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Is isoprinosine compatible with alcohol? "Isoprinosine" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences. Impact on the condition of people with gout

Isoprinosine and alcohol are an incompatible combination. Drinking alcohol with medications is not safe for human health. In order not to make a mistake during treatment, you must carefully study the instructions for use and consult with your doctor about the composition and properties of the medicine.

Isoprinosine is a purine-based drug that has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Prescribed for the normal function of lymphocytes in conditions of immunosuppression, increasing cell genesis and activation of metabolic processes.


  • herpetic infection (shingles, chickenpox);
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • measles;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • mononucleosis;
  • human papilloma localized in the larynx, genitals of men and women;
  • T-cell lymphoma;
  • various viral encephalitis.


  • kidney diseases associated with impaired purine metabolism (gout, urolithiasis);
  • Heart arythmy;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • weight less than 20 kg;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • allergic reaction to individual components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation in women, taking Isoprinosine is not prohibited, but it is also not permitted. It is better to refuse such treatment to avoid side effects.

The course of therapy is determined solely by the doctor; self-medication is dangerous to health. When prescribing, the specialist warns that Isoprinosine and alcohol are not compatible.

Danger of interaction with alcohol

The manufacturer does not describe the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol in the instructions for the drug. However, side effects of treatment with these tablets while drinking alcohol are indicated:

  • rash with itching and redness of the body skin;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • abdominal pain;
  • allergic reaction such as Quincke's edema;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • Strong headache;
  • nasal congestion with constant runny nose;
  • increased lacrimation and sweating;
  • Symptoms similar to an asthma attack may appear (shortness of breath, suffocation, bluish skin).

From all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that Isoprinosine should not be taken with alcohol.

  1. For kidney disease (kidney stones, gout or kidney failure). You can cause irreparable harm to health or provoke a sharp exacerbation of the disease.
  2. In case of mental disorders and other neurological diseases, serious exacerbations (development of depression, suicidal tendencies, numbness of the extremities) and even death are threatened.
  3. For liver diseases. Antiviral drugs put a lot of stress on this organ, and drinking alcohol can cause hepatitis, jaundice, etc.
  4. In chronic alcoholism, Isoprinosine causes even more severe alcohol intoxication.
  5. After the course of treatment, you should also not drink alcohol. You need to wait a certain amount of time to restore normal functioning of the body. You can drink no earlier than in a couple of days. It is better to check the exact period with your doctor.

Most experienced doctors, when prescribing treatment for their patient, warn about the incompatibility of taking medications in combination with alcohol. But people often neglect warnings or ignore them altogether, citing the experience of friends who tolerate this combination well. Isoprinosine and alcohol, how is such a mixture dangerous for the human body?

Description of the drug

Isoprinosine is a completely harmless drug created on the basis of a purine derivative. Belongs to the group of antiviral drugs that support the immune system.

During the admission process:

  1. increases blastogenesis;
  2. stimulates membrane expression;
  3. normalizes the functioning of lymphocytes.

An effective remedy in the fight:

  • with measles virus;
  • equine encephalitis;
  • cytomegaloviruses;
  • encephalomyocarditis;
  • Herpes simplex virus and others.

It also helps in the treatment of warts, influenza, types of herpes, ARVI, chickenpox, lichen, and treatment of papillomas. The course of treatment lasts 5-10 days. In advanced cases, the duration of the course increases to 15 days.

Compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol

Some people simply cannot withstand such a long period of time without. These 15 days become real torture for them. Therefore, the question of the possibility of combining this medicine with alcohol is relevant for them. The instructions don't say anything about not taking isoprinosine and alcohol together, but that doesn't mean anything. They cannot even be taken separately. Sane people know very well that alcohol is harmful even to a healthy body, but it will kill the sick.

When you carefully study the instructions, you can see the information present about the presence of side effects and contraindications. The drug should not be taken by people with urolithiasis, arrhythmia, or renal failure. Drinking alcohol will only increase the side effects. Consuming isoprinosine with alcohol will worsen arrhythmia and increase the chances of kidney attacks and inflammation. The annotation clearly states that during long-term use of the medicine it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests and monitor the condition of the liver. Everyone knows that a drinking person already has a number of problems with the liver, and it is significantly different from the liver of teetotalers. Therefore, combining the drug with alcohol is simply life-threatening.

