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Harm from kefir. Kefir: what is it good for, when is it better to drink it, what harm can it do?

Kefir can rightfully be called the healthiest of fermented milk products. A tasty drink, which is introduced into a person’s diet from a very early age, has many beneficial properties and a minimum of contraindications. Kefir is made from cow's milk. They are a group of microorganisms that simultaneously provide fermented milk and alcoholic fermentation in milk, as a result of which it ferments and turns into kefir.

For many people suffering from individual symptoms, kefir made from this same milk works great, without causing any digestive problems. This is due to the fact that many substances that make up milk are broken down during fermentation and are more easily absorbed by the body.

Kefir is good for the digestive system.

The nutritional value of kefir is quite high: 100 g of this fermented milk product contains about 3 g of protein, 4 g of carbohydrates, and the amount of fat depends on the fat content of the milk from which it is prepared. It is better to choose a product with medium fat content - 100 g of kefir with a fat content of 2.5% accounts for about 50 kcal.

Kefir contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid and. This fermented milk product contains a lot, as well as potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, zinc, copper, selenium and other trace elements. In addition to vitamins and minerals, kefir contains lactobacilli, yeast-like organisms and a small amount of alcohol.

First of all, kefir is good for the digestive system; it is an integral part of many therapeutic diets, as well. This fermented milk drink helps fight, preventing the growth of pathogenic microflora; the microorganisms contained in it help. Kefir gently stimulates intestinal motility and promotes the elimination of harmful substances. Fresh one-day kefir has a laxative effect, so it can be considered a mild remedy for combating. Two- and three-day kefir, on the contrary, has strengthening properties. In addition, this kind of standing kefir is more acidic, so it is recommended to use it when. After a course of antibiotic treatment, for dysbiosis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to drink kefir on an empty stomach in small sips; the drink should be at room temperature.

Kefir is often used in diets by those who want to lose excess weight; it is one of the few products that, due to its nutritional value, can become a component of mono-diets and fasting days. Most diets involve eliminating a significant amount of food, which can result in the body not getting the nutrients it needs. That is why kefir, containing quite a lot of fat and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates, will help maintain the body’s functioning at the proper level. To lose weight, it is recommended to drink kefir in the evening, replacing a high-calorie dinner with it, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Just one glass of this fermented milk drink is enough to fill you up and suppress the feeling of hunger.

Kefir is useful for maintaining immune system, and not only due to the vitamins it contains. The fact is that the intestines are one of the organs directly involved in the formation of the immune system. In addition, the mucous membrane of the digestive system performs a barrier function, and with dysbacteriosis this protection is weakened. In this regard, kefir can be classified as a product that strengthens the body’s defenses, precisely due to its positive effect on the intestines.

This fermented milk drink contains calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells of the body, enzymes, the formation and functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the implementation of many processes in the body. Kefir is also good for you. With its regular use, metabolism and metabolism are normalized. This fermented milk drink has a similar effect on the nervous system, so a glass of kefir in the evening will help relieve nervous tension, relax and get rid of insomnia.

Kefir is one of the essential products for people suffering from diabetes, since its regular use reduces blood sugar levels. With insufficient levels of calcium and potassium, insulin secretion decreases, causing blood glucose levels to rise, and just one glass of this fermented milk drink contains a quarter of the average daily calcium requirement.

People who regularly drink this fermented milk drink are not only active and cheerful, but also look good, because the condition of the skin and hair also directly depends on the health of the digestive system. By the way, kefir is also used externally very often as part of face and hair masks.

Harm of kefir

Kefir is a natural product, so its shelf life is short. You should not eat expired or improperly stored fermented milk products; this can lead to serious illness.

Kefir is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, you cannot drink kefir; during the period of remission of these diseases, you can drink fresh one-day kefir after the main meal.

People prone to diarrhea should not consume fresh one- or two-day kefir, and if they are prone to constipation, on the contrary, a standing drink is not recommended.

