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The dog has diarrhea. What to do? The dog has constant chronic diarrhea The dog is diarrhea what to give

Diarrhea in a dog is far from a harmless phenomenon. It may indicate poisoning, damage to the intestinal walls, or other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The owner urgently needs to take all necessary measures.

A dog defecating 2 to 4 times a day with dense feces is considered a physiological norm. If the number of bowel movements increases, and the stool becomes watery or liquid, or has an unnatural putrid or sour smell, then there is a digestive disorder.

With diarrhea, the dog's stool becomes liquid and the number of bowel movements increases.

The causes of diarrhea are as follows:

  • Poor quality or unsuitable food for the animal.
  • A sharp change in diet: switching from dry food to natural food, changing the brand of food.
  • Entry of foreign bodies into the intestines.
  • Allergy to food.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Infectious diseases: enteritis, rotavirus, coronavirus, adenovirus.
  • Poisoning.
  • Tumors in the intestines.
  • Dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics.
  • Age-related digestive disorders.

Diagnosis of the type of diarrhea

There are two forms of diarrhea in dogs: acute and chronic.

According to the nature of the course, two forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Acute form – characterized by a sudden onset and short-term effect. It is characterized by watery, almost liquid stools, often mixed with blood. The danger of this form lies in the sudden dehydration of the animal’s body.
  • Chronic form - diarrhea lasts more than 3 weeks. The stool is distinguished by a large amount of mucus and has a pungent odor. The cause of this form of the disease is infection or helminthiasis. The dog begins to lose weight, refuses to eat, and becomes lethargic.

The cause of diarrhea is determined by the appearance of the stool, so for diagnosis you should carefully study them:

  • Yellow color – digestion disorder due to an unsuitable product or brand of dry food.
  • Orange color - excess bilirubin due to liver dysfunction.
  • Green color – poisoning from a rotten product.
  • White color – biliary dyskinesia.
  • Black color – bleeding in the intestines or stomach.
  • Diarrhea with vomiting is food poisoning.
  • Bloody diarrhea is a possible indication of a tumor or polyps in the intestines. This phenomenon may also indicate enteritis.
  • Diarrhea with mucus – or an intestinal infection.
  • After vaccination, vaccination revealed the presence of gastrointestinal disease.

Laboratory tests of stool help to identify the exact cause of diarrhea. The smear determines the presence of worms, blood clots, uncharacteristic inclusions, infections and bacteria.

If your dog has diarrhea, collect his stool in a special sterile container and take it to a veterinarian.

If blood is present, an abdominal x-ray is required. The examination allows you to assess the condition of the liver, intestines, and stomach. Viral pathogens are determined using PCR.

What treatments are there for diarrhea?

Treatment of diarrhea in a dog begins after finding out its cause. If there has recently been a change in food, the introduction of a new product into the diet, or the pet ate raw fish, sour milk or a fatty piece of meat the day before, we can conclude that this is why diarrhea began. In this case, it is enough to exclude intolerant foods or keep your pet on a diet for 1-2 days, and the stool will return to normal.

In case of poisoning, dietary nutrition is mandatory. Before this, the dog needs to be kept hungry for a day, while drinking plenty of water, adding the drug Regidron. After fasting, feeding should be done in small portions, using easily digestible foods: boiled eggs, rice, fish.

For infectious diarrhea, antibacterial drugs are used:

For diarrhea, taking the “human” drug Enterosgel has a good effect.
  • Nifuroxazide is an effective intestinal antiseptic, blocks waste products of bacteria, effective against streptococci, salmonella, shigella, enterobacteria.
  • Polyphepan is a drug with high sorption qualities. It removes toxins, allergens, and pathogenic microorganisms from the body.
  • Enterosgel - this purely human sorbent is successfully used in veterinary practice. The drug actively removes toxins, including waste products of helminths. An analogue of Enterosgel is available for animals.
  • Enterodesis is effective for endogenous intoxication, exacerbations of enteritis, etc. An auxiliary means for restoring intestinal microflora are the drugs Lactobacillin, Lactoferon, Zoonorm, Biotek, Multibacterin, Monosporin.

When is veterinary help needed?

