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Questions. How is an intrauterine device installed? When is the best time to get an IUD before your period?

One of the most common and effective means of female contraception is the intrauterine device (IUD), the principle of which is to prevent conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

An IUD is a device of small sizes and various shapes made of soft, flexible plastic with the addition of metals, usually copper. There are also spirals with silver and gold, which, in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, also have a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of intrauterine devices is 99%. The spiral is a long-acting product, and women do not need to worry about contraception every day.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The main effect of the spirals is damage to sperm entering the uterus due to changes in the internal environment, which occurs under the influence of metals in the device. The rate of advancement of the released egg also slows down, so it usually enters the uterus no longer capable of fertilization. If fertilization does occur, due to the presence of the spiral in the uterus, the embryo will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus and begin to develop.

Hormonal IUDs change the composition of cervical mucus, greatly thickening it, which also slows down the progress of sperm. Any type of intrauterine device is a foreign body for the body, and therefore the endometrium lining the uterus usually changes, which can cause complications.

Term of use

The lifespan of the spiral directly depends on its type and correct installation. So, if the intrauterine device has moved, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule, because in this case there will be no guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Most spirals are installed for 5 years, but there are types whose validity is 10 and even 15 years, these include spirals with gold, since this metal is not subject to corrosion. When to remove the intrauterine device depends on the woman's health and the correct placement of the device inside the uterus.

Insertion and removal of the intrauterine device

Before placing an intrauterine device, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will determine the woman’s health status and the possibility of using this type of contraception. It is the doctor who will choose the appropriate one.

Many women are tormented by the question of whether it is painful to insert an intrauterine device - there is no definite answer to it, since it depends on the characteristics of the internal structure of the reproductive system, and for each woman it is individual. In general, the procedure for installing a spiral is quite unpleasant, but quite tolerable.

Before choosing the type of intrauterine device, the specialist will prescribe tests for the patient. The decision on the possibility of installing an IUD and its type will depend on the results of the examination.

Analyzes and research:

  • full examination of the genital organs;
  • gynecological examination with mandatory collection of smears for oncocytology and vaginal flora;
  • expansion colposcopy;
  • all blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Spirals are usually installed on women who have children. For nulliparous women, the intrauterine device is usually not used as a means of contraception, with the exception of special models. For nulliparous women, it is dangerous to install an IUD, as it can cause further infertility.

Preparing for the insertion of an IUD involves abstaining from sexual activity a few days before the procedure. You should also not use vaginal suppositories, special sprays, douche, or take pills without your doctor’s permission.

The IUD insertion is carried out only by a specialist. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the start of the next menstruation, since during this period the cervix opens slightly, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the device. In addition, during this period it is already possible to completely exclude a possible pregnancy. The length of time an intrauterine device is placed in a particular woman is also determined by the doctor, based on the available indications and examination results.

If a specialist correctly installs the intrauterine device, intimate life can be restored within 10 days, during which menstruation should occur. During sexual intercourse, the device is not felt by partners. Discharge after installation of an intrauterine device is possible in the first months, which is due to changes in the uterine mucosa and its attempts to adapt to the inserted foreign body. The discharge is usually spotty and irregular.

After installing an IUD, you must not:

  • take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • during the first 10 days, use tampons and be sexually active;
  • stay in the open sun for a long time;
  • visit baths, saunas, take hot baths;
  • lift weights and engage in strenuous physical labor.

Only a doctor should remove the IUD. The removal is carried out in the first two days after the start of menstruation and, if there are no inflammatory processes, the removal causes virtually no pain. If the thread is in the vagina and the device itself is not damaged, removing the spiral will not be difficult. If the IUD is destroyed, a hysteroscopy procedure is required to remove it.

Complications and side effects of IUD installation

Side effects, complications and consequences with an intrauterine device are quite rare, but one way or another they are possible and you should be aware of them. The following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

  • The IUD has fallen out of the uterus or has become dislodged. Sometimes it comes out during menstruation, so it is necessary to check the length of the thread in the vagina every month (after menstruation).
  • A part of the IUD was found in the vagina.
  • There is no IUD thread in the vagina.
  • Heavy bleeding began.
  • Menstruation becomes irregular or disappears completely.
  • During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences severe or cramping pain. This can be caused by various reasons, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, the IUD growing into the wall of the uterus, or a rupture of the uterine wall by any part of the installed IUD.
  • The temperature has risen, a fever has begun, and abdominal pain and vaginal discharge have appeared - this can be a symptom of various sexually transmitted infections.


Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device can be not only absolute, but also relative.

Absolute contraindications:

  • suspected or confirmed pregnancy;
  • any inflammation, chronic or acute processes in the external or internal genital organs;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • malignant tumor in the reproductive system, confirmed or suspected;
  • any pathology of the cervix;
  • pathological changes in the uterus.

Relative contraindications:

  • previous intrauterine pregnancy;
  • heart defects;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • high risk of having any sexually transmitted infection;
  • irregular or very painful periods.

The intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and convenient means of contraception. But in order for its use to be accompanied only by the “advantages” of this type of contraception, it is necessary to correctly select and install the device, and also carefully monitor your condition during the entire period of using the IUD.

Consultation with a specialist about the IUD

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More than 200 million women in the world use intrauterine devices to prevent pregnancy. Some people use this type of contraception for a long period, periodically changing the IUD. Patients who have never used this method of contraception are interested in whether it hurts to insert the IUD.

Choosing a contraceptive method

Currently, women are offered a large number of different methods that have advantages and disadvantages. And the selection of the type of contraception depends on the general condition of the woman and the presence of concomitant diseases. Few people can be advised to choose oral contraceptives due to problems such as premenstrual syndrome, fertility problems, thyroid and adrenal gland diseases. Not everyone is comfortable with taking pills, since there is a possibility of forgetting to take a pill, which can lead to various disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Most often it leads to pregnancy, and the use of vaginal suppositories and tablets is not always convenient. Condoms are a good method of contraception, but most often men are not satisfied with it, especially if this is your regular partner.

