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Vacuum of the uterus after childbirth. Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

Cleaning after a miscarriage is carried out taking into account the doctor’s recommendation. Evacuation of the fetus after a frozen pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage is carried out with a partial abortion. If there is no bleeding, the woman should undergo an ultrasound. To detect a frozen pregnancy, the expectant mother should visit a gynecologist once every 7-14 days.

Medical indications

If there are no blood clots in the uterine cavity, and the woman’s condition is normal, then the pregnancy is not interrupted. Before cleaning, the doctor must determine. The following signs are not typical for pregnancy:

  • bloody issues;
  • weakness;
  • heat;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, then the fetus is frozen. It can be evacuated from the female body using medical termination of pregnancy, curettage or vacuum aspiration. Medical abortion is characterized by various side effects (nausea, dizziness) and consequences.

Incomplete abortion occurs when the dosage of drugs is incorrectly calculated. The medicinal technique, compared to curettage and vacuum, has no complications during and after surgery. In this case, the uterine cavity is not damaged.

The procedure associated with curettage after a miscarriage is carried out by a qualified gynecologist using special instruments. The operation involves removing the top layer of the uterine mucosa. Cleaning after a miscarriage is done through dilatation of the cervix. The procedure is considered painful, so it must be performed under anesthesia.

Curettage is carried out in the following cases:

  • miscarriage;
  • childbirth;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • diagnosis of various ailments.

If a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, and there are no remains of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, then curettage is not prescribed.

Features of the procedure

Cleaning after a miscarriage is carried out a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. Surgery is performed in the operating room on a gynecological chair and under anesthesia. A dilator is inserted into the vagina, and a probe is inserted into the cervical canal. Then a hysteroscopy is performed. The uterine cavity is examined using a special video camera.

A curette is used to perform curettage. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. If necessary, use a special spoon to scrape off the top layer of the cervical canal and mucous membrane. The sample is sent for histological examination.

After curettage, uterine bleeding may occur. This complication occurs in women with poor blood clotting. To prevent this phenomenon, after the operation the patient is prescribed oxytocin injections. If there is heavy discharge, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Another complication of cleaning after a miscarriage is associated with the inflammatory process. This phenomenon is observed due to cervical spasm. To prevent this condition, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics (“No-spa”). They will provide the cervix with a relaxed state, which is characterized by normal blood flow. You should consult your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • no bleeding after surgery;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area.

Pregnancy after surgery

The uterine mucosa may become inflamed after curettage.

To prevent the development of such a complication, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Cleaning after abortion causes physical and psychological trauma to the woman.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient experienced heavy bleeding.

This period can be 3-6 months. In this case, the specialist takes into account the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • general state;
  • at what rate the body recovers.

Curettage after a miscarriage thins the endometrium, disrupting the holding power of the cervix. If you become pregnant immediately after such a cleansing, then there is a possibility of improper formation of the placenta. If pregnancy has occurred, then the expectant mother must follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Features of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is recommended if a miscarriage occurs between 6 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. The operation lasts 5 minutes. After 1-2 hours, the patient is discharged from the inpatient department. This method of cleaning after a miscarriage causes minor trauma to the lining of the cervix. In some cases, the fertilized egg may remain in place.

Gynecologists include contraindications for vacuum abortion:

  • development of an acute infectious disease;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • less than 6 months have passed since birth;
  • poor blood clotting.

The patient first undergoes the necessary tests. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. A woman feels discomfort when the cervix opens. If the patient has not given birth before, then the cervix is ​​dilated with a special metal instrument. An electric vacuum pump is used to extract the contents of the uterus. A tube is inserted into the uterus. An electric pump is used to pull blood clots out of the organ.

After surgery, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • cramping pain.

If there are no complications, the patient can return to normal life the next day after vacuum aspiration. It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound and visit a gynecologist 2-3 weeks after surgery. You can't have sex for 2-3 weeks. In the first month of sexual activity, condoms are used. If after a vacuum abortion the test shows a positive result, then partial suction of the placenta and fetus has occurred. In this case, the uterus is cleaned using curettage.

