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Carbon dioxide for life. Carbon dioxide poisoning, the effect of carbon dioxide on the human body

Scientists have long suspected that carbon dioxide is directly related to global warming, but as it turns out, carbon dioxide can also be directly related to our health. Humans are the main source of indoor carbon dioxide, as we breathe out 18 to 25 liters of this gas per hour. Elevated levels of carbon dioxide can be observed in all areas where people are: in school classrooms and institute auditoriums, in meeting rooms and office spaces, in bedrooms and children's rooms.

The fact that we do not have enough oxygen in a stuffy room is a myth. Calculations show that, contrary to the existing stereotype, headache, weakness, and other symptoms occur in a person in a room not from a lack of oxygen, but from an excess of carbon dioxide.

Until recently, in European countries and the United States, the level of carbon dioxide in a room was measured only in order to check the quality of ventilation, and it was believed that CO2 was dangerous for humans only in high concentrations. Studies on the effect of carbon dioxide on the human body at a concentration of approximately 0.1% appeared recently.

Few people know that clean air outside the city contains about 0.04% carbon dioxide, and the closer the CO2 content in the room is to this figure, the better a person feels.

According to the latest research conducted in the UK by a large accounting firm KPMG, high levels of CO2 in the air of an office space can cause sickness among employees and reduce their concentration by a third. Elevated levels of carbon dioxide can cause headaches, inflammation of the eyes and nasopharynx, as well as cause fatigue in staff. As a result of all this, companies are losing a lot of money, and carbon dioxide is to blame. Julie Bennett, who led the research, says that high levels of carbon dioxide in office spaces are very common.

As a result of recent studies conducted by Indian scientists among the inhabitants of the city of Kolkata, it was found that even in low concentrations, carbon dioxide is a potentially toxic gas. Scientists have concluded that carbon dioxide is close in toxicity to nitrogen dioxide, taking into account its effect on the cell membrane and biochemical changes that occur in human blood, such as acidosis. Prolonged acidosis, in turn, leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, fatigue and other adverse consequences for the human body.

Residents of a large metropolis are negatively affected by elevated levels of carbon dioxide from morning to evening. First, in crowded public transport and in their own cars, which are stuck in traffic jams for a long time. Then at work, where it is often stuffy and there is nothing to breathe.

It is very important to maintain good air quality in the bedroom as people spend a third of their lives there. In order to get a good night's sleep, the quality of the air in the bedroom is much more important than the duration of sleep, and the level of carbon dioxide in bedrooms and children's rooms should be below 0.08%. High levels of CO2 in these rooms can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, throat and eye irritation, headaches and insomnia.

Finnish scientists have found a way to solve this problem based on the axiom that if the level of carbon dioxide in nature is 0.035-0.04%, then indoors it should be close to this level. The device they invented removes excess carbon dioxide from indoor air. The principle is based on the absorption (absorption) of carbon dioxide by a special substance.

carbon dioxide in water

From s. 149. Carbon dioxide somewhat changes the acid-base environment. This is bad for the human body. The fact is that any process in our body occurs at a certain acidity, which corresponds to almost pure water. The presence of carbon dioxide changes it greatly, which somewhat changes our biochemical processes. This is also reflected in the taste properties (sour taste), which leads to unpleasant sensations.

Thus, medicine all over the world has been dealing with this issue for many years, which has led to the emergence of some contraindications to the consumption of carbonated water in any form.

Firstly, any chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract completely prohibit the use of carbonated water. The fact is that when drinking such water, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, which leads to an exacerbation of many inflammatory processes. Most often, doctors prescribe mineral water for treatment, but do not forget that it is imperative to drink it only after removing carbon dioxide.

Secondly, children who are under three years old should not be given such drinks, because their body has not yet formed sufficiently, which means that a metabolic disorder in their body is possible.

Thirdly, individual allergic reactions to carbon dioxide are quite common among people, which means that you need to significantly reduce the amount of carbonated water.

Fourth, overweight also obliges you to exclude carbonated drinks from your diet, because most often it is due to improper metabolism, which can be worsened by carbon dioxide.