Benefits of the IUD

The intrauterine device is the easiest, safest and most effective method of birth control. But doubts arise: is it painful to insert an intrauterine device, what complications are possible, how does long-term wearing of an intrauterine contraceptive affect reproductive health.

Types of IUDs and their effects

There are various Generally speaking, they are a T-shaped device that is an effective form of reversible birth control. The IUD is used for quite a long time - from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. The most commonly used are spirals with wound wires made of copper, silver, and gold. Some IUDs use 2 types of metals. Recently, the Mirena spiral has become very popular, which has a container with levonorgestrel and ensures the constant release of this hormone, which contributes to a comprehensive contraceptive effect and, in some cases, the treatment of bleeding or hormonal disorders.

The main effect of intrauterine contraceptives is spermicidal, as well as increasing uterine tone, thickening cervical mucus and the formation of aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. A copper IUD is also used for emergency contraception if inserted within five days of unprotected sex.

How to install a spiral

In order to understand whether inserting an IUD is painful, you need to know how an IUD is installed. Each IUD includes a guidewire to facilitate insertion.

Using mirrors, the cervix is ​​brought out so that it is accessible for manipulation.

After treating the external opening of the cervical canal with furatsilin or miramistin and taking it, an intrauterine probe is inserted to determine the length, location, physiological and patency of the internal pharynx. Along the length of the probe, a restrictive ring is installed on the conductor so that the spiral is adjacent to the uterine mucosa in the fundal area. Then a conductor with a spiral is inserted, and after removing the conductor, the spiral should be located in the uterine cavity, and the control antennae in the vagina. The cervix is ​​treated with an antiseptic solution and the speculum is removed.

Anesthesia manipulation

Is it painful to insert the IUD? Reviews from women who use this type of contraception indicate that this procedure is generally painless. The most unpleasant sensations occur when the cervix is ​​pulled up before inserting the probe and when it passes the internal opening of the cervical canal.

Generally, no anesthesia is used. For particularly sensitive women, the cervical canal is treated with a solution of dicaine, dexalgin, tramadol are administered intravenously, or intravenous anesthesia is performed.

When is the best time to install a spiral?

An IUD can be inserted at any time. Some doctors prefer 4-7 days from the start of menstruation. Everyone who is asked to come to the antenatal clinic at this time is interested in whether it hurts to insert an IUD during menstruation. At this time, pain is minimal, since the cervical canal is slightly open for the release of menstrual flow and sensitivity is reduced.

When is it better to insert an IUD after childbirth and abortion?

After giving birth, an IUD can be inserted within 48 hours. But it is advisable to carry out this procedure 21 days after birth. It is necessary to make sure that there are no inflammations, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, an ultrasound is performed and a smear is taken. Is it painful to have an IUD inserted after childbirth? Most often, during this period, the insertion of an IUD is painless, since the uterus has not yet fully contracted and the cervical canal is completely open. After a cesarean section, the IUD is inserted after 3-4 months, not earlier, since an unformed scar on the uterus is a contraindication for the introduction of a contraceptive. Many doctors are of the opinion that inserting an IUD immediately after childbirth does not make sense, since the myometrium is constantly contracting to restore the structure of the no longer pregnant uterus and pushes out the spiral.

Insertion of the IUD is possible immediately after curettage. However, the doctor must be sure that there are no remnants of the fertilized egg left to prevent inflammation and septic conditions. Is it painful to insert the IUD during this period? In this case, the woman does not feel any pain, because the cervical canal is open; both abortion and IUD insertion are performed under intravenous anesthesia.

Spiral "Mirena"

Recently, the Mirena IUD, a contraceptive that constantly releases a progestin hormone from a special container, has been in great demand. Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? This question interests many women with endometriosis, who are offered the introduction of this IUD for therapeutic purposes. The painfulness of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor and compliance with the rules of administration. Pain may occur in the first weeks after the IUD is inserted. They may also accompany heavy bleeding from the genital tract. All this goes away within 1-2 months.


After administration, various complications are possible, which should promptly refer the woman to a doctor. In the first days there may be nagging pain in the lower abdomen and prolonged pain. Subsequently, an exacerbation of chronic processes in the pelvic organs is possible. And therefore, the question of whether it is painful to insert the IUD is not so important; it is important not to miss complications after its insertion. You should be especially attentive to your feelings in the first days: if the pain does not go away within 1-2 days or abdominal pain appears, which may be accompanied by fever, you should urgently visit a doctor to rule out a dangerous complication - In some cases, independent expulsion of the coil is possible. This is observed in cases where, after the insertion of the IUD, a woman engaged in heavy physical labor or was sexually active.

Removal of the IUD

After the contraceptive effect of the IUD has expired (from 5 to 10 years depending on the type of IUD), it must be removed. The removal procedure is painless.

After removing the cervix with speculum, the doctor pulls the control antennae and removes it from the uterine cavity. In some cases, in the absence of inflammatory diseases, cervicitis, infectious colpitis and good tolerance, removal and insertion of a new coil can be done in one go.

Not every woman wants to get pregnant again soon after giving birth. Therefore, the issue of contraception when there is a baby in your arms is very relevant. Look around, you will see a lot of mothers with children of the same age. Many of them will tell you that their plans did not include such a rapid addition to the family. But this is what happened: despite breastfeeding, the use of oral contraceptives, strict calculations.

We do not mean to say that birth control pills are not effective, condoms are weak, and breastfeeding does not protect against pregnancy. It’s just that every rule has exceptions, and any woman can make a mistake in the calculations while taking care of the house and baby.