Prolonged diarrhea for more than 3 days, accompanied by pain, requires immediate medical attention. You should also immediately consult a doctor if blood is released in the feces, the dog has a fever, or is vomiting.

Important. Self-treatment of bloody diarrhea is unacceptable; in this case, it is necessary to use medications that can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Treating diarrhea at home

Acute short-term diarrhea can be treated independently. It is enough to keep the dog on a starvation diet for 24 hours, while giving it plenty of water. The dog is given activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. weights 2-5 times a day. You can replace coal with Enterofuril. You can keep your puppy hungry for no more than 12 hours.

When diarrhea occurs, the dog is fed well-cooked rice (porridge is cooked only in water).

You need to start feeding with rice water or liquid rice porridge with water. It is not necessary to feed your pet a whole portion, you need to give a few tablespoons. Fermented milk products will help normalize digestion, but they also need to be given little by little.

If you have diarrhea, you need to choose from a range of special foods designed to improve digestion. This option is offered by (Prescription Diet Feline i/d).

Reference. Decoctions of medicinal herbs will help relieve inflammation in the intestines: bloodroot, sage, St. John's wort, pomegranate peel. 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, the broth is given to the dog to drink.

Diarrhea in a dog disrupts digestion, so after its treatment you need to follow a special feeding regime for at least 3 weeks:

  • You need to feed your dog 4-5 times a day in small portions.
  • In the morning, feed kefir with bifidobacteria.
  • In the first days, the basis of the diet should be semi-liquid porridge with water.
  • Meat and fish are given to the dog boiled, cut into small or medium pieces.
  • Food should be low fat.

The dog needs to be provided with an ideal drinking regime. It is not permissible for liquid to remain in a bowl for more than a day. The water can be slightly sweetened so that the dog drinks more and more willingly. This technique will restore the water balance in the body.

If your dog has diarrhea, make sure he drinks plenty of clean water often to avoid dehydration.

Preventing diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea is evidence of deep digestive disorders in the animal, so it is better to prevent it than to treat it later. To prevent your pet from suffering from diarrhea, it is important to properly organize its nutrition with fresh and balanced food.

When organizing your dog’s nutrition, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Purchase dry food only from trusted manufacturers. Before purchasing, check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product.
  • Timely vaccination against infectious diseases. Diarrhea can be caused by infectious diseases: plague, enteritis, leptosporiasis, etc.
  • Regular deworming of the dog.
  • If a dog often suffers from diarrhea, it must be periodically treated with anti-dysbacteriosis medications to maintain intestinal microflora.
  • The dog should not be allowed to pick up food on the street. This is how an infection enters her body.

It is impossible to foresee all the nuances and prevent any disease in a dog. But if the owner cares for the animal correctly and follows the nutritional recommendations, it is possible to avoid indigestion and diarrhea in the dog.

We offer you to watch a video in which a veterinarian talks about diarrhea in dogs.

Diarrhea is not just a little nuisance. Even when we are not talking about a serious illness, loose stools quickly lead to dehydration and worsen the pet’s immunity. What causes diarrhea in a dog, how to treat diarrhea and how to feed your pet during a painful condition?

In most cases, the cause of diarrhea is poor diet:

  • overfeeding;
  • unsuitable food;
  • food allergies;
  • changing diet without a smooth transition;
  • fatty, smoked, salty foods, sweets and other goodies in large quantities.

Diarrhea can be either chronic - inappropriate diet, or episodic - treated with ice cream, sausage, etc. In these cases, the stool has no impurities or contains fragments of undigested food, is slightly lighter than usual, without a disgusting odor and is not accompanied by other symptoms of malaise.

No anti-diarrhea tablets for dogs will help. Or rather, they will help, but only symptomatically. For example, imodium, beloved by the owners, will reduce peristalsis: the diarrhea will seem to go away, but the feces will poison the body with toxins, lingering in the intestines due to the absence of the urge to defecate. Therefore, it is better to forget about medications for a while and try to help your pet with milder means:

  • diet for a day, drinking without restrictions. If there is diarrhea more than 3 times a day, the dog does not drink, or other symptoms appear (vomiting, changes in body temperature, convulsions, weakness) - consult a doctor without delay;
  • drinking rice water, strong, slightly sweetened tea or oak bark decoction. In small quantities, 3 times a day.