According to the legislation of European countries, the presence of carbon dioxide should not exceed four tenths of a percent. This will give an excellent preservative effect,

but at the same time it will not affect the human body, which will give a better quality to the water. An exception is given only to natural mineral water, which may contain a slightly higher amount of gas.

Carbon dioxide (CO2, carbon dioxide (or dioxide)) is a by-product of metabolism. Contrary to what most people think, carbon dioxide is essential for the health and life of the human body.

In the process of respiration, excess carbon dioxide is removed from the body, being replaced by oxygen, however, a certain amount of CO2 remains in the blood.

If it is significantly higher or lower than normal, some body functions may be disturbed. These functions are associated with the cardiovascular system, as well as with cellular respiration. Low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood will reduce the amount of oxygen available to the various cells and tissues of the body. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is also a problem for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of carbon dioxide in the body.

High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood

All living beings need air. It is a mixture of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2) and inert gases. All mammals - including humans - need oxygen for life and health, which they receive by inhaling the air. They breathe out a mixture of carbon dioxide and a small amount of oxygen.

The main part of carbon dioxide is present in the body in the form of bicarbonate (HCO3) or carbonic acid (H2CO3). In addition, it is also present in the body and in a dissolved state.

The exchange of gases occurs in the alveoli, which are an integral part of the lungs. This happens through diffusion. A balance between the levels of these two gases, namely carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), is necessary to keep the body healthy. If the balance of these gases in the body is disturbed, pathology may begin.

If the level of carbon dioxide in the body becomes high, a condition known as hypercapnia (carbon dioxide poisoning) will set in.

Similarly, if the level of oxygen in the blood is below normal, it will come.

All respiratory disorders involve an imbalance in the levels of CO2 and O2 in the blood. A small imbalance does not require intensive care, but in severe cases medical attention is needed on the spot.

Low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood can be very harmful to the body. CO2 levels decrease as a result of hyperventilation - deep, rapid breathing, as a result of which more oxygen enters the body than it needs. This can happen as a result of panic attacks or the use of drugs that stimulate the respiratory system.

Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of the blood. When its level is low, the blood becomes alkaline, which leads to narrowing of blood vessels and poor blood flow. This can be very dangerous as it reduces the blood supply to the brain and other vital organs, leading to blurred consciousness, dizziness, blurred vision, muscle cramps, and causeless anxiety.

When a person has high levels of carbon dioxide in their blood, a condition known as hypercapnia occurs. One of the most common causes of increased levels of carbon dioxide in the body is hypoventilation - insufficient oxygen supply to maintain body functions. It occurs when there is clouding or loss of consciousness or lung disease that makes breathing difficult.

High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood can cause redness of the skin, increased blood pressure, seizures, decreased brain and nerve activity, headaches, confusion, and drowsiness. In extreme cases, the patient will need an oxygen mask to restore normal breathing. It will help restore the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

Prolonged hypercapnia can cause damage to internal organs such as the brain. It should be understood that prolonged exposure to an environment filled with CO2 can also increase its level in the blood.

Levels of carbon dioxide in the blood

Normal total blood carbon dioxide levels are between 20 and 29 milliequivalents per liter of blood (mEq/L). It can be verified by analysis. It should be understood that a deviation from the normal level of carbon dioxide in the blood may indicate a number of diseases. It is just one of the symptoms that signal problems in the body.

If the analysis reveals an abnormal level of carbon dioxide, then pure oxygen will be used for stabilization. After normalization of the patient's condition and CO2 level, a series of tests will be carried out. This is necessary to determine the cause of high or low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Symptoms indicating high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood

Symptoms associated with high levels of CO2 in the blood: high blood pressure, fast pulse, redness, cramps, headache, chest pain, confusion and fatigue. The severity of these symptoms depends on the severity of the case.

Reasons for rising carbon dioxide levels: vigorous exercise and numerous pathological conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), acidosis, lung infections and atherosclerosis.

High levels of carbon dioxide in the body can be the reason for the influence of professional duties. A suitable example is oven work or professional diving, in which a person has to hold their breath for a long time during a dive.