So, let's talk about the most reliable of the modern methods of contraception - the intrauterine device, when you can install the device after childbirth, what are its advantages, disadvantages, what you should pay attention to.

IUD: what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

The IUD or Intrauterine Device is a mechanical means of protection against unplanned pregnancy. It is installed directly into the uterine cavity and allows a woman, without any additional means of contraception, to quietly engage in sexual activity without becoming pregnant. This is in simple terms.

What are the advantages of this method of contraception? One of the main and most convenient is constant protection. That is, with an IUD installed, you do not need to keep a calendar, take pills strictly on schedule and, thus, there is simply nothing to forget.

Another plus is that the spiral is installed for a long time, or more precisely, for several years. It is during this period that you can absolutely not worry about safety (provided that the IUD is installed correctly).
The advantage of this method is its relative cost-effectiveness. At first glance, it may seem that this little thing is quite expensive. However, its price is approximately equal to the cost of an annual set of hormonal pills. Annual! While it is established for a period of up to 5 years.

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If you insert an IUD after childbirth, it does not affect the quality and taste of breast milk, and has no effect on the baby’s body if breastfeeding.

And the spiral will come in handy if for some reason hormonal oral contraceptives are contraindicated for you or, say, you have varicose veins, which is quite common today.

The IUD is removed when you need it and the ability to get pregnant after it is restored quite quickly.

The guarantee of not getting pregnant in this case is 99.9%.

Disadvantages, disadvantages, contraindications for installing an IUD

You should not install an intrauterine device if you had inflammatory diseases of the genital organs before or after childbirth. Here you should wait for complete recovery and tissue regeneration.
The IUD is inserted and removed only by a doctor. This is the only way you can provide yourself with the desired guarantees of safety and avoid complications later.

The spiral tendrils can sometimes cause some discomfort (often microtrauma) to your sexual partner. Therefore, when installing, you can ask the doctor to make them a little shorter.

After each menstruation, you should check the presence of the antennae, making sure that the spiral remains in place.

Since your body will perceive the IMF as a foreign body, the uterus will try to “expel” it, contracting and giving you unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. This can also cause heavier and more painful periods.

If you decide to have an IUD after childbirth, you should be aware that there are certain contraindications.

These include neoplasms (both malignant and benign), pathologies of the uterus, cervix, pregnancy, inflammatory processes, ischemia, uterine bleeding, etc.

There are special contraindications for coils that contain copper: an allergy to this metal. Women suffering from coronary heart disease, migraines, thrombosis, and cirrhosis of the liver are not advised to install a hormonal IUD.

Birth control pills and contraception during breastfeeding

What types of IUDs are there, and why are they placed?

Spirals come in regular and medicated forms.

Conventional ones are made from silver, platinum, gold and polyethylene and are installed solely for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

Medicines are often given to women, among other things, for therapeutic effects, for example, to treat or control uterine fibroids. They contain copper or the hormone progesterone.

It should be noted that the IUD itself is not a barrier to fertilization of the egg. It is quite possible. However, the IUD thus affects the inner layer of the uterus; the fertilized egg cannot attach to it.

Regular coils need to be removed after a year. IUDs containing copper - after 3-5 years at the discretion of the doctor, and hormonal (with progesterone) - after 5 years (unless, of course, you want to get pregnant earlier).

Is it painful to insert the IUD?

In principle, inserting a spiral does not hurt. It is least painful to install it during menstruation - from 1 to 7 days. However, you may still experience discomfort, as with any gynecological examination. Some women feel nothing at all, while others may experience a slight tugging in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation). As a rule, this goes away within a few hours. Sometimes faster, sometimes a little longer.

The gynecologist will advise you to abstain from sexual activity for the first few days. And before the onset of your period, still use a barrier method of contraception (in other words, a condom).

Immediately after your period, you should come for a follow-up examination and check whether the IUD in the uterus is working properly. If the doctor said that everything is “OK”, you no longer need to use additional means of protection.

When can IUD be inserted after the baby is born?

There are different opinions on this matter. Some gynecologists place the IUD after childbirth right in the maternity hospital. This is only possible if the woman does not experience any inflammatory processes before and after the birth of the child.

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Is this advisable or not? Probably, the body still needs rest. After giving birth, you will still be advised to abstain from sexual activity for a while to avoid unnecessary risks of infection. Therefore, if you are very worried and are afraid of becoming a mother again too soon, you can give your internal organs a certain time to recover and have an IUD placed after giving birth in a month and a half.

If the lactation process proceeds without problems, then you can wait six months to install the IUD. However, before inserting the IUD, you should still use a condom during sexual intercourse, since there is still a risk of getting pregnant.

Is it possible to remove the spiral yourself?

We will definitely answer no to this question. The risk of complications (bleeding, infectious diseases, etc.) is too high. Therefore, be wise: do not consider it difficult to see a doctor.

It is always difficult for women to decide on various manipulations related to the internal genital organs. However, a huge number of women decide to install an intrauterine device (IUD), which is a common and reliable means of contraception, especially for those who have already given birth to a child.

This option for protection against unwanted pregnancy is very popular, because it is distinguished by the possibility of long-term use, high efficiency and comfort of use. True, many patients are interested in the question, is it painful to insert a spiral?

What is the IUD?

An intrauterine device is a small device made of medical plastic or with the addition of silver, copper or gold. These precious metals have anti-inflammatory properties, and they also have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. True, such contraceptives are more expensive, but they are more effective. There are also devices containing hormones. Below we will consider in more detail, is it painful to install a spiral?

This gynecological device, once installed in the uterus, prevents the conception of a child. It works as follows:

  • the spiral, with metals present in its composition, activates the production of natural mucous spermicides;
  • inhibits sperm movement;
  • reduces the thickness of the endometrium, preventing the embryo from settling in the uterine cavity;
  • reduces the lifespan of a female egg.

