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Abdominal fibromatosis in muscle tissue treatment. Uterine fibromatosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of uterine fibromatosis

This is a condition of replacement of muscle tissue with areas of connective tissue with dysfunction of the uterus. At the stage of fibromatosis, there are still no nodes as such, but a slight increase in size of the uterus is formed.

As a result of the formation of special conditions and circumstances, fibromatosis is transformed into the state of a benign tumor - uterine fibroids.


The exact cause of the development of uterine fibromatosis has not yet been identified; age-related and hormonal changes are considered the main ones. But among all the reasons and influencing factors, there are certain ones that have the greatest impact:

  • disturbances in the hormonal balance of the female body, menstrual cycle disorders,
  • inflammatory processes in the genital area,
  • frequent abortions and diagnostic curettages, various types of medicinal manipulations,
  • genetic predisposition, especially in the female line,
  • inadequate and irrational nutrition, poor ecology,
  • stress and bad habits,
  • overweight and obesity,
  • various somatic diseases that somehow impair reproductive functions.


Uterine fibromatosis is conventionally divided into two types:

  • diffuse, or widespread,
  • nodular (usually these are areas of developing future fibroids). Nodular fibromatosis is usually subserous, when the nodes begin to grow towards the abdominal cavity, under the lining of the uterus, and submucosal, growing towards the endometrium.

Symptoms of uterine fibromatosis

Due to the small size of fibromatosis, symptoms in the initial stages of development are very difficult to notice. It is usually detected already at the stage of formation of fibroids of various sizes. Then the clinical manifestations intensify, they can appear quite clearly and varied, and diagnosis is no longer so difficult.

With fibromatosis of the uterus, nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region may occur, and when submucosal nodes form, the pain can be cramping. Fibromatosis may be characterized by irregularities in the menstrual cycle with prolongation of menstrual periods, large amounts of blood loss, and the appearance of “spotting” between menstruation.

With uterine fibromatosis, menstruation can become painful, progressing in severity.

Discomfort and pain (dyspareunia) may occur during sexual intercourse.

Due to increased blood loss during menstruation, manifestations of anemia may occur with signs of trophic disorders - dry skin, brittle nails and hair.

In advanced cases, problems with the pelvic organs with urinary incontinence or constipation may occur.

Uterine fibromatosis also greatly affects the course of pregnancy - there may be premature birth, miscarriages, or progressive signs of infertility. If the pregnancy continues, it will be difficult, with possible complications during childbirth.


The basis of diagnosis is examination on a chair, ultrasound examination, as well as hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and examination of the woman’s hormonal status.

It is necessary to differentiate with malignant processes of the uterus and foci of endometriosis.

Treatment of uterine fibromatosis

Gynecologists treat uterine fibromatosis.

The type of treatment depends on the manifestations. If a woman has no complaints, no treatment is carried out, only regular examinations every three to six months.

A course of multivitamins and antioxidants is required, visiting the sauna and steam bath, tanning in the solarium and on the beach are prohibited. Treatment with herbs and juices is useful in a course of 10 days a month - for 3-6 months.

If the hormonal balance is disturbed, hormonal drugs are indicated; they delay the growth of fibromatous lesions and the formation of nodes. If the nodes are large and there is no effect of therapy, they resort to surgery.

Complications and prognosis

The main complications are the development of anemia and reproductive dysfunction. The prognosis with timely initiation of treatment is favorable. The growth of nodes can be prevented.

03 November 2017 22179 0

Uterine fibromatosis is a process of replacement of muscle tissue with connective tissue under the influence of female sex hormones. Fibromatosis is a precursor to the formation of benign tumors in the muscular layer of the uterus - myomas and fibroids. The process very rarely develops into oncological pathology, but can significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, this pathology should be treated immediately after diagnosis.

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Fibromatosis provokes the development of myomas and fibroids, but the pathology is highly treatable. To eliminate the disease, you should contact qualified specialists who have experience in treating such problems. If the disease is not treated promptly, the growth of fibroids will continue, causing discomfort to the woman. It is recommended to eliminate the pathology effectively and safely using uterine artery embolization. On our website you will find a list that have proven themselves in the treatment of tumors on the uterus. You can get or see a doctor and discuss all your questions.

Uterine fibromatosis: what is it, is the disease dangerous?