If a pathology such as freezing occurs during pregnancy, it is necessary to remove the fetus from the uterus, otherwise serious complications for the woman are inevitable. Cleaning during a frozen pregnancy is the main way to remove a dead fetus. It consists in the fact that a woman under anesthesia has the fetus sucked out with a special rotating tube. There is also a medicinal method, but its effectiveness is lower.

Causes of fading

A frozen or non-developing pregnancy is a serious pathology in which the death of the embryo occurs without clinical signs of miscarriage. It remains in the uterus, in rare cases for years. This can happen at any time, but usually up to 13 weeks.

The main reasons are considered:

  • hormonal disorders: defects in the functioning of the ovaries and thyroid gland;
  • destruction of the fetus by the immune system (since it is a foreign body for a woman’s body);
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • infections (herpes, chlamydia, rubella are especially dangerous);
  • genetic abnormalities of the embryo;
  • external factors: excessive physical activity, stress, bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol), drug abuse.

There are also situations when pregnancy stops despite the woman’s apparent health and the absence of the above-mentioned reasons. These are called causes of unknown origin.

Women at risk are:

  • have had several abortions;
  • who had an ectopic pregnancy (at least one);
  • over 30 years old;
  • with an unusual shape of the uterus or suffering from fibroids;
  • with endocrine pathologies, most often diabetes mellitus;
  • have had genital infections.

Whatever the reason for the freezing, after the death of the embryo it must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the woman will develop intoxication or even sepsis (blood poisoning).

Curettage or vacuum cleaning is considered the best method because the doctor can control whether the embryo is completely removed. But they do this after 5 weeks. Before this, they prefer medical abortion (the patient is given hormonal drugs that cause a miscarriage).

However, after it, parts of the embryo may remain inside the uterus, so you still have to do vacuum cleaning or curettage.

Preparing for surgery

Cleansing should be carried out on an empty stomach (do not eat for 8-12 hours, only after this anesthesia is possible), under general anesthesia (in case of intolerance - under local anesthesia, anesthetic is injected into the body and cervix). Before the manipulation, the woman should be examined by a gynecologist to identify possible contraindications, as well as an anesthesiologist to solve the problem of anesthesia.

After this, the question of the process is decided: if there are contraindications, cleaning or scraping should be done with particular caution.

Cleansing may be contraindicated if a woman:

  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • inflammation of the uterus or appendages;
  • the integrity of the mucosa is compromised.

However, the need for surgery does not disappear even in such conditions.

A woman needs to be tested:

  • blood test (general);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis for possible (hidden) infections;
  • coagulogram (blood test for clotting);
  • bacteriological culture;
  • vaginal smear.

After receiving the results, the woman signs consent for the operation.

How is the procedure carried out?

The cleaning process is as follows. Gynecologist:

After extraction, the embryo is sent for histological analysis to determine the cause of freezing.

Curettage is another option for removing a dead embryo from a woman’s uterus.

For this, a curette is used - a special spoon with which the gynecologist scrapes off the fertilized egg. This procedure is less preferable because it risks damaging the walls or cervix. And general anesthesia is more desirable here - this is a very painful version of the operation.

The manipulation lasts approximately 15 minutes, then you should rest for a couple of hours (first of all, recover from anesthesia). Hospitalization to a hospital is not necessary unless there are more serious pathologies.

Vacuum cleaning is also preferable because it can be done on an outpatient basis. In the future, menstrual function is restored quite quickly.

Postoperative period

After removing the dead fetus, the threat to the woman’s health passes, but complications are still possible:

  • Bleeding. Bloody discharge is normal, but if it is too heavy, you should let your doctor know about it, otherwise there may be an accumulation of clots in the uterine cavity or anemia. You should also use only pads - tampons can lead to blood stagnation and inflammation.
  • Inflammation (due to damage to the walls during curettage or when the embryo is not completely removed).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, for the elimination of which you need to take painkillers.
  • The appearance of adhesions.
  • Perforation of the uterine wall is the most severe complication requiring surgical intervention.