Despite the fact that kefir is very healthy, you should not abuse it; drinking 1-2 glasses a day is enough; large amounts can lead to digestive disorders. If you decide to go on a kefir diet, then you first need to let your body get used to this fermented milk drink, gradually increasing its amount in the diet. You cannot suddenly give up your usual diet and have kefir days or switch to a kefir mono-diet - this is fraught with digestive upset.

Does kefir contain alcohol?

There is a myth that due to the alcohol content, kefir should not be drunk by drivers and children. However, these fears are unjustified. The alcohol contained in kefir is nothing more than one of the natural fermentation products (about the properties of a product such as yogurt), its amount in this fermented milk product does not exceed an average of 0.05% and cannot harm the body, even a child’s . The alcohol content is minimal in fresh kefir. It should be noted that alcohol is formed in the body naturally as a result of many physiological processes, so it is always present in a person’s blood, even if he never drinks alcohol. In addition, kefir is not the only food product containing alcohol; it is also found in other fermented milk products, bread, fruits, many of which are used in baby food, and even in breast milk. That is why kefir can be consumed by everyone without exception, including small children.

Domashny TV channel, Family Size program, nutritionist A. Kovalkov talks about the benefits and harms of kefir:

We are familiar with a wide variety of fermented milk products, but not all of them are as popular as kefir. We have been hearing about the value of this drink since childhood. And most of them turned their noses away and did not want to drink the sour liquid. Of course, over the years we become wiser, and we already understand that without this drink it will be more difficult to obtain excellent health. Yes, there are other methods of healing, but why, as they say, look further. It’s enough to go to any store and beautiful bottles of kefir await us there, providing a lot of useful substances and elements. And what are the benefits and harms of kefir for our body - we will study further. At the same time, we will find out whether the product can be given to children, and at what age. Is it true that regular consumption of fermented milk products, and especially kefir, has a positive effect on the potency of men?

History of kefir

According to sources, the product originated in Turkey. This is already indicated by the name - “kef”, which means health in this language. The homeland of kefir is the North Caucasus region. Do not assume that the above sounds paradoxical. It’s just that these areas were also under Turkish rule. For a long time, no one could extract from the residents the recipe for this unique, tasty and inimitable drink.

The recipe was simply kept secret due to the fact that Caucasians were confident in the unearthly origin of kefir fungi. They believed that it was a gift from Allah and refused to sell even for huge sums. The only thing they could afford was to let their relatives and closest friends steal the mushrooms. The composition was also passed on to daughters as a dowry, and this ritual continued for many centuries.

At the beginning of the 19th century, kefir began to be prepared in a special way - milk and starter were poured into a fat tail - a leather bag - and left in the open sun. And if a person passing by the house kicked the bag, then by this he indicated his respect for the owner of the house. That is, kefir needed to constantly tug the container and shake the contents. Today, such an action is not necessary; it is enough to place the jug near the stove or in the open sun and shake it periodically. In these areas, fungi have always been called Magomed grains and the peoples of the Caucasus call the product kepy, chypche. But over time, it was still not possible to keep it secret and the recipe for the drink spread to other areas. Thus, kefir appeared on the tables of Russians at the beginning of the 20th century. Also, countries such as Canada and Japan already had manufacturing rights.

The fungi brought to Russia by the merchant Sakharova were initially used in hospitals to restore the strength and health of wounded soldiers and other patients.

Today there are a number of varieties of kefir. These are full-fat, low-fat and low-fat kefir. Modern production further enriches the product with beneficial microorganisms, thanks to which it is possible to cope with serious diseases.

Chemical composition of kefir

It is impossible to imagine the diet of a modern person without this healthy fermented milk product. Besides the fact that it is tasty, it is also healthy and healing. The drink is included in most effective diets and is indicated for pregnant women, children and men. The value of the product consists of the following elements. Kefir contains: fluorine, calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. Of the vitamins, the product contains vitamins B 12, B9, B5, B2, C, A.