Other causes of high CO2 levels are air pollution and smoking. In both cases, the alveoli are damaged, which leads to a deterioration in gas exchange in the lungs.

The main organs that maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen are the liver and kidneys. That is why problems in the work of any of these organs also lead to hypoxia or hypercapnia.

Treating elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood (hypercapnia)

The first aid to a patient who has lost consciousness due to high CO2 levels is artificial respiration and chest massage. But in most cases of carbon dioxide poisoning, there are no symptoms. Therefore, you need to undergo regular check-ups and monitor your health.

Compared to carbon monoxide poisoning, carbon dioxide poisoning is less of a health hazard. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a very poisonous gas, colorless and odorless. It is lethal even in minimal amounts, because its molecules bind stronger and faster than oxygen molecules to blood hemoglobin molecules. This leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the cells of the body.

To maintain the correct balance of CO2 and O2 in the blood, you need to exercise daily and eat healthy food. Although the body has its own defense mechanism, precautions must be taken, as prevention is better than cure.


Even in the last century, various studies were carried out on the effect of CO 2 on the human body. In the 60s, the scientist O. V. Eliseeva in her dissertation provides a detailed study of how carbon dioxide in concentrations of 0.1% (1000 ppm) to 0.5% (5000 ppm) affects the human body, and came to the conclusion that that short-term inhalation of carbon dioxide by healthy people in these concentrations causes distinct changes in the function of external respiration, blood circulation and significant deterioration in the electrical activity of the brain. According to her recommendations, the content of CO 2 in the air of residential and public buildings should not exceed 0.1% (1000 ppm), and the average content of CO 2 should be about 0.05% (500 ppm).

Researchers know that there is a relationship between CO 2 concentration and feeling stuffy. This feeling occurs in a healthy person already at the level of 0.08%, i.e. 800 ppm. Although in modern offices there are 2000 ppm or more. And a person may not feel the dangerous effects of CO 2 . When it comes to a sick person, the threshold of sensitivity increases even more.

CO 2 level, ppm Physiological manifestations
Atmospheric air 380-400 Ideal for health and wellness
400-600 normal amount of air. Recommended for children's rooms, bedrooms, offices, schools and kindergartens
600-1000 There are complaints about air quality. People with asthma may have more attacks
Above 1000 General discomfort, weakness, headache, concentration of attention falls by a third, the number of errors in work is growing. Can lead to negative changes in the blood, problems with the respiratory and circulatory system may also appear
Above 2000 The number of errors in work is greatly increasing, 70% of employees cannot concentrate on work.

The main changes occur, of course, in the central nervous system, and they are phasic in hypercapnia: first, an increase, and then a decrease in the excitability of nerve formations. Deterioration of conditioned reflex activity is observed at concentrations close to 2%, the excitability of the respiratory center of the brain decreases, the ventilatory function of the lungs decreases, and homeostasis (balance of the internal environment) of the body is also disturbed, either by damaging cells or by irritating receptors with an inadequate level of a certain substance. And when the carbon dioxide content is up to 5%, there is a significant decrease in the amplitude of the evoked potentials of the brain, desynchronization of the rhythms of the spontaneous electroencephalogram with further inhibition of the electrical activity of the brain.

What happens when the concentration of CO 2 in the air that enters the body increases? The partial pressure of CO 2 in our alveoli increases, its solubility in the blood increases, and weak carbonic acid is formed (CO 2 + H 2 O \u003d H 2 CO 3), which, in turn, decomposes into H + and HCCO 3 -. The blood acidifies, which is scientifically called acidosis. The higher the concentration of CO 2 in the air we constantly breathe, the lower the pH of the blood and the more acidic it is.

When acidosis begins, the body first defends itself by increasing the concentration of bicarbonate in the blood plasma, as evidenced by numerous biochemical studies. To compensate for acidosis, the kidneys secrete H + intensively and retain HCCO 3 -. Then other buffer systems are switched on, and secondary biochemical reactions of the body. Since weak acids, including carbonic (H 2 CO 3), can form poorly soluble compounds (CaCO 3) with metal ions, they are deposited in the form of stones, primarily in the kidneys.