The first three days the temperature may be elevated (37-37.5°C). This is natural, but if it increases more or lasts more than three days, this is a clear sign of an inflammatory process. This situation should also be reported to your doctor.

In general, after curettage or cleaning, a woman should measure her temperature twice a day for two weeks and monitor her discharge. After these two weeks, she must go to an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to make sure that there is no fetus inside.

The following tests are usually ordered at this time:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • vaginal smear for microflora and possible infections;
  • histological analysis of the uterine epithelium to identify the probable pathological condition of this organ.

Also, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the body, antibiotics to prevent inflammation, as well as hormonal drugs to restore the hormonal system and prevent pregnancy.

Within six months after the termination of a non-developing pregnancy, you cannot plan a new one - it may freeze again, and the woman’s body has not yet recovered. Sexual activity for a month is also unacceptable.

In general, you can resume it when the first menstruation passes normally. In addition, at this time, the woman is treated for diseases that led to the death of the fetus, if any are identified. If depression occurs, a woman is treated by a psychotherapist and takes antidepressants.

In the future, it is imperative to prevent such pathologies:

  • be observed by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, sometimes even by a geneticist;
  • treat existing sexually transmitted infections, even if they are not severe (chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • Get vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox at least three months before planning your next pregnancy.

If a woman becomes pregnant before the time allowed by doctors, an attempt should be made to maintain this pregnancy.

Firstly, this will comfort the patient who is grieving over the death of her previous child, and secondly, an early abortion, even a vacuum one, increases the risk of future miscarriage.

Timely cleaning or even curettage and further attention to your health will allow almost any woman to become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy child.


Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity is one of the gentle methods for removing the endometrial layer and organ contents. There are many indications for the procedure, but most often the method is used to terminate an early pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration (cleaning) is performed after childbirth, spontaneous miscarriages, and if a woman wishes to terminate the pregnancy.


The vacuum cleaning method can be prescribed in many cases. Most often it is practiced:

  • to terminate an unwanted pregnancy;
  • with partial miscarriage;
  • if it is necessary to abort the fetus for medical and social reasons in the early gestational stages;
  • after childbirth, if particles of the baby's place, amniotic fluid and blood clots remain in the uterine cavity.

The vacuum cleaning method for obtaining endometrial tissue samples is used relatively infrequently. But it is often prescribed if it is necessary to remove accumulated blood or other fluid from the uterus.

The vacuum cleaning method is considered the safest. It almost completely eliminates the risk of injury to the walls and cervix, ensuring high-quality removal of the functional layer of the endometrium without affecting the basal layer.

Method of execution

The method is practiced exclusively in a hospital setting (with rare exceptions). Since vacuum cleaning also involves complete removal of the endometrial layer, the procedure is accompanied by quite severe pain. For this reason, vacuum aspiration is performed under general anesthesia.

The exception is postpartum cleansing, when the cervical canal is already open initially. Under such conditions, the feeling of pain is minimal.

The most unpleasant and sensitive moment During vacuum cleaning, the cervix becomes dilated.

Vacuum aspiration can be carried out by two methods - machine and manual. In the first case, cleaning is carried out with a device, and in the second, a special syringe is used.

The stages of vacuum cleaning of the uterus do not depend on the chosen method. They are universal in both cases.

  1. The patient receives intravenous anesthesia and falls asleep.
  2. The doctor treats the external genitalia with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The vagina is dilated with gynecological speculum, which opens access to the cervical canal.
  4. If a woman has chosen the method of local anesthesia, then at this stage of the operation she receives an injection of an anesthetic drug directly into the cervix.
  5. If the cervical canal is closed, then it is opened using Hegar dilators.
  6. The length of the uterus is measured using a probe.
  7. Then an aspiration tube is inserted into the cervix to a certain depth. It works on the principle of an aspirator, drawing in the entire mucous layer. The doctor carefully treats all the internal surfaces of the uterus, removing the endometrial layer.
  8. Finally, the cervix and external genitalia are disinfected again.

