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Is it painful to insert a spiral: features, description of the procedure and recommendations. Intrauterine device - all the pros and cons

Prevention from unwanted pregnancy, or contraception, helps a woman maintain her health:

  • reduces the frequency of abortions;
  • helps plan pregnancy and prepare for it;
  • in many cases it has an additional therapeutic effect.

One type of contraception is intrauterine. It is used most often in China, the Russian Federation and Scandinavia. In everyday speech, the term “intrauterine device” is often used.

Advantages of intrauterine contraception:

  • relatively low cost;
  • long period of use;
  • rapid restoration of fertility after removal of the IUD;
  • Possibility of use during breastfeeding and with concomitant diseases;
  • therapeutic effect on the endometrium (using a hormonal intrauterine system);
  • preservation of the physiology of sexual intercourse, lack of preparation, fullness of sensations during intimacy.

Types of intrauterine devices

There are two types of intrauterine contraception:

  • inert;
  • medicinal.

Inert intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs) are plastic products of various shapes that are inserted into the uterine cavity. Their use has been discouraged since 1989, when the World Health Organization declared them ineffective and dangerous to women's health.

Currently, only spirals containing metals (copper, silver) or hormones are used. They have a plastic base of different shapes, close to the shape of the inner space of the uterus. Adding metals or hormonal agents can increase the effectiveness of the spirals and reduce the number of side effects.

In Russia, the following VMKs have gained the greatest popularity:

  • Multiload Cu 375 – has the shape of the letter F, covered with copper winding with an area of ​​375 mm 2, designed for 5 years;
  • Nova-T - in the shape of the letter T, has a copper winding with an area of ​​200 mm 2, designed for 5 years;
  • Cooper T 380 A – copper-containing T-shaped, lasts up to 8 years;
  • hormonal intrauterine system "Mirena" - contains levonorgestrel, which is gradually released into the uterine cavity, providing a therapeutic effect; designed for 5 years.

Less commonly used are IUDs that release medroxyprogesterone or norethisterone.

Which intrauterine device is better?

This question can only be answered after an individual consultation, taking into account the woman’s age, her state of health, smoking, the presence of gynecological diseases, planning a future pregnancy and other factors.

Mechanism of action

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device is the destruction of sperm and disruption of the process of attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity. Copper, which is part of many IUDs, has a spermatotoxic effect, that is, it kills sperm that enter the uterus. In addition, it enhances the capture and processing of sperm by special cells - macrophages.

If fertilization does occur, the abortive effect of the contraceptive begins, preventing implantation of the fertilized egg:

  • contractions of the fallopian tube intensify, while the fertilized egg enters the uterus too quickly and dies;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity leads to aseptic (non-infectious) inflammation and metabolic disorders;
  • as a result of the production of prostaglandins in response to a foreign body, the contractility of the uterine walls is activated;
  • When using an intrauterine hormonal system, endometrial atrophy occurs.

The Mirena intrauterine system constantly releases the hormone levonorgestrel from a special reservoir at a dose of 20 mcg per day. This substance has a gestagenic effect, suppresses the regular proliferation of endometrial cells and causes endometrial atrophy. As a result, menstruation becomes scanty or disappears completely. Ovulation is not disturbed, hormonal levels do not change.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you have an intrauterine device?? The effectiveness of intrauterine contraception reaches 98%. When using copper-containing products, pregnancy occurs in 1-2 women out of a hundred within a year. The effectiveness of the Mirena system is several times higher; pregnancy occurs in only 2-5 women out of a thousand within a year.

How to place an intrauterine device

Before inserting an IUD, you need to make sure there is no pregnancy. The procedure can be carried out regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, but it is best on days 4-8 of the cycle (counting from the first day of menstruation). It is necessary to analyze smears for microflora and degree of purity, as well as an ultrasound examination to determine the size of the uterus.

The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis without anesthesia. This is a virtually painless procedure. In the first days after insertion of the IUD, you may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen caused by contractions of the uterus. The first and 2-3 subsequent menstruation may be heavy. At this time, spontaneous expulsion of the spiral is possible.

After an induced abortion, the IUD is usually installed immediately after manipulation, after childbirth - 2-3 months later.

The introduction of an IUD after a cesarean section is carried out six months later to reduce the risk of infectious complications. Spirals can be used during breastfeeding, which is their great advantage.

After insertion of an IUD for a week, a woman is prohibited from:

  • intense physical activity;
  • hot baths;
  • taking laxatives;
  • sex life.

The next examination is scheduled for 7-10 days, and then, if there are no complications, after 3 months. After each menstruation, a woman should independently check for the presence of IUD threads in the vagina. It is enough to undergo an examination by a gynecologist once every six months, if there are no complaints.