Carl Schafer of the U.S. Navy Submarine Medical Research Laboratory has been researching how different concentrations of carbon dioxide affect guinea pigs. Rodents were kept at 0.5% CO 2 (oxygen was normal - 21%) for eight weeks, after which they observed significant kidney calcification. It was noted even after prolonged exposure of guinea pigs to lower concentrations - 0.3% CO 2 (3000 ppm). But that is not all. Schafer and colleagues found bone demineralization in gilts after eight weeks of exposure to 1% CO 2 , as well as structural changes in the lungs. The researchers regarded these diseases as an adaptation of the body to chronic exposure to CO 2 .

The hallmark of long-term hypercapnia (elevated CO 2 ) is a long-term negative effect. Despite the normalization of atmospheric respiration, changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, a decrease in the immunological status, resistance to physical exertion and other external influences are observed in the human body for a long time.

In our exhalation, approximately 4.5% carbon dioxide. And if you create a device that accumulates CO 2 . And if you start breathing on it. That will turn out to be the device "dream of the head of the concentration camp." At the same time, the victims themselves are sent to the suffocating chamber, because “health” is written at the entrance and the promise that when you have CO 2 in the blood is 6.5%, you will receive the promised one. And it does not matter that along the way you will receive poisoning in small doses, get used to it and prepare. Prepare for disappointment, as the 6.5 mark is not the cause of health, but the result of quite the opposite effect.

Someone may say: "When trees move, they create wind." No, it's the other way around. Breathing with therapeutic resistance and with a low oxygen content (as in the mountains) becomes rare and deep. Oxygen begins to be well absorbed, toxins and slags containing oxygen are broken down, a natural anaerobic way of obtaining energy in the human body appears. Every cell of the body begins to revive. As a result, the need for oxygen decreases, and carbon dioxide partly takes the place of oxygen. As a balanced gas, it will create a stable environment in the body.

It is this idea that is described in ancient treatises on breathing, and this is what R. B. Strelkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and other scientists proved in practice, showing in detail the effectiveness of hypoxic therapy (a moderate decrease in oxygen in the inhaled air). It was this task that V. F. Frolov and E. F. Kustov set when they created the TDI-01 breathing device for every person on this planet.

Nevertheless, despite the statements of the Ministry of Health and prominent scientists of the country, the production and wide distribution of breathing devices operating without internal pressure, such as CO 2 accumulators under the Samozdrav brand, continues.

Since the middle of the 19th century, CO 2 has been growing catastrophically by 1.7% every year, which may eventually lead to the imbalance of the Earth system. And, it seems, the producers of "Samozdrav" have set the task of hastening the approach of the end of the world. To paraphrase the classic, you can end with the words:

How many times have they told the world
That lies are vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a lie will always find a corner in the heart.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in clean atmospheric air: Carbon dioxide - 0.04%

For comparison, the typical level of CO2 in the atmosphere of megacities is 0.06-0.08%, and this is exactly the air that ventilation supplies to the premises.

The question arises, will ventilation help?

Ventilation helps to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the premises only if you live or work in an environmentally friendly place, but it is practically impossible to maintain the concentration of CO2 in the premises within atmospheric limits, i.e. 0.04%.

How much CO2 does a person exhale when breathing?

It is known that one person in a calm state consumes 20-30 liters of oxygen in one hour with the release of 18-25 liters of carbon dioxide. The air exhaled by a person contains 100 times more carbon dioxide than pure atmospheric air. Knowing this, it becomes clear why the gas that enters the metabolic processes of the human body can, under certain circumstances, harm it. Recent studies by Western scientists show that indoor carbon dioxide is a substance that, even in low concentrations, can adversely affect health and human performance.

(The article uses ppm (parts per million or particles of CO2 per million particles of air) as the unit of measure for CO2 levels. 1000 ppm = 0.1% CO2 content.)

Excessive concentration of carbon dioxide in the air can lead to negative changes in human blood and urine and human DNA.