This is enough to stop diarrhea in a dog, the causes of which are only due to poor diet. On the second day, you can feed your pet small portions of low-fat, light food. If the “culprit” is a piece of sausage, take note of the incident - do not feed your pet goodies from the table. If the diet as a whole is questionable, consult a veterinarian or create a consistent, gentle menu yourself, balanced for a dog’s stomach and not for a human’s.

Read also: Tartar in dogs: causes, treatment and prevention

Food poisoning

In the summer, food quickly spoils right in the bowl - left it overnight, in the morning the dog ate it and got sick. A pet can pick up something on the street or steal a piece from a trash can. In case of poisoning, as a rule, vomiting occurs, and only then diarrhea - yellowish feces, without impurities or with pieces of undigested food.

Do not scold your pet under any circumstances. It is almost impossible to control the urge during diarrhea. And if the dog copes with this task, its health will be harmed - toxins, absorbed into the blood, will poison the entire body, not to mention the liver and kidneys.

If there are no other symptoms, it is enough to give your pet enterosgel or charcoal (they bind toxins), give it plenty of water and not feed it for a day. If the condition does not improve, the veterinarian will tell you what to give your dog for diarrhea in order to gently remove toxins without retaining feces in the intestines. Remember that toxins must be removed, so any fixing agents can cause serious harm to your pet’s health!

If vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by weakness, changes in temperature and/or color of mucous membranes, convulsions, inhibition of reactions and any other symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Diarrhea with impurities

Various inclusions and impurities in feces are not a good sign. We strongly recommend that you contact your veterinarian without delay in all of the following cases. Sometimes the hours literally count, so don’t put off your visit to the clinic until tomorrow.

When there is DIARRHEA WITH BLOOD, bleeding in the large intestine is suspected. The blood is clearly visible - scarlet, liquid or clotted, for the most part not mixed with feces. There are many reasons, from damage to the intestine by a swallowed foreign body to a decomposed tumor. Bloody diarrhea is possible with enteritis, poisoning, infections, as a side effect of certain medications. Before you get scared, remember if the dog ate beets yesterday (beets are weak and can stain both feces and urine).

Read also: Tetanus is an infectious disease in dogs

If it’s BLEEDING, we’re also talking about bleeding, but in the small intestine or stomach. Semi-digested blood gives black color to stool. The reasons are the same as listed above, plus gastrointestinal diseases. It is impossible to identify the cause without examination; an urgent visit to the doctor and in-depth diagnosis are necessary. Black stools should be no less alarming than black diarrhea. The exception is activated charcoal fed to the dog the day before (charcoal turns the stool black).

If diarrhea continues for more than a day, and there is no way to see a doctor, do not forget to give your dog water. Doesn't drink? Pour in water in small portions using a syringe without a needle. Dehydration is dangerous for your pet's life!

When DIAMOND, the veterinarian suspects putrefactive/fermentation processes in the intestines (with the release of toxins and their absorption into the blood, resulting in apathy and weakness, poor appetite, fever, stress on the kidneys and liver). Dysbacteriosis, bacterial infections, viruses (plague, enteritis, etc.), stale food poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. Again, you can’t do without in-depth diagnostics. If the dog ate a lot of grass or green vegetables the day before, there is no cause for concern (but you should not allow your dog to feast on large quantities of green vegetables in the future).

YELLOW DIARRHEA can be a sign of all the diseases listed above - bacterial infections, chronic illnesses, poisoning, viruses, etc. The light yellow color of stool is given by bilirubin, which has not had time to transform due to the rapid movement of stool through the intestines (normally, bilirubin turns brown, giving the stool its usual shade). A bright yellow or almost orange color indicates problems with the gallbladder, bile ducts, or liver.

If you have diarrhea, your dog may not be fed for up to two days. This is better than loading a weakened body with food that the dog still cannot digest. As food, offer your pet slimy rice water with a drop of honey or a small amount of sugar.