Removing the intrauterine device

Removal of the IUD is carried out at will, with the development of certain complications or after the expiration of the period of use. In the latter case, a new contraceptive can be introduced immediately after removing the previous one. To remove the IUD, an ultrasound examination is first performed and the location of the spiral is determined. Then, under the control of a hysteroscope, the cervical canal is expanded and the spiral is removed by pulling the “antennae”. If the “antennae” breaks, the procedure is repeated in the hospital. If the intrauterine device penetrates the wall of the uterus and does not cause complaints, it is not recommended to remove it unless necessary, as this can lead to complications.

Complications of intrauterine contraception

Side effects from the intrauterine device:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • genital infection;
  • uterine bleeding.

These symptoms do not develop in all patients and are considered complications.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Occurs in 5-9% of patients. Cramping pain accompanied by bloody discharge is a sign of spontaneous expulsion of the IUD from the uterine cavity. To prevent this complication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed during the post-injection period.

Constant intense pain occurs if the contraceptive does not match the size of the uterus. In this case, it is replaced.

Sudden sharp pain may be a sign of uterine perforation with penetration of part of the spiral into the abdominal cavity. The incidence of this complication is 0.5%. Incomplete perforation often goes undetected and is diagnosed after unsuccessful attempts to remove the IUD. In case of complete perforation, emergency laparoscopy or laparotomy is performed.

Genital infection

The frequency of infectious and inflammatory complications (and others) ranges from 0.5 to 4%. They are difficult to tolerate and are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and purulent discharge from the genital tract. Such processes are complicated by the destruction of tissue of the uterus and appendages. To prevent them, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for several days after insertion of the IUD.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding develops in 24% of cases. Most often it manifests itself as heavy menstruation (menorrhagia), less often – intermenstrual blood loss (metrorrhagia). Bleeding leads to the development of chronic iron deficiency anemia, manifested by pallor, weakness, shortness of breath, brittle hair and nails, and degenerative changes in internal organs. To prevent bleeding, it is recommended to take combined oral contraceptives two months before insertion of the IUD and for 2 months after. If menorrhagia leads to anemia, the IUD is removed.

Onset of pregnancy

IUD reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. However, if it does occur, the risk is higher than among other women.

If pregnancy occurs while using the IUD, there are three scenarios:

  1. Artificial termination, because such a pregnancy increases the risk of infection of the embryo and in half of the cases ends in spontaneous abortion.
  2. Removal of the IUD, which can lead to spontaneous abortion.
  3. Preservation of pregnancy, while the device does not harm the baby and is released along with the membranes during childbirth. This increases the risk of pregnancy complications.

The ability to conceive and bear a child is restored immediately after removal of the intrauterine contraception; pregnancy occurs within a year in 90% of women who did not use other methods of contraception.

Indications for use

This type of contraception in nulliparous women can cause serious complications that prevent future pregnancies. The intrauterine device for nulliparous women can be used only if it is impossible or unwilling to use other methods. For such patients, mini-spirals containing copper, for example, Flower Cuprum, are intended.

It makes no sense to install an IUD for a short period of time, so a woman should not plan a pregnancy for the next year or longer.

IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. It is believed that, on the contrary, they increase the risk of developing and worsen the course of such diseases.

IUDs are most often used in the following situations:

  • increased fertility, frequent pregnancies against the background of an active sexual life;
  • temporary or permanent reluctance to have children;
  • extragenital diseases in which pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • the presence of severe genetic diseases in a woman or her partner.

Contraindications to the intrauterine device

Absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • endometritis, adnexitis, colpitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, especially acute or chronic with constant exacerbations;
  • cancer of the cervix or uterine body;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

  • uterine bleeding, including heavy menstruation;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • congenital or acquired deformation of the uterus;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • previously occurred spontaneous expulsion (expulsion) of the IUD;
  • intolerance to the components of the spiral (copper, levonorgestrel);
  • absence of childbirth.

In these situations, the use of an intrauterine hormonal system is often justified. Its use is indicated for endometrial pathology, heavy bleeding, painful menstruation. Therefore, the gynecologist will be able to choose the right intrauterine device after examining and examining the patient.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find an effective means of contraception. A married couple has the right to choose a method independently, taking into account all the pros and cons. It is very important to visit a doctor and consult on this issue. After all, the health of a woman who wants to become a mother or already has children primarily depends on this. One of the most popular methods is the intrauterine device. Let's look further at the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

How does the IUD work?

The purpose of the IUD is to protect against unplanned pregnancy. The name suggests that it is inserted into the uterine cavity, and it was obtained due to the previous appearance of the product, as it looked like a spiral. Currently, the IUD is a T-shaped stick made of flexible inert plastic. This material is completely safe for women's health.

There are two types of spirals:

  1. The upper part of the spiral is in the form of a thin copper wire.
  2. The spiral contains a container with hormones that enter the uterus throughout its entire lifespan.

It has both the first and second types of pros and cons. The photo above shows what this type of contraception currently looks like.