Scientists have found that carbon dioxide, even in low concentrations, negatively affects the human cell membrane and can lead to such biochemical changes in the body as an increase in PCO2, an increase in the concentration of bicarbonate ions, acidosis, etc. According to its effects, carbon dioxide is also toxic to humans as nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

An increased concentration of carbon dioxide affects human health, since under its influence the pH of the blood decreases, which leads to acidosis, the minimal effect of the consequence of acidosis is a state of overexcitation and moderate hypertension. As the degree of acidosis increases, drowsiness and a state of anxiety appear. One of the consequences of these changes is a decrease in the desire to exercise and enjoy physical activity.

Under the influence of carbon dioxide, already at a concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) above 800 ppm, an increase in the number of oxidative stress markers in DNA is observed, and the number of markers is directly related to the time a person has been in the room.

Carbon dioxide in the classroom increases illness and reduces student achievement

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the air that children breathe in classrooms, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air of the classroom can increase several times by the end of the lesson.

Children in high carbon dioxide classrooms often have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough and rhinitis, and these children have a weakened nasopharynx.

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room leads to the occurrence of asthma attacks in asthmatic children.

Due to the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in schools and higher education institutions, the number of absenteeism due to illness is increasing. Respiratory infections and asthma are major illnesses in these schools.

An increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the classroom negatively affects the learning outcomes of children, reduces their performance.

The problem of increased concentration of carbon dioxide is also typical for kindergartens, and the CO2 level rises most strongly in the bedrooms of kindergartens.

In a report on the health status of children in Russian Federation(according to the results of the All-Russian medical examination in 2002) it was noted that diseases of the respiratory organs dominate in the structure of morbidity in aged children.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Boris Revich believes that “it is difficult to breathe in Russian classrooms because of the plastic windows that are installed during school renovations. A room covered with plastic turns into a clogged chamber, and carbon dioxide in such conditions can exceed the standards many times over. However, in our country there is practically no data on this topic, and no work is being done on this problem.”

Carbon dioxide in office space reduces the productivity of employees, worsens their health, leads to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

measurements. conducted in the offices of Moscow showed that in a number of offices the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) reached 2,000 ppm and above.

Research has shown. that at concentrations of carbon dioxide CO2 above 800-1000 ppm, employees of office buildings begin to experience symptoms of SBS: irritation of the mucous membranes, dry cough, headache, decreased performance. inflammation of the eyes, nasal congestion, inflammation of the nasopharynx, problems associated with the respiratory system, dry cough, headache, fatigue and difficulty concentrating, and carbon dioxide is one of the main causes of the development of BOD.

Certified devices for determining and monitoring air quality

Portable air quality sensor – Atmotube

Influence of indoor carbon dioxide concentration on human health

CO2 level (ppm)

Air quality and its impact on humans

atmospheric air

Ideal for human health

Normal air quality

There are sporadic complaints about air quality

More frequent complaints about air quality.

Above 1000ppm

General discomfort, weakness, headache, trouble concentrating. The number of errors in the work is growing. Negative changes in DNA begin.

Above 2000ppm

May cause serious health problems in humans. The number of errors in the work is greatly increased. 70% of employees can't focus on work

In order to replenish the room with air with a high content of oxygen, it is necessary to extract the exhaust air with a high content of carbon dioxide and other substances.

This leads to simple requirements:

  1. The room should have sufficient volume so that a person always has enough to breathe. Therefore, when buying a home, it is advisable to consider not only square meters, but also cubic meters.
  2. It is necessary to ensure both the inflow of air and its outflow. In the absence of one or the other, the process of air replacement takes a long time and does not keep pace with the increase in carbon dioxide concentration. Example. In old houses, everything was done very competently - the supply of fresh air was evenly carried out through the cracks in the windows and doors, and the exhaust air was removed through the exhaust ventilation in the toilet. After the installation of modern hermetic windows and doors, a person sharply limited not only the supply of fresh air, but also the outflow of exhaust air. Air inlets help, but they supply air locally, compared to the even distribution from the crevices of the old window. Natural or active ventilation should provide such air exchange that at any time in the presence of a different number of people, the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and many other components of the air is always within comfortable limits.
  3. In winter, it is possible to provide heating of the incoming air. The simplest option is to install an inlet valve between the window sill and the heating radiator (a modern analogue of the gap). In order not to throw out heat with the air leaving the room, it is possible to use recuperation systems when the outgoing flow heats up the incoming one.
  4. The carbon dioxide content sensor allows you to turn on ventilation and adjust its performance in automatic mode so that energy is wasted only in the presence of a person when the concentration of carbon dioxide increases.
  5. About the dangers of the air conditioner. In addition to the cold air flow that often falls on people's heads, the temperature difference when going outside, bacteria living comfortably in the coolness, there is a danger that is rarely mentioned. To save energy, close all windows when the air conditioner is running. At the same time, the concentration of carbon dioxide quickly reaches a significant value and cool, but oxygen-poor air is obtained. Therefore, the window must be kept open - health is more expensive.