Isoprinosine stimulates interferon activity, protecting cells from viral attack. But in combination with alcohol, interferon enhances the effect of ethanol on the body. As a result, a breakdown of the nervous system and the development of psychopathologies may occur. This means that in addition to exacerbation of renal failure, a person may have thoughts of suicide and develop depression. Combining the drug and alcohol is dangerous even for a healthy person. For example, if you have urolithiasis, you cannot avoid the consequences. Do not forget: when drinking alcohol, medications do not give the desired effect, but the chances of side effects increase. This phenomenon is referred to as an allergy. Symptoms are as follows: itching, redness of the skin, nausea, headache, gag reflexes, stomach discomfort. What’s even worse is swelling of the face, sometimes blood pressure drops sharply.


When using medicine, all efforts are aimed at strengthening the immune system, and alcohol destroys all these efforts. The combination of isoprinosine with alcohol is a terrible mockery of one’s own body, especially the organs that remove toxins. After all, even a very good medicine is regarded by the body as a foreign chemical compound, which it tries to get rid of through the work of the kidneys and liver. In this case, alcohol does not bring any benefit; on the contrary, it interferes with the cleansing of the body, inhibiting the work of these organs. This drug stimulates the immune system, and alcohol acts to its detriment, stopping the process. Who will emerge victorious from this battle? Isn't your own life more valuable than these experiments? Starting treatment is the first step in the fight for your own health. Do not forget that drinking alcohol during treatment triggers irreversible consequences of adverse reactions. As a result, the body weakens, metabolism is disrupted, and all the positive effects of treatment disappear.

Can Isoprinosine be taken with alcohol? This is a common question. Let's take a closer look. “Isoprinosine” is a drug that is an immunomodulator, as well as an antiviral agent, its active ingredients are purine derivatives. This drug is produced in the form of tablets that have a slight odor and white color.

This drug acts as a stimulator of lymphocytes and also helps to enhance the synthesis of IgG, interferon and interleukins. Isoprinosine is active against influenza viruses, poliovirus, cytomegalovirus, and measles virus. In addition, the antiviral effect of the drug is based on the fact that the synthesis of RNA viruses is suppressed.

The active ingredients of the drug are detected in the blood plasma after 2 hours and are excreted by the kidneys.

The compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol interests many.


The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, as well as people suffering from renal failure, cardiac arrhythmia, urolithiasis and gout. The use of the drug in cases of drinking alcoholic beverages is unacceptable.

Side effects

Most often, the side effect of this medication manifests itself in the form of digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain). People taking the medication may experience headaches, dizziness, and sleep disturbances.

Isoprinosine and alcohol - compatibility

The instructions for the drug indicate that when taking it, it is necessary to monitor the level of uric acid in cases of long-term use. Similar monitoring is also necessary when taking drugs that can impair kidney and liver function. Ethyl alcohol also tends to destroy liver cells, so drinking alcohol in combination with this drug is extremely dangerous.

Effects on the liver

As a drug, Isoprinosine increases the activity of liver enzymes, the so-called “transaminases”. These enzymes carry out metabolism inside cells, and an increase in their concentration contributes to the development of hepatosis, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. So, can you drink alcohol while taking Isoprinosine?

When alcohol is combined with a drug, the level of another liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, increases. Ethyl alcohol contributes to a sharp increase in the amount of this substance, and the combined effect with an antiviral agent leads to the fact that the human liver experiences double load.

This effect of ethyl alcohol and the active ingredients of the drug is accompanied by active death of liver cells and the development of acute liver failure. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to drink alcohol and Isoprinosine is the word “no”.

Effects on the kidneys

Alcohol, having diuretic properties, contributes to the disruption of not only the functions of the liver, but also the kidneys. In combination with the components of the drug “Isoprinosine”, the level of uric acid in a person’s blood sharply increases, which is caused by the diuretic property of ethyl alcohol. Alcohol, as is known, actively removes fluid from the body, increases the concentration in the blood of such a dangerous substance as ammonia, which greatly worsens the condition of the kidneys and disrupts their function in removing excess fluid.

Taking the drug “Isoprinosine” causes an increase in the synthesis of interferon gamma in the body, which is a substance that enhances the effect of alcohol and its metabolites, ethyl alcohol.

Among other things, the combined use of Isoprinosine and drinks containing ethyl alcohol provokes depression and suicidal thoughts.

Effect on the nervous system

The use of the drug “Isoprinosine” in combination with alcoholic beverages negatively affects the state of the human central nervous system, since the main effect of this drug is to increase immune defense, and ethyl alcohol is known to affect the brain, which helps slow down its working processes. This provokes great stress for the entire body as a whole, it cannot resist the disease, and the medicine turns out to be powerless.

In addition, alcohol inhibits mental reactions, just like this drug, which contributes to disorders of the nervous system.