The principle of operation of the spiral:

Who can install a spiral:

  • A woman who has given birth and is over 35 years old.
  • Women who have children after an abortion without complications.
  • Without cervical pathologies.
  • If you protect yourself with oral contraceptives, it is not recommended.
  • Women who have a low rate of sexually transmitted infections.

Contraindications to the IUD

Before using this method of contraception, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

And also make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  • There was no birth yet.
  • Constant change of sexual partner.
  • Cancers of the pelvic organs.
  • The presence of injuries and stitches on the cervix.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Blood diseases. Anemia.
  • Infertility.
  • Vaginal infections.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.

How to prepare for installing a spiral

First of all, you need to select a suitable spiral and undergo an examination, which includes:

Next, the doctor must probe the uterine cavity and determine the distance between the uterine angles. And only after a thorough examination and the absence of contraindications is an intrauterine device installed. The pros and cons of BMC should already be considered by you.

Features of the first days with a spiral

It is worth noting that only a doctor can install and remove an intrauterine device. The following side effects may appear within a few days after installation of the IUD:

  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Bloody discharge.

You should also avoid increased physical activity. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, rest more, and lie down.

The manifestation of side effects can be observed for six months and will disappear completely over time.

It is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations after having an IUD inserted. After installation, a month later, then after 3 months, then once every six months.

What are the advantages of the IUD?

If you have chosen a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device, you need to know all the pros and cons.

Let's look at the positive aspects:

  • It does not require special care. After installation, after a period of rehabilitation, it is practically not felt.
  • Efficiency is 95-98%.
  • Can be installed for several years.
  • For many women, the menstrual cycle becomes shorter, and the periods themselves become almost painless.
  • It has a positive therapeutic effect for uterine fibroids and other gynecological pathologies.
  • Can be used during breastfeeding.
  • Does not affect reproductive function in the body.
  • The effectiveness remains regardless of taking any medications.
  • Economical and convenient. There is no need to follow a dosage schedule or spend money on regularly purchasing contraceptives.

What are the disadvantages of the IUD?

There are also negative aspects of using an IUD:

  • There is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • There is no protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The risk of inflammatory diseases increases.
  • Cannot be used by nulliparous women.
  • Painful periods for the first six months.
  • Large blood losses are possible.

We looked at the pros and cons of a contraceptive such as an intrauterine device. We will consider the consequences of BMC further.

What complications can there be when using an IUD?

The qualifications and experience of the doctor are of great importance, since correct installation or removal by an inexperienced specialist can lead to removal of the uterus. Knowing the pros and cons of the intrauterine device, you need to know what complications are possible when using it.

Possible complications when using an IUD:

  • Perforation of the uterine walls.
  • Cervical rupture.
  • Bleeding after installation.
  • The IUD can grow into the uterus.
  • The antennae can irritate the walls of the cervix.
  • The spiral may move or fall out if incorrectly selected and installed.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

You need to urgently visit a specialist if:

  • Severe pain appeared in the lower abdomen.
  • There is a suspicion of pregnancy.
  • Bleeding continues for a long period of time.
  • There are signs of infection: increased body temperature, unusual vaginal discharge.
  • Pain or bleeding occurs during sexual intercourse.
  • The IUD strings have become longer or shorter.

We looked at what an intrauterine device is, the pros and cons of this method of contraception, as well as possible complications. Next, consider patient reviews.

It is always difficult for women to decide on various manipulations related to the internal genital organs. However, a huge number of women decide to install an intrauterine device (IUD), which is a common and reliable means of contraception, especially for those who have already given birth to a child.

This option for protection against unwanted pregnancy is very popular, because it is distinguished by the possibility of long-term use, high efficiency and comfort of use. True, many patients are interested in the question, is it painful to insert a spiral?

What is the IUD?

An intrauterine device is a small device made of medical plastic or with the addition of silver, copper or gold. These precious metals have anti-inflammatory properties, and they also have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. True, such contraceptives are more expensive, but they are more effective. There are also devices containing hormones. Below we will consider in more detail, is it painful to install a spiral?

This gynecological device, once installed in the uterus, prevents the conception of a child. It works as follows:

  • the spiral, with metals present in its composition, activates the production of natural mucous spermicides;
  • inhibits sperm movement;
  • reduces the thickness of the endometrium, preventing the embryo from settling in the uterine cavity;
  • reduces the lifespan of a female egg.

Types of devices

It should be noted that only a gynecologist can recommend a woman the appropriate type of IUD. The doctor compares the possibility of using a particular intrauterine contraceptive with the condition of the uterus. Only after all the examinations is the woman given an IUD, the types of which can be:

  • Hormonal. This contraceptive contains hormonal components.
  • Copper. This type of spiral contains a chemical element such as copper.
  • Inert. This device is made in the shape of the letter S. It belongs to the first types of IUDs and has low efficiency.
  • Gold. When making such a spiral, gold is added to extend its service life.
  • Silver. This type of contraceptive is made with the addition of silver ions.