CO2 detection
(carbon dioxide)
CO detection
(carbon monoxide)
VOC/VOC detection
(volatile organic compounds)
Temperature measurement
Humidity measurement
data logger
(data recording)

Soda, volcano, Venus, refrigerator - what do they have in common? Carbon dioxide. We have collected for you the most interesting information about one of the most important chemical compounds on Earth.

What is carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is known mainly in its gaseous state, i. as carbon dioxide with the simple chemical formula CO2. In this form, it exists under normal conditions - at atmospheric pressure and "normal" temperatures. But at increased pressure, over 5,850 kPa (such, for example, the pressure at a sea depth of about 600 m), this gas turns into a liquid. And with strong cooling (minus 78.5 ° C), it crystallizes and becomes the so-called dry ice, which is widely used in trade for storing frozen foods in refrigerators.

Liquid carbon dioxide and dry ice are produced and used in human activities, but these forms are unstable and break down easily.

But gaseous carbon dioxide is ubiquitous: it is released during the respiration of animals and plants and is an important part of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and ocean.

Properties of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide CO2 is colorless and odorless. Under normal conditions, it has no taste. However, when inhaling high concentrations of carbon dioxide, a sour taste can be felt in the mouth, caused by the fact that carbon dioxide dissolves on mucous membranes and in saliva, forming a weak solution of carbonic acid.

By the way, it is the ability of carbon dioxide to dissolve in water that is used to make sparkling waters. Bubbles of lemonade - the same carbon dioxide. The first apparatus for saturating water with CO2 was invented as early as 1770, and already in 1783, the enterprising Swiss Jacob Schwepp began the industrial production of soda (the Schweppes trademark still exists).

Carbon dioxide is 1.5 times heavier than air, so it tends to “settle” in its lower layers if the room is poorly ventilated. The “dog cave” effect is known, where CO2 is released directly from the ground and accumulates at a height of about half a meter. An adult, getting into such a cave, at the height of his height does not feel an excess of carbon dioxide, but dogs find themselves right in a thick layer of carbon dioxide and are poisoned.

CO2 does not support combustion, so it is used in fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems. The trick with extinguishing a burning candle with the contents of an allegedly empty glass (but in fact with carbon dioxide) is based precisely on this property of carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide in nature: natural sources

Carbon dioxide is produced in nature from various sources:

  • Breathing of animals and plants.
    Every schoolchild knows that plants absorb carbon dioxide CO2 from the air and use it in photosynthesis. Some housewives are trying to atone for shortcomings with an abundance of indoor plants. However, plants not only absorb but also release carbon dioxide in the absence of light as part of the respiration process. Therefore, a jungle in a poorly ventilated bedroom is not a good idea: at night, CO2 levels will rise even more.
  • Volcanic activity.
    Carbon dioxide is part of volcanic gases. In areas with high volcanic activity, CO2 can be released directly from the ground - from cracks and faults called mofet. The concentration of carbon dioxide in mofet valleys is so high that many small animals die when they get there.
  • decomposition of organic matter.
    Carbon dioxide is formed during combustion and decay of organic matter. Volumetric natural emissions of carbon dioxide accompany forest fires.