When an animal DIARRHEA WITH MUCUUS, suspected damage to the large intestine. There are many reasons, from mechanical damage from rough food to tumors, inflammatory processes, chronic illnesses, poisoning, infections (viruses or bacteria), etc. Sometimes mucus in the stool indicates the presence of helminths. Mucus may appear after anthelmintic therapy - the next day or the day after the dog was given the tablet. In this case, after a month, it is recommended to give the drug against worms again, just to be on the safe side.

If your dog goes to the toilet 2-4 times a day, and his stool is dense, then this is quite normal. The situation is different when the pet does this often, and its bowel movements are watery and liquid. These are often symptoms of diarrhea. In dogs, diarrhea can be caused by a number of reasons and when it occurs, treatment must be started immediately.

The main causes of diarrhea in a dog can be:

  • Incorrect diet or spoiled food;
  • A sudden change in diet (most often this refers to the transition from ready-made food to dry food and back);
  • The dog ate a foreign object that caused intestinal dysfunction or was poisoned by chemicals;
  • Worms;
  • Damage to the body by infections;
  • Manifestation of allergies;
  • Mechanical damage to the intestine or its walls;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Oncological diseases.

If your pet has diarrhea due to these reasons, then you need to immediately take action to treat the animal. After all, if you delay this, the problem can lead to dehydration and even death of the dog.

If you doubt whether your dog has diarrhea or just a one-time intestinal disorder, then you should know for sure how this disease manifests itself:

  • The dog's stools have become more liquid and soft;
  • The feces are watery and abundant, dark or colored (brown, black, yellow, green), sometimes even with blood (this is typical for damage to the intestinal walls);
  • Pain during defecation, from which the animal may even whine;
  • The animal cannot endure for long and often asks to go to the toilet, it may even go to the house, and there may not be a lot of bowel movements;
  • Sometimes liquid feces can be mixed with mucus (this is typical for colitis);
  • The animal is restless, it is clear that disturbances have occurred in its body, and it also begins to quickly lose weight;
  • The occurrence of vomiting and gurgling in the abdomen.

Why does my dog ​​have bloody diarrhea?

If you find blood in your pet's stool, this may mean that the dog is seriously ill. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. What can cause a dog to have bloody diarrhea? First of all, it can be caused by various poisonings. Moreover, pets often pick up various objects on the street. It also happens that this can lead to poisoning and diarrhea. Sometimes the damage to the body can be so severe that blood is found in the animal's feces.

Bloody diarrhea can also occur in dogs due to parvovirus enteritis. Moreover, it most often affects puppies aged from 2 months to a year. Traumatic enterocolitis can also cause a similar condition. It occurs if the animal has eaten sharp or inedible objects, for example: a stick, bone, etc. Because of this, diarrhea appears, and the blood in it is explained by damage to the intestinal mucosa.

Bloody stool in an animal can also be observed as a side effect of painkillers.

What to give your dog for diarrhea?

Many dog ​​owners are confused if their pet has diarrhea, and do not know what to do in this case? But there is no need to panic, it is treatable. First of all, you should determine the characteristics of diarrhea and specify whether it is long-term, short-term or chronic. After this, the cause of the formation of loose stools should be identified. Moreover, in most cases, only a veterinarian can do this, so at the first manifestations of the disease, the pet should be taken to the clinic.

If the animal has rare diarrhea, then it can be cured independently at home using traditional medicine. The most effective drug is activated angle - 1 tablet per 10 kg of pet's weight. You can give your dog charcoal up to 5 times a day.

You can also use decoctions and infusions of herbs that have an astringent effect. The best natural medicine in this case is oak bark, pomegranate peels, blueberries and bird cherry fruits. These remedies can be given to an animal when diarrhea lasts no more than 3 days; for longer periods of illness, you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Diarrhea in a dog: treatment

You need to know that all medications for diarrhea for an animal should be prescribed by a veterinarian and only after all the necessary tests have been passed and the cause of the disease has been accurately identified.

An IV drip, which is provided in veterinary clinics, can help stop diarrhea. The solution it contains contains disinfectants and anti-inflammatory substances, which, when entering the dog’s body, eliminate the cause of the disease and alleviate the animal’s condition. Anti-diarrhea tablets for dogs should have anti-inflammatory properties. And in especially severe cases, the animal is prescribed antibiotics and, in the vast majority of cases, certain procedures and deworming medications.