Important: 100 grams of a product with a fat content of only 3.2% contains only 59 kilocalories.

The list of useful substances also includes proteins, carbohydrates, lactose, glucose and galactose. In 1 milliliter of kefir there are more than one hundred million lactic-type bacteria. And what is noteworthy is that even the secretion of the pancreas is unable to destroy them. They reach the intestines and actively multiply, and this is wonderful, since these components perfectly fight putrefactive bacteria and promote digestion. Microbacteria are 22 types of microorganisms, including lactic acid bacteria, streptococci, milk sticks and others. Each of them interacts well with our body and brings enormous benefits.

Interesting fact: despite modern technology, people have never been able to create kefir starter artificially. It was not possible to create the very optimal balance that triggers the processes of bacterial activity that make the drink kefir.

Store shelves often offer kefir, which contains a lot of fillers, dyes, flavors, etc. There is no point in purchasing such a product to improve health.

Useful qualities of kefir

The product we studied is the most popular and is one of the best and most effective diets. It is used to balance nutrition and cleanse the body. Let's explore the beneficial features of this irreplaceable drink.

  1. Kefir is not just food, but medicine. It is used to treat chronic and acute types of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, and stomach disorders.
  2. The drink is indicated for high blood pressure - hypertension. Amino acids and beneficial bacteria, vitamins, and minerals dissolve plaques, reduce bad cholesterol levels and regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to this, ischemia, heart attacks, and strokes are eliminated.
  3. Fermented milk drink is indicated for vitamin deficiencies and helps to recover after the cold seasons of the year.
  4. By thinning the blood and eliminating blood clots and plaques, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease is minimized.
  5. The cleansing effect allows you to get rid of fatty liver disease, cirrhosis.
  6. Beneficial bacteria do not give a chance to take root and multiply by the dangerous Helicobacter pylori, which causes peptic ulcers, oncology and inflammatory processes.
  7. Diabetes. This disease is difficult for anyone to tolerate – blood sugar levels rise and obesity occurs. The patient is not capable of an active life and is forced to constantly be on insulin. Regular consumption of kefir brings an excellent, simply unique effect. This is a real panacea, which can be taken both internally and used externally. In the first case, it is a drink; in the second, it is used as a lotion, as part of compresses and masks on vulnerable areas, scratches, bruises and wounds.
  8. The product has a powerful tonic effect. If you drink a glass of kefir of normal fat content at night, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract will improve and putrefactive bacterial accumulations will be suppressed.
  9. Thanks to the fermented milk product, blood vessels and small capillaries are cleansed, and mental activity is activated. On a kefir diet, a person can live to a ripe old age and be sober and clear-minded.
  10. Regular consumption of the product improves skin condition, rejuvenates the appearance and activity of internal systems.
  11. You can drink the drink when taking serious medications, as the drink removes toxins, waste, and particles of heavy salts from the body.
  12. Kefir should be included in the diet of women during menopause, menopause, and premenstrual syndrome.
  13. The product is useful during breastfeeding. In addition to cleansing the mother’s body, the drink promotes the production of mother’s milk, improves its quality and increases its quantity.
  14. The drink is used as an excellent anti-allergenic property. Regular drinking will help cope with negative responses to pollen, food, medications, etc. Compresses using kefir help get rid of hives and redness, itching, and swelling as a result of allergies.
  15. The fermented milk product regulates metabolic processes, and thanks to cleansing, you can get rid of excess weight. For this reason, famous nutritionists include the product in the most effective diets.

What are the benefits of kefir for pregnant women?

The fermented milk product is also unique in itself due to the absence of any contraindications for consumption. Therefore, expectant mothers can safely drink kefir, for whom it is important to receive the entire complex of healthy probiotics, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, doctors prescribe the drink for a number of diseases. Thus, the expectant mother does not take chemical medications and protects her body and the fetal body from toxins.