Uterine fibromatosis is a fairly common gynecological disease in women of reproductive age. This is a pathological process in which the acceleration of cell division in the muscle layer occurs and their replacement with altered connective tissue, which differs from a healthy one in a denser structure and reduced ability to contract.

The diagnosis of uterine fibromatosis is established on the basis of ultrasound data and laboratory tests. Pathology is the initial stage of the development of myomas and fibroids. To understand about uterine fibromatosis and what it is, a photo of the development of the disease is presented below. Here you can see how fibromatous nodes affect the muscular layer of the uterus.

Modern medicine cannot say exactly why the disease develops. Research shows that there are several factors, the presence of which provokes changes in the myometrium:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • viral and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • trauma to the uterus (abortion, difficult childbirth, curettage, uterine surgery);
  • heredity.

To say about fibromatosis of the uterine body that this disease is life-threatening is not true. The pathology is well treated and the development of the disease can be avoided. Fibromatous nodes are benign neoplasms, and the percentage of their degeneration into malignant tumors is almost zero. A complication of the pathology is the formation of large fibroids and myomas, which cause uterine bleeding, pain and discomfort in the abdomen and lower back, problems during pregnancy (prevent the attachment of a fertilized egg, provoke miscarriage). To treat fibromatous nodes, it is rational to use uterine artery embolization, which is a minimally invasive procedure, does not cause an allergic reaction, and acts quickly and effectively. Embolization of the uterine arteries restores reproductive function and after a short period of time a woman can plan a pregnancy. Uterine artery embolization is a treatment method recommended by the expert council of our site.

There are two types of fibromatosis:

  • diffuse fibromatosis of the uterus: the area of ​​pathologically changed cells does not have clear boundaries;
  • nodular fibromatosis: more prone to developing fibroids.

Pathological areas are localized in various areas of the myometrium. They can grow towards the abdominal cavity, or the space of the uterus, or located within the muscle layer.

Uterine fibromatosis: symptoms

At the initial stage, signs of uterine fibromatosis may not appear. A woman should be wary of an increase in bleeding during menstruation, a longer period of menstrual flow, spotting in the middle of the cycle, more severe pain during menstruation, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. If you observe such changes in the functioning of your body, you should consult a doctor for a preventive examination. The earlier the pathology is detected, the easier it will be to treat.

Fibromatosis of the uterus during menopause can regress, since during this period female sex hormones cease to be produced in large quantities. The development of fibromatosis during menopause is due to the use of hormonal drugs to improve the patient’s condition. Complications such as fibroids and myomas during menopause can be treated using uterine artery embolization.

Uterine fibromatosis: treatment with folk remedies

Today there are many methods, recommendations and recipes for treating this disease. Some of these recipes offering to treat uterine fibromatosis are folk. Treatment of pathology with folk remedies will be more aimed at eliminating the symptoms rather than the disease itself. It is impossible to completely treat uterine fibromatosis with folk remedies. This requires drug therapy prescribed by a qualified doctor.

In the hope of miraculous relief, women resort to the use of various herbs and homeopathy. Using douching, herbal suppositories, teas, aromatherapy and other means, there is no way to get rid of uterine fibromatosis. In some cases, folk remedies can relieve the symptoms of the disease. By mitigating the signs that accompany uterine fibromatosis, folk remedies only mislead the woman. The disease is not going away and continues to progress. As a result, valuable time is lost. Advanced fibromatosis turns into large uterine fibroids, which cannot be eliminated with conservative therapy alone. For adequate treatment and complete relief from fibromatosis, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a qualified specialist.

What is uterine fibromatosis: how to treat the pathology

Uterine fibromatosis, symptoms, treatment are successfully performed by qualified specialists in this field: Candidate of Medical Sciences, endovascular surgeon Boris Yurievich Bobrov and Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Mikhailovich Lubnin. Boris Yurievich and Dmitry Mikhailovich have extensive experience in treating fibromatosis, fibroids and uterine fibroids. Doctors diagnose and prescribe treatment based on the individual characteristics of the woman. Specialists carry out treatment using uterine artery embolization, which shows excellent results.

Diagnosis of fibromatosis is necessary to determine the extent of the disease. The study will show the localization of the pathology, the type of disease, and the presence of nodes. The woman is prescribed a gynecological examination, ultrasound and, if necessary, MRI and biopsy.

The choice of therapy will depend on how uterine fibromatosis develops. Treatment may not be prescribed at the initial stage. A woman needs to undergo regular preventive examinations to monitor the disease over time. During this period, the doctor evaluates the proliferation of pathological cells. If their number does not increase, they remain unchanged and nothing bothers the woman, it will be enough to normalize the general condition of the body and minimize stress.