This intrauterine contraceptive device is highly reliable - the guarantee of absence of pregnancy is almost 100%. Any spiral has similar parameters, but only a doctor can advise the most suitable one. He first studies in detail the features of the anatomical structure of the uterus and the woman’s medical history. She should not have any chronic inflammatory or infectious processes in the reproductive organs.

Brief overview of the Mirena intrauterine device

To find out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, reviews of which are both positive and negative, you need to understand the principle of its action. This contraceptive differs from other similar devices by the presence of levonorgestrel hormone.

Every day, such a device releases a small amount of hormone into the uterus, which is practically not absorbed into the blood and acts only within the reproductive organ. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is not suppressed, the risk of negative consequences is significantly reduced and even has a therapeutic effect.

Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? Installation of this device is not a very pleasant procedure, but many women do not experience pain during insertion. If the pain threshold is low, it is necessary to warn the gynecologist about this. In this case, the doctor will inject an anesthetic into the cervix to reduce sensitivity. Having found out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, you can not worry and feel free to go to the doctor.

IUD insertion procedure

First of all, before installing an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to be examined to exclude diseases and infections associated with the reproductive organs. A woman will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures:

  • get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • submit urine for general examination and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • perform colposcopy;
  • do an ultrasound of the reproductive organ;
  • take a vaginal smear, as well as a cervical smear.

An ultrasound examination is used to confirm that the patient does not have any changes that would prevent the use of an intrauterine device. Also, such an examination helps to ensure that the woman is not pregnant at the time of the introduction of the contraceptive. For this purpose, a test is done to determine the level of hCG.

Before installing a contraceptive, you will have to abstain from sex for about a week. It is administered only in the gynecologist's office under sterile conditions. The patient is placed in a chair with her legs on the holders, then the doctor treats the vagina and cervix with disinfectants. Almost every woman thinks before the procedure, does it hurt to insert a spiral? In some cases, local anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. As a rule, a special gel is used for anesthesia or injections are given.

Only after preparing the patient for the procedure, the gynecologist uses special instruments to slightly open the cervix to measure the depth, and then installs the device into the cavity of the reproductive organ. The doctor places the antennae of the contraceptive, which are about 2 cm long, on the outside of the uterus and into the vagina. It is with their help that the device is then removed. When performing hygiene procedures, the patient should periodically check whether the contraceptive antennae are in place.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted without menstruation? The introduction of such a device in most cases does not cause severe discomfort. Sometimes ladies during such a procedure feel unpleasant sensations that quickly pass. Some women experience fainting and dizziness, but this is a very rare occurrence and goes away within a few minutes. In the first 30 days, until the immune system gets used to the presence of a foreign device, a woman is not recommended to visit the pool or bathhouse.

How you feel after the procedure

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? In addition to unpleasant sensations during the procedure, some other changes may occur in the woman’s body. After the introduction of a device without hormones, the following changes may occur:

  • Menstruation becomes more abundant, painful and prolonged.
  • It is possible to experience spotting mixed with blood from the vagina, appearing before or after menstruation, and sometimes during the break between two cycles.

Some women, due to severe pain during menstruation and bleeding, stop using the intrauterine contraceptive and remove it before the end of the period.

What should you not do after installing an IUD?

In the first 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sex, avoid excessive physical activity and get more rest. You should not use vaginal tampons until the body is completely accustomed to the presence of a foreign object in the cavity of the reproductive organ. This will prevent the spiral from falling out and moving.

After 10 days, a routine examination is performed. Sometimes an ultrasound is performed to monitor the location of the contraceptive. In the absence of side effects, the patient returns to her rhythm of life. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a re-examination in a month. Then you should visit the doctor every six months.

As for the unpleasant sensations during the insertion of the device, everything is individual. Each woman has her own pain sensitivity threshold. What is not painful for some may be unbearable for others.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? Reviews from women who have had the IUD installed are in most cases positive. All ladies agree that the discomfort during the installation of a contraceptive is reminiscent of discomfort, like during menstruation. Many people complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Severe pain syndrome can occur in young patients who have not given birth and have little sexual activity. For girls who do not yet have children, there are some restrictions on the use of this method of contraception.

Before you find out whether it is painful to insert a spiral, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to find out the principle of the procedure. During installation of the IUD, in many cases, general anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia is not given. But if you have severe fear, you can reduce the pain by taking a light painkiller along with antispasmodics before inserting the device. If you are nervous, you can take a sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian.

Restrictions on the use of intrauterine contraceptives

Before you understand whether it is painful to install a spiral, you must first find out all the contraindications to its insertion. We must take into account the fact that such a contraceptive is not suitable for all women. It is intended primarily for women who have given birth and who have regular sex life.

Such devices against unwanted pregnancy cannot be used if inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are present. Before deciding to insert an IUD, you must first pass all the necessary tests and eliminate infectious pathologies such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Diseases that appear due to abortion or childbirth are also subject to treatment.