Types of devices

It should be noted that only a gynecologist can recommend a woman the appropriate type of IUD. The doctor compares the possibility of using a particular intrauterine contraceptive with the condition of the uterus. Only after all the examinations is the woman given an IUD, the types of which can be:

  • Hormonal. This contraceptive contains hormonal components.
  • Copper. This type of spiral contains a chemical element such as copper.
  • Inert. This device is made in the shape of the letter S. It belongs to the first types of IUDs and has low efficiency.
  • Gold. When making such a spiral, gold is added to extend its service life.
  • Silver. This type of contraceptive is made with the addition of silver ions.

This intrauterine contraceptive device is highly reliable - the guarantee of absence of pregnancy is almost 100%. Any spiral has similar parameters, but only a doctor can advise the most suitable one. He first studies in detail the features of the anatomical structure of the uterus and the woman’s medical history. She should not have any chronic inflammatory or infectious processes in the reproductive organs.

Brief overview of the Mirena intrauterine device

To find out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, reviews of which are both positive and negative, you need to understand the principle of its action. This contraceptive differs from other similar devices by the presence of levonorgestrel hormone.

Every day, such a device releases a small amount of hormone into the uterus, which is practically not absorbed into the blood and acts only within the reproductive organ. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is not suppressed, the risk of negative consequences is significantly reduced and even has a therapeutic effect.

Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? Installation of this device is not a very pleasant procedure, but many women do not experience pain during insertion. If the pain threshold is low, it is necessary to warn the gynecologist about this. In this case, the doctor will inject an anesthetic into the cervix to reduce sensitivity. Having found out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, you can not worry and feel free to go to the doctor.

IUD insertion procedure

First of all, before installing an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to be examined to exclude diseases and infections associated with the reproductive organs. A woman will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures:

  • get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • submit urine for general examination and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • perform colposcopy;
  • do an ultrasound of the reproductive organ;
  • take a vaginal smear, as well as a cervical smear.

An ultrasound examination is used to confirm that the patient does not have any changes that would prevent the use of an intrauterine device. Also, such an examination helps to ensure that the woman is not pregnant at the time of the introduction of the contraceptive. For this purpose, a test is done to determine the level of hCG.

Before installing a contraceptive, you will have to abstain from sex for about a week. It is administered only in the gynecologist's office under sterile conditions. The patient is placed in a chair with her legs on the holders, then the doctor treats the vagina and cervix with disinfectants. Almost every woman thinks before the procedure, does it hurt to insert a spiral? In some cases, local anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. As a rule, a special gel is used for anesthesia or injections are given.

Only after preparing the patient for the procedure, the gynecologist uses special instruments to slightly open the cervix to measure the depth, and then installs the device into the cavity of the reproductive organ. The doctor places the antennae of the contraceptive, which are about 2 cm long, on the outside of the uterus and into the vagina. It is with their help that the device is then removed. When performing hygiene procedures, the patient should periodically check whether the contraceptive antennae are in place.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted without menstruation? The introduction of such a device in most cases does not cause severe discomfort. Sometimes ladies during such a procedure feel unpleasant sensations that quickly pass. Some women experience fainting and dizziness, but this is a very rare occurrence and goes away within a few minutes. In the first 30 days, until the immune system gets used to the presence of a foreign device, a woman is not recommended to visit the pool or bathhouse.

How you feel after the procedure

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? In addition to unpleasant sensations during the procedure, some other changes may occur in the woman’s body. After the introduction of a device without hormones, the following changes may occur:

  • Menstruation becomes more abundant, painful and prolonged.
  • It is possible to experience spotting mixed with blood from the vagina, appearing before or after menstruation, and sometimes during the break between two cycles.

Some women, due to severe pain during menstruation and bleeding, stop using the intrauterine contraceptive and remove it before the end of the period.

What should you not do after installing an IUD?

In the first 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sex, avoid excessive physical activity and get more rest. You should not use vaginal tampons until the body is completely accustomed to the presence of a foreign object in the cavity of the reproductive organ. This will prevent the spiral from falling out and moving.

After 10 days, a routine examination is performed. Sometimes an ultrasound is performed to monitor the location of the contraceptive. In the absence of side effects, the patient returns to her rhythm of life. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a re-examination in a month. Then you should visit the doctor every six months.

As for the unpleasant sensations during the insertion of the device, everything is individual. Each woman has her own pain sensitivity threshold. What is not painful for some may be unbearable for others.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? Reviews from women who have had the IUD installed are in most cases positive. All ladies agree that the discomfort during the installation of a contraceptive is reminiscent of discomfort, like during menstruation. Many people complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Severe pain syndrome can occur in young patients who have not given birth and have little sexual activity. For girls who do not yet have children, there are some restrictions on the use of this method of contraception.

Before you find out whether it is painful to insert a spiral, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to find out the principle of the procedure. During installation of the IUD, in many cases, general anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia is not given. But if you have severe fear, you can reduce the pain by taking a light painkiller along with antispasmodics before inserting the device. If you are nervous, you can take a sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian.

Restrictions on the use of intrauterine contraceptives

Before you understand whether it is painful to install a spiral, you must first find out all the contraindications to its insertion. We must take into account the fact that such a contraceptive is not suitable for all women. It is intended primarily for women who have given birth and who have regular sex life.

Such devices against unwanted pregnancy cannot be used if inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are present. Before deciding to insert an IUD, you must first pass all the necessary tests and eliminate infectious pathologies such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Diseases that appear due to abortion or childbirth are also subject to treatment.

It is prohibited to install such a device in case of cervical cancer. In addition, benign formations, such as fibroids, may be contraindications to the use of such a contraceptive. Naturally, you will have to refuse the IUD if you suspect pregnancy. Such a contraceptive cannot be installed if a woman suffers from severe pathologies of blood vessels and heart, as well as tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.

