 10 minutes. Then thoroughly grind the plums through a sieve and simmer the mixture over low heat.

    Meanwhile, grind the garlic, hot pepper, herbs and tomatoes through a meat grinder. Add this mixture to the sloe and add a spoonful of honey. Next, add a little vinegar, add sugar, salt and cook the sauce for several minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Pour the finished tkemali from thorns into sterile containers, seal with lids and place under a blanket for self-sterilization.

    Tkemali from thorns for the winter - a quick recipe

  • various greens (cilantro, parsley, dill) - only 175 g;
  • thyme – 45 g;
  • garlic – 1 large head;
  • salt, sugar.
  • First, place the plums in a saucepan, add thyme and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then grind the thorns through a sieve and boil the mass for about an hour, skimming off the foam. Wash the greens, dry them and puree them together with the peeled garlic in a blender. Add the mixture to the sloe puree, add salt, add sugar if desired and pour the hot sauce into a sterile container, seal and self-sterilize under a blanket for a couple of days.

    Sloe sauce with adjika for the winter

    Adjika has long ceased to be a purely Caucasian seasoning. Russians loved it for its spicy taste. The very first seasoning was prepared from hot pepper, herbs and salt. The word adjika itself means “salt with something.” Over the centuries of production in modern adjika, the main ingredients have remained, but many additives have appeared.

    This delicious hot sauce can be used to whet your appetite! It may contain eggplants, zucchini, sweet peppers, apples, cabbage, leeks. But today the “heroine” of our article will be adjika from thorns for the winter. This berry will add an unusual plum taste and highlight the aroma of meat and fish dishes. We offer you recipes with different ingredients. Choose any one.

    Variations on a theme - spicy tkemali sauce made from sloe

    Option one

    For one kilogram of plum to prepare spicy adjika you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons table salt;
  • half a glass of water;
  • hot red pepper pod;
  • 5 large cloves of garlic;
  • cilantro and dill in large quantities;
  • mint leaves 5 pieces.
  • How to cook properly

  • Wash the plums, herbs and garlic thoroughly under running water. We clean the garlic from husks and film. We remove the stalk from the hot pepper, but do not touch the seeds. They are the ones who will add sharpness and piquancy to adjika made from thorns. Remove seeds from fruits.
  • Place the sloe plum halves in a cooking vessel and sprinkle with salt to release the plum juice.
  • Let the chopped fruits cook by adding water. As soon as the contents boil, reduce the heat to low and mix well so that the thorns for adjika are thoroughly cooked.
  • After five minutes, add finely chopped hot pepper.
  • After another 5 minutes, add chopped cilantro, dill and mint to the adjika.
  • After two minutes, pass the garlic through a press, let it boil for 2 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Since thorn sauce for the winter turns out to be hot, you won’t eat much of it. For unfolding, it is better to take sterilized small jars.

    Option two

    To prepare spicy thorn sauce with adjika for the winter you will need:

  • sloe – 2 kg;
  • ripe red tomatoes – 0.4 kg;
  • water – 235 ml;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • mint – 6 sprigs;
  • hot pepper – 1 piece;
  • coriander – 25 grams;
  • apple cider vinegar – 25 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 110 grams;
  • natural honey – 25 grams;
  • salt – 2 level tablespoons.
  • Cooking features

  • Before cooking, wash the plums and herbs in several waters. Let's clean the garlic from the surface and internal "clothing". Remove the stem of the hot pepper and, if necessary, the seeds. We cut the tomatoes into four parts, having previously cut out the place where the stalk attaches. Many housewives do not remove the seeds, as they believe that they are what give thorn adjika its unique taste.
  • Remove seeds from cleanly washed thorn fruits and place in a bowl. Add water and set to cook for 10 minutes.
  • Grind the slightly cooled plum mass through a fine metal sieve. Let the chopped thorns cook over low heat again.
  • While the mixture is cooking, let's get started with garlic, hot peppers and ripe tomatoes. To grind them we use a meat grinder.
  • Add chopped vegetables and herbs to the thorns. Pour in honey, sugar and salt. Stirring thoroughly, cook the hot thorn sauce for several minutes.
  • There is no need to sterilize adjika for the winter. It is enough to roll it into jars and hide it under a fur coat until it cools.

    Adjika for fried meat

    Many people like fried meat. Hot sauce with sloe for the winter, the recipe for which is given below, is the most suitable option.