It is prohibited to install such a device in case of cervical cancer. In addition, benign formations, such as fibroids, may be contraindications to the use of such a contraceptive. Naturally, you will have to refuse the IUD if you suspect pregnancy. Such a contraceptive cannot be installed if a woman suffers from severe pathologies of blood vessels and heart, as well as tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.

Possible complications

After the introduction of this device, various negative consequences may occur. In some cases, after such a procedure, women begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling nature and long, heavy periods. Chronic processes in the pelvic organs may also worsen.

The most dangerous days are considered to be the first days after the introduction of the IUD. If pain does not go away for a long time or discomfort occurs in the abdomen, accompanied by fever, you should urgently consult a gynecologist to rule out perforation of the uterus.

Duration of use of intrauterine contraceptives

The service life of the spiral depends on the type and correctness of its installation. For example, if the intrauterine device moves, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule.

These contraceptives are usually prescribed for 5 years, but there are types of IUDs that have a shelf life of about 10 years. Such devices include products with gold, since this metal is highly resistant to corrosion. When the IUD loses its contraceptive effect, it is removed. The procedure for removing the IUD is painless.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted after childbirth? The procedure can be performed 1.5 months after the birth of the baby in the absence of complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then it is allowed to install an ectopic device only after six months. This method of contraception does not affect the woman’s lactation or the baby in any way.

In the first 3 months after insertion of the IUD, there is a huge risk of the device falling out, especially during menstruation. To avoid unplanned pregnancy, you should pay attention to your periods. If they become more abundant and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it is better to see a doctor.

If you decide to install a spiral, then first consult our experienced gynecologists in order to avoid consequences. You can make an appointment with us by phone, and also leaving a request on the website. When you contact us, we will provide a discount.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraceptive device for women, which is a small device made of plastic with copper that prevents sperm from moving into the uterine cavity, and also reduces the lifespan of the egg and prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine cavity.
Many IUDs contain copper and silver, which reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases and suppress the motor function of sperm.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most effective forms of contraception. A foreign body (spiral) is inserted into the uterine cavity and prevents it from closing. In addition, the “leg” of the spiral is braided with copper, which causes a local inflammatory reaction, due to which the sperm loses its ability to fertilize. The contraceptive effect of the IUD lies precisely in this.

The IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity on the 2-3rd day of menstruation for 5 years, after which it must be removed and a new one installed during the next menstruation.
The IUD is a life-saving remedy for many women, because not every female body is able to withstand a normal pregnancy.

However, you should not think that the intrauterine device is completely safe for a woman’s health. There are several points to remember before installing the coil:
1) The intrauterine device does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the uterine cavity is constantly slightly open, and as a result, infections can easily penetrate into it. Even copper or silver wire does not always protect. IUD placement is especially harmful for women who have already suffered from inflammatory diseases (inflammation of the appendages, vagina and uterus), as well as for those who have chlamydia, mycoplasma or viruses;
2) The likelihood of infectious diseases especially increases if a woman does not have a permanent partner. Therefore, the intrauterine device was popularly called “the contraceptive of faithful wives”;
3) The IUD does not interfere with the movement of sperm to the egg. The spiral has rather abortifacient properties, since the egg is fertilized, but is immediately killed. The uterus contracts and an infectious process develops, as a result of which antibodies are released that do not allow the uterus to give birth to new life;
4) The use of an IUD is characterized by painful sensations during menstruation and during intermenstrual flow. The presence of a foreign body in the uterus leads to intense, prolonged and painful menstruation;
5) The most serious complications of using such a contraceptive are uterine perforation (rupture of the uterine wall) and all kinds of inflammation. As a result, the likelihood of infertility increases, so it is not recommended to use IUDs for women planning to have children in the future. But if doctors have completely forbidden a woman to give birth or bear a child, then wearing an IUD may be necessary;
6) It is known that the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy in women with an IUD is almost 4 times greater than in other women. During the survey, it turned out that 28 out of 100 women have a miscarriage when using an IUD, and in 8 cases the zygote dies at the stage of ectopic pregnancy, when surgical intervention by specialists should have been performed.

The intrauterine device can be removed at any time at the woman's request. For the first 3-4 months after removal, you need to protect yourself with various means of contraception (pills, condoms). After all, the uterus must restore its reproductive capacity, which will begin to function normally within a year.

The insertion and removal of the IUD must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. There are cases when the IUD is incorrectly positioned in the uterus and injures the female internal organs. In addition, the gynecologist should examine the patient after 5 days of wearing the IUD, and then carry out regular examinations every six months.
To prevent the ingrowth of the spiral, the woman also needs to undergo an ultrasound.
Finally, in medical practice there have been situations when, due to significant physical exertion, the spiral fell out on its own. This can happen both during sports and during menstruation.

A woman should not forget that the intrauterine device is not a complete contraceptive (it can be called a mini-abortion without surgery). Considering all these factors, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist before installing the IUD.