The most important thing is not to forget that self-treatment of the acute form of the disease (that is, diarrhea with mucus or blood) is strictly prohibited. Traditional medicine in this case is unlikely to be effective, so consultation with a knowledgeable specialist and treatment with medications is necessary.

It will be important to know what is allowed to give your dog food during diarrhea? First of all, it is strictly forbidden to force feed an animal if it does not want to eat. It is best to interrupt a couple of feedings, or even not give food to your pet for about a day. Then, the next morning, you need to offer the animal to drink rice water. Or you can cook thin rice porridge in water and feed it to your pet. There is no need to force the dog to eat the entire portion; 2 tbsp will be enough for it to restore its body. l. porridge, or even less than that, everything will depend on the size of the animal.

Throughout the day, your pet should be fed any fermented milk foods, but only in limited quantities. All dogs are partial to sweets, so instead of food, you can give them sweet tea to drink. It itself has an astringent property and replenishes the amount of lost energy in the body.

If a pet does not eat for a long time, this means that the malaise persists. It is necessary to show the dog to a veterinarian and consult with him about how and with what to treat the pet.

After curing the disease, you can slowly begin to give the animal basic foods to eat. If the dog, in addition to diarrhea, has abdominal pain, the pet looks bad, sleeps a lot and is vomiting, then it is better not to risk it and call a doctor at home or urgently take the pet to the veterinary hospital.

Carefully monitor your pet’s diet, do not let him chew on unsuitable objects on the street, and constantly monitor his well-being! And don’t forget the quote from the world famous fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”!

Since diarrhea is a phenomenon that often occurs in dogs, every experienced dog breeder knows several simple remedies used to relieve diarrhea. Some of them are known to everyone (ordinary carbon, not even activated), some are more often used in medicine, but their use in veterinary medicine is not prohibited. You just need to remember that anti-diarrhea medications for dogs should not be given “just like that” or at random.. Firstly, it wouldn't hurt to consult your veterinarian anyway. Secondly, it is advisable to at least approximately understand the mechanism of their action and those cases when a particular drug can be used and when it is strictly prohibited.

Activated carbon is a product that can easily be found in every home medicine cabinet. Frankly speaking, it was used even before our era. Of course, then no one activated coal, but ordinary burnt wood was used (except for birch and conifers). The product obtained by firing alder is especially good. By the way, what is good about coal in general, why is it used for diarrhea and poisoning? The fact is that this material has excellent adsorbing properties. Simply put, it can absorb large volumes of various liquids and compounds. When it is “activated,” the number of pores responsible for the absorption process increases sharply, as a result of which the activity of the drug increases.

Its other advantage is absorbed compounds do not come back out. Thus, charcoal is good for intoxication of the body. It adsorbs toxins and other harmful substances, the load on the liver and kidneys is reduced, and it becomes much easier for the pet’s body to overcome the consequences of the pathological condition. How and for how long can it be given to dogs? Let us say right away that there have been no cases of coal overdose during the entire period of its use. However, if you give it too much, the dog is guaranteed “reinforced concrete” constipation. The optimal dose is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of live weight.

But there is one problem. Of course, it does not have a special taste, but still it is not particularly attractive to dogs. Add it to food? Of course, dogs with color vision have problems, but still few people will eat food with an unusual appearance. Finally, if the pet has a strong appetite, it may be completely absent. So the coal must first be crushed to the state of “pollen”. After this, it is diluted with water so that a semi-liquid slurry is obtained. It is poured directly into the dog’s throat using a syringe (you can use a Janet syringe).

If the animal vomits, it's okay. This is even better - the “waste” coal will leave the dog’s body. Repeat the procedure again. As a rule, after two or three “fills” the pet’s condition already improves significantly.

Proper use of Levomycetin

– a “classical” medical drug, often used to relieve severe diarrhea. But how justified is its use in veterinary medicine? Experienced specialists do not recommend using it: the medicine causes many side effects in animals, some of which can be very severe. In particular, because of him severe vomiting may occur, sometimes allergic reactions develop, the drug puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. In addition, the product is very bitter, and therefore giving it to a dog is a very difficult matter.