When the pathology becomes more pronounced, drug therapy is used. Treatment of fibromatosis is carried out with the help of combined oral contraceptives, which stabilize the ratio of gestagens and estrogens in the body. At the early stage of diffuse fibromatosis, drugs containing progesterone are indicated. In some cases, a hormone-containing intrauterine device is prescribed, which has a local effect on pathological tissues. Additionally, during treatment, drugs that relieve pain, sedatives, and vitamin complexes are used.

In the presence of fibromatous nodes, uterine artery embolization is used. This procedure is carried out using a drug that stops blood supply and nutrition to the tumors. Normal uterine blood flow is restored within a month after the procedure. Subsequently, new nodes are not formed. The woman is completely cured of the disease, reproductive function is restored, and the quality of intimate life improves.


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  • Bodyazhina, V.I. Textbook of gynecology / V.I. Bodyazhina, K.N. Zhmakin. - M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature, 2010. - 368 p.
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Uterine fibromatosis is diagnosed in 50% of women and is the initial stage of a benign tumor that occurs in women of childbearing age. Today, this disease is rapidly becoming younger. The initial stage of the disease has a single node, which, if left untreated, begins to grow. Our article is devoted to this disease, it will tell you what its symptoms are, diagnosis, and how treatment is carried out.

Etiology and symptoms of the disease

Fibromatosis of the uterus is a change in muscle tissue, its growth in which a small node is formed. If left untreated, it tends to increase, and can reach sizes of up to 20 cm. In some cases, one tumor forms, in others, several. Medicine identifies some factors that influence the development of the disease, these include:

Modern medicine claims that this pathology develops due to hormonal disorders occurring in a woman’s body.

Fibromatosis is quite difficult to diagnose at an early stage, however, regular visits to the gynecologist will help detect it at the beginning of its manifestation. Symptoms of the disease usually appear when the tumor begins to increase in size, these include:

Characteristics of the neoplasm and diagnosis

Fibromatosis differs in its size and location. There are several types of location:

In addition, fibromatosis differs in location, which affects the manifestation of symptoms:

  1. Nodes located on the front of the organ are characterized by pain in the bladder area, as well as in the lower abdomen. Urination is impaired and there is a risk of urinary incontinence.
  2. Neoplasms located in the opposite part of the organ lead to pain in the rectum.

If the enlargement of the uterus varies from 5 to 20 weeks, then during the examination a lumpy dense surface, pain on palpation, changes in the shape of the organ, and palpable formations that tend to move are determined.

The disease can be detected using the following examination:

  1. Hysteroscopy allows you to distinguish a neoplasm from endometriosis.
  2. A biopsy will determine the nature of the tumor.
  3. MRI gives a more complete picture of the disease.
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which helps determine the size of the tumor and its location.

How to treat uterine fibromatosis?

Treatment for a fibromatous node is selected based on the woman’s condition; if it is small and does not manifest itself in any way, then medications are usually not prescribed; only regular examinations are recommended, once every 3-6 months. When fibromatosis is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, doctors recommend the following medications:

It is imperative to treat the pathology in order to avoid the development of organ removal, infertility, and cancer.

The most effective method to help eliminate the node is surgical treatment. The surgeon, after assessing the woman’s condition, can offer the following types of operations:

In addition, doctors may suggest embolization of the pathology. During which a catheter is inserted through the blood vessels through the femoral artery, delivering an embolic drug. This substance stops feeding the neoplasm. Over time, the node decreases in size and ceases to bother the woman.

Herbal medicine for fibromatosis

Herbal medicine is indicated for fibromatosis exclusively at the initial stage of the disease; it can reduce tissue proliferation and stop the growth of the node. For this they most often use:

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies is possible only in addition to the main therapy and only after consultation with the attending physician.

When diagnosing uterine fibromatosis, there is no need to be afraid; regular examinations by a gynecologist and following all recommendations will help you avoid negative consequences and live a full life.

One of the most common female gynecological problems is the appearance of tumors in the uterus. Such problems include uterine fibromatosis - the appearance of a benign tumor in the cavity of the organ. This disease most often affects women over forty years of age, that is, whose age is gradually approaching menopause. However, in recent years, the disease has become noticeably younger - gynecologists are increasingly diagnosing fibromatosis in women of twenty-five to thirty years of age. Statistics stubbornly insist that almost half of women have uterine fibromatosis.