In the article we discuss the intrauterine device. We talk about its types, when it is placed, and possible side effects. You will find out whether it is possible to get pregnant with an IUD, whether it is harmful to women’s health, and what the consequences are after using it.

An intrauterine device (IUD for short) is a contraceptive device, which is a device made of synthetic material (medical plastic). It is injected into the uterine cavity, due to which pregnancy does not occur.

The dimensions of modern spirals are 24-35 mm. They contain metals that do not provoke inflammation (copper, silver, gold) or the hormone levonorgestrel.

The action of the intrauterine device

The IUD has the following operating principles:

  • Suppression of ovarian function and slowing down ovulation. When using an intrauterine device, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is slightly stimulated. This provokes a slight increase in the secretion of levonorgestrel, while maintaining the production of progesterone and estrogens. At the same time, there is an increase in the amount of estrogen, as well as a shift in their peak in the middle of the cycle by several days.
  • Obstruction or failure of implantation. During phase 2, there is a noticeable rise in progesterone, and a decrease in the duration of the second phase. There is a cyclic change in the endometrium, but there is a failure in the synchronization of these transformations. The first phase lengthens, partial maturation of the uterine mucosa occurs, and this prevents the fertilized egg from implanting into the endometrium. The presence of copper in the IUD helps to increase the absorption of estrogen, and levonorgestrel activates early maturation of the endometrium with subsequent rejection before the egg has time to securely attach itself to the uterus. This effect of the IUD is abortifacient.
  • Aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity, impaired sperm movement. The presence of an IUD in the uterine cavity irritates its walls, thereby stimulating the secretion of prostaglandins by the uterus. These substances activate partial maturation of the endometrium, as well as aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the amount of prostaglandins increases in the cervical mucus, which stops the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Due to aseptic inflammation due to the presence of the IUD, the number of leukocytes, histiocytes, and macrophages increases. All these cells increase sperm phagocytosis, isolating the fertilized egg, preventing it from implanting into the endometrium.
  • Changes in the nature of the movement of the egg along the fallopian tube. The released prostaglandins accelerate the peristalsis of the uterine tubes. Because of this, an unfertilized egg enters the uterus (its meeting with a sperm occurs in the tube) or fertilized, but at a time when the endometrium is not ready for implantation.

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

If you are thinking about whether to install an intrauterine device, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its main advantages and disadvantages.


The most important advantage of using an IUD is the ability to forget about the need to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy for a period of 3 to 10 years, depending on the type of device. The contraceptive effect occurs immediately after installation of the IUD. Moreover, the degree of protection against unwanted conception is up to 98 percent.

The spiral is easy to install and also easy to remove. You don’t have to wait until its expiration date expires; you can ask your gynecologist and she will get it for you right away. After removal of the IUD, pregnancy usually occurs after several cycles, in some cases during the first menstrual cycle. In this case, restoration of fertility occurs quite quickly.

Contraception using an intrauterine device allows a woman to decide for herself about planning a child. Your spouse or boyfriend may not realize that you are using an IUD, since the man cannot feel it during intercourse. The spiral does not affect the general condition of the body in any way and does not worsen the course of extragenital diseases.

An IUD does not require daily monitoring, which is convenient compared to birth control pills, which must be taken daily at specific times. Taking various medications does not have any effect on the action of the spiral. With an IUD, you can perform various surgical interventions and even breastfeed your baby.


The main disadvantage of the IUD is the fact that after its installation the cervix remains open. This is dangerous due to the possibility of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it, which provoke inflammatory processes in the pelvis (endometritis and adnexitis). And this happens regardless of the fact that the spiral is made of metal, which has a disinfecting effect.

In the first few months after installation of the IUD, you may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to increased sensitivity of the uterus or an incorrectly selected IUD.

The presence of a foreign object in the uterus and regular mechanical damage to the endometrium in the area of ​​contact with the coil provokes increased menstrual flow and the duration of menstruation. In some cases, this later leads to anemia.

Sometimes, while using an IUD, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. It is quite dangerous, as in some cases it is fatal.

The introduction of a spiral into the uterine cavity leads to thinning of the uterine endometrium. In the future, this adversely affects the ability to get pregnant, increasing the risk of miscarriages. Anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs are a prohibition for the installation of an IUD, since in this case there is no guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Another disadvantage of the intrauterine device is the possibility of it falling out. As a rule, this happens during menstruation. Since not everyone is able to notice the prolapse of the IUD, this can lead to unwanted conception.

The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, it is better to use it only if you have a regular man, and for protection with casual partners, it is better to use a condom.

The IUD can only be inserted into women who have given birth, which makes this method of birth control inaccessible to those who have not yet experienced the delights of motherhood. It is prohibited to insert or remove an IUD yourself. All manipulations should be carried out by a gynecologist. It should be borne in mind that once every six months you will have to visit a gynecologist to check the IUD.