Possible complications

After the introduction of this device, various negative consequences may occur. In some cases, after such a procedure, women begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling nature and long, heavy periods. Chronic processes in the pelvic organs may also worsen.

The most dangerous days are considered to be the first days after the introduction of the IUD. If pain does not go away for a long time or discomfort occurs in the abdomen, accompanied by fever, you should urgently consult a gynecologist to rule out perforation of the uterus.

Duration of use of intrauterine contraceptives

The service life of the spiral depends on the type and correctness of its installation. For example, if the intrauterine device moves, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule.

These contraceptives are usually prescribed for 5 years, but there are types of IUDs that have a shelf life of about 10 years. Such devices include products with gold, since this metal is highly resistant to corrosion. When the IUD loses its contraceptive effect, it is removed. The procedure for removing the IUD is painless.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted after childbirth? The procedure can be performed 1.5 months after the birth of the baby in the absence of complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then it is allowed to install an ectopic device only after six months. This method of contraception does not affect the woman’s lactation or the baby in any way.

In the first 3 months after insertion of the IUD, there is a huge risk of the device falling out, especially during menstruation. To avoid unplanned pregnancy, you should pay attention to your periods. If they become more abundant and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it is better to see a doctor.

The IUD is an effective means of contraception; there are about 36 types. Each in its own way interferes with the implantation process. A product unique in structure and function helps millions of women around the world protect themselves. Many are worried about their future offspring and do not use IUDs, which prevent implantation from occurring, but use advanced DVRs, which prevent the egg from being fertilized. Mirena is one of these. This effective IUD helps combat the abortifacient method of contraception, preventing the sperm from fertilizing the egg. But because of these wonderful properties, the cost of this small device is quite high.

Recently, many women have realized that if they want a high-quality and safe intrauterine device, the price will not be decisive for them, since the IUD is installed for more than one year and subsequent costs are not expected.

What determines the cost of an intrauterine device?

What determines the price of this type of intrauterine device? Of course, first of all, this is the quality of materials and the type to which the product belongs. The manufacturer and distributor company is also of no small importance. Below we will consider the types and composition of the IUD.

The main type of IUD used is the “anchor” or “T-shaped” type. The device has a widened upper base that blocks the exit of the fallopian tubes, and a tapered end with an attached thread for easy removal of the device. Each IUD consists of different materials, some are made of copper and silver, others release hormonal substances, and others are neutral. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Spiral IUDs have a semicircular base with small spike-like protrusions at the ends, thanks to which the device is attached inside the uterus. A rod with threads runs from the base for easy removal of the device. Ring-shaped IUDs have a ring inside of which a metal wire is inserted, with threads at the end for removal of the IUD after the expiration of its service life.

For a hormonal intrauterine device, the price varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. The price for a T-shaped intrauterine device varies from 2 thousand and above. Popular manufacturers of VMCs are: Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, Belarus.

Gynecologists recommend purchasing products called: Juno, NovaTCu200, Multiload Cu375, Mirena, Goldily Exlusive, since these products have proven themselves well and are the latest developments in this area. In order to understand how prices for this contraceptive were established, a table is presented at the end of the article: “Intrauterine devices prices.”

How much do intrauterine devices cost?

Before installing an IUD, all women are concerned about the question: “How much does a contraceptive device cost?” Manufacturers are trying to produce them in an affordable price range. Prices for an IUD spiral range from 200 rubles to several thousand. Before purchasing, you can look at online pharmacies and see a photo of the intrauterine device and its price. Basic models consisting of neutral materials are cheaper. Hormonal and non-medicinal models with metal (silver, copper, gold) are more expensive due to the better effect and additional capabilities of the device.

IUD spirals price

So, the price of an IUD is based on:

  • quality of the product material,
  • product shapes,
  • manufacturer,
  • size.

Each manufacturer independently determines the cost of goods based on the costs of production and delivery of goods. Next, the distributor, as a link between the manufacturer and the pharmacy, adds his own premium to the cost of the product. The pharmacy, in turn, invests a small percentage in the cost of the medicine to make a profit. The total amount comes from these values.

WHO experts believe that the IUD can be inserted on absolutely any day of the menstrual cycle, if there is one hundred percent certainty that there is no pregnancy. Nevertheless, many women torment themselves with the question: “When is it better to install an intrauterine device?”

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When the IUD is inserted: does the cycle affect the day the IUD is inserted?

Most often, the installation of an IUD, regardless of the type of device and the age of the woman, is carried out either on the first day of menstruation or immediately after the end of menstruation. In this case, there is complete confidence that the woman is not pregnant. In addition, the cervical external pharynx, through which the anti-pregnancy device will be inserted, is in a slightly open state, which greatly facilitates the procedure for inserting the IUD and reduces unpleasant or painful sensations.

This is especially important if the IUD is installed in a young nulliparous woman. Because the main difference between the cervix in women who have given birth and women who have not given birth is the shape of the external pharynx. Before childbirth, it has a dotted appearance, and after childbirth, it has a slit-like shape. Typically, inserting the IUD into the uterus in women who have given birth does not encounter any difficulties, which is facilitated by the structure of the cervical canal. But for nulliparous women, it is necessary that the external opening of the cervix be slightly open. This occurs on any day of menstruation.

The IUD is allowed to be inserted immediately or within 3-5 days after a medical abortion or spontaneous miscarriage, but only if there is no bleeding or signs of inflammation. If the IUD is not installed within the specified period, then it is necessary to reschedule the procedure for the next period.

An intrauterine device is usually installed after 6-8 weeks, and after a cesarean section - after 6 months.

The insertion of an IUD is possible on any day of the cycle, but the following conditions must be met:

  • absence of pregnancy;
  • absence of inflammatory diseases and bleeding at the time of IUD installation.