    To prepare you need to stock up:

    • ripe thorn fruits – 1 kg 200 g;
    • pure water – 300 mg;
    • fresh fleshy tomatoes – 0.6 kg;
    • young garlic – 1 head;
    • red hot pepper – 2-3 pods;
    • sweet apple - one medium size;
    • sweet bell pepper – 3 pieces;
    • table salt (non-iodized salt) – 90 g;
    • granulated sugar – 150 g.
    • Cooking features

    1. Place the washed and dried sloe fruits whole in a saucepan, add water and set to cook. Cooking time is not indicated, since it depends on the ripeness of the berries. When the contents of the pan boil, set the temperature switch to the minimum setting.

    2. As soon as the skin begins to burst and the pulp is completely softened, we select the fruits on a sieve. We wait for the thorn to cool down and begin to rub it with our hands. As a result, you will get a beautiful plum puree, and the pits and peel will remain in the sieve.
    3. Chop fleshy tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, apples, garlic and grind one by one in a meat grinder, on the finest grill. Cook the resulting mass for an hour.
    4. Then add plum puree, sugar, salt and simmer over low heat for another 30 minutes. Hot hot sauce for the winter is placed in prepared jars and rolled up. We send it upside down under a fur coat for a day.
    5. In conclusion about the benefits of thorns

      Sloe fruits, which resemble plums in appearance and taste, are a healthy product:

      1. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Thanks to them, berries have anti-inflammatory, immune, and antibacterial effects on the human body.
      2. Substances contained in fruits help eliminate toxins and toxic substances.
      3. The fruits are widely used by nutritionists for weight loss.
      4. A person who takes products containing thorns forgets about shortness of breath and is less irritated.
      5. Berries normalize blood pressure and so on.

      Although the value of the fruit in adjika is reduced by heat treatment, together with other ingredients it still produces a healthy low-calorie product. Cook for your health, treat your family and friends with delicious aromatic twists.

      Making tkemali sloe sauce: recipes for the winter

      The well-known Tkemali sauce is famous for its unusual taste and aroma. Plum sauce goes well with hot meat and fish dishes. Thanks to the composition of the recipe, it reveals the taste of meat and fish and helps to better absorb protein foods. How to prepare this wonderful sauce at home for the winter? We will look at several recipes for its preparation.

      Tkemali from thorns

      Tkemali's homeland is Georgia. There local housewives traditionally prepared from cherry plums and damsons. In our area, red, yellow and blue plums are used to prepare Tkemali sauce.

      The astringency of damsons (a hybrid of plums and cherry plums) gives the sauce a unique taste. The classic recipe consists of the required components - thorns, garlic and cilantro, and various spices and herbs are added to them. They add aroma and unusual taste. The result is a spicy, rich sauce.

      To prepare for winter storage, Tkemali must be sterilized. The taste of the sauce should be spicy, sweet and sour and the consistency should be perfect. Its taste will pleasantly surprise the whole family and hot dishes of meat, fish and poultry in combination with it will taste even more pleasant. To prepare Tkemali sauce, you need to have the main ingredient - thorns. His crops begin to ripen late summer or early autumn, depending on climatic conditions.

      Classic recipe for Georgian Tkemali sauce

      There are many recipes for making this popular sauce. Often, during the cooking process, everyone adds something of their own. The classic Tkemali recipe contains certain components, thanks to which it is loved not only in the Caucasus, but also far beyond its borders. According to the recipe, you will need:

    • thorns - 1 kg, ripe fruits, but not overripe;
    • water - 200 g;
    • 1 bunch of dry cilantro and mint and 1 bunch of fresh mint and cilantro;
    • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
    • red chili pepper - 1 piece;
    • sugar and salt to taste.
    • Prepared sloe fruits need to be washed and placed in a clean pan, filled with water according to the recipe. It is better to remove the seeds from the thorns when the berries have softened a little. This feature will give the sloe sauce the necessary consistency.

      When the sloe mixture begins to boil, you need to add bunches of dry grass to it so that it imparts its aroma to the damsons. After this, they can be removed from the container and thrown away.

      Within 15 minutes, the mass in the pan should simmer over low heat. After this, it can be removed from the heat and left under a tightly closed lid so that the aroma does not evaporate from the container. The berries should sit in this state for 1 hour.

      When they have almost cooled down, you can rub them through a sieve. The pureed mass is put back on low heat and about 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt are added. While cooking, taste the thorn sauce and add salt and sugar to taste.

      While the mixture is cooking, you need to grind the remaining ingredients from the recipe. This is best done using a blender. Fans of very hot sauce can leave the seeds in the chili pepper. Those who don't like spicy foods can remove them from the pod. The resulting mixture should be added to the pan with the sloe and if the sauce is too thick, add a little water.