Impact on the condition of people with gout

People suffering from a disease such as gout should especially avoid taking the drug “Isoprinosine” together with alcohol, since this disease is caused by the fact that purine metabolism is disrupted in the human body, and this medication, as indicated in the instructions, is a derivative of purine synthesis.

We have described the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol, and below we present the possible consequences.

Possible consequences

When taking the drug and alcohol simultaneously, the following may be provoked:

How long after taking the drug can I drink alcohol?

After taking the drug "Isoprinosine", at least 4 hours should pass. After this period of time has expired, you can drink drinks containing ethyl alcohol. This is explained by the fact that the half-life of this medicine is 3.5-4 hours, depending on the characteristics of the body. People suffering from gout can drink alcohol only two days after the last dose of the drug, that is, from the moment it is completely eliminated.

After drinking alcoholic beverages, Isoprinosine can be taken only after the time required to remove ethyl alcohol from the body has passed. This time period varies depending on what kind of alcoholic drink was consumed, and it can be calculated using a special alcohol calculator.

This is the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol.


Doctors' recommendations are clear - while using the drug, you should stop taking drinks containing ethyl alcohol, which either reduces the effect of the drug or distorts it, which is directly aimed at damaging the vital organs and systems of the human body.

Every person has had to deal with various diseases in their life. Thanks to developed pharmaceuticals, fighting diseases becomes quick and easy. And sometimes people do not think at all about some specific conditions that should be met when treating with one or another remedy. We are talking about the compatibility of alcohol and medications.

Almost all medications cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages. The fact that sobriety should be maintained throughout the entire therapeutic course is prescribed in the annotation; doctors warn about this. But questions still remain. Let's talk about the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol, because this effective antiviral agent is often used in therapy.

Isoprinosine is an effective antiviral agent; this drug is not compatible with alcohol

Isoprinosine is famous for its powerful antiviral effects. This medicine is often used to restore and increase immune strength and strengthen the entire body. The active ingredient of the medicine is purine. This bioactive compound works to enhance blastogenesis (resuscitation of tissue structure) and activates membrane metabolic processes.

Purine is a natural compound found in the cells of the body. Almost all products contain it. Purines are embedded in the genetic structure of all living organisms (animals and plants).

How does the product work?

Reviews about this drug are in most cases positive. Therefore, Isoprinosine is quite actively used in medical practice as an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent. The effect of the drug on viruses is based on stopping their reproduction by blocking the activity of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase (this compound helps to enhance viral activity).

Isoprinosine has a wide spectrum of effects

Isoprinosine is most active against viral agents such as:

  • measles virus;
  • polioviruses;
  • influenza (types A, B);
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • equine encephalitis;
  • encephalomyelocarditis;
  • Herpes simplex (types I and II);
  • T-cell lymphoma (type II);
  • ECHO virus (enterocytopathogenic).

The product is produced in the form of small white tablets with a subtle odor. After administration, the maximum concentration of the drug is observed after 1.5-2 hours. The half-life of the drug is about 3.5-4 hours. Complete cleansing of the body from medicinal metabolites can take up to 48-50 hours.

Purpose of the product

Isoprinasine is indicated for the treatment of the following types of viral infections:

  • measles;
  • warts;
  • encephalitis;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • chicken pox;
  • hepatitis (C and B);
  • papillomavirus;
  • herpes keratitis;
  • encephalomyocarditis;
  • shingles;
  • molluscum condida;
  • influenza manifestations;
  • genital and labial herpes;
  • genital warts;
  • infectious mononucleosis.

This product can only be used as prescribed by a physician. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. After all, this medication has a number of contraindications, and if used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to health.

How is Isoprinosine used?

Contraindications of Isoprinosine

Not everyone can be treated with effective medication. Cases prohibiting its use include the following:

  • gout;
  • renal pathologies;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • liver failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • age restrictions (up to 3 years);
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

The most common negative manifestations that can be caused by the use of Isoprinosine are various manifestations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, the following situations may occur:

  • severe nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • pain in the stomach area.

Long-term and illiterate use of the drug poses a high risk of disruption of the liver and gallbladder. A very common ailment that occurs during treatment is headache. During therapy, the patient may also experience symptoms such as insomnia, dizziness, weakness and general deterioration. In the presence of gout, doctors noted a significant deterioration of the underlying disease.

It is especially dangerous to combine alcohol during treatment with Isoprinosine for people suffering from gout.

Isoprinosine and alcohol: compatibility

The question of the combination of this antiviral immunomodulator and alcohol worries many people. To understand whether it is possible to drink Isoprinosine with alcohol, you should understand the specific effects of ethanol and the drug itself on the body. By the way, whether it is possible or not to combine treatment with alcohol intake is not stated in the annotation.