Healthy women with no history of gynecological diseases can have an IUD containing copper, silver or gold. The shape of the spiral does not matter. Women suffering from endometriosis or having uterine fibroids should give preference to the Mirena hormonal system.

Up to what age can IUD be inserted?

There are no age restrictions for using an IUD. An intrauterine device can be installed in a woman of reproductive age from 18 to 49 years old or before the onset of menopause. Although experts have different opinions about the age at which an intrauterine device should be placed.

It is believed that nulliparous women and women over 40 are not recommended to use the IUD for pregnancy. For those who have never given birth - due to complications (ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the genital organs and, as a result, infertility in the future), and for those who are “age-related” - allegedly because of the risk of cancer.

The installation of an IUD in itself in women over 45 years of age does not increase the risk of developing cancer. It’s just that in this age category, the likelihood of developing various kinds of pathologies already increases due to lifestyle, habits, and careless attitude towards one’s health, but these problems do not arise because of the IUD.

You are 45 years of age or older. You can safely use an IUD if:

  • You have regular periods;
  • you have a permanent and only sexual partner;
  • Your doctor does not find any contraindications to inserting an IUD.

You are a young girl of 18 years old or a young nulliparous woman. There are restrictions on your use of this method of contraception. But there are situations when another type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is not suitable or is contraindicated. Consult your doctor - there are always exceptions to every rule. A specialist will select a spiral that is less “harmful” for you.

How to install a spiral and where it should be done

In order to place an intrauterine device, you must first undergo a medical examination, pass the necessary tests, and identify possible contraindications. All this is done in the conditions of any antenatal clinic.

You should discuss with your doctor which type of IUD is right for you and ask all your questions about the pros and cons of intrauterine contraception.

The main scope of examinations is standard:

  • taking an anamnesis (conversation with the doctor, identifying gynecological and concomitant diseases);
  • mandatory examination in a gynecological chair (in order to identify pathology of the cervix, the size and shape of the uterus, to exclude pregnancy);
  • taking smears from the outside of the cervix for atypical cells (oncocytology) and to determine the vaginal microflora. In case of inflammation in the vagina, insertion of an IUD is permitted only after its sanitation!
  • in some cases, it may be necessary to examine the cervix using a colposcope;
  • routine blood and urine tests. It is important to know the level of hemoglobin in the blood, since the IUD can contribute to longer and heavier periods, in which case it should be discarded.
  • tests for HIV infection, syphilis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis to exclude an abnormal structure of the uterus.

At first glance, it may seem that the scope of the examination is large. But believe me, there is nothing superfluous in it. It would be wiser to carry it out than to risk your health and subsequently be disappointed in this method of contraception.

Attention! The intrauterine device is installed only in a medical institution and only by a trained specialist! Installing an intrauterine contraceptive device at home is not possible. The IUD should be placed deep into the uterine cavity. Under no circumstances will you be able to install an IUD on your own without causing injury to yourself.

Where to buy a spiral? Installation cost.

An anti-pregnancy device can be purchased at a pharmacy (if you know exactly which IUD you need) or purchased from a doctor.

The cost of installation depends on the region of your residence and the type of medical institution. In a public clinic, if there is a compulsory health insurance policy, the service may be completely free or cost a small “symbolic amount.” In a private clinic, the cost of inserting an IUD can range from 3,000-5,000 to 25,000 rubles. It all depends on your wallet.

For what period of time is an IUD installed?

The IUD is a long-term method of contraception. As they say, once you put it on, you can forget about pregnancy protection for several years. On average, an IUD is installed for a period of 5 to 7 years. The time interval depends on the individual tolerance of the foreign body in the uterus, the type of IUD, and also on how long the need for contraception is.

How to place an IUD for pregnancy, video

Insertion of an intrauterine device is a very common method of contraception. The reliability of this method of birth control is very high, ranging from 95 to 99%. This effectiveness is determined by the fact that the selection and installation of an IUD is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

Installation of an IUD with ultrasound control without the cost of a spiral

The intrauterine device is one of the most effective and safe methods of contraception. A silver, gold or copper rod with flexible nylon tendrils is inserted into the uterine cavity. This design is securely fixed in the reproductive system. The presence of a foreign body in the uterus and the special properties of metals prevent conception. The rod does not affect the hormonal balance, as well as the regularity of the menstrual cycle. An additional advantage of this method is the duration of action. If you install an IUD (the price depends on the type of material), protection against unwanted pregnancy will last for several years.

There are a number of contraindications to installing an IUD:

  • infections and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs,
  • history of ectopic pregnancies,
  • blood clotting disorders,
  • oncological diseases.

A woman must undergo a comprehensive examination before having the IUD inserted. Please check with the administrator when registering for prices for diagnostic tests.

How much does it cost to install an IUD in a clinic?? In our clinic you can install a coil under ultrasound control. This ensures correct placement of the contraceptive in the body of the uterus and the absence of complications.

A woman can remove the IUD at any time. To do this, you also need to visit the clinic.

This method of contraception does not affect ovulation, so reproductive function is restored in a short time.

We offer placement of gold, silver and copper coils under ultrasound guidance.( prices from 2640 rubles per spiral). A gynecologist will help you choose a suitable contraceptive. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling 8 495 133 03 03

Which intrauterine device is better to place?

IUD spirals are made from high-quality polyethylene with a small addition of barium sulfate. Some areas of the spiral are coated with copper or silver. Most IUDs are T-shaped. An important element of any spiral is the thin antennae, which, when installed, are located in the canals of the cervix.

An important advantage of IUD coils is that a woman does not feel their use in any way, either during sex or during active physical activity.