Carbon dioxide is "stored" in nature in the form of carbon compounds in minerals: coal, oil, peat, limestone. Huge reserves of CO2 are found in dissolved form in the world's oceans.

The release of carbon dioxide from an open reservoir can lead to a limnological catastrophe, as happened, for example, in 1984 and 1986. in lakes Manun and Nyos in Cameroon. Both lakes were formed on the site of volcanic craters - now they are extinct, but in the depths, volcanic magma still emits carbon dioxide, which rises to the waters of the lakes and dissolves in them. As a result of a number of climatic and geological processes, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the waters has exceeded the critical value. A huge amount of carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere, which, like an avalanche, descended along the mountain slopes. About 1,800 people became victims of limnological disasters on the Cameroonian lakes.

Artificial sources of carbon dioxide

The main anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide are:

  • industrial emissions associated with combustion processes;
  • automobile transport.

Despite the fact that the share of environmentally friendly transport in the world is growing, the vast majority of the world's population will not soon be able (or willing) to switch to new cars.

Active deforestation for industrial purposes also leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 in the air.

CO2 is one of the end products of metabolism (the breakdown of glucose and fats). It is secreted in the tissues and carried by hemoglobin to the lungs, through which it is exhaled. In the air exhaled by a person, there is about 4.5% carbon dioxide (45,000 ppm) - 60-110 times more than in the inhaled air.

Carbon dioxide plays an important role in the regulation of blood supply and respiration. An increase in the level of CO2 in the blood causes the capillaries to expand, allowing more blood to pass through, which delivers oxygen to the tissues and removes carbon dioxide.

The respiratory system is also stimulated by an increase in carbon dioxide, and not by a lack of oxygen, as it might seem. In fact, the lack of oxygen is not felt by the body for a long time, and it is quite possible that in rarefied air a person will lose consciousness before he feels a lack of air. The stimulating property of CO2 is used in artificial respiration devices: there, carbon dioxide is mixed with oxygen to "start" the respiratory system.

Carbon dioxide and us: why is CO2 dangerous?

Carbon dioxide is as essential to the human body as oxygen. But just like with oxygen, an excess of carbon dioxide harms our well-being.

A high concentration of CO2 in the air leads to intoxication of the body and causes a state of hypercapnia. In hypercapnia, a person experiences difficulty breathing, nausea, headache, and may even pass out. If the carbon dioxide content does not decrease, then the turn comes - oxygen starvation. The fact is that both carbon dioxide and oxygen move around the body on the same "transport" - hemoglobin. Normally, they "travel" together, attaching to different places on the hemoglobin molecule. However, an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood reduces the ability of oxygen to bind to hemoglobin. The amount of oxygen in the blood decreases and hypoxia occurs.

Such unhealthy consequences for the body occur when inhaling air with a CO2 content of more than 5,000 ppm (this can be the air in mines, for example). In fairness, in ordinary life we ​​practically do not encounter such air. However, even a much lower concentration of carbon dioxide is not good for health.

According to the findings of some, already 1,000 ppm CO2 causes fatigue and headache in half of the subjects. Many people begin to feel closeness and discomfort even earlier. With a further increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide to 1,500 - 2,500 ppm, the brain is "lazy" to take the initiative, process information and make decisions.

And if the level of 5,000 ppm is almost impossible in everyday life, then 1,000 and even 2,500 ppm can easily be part of the reality of modern man. Ours showed that in sparsely ventilated classrooms, CO2 levels stay above 1,500 ppm most of the time, and sometimes jump above 2,000 ppm. There is every reason to believe that the situation is similar in many offices and even apartments.

Physiologists consider 800 ppm as a safe level of carbon dioxide for human well-being.

Another study found a connection between CO2 levels and oxidative stress: the higher the level of carbon dioxide, the more we suffer from, which destroys the cells of our body.

Carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere

In the atmosphere of our planet, there is only about 0.04% CO2 (this is approximately 400 ppm), and more recently it was even less: carbon dioxide crossed the mark of 400 ppm only in the fall of 2016. Scientists attribute the rise in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere to industrialization: in the middle of the 18th century, on the eve of the industrial revolution, it was only about 270 ppm.