Radical changes occur in the microflora of a lady in an “interesting” position. The body is subjected to intense stress and is forced to work “for two”. In this regard, the woman feels unwell, digestive problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Regular consumption of fermented milk product is indicated for the following reasons.

  1. Kefir contains a huge number of micro, macroelements and vitamins. It allows you to restore strength and eliminate fatigue.
  2. The drink perfectly quenches not only thirst, but also the feeling of hunger. In this sense, the low-calorie product kefir does not give you a chance to accumulate excess weight.
  3. Many women, when carrying a fetus, experience indigestion and pain in the epigastric region, and kefir can completely eliminate this situation and regulate stool.
  4. The product has diuretic properties. And during pregnancy, a woman is accompanied by swelling of the legs, face, and problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. The drink allows you to remove excess fluid and salts from the body.
  5. A woman “with hope” is often an irritable, whiny, inappropriately behaving person. Kefir contains substances that calm the nervous system and regulate sleep, eliminating attacks of anxiety, restlessness, and excessive preoccupation with future childbirth.
  6. The product goes well with any type of food: flour products, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and berries. Moreover, beneficial bacteria reduce the aggressiveness of heavy foods and, like a brush, naturally remove harmful particles and excess calories.
  7. The complex of substances increases a woman’s immunity and protects against viral, that is, infectious diseases, colds, inflammatory processes.

Is it possible to give kefir to children?

Of course, any compassionate mother strives to feed her child a healthy drink. She carefully selects the manufacturer, studies the composition and this is correct, but she should not forget whether it is possible to give kefir to the baby, and if so, at what age to start. Let's study the beneficial qualities of the product for the baby's body:

  1. Kefir improves immunity and the ability to protect against colds and infectious diseases.
  2. With the help of the product, the baby’s body receives calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and other vitamins. Also, beneficial bacteria enter the gastrointestinal tract, regulating peristalsis, stool, and removing harmful particles.
  3. Stimulates appetite.
  4. Maintains a normal nervous system.
  5. Helps improve sleep quality.
  6. Gives vigor and energy for the whole day.
  7. Indicated for children who have problems such as anemia, rickets, etc.
  8. Kefir helps with poisoning, stomach upsets, and indigestion.
  9. Helps restore the body as a whole after serious illnesses, surgeries, radiation therapy, etc.

Now let's look at a number of contraindications that are worth paying attention to:

  1. Kefir contains a milk protein called casein. It is not dangerous for an adult body, but it can be poorly broken down by enzyme deficiency and penetrate through the walls of the baby’s stomach and intestines, thereby causing a serious allergic reaction.
  2. Kefir acids can have a detrimental effect on the kidneys, disrupt the digestion process and act as powerful irritants.

So, as we see, there are many times more positive qualities, so we introduce the product into the baby’s diet gradually, and after consulting with a pediatrician.

At what age can you give your baby kefir?

If the baby is breastfed, then you can give him kefir at the age of 8-9 months. In the case of artificial lactation - from about 7 months. It’s worth knowing right away that you can feed it with a store-bought variety designed specifically for baby food. And yet, you should only buy proven brands, with a normal shelf life and high-quality composition.

Important: if after the first feeding there are no negative reactions in the form of redness on any part of the skin, rash (urticaria), itching, lacrimation, swelling, bloating and colic, continue to gradually increase the volume. Start with half a teaspoon, feed no more than 3 times a week.

What are the benefits of kefir for men?

Kefir turned out to have another unique and incomparable property - the product improves human potency. And this question comes first for the strong half of humanity. Moreover, the product helps to cope with dangerous pathologies in the genitourinary system.