There are three main types of IUDs:

  1. Intrauterine device with copper coating. Operating principle: copper coating has a destructive effect on sperm, provokes a local inflammatory process on the uterine wall and fertilization becomes impossible. This type of IUD spirals is inserted for a period of 3 to 5 years.
  2. Progesterone releasing system (PRS). This type of IUD is a hormonal device that makes the mucus in the cervix more viscous, thereby preventing sperm from moving towards the egg. This type of spirals is introduced for a period of no more than 12 months.
  3. Levonorgestrel releasing system (LRS). This type of IUD is an improvement on the intrauterine progesterone-releasing system. The main difference is a longer period of use, from 5 to 7 years.

You can choose the most suitable type and insert an intrauterine device only at an appointment with a gynecologist. Before placing an intrauterine device, the doctor is obliged to check the woman’s health to make sure there are no contraindications.

The main contraindications to the use of IUD coils are chronic diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and diseases of the genitourinary system.


  • High efficiency, comparable to the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. To some extent, IUDs are more reliable than hormonal pills because there is no danger of missing pills. When using the IUD, absolutely no action is required on the part of the woman to maintain the contraceptive effect, and, therefore, any possibility of error or accident is eliminated.
  • Provides protection from pregnancy for a long time (from 5 to 7 years depending on the type of IUD).
  • Use is not associated with sexual intercourse.
  • Compared to all other contraceptive methods, the intrauterine device is the cheapest contraceptive method. Despite the fact that the cost of one IUD is many times higher than the cost of one package of birth control pills or one regular package of condoms, recalculating its cost over 5 years (the usual period of wearing one IUD) shows its undeniable superiority in economic terms.
  • Unlike birth control pills, metal or plastic IUDs, which do not contain hormones, have absolutely no overall “hormonal” effect on the body, which many women (in some cases justifiably) fear. For this reason, IUDs, which do not contain hormones, are recommended as the primary method of birth control for women over 35 years of age, with active smoking, or with other conditions that make the use of birth control pills impossible, but require a very high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • The spiral is not felt at all during sexual intercourse and does not interfere with partners.


Contraindications for installing the IUD are determined by a gynecologist. Only a specialist can determine exactly how safe it is to install a spiral in your case.

An IUD cannot be installed if:

  • You think you might be pregnant.
  • You have more than one sexual partner.
  • There is an acute form of inflammatory diseases of the cervix or pelvic organs, including STIs.
  • Over the past three months, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs have been observed.
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin is observed.
  • There is a rapidly growing uterine fibroid, also if the myomatous node deforms the uterine cavity.
  • There is cancer of the genital organs.
  • There is a severe form of anemia (hemoglobin


  1. Discuss all questions with a gynecologist you trust; Avoid sexual intercourse 1-2 days before installing the IUD;
  2. A few days before installing the IUD, do not douche and refuse to use any intimate hygiene products;
  3. A few days before installing the IUD, stop using any medications in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets or sprays unless their use has been previously agreed with your doctor before installing the IUD.


  • Within 7-10 days after installing the spiral, you cannot:
  • Have sex;
  • Do douching;

After 7-10 days it is necessary to undergo a follow-up examination.


  • Within a few days of having the IUD installed, you have a fever, very heavy vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or an unusual vaginal discharge with a foul odor.
  • Any time after inserting the IUD, you feel the IUD in your vagina, notice that the IUD has moved or fallen out, or if you notice your period is 3-4 weeks late.
  • Contact is necessary if: You suspect pregnancy.
  • You have heavy vaginal bleeding (heavier or longer than usual).
  • You experience severe abdominal pain;
  • pain is felt and bleeding occurs during sexual intercourse.
  • There are signs of infection, unusual vaginal discharge, chills, and fever.
  • You cannot feel the IUD strings or feel that they are shorter or longer than before.


Removal is usually done after 5-7 years (depending on the modification of the spiral). But if the woman wishes, this can be done at any time. The reason may be the desire to become pregnant or the occurrence of any complications.

Before removal, the same examination is carried out as before insertion of the spiral. If necessary, vaginal sanitation (improvement) is prescribed.

Removal is done by pulling the spiral tendrils at a certain angle. In some cases, for example, in the case of wearing a spiral beyond the prescribed period, removal must be carried out in a hospital setting, with anesthesia, by curettage of the uterine cavity.

Within 4-5 days after removing the IUD you cannot:

  • Have sex;
  • Use vaginal tampons (you can use regular pads);
  • Do douching;
  • Take a bath, visit a sauna or steam bath (you can take a shower);
  • Engage in heavy physical labor or intense exercise.

Removing the IUD does not cause changes in the menstrual cycle. The exception is the Mirena IUD, when worn, there is an absence of menstruation or scanty cyclic bleeding. After Mirena removal, the menstrual cycle usually returns in about 3-6 months.

Be sure to consult a doctor if, within a few days after removing the IUD, you have a fever, very strong vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or unusual vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Under no circumstances attempt to REMOVE THE SPIRAL BY YOURSELF!

The spiral is removed by pulling on the tendrils, which may break before it is removed. After this, the IUD can only be removed instrumentally and only by penetrating the uterine cavity. In addition, the mustache may break as the spiral passes through the cervical canal and it will get stuck there. Take my word for it, it is very painful. To remove the IUD, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Despite the many worries after the birth of a child, sooner or later the question of preventing an unplanned pregnancy still arises.

It is clear that other intravaginal devices are excluded; condoms are not suitable for everyone.

What remains is the IUD, which is one of the best means of preventing pregnancy.

Is it possible to install an IUD after childbirth? This is a common dilemma that a nursing mother must decide for herself.

According to statistics, 95% of women resume sexual activity after childbirth in approximately two months. This is necessary for the final restoration of the female body and the cessation of all discharge.