Cleaning duration is 5-15 minutes. If general anesthesia is used, the woman will need several more hours to recover from the operation.

With local anesthesia, the patient can leave the hospital immediately. But during the vacuum cleaning process, she will feel cramps reminiscent of menstrual cramps.


Cleaning using the vacuum method requires preparation. Regardless of the reasons for her appointment, the woman will have to pass:

  • blood for analysis - both a general clinical examination and a coagulogram with a biochemical study are necessary;
  • blood to determine the Rh factor and group affiliation;
  • analysis for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV infection;
  • smear on vaginal microflora.

Preparation for vacuum cleaning of the uterus also includes:

  • complete refusal to take blood thinning medications - this must be done two weeks before the procedure for planned intervention;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse three days before cleaning.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude vaginal irrigation, the use of intimate cosmetics, as well as suppositories and vaginal tablets.

Since the vacuum cleaning method requires general anesthesia, the last meal should take place the evening before the operation. Dinner should be light. In the morning you cannot drink or eat.

Advantages of the method

Vacuum aspiration is a gentle curettage method, since injury to the walls of the organ, the basal layer of the endometrium and the cervical canal is almost completely eliminated.

The obvious advantages of the vacuum method over traditional curettage are:

  • minimizing the risk of injury to the cervical canal area;
  • in certain cases, the procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs 40 - 43 days after cleansing;
  • abortion performed using the vacuum method is much less likely to be accompanied by hormonal disruptions;
  • Vacuum aspiration as a method of termination of pregnancy can minimize the risk of infertility.

The method is often used in cases of frozen pregnancy. In this case, the dead fetus is subject to mandatory abortion. Otherwise, the woman may experience inflammation of the uterus caused by the decomposition of the fertilized egg.


Although the method is considered the safest method of cleaning, it can still have negative consequences. These include:

  • Partial removal of the contents of the uterus. Since the physician does not have the ability to control the cleaning process, there is a high risk of leaving individual fragments of the endometrium, particles of fetal tissue, etc. In this case, vacuum aspiration will need to be repeated.
  • Injury to the cervical canal by instruments. Injury can occur during forced opening of the cervix due to the forceps slipping. In the future, it can cause recurrent miscarriage.
  • Uterine bleeding. The cause may be rupture of blood vessels. The worst prognosis in this case is removal of the uterus.
  • Infection. The infection develops as a result of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It can cause infertility and endometritis.
  • Weakening of the cervix. In the future, it may cause miscarriages due to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

The development of complications is not always a medical error. Against the background of termination of pregnancy, severe hormonal disruption cannot be ruled out, which can also cause many problems.


Contraindications to the vacuum cleaning method are:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • diagnosing ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of neoplasms - benign and malignant - in the uterine cavity;
  • gestation period exceeding five obstetric weeks;
  • abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • recent abortion.

There may be other contraindications, so the possibility of vacuum cleaning is considered on an individual basis.

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth

The method of vacuum cleaning of the uterus after completion of natural childbirth can be prescribed if the woman’s well-being begins to rapidly deteriorate. Signs of the development of pathology include a jump in temperature and increased vaginal bleeding.

All this may indicate inflammation of the uterus caused by the remains of a child's place. In some cases, the placenta becomes so firmly attached to the wall of the uterus that it has to be removed manually. In such cases, it is possible that small parts may be left behind.

The woman in labor is prescribed an ultrasound and if it confirms the suspicions, then vacuum cleaning of the uterus is performed. Then the woman is prescribed antibiotics that suppress inflammatory processes, as well as drugs that improve uterine contractility. Additionally, antiseptic treatment is recommended.

Rehabilitation after vacuum cleaning takes two weeks. During this period, a woman is prohibited from having sexual relations, visiting baths and saunas, using sanitary tampons, strenuous physical activity, and taking blood-thinning medications.

Vacuum cleaning during a frozen pregnancy is an operation to remove the fertilized egg from the uterus.


The operation is performed exclusively in a hospital setting. The operation is painful because the process removes the surface layer of the uterine lining. Therefore, when performing it, anesthesia is required.