      Typically, when the finished product sits, it becomes more intense. If you plan to prepare the sauce for the winter, then you should boil it longer and then roll it up in jars. This sauce will pleasantly diversify your home menu, as it goes perfectly with various dishes and regular lavash.

      Quick Tkemali recipe

      To quickly prepare Georgian sauce you need prepare the following products:

    • thorns - 2 kg;
    • parsley, dill, cilantro - a total of 175 grams of herbs;
    • 1 large head of garlic;
    • salt and sugar;
    • thyme - 45 gr.
    • At the very beginning, you need to put the plums together with the thyme in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, the fruits should simmer. After the fruits are completely cooked, you need to remove the seeds from them and rub the mass through a sieve. In this form, the mass is cooked again for 1 hour.

      The greens and garlic are chopped and then the mixture is needed add to pureed plums and add sugar and salt. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured hot into clean jars and sealed. The jars must be wrapped in warm clothes and left until they cool completely.

      Recipe for tkemali for the winter

    • turn - 2kg;
    • water - 235 ml;
    • tomatoes - 300-400 gr;
    • 4 sprigs of fresh mint;
    • garlic - 6 cloves;
    • coriander 25 gr;
    • 1 pod of red hot pepper;
    • natural apple cider vinegar - 25 g;
    • honey - 25 g;
    • sugar - 110 g;
    • salt - 55 gr.
    • The washed sloe fruits should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water according to the recipe, simmer a little and remove the seeds. Boil for 10 minutes and grind using a sieve when the mass cools down. Then it is put back on the fire and simmered over the lowest heat.

      Tomatoes, herbs, garlic and hot peppers prepared according to the recipe are crushed and then added to the thorns. Honey should also be added there, as well as sugar, vinegar and salt. The whole mass should boil for several minutes and the finished product is poured into clean and dry jars. After this, the jars are covered with a warm blanket or blanket and they stand there until they cool completely.

      Sloe sauce for the winter

      Cooking time: 1 hour

      Number of servings: 4 pcs.

      The recipe is suitable for: fasting, lunch.


      Preparing sloe sauce for the winter

      I present another sauce made from garden thorns, the recipe is close to Tkemali sauce. The taste of the resulting sauce was a small discovery for me - I bought Tkemali from my grandmothers in Georgia, tried to reproduce the sauce at home, used all the recipe ingredients, even pennyroyal, which is rare in our country, the sauce turned out similar, but not the same.

      The taste of sloe sauce was explained by a secret ingredient - the astringency of the sloe. Try the spicy, rich sauce. Good for both meat and fish dishes. For winter storage, the sauce is pasteurized. Bon appetit!

      How to prepare a dish step by step with photos at home

      Ingredients: thorns (I have garden, large, ripe ones), salt, cilantro (fresh and dry ground seeds), dill (greens and umbrellas), hot pepper, garlic.

      Wash the turn and sort it out.

      Place dill umbrellas and berries in the pan.

      Place on the fire for 20-30 minutes, add 0.5 cups of water, stir occasionally.

      10 minutes before the end of heating, add dry spices.

      Grind the mass, separate the seeds and skins, a total of 675 g of sauce is obtained.

      Grind pepper and garlic.

      Put the puree on the fire, add pepper and garlic, and boil.

      Add the herbs to the sauce, to the almost finished sauce. The degree of boiling is according to preference.

      Pour into sterile jars and place in a water bath for 15 minutes.

      Cover the sauce with a sterile lid. Bon appetit!

      Sloe tkemali sauce

      I continue to look for recipes for hot sauces for meat and poultry. This time I will share how to prepare tkemali sauce from sloe. It goes perfectly with hot meat dishes.


      • Thorn 4 Kilograms
      • Tomato paste 700 grams
      • Garlic 300 grams
      • Sugar 1.5 cups
      • Coriander 0.5 cups
      • Salt 2 tbsp. spoons
      • Hot pepper To taste
      • Wash the turn and remove the seeds. Add a glass of water to it, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring.

        After this time, remove the berries from the heat, grind them through a sieve, and mix. Then boil for 20 minutes until smooth.

        While the mixture is boiling, fry the coriander in a dry frying pan for about 5 minutes, and then grind it in a coffee grinder. Grind the garlic and pepper in a meat grinder.

        Add garlic, pepper, coriander, salt, hot pepper and sugar, as well as tomato paste to the plum mixture. Mix everything and simmer the sauce over low heat for 20 minutes.