So why do veterinarians still use it, despite all the “side effects” and other negative aspects? It's simple - this drug works well against pathogenic protozoa, which are often the cause of diarrhea in dogs (giardia, pathogenic ciliates, etc.). The main problem is choosing the right dose. “Human” standards are not suitable here. It is believed that you need to take 1-1/2 tablets of the drug per dog. We strongly do not recommend increasing the dosage on your own: first consult with an experienced veterinarian. If, after taking the medicine, your dog has flaky foam coming out of his mouth, he is behaving strangely and showing other signs that something is wrong, you should immediately seek help from a specialist!

By the way, how do you even give a terribly bitter medicine to a dog? There is only one way - by force. The tablet is crushed until a powder is obtained, diluted with water, and then poured directly into the pet’s throat using a syringe. It is advisable that the dog has access to an unlimited amount of clean drinking water s, because after the “execution” he will probably want to drink.

It is logical that this drug has contraindications. Thus, it should not be given to pets with pathologies of the liver and kidneys (especially with chronic renal failure); its administration to young animals less than six months old is prohibited. They can develop very severe side effects, including complete failure of internal organs.

Please note that in parallel with Levomycetin, experienced veterinarians strongly advise giving hepatoprotectors. These are drugs that protect the liver. In such cases, you can protect your pet from quite serious problems.

Is it possible to give Smecta to dogs?

It is possible and even necessary! The fact is that Smecta is essentially a mixture of kaolin (a special clay), flavoring additives and other components. There are no substances in this medicine that pose even a “phantom” threat to the dog’s health. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?

It is similar to that of activated carbon. Kaolin has impressive adsorbing ability, meaning it can also absorb and absorb toxins and other harmful compounds. In addition, it softens the effect of these substances on the intestinal mucous membranes. Finally, thanks to the aromatic additives and pleasant consistency, the medicine does not have to be forced down the dogs’ throats.

The dosage is also simple. For a dog weighing from 7 to 15 kilograms, you can take three or even four bags at a time. There have been no cases of overdose or the development of any side effects during the entire period of use of the drug in veterinary medicine.

But! Today on sale you can find not only Smecta, but also a large number of its analogues, “smectins”. Look carefully at their composition: if they contain salicylates (salicylic acid salts), it is better to refrain from purchasing them. Of course, these compounds are not as dangerous for dogs as they are for cats, but it still wouldn’t hurt to consult with your veterinarians first.

Aspects of the use of Furazalidone

– a medicine from the nitrofuran group. These drugs were widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine at a time when antibiotics were just coming into use. Has a good antimicrobial effect and very cheap, you can easily find the medicine in any pharmacy you come across.

But the list of advantages can be considered complete here: experienced veterinarians advise giving this medicine to a dog only in case of extreme need, since nitrofurans have a bad effect on the dog’s liver. Because of this, the drug is strictly contraindicated in all animals suffering from diseases of this organ, although it is sometimes used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

So, you find yourself in a situation where this is the only medicine you can give to a dog suffering from severe diarrhea. What dosage should I use? It is believed that no more than 1-1 ½ tablets should be taken per dog (and this, we note, is the daily norm). Please note that the specified amount of the drug should be divided into three parts and given to the dog during the day, at equal time intervals. If you feed your dog more, the likelihood of developing side effects increases sharply. The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than three days.

Purpose and use of Loperamide

Small white tablets that sometimes help people cope with even the most “severe” diarrhea caused by sudden changes in diet, or caused by the action of various pathogenic microorganisms. It is believed that the drug can be used in veterinary medicine: it is completely safe for the animal’s body, and if the dosage is observed, you will not see any side effects.

Take one and a half to two tablets per dog. Large dogs may require up to four pills, especially in cases of severe, watery diarrhea. As in most of the cases described above, the drug is given, having first crushed it to a powder state and slightly diluted with water. The treatment is complicated only by the fact that the medicine does not taste very pleasant, and therefore you will have to pour it in by force. So giving it again may not be easy, which is somewhat offset by the rapid action of the medicine: giving it again may not be necessary.

How effective is Enterofuril?