Cleaning is usually carried out from 5 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Women at risk for the occurrence of:

  • over 30 years old;
  • who have already had a similar case of pregnancy;
  • have had more than one abortion;
  • with uterine abnormalities;
  • with diseases of the endocrine system;
  • recovered from sexually transmitted infections.

The reasons for this pathology can be very different, from hormonal disorders to excessive physical exertion. But if pregnancy fading has already occurred, then the fetus must be extracted in any case.

Preparing for surgery

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy is carried out on an empty stomach, after at least eight hours of fasting. Before the operation, the woman is examined by a gynecologist to make sure there are no possible contraindications, and by an anesthesiologist to determine the anesthesia.

After examining the patient, doctors decide to perform surgery. In cases of detection of genital infections, inflammation of the pelvic organs, or damage to the uterine mucosa, the cleansing will have to be canceled.

Before the operation, the woman will have to pass:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • hCG level study;
  • smear to detect infections;
  • blood test for group and Rh factor;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • blood to determine coagulability (coagulogram);

After the studies, the patient must sign consent for the operation.

Two weeks before the cleansing, the woman should stop taking all medications that may affect blood clotting. If the operation is planned for the near future, then at least 2 days before it you need to:

  • avoid using intimate hygiene products;
  • suspend sexual activity;
  • stop douching;
  • stop using medications.


Vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy can be carried out using two methods:

  1. Manual. This technique uses a syringe, which the doctor uses to suck out the contents of the uterus.
  2. Machine. To carry out this operation, a special pump is used.

In both types of procedures, the woman is given anesthesia, after which the genitals are treated with an antiseptic. The doctor then inserts a speculum into the vagina and, if necessary, administers a second injection of anesthesia into the cervix.

Using a special device, the distance to the uterus is measured. If the cervix is ​​not dilated enough, a dilator is used. Only after this is a tube inserted, which sucks in tissue and cleanses the uterine cavity. Then the patient is injected with drugs that shrink the endometrium. The duration of the entire procedure does not exceed 15 minutes.

As a rule, doctors prefer general anesthesia because with it the patient will not feel anything.

But the disadvantage of such anesthesia is the long recovery from it (at least 2 hours).

After vacuum cleaning, the embryo is sent for research to determine the causes of pregnancy failure.

Why is vacuum cleaning used?

For whatever reason, a frozen pregnancy occurs, the uterus needs timely cleaning. Otherwise, sepsis may develop or the process of intoxication will begin.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy is the best option. It is carried out under the supervision of a doctor who controls the process and makes sure that no parts of the embryo remain in the uterine cavity.

Another type of cleaning is scraping. To carry it out, a curette is used, with which the doctor scrapes off the fertilized egg. When curettage, it is necessary to undergo general anesthesia, since the procedure is considered very painful. After the operation, the woman recovers from anesthesia within several hours.

In the case of curettage, complications may arise in the form of remnants of fetal parts or perforation of the uterine wall. And then in any case you will have to carry out vacuum cleaning.

Postoperative period

After vacuum cleaning, a woman should monitor her health in order to promptly notice suspicious symptoms of such consequences of the operation as:

  • too with a possible unpleasant odor. To prevent complications and notice this symptom in time, you need to temporarily stop using tampons and give preference to pads;
  • inflammation resulting from incomplete extraction of the embryo or due to damage to the walls of the uterus at the time of curettage;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen. Painkillers will help muffle these symptoms;
  • adhesions;
  • perforation of the uterine wall. This postoperative complication requires immediate surgical intervention. Most often it occurs as a result of curettage.

After surgery, there may be weakening of the cervix, infection due to the patient's lack of hygiene, hormonal imbalances, uterine bleeding (as a result of damage to fibroids), or damage to the cervix with an instrument. The work of an inexperienced doctor can also lead to adverse consequences. But it is important to remember that a frozen pregnancy that is not detected and treated in time can cause much more dangerous complications.

Body temperature in the first few days after surgery may be slightly elevated, but not more than 37.5. If this condition lasts more than 3 days or the temperature begins to rise, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible.