Fibromatosis is the first and most harmless step before the formation of fibroids, characterized by the appearance of connective tissue replacing uterine tissue. Fibroids can grow into the uterine cavity, grow in its walls and come out. With fibromatosis, as a rule, nodes do not appear in the body of the uterus, although it increases in size.

Quite often, uterine fibromatosis is an independent disease, and sometimes it can be triggered by some disease and develop into a tumor. A major role among the causes of fibromatosis is played by hereditary factors, improper functioning of the ovaries, excess body weight, previous abortions, smoking and alcohol, and stress.

Most women do not feel any symptoms, so the diagnosis of uterine fibromatosis is a kind of shock for them when they see a doctor. Usually the disease is discovered either during preventive examinations, or when complaining of certain symptoms, when the disease has already begun to progress. Among these symptoms, women note painful menstruation and its duration, a possible increase in discharge during menstruation (which in turn can lead to anemia), miscarriage or prolonged inability to conceive a baby.

If these symptoms appear, a woman should seek advice to clarify the diagnosis. In order to diagnose uterine fibromatosis, it is necessary to undergo a general ultrasound of the female genital organs, examination of the uterine cavity using a special device, and a test

If uterine fibromatosis does not cause a woman any negative feelings, then subject to periodic examination by a gynecologist, the disease may not be treated. The patient is prescribed vitamins, restorative drugs, and is prohibited from staying in high temperature zones (sunbathing for a long time, visiting the bathhouse and sauna). Often, after a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, fibroids stop growing.

As the disease progresses, hormonal treatment is indicated, which will primarily inhibit the growth of connective tissue cells. If the fibroma has reached a significant size and threatens the woman’s life, then it is removed surgically.

Uterine fibromatosis, treatment of which is not possible with folk remedies, is often the subject of speculation among traditional doctors and healers. Many women, not wanting to take hormonal drugs or simply afraid of surgery, try to cure fibromatosis this way. Unfortunately, the effect of traditional medicine is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms of fibromatosis, but not at completely curing the very cause of the disease. At a time when patients hope for recovery, the problem may worsen, leaving no chance for conservative treatment. By holding out for surgery, you can lose your uterus (if the fibroid is large), which in no way reacts to herbs, decoctions and infusions. For high-quality treatment of fibroids and correct diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to be observed only by specialist doctors and strictly follow their recommendations. Uterine fibromatosis, treatment of which is started on time, largely reduces the risk of developing further complications.

Fibromatosis is a disease that usually occurs in women of reproductive age and, with timely treatment, has a favorable prognosis. Pathology occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance and is a signal indicating the presence of neoplasms that can cause discomfort and significantly worsen the quality of life.

In the initial stages, the disease develops asymptomatically, and, as a rule, it can be detected accidentally, for example, during a routine ultrasound during pregnancy.

What does this disease mean?

The diagnosis of fibromatosis refers to the process when the connective muscle tissue of the uterus is replaced. It has a dense structure, so it is not so elastic and does not contract well.

The disease can gradually develop into fibroma or myoma, and also go away on its own after menopause.

As the abnormal tissue grows, it causes the uterus to enlarge, although under certain circumstances it can remain in the body without developing for decades. The disease is rarely found in women under 30 years of age. Typically, age-related hormonal changes can trigger the development of a pathological process.


Since the initial stages of the disease are characterized by minor changes in tissues, the symptoms do not have pronounced pathological processes. But in the future, due to the loss of elasticity of muscle fibers, menstrual flow becomes longer and more abundant. In addition, in the middle of the cycle, a smear interspersed with blood may appear. Menstruation becomes painful, and sexual intercourse causes discomfort.

All these symptoms should alert you and be a reason to visit a gynecologist.


There are many factors for the development of fibromatosis. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. Injuries to the muscle fibers of the uterus during gynecological curettages or operations.
  2. Ovarian diseases. The inflammatory process disrupts the balance of estrogens and progesterones, which negatively affects the condition of the myometrium and leads to its replacement.
  3. Failures and hormonal disorders, which can arise both as a result of age-related changes and develop against the background of injuries or brain tumors, as well as as a result of malfunctions of the central nervous system.
  4. Obesity and associated pathologies of internal organs.
  5. The presence of similar abnormalities in the genitourinary system in relatives.