It appeared on the shelves of “human” pharmacies quite a long time ago, immediately gaining recognition and popularity among consumers. Available in the form of tablets (more precisely, capsules), as well as in the form of a suspension. When treating diarrhea in dogs, we would recommend using a liquid drug, since it will be much easier to give it to your pet. In addition, in this case the medicine has a pleasant taste, so the dog drinks it himself.

Means effective for diarrhea caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. In particular, there is information about the good effect of Enterofuril in parvovirus diarrhea. The advantage of the medicine is its mild effect. Despite its high efficiency, it does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, which is already “worn” by the pathogen; the product can be given from a fairly early age (puppies should be at least one and a half to two months old). The dose, however, is not too small - 2.5 kilograms of live weight - per milliliter of the drug. The duration of the therapeutic course can be up to one week.

Use of Enterosgel

And finally, let’s talk about one more adsorbent. This is Enterosgel. According to the principle of its action, the medicine is both similar to activated carbon and Smecta. It gently envelops the intestinal mucous membranes, preventing their further irritation and the development of inflammatory processes. The medicine has decent absorbing ability, and therefore is capable of absorb large volumes of toxic compounds. In addition, it can be given even to very young puppies.

The dose is not too large - two to three tablespoons of the drug per day per adult animal. For puppies, the dosage is halved. The medicine is given for four to five days until the clinical manifestations of the pathology completely disappear.


The whole point is that trichopolum puts very strong pressure on the liver. As in the case of chloramphenicol, when prescribing it, you must simultaneously give your pet hepatoprotectors. The dose in each specific case is determined by the veterinarian separately. The simultaneous administration of metronidazole and antibiotics is extremely undesirable.

Diarrhea in dogs is a common clinical problem among veterinarians. Acute diarrhea occurs very suddenly, lasts a short time, and usually goes away completely within 2-3 weeks. In this case, the feces may be watery and even contain bloody clots. Diarrhea, an illness in dogs and other animals, can be a one-time occurrence or sometimes last for several months. If one-time cases do not cause panic in the owners, then prolonged diarrhea should mean the presence of a problem, the solution to which should be found by an experienced veterinarian. Contacting a veterinarian will resolve the problem.

Causes of diarrhea

There are several reasons that can cause diarrhea in a dog:

Frequent loose diarrhea in dogs is a common symptom of diarrhea. Other signs include the presence of flatulence, blood, mucus in the feces, frequent urges, and an increase in the volume of feces.

Symptoms to watch out for: lethargy, dehydration, fever (sudden increase in temperature), vomiting, lack of appetite. A dog can lose a lot of weight in a few days.

If the color of your animal's feces is black, this may be a symptom that indicates the presence of internal bleeding in the stomach or intestines. In this case, you should immediately take the animal to the veterinarian, even if the diarrhea occurs only once.

My dog ​​has an upset stomach, what should I do?

Owners, when they see diarrhea in a dog, do not attach much importance to it. But this mistake can lead to irreversible consequences. Any veterinarian says that if there are suspicions or some symptoms have already arisen, you should immediately take the animal for examination.

As soon as you see lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite in your dog, or notice black feces, you should not delay visiting a doctor. Diagnosis and treatment quickly eliminates all symptoms, and your dog will feel good again.
If your pet is still a very small puppy and you notice diarrhea or any of the listed symptoms, you need to go to the doctor. This is due to the fact that the puppy contracted one of the serious infectious diseases.

Diagnosis or determination of causes

Very often, diarrhea appears suddenly and also disappears abruptly, but there are cases when the cause of the appearance needs to be diagnosed. In such cases, the dog should be examined by a doctor. To do this, you must first take tests. Among them:

Depending on the animal's symptoms and general condition, the doctor may recommend several more tests. They are selected individually and depend on each specific case.

Forms of the disorder

There are a number of disorders that help to understand why a dog has diarrhea:

  1. Acute form. Duration of loose stools (2 weeks or more). If there are no other symptoms, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, then distress from dairy or fatty foods. Also, the cause is very often unsuitable food for a particular breed. This disorder can be brought back to normal without consulting a doctor, but if the symptoms have not gone away after 3 days, you should visit a doctor. Small decorative dogs, which have a poorly developed and highly sensitive stomach, are often susceptible to this disorder;
  2. The second form of acute diarrhea most often occurs in unvaccinated puppies. And the cause of this may be diseases such as enteritis or plague. Diarrhea can also be caused by chemical poisoning. In any case, visiting a doctor is mandatory;
  3. Chronic form. This form is characterized by loose stools for more than 2 weeks. The cause is very often a chronic form of disease (pancreatitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of helminths).