Sometimes the IUD grows into the uterus. In this case, surgery may be required to remove it.

The intrauterine device brings not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to its choice, follow all the specialist’s recommendations and remember that an IUD can only be installed after childbirth.

Types of intrauterine device

There is no universal IUD that is suitable for all women. The gynecologist chooses the best option for an intrauterine contraceptive based on the structural features of the uterus and the physiological state of the patient.

Currently, more than 50 contraceptive IUDs can be found on sale.

All types of IUDs are divided into 4 generations:

  • inert;
  • copper;
  • silver, gold;
  • hormonal.

Now let's look at each type in more detail.


They belong to the first generation and are obsolete. They are characterized by low efficiency, often fall out and become dislodged, for this reason their use is prohibited in many countries. Representatives of this group:

  • plastic Lipps loop;
  • Mauch steel ring with 2 scrolls;
  • double helix Saf-T-Coil.


This type of vaginal device belongs to the 2nd generation. This is a small T-shaped or semi-oval device, its rod is wrapped in copper wire. The device is easy to install and remove.

The presence of copper in the composition of the product allows you to create an acidic environment in the uterine cavity, as a result of which sperm activity is greatly inhibited. Such contraceptives are prescribed for a period of three to five years.

The most famous models of this series:

  • Juno Bio;
  • Multiload;
  • Nova T.

With silver

Any metal can oxidize and collapse. For this reason, to extend the life of the copper IUD, manufacturers began to add silver to its rod. Because of this, the sperm toxic effect is enhanced several times, and silver ions, which have a disinfectant and antibacterial effect, have a beneficial effect on the female body.

The period of use of such a contraceptive is from 5 to 7 years.


Gold Navy is an alternative to silver and copper products. Its main advantage is complete biological compatibility with the woman’s body, the absence of allergic manifestations, and the metal’s resistance to corrosion damage.

The gold device has anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly protects against unwanted conception. The service life of such a spiral is from 5 to 10 years, and after its removal, reproductive functions remain in normal condition.


The latest generation of IUDs are hormone-containing devices. According to doctors, they are the most effective means of contraception.

Such an IUD is T-shaped; its stem contains a hormonal drug (levonorgestrel and progesterone), which is evenly released in small doses into the uterine cavity.

This contraception has no contraindications, because the hormone does not penetrate into the bloodstream, having only a local effect: it eliminates inflammation, inhibits ovulation, and prevents fertilization of the egg. This product can be used for 5 to 7 years.

Navy uniforms

It is extremely difficult to say exactly which contraceptive device is the best. This product is selected individually, based on the structure of the uterus and personal preferences. Before choosing a contraceptive device, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Below we will talk about the main forms of the IUD and their distinctive features.


They are the most common. They are easy to use, install and remove. The T-shaped product has the shape of a rod, from which 2 flexible hangers extend.

The hangers help fix the product in the uterine cavity. At the end of the rod there is a special thread with which you can easily remove the contraceptive.


The device is easily attached to the uterine cavity and removed. There are no additional threads in it, since they are not necessary.


This form of IUD can be in the form of an umbrella. On the outer edges of this product there are spike-like protrusions, thanks to which the spiral is securely fixed in the uterine cavity, thereby reducing the risk of its loss.

A contraceptive product in the form of a loop is used by women who have a non-standard uterine structure. And in this case, they do not have the opportunity to use a T-shaped IUD.

Installation of an intrauterine device

The IUD is installed:

  • women who gave birth after an abortion, if it passed without inflammatory complications;
  • women over 35 years of age who have already given birth and have contraindications to taking oral contraceptives;
  • women who have a low risk of genital tract infections in the absence of cervical pathologies.

Inserting a spiral into the uterine cavity will require some preparation, since this procedure is a medical intervention. Before installing the IUD, it is necessary to undergo an examination and cure all chronic gynecological diseases.

What examinations need to be completed before installing the spiral:

  • consultation with a specialist to collect anamnesis;
  • gynecological examination to determine the size and position of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to detect the presence or absence of inflammation and formations in the uterine cavity and appendages;
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • bacteriological seeding of vaginal discharge, cervix;
  • blood tests for HIV infection;
  • submitting a smear for cytology, microflora from three points.

Immediately before inserting the spiral, the specialist probes the uterus, measures the length and distance between the uterine angles. Many women ask what day the IUD is placed on. It is placed on the 3-4th day of menstruation, since during them the cervix is ​​slightly open, and this facilitates the process of introducing a contraceptive. In addition, the blood that is released during menstruation reduces the possibility of injury to the uterus, and also means that there is no pregnancy at the time of installation.

Mild pain in the lower abdomen after insertion of the IUD, as well as spotting, are considered normal, being just a reaction of the uterus to the penetration of a foreign body into it. In the first few days, physical activity is prohibited. You can return to intimate life 7-14 days after installing the contraceptive, depending on how you feel.

After installing the IUD, slight spotting may appear for 2-3 months. When the spiral is installed correctly, neither the woman nor the man feels it.