  1. Did you know that the cause of erectile dysfunction can be simple constipation, and kefir has a mild laxative property.
  2. It also cleanses the body of waste and toxins, thins the blood, eliminates plaque and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Such a complex can only have a positive effect on the condition of the genital organs.
  3. Kefir helps to get rid of excess weight. It burns the so-called “visceral” layer located in the lower abdomen. The layer disrupts the blood supply and provokes diseases such as adenoma and prostate cancer.
  4. Activation of blood flow also has a positive effect on the quality of sexual life. Normal nutrition of capillaries and blood vessels with nutrients and oxygen occurs, the composition and quality of sperm improves, sensuality is heightened, and the body is rejuvenated.

Contraindications and harms of kefir

Yes, imagine, this product also has contraindications for use, but they are negligible.

  1. Minimum percentage of alcohol. There is very little alcohol and to harm the body, you need to drink at least a liter of the drink. But such doses are undesirable; it is enough to consume 2 glasses of kefir per day.
  2. If you are allergic to lactose, you should not include kefir in your diet at all.

Doctors point out that only fresh products have beneficial properties. If kefir is more than 3 days old, you should absolutely not consume it. Beneficial bacteria turn into dangerous ones, which can cause serious poisoning and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, such drinking will cause constipation and aggravate problems with hemorrhoids.

Losing weight on kefir

With the help of the healing drink we are studying, you can also perfectly unload and get rid of everything unnecessary, and in the most literal sense.

Larisa Valley Diet

Many people have heard about this diet, and older ladies remember how beautiful the Russian pop star looked. The scheme does not involve the preparation of any special dishes and does not require any costs.

The diet is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  • urolithiasis;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • increased acidity;
  • acute gastritis;
  • ulcer.

How to make kefir at home

Despite the wide selection on store shelves, you still want to try homemade kefir made from natural, whole milk. Well, this is not a problem, especially since the process takes a minimum of time and provides a high-quality product.

  1. To prepare it, you need to purchase a special starter or use a small portion of already made kefir.
  2. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from the stove and cool to 40 degrees.
  4. Add the starter to the liquid.
  5. Pour into a container - a jar, a yogurt maker, a thermos.
  6. Keep in a warm place for 12 hours.

Ready-made kefir can be safely consumed by adults and children, and even pregnant women. There is no doubt that it is fresh and made from quality and pure ingredients.

Cosmetological medicinal properties of kefir

Kefir is a unique remedy for rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, hands and whole body, as well as hair. Live bacteria, of which there is a colossal amount in the product, activate processes in skin, improve the condition of hair roots, and return exhausted and thin hair to a new life.

Hair Mask

Add a teaspoon of ground red pepper, a teaspoon of burdock oil, vitamin B2, B6 and B12 to 100 grams of kefir. Warm the mixture a little and rub into the hair roots. Wash off with herbal shampoo and warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Mask for the face

For oily skin, a low-fat product is more suitable; for medium skin, a low-fat product is more suitable. low level fat content and fatty kefir for dry skin. Heat to 40 degrees, add the yolk, swollen oatmeal, rice flour and apply to previously cleansed skin. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, rinse with warm running water.

We have studied the properties of a truly extraordinary and unique product. If you approach its use and consumption wisely, then after just a couple of months you can feel much younger. Moreover, the beneficial effects of the drink will be evidenced not only by internal processes, but also by facial skin and hair. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, color will improve, excess weight will go away. And to all this, energy, vigor will be added and your mood will rise.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Kefir is a very tasty and equally healthy fermented milk product obtained by fermenting whole or skim milk with the addition of bifidobacteria or fungi. The drink has an indispensable immune-stimulating effect on the body, helps fight chronic fatigue and insomnia, so drinking a glass of kefir at night, preferably with the addition of cinnamon, will provide you with complete rest, while normalizing the nervous system. Kefir sufficiently compensates for the lack of protein and protein deficiency, is well absorbed in the body, which allows it to be consumed by both adults and children. Buckwheat porridge with kefir is very useful for those who want to lose excess weight without causing any harm to the body. The high content of beneficial properties of the biologically active drink has a therapeutic and preventive effect for many diseases. In order to use kefir correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition, the benefits it brings and possible harm.