Diarrhea with blood

Dogs very often experience severe diarrhea, which contains blood particles and clots. The causes of such diarrhea are often the presence of an infection or other serious illness:

  • salmonellosis;
  • damage to the anus. Often the reason for this is the animal's frequent consumption of bones, which are not completely etched;
  • hemorrhagic leptospirosis. It can manifest itself through bloody diarrhea and rapid loss of strength in the animal. A disease that can lead to death in a short time;
  • atypical form of rabies;
  • chemical poisoning, infectious disease or reaction to the use of strong medications. Poisoning can happen if a dog picks up something on the street and gets poisoned.

Veterinarians are strictly prohibited from treating bloody diarrhea on their own. Immediate examination and treatment will have a much better outcome.

Colored highlights

Very often, an animal can have yellow or black feces containing mucus. Typically, such diarrhea may indicate the presence of diseases:

  1. Yellow diarrhea may indicate the development of paraviral enteritis;
  2. Enteritis can also provoke the appearance of loose, gray stools;
  3. Black color of feces. This is the first sign of bleeding and in this case you should consult a doctor immediately;
  4. Dark green diarrhea may indicate distemper. But now this disease is rare and pets that are vaccinated according to their age rarely suffer from this disease;
  5. Improper liver development and improper functioning can cause loose, whitish stools with strong mucus. In this case, the doctor selects the optimal treatment and reduces symptoms to a minimum. Typically, such animals are forced to take medications throughout their lives.

Treatment of diarrhea

Typically, veterinarians advise not to feed your pet for 12 to 24 hours. But at the same time, the animal must have a large amount of water to drink. This is necessary in order to avoid dehydration. Before treating an animal, you should consult a doctor. After all, there are many reasons for the appearance of diarrhea.

Specific treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. At the first stage, the doctor can prescribe treatment that will help quickly eliminate the symptoms, and will definitely prescribe tests in order to identify the true cause of diarrhea. In addition, tests will help against infectious or bacterial diseases.
Symptomatic treatment includes one of the following:

  • After a half-starvation diet, the animal must be fed with easily digestible food. It can be boiled chicken, beef, which is mixed with low-fat cottage cheese, potatoes or rice. It is recommended to follow a light diet for the next few days. After this, gradually switch to your usual diet.
  • Infusion therapy can be used to prevent dehydration.
  • If an animal is diagnosed with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, the mandatory use of antibiotics in treatment.
  • To protect the intestines, the doctor prescribes adsorbents and drugs that protect the mucous membrane.
  • The doctor may prescribe other medications, for example against helminths. But all medications are prescribed depending on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the animal’s body.

A large number of dog owners, at the first symptoms, run to the pharmacy and buy drugs that can seriously harm the animal, although they will eliminate the symptoms. Only a doctor can tell you whether it is possible to give it to a dog for diarrhea and what other medications to use.

A popular drug among medications is rehydron. This is a powder that must be diluted with water and given to the dog to drink. The product helps to quickly eliminate diarrhea, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal walls, and can be used for diarrhea with blood. It heals wounds in the intestines well.

Do not use any medications without visiting a veterinarian. Dogs have very sensitive bodies and improper treatment can have lifelong consequences.

Preventive measures

The best treatment for your pet is home care and examination by a professional veterinarian. To ensure your pet’s health is excellent and you don’t have to go to the clinic, just follow a few simple rules:

To avoid diarrhea in dogs, it is enough to pay enough attention to your pet and take care of the right diet. Only good food will make your pet healthy.

Do not neglect regular visits to the veterinarian and carry out tests. Even routine diagnostics can indicate in advance possible disorders in the body that can be quickly eliminated. And although diarrhea can be quickly eliminated, treatment can affect the further functioning of the entire body. If you see deviations from the norm in the dog’s behavior and observe the presence of diarrhea in the dog, you should not hesitate, but immediately go to see a doctor.