But based on the available side effects and contraindications, we can conclude that this drug can have a negative effect on the functioning of the body. And ethanol also cannot be classified as a safe compound; first of all, it harms the functioning of the liver, destroying the cells of the organ and causing serious poisoning.

The combination of alcohol and Isoprinosine is not safe. This tandem causes significant damage to the patient’s health, increasing the load on the internal organs.

Doctors strongly do not recommend combining treatment with Isoprinosine and drinking alcohol. According to doctors who studied this problem, this combination has a high chance of developing various negative symptoms in patients.

It is necessary to take into account one fact, which is stated in the instructions. With long-term therapy (more than 2 weeks), the patient needs to monitor the level of uric acid. And doctors carry out such procedures when using drugs that have a destructive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. By the way, ethanol also has a negative effect on the functioning of these organs.

Consequences of the combination

The active components of the medication work to stimulate the interferon protein, which helps improve the functioning of the body's immune system. But it is necessary to understand that the same interferon can also enhance the destructive effects of ethanol, accelerating its breakdown and the formation of toxic aldehyde.

Combining medication and alcohol leads to an acceleration of the breakdown of alcohol and the accumulation of a toxic alcohol metabolite in the body.

  1. Development of severe allergic reactions.
  2. Exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies.
  3. A sharp deterioration in the patient's general well-being.
  4. Significant decrease in the effectiveness of therapy.
  5. Manifestation and intensification of side effects present in the drug.

In the case of treating a patient with existing psychosomatic disorders (various disorders in the functioning of internal systems and organs), the tandem of medicine and alcohol often leads to the progression of pathologies. It is very dangerous to drink alcohol during treatment for these antiviral patients who suffer from urolithiasis. In this case, an exacerbation of the pathology can be provoked.

The interaction of alcohol-containing products and Isoprinosine may manifest itself as follows:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • provoke a gout attack;
  • significantly worsen immunity;
  • the occurrence of severe migraines;
  • cause liver failure;
  • cause gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain);
  • increase the concentration of uric acid, which will threaten the occurrence of renal failure;
  • lead to allergic reactions accompanied by runny nose, lacrimation, Quincke's edema, urticaria).

Effect on the liver

Both ethanol and Isoprinosine lead to an increase in the production of enzymes by the liver - transaminases. These substances take an active part in intracellular metabolism. If the level of this enzyme becomes abnormal, then there is a high chance of developing diseases such as:

  • hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

The tandem of alcohol and the drug leads to an increase in another liver enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. The result of a significant increase in enzyme levels in the liver leads to an increase in the toxic load on the organ. As a result, mass death of hepatocides begins and the appearance of serious disorders in the liver.

Kidney problems

Ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on kidney function, as it has diuretic properties. Due to the powerful diuretic effect, the concentration of uric acid in the blood sharply increases, which significantly worsens the function and condition of the kidneys.

The combination of an antiviral drug and alcohol provokes excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body

Psycho-emotional background

Treatment with Isoprinosine provokes active formation of interferon gamma in the body. As already mentioned, this compound provokes an increase in the harmful effects on the internal systems of ethanol, as it actively promotes its breakdown and the creation of a toxic metabolite - acetaldehyde.

Taking medication and alcohol together has an extremely bad effect on an emotional background - due to the deterioration of the functioning of brain receptors. Doctors diagnosed cases of severe depressive disorders and even suicide attempts against the backdrop of a dangerous tandem.

Gout attacks

Gout develops against the background of impaired purine metabolism and the body’s inability to excrete uric acid. The liver is involved in cleansing the internal organs of toxins, which can sharply weaken its work due to the triple load caused by the combination of alcohol and medication. It should also be taken into account that Isoprinosine itself provokes increased production of purine.

Taking alcohol and an antiviral drug at the same time is extremely dangerous for people suffering from gout. In this case, the patient will have to face severe complications of the disease and the development of serious attacks.

An attack of gout is based on acute inflammation of the joint, which is accompanied by severe pain. This complication develops suddenly and quickly.

Attacks of the disease are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the sore spot;
  • sharp pain that gradually increases;
  • development of puffiness and swelling around the affected joint.

How soon can you drink?

As for alcohol, you can relax with the help of strong alcohol no earlier than 3.5-4 hours after taking the last Isoprinosine tablet (this is the half-life of the medicine). But, if the patient has various disorders of purine metabolism, it is necessary to wait until the body is completely cleansed of medicinal metabolites (48-50 hours).