The benefits of kefir - 10 useful properties

  1. Nourishes the body

    Kefir is primarily a highly nutritious fermented milk drink that is traditionally made from cow or goat milk. 1 serving (175 ml) of kefir contains:

    A glass of kefir has about 100 calories, 7-8 grams of carbohydrates and 3-6 grams of fat, depending on the type of milk used. The product also contains a wide range of biologically active compounds, including organic acids and peptides, so a glass of kefir drunk in the morning on an empty stomach will benefit the health of the entire body. Kefir is very useful for pregnant women, especially homemade, if you make it yourself from natural milk.

    14% of the daily value of vitamin B12;

    19% DV of riboflavin (vitamin B2);

    Vitamin D in sufficient quantities.

  2. Is a powerful probiotic

    Some microorganisms may have beneficial health effects when ingested. Known as probiotics, these microorganisms can affect health in a variety of ways, including improving digestion, controlling weight, and stabilizing mental health. Kefir starter contains about 30 strains of bacteria and yeast, making the product a very rich source of probiotics. Kefir itself contains more than two trillion lactic acid bacteria and other microorganisms. Other fermented dairy products are made from much fewer strains and do not contain yeast.

  3. Has a powerful antibacterial effect

    Some probiotics contained in kefir can fight various infections. Probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri can significantly reduce the growth of various harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori and E. coli. "Kefiran" is a special type of carbohydrates contained in kefir, which also has bactericidal properties.

  4. Improves bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis (“porous” bones) is characterized by deterioration of bone tissue, which significantly increases the risk of fractures. This disease is a fairly common problem, especially among older people. Getting enough calcium into your body is one of the most effective ways to improve bone health and slow the progression of osteoporosis. Kefir, made from skim milk, is not only an excellent source of calcium and vitamin K2. This nutritious product plays an important role in calcium metabolism, bringing enormous benefits and reducing the risk of fractures by 81%. Recent animal studies have shown that kefir increases the ability of bone cells to absorb calcium. This results in a significant increase in bone density.

  5. Is a cancer prevention agent

    Researchers believe that probiotics in fermented dairy products suppress tumor growth by reducing the production of carcinogenic compounds, as well as by stimulating the immune system. Moreover, kefir is 40% more effective at combating the growth of cancer cells than yogurt.

  6. Eliminates digestive problems

    The probiotics contained in kefir help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. That is why they are a very effective remedy for combating various forms of diarrhea. In addition, probiotics and probiotic foods help manage many other gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, and a number of other diseases. For this reason, a glass of kefir drunk before bed will benefit and improve the functioning of the entire digestive system.

  7. Beneficial for people with lactose intolerance

    Most dairy products contain a natural sugar called lactose. With age, most people's bodies lose the ability to break down and absorb lactose correctly. This condition is called lactose intolerance. Lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy products (such as kefir and yogurt) convert lactose into lactic acid, so these products contain much less lactose than milk. Because of this, kefir is generally well digested by people with lactose intolerance, at least compared to regular milk.

Kefir is a drink that we have been familiar with since childhood.

Many people love and drink it. Nutritionists advise people who are overweight to consume kefir.

Some people drink it at night to get rid of insomnia.

History of appearance

In the North Caucasus, odes are written about this drink. It was the Ossetians who first invented kefir.

And for a long period of time, this nation had a monopoly on the miracle drink.

They kept their original cooking recipe in the strictest confidence.

How did kefir become an affordable product for a wide range of consumers?

There is a beautiful legend that says the following:
“One powerful and famous highlander fell in love with a Russian girl who did not reciprocate his feelings. The prince kidnapped her.

After a while, the lover was imprisoned in a Russian prison. The treasured kefir grains were demanded as a ransom for him. Since then, we have had an excellent opportunity to taste this drink of the gods.”

In Russia, kefir began to be produced only at the beginning of the last century. Our country owns the rights to production. Only two countries - Canada and Japan - have a license to produce kefir.