        Pour warm tkemali into sterile jars prepared in advance and seal. Turn the lid down and leave in a warm place until cool. Then you can try.

        Soaked sloe - step-by-step photo recipe for preparing it for the winter in a jar

        Soaked thorn Every housewife should prepare it for the winter, if only for the fact that soaked berries retain almost all their beneficial properties, and there are a lot of them in the mentioned fruits. Such valuable thorn preparations are quite popular in cooking. Cold soaked thorns will be a stunning decoration for any salad. A variety of meat dishes look more beautiful on the holiday table with the addition of such wonderful berries. In addition, soaked pickled thorns can be placed in a beautiful saucer and you will get a separate unique snack.

        Few people know about the benefits of thorns for the human body, but they are actually enormous. Such berries have diuretic, astringent, diaphoretic and antiseptic properties, which are simply necessary in special cases, for example, during a cold. The step-by-step photo recipe below clearly outlines how to make sweet berries with vinegar, mustard and other spices at home. So, let's start making amazing soaked sloe in jars for the winter.

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    The well-known Tkemali sauce is famous for its unusual taste and aroma. Plum sauce goes well with hot meat and fish dishes. Thanks to the composition of the recipe, it reveals the taste of meat and fish and helps to better absorb protein foods. How to prepare this wonderful sauce at home for the winter? We will look at several recipes for its preparation.

    Tkemali's homeland is Georgia. There local housewives traditionally prepared from cherry plums and damsons. In our area, red, yellow and blue plums are used to prepare Tkemali sauce.

    The astringency of damsons (a hybrid of plums and cherry plums) gives the sauce a unique taste. The classic recipe consists of the required components - thorns, garlic and cilantro, and various spices and herbs are added to them. They add aroma and unusual taste. The result is a spicy, rich sauce.

    To prepare for winter storage, Tkemali must be sterilized. The taste of the sauce should be spicy, sweet and sour and the consistency should be perfect. Its taste will pleasantly surprise the whole family and hot dishes of meat, fish and poultry in combination with it will taste even more pleasant. To prepare Tkemali sauce, you need to have the main ingredient - thorns. His crops begin to ripen late summer or early autumn, depending on climatic conditions.

    Classic recipe for Georgian Tkemali sauce

    There are many recipes for making this popular sauce. Often, during the cooking process, everyone adds something of their own. The classic Tkemali recipe contains certain components, thanks to which it is loved not only in the Caucasus, but also far beyond its borders. According to the recipe, you will need:

    Prepared sloe fruits need to be washed and placed in a clean pan, filled with water according to the recipe. It is better to remove the seeds from the thorns when the berries have softened a little. This feature will give the sloe sauce the necessary consistency.

    When the sloe mixture begins to boil, you need to add bunches of dry grass to it so that it imparts its aroma to the damsons. After this, they can be removed from the container and thrown away.

    Within 15 minutes, the mass in the pan should simmer over low heat. After this, it can be removed from the heat and left under a tightly closed lid so that the aroma does not evaporate from the container. The berries should sit in this state for 1 hour.

    When they have almost cooled down, you can rub them through a sieve. The pureed mass is put back on low heat and about 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt are added. While cooking, taste the thorn sauce and add salt and sugar to taste.

    While the mixture is cooking, you need to grind the remaining ingredients from the recipe. This is best done using a blender. Fans of very hot sauce can leave the seeds in the chili pepper. Those who don't like spicy foods can remove them from the pod. The resulting mixture should be added to the pan with the sloe and if the sauce is too thick, add a little water.

    Typically, when the finished product sits, it becomes more intense. If you plan to prepare the sauce for the winter, then you should boil it longer and then roll it up in jars. This sauce will pleasantly diversify your home menu, as it goes perfectly with various dishes and regular lavash.

    Quick Tkemali recipe

    To quickly prepare Georgian sauce you need prepare the following products:

    • thorn - 2 kg;
    • parsley, dill, cilantro - a total of 175 grams of herbs;
    • 1 large head of garlic;
    • salt and sugar;
    • thyme - 45 gr.

    At the very beginning, you need to put the plums together with the thyme in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, the fruits should simmer. After the fruits are completely cooked, you need to remove the seeds from them and rub the mass through a sieve. In this form, the mass is cooked again for 1 hour.

    The greens and garlic are chopped and then the mixture is needed add to pureed plums and add sugar and salt. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured hot into clean jars and sealed. The jars must be wrapped in warm clothes and left until they cool completely.