Well, you need to start treatment only against the background of complete sobriety of the person. Therefore, after taking any alcohol, you should wait until you are completely sober. On average, this requires from several hours to 1.5-2 days (depending on the amount of alcohol consumed and a number of additional factors).


In order for the course of therapy with this drug to pass with a guaranteed result, you should avoid taking any alcohol, even low-alcohol. This ban also applies to forced breaks in the process of long-term antiviral therapy. Otherwise, the guarantee of a person’s recovery becomes jeopardized. Moreover, the dangerous tandem is the culprit of numerous and dangerous complications that affect the functioning of internal systems and organs.

Do not forget about regular visits to the attending physician who prescribes therapy. This is necessary to track the patient’s current condition and monitor the healing process by tracking test results.

The medicine Isoprinosine is used to enhance defenses and strengthen the immune system. Alcohol acts in the opposite way. When alcohol-containing drinks are abused, the immune system suffers no less than the nervous, vascular system, and heart.

Isoprinosine: properties

Isoprinosine is an immunomodulatory, antiviral agent and is a purine derivative. Produced in the form of white tablets with a slight odor.


  • stimulates T-helper lymphocytes, T-suppressor lymphocytes, regulating the body’s immune response;
  • enhances the synthesis of IgG, interleukins, interferon;
  • acts against cytomegalovirus, influenza viruses, measles, poliovirus.

The antiviral effect of the drug is based on the ability to suppress the synthesis of RNA viruses. After administration, it is detected in plasma within 2 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys and cannot accumulate in the body.

The half-life of Isoprinosine is 3.5 hours. The time for complete elimination of the drug itself and its metabolites from the body can last up to 48 hours.


The antiviral drug is contraindicated for urolithiasis, cardiac arrhythmia, and gout attacks. Children under 3 years of age with renal failure should not be treated with Isoprinosine.

Side effects

Frequent side effects that occur after consuming Isoprinosine are changes in the digestive tract.

When taking medication, you may experience:

  • nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • in rare cases - stool disturbance.

The gallbladder and liver may be damaged from taking the medicine. A common side effect that develops after taking the medicine is headache.

The patient may experience dizziness, sleep disturbances, and deterioration in health. A common side effect in patients with gout is exacerbation.

Interaction with alcohol

The instructions for the drug indicate the need to control the concentration of uric acid during long-term (more than 14 days) treatment. It is also necessary to control the uric acid content when taking drugs that impair the functions of the kidneys and liver. Ethyl alcohol also has properties to destroy the liver and kidneys, so the question of whether the drug can be consumed with alcoholic beverages is quite logical.

Effects on the liver

Side effects of both alcohol and Isoprinosine include an increase in the activity of liver enzymes transaminases. These enzymes ensure intracellular metabolism. An increase in their concentration means trouble in the body and indicates the possibility of hepatosis.

When taking alcohol and Isoprinosine, the level of another liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, increases. Ethyl alcohol and medicine increase the concentration of enzymes. Their combined action leads to a double toxic load on the liver.

Alcohol and drug poisoning of the liver is accompanied by the death of liver cells and the development of liver failure.

Effects on the kidneys

Ethanol destroys the functions of the liver and kidneys and has diuretic properties. The combination of alcohol and medication threatens to increase the level of uric acid in the blood caused by the diuretic properties of ethyl alcohol. Ethanol, exhibiting the properties of a diuretic, removes fluid from the body, increasing the concentration of ammonia in the blood plasma, worsening the condition of the kidneys.

Taking Isoprinosine causes an increase in the synthesis of interferon gamma, a substance that has the property of enhancing the effect of ethanol and its metabolites. Concomitant use contributes to the development of depression with suicidal thoughts.

Compatibility with gout

The combination of ethyl alcohol and medication is especially dangerous for patients with gout. This disease is caused by a disorder of purine metabolism, and Isoprinosine, as indicated in the instructions, is a synthetic derivative of purine.

In addition, ethanol is prohibited for patients with gout, and gout attacks are usually observed after drinking alcoholic beverages. If you combine a purine derivative with alcohol, you should expect an attack of gout in people suffering from this disease.

Possible consequences

The simultaneous use of alcohol and medication can:

  • cause weakening of the immune system;
  • cause an attack of gout;
  • liver failure;
  • an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, threatening the body with kidney failure.

How soon can you drink alcohol?

After consuming Isoprinosine, you can drink alcohol after 3.5 hours - the half-life of the drug from the body. For patients with gout and purine metabolism disorders, it is recommended to take the medicine after complete elimination of the drug, i.e. after 48 hours.

Isoprinosine is taken after alcohol after the time required to utilize the consumed ethyl alcohol. You can calculate this time period using.