The intrauterine device is the most common contraceptive device. It is located in the uterine cavity and creates a barrier to the implantation of the fertilized egg. If used correctly, the effectiveness of intrauterine contraception approaches 100%. In this way, the use of the spiral is comparable to the effect of oral contraceptives.

Like any medical device and method, the spiral has its advantages and disadvantages.

IUD after childbirth - is it possible to use it?

Is it possible to install an IUD after childbirth? This question often arises during pregnancy.

Inserting the IUD into nulliparous women is very difficult due to the tightly closed cervix of the uterus and the narrow cervical canal. The IUD after childbirth, as stated above, is the most effective existing method of contraception.

The advantages of using the IUD after childbirth include:

1. High, almost 100% effectiveness of this method, comparable to the result from the use of oral contraceptives. There is no need for additional effort: taking tablet medications requires constant monitoring; even one missed tablet can lead to pregnancy.

2. A regular IUD does not change hormonal levels, as happens when taking tablet contraceptives, and, therefore, does not change ovulation. Therefore, after removing the IUD, there are no problems with a planned pregnancy in the near future. True, there are hormone-containing IUDs, after the use of which the restoration of fertility occurs in approximately the same time as when taking tableted hormonal contraceptives.

3. Does not interfere with lactation.

4. The IUD maintains contraceptive functions continuously, including the period of menstruation.

5. Duration of contraception from 5 to 10 years.

6. Does not cause discomfort to any of the sexual partners.

7. Affordability and ease of installation.

These advantages of the IUD over other methods of contraception answer the doubts of some women about whether the IUD can be inserted after childbirth.

8. It is possible and even convenient, since modern spirals contain silver and gold components, the presence of which suggests an anti-inflammatory effect.

9. The IUD is a good alternative for many women after childbirth with existing contraindications to taking tablet contraceptives.

10. In addition, which is very important for a woman after childbirth, intrauterine contraception does not cause metabolic disorders, unlike oral contraceptives. This is another weighty argument and answer to the question: “Is it possible to insert an IUD after childbirth?”

11. The economic aspect is also important. One package of contraceptives costs less than the IUD. But an oral contraceptive will have to be purchased monthly, unlike an intrauterine device, which will be used for many years (at least up to five).

Spiral after childbirth - disadvantages of the method and contraindications

There are also some disadvantages of using a spiral that you need to know about:

1. Does not prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

2. It is an abortifacient.

3. It should be installed only by a specialist to avoid complications. These include painful spasms, heavy and long menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding, and various inflammations.

4. Under certain conditions, if a woman ignores the specialist’s recommendations, the IUD can leave the uterine cavity on its own. The incidence of coil loss (expulsion) is low, but it is important to be aware of this possibility. Only a specialist can insert and remove an existing intrauterine device. Every woman can control it, following the advice of a doctor.

Despite the positive aspects of the intrauterine device, there are contraindications to its installation. The doctor will warn you about them during the examination and when deciding on the choice of contraceptives. Such contraindications are:

1. Uterine fibroids.

2. Pathological structure of the uterus, in which it is impossible to place a spiral in its cavity.

3. Frequent inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

4. Painful, heavy and prolonged menstruation.

5. With a history of uterine bleeding.

IUD after childbirth - when can I use it?

The IUD after childbirth - when it can be placed - is usually decided by doctors. In each case, this issue is resolved individually, just as the selection of the spiral itself takes place, taking into account the woman’s condition, the characteristics of the body and the existing concomitant pathology.

Since there is a variety of intrauterine devices, they are made with the inclusion of various materials, you need to understand that after childbirth it is not recommended to install a copper device, because it will not only not relieve the inflammatory process, but will become its source. Therefore, after childbirth, the most suitable option is copper-silver, which does not contain hormones.

The Mirena intrauterine device, which in addition to contraceptive properties, has therapeutic: reduces local inflammation, restores hormonal levels, reduces menstrual bleeding, can be used exclusively after cessation of lactation.

IUD after childbirth - when to install: If there are no contraindications, this can be done in the maternity hospital. The presence of an intrauterine device will not affect the “cleansing” of the uterus from all postpartum secretions (blood, mucus, etc.).

If the IUD was not installed in the maternity hospital, then it can be installed later during the first menstruation. With active breastfeeding, menstruation appears after a maximum of six months, since the hormones prolactin and progesterone, produced during breastfeeding, suppress ovulation. The IUD is placed during the first menstruation that occurs after childbirth. Or two months after childbirth, so that the internal genital organs recover after childbirth. Postpartum discharge lasts the same amount of time. For women who have had a caesarean section, the IUD is inserted after six months.

If the questions - whether it is possible to place an IUD after childbirth and when to place an IUD after childbirth - have been resolved by a woman, the choice has been made, you need to know a few more important aspects: each IUD has a certain duration of action. It is necessary to know exactly its expiration date and remove the spiral before it expires.

If this contraceptive does not work, the specialist will remove the IUD at any time.

If the spiral changes its position or falls out twice, it needs to be changed.

If you have an intrauterine device, you need to take into account that after its insertion, the uterus will react to the device with muscle contractions. This may manifest itself:

Nagging pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen,

More abundant menstruation than before the installation of the IUD,

Your periods may become longer

During the intermenstrual period, spotting may occur that was not there before.

Therefore, it is important to control the appearance and smell of the discharge so as not to miss inflammation.

Need to know, that in the presence of a normally installed spiral, neither a man nor a woman should experience any discomfort during sexual intercourse. If unpleasant or painful sensations still occur, you need to check the placement of the IUD with a gynecologist to prevent it from falling out or its correct placement.

And one more important question that concerns any woman is the effect of the spiral on libido or sensations during sexual intercourse. The spiral does not change either sensitivity or libido.

Only a gynecologist can insert and remove the IUD. If you have a spiral, you must visit a doctor once every six months for monitoring, since the spiral may become dislodged.