    Recipe for tkemali for the winter

    The washed sloe fruits should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water according to the recipe, simmer a little and remove the seeds. Boil for 10 minutes and grind using a sieve when the mass cools down. Then it is put back on the fire and simmered over the lowest heat.

    Tomatoes, herbs, garlic and hot peppers prepared according to the recipe are crushed and then added to the thorns. Honey should also be added there, as well as sugar, vinegar and salt. The whole mass should boil for several minutes and the finished product is poured into clean and dry jars. After this, the jars are covered with a warm blanket or blanket and they stand there until they cool completely.

    Outwardly, thorns look like small plums, but in fact they have nothing in common with them. Plum trees appeared much later than thorns. This plant has powerful medicinal properties. It contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. This means that it is not in vain that thorns are widely used in cooking.

    You can use it not only to make compotes and jam, but also to make sauces for fish, meat, pizza, potatoes and other dishes.

    This sauce recipe is quick and easy to prepare, which is important for the current pace of life. The sauce is piquant, spicy and very aromatic. Goes great with meat.

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 1 kg;
    • garlic – 4 cloves;
    • sugar – 6 spoons;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil – 0.050 l.;
    • ground coriander – 1 tsp;
    • dry basil – 1 tsp;
    • ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.


    Rinse the berries, remove seeds and stems. Next, you need to pour the thorns into a saucepan and add a little water. Cook a little to soften the berries. Then rub them through a large strainer. This way you can get rid of the sloe skin and get a thick puree.

    Remove the peel from the garlic and crush it in a mortar. Send it, sugar and all the spices to the thorn puree, which should be transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom. You should also add vegetable oil.

    Important! It is important to choose only refined vegetable oil, otherwise the smell of the oil may spoil the entire sauce.

    Place the pan on the stove; when the sauce boils, reduce the heat and cook for 1 hour. It should be stirred from time to time with a wooden spatula.

    During the cooking process, you need to taste the sauce and add more sugar or salt if necessary. Once it tastes good, remove from heat and cool. The specified amount of sloe should yield 0.5 liters. sauce.

    Tkemali from thorns at home for the winter

    is a Georgian sauce that is used to season meat, fish, rice, potatoes, pizza and many other dishes. The classic recipe uses sour plums, but they can be replaced with other sour fruits. In this recipe we will use sloes.

    Read also: Pesto sauce - 8 homemade recipes

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 3 kg;
    • water – 2 tbsp.;
    • dill stems and umbrellas – 0.25 kg;
    • garlic – 5 cloves;
    • green cilantro – 0.30 kg;
    • mint greens – 0.25 kg;
    • red hot pepper – 1 pc.;
    • salt and sugar to your taste.


    To prepare tkemali from sloe at home, first you need to rinse the berries and place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

    Pour water into a saucepan and place it on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer until the thorns are tender.

    Cool the berries a little, and then grind through a colander with small holes to free the thorns from the skins of the berries and seeds.

    Return the already homogeneous mass to the pan and put it on the fire. While the sloe pulp is boiling, you need to rinse the hot pepper and chop it finely.

    Important! Hot peppers should only be cut with gloves and not touched to your face after cutting. The seeds should be removed from such peppers and the tail should be cut off along with part of the pepper. You need to cut it lengthwise. By following these rules, the pepper will not be so hot.

    Tie the dill into a bunch and throw it into the pan along with the hot pepper. You also need to add salt and sugar and cook for 30 minutes.

    Peel the garlic and blend together with the remaining herbs with an immersion blender. Take out the dill; we won't need it anymore. And add chopped herbs and garlic to the pan. Cook for another 15 minutes, stirring the sauce occasionally.

    Cool the sauce and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Cover with lids that were boiled in advance and roll up using a canning key.

    Read also: Balsamic Sauce – 9 Homemade Recipes

    Place the jars with the lids down and wrap them in something warm. Once completely cooled, move to a more suitable place for winter storage.

    Hot thorn sauce "Adjika"

    This recipe is for those who are tired of the classic tomato adjika. The sauce has an unusually pleasant aroma and spicy taste that will please any gourmet.

    Required Products:

    • Turn – 1 kg;
    • garlic - 2 voices;
    • dill greens – 0.05 kg;
    • coriander – 1 tsp;
    • salt and ground black pepper to your taste.


    Rinse the thorns and place them in a saucepan. Pour in water and cook until boiling, then simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat.

    Interesting to know! The thorn tree can grow in the mountains, in the desert, and in the taiga.