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What is the difference between grls and radar? State Register of Medicines - List of approved medicines RLS medicine directory official contacts contacts

Medicines and medical supplies. The directory “Encyclopedia of Medicines” is available on various media (book, CD, flash card, mobile applications).

Radar information and services are intended for practicing doctors, pharmacy workers, medical representatives, managers of pharmaceutical companies, specialists in the field of drug supply and circulation of medicines and regional and municipal public procurement systems.

RLS is the developer of the architecture and concept of an information and linguistic platform for digitalization of the pharmaceutical supply sector.


  • information support and support for the website www.rlsnet.ru - a professional medical Internet resource with an audience of more than 9 million users per month;
  • development of information systems based on the radar database for the Unified State Health Information System (USISZ), the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS), the Unified Reference Catalog of Medicines (USCLP), Monitoring the Movement of Medicines (MDLP);
  • information support of electronic databases and reference books on medicines, medical products and dietary supplements;
  • harmonization of drug nomenclature reference books used in the region (municipality) and medical organizations;
  • development and information support of an automated system for monitoring the movement of medicines from the manufacturer to the end consumer using marking (codification) and identification of medicine packages;
  • creation and support of a medicine traceability system;
  • creation of automated workstations for monitoring the movement (distribution) of medicines for drug manufacturers, pharmacies and medical institutions;
  • development, implementation and maintenance of a unified language for machine-to-machine interaction in the field of drug supply - regulatory and reference information;
  • monitoring of maximum permissible selling prices for vital and essential drugs, taking into account regional markups;
  • publication of reference books on medications for doctors, pharmacists, pharmacists and other specialists in the field of drug supply;
  • dissemination of information, books and electronic reference books through the Program for the targeted provision of health care professionals with reference books of the RLS series;
  • monitoring of information demand for drugs (Vyshkovsky Index);
  • holding regular international conferences under the patronage of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “Modernization of information processes in healthcare.”


The company offers services for comprehensive solutions to IT problems in the drug circulation market for pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies, integrators, and regions.

  • provision of fragments of the radar database necessary for solving specific problems for integration into the MIS (Radar Database v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2009620557);
  • automatic monitoring of prices for vital and essential drugs, taking into account regional markups (web-service Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2014615968);
  • automatic checking for drug interactions when prescribed by the attending physician (Drug Interactions (Android) v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2014615980; Drug Interaction Database v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2014621047);
  • automatic harmonization of nomenclature directories of medicines used in the region (municipality) and medical organizations (Module for harmonizing the nomenclature base of the subject of the Traceability System and bringing it to a standard form v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2016615124. Cloud solution for the subsystem for harmonizing nomenclature items of medical goods (TMN) v 1.0, Certificate No. 2014662851);
  • automatic receipt of lists of pharmaceutically equivalent drugs for the selection of interchangeable drugs in medical decision-making verification systems (Database for determining the pharmaceutical equivalence of drugs v. 1.0, Certificate No. 2015620155);
  • obtaining information about rejected batches of drugs for their automatic identification from those used (Database of rejected batches of medicinal products v 1.0, Certificate No. 2016732042);
  • harmonization of data with the Unified Data Sheet - a comprehensive solution for pharmaceuticals. manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies, integrators and regions;
  • interaction with - Medical decision support system for MIS. Necessary expert (information, linguistic and methodological) assistance in building an interconnected triad:
    • procurement;
    • traceability (monitoring) of medicines;
    • prescription and selection of drugs.

The State Register of Medicines is an official publication of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which includes a list of domestic and foreign medicines approved for medical use in the Russian Federation. The register contains the numbers and dates of registration of medicines, as well as their international names.
If you want to independently check the approval for medical use in the Russian Federation of a certain medicine, then use the official website.
To go to the official website of the State Register of Medicines, you will need to enter the following Internet address in the address bar of any browser: grls.rosminzdrav.ru. After which you will go to the main page of the site, where you can find out information about all medicines that were denied state registration or state registration was canceled for any reason.

Home page

On the main page you can familiarize yourself with the “News” section. Here you can find information about orders for accreditation of medical organizations for the right to conduct clinical trials of medicinal products for medical use.
On the website you can also check whether the drug has permission for medical use in the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to indicate: registration certificate number, international nonproprietary name or generic name, dosage form, trade name, name of the holder or owner of the registration drug, manufacturer, country.

Checking permission

On the official website of the State Register of Medicines you can see the maximum selling prices of drugs. To do this, you will need to enter the following information: trade name, INN, RU number, manufacturer, barcode.

Maximum selling price of the drug

The official website of the State Register of Medicines is very easy to use. Here you can check the approval for the use of the drug and its maximum selling price.

Radar official website- this is the official website of the RLS group of companies (medicine register), Home Encyclopedia of medicines and pharmaceutical assortment of goods of the Russian Internet. All information about medicines, dietary supplements, medical products; medical news, reference books for doctors, information on prices for vital drugs, as well as a pharmacological and medicinal reference book are posted on this Internet portal.

Radar official website. Home page

You can find information on the website in the following sections: “Encyclopedia of Medicines”, “Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements”, “Other TAAs”, “Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs”, “News and Events”, “Medical Institutions” and “Library”. In addition, we bring to your attention materials posted in the headings “Articles on pharmacotherapy”, “Patient’s ABC”, “Drug Safety” and “Portrait of a Pharmacological Group”. Chapter "Encyclopedia of Medicines" contains a description of active ingredients, information on drug interactions, dosage forms, drug manufacturers, and a reference book of diseases. Also in this section you can find an alphabetical index of medications, but you should pay attention to the disclaimer that medications should be used only after consultation with a medical specialist.

Section "Encyclopedia of Medicines. Alphabetical Index"

The directory, as well as the classification of dietary supplements, is contained in the section "Encyclopedia of dietary supplements". To make it easier to find the required drug or information about it, the information in the section is placed in alphabetical order.

Section "Encyclopedia of dietary supplements"

The section “Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs” contains information about prices for vital drugs, the manufacturer, the registration certificate, and even the rate of permissible wholesale markup.

Section "Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs"

A detailed list of medical institutions is presented in the section of the same name. Information is classified by region. To display data on the screen, simply click on one of the specified regions. If the desired location is not in the list, you can enter it in the search bar and get the data.

– a very useful application in terms of potential information. With such a program in the memory of the mobile application, you can quickly and most importantly correctly read information about any medicine. After all, everything in it is completely in Russian, which allows you to use it without problems. As can be seen from the above screenshots, the application contains a huge number of different drugs.

Using the search, you can find the name you are interested in and get all the detailed information on it. After all, it will often be useful for the user to read about what doctors prescribe for him or what the pharmacy advises him to do. It is possible to obtain information about active ingredients and pharmaceutical groups. All these convenient options make the application stand out from the rest. After all, such a detailed database has never existed before, so you can safely download it to your devices.

It is also possible to view drugs by manufacturer. Which is an exclusive feature of this application. After all, this is how you can find out where the drug was produced and whether you should trust certain manufacturers. This information is very useful. So if you are interested in this topic, the application will be very useful to everyone, since it is distributed free of charge.