Menstruation after the operation decreases, after 7 days it becomes more scanty and spotty. Cleaning the uterus also affects the regularity of the cycle; the delay at first can be 2-3 months. But if such changes occur, you should definitely see a doctor.

After curettage or vacuum cleaning for 14 days, a woman should regularly monitor her body temperature and discharge.

After this period, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the uterus to determine the presence of parts of the fertilized egg. The complex of postoperative procedures also includes blood tests for hormone levels, a vaginal smear, and histology of the uterine epithelium. If necessary, a woman should visit a psychotherapist who will help her cope with depression.

During the entire rehabilitation period, a woman should take vitamins, antibiotics recommended by a doctor to prevent inflammatory processes, and hormonal medications. You will have to stop having sex for a month. It’s better to continue it only after the end of the first menstruation

You can plan a new pregnancy after curettage or vacuum cleaning only after six months. Otherwise, history may repeat itself.

If it happens that pregnancy occurs before the expiration of the prophylactic period, then the main task of doctors will be to preserve it. Since any abortion in the early stages can become a serious cause of further miscarriage, as well as cause serious trauma to the woman’s psyche.

Prevention of frozen pregnancy

To avoid a frozen pregnancy or prevent its recurrence, you must follow the following rules:

  1. You need to regularly (at least once every six months) visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and, possibly, a geneticist.
  2. Under no circumstances should sexually transmitted infections, even the mildest ones, be left untreated. Their presence can lead to fetal pathologies and possible death.
  3. During

During childbirth, different situations happen. And in some cases, surgery cannot be avoided. When there is a bad contraction and does not come out, or the afterbirth does not come out well, blood clots remain, vacuum cleaning is used after childbirth. This procedure cannot be avoided, because sometimes a woman’s life depends on it.

With the modern level of medicine, this procedure is more gentle. It can also be used for diagnosis and treatment.

There is an opinion that vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is used only to terminate pregnancy, but this is far from the case. It is used for heavy bleeding, removal of clots, biopsy analysis, after a miscarriage, fetal death, to remove remnants of the placenta and fluid accumulations.

But today we will not consider all the situations in which this intervention is prescribed. Many young mothers are interested in why, after visiting the ultrasound room, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes curettage after childbirth. It would seem, what does the birth of a child have in common with this unpleasant procedure? But not everything is as good as we would like. Let's dwell on this issue.

The main reasons for prescribing aspiration after an ultrasound examination are retention of blood clots, remnants of the placenta (if it does not contract well enough). But they don’t prescribe it right away. First, you need to undergo a course of treatment with contracting drugs (injections or droppers). And when this does not help, then only aspiration is performed.

The fact is that if a foreign body is present in the uterine cavity after childbirth, this will lead to inflammation and suppuration. And if you do not intervene in time, blood poisoning will begin, and as a result, death will occur. Therefore, if you were not examined by a specialist upon discharge, contact a gynecologist yourself.

But it also happens that the doctor doubts whether the placenta has completely come out or whether something remains. In this case, cleaning is carried out manually (under anesthesia), immediately after delivery. The same manipulation is carried out after a caesarean section.

This procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. So, there is nothing to be afraid of.


Vacuum cleaning after childbirth is carried out by scraping the top layer of the epidermis. It works using the "vacuum cleaner" method. And it takes about thirty minutes. You will be monitored for some time afterwards to avoid bleeding. And for a week, you need to treat the surface of the perineum with antiseptic agents. For two weeks you cannot:

  • use tampons;
  • to take a bath;
  • steaming in a sauna;
  • endure physical activity.

The discharge during this period will be very strong, and you will also notice clots. In the future, they will decrease in size and become more brownish or yellow in color. And in ten days they will stop altogether.

If everything is fine, then in a few days they will be allowed to go home. During this period, you will need to take a course of antibiotics and reducing medications to prevent inflammatory processes from starting.

Important! In the first days there will be pain in the lower abdomen. Don't be patient, take painkillers.