After the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to come for an examination by a gynecologist in a month, then after three months and after that every six months.

Removal of the IUD

Removal of the intrauterine contraceptive device occurs in several stages. If you do not want to get pregnant, then 7 days before removing the IUD, exclude unprotected intimate relations. This is due to the ability of sperm to remain active for 2-3 days, as well as the possibility of ovulation occurring after the IUD is removed. As a result, conception may occur.

It is advisable to remove the IUD on the 3-4th day of your period, in this case the pain from the procedure will be minimized. But at the same time, you can remove the product on any day of the cycle, but only if you feel well.

The procedure begins with an examination in a gynecological chair. The specialist examines the uterus to find the tendrils of the IUD. After this, a dilator is inserted to stabilize the uterus and its cavity is treated with antiseptics.

The patient inhales deeply and slowly, after which the doctor grabs the tendrils of the product with forceps, carefully removing it from the uterine cavity. Now you can easily reach the spiral by hand. During critical days, gliding occurs better.

The total duration of the procedure is several minutes, taking into account preparation. Normal symptoms after IUD removal include muscle spasms, cramping, and minor bleeding. Typically, these signs disappear within a couple of days. If there are no health problems and if desired, a new IUD can be installed immediately after removal of the IUD.

Many women are concerned about whether it hurts to remove the intrauterine device. According to reviews, inserting an IUD is more painful than removing it. Therefore, as a rule, you can do without anesthesia during the procedure.

Which is the best intrauterine device?

Pharmacies offer many remedies for unwanted pregnancy. IUDs are in particular demand among women.

Depending on your financial capabilities and physiological characteristics, the gynecologist will recommend which is best to place an intrauterine device. Below we will talk about the most popular contraceptive intrauterine devices.


Mirena is considered the most effective hormonal IUD. It has a T-shape, so it can be used by most women.

The product has a high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy, suppresses ovulation, reduces the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy, eliminates inflammation in the reproductive system, and regulates the menstrual cycle.

The service life is from 5 to 7 years. Price - 7-10 thousand rubles.

Nova T

Made in a T-shape. In the budget version it is made of plastic and copper, in the expensive version - from silver.

The product has a detrimental effect on sperm, reduces their motility and the ability to fertilize an egg. The price of the product is from 2 thousand rubles, while the service life is no more than 5 years.


Belarusian doctors were involved in the development of this spiral. There are many varieties of this spiral on sale, including for women in labor and those who do not yet have children. The price of the product ranges from 250-1000 rubles.

Main types of Juno model:

  • Juno Bio Multi - made in F shape with jagged edges. Can be used by women who have given birth and those who have had an abortion.
  • Juno Bio Multi Ag - made in a T-shape. The leg of the product is wrapped with copper and silver threads.
  • Juno Bio-T is an inexpensive option in the shape of an anchor with a copper thread on the rod.
  • Juno Bio-T Super is the same as the previous model, but with an antimicrobial composition.
  • Juno Bio-T Au - golden spiral, suitable for women with allergies to metals.


Goldlily (also called Lily) is an effective non-hormonal product that helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main metals of the product are gold and copper. These materials release some metal into the uterine cavity, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

According to the instructions, this intrauterine device can be used for emergency contraception after unprotected or interrupted sexual intercourse during the first days after it. Copper ions have a spermicidal effect.

This spiral is made of polyethylene in a T-shape, wrapped with metal wire. The service life is up to 7 years.


This product is made in the shape of an umbrella; there are protrusions of spikes on its sides, which help to securely secure the product in the uterine cavity. The leg of the product is wrapped in copper, which inhibits sperm and neutralizes their ability to fertilize.

The spiral can be used in nulliparous women. The price of the device starts from 3,500 rubles.

Side effects

After installation of an intrauterine device, side effects are extremely rare. Modern technologies for manufacturing IUDs minimize the risk of their formation.

But in some cases, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist after inserting the IUD, especially if you have the following signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during intimacy;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • there are signs of infection (unpleasant odor, unusual vaginal discharge, burning or itching in the perineum);
  • bleeding during sexual intercourse;
  • shortening or lengthening the threads from the spiral.


It is prohibited to install or use an IUD in certain cases:

  • endometriosis;
  • anemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the genital organ;
  • previous history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • abnormal uterine structure;
  • bleeding in the uterus;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • formations in the uterine cavity;
  • chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organ;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Intrauterine device - photo


Several factors influence the final cost of IUD installation. These include the type of product and the clinic where the installation will take place. This type of contraception is affordable for most women.

In some antenatal clinics, IUDs are installed free of charge. It will not hurt to know that taking oral contraceptives, as a rule, is more expensive than the IUD.

You can buy a spiral at a pharmacy or online store. How much it costs depends on the model, material, manufacturer, and the presence or absence of side effects. The price of an IUD ranges from 300-10,000 rubles.