Secrets of centenarians

This drink is rightfully considered legendary. Its healing properties can hardly be overestimated. For preparation, a special starter is used, the composition of which is a successful combination of many microorganisms.

The starter contains 22 types of bacteria, including:

  • lactic acid streptococci,
  • yeast,
  • acetic acid,
  • lactic acid sticks.

There is a close relationship between all these components, and this is the reason for the beneficial effect on the human body.

World-famous scientists have tried to recreate sourdough artificially. But all their attempts were in vain. They never managed to create the necessary balance of bacteria, and kefir, as such, did not work out.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is produced by double fermentation of milk.

During milk fermentation, another fermentation process occurs in parallel, in which fungi and microorganisms participate.

After kefir grains are poured with fresh milk, the process of alcoholic fermentation begins.

As a result, a small amount of alcohol is formed in kefir.

It is this detail that gives the drink unusual freshness, sharpness of taste and a foamy, creamy consistency.

Fermented milk products should occupy a worthy place in every person’s diet.

Chemical composition

Beneficial features

Having analyzed the composition of this fermented milk product, scientists put it in first place in terms of beneficial qualities. The drink has a beneficial effect on:

Kefir has a mild diuretic effect, so it is recommended to drink it for people who have problems with edema.

This product is able to regulate the speed of digestion. A fresh drink acts on the body as a mild laxative.

Then, like kefir, which is more than 3 days old, can hold the stool together. This needs to be taken into account.

People suffering from constipation should drink only fresh kefir. The drink “gets along” well with baked goods (the benefits of amaranth bread are written on the page).

Kefir is good to drink for people who are weakened after a long illness.

It helps restore the body's defenses.

The product is indicated for elderly people and infants from 8 months of age.

Before this period, children should not be given kefir.

The drink has also found wide application in cosmetology:

  • included in face masks (the use of amaranth oil is written about),
  • improves the condition of hair () and skin.

Scientists managed to prove it. That people who regularly consumed yogurt were less susceptible to cancer (read about wax moth tincture in the article).

Kefir does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, people who have been diagnosed with allergic diseases can drink it.

Which kefir is more beneficial: full-fat or low-fat?? There is no clear answer to this question.

If you have set a goal to lose weight (), buy kefir with a low fat percentage.

If you want to extract the maximum nutrients from the drink, drink full-fat kefir.

Possible harm

Some people should stop eating kefir and replace it with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sour cream.

This fermented milk product should not be used if:

  • digestive disorder,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • diseases of the duodenum,
  • in case of milk protein intolerance.

This product is contraindicated in cosmetology people with dry skin.

There are circumstances when the use of kefir is permissible only if certain rules are observed.

For example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can drink low-fat and non-acidic kefir while the exacerbation of the disease is easing and this should be done between meals.

If after you drink kefir and your stomach hurts, this indicates that you should pay attention to existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You should not take kefir if you have pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity.

People prone to diarrhea should not abuse the drink.

How to determine quality

If you want kefir to become a truly healthy and longevity drink for you, you need to be able to choose it accurately.

There are dozens of varieties and brands of these products on the shelves of our stores.

There is daily kefir, designed for two days and multi-day. The longer it is stored, the higher the content of carbon dioxide and alcohol in its composition.

If kefir has a shelf life of 10 days, and it has been in the retail outlet for 4 or more days, then you shouldn’t take it.

Before buying kefir, make sure that it does not contain “E” additives. It will no longer be a natural, but a synthetic product.

Don't forget to look at the production date and deadline. The manufacturer is required to indicate the number of lactic acid bacteria on the packaging.

If you find that the whey has separated from the kefir, set the drink aside. You cannot drink it, since the technological process was disrupted during its production.

It is best to drink kefir at a comfortable temperature, taking small sips.

In order to maintain normal health, it is enough to drink 1 – 2 glasses of an invigorating drink a day.