During this period, you will need to stop breastfeeding for a while so as not to harm the baby. And after finishing taking the medications, it will be possible to resume feeding. In the meantime, after these manipulations, the mother herself needs to recover, and caring for the baby will not only be tiring, but also contraindicated.

How it's done?

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after childbirth is done in 2 ways:

  1. Manual.
  2. By machine.

The more popular manual method. This is a vacuum simulation using a special syringe. Subsequence:

  1. First, the surface of the genital organs is treated with an antibacterial solution.
  2. Then a speculum is inserted into the vagina and the anterior labia are fixed with forceps.
  3. After processing the cervix, a probe is inserted into the uterine cavity to measure its length.
  4. Then an aspiration tube is inserted, to which a syringe (if manual method) or an electric aspirator (if machine method) is attached.
  5. Next, the doctor moves and rotates the catheter, removing and cleaning the intrauterine cavity. Material is also collected for diagnostics.

This manipulation will be more effective if it is done under ultrasound control.

The advantage of this method is that the cervical canal is less damaged and the menstrual cycle is restored after a few weeks.


Curettage after childbirth can bring a number of complications that cannot be predicted.

  • It is normal to have a lot of bleeding in the first few days after this procedure. But if there is too little or no discharge, this indicates that not all clots have been removed. Don’t delay, contact a specialist as soon as you notice something wrong.
  • Injury to the cervix or its walls. This may lead to subsequent pregnancies ending in spontaneous abortion. The fact is that the cervix will not be able to perform its function during pregnancy. The situation can be corrected by stitching or installing a pessary.
  • Obstruction of the tubes or adhesions will lead to difficulties with conception.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Infection and subsequent inflammation.
  • Sepsis.

You should protect yourself from pregnancy for six months. Because otherwise, this can lead to miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death. In the future, if you are planning to conceive, you should initially undergo an examination.

Despite all the possible complications, vacuum cleaning after childbirth is necessary. And if you refuse this intervention, the risks increase significantly. This can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic organisms, the development of inflammatory processes and infection. This is fraught with future problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Traditional methods

It happens that after eight weeks the pain and discharge in women does not stop. This indicates poor contraction of the uterus or the presence of a foreign body in its cavity. There are many traditional methods that will help you clear faster and speed up contractions. But before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Let's look at some of them:

  • Nettle tincture. Pour 4 tablespoons of nettle into 0.5 liters of boiling water, drink cooled, one hundred grams 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of white claspberry. Pour 0.5 liters of cold boiled water into 2 tbsp. spoons of clasp flowers at night. Drink one hundred grams 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of shepherd's purse. In a thermos overnight, pour 2 cups of boiling water, pour 4 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs. Drink everything throughout the day.
  • Infusion of blood-red geranium. 2 tbsp. cold boiled water, pour in 2 teaspoons of herbs, leave overnight. Drink it all in a day.

Herbal medicines are good because they can be used during lactation. They make the female body work without drug intervention and without interruption from breastfeeding.

It is also good to do gymnastics for a quick recovery, but only if there are no postoperative stitches. In this case, any exercises are contraindicated.

  1. Perform breathing exercises throughout the day, straining your abdominal muscles to the maximum.
  2. It is also good to alternately tense and relax the vaginal muscles.
  3. Good exercises on a gymnastic ball. Sit on the ball and swing one by one in different directions and in a circle. Try to tense your abdominal and vaginal muscles as much as possible.

Remember that before using any manipulations, be sure to coordinate your actions with your doctor. Do not self-medicate so as not to harm your health. And it may not be necessary to resort to a method such as vacuum.


Many are afraid of any surgical intervention, but when the question is about the life and health of a young mother, you need to use all possible options. And although there are rumors that, to be on the safe side, doctors send absolutely everyone to a vacuum.

This procedure is prescribed only according to indications.

After a caesarean section, this intervention is used because the uterine cavity cannot immediately contract properly and then doctors are forced to intervene. But they will not do this without compelling reasons. Seek help only from highly qualified specialists and then the risk of complications will be much less.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!