What is kefir and how beneficial it is for the body - the answers are voiced in the video.

Fermented milk products have long been held in high esteem by doctors and nutritionists. Kefir is considered the most useful. The body easily absorbs it. Kefir can be used for dietary nutrition and good digestion. Let's look at the benefits and harms that kefir brings to the body.

Components of kefir

A large number of useful substances are contained in kefir. The composition of this drink contains the following elements:

100 grams of product contains 86 grams of protein and 3 grams of water, as well as an insignificant amount of fats and carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

Scientists have long proven that this drink has a large number of beneficial substances that have a very strong effect on the human body. What are the benefits of kefir and what exactly does this fermented milk product affect:

Additional benefit

Kefir has a diuretic function, so it helps to cope with various edema. A freshly prepared drink acts as a mild laxative.

But do not forget that a homemade drink that has been lying around for more than three days, on the contrary, strengthens the stool. This nuance should definitely be taken into account when using this product.

  • Interaction on the pancreas. If the blood glucose level is high and there are diseases associated with the pancreas, then homemade kefir will bring you. A glass of drink at night can normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Calms the central nervous system. Since ancient times, people have known about the calming properties of this drink. With its help, a person can get out of a depressed state. During a stressful situation, the drink will help calm your nerves and put them in order. It is enough to drink just one glass.
  • It helps to restore impaired metabolism. Using this product you can get rid of excess weight. But in this case, you need to drink only a low-fat drink or one with a minimum fat content, they have less calories. Drinks such as yogurt or fermented baked milk are not suitable for such purposes.
  • Strengthens the immune system if you add a glass of kefir to your diet every day, your body will gain additional strength. A person will no longer feel all the signs of a lack of vitamins, namely a lethargic state and rapid fatigue. The drink is also beneficial during seasonal exacerbations of allergic reactions. It will serve as a protective agent.

Very often the drink began to be used in cosmetics. It can be found in the composition face or hair masks, as well as other creams to soften the skin.

The benefits of kefir for pregnant women

During pregnancy, many doctors advise women to drink kefir. After all, at this moment the female body works at full strength to ensure the proper development of the unborn baby.

This drink is good for pregnant women overcome fatigue, increased irritability, and will also relieve constipation and saturate the body with essential microelements.

More kefir normalizes kidney activity, therefore it is recommended to drink it for edema, it helps to avoid toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. When consuming this dairy product, a woman will not have to worry about extra pounds.

Can kefir be harmful during pregnancy? It contains a small amount of ethyl alcohol. There is so little of it in this product that it cannot harm the body.

Rules and features of using kefir

Which kefir will you choose: full-fat or low-fat? Doctors do not give a definite answer. If the goal is to lose excess weight, then it is better to choose 1 percent kefir, which has a low calorie content.

If you want to saturate the body with useful substances, then a fatty product will better cope with this function.

How to drink kefir at night? Drinking kefir at night is recommended for those people who want to lose weight, because its calorie content is very low. When consuming a fermented milk product before bed, the feeling of hunger begins to disappear and the person no longer strives to fill the stomach. Any food eaten at night will take a long time to digest, and kefir will not cause unnecessary discomfort to the gastrointestinal tract.

Drinking a glass of fermented milk product in the evening helps get rid of insomnia, because it has sedative and hypnotic functions. However, it is not recommended to drink it cold; it is advisable for the product to lie at room temperature for two hours.

In addition, the calcium contained in the drink will be better absorbed by the body in the dark.

Use on an empty stomach

Drinking fermented milk drink on an empty stomach is recommended for people who have dysbiosis and gastrointestinal diseases. After drinking a glass of homemade kefir, it is not advisable to eat food for 1–1.5 hours.

When using the product in the morning, it will gently envelop the stomach, is easy to digest and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines.

By consuming kefir daily, you can significantly improve your health. But you don’t need to drink a lot of it in the morning and evening. After all, any product eaten in large quantities only brings harm.